The birth of new muppet fans?


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2008
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That's when you know you're getting up there and out of touch the the youth people.
Not exactly, many of them are just trying to act cool by acting like they have not heard of some older things anyone over twenty might remember. It could be that they actually *gasp* like it but are afraid of being made fun of :frown:. Which is just sad...

Sgt Floyd

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2006
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theres nothing wrong with liking anything that seems "uncool". People shouldnt be afraid to like the stuff they like.

I know someone in my grade who openly admits to liking stuff others might find...strange. Like he admits he still collects pokemon and yu gi oh cards. he also admits to liking the muppets (hehehehe :big_grin:)

and thats how people should be. Not afraid to admit to liking things. I mean, you like what you like


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2006
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theres nothing wrong with liking anything that seems "uncool". People shouldnt be afraid to like the stuff they like.

I know someone in my grade who openly admits to liking stuff others might find...strange. Like he admits he still collects pokemon and yu gi oh cards. he also admits to liking the muppets (hehehehe :big_grin:)

and thats how people should be. Not afraid to admit to liking things. I mean, you like what you like
That's great, Sarge! Good for him (and for you, and for everyone who's not afraid to admit the things they like). Peer pressure can do a lot of sad things to people. But it's so important to stay strong and be who you are.

Who cares if you like something that others may think is weird or uncool? I was always proud of that... it made me feel unique, which I liked a lot! And I love learning about kids who happily admit to liking things like that now, too. The differences in everyone's personalities as well as in our likes and dislikes is what the world's all about. And it's wonderful when we let that all be known.

I hope more people can be like that in the future, too. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2004
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Agreed. Like what you like & never be ashamed of it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
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theres nothing wrong with liking anything that seems "uncool". People shouldnt be afraid to like the stuff they like.

and thats how people should be. Not afraid to admit to liking things. I mean, you like what you like
I can't point the finger at only them but I used to be a teenager and it just seems that its like encoded in them to like what isn't considered cool. There are always people who will like what they like and not be ashamed of it despite when others say about it. There are different things for different reasons but I thin we all grow out of that at some point.

Sgt Floyd

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2006
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unless they grow up with it, something old and out of date to alot of people I know is considered "stupid" "uncool" and a few other choice words. My friend once told me I need to get out of the past and start liking modern things. She wasnt trying to be mean, I dont think. But she was refering to music :stick_out_tongue:


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2008
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But newer isn't always better just because it's new :wink:. And if the older show or music or book, does a better job at what it was meant to do than anything newer to you, why not still like it?:excited:

Sgt Floyd

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2006
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and kinda unrelated to what we have been talking about, but older things (as it would seem) are more durable than new things. Like, video game systems. Those original Nintendos never die! they might get to the point where you need to blow into them and slam the cartridge in them to make them work, but they work! Now, if you play an X-box for too long in one day, well, bye bye X-box


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
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This may sound off topic, but Nintendo had always made really good hardwear ever sense super Nintendo to me.

And yeah, I know what you mean by having grown up with something VS having not grown up with it. It's completely different how you may look at it down the line. I'm just sorry it children were ever deprived from growing up without the joy of the Muppets.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2004
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It's a generational thing. We children of the 80's & early 90's grew up on a barrage of shows, cartoons, and Muppet-esque things, whereas the generations since 1998 grow up on fart & sex jokes, teenybopper stuff, dubbed animes, TV series' based on card-esque videogames, and cartoons that seemingly have the writers hack job their way to profit.

As another 80's show said, 'tis just...The Facts of Life, for you take the good, you take the bad, you take them both, & there you have The Facts of Life. The Facts of Life! There's a time you gotta grow and show you growing and now, you know about The Facts of Life. The Facts of Life! When the world never seems to be livin' up to your dreams, suddenly you're finding out that The Facts of Life are all about you...It takes a lot to get 'em right when you're learning The Facts of Life!

In short, the "fact of life" we're learning today is that times and people change, as do their standards and tastes.