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TMS Fanfiction: "Broken Dreams"


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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<cough> Operation Bring Home the Bacon?

"Come in, Ham Hog, this is Dirty Bird, what's your twenty, over."

Gah! Sorry, GMC cutting in there. What I meant to say is, when do get more story? Soon? Please? Oh pretty please with sugar on top? I mean it's been a whole two days! Please tell us more? Please?

Just J

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2005
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Y'all are gonna give me a big head, with all the compliments. But so glad you've been enjoying this.

Sorry for the time delay. I was out of town for the weekend and forgot to post a new chapter on Friday before I left.

But now, your patience shall be rewarded ... it's time for Piggy!

Just J

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2005
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Part XVI: Operation "Bring Home the Bacon," Part 2

Part XVI: Operation “Bring Home the Bacon,” Part Two

Only a few small candles shed light in the large living room. Miss Piggy preferred it that way. Although she’d loved how large the house was when she bought it, she soon came to hate how alone it made her feel. But in the dark, it didn’t seem quite so large or quite so lonely.

Piggy was seated on the couch, and Foo Foo laid beside her, snoring softly. Piggy smiled at the little white poodle. It was good to know that she wasn’t entirely alone.

In Piggy’s lap was an old photo album, edges worn down with age. She looked at the pictures in the front of the album. These were the oldest pictures. She had been so young and beautiful then, so full of hope and longing. There was a picture of her winning that fateful beauty contest, the contest which had led to her meeting a certain frog. And a bear and a chicken and a whatever. She smiled at the memory of that first meeting, even as the tears trickled down her cheek. She couldn’t believe that she had come to love them so much. But she did. Even that buzzard-beaked weirdo.

She closed the album and sighed. It had been so very long ago. She got up, to put the album back on the bookshelf, when—


“What the—?”

Foo Foo woke up and whimpered a little. Piggy petted the little dog and cooed, “There, there, precious. It’s okay. Mommy’s right here.” She took the dog into her arms then went over to the nearest window. It was dark outside, but she could still see dozens of shadowy figures creep across her lawn. “I see we have visitors, Foo Foo. Shall we go welcome them?”

She walked over to the hall closet and, after pulling out a baseball bat, took a few deep breaths to steady her nerves. In. Out. Okay. She was ready now to face whatever intruders dared breach her fortress. She approached the foyer and threw open the front door. “Show yourself, jerkos!” she yelled out into the night.

The shadowy figures froze in fear. They were busted, and they knew it.

When nobody responded after several moments, Piggy grew irritated. “You have ten seconds to tell me who you are and why you’re here. Or else.”

One of the figures stepped into the stream of light which poured out from the house. Piggy gasped. “Fozzie? F-Fozzie, is that you?”

“Yes, Miss Piggy.” The bear looked over his shoulder. “Come on, guys. It’s okay.”

She couldn’t believe it. This couldn’t be happening. And yet it was. One by one, her old friends and coworkers emerged from the shadows.

Fozzie stepped forward. “Miss Piggy,” he started, nervously. “We’re really sorry to just barge in like this, and we hope you’re not mad—we really, really hope you’re not mad—but you see, well, it’s like this—” But Fozzie was cut off by Piggy throwing herself forward and embracing him in a hug.

“Oh, Fozzie,” said Piggy with a choked voice, “please come in.” She looked past Fozzie, at everyone else. “Please, everyone, come in.”


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Come in, Fozzie, come in. Miss Piggy, can I come in, too? Please oh pretty please? Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh now I'm gonna cry! SHE MISSES THEM, TOO!!!!!!!! Oh, it's just so..... I need to give somebody a hug! Just J! Just J, have a well-earned hug! <HUG!!!!>

Just J

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2005
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Part XVII: Love Means ...

Part XVII: Love Means Sometimes Saying You’re Sorry

Everyone sat around the fire in the living room, warming themselves and drinking hot chocolate. Even in the desert, winter nights were bone-chilling. For a while no one made conversation. Piggy was perfectly content to just sit with all of her loved ones gathered around her. It was still so unreal. She was afraid if she spoke, the spell would be broken and the dream would suddenly end, leaving her alone again.

“Miss Piggy?” Fozzie leaned forward. “We should tell you why we’re here.”

Miss Piggy felt her heart catch in her throat. Oh, no. This was such a perfect moment, all of them here by the fire. She didn’t want it to end.

“We want to get the gang back together.”

Gonzo spoke up next. “That’s right. Whether it’s a television show or a theater show or doing movies, it doesn’t matter. We belong together.”

“Won’t you join us, Miss Piggy?”

“Yeah, Piggy?”

“Pretty please?”

Miss Piggy looked around the room at them all. Then she broke out into hysterical, uncontrollable sobbing.

“Well,” said Rowlf. “This wasn’t quite the response we’d hoped for.”

Scooter stepped forward and placed a hand on Piggy’s shoulder. “Miss Piggy? Gosh, Miss Piggy, was it something we said?”

“I just … I just … ” Piggy took a breath and calmed down a bit. “I was so horrible while director! I didn’t mean to be. I … I just wanted everything to be right, just like Kermit would have wanted it. But still, I acted very badly. I cannot believe, after all that happened, you really want moi back.”

“Of course we do,” said Beauregard, smiling.

Everyone nodded vigorously.

Piggy felt so happy, she was afraid she might burst from the emotion. Then her heart fell. Kermit. Maybe the other Muppets had forgiven her, but there was no way Kermit would. Not after the things she’d said to him.

“No,” she told everyone, shaking her head. “I’m sorry but I can’t face Kermit again. And I won’t stand in his way. He deserves to have all of you back in his life more than I do.”

“But Kermit wants you to come back too,” said Rowlf quickly.

Piggy stared at the dog in disbelief. “He does?”

Fozzie scratched his head. “He does?”

“Fozzie, play along,” Gonzo whispered, elbowing the bear in the ribs for emphasis.

“Sure! Sure he does, Piggy. He’s been saying so for ten years.” Fozzie turned to the rest of the group. “Isn’t that right?”

“Oh, yeah.”

“Says so all the time.”

“Fer sure.”

Miss Piggy’s face brightened. She jumped up. “All right. Let’s go see Kermie, then!”

The gang all exchanged looks.

“Well.” Fozzie took off his hat and cleared his throat. “There’s the problem. We, uh, don’t really know where Kermit is. Or how to find him.”

Just J

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2005
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Stay tuned! The next chapter is my favorite, and where we find out where Kermit is and whether the gang will truly be able to get back together. :smile:

(hugs to TogetherAgain!)


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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OH MY GOSH AND GOLLY! Just J, You've got me SOOOOOO excited right now from this chapter! OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I feel like, like, I'm right next to Miss Piggy and I've got this little mug of hot chocolate and I'm looking at the fire and at EVERYBODY around me and I am SO completely in the moment, I'm right there sharing it with them, and just... just... WOOOOOOOOOOOW! Oh my gosh I can't wait, I can't wait, let's Go See KERMIT!!!!! Er, or at least find him... yeah that'd be nice... LET'S GO SEE KERMIT!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Sorry I've missed the last few chapter J, but I loooove them!!! I'm so excited!!! I loved Sam's plan, it was great! It was all great! More! More! More!


Just J

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2005
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No apologies necessary, Prawn Cracker! Just glad you're liking it. Now, it's time for Kermit ...

Just J

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2005
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Part XVIII: The Bells

Part XVIII: The Bells

Slowly Kermit the Frog walked along the rooftop. He liked it up here. From up here, he could see several blocks in any direction—see the neon lights of the neighboring buildings, the quiet streets below, the nearby church with its fearsome gargoyles. These were Kermit’s only company tonight, and he was grateful for them.

He had lost almost everyone else. The loss cut especially deep at night, when he found himself alone with his thoughts. At least during the day, he had work and Robin to attend to. To keep his mind occupied. But work was over and, after making sure his teenage nephew was safely in bed, Kermit had bundled up in a large overcoat and long red scarf and climbed up here.

Kermit looked over the side of the roof, at the sign on the building: The Muppet Theater. And below that, in smaller letters: Museum of the Theatrical Arts. He came here every year on this day, even though the theater had been turned into a museum over five years ago. This was, after all, the anniversary of the theater’s first opening.

I’d had such hopes back then, thought Kermit. Just him and his friends, making people happy. It had seemed like such a crazy dream yet it had come true. But only for a while. Then the dream had been dashed on the hard rocks of reality. It didn’t help that Kermit knew he himself had been the one to break those dreams. If only I hadn’t lost my temper that day, he thought, cursing himself for his stupidity. If only I hadn’t walked away from everything and everyone I loved, just because of one silly fight.

He walked along another few feet then gazed up at the sky. The stars weren’t quite so bright in the city, because the neon and fluorescent drowned them out, but they were still there. Tonight something about the stars made him even sadder, however, and he began to sing a mournful ballad up to them:

Was I dumb or was I blind
Or did my heart just lose its mind
Why’d I go and throw our perfect dream away?

From behind, another voice took up the second verse:

Looking back, I’ll never know
How I ever let you go
But destiny could see we deserved to have another day.

Kermit didn’t believe he’d heard what he’d heard, so he remained perfectly still. The cold wind whipped against him as he stood on the roof’s edge.

He didn’t turn around to look until that same voice called out to him, gently: “Kermie?”

“Piggy?” He turned.

Miss Piggy stepped towards him. What could she say? She wanted to say everything, all at once, but instead she simply said, “I’m so sorry, Kermie.”

Kermit gulped hard. Was this real? Was she real? “Oh, Piggy. I’m sorry too.”

“I never meant to hurt you.”

“Neither did I.”

“Can you ever forgive me?”

“Only if you can forgive me.”

They hugged each other close, and not just to keep out the winter’s cold. Finally Kermit asked, “How did you ever find me? I never told anyone I’d be coming here.”

“It was easy,” explained Piggy with a small laugh. “Where else would you be on the theater’s anniversary?”

Kermit hugged her even tighter, touched that she would remember this anniversary too, after all these years. They stood there on the roof for several more minutes, neither wanting to let the other go. Then the bells from the church started to chime. After the twelfth ring faded into the night, Piggy pulled back and smiled. It was now officially Christmas morning.

“Merry Christmas, Kermie.”

“Merry Christmas, Piggy.”