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TMS Fanfiction: "Broken Dreams"


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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<somewhat falls off ball- yes, I sit on a ball> YES!!!!!!! Reunion! Come on, get back together, oh please...

But such a touching chapter. I mean... Gonzo, alone, with the stars... the beautiful stars... I have such a soft spot for stars... and he's just, there... and sad... oh so very sad... grateful for Camilla, but... wanting more... and the, the song... oh... <cuddles into teddy bear> so touching, and... oh...

And then Fozzie calls. And he feels the same way. And he wants a reunion.

<tiny little grin.> "Dear bears, and chickens, and things. Is New York. Is play. Is Time!"

...oh, and about the frequency of the posts... let me tell you, I can nag up a storm if they get LESS frequent... and more frequent, would be beautiful.

Just J

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2005
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Gonzo's my favorite too - so he gets a healthy role in this story, almost by default. :smile:

TogetherAgain - I grinned when I saw the MTM reference! I couldn't help thinking about that when I wrote this section of the story. I hope I was still original, though, and not just ripping off MTM. Hmm.

On with the show ...

Just J

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2005
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Part XI: Back in Business

Part XI: Back in Business

Fozzie sat on the couch in his mother’s old house, watching the clock. Gonzo sat in a nearby armchair with Camilla. “Where is everybody?” Fozzie complained.

“Don’t worry. They’ll be here.”

“But I was very specific that the meeting would begin at noon.”

Gonzo went over to the couch and rested his hand on Fozzie’s shoulder. “Fozzie, we got spread out all over the globe after we split up. Some late arrivals are to be expected. You have to be patient.”

“But there haven’t been any arrivals, Gonzo. Except for you, and I asked you to come a day early.” Fozzie jumped up, agitated. “They’re not coming! Oh, I just know it! They’re not coming, it’s been too long, this was a crazy idea to begin with.”

“No crazier than any of our ideas.”

But before they could discuss it any further, Camilla chimed in. “Bawk. Bawk, bawk.”

Gonzo cocked his head. “No, I don’t hear anything.” He walked over to the window and listened intently. “Oh, wait. Yes! Yes, I do hear something.”

Together again
Gee, it’s good to be together again
I just can’t imagine that you’ve ever been gone
It’s not starting over, it’s just going on.

“They’re here!” Gonzo cried excitedly.

Fozzie got up too. “Who’s here?”

“Everyone, Fozzie! Everyone!”

Together again
Now we’re here and there’s no need remembering when
Cause no feeling feels like that feeling
Together again!

Before Fozzie could get to the window, the front door burst open. Rowlf was the first one to enter, and he immediately grabbed Fozzie in a huge bear hug. Fozzie hugged him back. Then Floyd walked in and hugged them both.

Soon, the entire house teemed with bears and chickens and pigs and other assorted life forms. Fozzie couldn’t help a smile from spreading ear to ear. There were Beaker and Bunsen sharing stories with the Electric Mayhem in the living room. There were Lew Zealand and Beauregard, sitting on the stairs, trading jokes and laughs. The Swedish Chef and Link Hogthrob in the kitchen, arguing over whether the Chef should get to cook Link. The penguins doing high dives in the bathtub upstairs. Bean Bunny and Bobo on the back porch, discussing quantum physics and chaos theory. Rizzo and Pepe in the pantry, tearing through a bag of potato chips like there was no tomorrow. The house was filled with wonderful, Muppetful chaos.

But as Fozzie looked around at his reunited friends, he realized that Gonzo had been wrong. Not quite everyone was here.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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I LOVE It! I Realy Like the Thenardier referance from Les Miserables!!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Together Again!!!!!!!!!! Oh yay! So beautiful, so funny imagining some of those conversations, oh, so wonderful!!!!

But... not quite everyone.

...<sigh>. Where are they?

Just J

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2005
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Props to you for getting the Les Mis reference! You get a cookie. :smile:

The reporter Ivan's name is also a literary refernce, albeit a very mangled one. He was supposed to be named after Leo Tolstoy's character in The Death of Ivan Ilych, but I obviously misremembered Ivan's last name.

Yes, folks, I'm that big of a geek.

But to make up for it, here's another chapter.

Just J

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2005
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Part XII: Logistics

Part XII: Logistics

The Muppets convened in Emily Bear’s old red barn, the only space large enough for all of them, to discuss logistics. They sat on bales of hay while anxiously discussing their options. Getting Miss Piggy and Kermit back on good terms was not going to be a simple task. Not after ten years.

“Well, like, how are we going to pull it off? I mean, really, they haven’t spoken in ten years!”

“Beakie and I could concoct an amnesia potion!”

“Mee meep!”

“I will serenade them, okay. If it worked for that crab in the stupid mermaid movie, it cannot help but work for the king prawn.”

“Yo, the Chef and I can cook up a nice dinner. Nothing says romance like two pounds of steak.”

“Borky borka ruumance-a.”


“It ain’t gonna work, people. Kerm and the pig have been on the outs for just too long.”

“Mmm, steak … ”

“Just leave it to old Brown Ears. I have counseled that frog on women many times before and, trust me, I’ll counsel him many times again. Heh, heh. Don’t mean he’ll listen, though.”

“Does anybody have some steak? Anybody?”

Fozzie cleared his throat. “Everybody, calm down a little. Let’s talk about this rationally.”

But nobody was listening.

“I do not think any of you weirdos are capable of pulling off a stunt like this.”

“I could throw my boomerang fish!”

“How would that help?”

“Well, I throw them and they come back to me.”

“Yes, but how would that … oh, never mind.”

“I think, in my most excellently righteous opinion, that this problem is nothing that a good song or two won’t indelibly exacerbate.”

Everybody, quiiiiieeeet!

Everyone instinctively stopped mid-sentence. But when they realized that it was only Fozzie who had yelled the command, they began speaking all at once again.

Fozzie turned to Gonzo with a defeated look on his face. “I’m just no good at being Kermit,” he groaned.

“That’s okay. I’ll take care of this.” Gonzo pulled out a pair of cymbals and crashed them together. Everyone yelped and covered their ears. Gonzo looked over at Fozzie. “They’re all yours. Good luck.”

“Okay, everybody,” said Fozzie. “I know this is hard. I know it’s been a long time. But you can’t tell me that you don’t miss Kermit.”

Nods and murmurs of agreement all around.

“You can’t tell me that you don’t miss Piggy.”


“Oh, come on.”

More silence. Then Rowlf sighed. “I have to admit,” he said, “it wouldn’t be the same without her around hamming it up.”

Everyone laughed at that, and Fozzie felt encouraged. So he continued. “That’s right. We’ve all had differences in the past, and it’s been a long time, but—but we’re family. And that’s what really matters. So let’s figure out how to get our family—all of our family—back together.”

Everyone fell into silence again, but this time it was a thoughtful silence. Finally, tentatively, Scooter offered, “Well, we don’t even know where Kermit and Piggy are or how to contact them. So I guess we should start there.”

“Like, how are we gonna find that out? You know how carefully they guard their privacy these days.”

Suddenly Gonzo brightened. “I know how!”


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
Reaction score
alright, Just J, you've more than earned this...
Just J said:
“Well, like, how are we going to pull it off? I mean, really, they haven’t spoken in ten years!”

“Beakie and I could concoct an amnesia potion!”

“Mee meep!”

“I will serenade them, okay. If it worked for that crab in the stupid mermaid movie, it cannot help but work for the king prawn.”

“Yo, the Chef and I can cook up a nice dinner. Nothing says romance like two pounds of steak.”

“Borky borka ruumance-a.”


“It ain’t gonna work, people. Kerm and the pig have been on the outs for just too long.”

“Mmm, steak … ”

“Just leave it to old Brown Ears. I have counseled that frog on women many times before and, trust me, I’ll counsel him many times again. Heh, heh. Don’t mean he’ll listen, though.”

“Does anybody have some steak? Anybody?”
Yay for classic Muppety random chaos... It's fun to try to figure out who says what!

Just J said:
Fozzie cleared his throat. “Everybody, calm down a little. Let’s talk about this rationally.”

But nobody was listening.
No of course not. Why would they listen? They're Muppets!
“I do not think any of you weirdos are capable of pulling off a stunt like this.”

“I could throw my boomerang fish!”

“How would that help?”

“Well, I throw them and they come back to me.”

“Yes, but how would that … oh, never mind.”
You've gotta love Lew Zealand, really you just do...

Everybody, quiiiiieeeet!
Oh that usually works.

Everyone instinctively stopped mid-sentence. But when they realized that it was only Fozzie who had yelled the command, they began speaking all at once again.
Instinctively. It's instinctive for them to stop talking when they hear QUIIIIIIEEEEEEEEET! But they only stay that way for the frog.

“That’s okay. I’ll take care of this.” Gonzo pulled out a pair of cymbals and crashed them together. Everyone yelped and covered their ears. Gonzo looked over at Fozzie. “They’re all yours. Good luck.”
Where would we be without Gonzo? I mean, he gets the cabs to stop, he gets everybody to be quiet...

“Okay, everybody,” said Fozzie. “I know this is hard. I know it’s been a long time. But you can’t tell me that you don’t miss Kermit.”

Nods and murmurs of agreement all around.
Of course they miss Kermit. It's part of human nature to miss Kermit. Er... make that Muppet nature.

“You can’t tell me that you don’t miss Piggy.”

Cue hysterical laughter.

“Oh, come on.”
More hysterical laughter.

More silence. Then Rowlf sighed. “I have to admit,” he said, “it wouldn’t be the same without her around hamming it up.”
More hysterical laughter.

Everyone laughed at that
Including me.
“That’s right. We’ve all had differences in the past, and it’s been a long time, but—but we’re family. And that’s what really matters. So let’s figure out how to get our family—all of our family—back together.”
You tell 'em, Fozzie!

Everyone fell into silence again, but this time it was a thoughtful silence. Finally, tentatively, Scooter offered, “Well, we don’t even know where Kermit and Piggy are or how to contact them. So I guess we should start there.”
Yeah, sounds good to me. Let's see, from what we know about them, where would they head? Kermit's probably... oh wait, I'm just a reader, I'm not a character. Never mind!

Suddenly Gonzo brightened. “I know how!”
TELL ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

An excellent, Muppety, uplifting chapter, Just J! Fantabulous. Can't wait for more!