Sketches that are only available in a foreign dub

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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I just now noticed that the first post asked to provide an image, link, wiki page, or something as proof that it exists, though I also see that it says "edited to add". I don't know when that was added, if it was there close to when this thread started then I must have missed that.

Lately, quite a few segments formerly only available in other languages have surfaced in English (and a number of them have shown up on HBO Max). It'll be harder for me to know off-hand which ones still can't be found in English.

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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But I am sure that the Leslie Mostly interviews with Cookie Monster and Kermit have only surfaced in other languages.

Here's the wiki page, pictures show they exist and have surfaced somehow:

Do you also require links to at least one foreign dub (and I haven't checked to see if any dubs are currently online)?


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2008
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Leslie Mostly and Kermit is in the Wiki's posession.

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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With Scott wanting a definitive list of what hasn't surfaced in English, does that exclude what the wiki has but otherwise isn't in English anywhere for the fans to see? It is a little difficult to really determine that.

Of course I don't know what Scott wants such a list for, I assume some kind of wiki-related thing (and I assume he can't tell us right now).

I just now thought about how in the last two decades, there have been a lot of segments clearly produced for the American show that have only aired in the various international versions of the show (and some have surfaced in English via Play with Me Sesame and official online uploads), a good way to determine those are to look at various character sketch guide pages and find clips that look like they're from the late-1990s or later but don't have a first appearance listed (and some will list an international production as the first appearance). The unaired Sesame Street segments guide notes not to list segments that have aired internationally but not in the states, but I wonder if we need a guide for such segments (and how can we be sure that certain segments have not aired anywhere at all?).