Vic Romano's Weekly Creative Muppet Visuals

Vic Romano

Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2003
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Stickied!? I've been stickied!? Woo - hoo! I'm so flattered! Great googily moogily, and nervous! No pressure now, eh? Sheesh! :rolleyes:

Well, I guess it's only fair then that I give you (Just in case you missed it) a little image that sums up how much I love this place:
MC Love

Hmm... I don't know why that image came out so washed out, just like "The Real Muppet Show"... :confused: Well, at anyrate, if you'd like a "warmer" and brighter version of that, PM me and I'll e-mail it to you. It's so Muppet Babies, isn't it?

ALSO - I'd like to bring to your attention to this thread, especially if you yourself are an artist. I won't go into details here as you can click the link and read for yourself, but I will say that it's going to be a GREAT visual when it's finished and that Muppets are being snatched up DAILY! So if you want to get in on it, now would be the time.

Best Buddies
Bert and Ernie... best buds. Think of the countless other dynamic duos there are; Batman and Robin, Abbot and Costello, Martin and Lewis, Cheech and Chong, Kevin and Muley, Jack and Coke... For those of you who still haven't figured it out, I can't contain my dark side even on a family forum, so here's Wayne and Garth, Jay and Bob, Ben and Matt, Jim and Frank and yes; even Beavis and Butt-Head wearing the famous stripes be they horizontal or vertical. Let's see how long this stays a sticky after this one. :wink: This week's creative viual:

November 4, 2005

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Don't feel like reading all the posts before this? Please check out:
The Archives
• August 12, 2005 - Some Of My Friends
• August 19, 2005 - The Real Muppet Show
• August 26, 2005 - Sweden's Peace Ambassador
• September 2, 2005 - The Animal Hunter
• September 9, 2005 - Bernie & Ert
• September 16, 2005 - The 390
• September 23, 2005 - My Time With The EM
• September 30, 2005 - A Tribute To Jerry Juhl
Tribute 1
Tribute 2
• October 7, 2005 - i Fraggle
• October 14, 2005 - It's Tough To Be A Muppeteer
• October 21, 2005 - Grand Theft Animal
• October 28, 2005 - Happy Halloween!

Tune in next week when I answer this question:
MuppetDude said:
How about one for November 10th?
Even though the visual will be on November 11th...

Holey Moses these posts just keep gettin' longer an' longer, don't they?


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Oh my good lord!!! That's hillarious Vic!!! I looooooove Frank and Jim, and Bevis and Butthead! Hillarious Vic! :smile::big_grin:


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Hmmm, this one certainly is different. Of course when I say "different", I mean "unique". I like it, especially Jim and Frank.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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I love it! I love it! I think my favorite one was Beavis and Butthead. I always joke with my best friend that she's the Bert to my Ernie, so I totally related to this thread! Way awesome!!!!


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Vic, I just saw your Halloween edition and I must say, I was really scared. I sure hope young kids don't see it. You did a good job and it was very creative but nightmares of The Count from my childhood came back to me. i love the Count now, but when I was little I remember having a couple of scary dreams about him. Seeing these pictures really triggered that. Now, I must hide and cry.:cry:

You are very talented and all and I love your work, but I will never forgive you for exposing me to that!


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2004
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Hah! Nice work as usual, Vic! Never knew Jay and Silent Bob would look so natural in stripes.
Have a great weekend and we'll look forward to another visual next Friday!