MrsPepper said:
Beau, yours is, uh... creative?
Well, I'd like to point out for the judge and jury, honey *sarcastic*, that moi, me and I, and eye, am not a Thread Killa, and therefore an not wanted. (Sniff, no one waaaaaaants me! Sniff, sniff, sniff...well, no wonder, what a smell! Sorry...) Where was I? Oh yes, therefore, I do not need an Alias (see, a Miss Piggy refernece there) and so I figured...something funny...hmmm....Ah ha! But if you prefer:
Known Aliases: Beau, Bo, King Agrippa, and "You, boy with the niffy under socks"
Crime: None (unless you count having niffy undersocks a crime)
Reward: He will get an icecream cone...and a footbath for having no crimes.
Contact: Your local Hotline for more information,. on, 911 (slight pause) 7445622