WARNING: RANT AHEAD!It's a generational thing. We children of the 80's & early 90's grew up on a barrage of shows, cartoons, and Muppet-esque things, whereas the generations since 1998 grow up on fart & sex jokes, teenybopper stuff, dubbed animes, TV series' based on card-esque videogames, and cartoons that seemingly have the writers hack job their way to profit.
and people who grew up during the early 90s also remember how some of their favorite shows have changed for the worse with their times. I mean, The Simpsons used to actually have thought and meaning, but now its become nothing more than a Family Guy clone. If I wanted to watch Family Guy I would watch Family Guy, not the Simpsons. And the thing is I DONT watch family guy. I DONT like all those "fart and sex and ect. jokes. Which is why I always say I'm in the wrong century. I would have been better off being a teen in the 80s
Ok, I'm done