muppetsforlife said:
It sure gets depressing reading all these pessimistic posts about the muppets from people that are fans. Oh well can't change the world, I guess. But lets bare a couple of things in mind here. When Jim Henson's muppets first started it was a fight just to get them exposure. A lot of people didn't accept puppets as something that was geared for the entire family. Eventually the muppet show won people over and the grew to be loved. It seems like history is repeating itself as people are saying that they are done and there is no room for them in the world anymore. But thats ok, I still believe in them. And I still love them. Secondly Jim Henson had already stated that even when he was gone, the muppets would still be around as long as there were people that still loved them and still wanted to see them. I am one of those people. I know there has to be others out there? So even if nobody else cares to see new muppet stuff, I still do. Bring on more movies, more video games, more re-releases of old stuff. I will watch them all. I love the muppets. I always have and always will. I will be anxiously awaiting every new thing that they bring out.
Not to impugn your comprehension ability, but I think you've missed the point.
Nobody here is saying that the world no longer wants the Muppets. That's ludicrous. And nobody here is saying that they should stop doing stuff because they suck. That's not it either.
What everybody here is saying is that the people in charge of the Muppets aren't doing a good job. That's a completely different thing.
My point, personally, is that I am unwilling to accept the occasional commercial spot as "good Muppet material". And that's all they seem to have slated for the Muppets. I don't enjoy the fact that the bean-counters at MHC are reducing the Muppets to glorified pitch-men when they could be doing so much more.
If the fan community dosn't make it's desires heard, doesn't let the people in-charge know that they expect MORE from such a tremendous wellspring of entertainment, all we will continue to get is more lame commercials starring our favorite Muppets. And then the world really WILL start thinking the Muppets are done for.
If we all sit around on this board and applaud every lame thing those suits cause Kermit and the gang to do and greedily consume the resulting pablum with deepest thanks to the Mouse House, how do you expect to ever see anything really worth watching? I, for one, am not so easily assuaged.
The entertainment industry operates on the pidgeon-hole philosophy. The Muppets are being pidgeon-holed as comedic pitch-men for commercials... NOT as prime-time family entertainment. That's a problem. If they get stuffed too far into that pidgeon-hole, they won't be able to get out.
Its not a problem with the Muppets themselves, its a problem with how they're being handled. Its also not any sort of problem that can't be FIXED.
And I'm sorry, but it's gonna take a heaping helping of pessimism to get the ball rolling on the solution.
I love the Muppets too. But I'm going to be clear-headed about whether or not what they're doing is worthy of their property. Tough love is hard for some. But they deserve our honesty, don't they?