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Sailor Moon manga or anime


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
Reaction score
Episode 14 Shutter Bugged

On a jutting outcrop ledge of a cliff overlooking a view of the sunset over the ocean next to the city's beach sat a young boy of around fifteen. His name was Peter Fisher and he had established himself as a famous landscape photographer. It was a remarkable accomplishment for somebody his age. He had his big custom-made camera with its huge lens for focus adjustment in his hands and he was holding it up to his eyes. The view was superb. The place where he was sitting was just over the railing that was set up along the edge of a stretch of road that wound along the cliff and at the bottom was a very deep body of water with a dangerous current. "This will make a wonderful picture," Peter thought to himself as he began to click his camera. Once. Twice.

Suddenly something terrible happened. The small stone on which Peter's foot was carefully resting unexpectedly came loose causing him to lose his balance. With a terrified cry he began to plunge to almost certain death below. But Peter felt somebody grab his wrist. Looking up gasping he gazed into the eyes of none other than Nephlite. "That was a close call my young friend." He smiled down at Peter. Nephlite was over the cliff, his other hand firmly holding onto the railing.
As he pulled him up Peter exclaimed with tremendous relief and thanks. "I owe you my life. Who are you?"
"I'm Maxfield Stanton." Nephlite replied as he helped Peter get to safety. "Let me get your camera. It's lucky that it didn't fall off."
As Nephlite grabbed Peter's camera where it safely lay he thought to himself, "Lucky for me and my soldier Kyameran that is."
In no time at all he had climbed back over the railing next to Peter. "Your camera seems to be undamaged." He held it in his hands as if he were examining it while secretly transferring Kyameran's essence inside it.
"Maxfield Stanton? Hey you're that wealthy businessman who does various things on and off such as tennis coaching. Thank you very much for saving me."
"Think nothing of it. It was most fortunate that I happened to be in the right place at the right time. By the way. I'm such a big fan of your photography talents Peter. Keep up the good work. Good-bye."
So saying Nephlite cheerily waved farewell and walked over to his car parked nearby.
"Good-bye Mr. Stanton. And yes, I'll keep working hard with this camera of mine."
Nephlite shut the door, started the engine and drove off chuckling to himself. "Most fortunate indeed I happened along. Little does he realize who the fortunate one actually is."

When he arrived back at his base he spoke to all his other soldiers. "The movement of the stars affects everything. They have guided us very well so far my faithful warriors. We yielded valuable energy from our first three victims. Energy that Queen Beryl has fed to the great power that is the Negaforce. And the Sailor Scouts were unable to prevent it in spite of their interference."
He raised his arms with clenched fists as he continued to speak. His voice rising to a fevered high pitch excitement. "Well this time our ally Kyameran will not only bring back the energy of our new target, Peter Fisher. She will also use her exceptional talents to capture the energy of other people he will come in contact with as his energy level reaches its creative peak. And if she meets the Scouts she will take them out once and for all. When I saw our new victim selected by the stars was a photographer of all things, I knew Kyameran would be the ideal candidate for this job. Her unique special powers will be poetic justice for our cause and terminate those meddling Sailor Scouts." The roof of the cottage was almost blown off by the enormous cheers Nephlite's soldiers gave in response to his words.

Indeed as Peter Fisher began to tinker with his camera possessed by Kyameran he felt something come over him. "My creative energy is growing," he said to himself. "I'm tired of just boring old landscapes. It's time I started branching out. I want to capture human targets. Humans filled with energy. I want to gather all their picturesque energy on film." As he thought this he started to laugh maniacally. Kyameran had him under her spell.

Three days later Serena was reading a fashion magazine in her bedroom when she saw an article that greatly interested her. Peter Fisher announced that he was holding a competition to find himself a supermodel to work with him as a partner. "Wow." Serena suddenly felt very ambitious. I'd love to become a model."
"Serena. I have something for you," said Luna who hadn't heard what Serena had just dreamily said. "It's a new communicator." Luna gestured with her paw to a small compact device on Serena's bed. "I've also given Amy and Raye one each."
"Thanks Luna." Before Luna knew what was happening Serena had picked it up and called Amy. "Hey Amy. Are you there?"
Amy's voice came through the speaker. "Is something wrong Serena?"
"Nothing's wrong Amy. I just had to tell you about Peter Fisher's modelling contest."
Luna groaned but Amy rebuked Serena telling her that those communicators were only meant for Sailor business. Not trivial things. "Now if you'll excuse me," she finished, "I'm in the middle of working on a computer program to help us look for the lost Princess of the Moon that Luna finally briefed us about the other day." Then her connection was cut off.
"How snobby can you get? Maybe Raye will be interested in my news." But before Serena could call Raye with the communicator she was stopped by a recent memory. Raye went to a different school and Peter Fisher was a student there. It had just been five days ago Peter had won a big prize in the national photography contest for his landscape work and after school Serena, Molly and some of their friends had gone over to his house for his autograph. But Raye had been standing outside the door refusing to let them in.
"Sorry. Peter's parents have asked me as a special favour to make sure nobody disturbs him except the interviewers inside with him right now. They don't want anybody else coming to their house and disrupting their peace."
Serena had been very cross and they had had such a heated argument about it. Raye had put her foot down and said they couldn't see Peter and that was final. "Forget it." Serena put her communicator inside her pocket. "The last thing I need is another sharp lecture from her."

Later that same day Serena was talking to Andrew at the Video Arcade about her modelling dreams. But she was feeling depressed as well because she had mentioned it to her little brother Sammy at home. "I should have known better than to say anything to him Andrew. He laughed at me and said I couldn't even walk and drink soda from a straw at the same time. I could never be a model."
"Ah never mind what your brother thinks Serena. If you want to try out modelling go for it. You can do anything you set your mind to."
"Do you really think I have the potential Andrew?"
Before Andrew could answer another voice spoke up. "I can just say you tumbling over the edge of the stage." It was Darien sitting at a game screen. He looked up and smiled. "Clumsy Serena. The star of the Fashion Circus."
"Stay out of this Darien." Serena warned with venom in her voice.
"I'm just trying to let you know what you're in for Serena. Modelling is a tough commitment."
"Oh yeah! How would you know?"
Darien stood up and faced her. "Well the fact is when I first graduated from High School I did some modelling myself to help pay for my college tuition fees."
Serena's eyes bugged out. "You did modelling?"
"That's correct and it's not easy I tell you. You need plenty of sleep. Early to bed and early to rise. You must be punctual and you need to be in fit shape. You can't pig out on junk food."
Serena became defensive. "Don't you worry about me."
"I'm not worried Serena. I already know you'll fail. You're always late for everything, you stuff yourself with junk food and you can't go anywhere without falling over your own two feet sooner or later. You don't have what it takes to be a model."
Serena was fighting hard to hold back her tears. "I-I'll show you creep. I'll prove you wrong. Just watch me." Then she stalked away and Luna who had been by her side listening nervously followed her out the exit.
Andrew said to Darien, "You know. Sometimes you're rather mean. Why are you always so rough on that poor girl?" But Andrew was smiling as he asked this because he knew Darien didn't really do it to be cruel at heart and after all there was a certain grain of truth to it. Though Andrew would never admit to it in front of Serena of course.
Darien would closer to Andrew and they both looked in the direction where Serena had disappeared. "I really don't mean to hurt her. It's just something that comes over me every time I see her. It's a feeling I can't quite explain Andrew." Darien had a puzzled, yet dreamy look in his eyes as he said this to Andrew.

As it turned out Serena did succeed in flabbergasting her little brother Sammy in that her application for entry in Peter Fisher's contest was accepted. He couldn't believe it when the reply arrived in the mail and Serena waved it in his face. "Ha ha. Watch me Sammy. I'm invited to the first round. Your sister's on the first rung of the ladder to stardom."
Sammy recovered himself after his shock and retaliated. "Okay. But I still bet you make a fool of yourself."
"You can't upset me Sam. I'll prove you wrong. Just wait and see come Saturday."
"Yeah. Yeah." Sammy walked off. He wasn't going to argue. He was confident that his silly big sister would eat her own words.

Later Sammy was walking past Serena's half open bedroom door on the way to take a bath when he heard her scream hysterically. Poking his head in he saw her holding up a piece of clothing with several holes in it. Seeing him she wailed loudly. "The invitation said to bring a bathing outfit. I bought this last year but forgot to put mothballs in the drawer. Look at it."
Naturally Sammy had nothing but sarcastic contempt for her. "So Serena. This means you'll be modelling swimwear from Switzerland one day. They come full of holes. Just like their cheese."
He ran off laughing to the bathroom before Serena could reply. The tears poured like waterfalls.

And so Saturday arrived and Serena took Luna in a basket with her to the building for the modelling photo shoot contest. Peter Fisher welcomed all the hundreds of ladies and told them go to their allotted dressing rooms. "I will call each dressing room by number to assemble for their photo shoot. Make sure you are all ready in your bathing outfits and be punctual when you're called. The first group will be called to meet me by the swimming pool in fifteen minutes."
Serena found that Molly and her teacher Miss Haruna were in her group along with two other women. They all dressed in their outfits. "Hey Serena." Molly asked. "Do you have a bathing suit?"
"Er. Sort of. Don't any of you laugh when you see it."
"So where is it?" Molly probed further.
To Serena's embarassment she let her dress fall to the floor revealing her swimwear underneath it. She had bright yellow ribbon tied up inside all the holes that the moths had chewed up in it. She cringed but to their credit the other ladies, including Miss Haruna, didn't laugh at her. Though they did quietly smirk when they turned their backs to their mirrors to fix their hair. Like a true friend Molly tried to be kind.
"Don't fret about it. I'm sure it the girl who's inside the suit that's really important. Not she herself."
"Thanks Molly." Serena felt better for her words.

But Luna had gone to watch the photo shooting before Serena had her turn. She stood next to the swimming pool while Peter Fisher lined up a group of girls who were posing for him on the opposite side. "That's it ladies. Now smile some very energetic smiles while I capture all of you on film. Give me lots of energy."
When Peter clicked his camera a beam of blinding bright light enveloped his targets and as Luna blinked her eyes they vanished without a trace.
"Very good. Now to call the next group." Peter walked over to an intercom on the wall and spoke into it. "Dressing room 12 are to assemble for photos in five minutes."
Luna was running as fast as she could. "That's Serena's room. I must tell her about this. Peter's under Negaverse control."

She was only just in time. The door opened as she arrived and the group exited. Luna put her front paws on Serena's legs and meowed to get her attention. The other two women kept walking while Miss Haruna and Molly stopped. Miss Haruna smiled. "It looks like your cat wants to wish you good luck Serena."
"Er. You two go on ahead. I'll um just give her a private little snuggle." Serena blushed while she picked Luna up.
"Okay. But don't be long Serena. Remember we only have five minutes to be on time." Molly reminded her as she and Miss Haruna went off together giving each other moral encouragement.
"What is the matter this time Luna?" Serena whispered annoyed.
"Serena I just saw the previous group of contestants disappear in front of Peter's camera. There's something very weird going on here and I bet it's Negaverse involvement."
Serena appeared to seriously consider Luna's report saying she was going to call Amy as she set her down and took out her communicator.
"Good Serena." Luna beamed with pride but when Serena called Amy this is what she said.
"Hello Amy. I'm at the modelling contest about to take my turn and Luna's going wacky on me. She says she saw girls vanish when their Peter took their picture. Her imagination is playing tricks on her."
"SERENA!" Luna was exasperated as usual. "You hear me Amy. This is serious business."
"Yeah right. I must go now Amy. Bye." As Serena put away her communicator Luna jumped in the air making a pounce. She knew that sensible Amy would contact Raye and they'd make their way to the building as fast as they could. But she had to stop Serena from naively walking into the trap. Serena cried out in shock as Serena jumped off her back holding one of the yellow bows covering the holes in her outfit in her mouth.
"LUNA! Give me that back right now." Serena was furious as Luna ran away with her bow. She desperately gave chase cursing Luna for her crazy stupid interference.

Luna led Serena a merry chase eventually leading her to the side of the pool from which she had witnessed Peter earlier. As Serena chased her still demanding her bow back she caught sigh of Molly, Miss Haruna and the others all lined up and she groaned. "Now Luna has ruined my chance of becoming a model. I'm supposed to be over there right now."
As she watched dejectedly Peter cried, "Excellent. Give me plenty of energy you sweet girls."
In a blinding flash just like before the second group disappeared just like the first and Serena gasped. "What the hey?"
"Now do you believe me Serena?" Luna admonished her and she lowered her head humbly.
"Sorry Luna."
"Well transform Serena."
Serena shouted "MOON PRISM POWER!" Becoming Sailor Moon she jumped over the pool to land where her friends had stood moments ago taking Peter by surprise just as he was about to call for the next group.
Peter Fisher I am Sailor Moon. Champion of justice and you should be very ashamed of yourself for making people disappear. In the Name of the Moon I command you to bring them back or else I will have to punish you."
"You just smile for the camera yourself Sailor girl." Peter tried to shoot Sailor Moon but she dodged and weaved the beams of his camera and with a powerful spring she kicked the camera out of his hands. With a scream like he was in intense pain Peter collapsed in a dead faint upon being suddenly separated from his camera. Before Sailor Moon could comprehend what was happening the camera flew through the air and smashed against the wall. But before it fell to the ground in a broken heap a mist started emanating from the lens materializing into the tall and imposing figure of Nephlite's soldier Kyameran. She raised her left arm revealing a camera lens built into the palm of her hand.
"Sailor Moon!" She called out. "I have you dead in my focus."

Sailor Moon jumped aside in horror as the same sort of flash blazed from Kyameran's open palm of her outstretched arm and Peter's unconscious form vanished just like the ladies. "What have you done to him?" She exclaimed in fright.
"Here. Look at these." Kyameran produced three photos and threw them at Sailor Moon's feet. She picked them up and beheld the two groups of girls and Peter Fisher, reduced to nothing but photos. "Oh no. This is monstrous," she wailed.
"Look out Sailor Moon." It was Luna's voice. While Sailor Moon had been gazing distressed at the photos in her hands, Kyameran had been preparing to make a snapshot of her too. As Sailor Moon jerked her head up to attention she saw Luna intercept the beam meant for her.
"Luna no." She sobbed as her dear friend was turned into a photo.
"I'll get you this time Sailor Moon." Kyameran prepared to take another picture.

"Hold it right there." Two familiar voices called out just then. Both Sailor Moon and Kyameran turned to see Sailor Mars and Sailor Mercury standing in the open doorway.
Sailor Moon was enraptured with joy. "My friends. You're here."
But it was not to last. Sailor Mercury prepared to attack. "MERCURY BUBBLES BLA-"
She was cut off as Kyameran hit her with her beam. Sailor Mars tried to be evasive upon seeing this. Running quickly inside she tried to attack with a Fireball Charm. But Kyameran was too quick for her.
"Here's three more for your scrapbook." Throwing the photos made of Luna and the other Sailors towards Sailor Moon she gloated with evil glee.
"No no no. This can't be really happening."
"Oh but it is Sailor Moon. And as soon as I re-upload you're joining the gallery."
As she approached with her arm stretched out preparing to strike Sailor Moon crawled backwards against the mirror on the wall behind her. As she rose to her feet she had a sudden idea. She thought to herself, "If the others couldn't stop her I don't have much of a chance. Unless," she looked briefly at her reflection. "Unless I can trick her into using her power against herself with the mirror."
That was her only chance. She looked straight at her enemy bracing herself for what she had to do. She needed to time it just right or else it was all over.
"Maximum destruction Negazoom!" Kyameran cried as she shot her beam at Sailor Moon. But Sailor Moon gave a tremendous leap into the air spiralling in a somersault over Kyameran's head and landing on her feet behind her. As Kyameran looked back over her shoulder in surprise she failed to see the beam bounce off the mirror and head straight back at her. Turning too late she screamed as her body disappeared leaving only a single photo of her terrified expression hovering in midair before a gloved hand suddenly appeared and snatching it vanished just as quickly. Sailor Moon never saw what happened but to her relief Luna, Peter, Sailor Mars, Sailor Mercury, Miss Haruna, Molly and the others all reappeared as the photos they had been transformed into all turned completely black and empty.
"Amazing. I actually saved everybody all on my own." She could hardly believe it herself.

In this particular case Peter Fisher did not need to see any doctor or recover from his ordeal since when Kyameran was destroyed by her own built-in weapon, all the energy she had taken from him was returned to his body and he woke up immediately where he lay upon the floor and climbed to his feet unharmed just like all the girls and young women. He called all the others from their dressing rooms and made a special announcement.
"Dear ladies. I must explain to you that this contest was just a trap for all of us including myself. The Sailor Scouts here have delivered us all from the evil force that had been taking control of my mind and using me to ensnare you all for diabolical purposes. And these ladies who were here before you will testify to the truth of my words besides as you can see our saviours are also standing here with me."
Everybody gasped in shock at first but they all knew that so many weird things kept happening in their city. Things that were very strange and very harmful. Nobody fully understood exactly who or what was behind them but they all knew that these female warriors calling themselves the Sailor Scouts were here to protect them.
Peter went on to say, "Even though the contest was a fraudulent scheme I want you to know that I have decided to pursue the prospect of model photography while still producing my custom landscapes. And I propose that once a month a legitimate raffle style draw is held where you can all buy tickets and the lucky winner drawn will get to spend five consecutive days at my studio posing for me."
When they heard this they all smiled broad grins and clapped.
Peter held up his hands for silence. "Furthermore to express my thanks to Sailor Moon, Sailor Mars and Sailor Mercury for what they have done I would like to invite them to pose for a few special pictures that I will display on my studio walls. Let's give them a great loud cheer."
The Sailors all blushed and grinned at the ovation they received and Luna felt so pleased with them. For once even Sailor Moon was a reasonable girl and did exactly as Peter told her to. Never once arguing about her position in the many photos taken compared to that of Sailor Mercury, or even Sailor Mars. Later Peter showed some of the photos on television when the news interviewed him about the incident. They were awesome pictures of the three of them. Luna couldn't have felt prouder.

Meanwhile Nephlite and his team had a very unexpected shock when the female general of Beryl's army suddenly materialized in their midst.
"Zoicite! What are you doing here?" Nephlite contemptously demanded but Zoicite had a sly grin on her face that made him a little uneasy.
"Queen Beryl has sent me to deliver you to her throne. She's boiling mad Nephlite."
"WHAT?" Nephlite couldn't believe it but Zoicite handed him something to look at.
"This is all that's left of Soldier Kyameran. You were doing so well for a little while Nephlite but inevitably you grew too careless. You made the mistake that Jedite and Titus were guilty of. Underestimating the Sailor Scouts and getting a loyal soldier killed."
Nephlite's jaw hung down and his eyes grew very fearful as he beheld the image of his soldier gazing fearfully at him in her last moments. Black Widow, Tensie, Jumo, Petasos, Castor and Pollux were all deeply in shock too. They had been anticipating Kyameran's safe return with the energy not only of Peter Fisher, but also of hundreds and hundreds of girls. Enough energy to finally release the Negaforce and ensure their triumphant conquest of the universe. Even if Kyameran had been defeated by the Scouts as unlikely as they thought, they had also assumed naturally that she would have been able to escape like those who had gone before her, because of the wristband recall device their Commander had given each of them. What a horrible turn of events this was.
"Well Nephlite. Queen Beryl will only get all the more angry if you keep her waiting." Zoicite crooned softly.
Nephlite had no choice. "Okay." He bowed his head and moaned.
"We will go to." Petasos declared. "General Zoicite as the team appointed under General Nephlite we have the right to hear what she has to say to our Commander and what she decides to do to him." The others all roared affirmative.
"Of course you do." Zoicite admitted. "Well let's all be on our way then."
So saying they all transported to Queen Beryl's throne room to find out what awaited General Nephlite for his very first mission failure.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
Reaction score
Episode 15 Dangerous Dollies

Nephlite stood nervous but composed outwardly before the throne of his monarch. The members of his assigned military team stood in a half circle behind him while Zoicite smugly floated in the air with her legs crossed.
Queen Beryl herself glared menacingly at her Commanding Officer and delivered her statement in a cold, hard voice. "Nephlite. I thought better of you. You promised me things would go smoothly with no slip-ups. You said by now we'd have more than enough energy to unleash the Mighty Negaforce. But you have failed to deliver and the Sailor Scouts have destroyed one of your soldiers. What do you have to say about this?"

Nephlite knew better enough than to try to make excuses. "I am deeply regretful about what happened to Kyameran your majesty. It was an extremely bad mistake on my part."
Both he and his other soldiers shuddered. They all bit their tongues. Kyameran's fate was really something that none of them could possibly have foreseen, but Queen Beryl was way beyond any trace of reason. They all wondered with immense fear what she would order done to their Commander. Zoicite was also wondering but with the complete opposite emotion. She despised Nephlite as vehemently as she had despised the pair who had preceded him, Titus and Jedite. She remembered with callous delight how Queen Beryl had directed them to be flogged half to death with whips and finally entombed inside large blocks of crystal in eternal sleep. How she hoped that Beryl would do the same to Nephlite. After whipping or perhaps thumbscrews of course.

Beryl continued to address Nephlite sternly. "I have our people currently seeing if we are able to magically restore Kyameran back to normal Nephlite. If we can't I will hold you personally responsible. Understand?"
"Yes Queen Beryl."
"In the meantime I will say no more about it. I was very pleased with the results of your three previous missions. The Negaforce was nourished by the energy and you didn't lose any soldiers. I will definitely punish you for losing Kyameran unless we can bring her back. For now you may proceed with more work. And don't foul up a second time. Remember what I did to Jedite and Titus?"
"I do Queen Beryl. And I fully understand."
Turning to address his troop he said. "Okay. You heard Queen Beryl. Let's return to base and plan our next move."
So saying they all transported together leaving Zoicite alone with Queen Beryl. As she continued to hover with crossed legs she thought to herself, "I hope Queen Beryl gets every good reason to punish that Nephlite." She smiled and quietly laughed to herself.

Speaking of punishing people Miss Haruna had Serena kept in detention that lunchtime. She had expressed her displeasure with Serena very intensely this time. "I'm sick of you being always late for school Serena. I've a good mind to keep you in detention every day for a week."
Serena had cringed at this threat. She knew with her reputation Miss Haruna would probably go through with it eventually.
Later as she walked home after school with Molly her friend asked her why was she always late. Just as Serena brushed it off by replying, "Please don't ask Molly," two little girls from her younger brother Sammy's school approached them.
"Excuse me. Aren't you Sammy's big sister, Serena?" One of them asked her.
"Yes I am. Why do you ask?"
The other girl replied to Serena's query. "Sammy did something very mean and spiteful at school today. He broke Mika Cassidy's home-made porcelain doll. The one she made herself that she entered in the contest she recently won."
Serena was very shocked to hear this. Mika Cassidy had always been her brother's best friend. She had taken up making porcelain dolls with the goal of following in her mother's footsteps as a professional doll designer. Serena's dad had been reading the newspaper at breakfast that morning and told the rest of the family about Mika's winning a big cash prize for doll designing. Sammy had been so excited to hear this announcement.
"I can't understand why my brother would do such a terrible thing to his friend." Serena was aghast but the two girls confirmed their news.
"We would never have thought so either but it's true."
"And poor Mika was in tears throughout the day. The teachers tried to ask her what the matter was but she told them she didn't want to talk about it."
"And Sammy never fessed up or even told Mika privately that he was sorry."
"You're his sister. We felt that you ought to know."
Serena became very serious. "I'll talk to him all right. I'll find out why he did it and make him apologize."
The two girls smiled and thanked Serena when they heard this.
"Do you really think Sammy will listen to you?" Molly asked.
"Believe me Molly. I'll make him listen. I won't let him pussyfoot me around." Serena asserted this with fiery determination.

As soon as Serena arrived home she went straight to Sammy's room and knocked on the door. "Sammy can I talk to you for a minute?"
"Uh sure come in." Sammy nervously consented.
Serena practically ran in and came straight to the point. "So I hear that you broke Mika's doll today. I want you to tell me why."
"Mind your own business." Sammy threw up his arms in defiance but Serena changed tactics.
"You don't want me to involve Mum and Dad in this discussion do you?"
Sammy was shocked. "N-no. No I don't."
"Well then tell me why you broke your friend's doll. I couldn't believe you would be capable of such a thing."
Sammy started to cry. "I did not mean to do it. It was an accident. Uh kind of."
Serena softened a little at his tears and put her hand on his shoulder. "Hey now. If you're really upset I want to help you. Tell me exactly what really happened." As she offered him a clean hanky to wipe his eyes and blow his nose, he looked up into her caring eyes.
"Yes. I-I'll tell you the whole story."

This is what Sammy told Serena. "Mika had approached me at school during lunchbreak and said hello. As soon as I gave her my congratulations on winning the big prize she held out something wrapped up in a bag and said it was a present for me. I asked her what it was and she told me it was the very doll she had made that won the contest. I was hesitant to accept it. I told her it was too valuable to give to me. But she insisted that I was her best friend so she wanted me to have it. So I said okay. But as I held my hands out to take it some of the other boys started teasing me. Saying that Mika and I were lovebirds. I became angry and cried out "Mika and I are not lovebirds. Only friends." Then without realizing what I was doing I had shoved the bag away and it slipped from Mika's hands and fell with a crash on the floor. As the boys walked away laughing I saw what I had done as Mika opened the bag revealing the doll inside all smashed to pieces."
"But why didn't you say you were sorry?"
"I wanted to Serena. But I felt so ashamed of myself and upset to see Mika crying that I completely lost my will to talk. I was brooding with what I was responsible for the rest of the day and she was crying so badly I wished I could crawl away into a wormhole."
Sammy began to cry once more. "L-look at what I've been t-trying to do before you c-came Serena." He showed her the paper and pen he had been using to try to write a note of apology. "I j-just can't get the w-words to sound r-r-right."
"Oh Sammy." Serena comforted him. "I think it would be better and easier if you went over to Mika's house and apologized in person. If you like I'll come with you to give you moral support. You want to put things right don't you?"
Sammy was very scared but he said. "Thank you Serena. But I feel I should do it all by myself. I will go over and make full reconciliation with Mika and her mother. I'll do anything to make it up to them both."
Serena was very happy to hear this. "Good for you Sam."

So Sammy set off fully resolved to do the right thing and own up to his actions. But things were to take an unexpected different turn for as he arrived he saw an elegant car pull up outside Mika's house and as he watched the door opened and Nephlite stepped out. Nephlite proceeded to enter the gate and walk up the path to the front door.
"Oh dear. They're getting a visitor," thought Sammy. "What rotten luck. I'll have to come back tomorrow morning. Thank goodness it's Saturday tomorrow."
While he rushed back to his own home Nephlite knocked on the door. "Who's there?" Mika's mother called out and Nephlite was ready with his cover story.
"It's Mr. Maxfield Stanton. We spoke together on the phone earlier."
Mika's mother opened the door and shook his hand. "Oh yes Mr. Stanton. Please come in and join us in the living room where we can chat over a cup of tea."
"Thank you Mrs. Cassidy." Nephlite grinned showing his teeth as he entered and the door closed behind him.

As Nephlite sat in a cozy chair sipping tea he spoke to Mrs. Cassidy and Mika. "I'm very impressed. I thought the art of classical doll designing was by and large a thing of the past, but you have proven me wrong. Mrs. Cassidy. Your work is excellent."
"Thank you Mr. Stanton. I've poured all my heart into developing my craft and teaching it to Mika here ever since I broke up with my husband."
"Ah yes. Your daughter has inherited your skills it appears." Nephlite set his cup down on the table. "Her doll that won the first prize in the contest was magnificent. I wonder. May I see it please?"
Mrs. Cassidy blushed. "Uh. We don't have it at the moment. Mika. How about showing him the new one you've been working on?"
"Yes Mum." Mika carefully placed a doll wrapped in paper on the table. Nephlite picked it up and looked at it.
"My. How pretty. I like her soft sad expression."
Mika blushed and gulped. She had not told her mother what had happened to her prize-winning doll. Her mother had seen her working on this doll in her room and remarked how sad her face was. She had asked to compare it with her prize doll. Mika had barely managed to control herself and told her that she had loaned it to a friend at school. Mrs. Cassidy had asked who but she said just one of her friends in a tone that made it clear she did not want to discuss it further. Her mother had departed saying they could compare them when her friend returned it to her. But after her mother had left Mika opened her bottom desk drawer where the broken pieces of her doll were stashed. Looking at it the tears began to well up in her eyes once more and she shut the drawer and continued to work on the sad faced doll while she sobbed.
The very doll that Nephlite was now staring at. He touched his pointer finger on the dolls forehead and thought quietly, "My loyal soldier Jumo. Build Mika's energy to its peak level. Then we shall capture it for Queen Beryl."
The expression on the doll briefly changed from a sad to a sinister expression and one eye winked at Nephlite making it evident that Jumo had telepathically heard the unspoken order of her Commander.
"Say Mika," Nephlite asked as he set the doll back on the table. "I was wondering if you could make me fifteen copies of this doll?"
"Fifteen? What for?" Mika was surprised.
"I am confident I'd be able to easily sell them all," explained the sly villain.
Mrs. Cassidy was excited to hear this. "I have an exhibition next Saturday. Some of Mika's other work will be there also. Could you come and see them?"
"Sounds like fun."

After Nephlite left Mika went to her room to begin working on the first of the fifteen dolls he requested. Later that night Mrs. Cassidy came to see her daughter to bed. She was amazed at how quickly she had been building. "Why you've finished one doll already."
"Yes. I feel so full of energy that I need to start the second one." Mika grinned cheerfully and began to work. Her mother tried to settle her down.
"I know how excited you are but you need your sleep."
Mika ignored her so she bent over to guide her gently away from the new doll she had started. "It's time to pack away your tools and go to bed."
Suddenly her daughter violently shoved her over onto her backside yelling "Go away!"
At first Mrs. Cassidy was shocked then she started to get angry. "Mika! You insolent little girl! You're getting a spanking!"
But as she tried to grab her Mika sprang up out of her chair and began kicking, scratching and even biting her. The pain and the fright made her mother back away. There was something in Mika's eyes. Her daughter looked like she was possessed. "Get out and let me do my work in peace." She hissed menacingly and Mrs. Cassidy exited and slammed the door in terror.
Mika returned to building dolls and the one in which Jumo was contained momentarily grinned showing its teeth and glowed fiery orange.

The following morning after breakfast Sammy tried to visit and make his apology. He was met by Mrs. Cassidy at the door who was crying. He was very concerned. "What's the matter?"
"Oh Sammy. Mika didn't sleep a wink last night. She was up all night making dolls and she wouldn't come down to breakfast." Mrs. Cassidy buried her face in a handkerchief and sobbed. "She's changed. I tried to put her to bed last night and look what she did to me." Sammy was horrified when she showed him where Mika had bruised, scratched and bitten her.
"Let me try to talk to her."
"Okay. But be careful Sammy."
She took Sammy to Mika's room and knocked on the door. "Mika. Sammy wants to see you."
"I'm busy."
Sammy called out. "Please Mika. Just for a moment."
"GET LOST!" Mika screamed making both Sammy and Mrs. Cassidy cringe.
"You'd better go home Sammy. She might hurt you too like she did me."
"What will you do Mrs. Cassidy?"
"I don't know what to do except leave her alone. I don't want her to attack me again." Mrs. Cassidy cried again as she saw Sammy out the front door. They didn't even exchange goodbyes. They were both so upset and Sammy ran all the way home.

In the days that followed things became even worse. Mika would not go to school and she kept building doll after doll with no food, drink or sleep. Her mother was out of her wits. She was very concerned but at the same time scared. Her daughter yelled and threatened to hurt her if she interfered with her progress. She had all fifteen dolls on her shelf and Mrs. Cassidy had hoped she would settle down but alas. Mika said she had so much energy that she must make even more dolls.
Sammy told Serena he felt terrible. "Do you think I drove her crazy when I broke her doll?"
Serena replied. "I don't know Sammy. But it sounds rather strange. Maybe if you bought her a nice present perhaps it might make her calm down again?"
"I guess it's worth a try. I'll see what I can come up with. Thanks Serena."
Luna was very suspicious and told Serena, Amy and Raye that it seemed like the Negaverse were creating havoc once more. "We should investigate the Doll Exhibit that Mika's mother is going to host tomorrow Saturday very carefully," she instructed them and they all agreed that they would be there. Though Raye thought to herself, "I think I'll invite Darien to come to the Exhibition with me. I haven't had him on a date for awhile. May as well kill two birds with one stone."

And so the next day arrived and Mrs. Cassidy opened her Doll Show Exhibition. Among the crowd was Amy carrying Luna in a straw wicker basket. Luna peeked out the top keeping an eye open for Mika or anything suspicious. Raye was also present with Darien in tow. He was a little unsure what to make of this because dolls didn't exactly interest him greatly. But he had come with Raye in order to please her.
Nephlite spoke to Mrs. Cassidy. "My congratulations. You've pulled in a big number of people to admire your handiwork today."
"Thank you Mr. Stanton."
"And I'm impressed with Mika. I only asked for fifteen dolls to sell and she's given me twenty-five! Where is she anyway?"
Mrs. Cassidy blushed slightly. "She's finishing one more doll in the waiting room. Mr. Stanton. I'm afraid she's turned a bit strange. She's been obsessed with making these dolls and she can be very bad-tempered and violent if you try to stop her." As she was telling this to Nephlite lowered her voice to a whisper so that only he could hear.
Nephlite pretended to be very shocked upon this news and whispered back. "I'm terribly sorry Mrs. Cassidy. You must be a nervous wreck. She has such wonderful talent. I can't imagine what could have caused her young mind to suddenly snap."
"Th-thank you Mr. Stanton. You're such a caring man."

Just then Mrs. Cassidy noticed Serena and Sammy enter the building and she said goodbye to Nephlite in order to go and greet them. Sammy wanted to give Mika a special present that he had made himself. It was a doll though he wasn't very good at designing it. He had never tried to make a doll himself before. When he had shown it to Serena she had said, "Hey Sammy. That's a very cute present for Mika. I bet she'll love it."
Sammy had been very cheered by her compliment and thanked her. But then Serena asked him where he had gotten the inspiration to make a pig and Sammy had almost gagged in reply.
"It's supposed to be Sailor Moon. Mika's told me how much she admires her."
"Oh sorry." Serena had apologized but Sammy quickly regained his composure.
"Hey I know it's not the best. But it's the thought that counts. At least it may look a little bit better after I've painted it up."
In fact it did look more recognizable as a charicature of Sailor Moon when Sammy added some colour to it and now he and Serena had it in a basket ready to give to her.
"Sammy has a present for Mika Mrs. Cassidy. How is she today?"
"Not much better I'm afraid."
"Oh dear me. I'm getting really worried now." Sammy groaned.
Mrs. Cassidy smiled. "She's just outside in the waiting room. Why don't you to go and give her your gift. But approach her very carefully. Don't get too close unless you can see she's in a good mood."
Sammy was nervous and reluctant to go but Serena said, "Show a little backbone Sammy." She pushed him in the direction to go while he gulped and said "Okay. I'm going."

At that moment Mika was finishing her latest doll and she had brought the one possessed by Jumo with her. It sat in front of her on the table while she made the final touches to the last copy. "Finished." Mika declared with joy.
Sensing that her energy had just reached its peak Nephlite spoke telepathically to his soldier. "The moment has come. Collect her energy Jumo."
Serena and Sammy opened the door just as Jumo began to take her solid shape. Sammy was holding the Sailor Moon doll he had made. "Mika I brought you this... What the?" Sammy and Serena gasped as Jumo appeared and drained all the energy out of poor Mika who collapsed to the floor with a weary and terrified groan.
Sammy went running to help her. "MIKA! MIKA!" He yelled as loud as he could but Jumo sent him flying backwards into the wall with a swing of her arm and the Sailor Moon doll went skidding across the floor. Jumo laughed triumphantly and brought her foot down upon it smashing it into fine powder.
While Serena was cringing in terror Luna suddenly appeared leaping through the open outside window. "Serena transform now before that monster's attention is turned to you."
Heeding Luna's advice Serena cried "MOON PRISM POWER!"
Before Jumo knew it Sailor Moon seemed to appear in the room out of nowhere and was admonishing her. "How dare you smash that doll model of me? Sammy put all his heart into making it you creep. And you also have the gall to corrupt Mika's own doll-crafting abilities for your own nefarious purposes? I shall not tolerate this! In the Name of the Moon I shall punish you!"
"Good show." Luna thought with misgivings. "I wonder how long she can keep it up?"
Jumo just smirked and suddenly the doll that Mika had just finished flew through the air, opened its mouth wide and attached itself to Sailor Moon's arm. The pain was bad as a real bite and Sailor Moon screamed. "Yeeeoooowwww!!!!" Get off! Get off!"
In her hysterics she climbed out the window onto the street trying to shake it off and howling. "I should have guessed it wouldn't last for long," said Luna as she jumped out after her and Jumo followed cackling in ecstasy. Next thing the other doll that Jumo had been possessing flew out as well and clamped its teeth hard on Sailor Moon's rear end making her scream and jump around even more.

Just then the other two Scouts came running up the street towards the trouble. Sailor Mercury was aghast and so was Sailor Mars, although she couldn't help giving a curt vindictive smile thinking about how Sailor Moon drove her crazy at times. But she as well as Mercury immediately came to the rescue. While Sailor Mercury sent a blast of her ice cold bubbles directly at Jumo, Sailor Mars grabbed two of her charms.
"I call upon the power of Mars. Fireballs charge!"
She was trying to aim for the dolls but Sailor Moon was weaving and jerking around trying to shake them off her arm and backside that they both hit her instead and as she collapsed to the ground they rose into the air and turned opening their mouths wide to attack Mars next.
"Curse you Sailor Moon. Mars Fire Ignite." Resorting to the quickest other option Sailor Mars burned the two dolls to ashes as they flew at her. Then while Jumo was still incapacitated by the freezing mist she took the charms off Sailor Moon and picked her up on her feet with Mercury's help.
"Thanks a lot you clumsy clod," griped Sailor Moon.
"If you had just held still I could have charmed them off you."
"You are such a lousy aim."
"Next time I'll just use my fire itself and,"
Sailor Mercury cut the argument short. "Not now you two. We have an enemy to fight."
Luna also shrieked and cried out a warning to them. Jumo had found her way out of the chilly mist of bubbles and was preparing to attack. As she raised her arms it seemed like her hands disappeared and replicas of her upper arms began shooting out at them. "You are no match for me Sailor Scouts."
As they all dodged one of the projectiles brushed past Sailor Mars' head by inches. To her shock it sheared away some strands of her long black hair like a razor. "Uh-oh. Watch out. They're as sharp as knives. They will kill us if they hit us."
"You can't dodge forever and I have an endless supply." Jumo relentlessly kept up her attack. Sailor Moon had no opportunity to throw her tiara and neither could the others do anything. They could only helplessly duck and twist. Luna was terrified. It seemed like this enemy was the Sailor Scouts match. It was only a matter of time before the first one was slashed or impaled and there was nothing even Luna herself could do to prevent it.

Out of the blue came a flying rose that flew past Jumo's line of sight and stuck in the ground by her foot distracting her. "You!" She gasped at the sight of Tuxedo Mask. The mysterious masked man in the cape that she had heard about ever since he had been constantly appearing to aid Sailor Moon way back when General Jedite and his girlfriend Titus had been in charge of their cause.
Before she could say or do anything he had turned his head and called out to Sailor Moon. "Your tiara."
Sailor Moon did not waste any time and sent it flying. "MOON TIARA MAGIC!"
Jumo shrieked and jumped aside as it flew past. Mars and Mercury were preparing to attack again themselves and Jumo knew what she had better do. Mercury's bubbles and Mars' fire were deflected by the force shield that encompassed Jumo when she activated her wrist device and in the blink of an eye she was gone with all Mika's energy.
"Sailor Scouts. Go and make sure Mika gets the emergency help she needs as soon as possible," shouted Tuxedo Mask as he ran off.
"Why does he always have to disappear so soon?" Sailor Moon wistfully sighed.
"Never mind that now. You must do as he said." Luna reminded her. "The three of you go see to Mika and Sammy also."

Mika was waking up but she was weak and malnourished just like Miss Lambert had been. "W-what has happened to m-m-me?"
Suddenly the Sailor Scouts were by his side along with her mother and Nephlite. "Don't try to get up Mika," cautioned Sailor Mercury.
Sailor Mars added, "We've told your mother and Mr. Stanton what happened. You've had your energy drained by the same evil force that's been attacking people in our city."
Mrs. Cassidy stroked her daughter's hair and sobbed. "My poor little girl. You'll be okay. Mr. Stanton has called for an ambulance."
"Yes I have. They'll be here soon." Nephlite played his part like a perfect actor. He was smug inside knowing that Jumo had escaped and they had Mika's energy as a peace offering for Queen Beryl.

Meanwhile Sailor Moon was making sure Sammy was all right. He woke up as she gently lifted his upper body and shook it asking if he could hear her. When he opened his eyes he cried out, "Sailor Moon! Is Mika all right?"
"She's very weak but she will be fine with medical care. My friends and I have driven the baddies away. It's going to be good in the end"
Just then Darien stuck his head through the door. "The ambulance crew are here," he announced then stepped aside to let them in. They put Mika on a stretcher but she and Sammy were permitted to talk for a moment.
"The Sailor Scouts have saved us Mika, but the present I made for you is destroyed." Sammy was downcast.
"You tried to give me a present Sammy?" Mika smiled despite her sick fatigue.
"I wanted to apologize for what I did to your prize winning doll. I hadn't meant to break it."
Mrs. Cassidy and all the others stared in wonderment that Sammy would make such a confession to Mika in their full hearing. What amazing courage he was displaying.
Mika reached out and took Sammy's hand. "It's all made up now Sammy. You tried to save me from that attack when you were struck down and the present smashed, didn't you?"
"Yeah. That's right I did." Sammy beamed as he looked at her. But it was time to take her to hospital and Mrs. Cassidy immensely thanked him for risking his own skin for Mika's sake as well as thanking the three Sailor Scouts. Nephlite said "Well done young man," with a facade of admiration and that was the end of that incident.

After two and a half weeks of intense care Mika was discharged from the hospital with her energy renewed and after a few days back at school she presented Sammy with three little figurines of Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury and Sailor Mars. "I made these just for you Sammy," she smiled.
Sammy was so overjoyed. "Wow. Thank you Mika. I love the Scouts. Especially Sailor Moon." He picked up the Moon figurine and held it close to his face. "She's so super cool."
"She'd better not be more super cool than me Sammy!" Mika was terribly jealous and Sammy had a fright.
"Wha? No of course not Mika."
"Just as well." Mika coldly replied as Sammy put the figurine down and smiled at her placatory. "It's tough to be so popular." He thought nervously to himself.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Episode 16 Who Is That Masked Man?

All of General Nephlite's soldiers stood silent and solemn while their Commander had his back to them consulting the stars. They knew he was not yet guaranteed full release from the hook of Queen Beryl even though Jumo had just successfully gathered more energy for the Negaforce. There was still the matter of their fallen comrade Kyameran. If she proved impossible to bring back to life from the photo frame she had been reduced to then Queen Beryl's indignant anger knew no bounds. At any moment General Zoicite would appear to summon them all to Beryl's throne to hear her judgement. They were on the edges of their seats listening to Nephlite speak out loud.
"The stars know everything. Great powers of the constellations. I desperately beseech you in this very serious moment. Please reveal to me what Sailor Moon's greatest weakness is so I can destroy her utterly and finally."
Two seconds later his eyes flew open. He had seen a vision of a familiar masked figure flying through the air in an enormous bound while Sailor Moon stood watching him adoringly and calling out "You are soooo dreamy."
"Of course." He turned around to face his soldiers with his arms raised in the air. His face on fire with excited purpose. "It's Tuxedo Mask. That's how we'll set a trap for Sailor Moon my friends."
At that moment though Zoicite made her entrance. "Excuse me Nephlite. Queen Beryl is ready to speak with you now." It was clear from the expression on her face that it was not going to be good news for Nephlite.

In a short while Nephlite and Zoicite stood before Beryl's throne while the soldiers all formed their customary half circle a few paces behind. Queen Beryl's face was a glaring stone as she frowned. Then she said, "Remember what I said would happen if Kyameran could not be restored to life Nephlite?" Without waiting for a reply she threw something at his feet. Looking down he saw his worst fear looking back up at him. "Well as you can see all attempts were dismal failures." Queen Beryl went on. "Can you give me a good reason why I shouldn't have horrible punishments inflicted on you for this Nephlite? Because all your other successful schemes to gather energy are not enough to placate my rage."
Zoicite was smiling all the more maliciously but Nephlite composed himself and replied calmly.
"Your majesty. What if I had a plan to eliminate Sailor Moon for certain?"
Queen Beryl stopped and thought a moment. "That sounds promising Nephlite. What are you going to propose?"
"Jedite and Titus couldn't trap Sailor Moon with any scheme they concocted. Why should any plan of yours be any different?" Zoicite spoke sardonically.
Nephlite turned on her in passion. "Mind your own business Zoicite. Remember I have brought back far more energy and lost far less soldiers than my predecessors ever did."
"That is true." Queen Beryl conceded holding up her hand to call for order. "So tell me exactly what you have in mind Nephlite."
"Your majesty I am going to capture Sailor Moon by disguising myself as Tuxedo Mask. She is crazy with love for him and she will never realize what she is walking into."
Queen Beryl thought quietly to herself for a moment. "Hmm. There is something about that masked man that strangely attracts me also." All eyes were on her to see what her decision was. Though momentarily lost in her own world she came back to reality and said. "Very well Nephlite. You may try your scheme. But be warned. If Sailor Moon escapes then your punishment will be the worst painful torture I can think of for Kyameran's death as well as failing to eliminate our worst enemy."

So Nephlite began to put his plan into operation. He printed out copies of identical letters saying, "Please come to the shopping center at 9pm on Friday night. It will be closed of course, but I will make arrangements for the door to be unlocked. I need to see you again with all my heart. Your Tuxedo Mask."
Serena was so overjoyed when she found it in the mailbox addressed to her. She lay on her bed with Luna on her pillow and said, "Wow. Tuxedo Mask wants to meet up with me."
Luna was confused. "I don't understand how he could have found out that you're Sailor Moon. But in any case why would he arrange such a meeting?"
"Luna isn't it clear? His heart led him straight to me." She was kissing the letter repeatedly and wasn't even listening when Luna tried to ask her if it wasn't just a little bit suspicious. "Shouldn't we ask Raye to consult her fire about this before you get so excited?"
"What's that? Raye? Oh she'll be sooo jealous. Ha! I have a date with Tuxedo Mask."
"Ooooh," Luna groaned hopelessly.

But Serena had a very disturbing shock when she went to school the following morning because practically every other girl in her class had received the very same invitation to go to the shopping center at 9 o'clock Friday night. Furthermore yesterday had been Thursday when they had all been sent out and so a huge meeting with heaps of girls had been arranged for that very night. Serena was crestfallen and shut her eyes while Molly and her other classmates all wondered who the letters were from and what it could possibly all mean amongst themselves. Nobody had any idea but Molly looked at her letter and thought to herself, "Perhaps it's that handsome millionaire, Maxfield Stanton. He has been known to sometimes wear tuxedoes. I sure hope it's him." Molly was secretly enamoured with Nephlite's cover identity. She always had been from the very first time she saw him when he had targeted her friend Katie Sandler on the Tennis Court.

Suddenly Miss Haruna entered and called the class to attention. "Before we begin I have a very important announcement to make. How many of the girls received Tuxedo Mask invites for tonight in yesterday's mail?" Everybody raised their hand and called out affirmatively with breathless enthusiasm. except for Serena, who was gloomily staring at the top of her desk.
Miss Haruna continued. "Very good. Well I was invited along as a chaperone and I want you to know that I'll be expecting all of you girls to be on your very best behaviour." They all gave their solemn word to their teacher.
"Okay. Then let's get down to our lessons for today."
But as she turned her back and began to write on the blackboard her expression became sour and she thought to herself. "Great. Babysitter for a bunch of teenage girls. Precisely how I want to spend my time tonight after a full five days of teaching."

It turned out to be even worse. Not only Serena's class, but throughout the whole school every girl had received an invitation. Serena was so heartbroken she ran straight home after school crying her eyes out.
In the meantime Luna had been speaking to Amy about this mysterious event. Amy too had been invited and she agreed with Luna that it was weird. "I have no idea why Tuxedo Mask should ask every girl in town to meet him tonight Luna. It is very suspicious. It could be another Negaverse scheme."
Luna answered, "My thoughts exactly Amy. Let's go over to Raye's temple and ask her about this."
But when the two of them arrived they found poor Raye in bed sick with flu. "I wish I could consult the sacred fire for you Amy and Luna. But I've been knocked around badly with this flu bug." Raye coughed and covered her mouth with her bedclothes. "I feel really lousy and I can't receive any visions. I'm just too weak."
Amy felt her forehead. "You poor dear. Your forehead is really hot." She and Luna were deeply sympathetic.
"Don't worry Raye. You rest and get better. Amy and I will look into this as best we can. Somehow we'll convince Serena to investigate with us. You don't have to concern yourself in the least."

Meanwhile Nephlite was walking along the city sidewalks feeling very pleased with himself. "I've sent those letters out to every girl who lives in this entire city. One of them has to be Sailor Moon." He thought to himself confident that he would trap Sailor Moon in this way. "And not only that, but my soldiers and I will also capture the energy of all the other girls who come along with their invited chaperones. We'll have more than we need to unleash the Negaforce finally."
As he was about to turn the corner he heard a girl's voice call out to him. "Excuse me, Mr. Stanton." He spun around on his heels and saw Molly looking at him with eyes full of admiration. "Ah. My name is Molly Baker. We met last week while you were coaching people at the tennis tournament. Do you recall?"
It's true that Nephlite had been doing some legitimate tennis coaching among involvement in other harmless activities in between his schemes for gathering energy in order to help nurture and conceal his secret agendas. "Yes I do remember you." He smiled as he walked towards her. "You were the ball girl for your friend Katie Sandler, weren't you?"
Molly's eyes opened wide and so did her mouth. "You do remember me." Her cheeks glowed red as she continued. "I was just wondering Mr. Stanton. Did you perchance send a bunch of letters to all the girls in our school signed Tuxedo Mask?"
Nephlite raised his eyebrows. "What makes you think that Molly?"
"Oh. I just had a feeling it might be you." Molly blushed very red and turned her head to the side while Nephlite thought to himself.
"I sense something strange about this girl. There is some force within her. She could be Sailor Moon trying to turn my trap back upon myself."
Then Molly looked at him and spoke again. "I'm sorry. You must think I'm very silly."
Nephlite replied placing his hand on her shoulder, "No I don't. In truth the thought of a mystery meeting sounds rather romantic. Anyway I hope to see you again at next week's tennis tournament. Bye for now Molly."
As he turned and walked away Molly gasped and thought to herself. "It is you. I know it's you." Reaching into her bag she pulled out her invitation and thought further, "I'm going to be there one hour early at 8 tonight. So I can get to talk to him before everybody else arrives."

So at 8pm Molly arrived in her best clothes all freshened up after a shower. Like the letter had said the shopping center was closed for the night but the automatic sliding doors opened allowing Molly to enter. "Hello. Is anybody here? It's Molly." She called out confidently.
"Hello. You've come early." A voice called out above her and she looked up to see Nephlite standing behind the railing of the upper level wearing the very same clothing as Tuxedo Mask right down to the mask itself.
She gasped and said, "I hope you don't mind. I just couldn't wait to meet with you."
"Has anybody come with you?"
"No just myself. I don't need anybody else to say what I have to."
Nephlite walked across to the staircase and began to slowly walk down towards her. "Go ahead. I'm very interested in what you want to say to me."
"Why don't you come close? I'm not going to bite you or anything you know."
Nephlite was still walking downstairs but as soon as she said this he suddenly gave an extraordinary leap and to her surprise landed in front of her and jabbed his finger in her chest. "Do you think you can fool me? I know who you really are. Admit it. You're Sailor Moon."
Molly gasped. "M-me? Sailor M-m-moon?"
"Yes you are Sailor Moon. Aren't you?"
"No I'm not."
"Don't lie to me."
"I'm not lying."
"But I can feel a strange force inside you directed at me!"
"Th-that's my love." As Molly said this Nephlite began to siphon off the love she felt for him and stored it into a round crystal ball. She fainted as he remarked. "Whatever this stuff is it's certainly very powerful energy."

But Molly was not the only one who had decided to come to the meeting early. Serena had made up her mind to meet Tuxedo Mask and demand to know what the big deal was before all the others turned up. On the way she had thought perhaps she'd better call Amy and let her know what she was up to. So she used the communicator that Luna had given them and Amy answered. "Serena. What's the matter?"
"Amy. I'm on my way to the mall."
"The mall?"
"Yes. I just wanted to let you know I'm going to meet Tuxedo Mask. Bye."
"Wait Serena."
But Serena had hung up. Amy and Luna were still at Raye's bedside and Luna was aghast when Amy told them what Serena was doing. Before Luna could say anything Raye began to climb out of bed. "Come on. We've got to get to the mall."
Amy and Luna were amazed. "Raye. Are you sure you should come with us? You're sick." Amy asked as Raye coughed.
"I want to go. Serena could be walking into a trap. I may not be feeling perfect but if the Negaverse is after Sailor Moon I can't let that stop me from fighting."
Luna was impressed. "Raye I'm so proud of you for such loyal devotion. If you're really sure you can manage then of course you can come with us."
So Raye tied a mask over her mouth to keep the germs from spreading and she and Amy transformed. But in truth Raye did have another secret agenda that her friends were unaware of. Raye had received an invitation in the mail just like all the other girls and she didn't like the idea of Serena having Tuxedo Mask all to herself if it really was him after all.

Anyway Serena herself arrived and entered the building quietly looking all around her. She was just in time to see what she thought at first was Tuxedo Mask wooing her friend Molly in his arms. She quickly ducked around the corner thinking, "What a two-timing creep." But then as she peered round for another look she realised Nephlite's long curly brown hair sticking out from under the top hat.
"That can't be the real Tuxedo Mask. It's a Negaverse imposter. I'll take care of this. Moon Prism Power."
Transforming she made her move just as Nephlite was thinking that maybe Molly wasn't Sailor Moon after all. "But I've captured all her love energy for Queen Beryl."
But also at the exact same time as Serena had transformed, Darien was sitting in his apartment reading a book. Suddenly he clutched his temples and groaned like he had a headache. "Oh no. Not again. What's happening to me?" In a sudden flash of light Darien leaped out of his chair. But he was dressed in Tuxedo Mask's clothing. He had transformed himself and now Tuxedo Mask knew Sailor Moon needed his help. He jumped out of his apartment window, leaping from rooftop to rooftop towards the mall.
In the meantime Sailor Moon had made her appearance to Nephlite telling him to get away from Molly. "You phony sleaze-ball impersonating Tuxedo Mask. Take off that disguise and tell me who you really are."
Nephlite set Molly's unconscious form down and spoke. "Once I do you know I must destroy you Sailor Moon."
"In the Name of the Moon I will triumph over your evil. So bring it on whoever you are."
Nephlite threw off his entire disguise revealing himself in his Negaverse General's uniform. As he finally removed the mask Sailor Moon gasped. "Maxfield Stanton? The millionaire?"
"The real name is Nephlite. Loyal Commander of Queen Beryl's invasion force. Now that we have finally met your time to die has now come. My soldiers appear and help me destroy our enemy."
Before Sailor Moon's startled eyes the familiar forms of Black Widow, Petasos, Jumo and Tensie all materialized plus the Gemini Twins Castor and Pollux, who had not gone against her yet.
"We are at your service Commander," said Tensie.
"We will all attack Sailor Moon together," said Petasos.
"For Queen Beryl," said Jumo.
"And the Negaforce," said Black Widow.
"Onward to victory." Castor and Pollox shouted together.

At the sight of so many enemies Sailor Moon turned and ran in terror. Suddenly three roses flew through the air and struck in the floor in front of all the soldiers making them come to an abrupt stop.
"Commander. It's Tuxedo Mask," cried Tensie.
Sure enough Tuxedo Mask was standing next to an open elevator where he had just emerged. "Sailor Moon. I hope you realize that it was this Nega-creep who wrote those phony invitations and not me."
"Tuxedo Mask. How could I ever doubt you?" Sailor Moon dreamily answered as her true hero gave a mighty bound and landed in front of her brandishing his cane.
"You have no chance against my forces." Nephlite raised his fist defiantly.
"Let me test that theory," challenged Tuxedo Mask. "Run Sailor Moon."
"You can run but you can't hide. Once my soldiers finish with Tuxedo Mask, they will track you down Sailor Moon."
As she ran she heard Nephlite's taunts ringing in her ears and looking over her shoulder she saw how outnumbered Tuxedo Mask was. "Oh no. I must help him." She prepared to throw her tiara. "MOON TIARA MAGIC!"
Upon hearing this Nephlite cried out urgently. "Quickly you lot. Remember your force shields."
And all of them right down to the Gemini Twins hit the buttons on their wristbands. To Sailor Moon's dismay her attack was rendered completely useless. Her tiara was deflected and went clattering at her feet. She picked it up terrified and Tuxedo Mask shouted, "Run for it. We can't win."
Responding to his prompting she followed him into the elevator and Tuxedo Mask hit the button closing the door.
Nephlite called to his soldiers. "It's all right. They are right where I want them. I have an idea."

Inside the elevator Tuxedo Mask said, "I don't know how to defeat them all."
"At least we're safe now," said Sailor Moon.
Suddenly the elevator started rising upwards by itself and Nephlite's voice sounded over the intercom. "You may think you're safe but not for long. My soldiers and I have taken over control of the elevator. We're sending you all the way to the top floor. Then you're going back down again at super fast speed. When you hit the bottom you'll be reduced to a Sailor pancake."
"Ooooohhh. I don't want to be a pancake." Sailor Moon was hysterical.
But Tuxedo Mask was saying, "There must be a way out."
As he thought to himself staring around the elevator Sailor Moon also began thinking to herself. "This may seem crazy but I kind of find this romantic being trapped and facing danger together with him. He's so irresistible."
Suddenly Tuxedo Mask said, "Are you ready?"
Sailor Moon was in a fantasy daydream and prepared herself for a kiss. "Oh yes my dreamboat."
"Hey. I said are you ready?"
Tuxedo Mask's voice quickly brought her back to reality. "What? Oh yeah."
"I've found the way out. Come on."
Tuxedo Mask pushed an emergency escape hatch in the roof open with his cane. Then he leaped up and grabbed the edge, lifting himself out. Reaching down he pulled Sailor Moon up after him while the elevator continued to rise.
"As soon as it stops we have to jump," he told her.
"Er. We do?" Sailor Moon was nervous again. But there was no time to argue. The elevator stopped and Tuxedo Mask jumped grabbing the edge where the door to the top floor opened. As soon as he did so the elevator began to plummet. Sailor Moon had hesitated for a split second, however she jumped with a sharp shriek as it fell and Tuxedo Mask grabbed her hand with his free hand.
While the elevator zoomed downwards Nephlite and his soldiers watched with their eyes glued to the floor indicator. When it landed with a sickening smashing sound Nephlite cried, "We've done it!"
"Congratulations Commander." Every member of his team clapped him on the back and shook his hand as they all huddled around him sharing a victory round of laughter.
"Now my friends, let us wait for all the invited girls to show up and we will gather all their energy and take it all back to Queen Beryl so we can unleash the Negaforce upon planet Earth." Nephlite raised his fist in the air as he shouted and they all jumped and cavorted in celebration.
"Long live our mighty Queen Beryl and the Negaforce."

Meanwhile Tuxedo Mask had braced one of his feet against a small jutting panel screwed into the shaft wall and Sailor Moon had climbed up onto his back. He was gently trying to lift them both up so he could try to open the doors. "Hey thank you for saving me again Tuxedo Mask. But tell me. Who are you and why do you keep helping me?"
Tuxedo Mask grunted and replied to her double question. "Sailor Moon. It is my mission to protect you. As for who I am, I really don't know myself to be honest. I have this feeling we used to know each other a long long time ago but I have no idea what the connection is. All I know is that my duty is to watch over you."
While Sailor Moon was listening to this news and taking it in suddenly a bad thing happened. The panel Tuxedo Mask was braced against broke away from the wall completely and went plunging down the shaft. Tuxedo Mask held on with his fingertips and Sailor Moon hung on to his shoulders.
"Eeeeeeek!" She cried.
"Hold on!" Tuxedo Mask told her.
"I can. But how long can you hold on?" Sailor Moon began to be very distrought. "Oh Tuxedo Mask. This can't be happening. Not when we're beginning to get to know each other. It really can't."
Tuxedo Mask just grunted and groaned as his fingertips struggled against the inevitable. Then one of his hands slipped and they both yelled in terror. But before his other hand also came loose the doors slid open and Sailors Mercury and Mars reached out and grabbed his arms. "It's all right," said Luna. "The girls have you. Just hold on while they pull."
They certainly did pull together with all the strength they could muster and Tuxedo Mask and Sailor Moon were on safe grounds in a jiffy.
"Where have you been?" Sailor Moon asked.
Poor Sailor Mars coughed behind her mask while she answered. "We've been climbing a million flights of stairs. I concentrated as hard as I could in spite of being weak with the flu and sensed psychically what was happening to you."
Sailor Mercury continued. "We used our Bubbles and Fire to send all those enemies into a frenzied panic. They all vacated the scene very fast."

Nephlite and his soldiers had never taken into consideration that the other two Scouts may turn up. They had all turned off their force shields and were waiting for all their intended victims to arrive. Some of them were sent into a chill by Mercury Bubbles while the rest were leaping and screaming as Mars Fire gave them singes to the seats of their pants. Nephlite had attempted to rally his troops to attack but the two Sailor girls were smart and kept up a constant barrage so there was no time to counter-attack. Realizing that there was no choice he sounded retreat and they all desperately activated their devices to set up their shields before transporting away from the relentless blasts of painful flame and biting cold. If only Sailor Mars hadn't been sick she may have been able to muster enough power to kill some of the enemy the way she had totally incinerated Morga and Kigaan back when Luna had first discovered and awakened her to her identity. But still those she had hit wouldn't be sitting in chairs again immediately. Nephlite himself had been agile enough to avoid injury. But just before he departed he cunningly gathered a small sample of the magic fire and the magic bubbles in two other little crystal balls.
When they were all assembled back at the isolated cottage the soldiers all rubbed their sore backsides or hugged themselves trying to shake off the shock of the cold blasts. "They ruined our final plans Commander." Jumo cried resentfully.
Nephlite smiled and said, "But at least Sailor Moon and that Tuxedo Mask are vanquished and we did get that one girl's love energy." He raised the crystal ball in his hand then added with a sneaky smile. "Castor and Pollux my dear friends. Would you be so considerate as to allow me to give you special combat training?"
"Of course we are obliged to obey whatever you command us Commander," said Castor.
"What is it you have in mind?" Pollux added.
Nephlite set the crystal ball carefully on a table and pulled the two smaller ones out of his pockets. "I am going to study closely and duplicate the contents of these two crystals. When I've finished training you two, you'll be able to pay Sailor Mars and Sailor Mercury back for all of us." He began to laugh while his soldiers all raised their eyebrows in wonderment.

How Mercury had managed to haul Molly's still unconscious form up all those stairs while supporting Mars who was feeling really lousy and knocked about by this time was nothing short of miraculous in itself, let alone that they were in time to save their friends from plunging to their deaths. But as soon as Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask climbed to their feet they helped the others get Molly safely up on top of the roof while at that moment all the girls were arriving with their various chaperones. Though the doors were still unlocked when they entered they found the mall empty and deserted like a ghost town. They were all annoyed at what they assumed had been a stupid prank. "Huh. What a waste of time." One girl remarked in a huff.
"Whoever set this up is such a sick joker. I agree," another added.
"Okay girls. Let's all take you home." The former Miss Lambert gave an exasperated sigh. "I'll be glad to get back to my dear husband Herbert after this fiasco."
"Yes Mrs. Humphreys." The girls under her care flocked to her side while Miss Haruna's girls wisely kept silent as they saw her grinding her teeth and fuming. "If I ever find out who was responsible for ruining the start of my weekend break I'll slap his face as hard as I can," she thought to herself as she led her girls out the door.

As for what was happening on the roof Sailor Moon was beginning to pick on Sailor Mars pointing to her flu mask. "That's a good look for you Mars. Covering up that big fat mouth of yours."
Sailor Mars coughed and retorted, "Don't annoy me while I'm sick. I just saved your life and I'm not a total gaga geek over him like you are." She pointed to Tuxedo Mask.
Sailor Mercury was was carrying Molly on her back said, "Will you two knock it off. I'm tired of you fighting."
Luna agreed. "You're all supposed to be a team remember? How will you ever help me locate the missing Moon Princess and finally defeat the Queen of the Negaverse if you keep this up?"
"Mercury and Luna are right." Tuxedo Mask declared as he jumped up on the railing. "Your strength lies in your unity. Cherish and nurture it."
With that he leaped away into the air. Sailor Moon and Sailor Mars ran to the railing crying to him to wait but they saw him flying in mighty leaps and bounds over the building tops.
"I wish we knew who he was." Sailor Moon sighed.
"What amazing powers he has." Sailor Mars coughed again.
"All right girls. Let's help Sailor Mercury to return Molly to her home, then you Mars need to go back to bed and rest so you recover as soon as possible." Luna directed them to action and they agreed.
As for Tuxedo Mask he finally arrived back at his apartment jumping through the open window and landed back in his easy chair suddenly back in his everyday clothes as Darien. "My head feels all right now." He looked at his clock. "Is that the time? Could that attack have really lasted for that long? Maybe I should see a doctor?"

Finally when Nephlite and his team of soldiers reported to Queen Beryl they were told by her to their dismay that things hadn't gone fully as they planned. "Nephlite. Your plan failed. I can see on my magic crystal that Sailor Moon is still alive. She escaped your trap."
Standing nearby Zoicite added with disdain. "And all you managed to get was the energy of that one silly girl. You promised enough to unleash the Negaforce."
Nephlite growled defiantly at Zoicite, though inwardly he was beginning to fear the worst. So were his soldiers who trembled for their Commander.
However Queen Beryl stared into the crystal containing Molly's love energy and said, "Yes. But look how powerful the emotions of that girl are. Nephlite has not given enough to fully release the Negaforce but still he has given it a significantly strong boost."
Zoicite was so perturbed that she forgot to control herself. "But he still failed. And what about the death of Kyameran? Aren't you going to punish him even for that?"
Queen Beryl's eyes turned into narrow slits. Then she raised her voice. "I'm going to punish you Zoicite. You have the gall to question my decision? Doom and Gloom Girls. Seize her."
To Zoicite's horror the five Doom and Gloom Girls came out of nowhere and grabbed her. Queen Beryl went on. "Put General Zoicite's feet in the stocks. Then heat up some red hot pokers."
"No Queen Beryl." Zoicite's eyes bulged in terror. "Don't do this to me. Please I'm sorry. Queen Beryl." Her pleas continued as the Doom and Gloom Girls dragged her out of sight. A few minutes later the sound of her agonized screaming echoed through the corridors and Nephlite smiled.

Later back at the cottage Nephlite concentrated on the stars. "The stars know everything. Powers of the Negaverse. Erase everything that happened between me and my latest victim from her memory. She must not remember a single thing or she will reveal Maxfield Stanton's true identity to her friends."
He turned to his soldiers behind him smirking. "I suppose I should be grateful to her. After all, her silly love for me saved me from Queen Beryl's wrath."
"Aye Commander. And that sleazy General Zoicite opened her mouth and shoved her foot right in it." Tensie replied.
"Speaking of her feet, I don't think she'll be walking very well for at least a week." Black Widow chimed in and they all laughed together.

Zoicite sat on a chair with her bare feet propped up on a cushion. She sobbed deeply. "Just look at the soles of my feet!" They were marked with red raw blisters where the pokers had touched them.
"There there my sweet." A male voice spoke comfortingly to her and a pair of hands gently rubbed cream on them. As bandages were next wrapped around her feet the voice spoke again. "You must be more careful around Queen Beryl in the future dear Zoicite. Don't worry. I'll make you as comfortable as I can. I love you Zoicite."

Hayley B

Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2012
Reaction score
Wow, how did I just learn about this thread just now? Anyway, I think I love Anime Sailor Moon.

Right now I love the new design of this newly image of Sailor Moon that just came out this year.

Not sure if that going to be for a new show or just a game?


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
Reaction score
Wow, how did I just learn about this thread just now? Anyway, I think I love Anime Sailor Moon.

Right now I love the new design of this newly image of Sailor Moon that just came out this year.

Not sure if that going to be for a new show or just a game?
As far as I understand it's definitely a new series. A reboot of the show.

And what do you think of my variation take on the original English dub so far Hayley B?


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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I finally have a couple of updates.

Episode 17 An Animated Mess

Amy was perusing the bookstore for a new science textbook she needed to buy for school. She had set her alarm an hour and a half early so that she would have plenty of time to search for it and still arrive in time for school. She very quickly found the book she needed, paid for it and was just exiting the door when a thin girl with glasses and short dark hair went running past. Her name was Lorei and she was puffing and panting, muttering to herself. "Oh dear. I must not be late for my class with Mr. Masterson. I hope the new work I've done is a significant improvement upon my previous efforts."
But she was in such a hurry she didn't realize that one of her folders under her arm had slipped out of her grasp and fell on the sidewalk. Amy saw this and tried to get her attention. "Wait. You dropped something." But Lorei was so far ahead and so worried about her class that she never heard her. As she disappeared Amy bent down to pick up the folder to see if her name was on it. "Wow. She attends the animation school. I'll have to return it there after school is over this afternoon."

Meanwhile Nephlite was consulting the stars for another victim. "Find me a person with untapped energy resources who will feed the Negaforce." As he closed his eyes and concentrated an image of the young animation student Lorei appeared. "Ah yes. This person is desperately concentrating on acheiving her dreams and aspirations. We will harness her energy next."
He turned to face his soldiers and called for the Gemini Twins to come forward. "Castor. Pollux. You have both responded very well to the special training I have given you. Castor you have mastered Mars combat technique and you Pollux show superb skills in Mercury combat. With your tails thus looped together the powers I have bestowed upon you will be channeled ten times stronger than those two Scouts own power. Thus you will be invincible before them and their annoying friend Sailor Moon will fall before your attack as well."
Castor and Pollux bowed before their General. "It is our pleasure to serve you and our great Queen Beryl Commander. We will triumph and wipe out the three Sailor Scouts and ensure the victory for the Negaforce." Pollux proclaimed proudly then Castor added her piece.
"We are invincible and there's no way we will fail Commander. So therefore we will not be needing our wristband devices. We hereby pull them off and lay them at your feet as a token of our success."
"I concur Commander."
With that the Gemini Twins removed the devices Nephlite had originally issued them with containing the impregnable force shields and emergency transporters and threw them down before him crying. "Hail General Nephlite!" All the other soldiers echoed the cheer and saluted their Commander. Nephlite felt so elated by this gesture. He thanked Castor and Pollux picking up and pocketing their devices. Then he reminded them how important it was to stay attached together by their tails and had them climb into the machine that converted their bodies into the mist he rubbed into his hands to infect his selected victim with. "Now I'm going to track down this young woman. The Gemini Warriors will bring us all honour in the sight of Queen Beryl my friends. We will be rewarded and we will owe it to them. Hail Castor and Pollux." He raised his right fist into the air and his soldiers all did likewise.
"Hail Castor and Pollux." They all cheered grandly. They were anticipating the taste of the sweet fruits of victory.

Later as Amy was on her way home from school she took a detour to return Lorei's lost folder to her. Suddenly a car drove by her heading in the same direction. Amy caught a good look at the driver and thought to herself. "That man looks familiar." Then she gasped as she realized who it was. "That was Nephlite."
Amy had met him on one occasion under his alias of Maxfield Stanton at the Doll Exhibition when Mika Cassidy was under the control of Jumo and Serena had told her, Raye and Luna that Mr. Stanton was really an agent of the Negaverse by the name of Nephlite. "I wonder where he's going to?" Amy mused as she continued walking.

Little did she realize that he was on his way to the same place as her. Nephlite had traced Lorei to the school of animation and had found out through the intercession of the stars that she would be working alone at the school while nobody else was around except for her best friend Cassie and she would currently be out buying them some takeaway dinner. It was the perfect opportunity to confront her.

At the moment Lorei was hunched over working hard at her desk drawing a frame for Mr. Masterson's proposed new animated movie about the super-heroine Sailor V. But her mind was upset thinking about the folder of other work she had lost that day and her concentration was flawed. "Oh no. What have I done? I finally get her hair looking just right and then I make a grotesquely smudged job on her stupid uniform. I'll never pass at this rate. I wonder how far Cassie has come?"
She stood up and turned towards Cassie's desk. Picking up her friends' folder she took a little glance at it. "I don't believe it. She's way ahead of me. If I don't catch up tonight Mr. Masterson will flunk me for sure. Cassie'll get to see her name among the animation credits at the movies and I won't." She set the folder down where it had been lying and sat down at her desk again. "There's only one thing to be done." So saying she pulled open the bottom side drawer and took out a pencil box with a pink bow around it. "I hate to do this but this is an emergency."
Years ago when they were high school students Lorei and Cassie had shared a common dream about becoming animators one day. They had pooled their money to buy some very nice pencils for each other in boxes with slip on ribbons tied around them. They had made a pact with each other that they would only use their pencils for special projects to bring them good luck in animation school and that neither one would ever use them without the others' permission. Lorei remembered this well as she stared at the box. "Well I'm sure Cassie will understand. She wouldn't want me to fail." She slipped off the ribbon and opened the box revealing only one tiny stump of a pencil left. She sighed. "Still I've almost used up all my pencils since we first enrolled in animation school to boost my self confidence and I never told Cassie I was doing it. I feel so guilty about breaking my promise. Cassie will be very angry when she finds out. Oh well. I can't worry about that now. After this Sailor V movie's finished I'll have to face the music then." She took the stump and prepared to draw.

Suddenly she sensed somebody's presence and looking up she saw Nephlite standing next to her. "Oh you startled me."
Nephlite smiled. "I'm sorry. The door was open so I just let myself in. I've heard that you're one of the school's top animators. But don't tell me this is all you have to work with?" So saying he reached down and snatched up the pencil stump.
"No please. I need that pencil," Lorei began to plead but as Nephlite held her prized stump in his fingertips a sudden change came over her. She grew silent and her stare became vacant. He pulled her hand out toward him and he placed the stump inside it wrapping her fingers around it.
"Keep working hard with what you have." He said to her and as he turned to leave she sat down with a stern cold look in her eyes.

But outside Nephlite discovered Sailor Mercury standing on top of his car. As soon as Amy had recognized his vehicle as she was arriving she had transformed and jumped up onto it ready to confront him when he came out. "Nephlite. What are you doing here?" She demanded accusingly.
Nephlite narrowed his eyes and said "It's none of your blinking business." Then he took Sailor Mercury completely by surprise leaping through the air with a great bound and landing next to his car startling her so she lost balance and tumbled off. She only just managed to land with graceful dignity bracing herself upright on one knee. But Nephlite was climbing into his car.
Before he closed the door he said mockingly, "I don't know which one is more pathetic. You or that wimpy Sailor Moon."
As he drove off Sailor Mercury called out, "We'll find out what your latest plan is and fix it real good."

Getting to her feet she ran off into a corner alleyway where she had left the folder just as Lorei's friend Cassie arrived with the takeaway meals. She smiled as she approached Lorei's desk carrying a paper bag. "Hey Lorei. I bought you your favourite dinner."
But Lorei turned to her with a cold stare. "I'm not hungry."
Before Cassie could reply to her remark Sailor Mercury appeared in the doorway back in her everyday form of Amy. She was holding the folder in front of her and she called out, "Excuse me." Getting Cassie's attention she went on. "I found this dropped upon the street."
"Oh thank you." Cassie was delighted to hear this good news for her friend. "Look Lorei. She found the folder you lost on the way to class today. Isn't that wonderful?"
But Lorei didn't say anything, let alone thank you. She just stood up and silently walked through a door into a private room and shut it. Cassie tried to get her to acknowledge the folder Amy had returned but Lorei just ignored her and disappeared out of sight.
Cassie apologized to Amy. "I'm very sorry. Lorei usually isn't like this. She's been very worried about failing her class."
"I understand." Amy replied cheerfully.
Cassie looked at the door her friend had just closed upon them. "She's also been under a lot of pressure with the work for the new Sailor V movie."
"That's what she's working on?"
"We all are for our examination. I think the stress has driven her into wanting to be alone for the time being."
But Amy knew what was really the problem. She thought to herself grimly. "Nephlite did something to her. I must tell the others."
Cassie took the folder from Amy saying, "Anyway thank you very much for returning this. I'll put it with Lorei's other property. I hope she feels better tomorrow. Goodbye."
Yes. I hope so too. Goodbye." As Amy left she thought to herself, "If anything she'll be even worse tomorrow. We must get on the case to set her free."

The following day was a Saturday so when she got home Amy contacted Raye and Serena to arrange a meeting at the Cherry Hill Temple to talk at 9am. As usual Luna had the almost impossible task of getting Serena out of bed and they were three quarters of an hour late to Raye's annoyance. But Luna called the meeting to order and said, "Let's hear what Amy has to tell us girls."
After Amy's explanations Luna remarked, "We must go straight over and check things out. But Amy. You really shouldn't have challenged Nephlite by yourself. He could have done something really bad to you."
"Yes it was foolish I realize Luna."
Before anybody could say anything else Serena suddenly became agravated. "Wimpy! He called me wimpy? How dare he?"
Luna said, "Well there is a certain ring of truth to it."
But Serena wasn't listening. "The moron. I'll make him eat those words. I'll blast him all the way into the Milky Way as soon as I see his creepy long curly hair." She shook her fists and pouted while Raye rolled her eyes and scoffed.
"Mighty big talk from a girl who cries during pillow fights. You are wimpy Meat-ball Head."
"Hey." Serena rounded on her. "Don't get smart with me Raye."
Luna jumped in between Serena and Raye raising her voice. "No fighting you two! We have a serious job and you need to work together remember?"
They both looked down at Luna at their feet and acknowledged her words.
"Yes Luna."
Now that things were quieted down Amy spoke again. "By the way. I forgot to mention that they're doing work at the animation school for a brand new Sailor V movie."
As soon as Serena heard that she became hyper-excited. "Cool. Maybe she'll be there. I'll get her autograph."
"Whose autograph?" Luna asked.
"Sailor V's of course." Serena was prancing madly around while the others all groaned.
"Sailor V is a fictional super-heroine Serena." Raye closed her eyes to control her patience as she spoke. "You must learn to distinguish between reality and fantasy."
Serena was crestfallen and her face fell.
"Anyway," Amy interjected with a smile. "Perhaps some of the animators will be willing to sign their autographs for you Serena."
"After we take care of Nephlite's wicked plan." Luna spoke with authority.
Serena meekly agreed and in truth even Raye was pleased at the thought of getting to meet the animators. She quite loved Sailor V herself.

Meanwhile Nephlite and his soldiers had a visitor. Two of them actually. General Zoicite materialized before them all but she was sitting in a wheelchair. Her feet were heavily bandaged up with only her toes and the back of her heels sticking out. A tall forbidding-looking man with pale white hair gently pushed her towards where General Nephlite was sitting at a table enjoying a drink with his soldiers. They all smirked and raised their glasses in mock homage and they said a few various jeering taunts.
"Welcome General Twinkletoes."
"You have a licence for that vehicle?"
"Let's see you get up and dance the Hot Foot Step."
As they all began laughing Zoicite clenched her fists and ground her teeth, but the man behind her patted her shoulder. "Easy Zoicite. I'll thank you all not to rub it in. My dear Zoicite and I have been sent by Queen Beryl to find out how your new plan is progressing Nephlite."
Nephlite rose and said, "Of course General Malachite. Follow me."
Malachite was the fourth and final general of Queen Beryl's army and he and Zoicite were lovers, just like Jedite and Titus had been. The difference was that Titus had been only a common soldier who was in love with General Jedite, whereas Zoicite and Malachite were both generals themselves. Malachite rubbed his sweetheart under her chin and Zoicite fondled his hand in return affectionately before they followed behind Nephlite and the soldiers all took up the rear. Nephlite led them all into the room he used to consult the stars and explained. "Castor and Pollux are on a mission for me. I will use the power of the stars to highlight their alignment with the Gemini sector and you can note their progress with me."
The Gemini sign appeared in the air above them and all eyes were attached to it.

In the further meanwhile Luna and the girls had gone to visit the studios of the animation school that afternoon at 2pm. Amy had given them a phone call and asked if she could speak to Lorei or Cassie please. Cassie had taken the phone. Earlier that morning everybody had noticed a very big change come over Lorei. Lorei had placed a stack of folders on the top shelf and Cassie had asked her, "Wow Lorei. Have you done all those drawings already today?"
Lorei had answered her, "Yeah. But that's only half. Mr. Masterson has the rest." However she did not say this reply to her friend's question in her usual cheery friendly manner. She spoke in a stern cold voice and her eyes were cold hard set behind her glasses. Then she went to the room where she was working and before entering she said, "Now Cassie. I don't want anybody disturbing me. Including you. Understand?" And without even waiting for Cassie to say anything she shut herself out of sight.
While Cassie was worrying about her friends' strange behaviour the phone had then rang and one of the other animators had said, "It's somebody for you Cassie."
"Hello." Cassie spoke into the receiver.
"Hello Cassie. It's Amy. I returned Lorei's lost folder yesterday."
"Oh yeah. I remember. What can I do for you Amy."
"I was wondering if it would be okay for me to bring a couple of my friends to visit your school, meet the students and see some of the artwork for the Sailor V movie after lunch today?"
"Oh sure. That'll be all right. What time will you be here?"
"At two o'clock. See you then Cassie."
"Right Amy. I'll let everybody know you're coming."
And they hung up. But inside her private quarters Lorei was building up her energy level drawing with the stump of pencil that seemed to be mysteriously growing longer so she didn't run out of lead to draw with.

So Lorei was still isolated in that room when Amy and her friends arrived. Even though Luna had stressed the point that they were first of all there to investigate, Serena and Raye were a little carried away and they both forgot about the Negaverse in the excitement of meeting the animation students and asking them to draw Sailor V for them. As each person drew a picture and signed it for them they became more and more thrilled and became a bit rowdy with their exclamations. "Hooray. Sailor V. Totally cool."
Since there was nothing for it but to leave them be for the moment Luna sat on Amy's lap while she talked to Cassie. "Hey Cassie. Where's your friend Lorei?"
"Oh she's been working by herself all day in the side room." Cassie answered.
Amy casually asked her next question. "And has she gotten over her stress and worry from yesterday?"
Cassie hesitated before replying. "She does seem to be more confident. But still she's changed."
Amy raised her eyebrows. "Changed?"
"She's become rather grouchy, mean and competitive towards the other students."
Just then Lorei emerged from her quarters and walked up behind Serena and Raye while they were complementing another student on the picture she had just drawn for them. "SHUT UP!" She roared making them jump with fright. "This is a workplace and we don't need silly girls like you giggling and shrieking like a pair of monkeys. So you just keep quiet or get out of here."
Cassie got to her feet and rebuked her friend. "Lorei. That's very rude of you. These girls are Sailor V fans and they asked if they could come and meet all of us and see how we do our animation drawings."
"Well I can't concentrate on my work with all the noise they're making. They sound like squealing pigs."
Serena and Raye blushed bright red at this stinging remark and Cassie snapped. "What's come over you Lorei? You always used to be such a nice person."
While she was saying this the phone rang. One of the students answered it and said, "Pardon me Lorei. Mr. Masterson wants to talk to you."
Lorei snapped at Cassie while she took the phone. "Maybe you're just jealous."

Then putting the receiver to her ear she spoke, "Yes Mr. Masterson. Is anything wrong?"
Mr. Masterson was perusing Lorei's work and beamingly responded on the other end of the line, "Absolutely nothing is wrong Lorei. Your work is excellent. First-rate. It's precisely what I was looking for. When we make the sequel you will be my lead artist."
Lorei smiled and said, "There won't be any sequel."
Mr. Masterson thought she was being modest. "Of course there will be."
But Lorei became adamant. "No there won't. Sailor V will be defeated. The forces of evil will triumph."
"What nonsense are you talking?"
"Then we'll make a brand new movie about the glories of the dark powers ruling the world."
Mr. Masterson was getting cross. "Make movies where the bad guys win? Have you gone out of your mind. Lorei if you don't play things my way I'll fire you. I'm the boss remember?"
He started to say more but Lorei cut him off. "You're not the boss. The forces of evil will make you bow down to them like everyone else. You pathetic man."
Before he could retort she hung up on him. All eyes were on Lorei. Some were covering their mouths with their hands while others were just letting them hang down as if they could hit the floor with their bottom jaws.
Cassie was very upset. "Lorei. Mr. Masterson will kick you out unless you come to your senses and apologize to him."
"But Cassie. Evil is bound to triumph. I just want to be on the winning side."
"Lorei. You're throwing away all our dreams we shared since we were in high school together. We wanted to get into animation together. I mean it. You will get kicked out. Do you want that to happen? Because Mr. Masterson will do that to you if you don't stop this."
For one brief moment something flashed in Lorei's eyes. She seemed to realize the truth of what her friend was saying. But then as quickly as it had disappeared the cold evil look in Lorei's eyes came back. "Of course you're right Cassie. So I quit."
Cassie gasped as Lorei continued, "I'll form my own studios and work in peace all by myself. Goodbye all you losers."

With that she exited the building while Cassie called out despairingly after her. Everybody rose out of their seats but Cassie restrained them. "No. Let me go and talk to her alone." So saying she chased out after her.
Raye whispered to Serena. "Luna and Amy were right. This is the work of the Negaverse."
Serena nodded her agreement. Then she spoke up. "I guess maybe we should go now girls. This is such an awkward situation. But thank you for letting us come meet all of you and for all the pictures you drew and signed for us."
With that they gathered up their autographed drawings in a carry bag and the animation students wished them all a hearty farewell and said they would love them to come again sometime when hopefully things would be calmer.
Luna and the girls left to try to follow Lorei and Cassie.

Outside Lorei heard Cassie calling her name. She turned and glared as Cassie exited the school. "Lorei. Wait. Please talk to me."
As Serena and her friends emerged they were just in time to see Cassie trying to appeal to her friend on the sidewalk across the street. "Lorei. What's the matter?"
"Nothing. I just can't stand you anymore."
"Why. What have I done?"
Cassie was close to tears now But Lorei raised her pencil and screamed. "I'm sick and tired of your work always being compared to mine. I've always been second best to you with Mr. Masterson. That's why I hate you Cassie."
Cassie gasped. "That's one of the special pencils." But before she could say anymore a blast of lightning erupted from the tip and struck her in the chest and she keeled over unconscious. Then before the startled eyes of Serena, Raye, Amy and Luna, Lorei appeared to levitate upwards to lans on the top of a nearby tall building. Amy quickly ran across to check on Cassie.
"She's okay. Just out cold."
Assured that Cassie was going to be fine Luna said, "I think you three had better transform and get up on that roof." She indicated with her paw the outside fire escape conveniently nearby.
They all nodded and transformed.
"Mercury Power."
"Mars Power."
"Moon Prism Power."
They all raced up the stairs as fast as they could manage with Luna behind them.

When they reached the roof they saw that Lorei had collapsed out cold herself and the Gemini Twins had emerged from the pencil. "Her energy belongs to the Negaforce."
"Hail our great Queen Beryl."
They heard Castor and Pollux say these things and they stepped forward and declared their challenge.
"We are the Sailor Scouts. Sworn enemies of the Negaverse."
"We will triumph and uphold justice."
"You two creeps won't get away withpolluting Lorei's wonderful talent."
Back at Nephlite's headquarters Zoicite and Malachite both consented that the three Scouts had fallen for Nephlite's trap.
"But what happens now?" Zoicite asked.
Nephlite and his soldiers all had big smirks on their faces. Nephlite himself answered with a chuckle. "They're about to get a taste of their own medicine. I have specially trained Castor and Pollux for this fight. They'll kill those meddling Scouts with the sting of their own weapons."
"It does sound like fun," admitted Malachite.

Back to the rooftop Castor and Pollux taunted their adversaries. "Your routine is getting to be old hat girls."
"Yeah. It's just too predictable."
"So what do you have?" Sailor Moon retorted sneeringly.
"Let us show you," said Pollux. And their two tails began to glow brightly where they were connected.
With a unified shout of "Gemini Power!" the twins prepared to attack. This was the last thing the Scouts could have possibly been expecting.
Standing back to back Castor shouted "Mars Fire Ignite." The girls all dodged screaming as a burst of fire ten times hotter than even Sailor Mars herself could produce whooshed past them. They could feel the intense heat raise sweat on their bodies as it barely missed.
Then spinning around so that Pollux was now in front she shouted "Mercury Bubbles Blast." They dodged desperately again as the intense cold shot out. They could sense that if it had hit them they would be frozen solid encased in deadly ice.
They were confused and to be honest very scared.
Castor said, "I'll burn them to ashes."
But Pollux stopped her. "Wait. You're not getting all the glory in the sight of our Commander."
They began to argue. "But I should kill them with my fire."
"No. I ought to do them in with my freezing bubbles."
"But my fire is the best attack."
"What? My bubbles is far better than your fire. It's cool. Haha! I made a pun."
"Don't be funny with me. Why are you such a pain in the neck?"
"You're just being stubborn."
And they were so angry that they undid the special knot in their tails and let them snap to the ground.

Luna said, "Quick. Attack together while they're fighting."
They needed no second bidding.
Castor and Pollux gave a start in absolute terror as they realized the Scouts were combining their powers to destroy them. As they tiara coated with fire and bubbles spun towards them they screamed together. "What have we done?"
Of course they had boasted so surely about their success before that they had left their emergency escape devices back at Headquarters.
They desperately tried to re-attach their tails.
"Quick. How does the special knot go?" Castor yelled.
"Oh what fools we were to bicker and fight instead of work together." Pollux moaned as they were hit while fumbling with their tails.
As they faded away Sailor Moon and the others cheered. All the energy would go straight back to Lorei and she wouldn't need hospital treatment to recover.

Nephlite and his other soldiers watched in horror as the Gemini sign suddenly broke to small pieces of dust before their eyes. Nephlite spluttered. "What? It's just not possible."
Zoicite sitting in her wheelchair began to laugh. "Well this time it must be your turn to face torture Nephlite. Hahaha."
Malachite smirked. "I advise you to come quietly with us and get it over with."
As he faced the inevitable Nephlite muttered. "I can't believe this. There was no way the Twins could have been killed. They were invincible."
Although nobody was aware of it Castor and Pollux were still alive. Sort of. When they had tried so hard to connect their tails again they had just mustered enough of their power to survive. But they were reduced to a living ghost form. They no longer had their bodies but they were to all purposes in their own limbo dimension invisible to all other eyes. They returned to headquarters and followed their Commander to Queen Beryl's throne. But there was nothing they could do to alert even their queen herself to their presence. They were helpless.

As for their Commander, Queen Beryl finally lost all patience with him. "Nephlite. You have failed me very badly this time. No new energy and two valued soldiers killed. I'm handing you over to the Doom and Gloom Girls. They can give you a stretching on the rack."
Nephlite bowed his head and controlled his emotions accepting the torture due him. Queen Beryl instructed her torturers to stretch him out but not to the point where he had very serious injury resulting. "I still want him to Command my forces for the time being. He must be able to keep up his work afterwards."
The Doom and Gloom Girls understood and while Nephlite screamed in his pain and discomfort on the terrible rack Zoicite, Malachite and Beryl all enjoyed listening to the sound. Nephlite's four remaining soldiers quietly sympathized with him however. But they did not dare say anything. Beryl would have tormented them too.

The Sailor Scouts had helped to carefully carry Lorei's limp form down from the roof of the building using the inside elevator. Then they gathered up Cassie and took them back to the animation school. They both began to regain consciousness just as they picked up Cassie so they were able to walk while the Scouts supported them. "It's going to be all right now." Sailor Mercury assured them. They were both slowly getting their strength back and they walked with shaky legs through the door as the Scouts assisted them.
"Hey. The three Sailor Scouts have arrived with Cassie and Lorei," somebody exclaimed in awe. All eyes turned towards them, including Mr. Masterson who had come out of his office to give Lorei a stern talking to.
Sailor Mars gave directions to make way. "Let us through. Both these young women have been attacked by evil influence. Especially Lorei. That's why she was so rude and mean towards all of you. Let us sit them on chairs together."
Mr. Masterson was shocked to realize that the evil forces abound in the city had been targeting his animation school. But he concurred with what Sailor Mars said. "Quickly. Grab two chairs for Cassie and Lorei and make them comfortable."
Two students responded to what he said and pushed the chairs over. The Scouts carefully seated them and Mr. Masterson made sure they had glasses of water to sip at.
"I'm so sorry Mr. Masterson." Lorei apologized but he smiled.
"There's no need to be sorry Lorei. I understand it wasn't really you saying those things to me. And Cassie and the rest will also understand. We must all say thank you to our real life super-heroines here for restoring you back to normal."
Everybody cheered and clapped their hands. "Yay for the Sailor Scouts."

But just then Cassie raised her voice. "I'm deeply indebted to Sailor Moon and her two friends as well. But Lorei. I have one question for you. About our special pencils? Can you show me your case please?"
Lorei gulped. "I-I can't. They're all g-g-gone."
Cassie pulled out her case and opened it. "Yeah. I've just about used up all of mine too."
Before Lorei's surprised eyes she saw two small stumps were all that remained inside Cassie's case.
"I was just too embarrassed to tell you and I felt guilty for breaking our promise. I thought you would be so angry you'd no longer be my friend."
"But why'd you use them?" Lorei asked in astonishment.
Cassie blushed. "Because I used to think your drawings were so much better than mine and I became worried that I might fail to meet the grade. Then we wouldn't see both our names in the credits at an animated movie like we wanted so badly. I thought I'd better use my pencils to draw for good luck just this one time. Then another time. And another. Then before I knew it I had used most of them up. I feared what you might say when you eventually found out."
"Oh Cass. Those are the exact same reasons why I used mine without telling you." There were tears in Lorei's eyes as she said this.

Everybody including the Sailor Scouts were deeply mesmerized by this exchange. Cassie had so much guts to tell Lorei this in front of so many other people and Lorei had followed her friends' lead in opening up too.
There were big smiles as Cassie went on to say, "Lorei it was so silly of us to feel that way. I realize now there was also a trace of jealousy involved. Deep down I wanted to prove I was better than you. I'm so very sorry for doing that."
"Cassie I know the feeling. I was exactly the same."
"Then let's put it all behind us Lorei. Competition should be friendly. It's not worth sowing seeds that may jeopardize our friendship is it?" She held out her hand. "Friends forever Lorei?"
Lorei took Cassie's hand as she wiped her eyes with a handkerchief. "Friends forever Cassie." She smiled.
"But promise me that from now on we will talk to each other whenever we have a problem," Cassie added.
"I will and this is a promise that I will definitely keep," said Lorei as they shook hands.
Mr. Masterson grinned from ear to ear as he declared, "This is a very happy day for all of us. And we owe it to Sailors Moon, Mercury and Mars. I think one day we should make an animated movie about them in their honour."
More cheers and applause rose from the students and Luna felt very proud at the thought of a movie dedicated to her protegees.
But Sailor Moon was secretly a little big-headed about the idea. "Me? An animated movie star?" She thought to herself. "It will be my movie of course. Well Mercury and Mars should maybe have a little cameo and perhaps do a little bit of heroic action. But I'm sure they'll focus mostly on me for the first one. After all I was the first Scout to appear."
If later in private she dared to voice her thoughts out loud to the others poor Luna and Sailor Mercury would have another exasperating row to endure.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
Reaction score
Episode 18 Worth A Princess's Ransom

Sometimes it was possible that even Serena managed to be on time for school. Granted it was extremely rare but once in a very very long while she was not late. Of course even on those unique instances she was still running as fast as she could and arrived huffing and puffing with very little time to go before the bell rang.

Such was this particular morning when she raced into the classroom, threw her bag on her desk, collapsed into her chair, lay her face down into her bag and gasped, "I'm so tired out."
Just then Melvin came up to her and said, "Hey there. Want to hear the latest news Serena? Princess Diamond's arriving in town tomorrow and she's throwing a huge exclusive party to show off all her family's valuable jewels."
"Who's Princess Diamond?" Serena was very intrigued by Melvin's news in this case. She loved anything to do with jewellery.
"She's the heiress to the world's largest jewel collection. The prize item of it all is her imperial crystal." Melvin shrugged his shoulders. "I think it's exciting myself. In truth the event is open to the general public but unless you received one of the exclusive invitations it costs you five hundred dollars admission. Way out of my budget."
"Oooohh! I wish I could go and meet her." Serena sighed just as the bell rang to begin class.

All this time Molly had been sitting quietly in her seat nearby. She knew all about Princess Diamond's party the next day and she was going. But she wasn't looking forward to it. All the jewellery store owners in town had been among those exclusively invited along with their immediate families. She sighed to herself while she listened to Melvin and Serena. "I wish I didn't have to go. I bet it will be so boring. My mother is adamantly insistent that I attend. But I wish there was some way I could get out of it."

"Hey Molly. What's the matter?" Molly jerked her head up at Serena's concerned enquiry.
"Huh? Oh it's nothing Serena. I'm just thinking to myself about private matters that's all."
Serena just said, "Uh. Okay then."
There was no time for her to say anymore in any case as Miss Haruna was taking her place to begin their first lesson and Melvin had already made his way to his desk as soon as the bell had sounded.
But the dread of the party wasn't the only thing Molly had been dwelling upon. She had a strange feeling that she had had a secret rendezvous with the handsome millionaire Maxfield Stanton recently. She remembered the mysterious letters that everybody now said had proved to be a sick joke. Still she was sure she had really had a meeting with Mr. Stanton that night. But try as she might she just couldn't remember anything that may or may not have happened. "I guess I must have only been dreaming. Otherwise I'd remember the event clear as crystal." She thought to herself as she consciously put all her worries aside to concentrate on Miss Haruna.

Queen Beryl was very interested in the upcoming visit of Princess Diamond also. She summoned her Commander Nephlite to her throne and he appeared with his four remaining loyal soldiers. Tensie, Jumo, Black Widow and Petasos all humbly bowed before their queen and Nephlite himself only barely managed to bow. He was feeling somewhat stiff and sore after the Doom and Gloom Girls had placed him upon the rack under Queen Beryl's orders when his last mission had failed. But they had refrained from stretching him to an extremely serious point so in spite of his pain he was able to stand before his queen. "You called your majesty?" He spoke composedly.
"Yes Nephlite. I want you to infiltrate Princess Diamond's party tomorrow night and steal her imperial crystal. It could be the lost Silver Imperium Crystal we've been searching for all these years. If we recover it we will have all the power we need to release the Negaforce and ensure our ultimate victory. The universe will be overwhelmed by the Negaverse."
"Send me Queen Beryl. Give me a chance to serve you." It was Zoicite's voice calling out. She was sitting nearby in her wheelchair with her lover Malachite tending her as usual. But Queen Beryl merely smiled.
"Ah Zoicite. I think you are a little too over-anxious. Such zeal is commendable but you couldn't possibly carry out this mission while you are still unable to stand on your pretty little feet."
Zoicite looked down at her bandaged feet which were still in the process of healing and moaned.
Ignoring her Queen Beryl addressed Nephlite once more. "Let me warn you Nephlite that your punishment was rather tame. If you fail me in this vital assignment the penalty will be so severely agonizing that you'll wish I would place you in eternal sleep like Titus and Jedite instead. Do I make myself clear?"
"Yes and I'll get that crystal with the help of my four faithful soldiers Queen Beryl. I swear I will succeed."
With that they all disappeared leaving Malachite comforting his sweetheart while Queen Beryl grinned malevolently contemplating how easy things would be for her once she had possession of the Silver Imperium Crystal at last.

Later Malachite tended to Zoicite's feet in their personal quarters. Zoicite sobbed while Malachite undid the bandages. It wasn't pain so much that made her sob. "Oh Malachite. When will I ever get my chance?"
"You'll get your chance soon enough my dear Zoicite. Be patient. Impatience and weakness often go together."
She stared into his face and asked, "But suppose Nephlite succeeds?"
Malachite rubbed fresh ointment into her feet as he answered. "I doubt he will. But you must not question Queen Beryl's orders. She may have more pain inflicted upon you."
This made Zoicite cringe and shudder. The burning of her feet had hurt horribly. She didn't want to suffer anything else. Malachite fondled her hair affectionately.
"Things will be all right my sweetheart. As long as you're careful. Your feet will be healed in another week or so. I love you."
Zoicite rubbed his cheek and smiled sweetly gazing into his eyes. "I love you too Malachite."
Then they hugged each other and kissed passionately.

In the meantime Luna had seen the newspaper headlines on the table where Serena's dad had left the paper after breakfast. She too was wondering about this Princess Diamond.
The next day she called a meeting of the Sailor Scouts at the Cherry Hill Temple after school. "I've called you all together because I think Princess Diamond may be the long lost Moon Princess I've told you about."
"You really think she could be the one we seek Luna?" Amy asked.
"It is possible Amy. She has a family heirloom called the imperial crystal. The Moon Princess was the possessor of the Silver Imperium Crystal while she ruled over her kingdom on the moon. We definitely must check out her party and meet her face to face."
"Fat chance Luna." Serena said. "None of us have invitations and we can't afford the admission fee. The police and security will never let us in. We'll just have to try writing her a letter or using the telephone."
"Are you dense Serena?" Raye was indignant. "Are we or are we not the Sailor Scouts? We'll find a way to get in."
Serena burst into tears. "Why are you always yelling meanly at me Raye?"
"I WASN'T YELLING!" Raye was yelling now though in exasperation.
While Serena continued to sob and blubber Amy nervously suggested an idea. "Let's go to the embassy tonight and see if there's a way we can sneak in. Until then I'll do some research on the internet and see what background information I can find about Princess Diamond and her jewel collection. Is that a good idea?"
Everybody nodded in agreement and Serena stifled her crying.

Later when she and Luna arrived home they discovered her dad all dressed up in elegant clothing and combing his hair. "Hey Dad. What's going on?"
Her dad was smiling as he finished his hair and made sure his tie was on straight. "I'm going to Princess Diamond's embassy party. I received an invitation at work."
Serena gasped. "Princess Diamond's party? I want to go too Dad. I really really mean it. Please take me with you."
Dad looked sympathetic and he put a consoling hand on her shoulder. "I'd really love to take you sweetie but I can't. I'm very sorry but I just don't have five hundred bucks to spare in my current budget."
As he departed he said, "I'll tell you all about it tomorrow."
Serena was incensed. "It's just not fair. Wait I have an idea."
As she pulled out the disguise pen Luna moaned. "Not again."
Serena cried "Disguise Power. Turn me into the foxiest femme around." She appeared dressed in a beautiful elegant dress and a pretty pink parasol. "How do I look Luna?"
"Show me the back," Luna directed and Serena turned around for her perusal. "It is a very nice dress Serena. But you do know that pen is only for Sailor business."
"Of course this is Sailor business Luna." Serena closed her parasol and grinned. "I'll be working undercover checking out the princess and the crystal. Of course while I'm at it I'll sample a little bit of the food and maybe check out the cool guys on the dancefloor."
Luna bowed her head with a groan. She thought to herself, "Great. Such perfect undivided loyalty and attention to duty."

Elsewhere in his apartment Darien had settled down to sleep way early that evening. But he was beset by troubling and perplexing dreams. He saw himself dressed as Tuxedo Mask standing in front of a very tall castle and a strange girl called out to him from a small window in the castle wall. "Tuxedo Mask. Please recover the Silver Imperium Crystal. Then you and I can finally be together again."
He called back up at her. "I will. I promise I will dear Princess."
Suddenly Darien woke up with a start. "It's that very same dream I keep having." He put his head in his hands. "What can it possibly mean?"

So Serena went to the embassy where she noticed Amy and Raye standing nearby surveying the scene looking for a possible way to enter unannounced. She strode up to them and said, "Good evening girls."
Her friends were amazed. "Serena?" They spoke together.
"Please call me the Countess Popover. This is my disguise. Do you like it?"
"It is very nice," agreed Amy.
Serena grinned. "I'll infiltrate the party in this disguise and do some undercover work. Well here I go."
Raye grabbed her arm. "Wait a minute Serena. You may be disguised but you still don't have a ticket, do you? They'll never let you in without one."
"Oh no. I never thought of that."
"Well don't worry," said Raye gently. And taking out one of her charms she quickly did some magic to change it into a ticket. It even clearly had the Countess Popover's name on it. Serena thanked Raye with immense relief as she passed it into her hand.
"No worries. Amy and I will join you when we can." Raye and Amy smiled as Serena went to the admission table with her ticket.
The man in charge was amazed as he took the invitation and stared at it. "Countess Popover? I've never heard of you before."
"I have travelled a long way to attend this event my good man." Serena replied with a dramatic air. "You can check my name out in your VIP book."
The man rifled through the alphabetical listings. He carefully checked the P pages and said, "I can't find your name Countess. But this looks like an official invitation. Perhaps they overlooked including you in the VIP listings?"
"What? Fancy them doing that to me?" Serena was putting on a very good act.
The man was very embarrassed. "I deeply apologize Countess. You go on in and enjoy the party. I will look into this for you."
"You are a very charming man. Thank you." With that Serena smiled and went inside.

When she came to the big dance hall she found that just about everybody was wearing a mask. "This is so cool. Just like a romantic movie," she thought.
Suddenly she had a fright as somebody who didn't have a mask accosted her. It was her father. "Excuse me."
"Yikes!" She jumped in terror but her dad really hadn't recognized her. He jumped himself and apologized.
"Oh I'm very sorry. I did not mean to startle you miss. I only wanted to ask," he held up his camera as he continued to speak. "Could I please take a picture of you for my daughter? You look so much like a princess and Serena loves princesses. She's always pretending she is one when she plays dress up."
"Oh. S-sure my good man." Serena smiled in relief. "You can take my picture."
After the photo was taken he thanked her and went on his way. Serena was just thinking how good it was that this disguise power worked so perfectly when a woman accidentally bumped her while handing a drink to another woman. The punch splashed upon Serena's dress. "Oh no."
Before the shocked women could even apologize she ran off looking for a bathroom where she could try to wash out as much of the stain as possible.
Tuxedo Mask had infiltrated the embassy and was hiding in a covert corner wondering how he could get past the security guards in front of a pair of huge double doors. "They could be guarding the Crystal I need to recover," he thought to himself. Then he gasped as he caught a glimpse of Serena heading up a flight of stairs muttering to herself.
"Oh which way could a bathroom be?"
"That girl. She looks just like the princess I've promised to find the Crystal. Could it really be her?"

Serena did eventually find a place where she could rinse the stained part of her dress. She squeezed out the water and dried it as much as she could. It was still stained but at least it didn't look too bad now. She went back downstairs and re-entered the dance hall and to her surprise Tuxedo Mask greeted her with a tip of his hat. "Would you like to dance with me?" His voice was so charming as he bowed to her. Serena was so thrilled she didn't say anything as she threw herself into his arms. She didn't know what he was doing here or whether he knew who she really was. Nor did she even care. This was a heavenly moment for her and she was walking on air as she danced with handsome Tuxedo Mask around the dance floor with everybody else.

But while they were dancing something bad was beginning to happen. Earlier just before Serena had arrived her friend Molly had been standing by the wall feeling bored out of her brain when a man had approached her and lifted his mask briefly asking her for a dance. It was Nephlite. He had known Molly would be here through the revelation of the stars. Molly gasped as she looked into his face.
"You remember me don't you?" Nephlite grinned.
"Yes I do," Molly gave an adoring sigh. "You're Maxfield Stanton."
"You do dance don't you?"
Molly stumbled in her reply. "A- a little bit. I'm not that good though."
Nephlite chided her. "Come on. Someone as lovely and graceful as you surely dances superbly."
With that he swept Molly around the floor. "I knew it. You were only being modest. You are graceful on your feet."
Molly was in a world of her own gazing up at Nephlite's masked face. "He's so handsome and dreamy." She thought to herself. She had been in a heavenly moment of her own back then while Serena was being photographed by her dad and next minute went running off upset at getting her dress stained. Serena had not even had time to notice Molly and wonder who the masked man she was dancing with was.
By the time Serena had returned to the dance hall Nephlite had taken Molly out onto one of the nearby balcony areas. He picked one that was deserted so they could be alone. "I'm so delighted we ran into each other tonight Molly."
"Oh Maxfield." Molly couldn't believe the wonder of this situation. She had been dancing with Maxfield. It had suddenly made it all worthwhile being forced to attend this party. She hugged him. "This is the best night in my entire life."
Nephlite began to chuckle darkly as he prepared to place his hands on her shoulders. As he did so he transferred all four of his remaining soldiers at once into Molly's body.
"Tensie, Petasos, Black Widow and Jumo. Take control of this girl's body and use her to get close to that Princess Diamond."
All four of their voices replied simultaneously through Molly's vocal chords. "Yes Commander."

So at the very same moment while Serena was dancing with Tuxedo Mask and wondering to herself, "Why do I have the strange feeling that we've danced together before? It all seems so familiar. So wonderfully familiar," Molly was approaching the two security guards by the doors Tuxedo Mask had been surveying earlier. Under control of the Negaverse soldiers she addressed the guards.
"I'm here to see the princess."
"Are you the girl from the hair and beauty salon agency her Highness told us about?" One of the guards asked.
"Yes I am. She wants urgent treatment."
"Wait. Show us your business card." Just as the men started to question her Molly's eyes glowed eerily and a hypnotic effect came over them. They grinned.
"Good. She'll be so very pleased you've arrived." The guards opened the door and admitted her inside.
"Your Highness. Here is,"
Before they could introduce her properly the possessed Molly barged rather abruptly inside. "Diamond darling. Are you ready for your make-over?"
Princess Diamond had been sitting in front of her mirror worrying about her appearance. She always liked to look her very best when speaking to people. She didn't want to have to present the imperial crystal without her hair and face made up professionally. She smiled delightfully. "You're here at last! Thank goodness! You can leave us now."
But as soon as the guards had shut the door another girl suddenly appeared. "Er. Pardon me. I've been sent from the hair and beauty salon agency to give her Highness the princess a good make-over before she presents the imperial crystal at the party."
The two men gawked in surprise. "But the girl from the agency has just arrived."
The other girl's eyebrows raised a moment then she held up a bag and reached into her pocket. "Here. I have my bag full of my cosmetics, hair dyes and other accessories and this is my identity business card here in my pocket."
"Let's see that card of yours." They took her card and stared at it in wonder. It did seem to be genuine. There was even a photo of the girl's face clearly on it.
"We'd better get to the bottom of this," one of them said as they looked at each other with concern.
Suddenly they heard Princess Diamond scream in terror and they hurriedly opened the door. They were met with the sight of Molly lying unconscious on the carpet. The Negaverse soldiers, now having transferred their possession over to Princess Diamond whispered quietly in her ear. "Go and grab the crystal."
As the guards were trying to ask her Highness what had just happened she walked over to a chest on a stand and picked it up. Then she ran with it past her guards and the horrified girl from the salon agency. "Get out of my way. Ahahahahaha."
"The princess seems to have gone mad."
"We'd better alert her father and sound the alarm."

As the alarm bell rang through the building astounding everybody including Serena and Tuxedo Mask Luna appeared by her feet. As she jumped up into her arms she whispered, "Hurry Serena. I think the Negaverse may have also found out about the crystal."
As Serena ran off with Luna Tuxedo Mask followed them discreetly at a distance.

The possessed Princess Diamond appeared at a balcony at the very top of the embassy building. Down below in the grounds stood Nephlite with his hands raised above his head calling out to his soldiers inside the princess' body. "My friends. Throw me the crystal."
"Yes Commander." Princess Diamond prepared to throw the chest when Serena appeared next to her reaching for it.
"Wait a minute," she cried out with concern. "You must not give that to him."
The princess twisted in rage throwing Serena over the balcony. Luna cried out in absolute shock but Tuxedo Mask quickly lunged over the edge grabbing Serena's wrist. She hung there suspended as Tuxedo Mask's upper torso lay across the balcony steadying himself with his other hand. The soldiers saw this as the perfect opportunity to do away with the mysterious masked man who had been interfering with the Negaverse's battles against the Sailor Scouts and began to direct Princess Diamond to bend over, seize his leg and lift him over. But Luna sprang at her face knocking her and the chest backwards onto the floor.

Observing from below Nephlite growled furiously. "That wretched Tuxedo Mask. I shall destroy him myself."
Nephlite raised his hands palms facing out to blast Tuxedo Mask and Serena with Nega-power but Raye and Amy had been alerted to the commotion while they were standing outside and had quickly transformed. "Mars Fire Ignite."
Nephlite desperately jumped aside to avoid the scorching flames and faced Sailor Mars with Sailor Mercury next to her.
Sailor Mars pointed her finger challengingly. "Let's see how brave you are Nephlite when you haven't got all of your creepy friends around."
Nephlite sneered at her remark. "My creepy friends as you call them are not so far away as you assume they are. Soldiers. Never mind about Tuxedo Mask for now. Get down here and help me."

In response to the cry of their Commander the four soldiers combined their strength to make the princess rise to her feet and spinning around she rose like a helicopter. As she gently floated down spinning to the ground below Tuxedo Mask pulled Serena up to safety with all his might. "Excuse me. I must go and help those two girls below." He said to her before running away.
Luna told her there was no time to waste. "Transform and help the others."
"Yes Luna. Moon Prism Power." She became Sailor Moon and attempted to leap gracefully from the balcony. She magically glided down well after the princess who landed in front of Nephlite and handed him the chest. Unfortunately she clutzed out her own landing and bumped into Sailor Mars knocking her over as she was preparing to attack. Sailor Mercury reacted instinctively.
"Mercury Bubbles Blast." Her freezing cold bubbles took Nephlite and the princess by surprise making them drop the chest onto the ground where its lid jerked open revealing its contents. Looking down Nephlite shivered with shock as well as the cold at what he saw. Inside was a glittering diamond statue of an angel's figure. "Th-th-that's not the S-silver Imperium C-c-c-cryst-t-t-tal." His four soldiers inside the princess also reacted with horror.
Meanwhile as Sailor Mars was grouching about Sailor Moon's clumsiness and Sailor Moon was defensively trying to say that it wasn't really her fault Sailor Mercury called them to attention. "We're going to be attacked in a moment you two. Be alert."
Nephlite was beginning to panic. "Queen Beryl will be so unreasonable about this turn of events. We must destroy the Sailor Scouts. It's our only chance to try to pacify her. Come out of your host and attack my soldiers. Else we'll all be tortured by the Doom and Gloom Girls."

Tensie, Petasos, Black Widow and Jumo all exited Princess Diamond who slumped to the ground. Sailor Moon cringed at the sight of all four of them, but Mercury and Mars poised themselves to attack. Black Widow and Petasos moved to the charge first with their sticky web and vine attacks respectively. Tuxedo Mask appeared and began throwing roses one after the other towards them. Black Widow had just begun to shoot some webbing out of her mouth when the first rose struck the strand breaking it off to her surprise. The next rose flew past Petasos' face distracting her before she could throw her vines.
The Scouts took advantage of this. "Mars Fire Ignite" Sailor Mars shot her fire power at Black Widow and Petasos. They shouted in pain as the flames burned them and they quickly fell back.
Tensie responded by shooting at Tuxedo Mask. Tensie had produced a tennis racquet and served an explosive ball but Tuxedo Mask twirled his cane turning it into a racquet itself. He hit the ball and sent it flying back to hit Tensie. It exploded on impact disintegrating Tensie before she could make a move towards the band on her wrist. The remaining three soldiers were greatly shocked but Nephlite screamed as loud as he could.
"Attack. Now before they can make another move."
However Mercury was already about to attack. "Mercury Bubbles Blast." She sent a bitingly cold mist spray that momentarily incapacitated the soldiers as they shivered and hugged themselves.
Luna also appeared then and cried out. "Sailor Moon. Hurry and use your tiara."
She responded but Tuxedo Mask's sharp eyes had seen the three Nega soldiers raising their wrists like they were looking at the time on watches and as they moved their opposite hands towards the devices Nephlite had issued them with he whipped out three more roses and sent them flying. Each rose caught and yanked away one soldiers wristband device before it could be touched. There would be no force shields or sudden transportations.
"MOON TIARA MAGIC!" Sailor Moon sent her tiara flying choosing Black Widow for her target. The giant spider made a desperate effort at counter-attacking but as before the tiara cut her webbing clean through the middle and it inevitably struck her reducing her body to a mere whisp of smoke.
There was obvious hysteria in Nephlite's voice as he screamed. "Jumo. Petasos. Attack!"
Sailor Mars and Sailor Mercury whispered to the others. "Leave them to us."
"We have an idea." Mercury winked.
The two of them ran out in the forefront Sailor Mars getting Jumo's attention while Sailor Mercury got Petasos'. Jumo prepared to send her razor sharp projectiles at Mars and Petasos was geared up to entrap Mercury in vines. But the two Scouts zig-zagged making Nephlite's soldiers turn around while he continually cried out "Get them. Get them."
Before even Nephlite was aware of what they were doing they jumped up in the air out of the way as Jumo and Petasos attacked soaring overhead towards Sailor Moon, Luna and Tuxedo Mask. Even before they landed the attacks meant for them were being fired by the soldiers towards each other. To Nephlite's horror Petasos was impaled through the chest and she collapsed dead on her back while Jumo was hopelessly entangled in vines. The three Scouts and Tuxedo Mask immediately finished her off. Sailor Mercury used her mini data computer to search for structural weaknesses in Jumo's body while she struggled. "I can detect a weak point in her left ankle."
"Let me take care of it." Tuxedo Mask twirled the racquet and this time it became a sledgehammer. With a mighty war cry he rushed at Jumo with the weapon raised. As he brought it down upon her left foot smashing it to smithereens Jumo gave a high-pitched scream and the rest of her body crumbled to dust leaving the empty vines.

Suddenly cheers and applause broke out from above them and they looked up to see Princess Diamond's father and all the other people standing above the upper balconies. Then Sailor Moon realized that Nephlite was gone. He had turned tail and ran off through the alley passages before the last of his warriors was killed. Coming out the other end of the passageway he jumped into his parked car and drove off thinking to himself. "No Imperium Crystal. And the rest of my team are all wiped out. There's no way in the universe I'm reporting back to Queen Beryl to face ghastly punishments. I'll consult the stars to find how to locate the real crystal. I'll find it by myself and defeat the Scouts on my own. Then I'll show Queen Beryl what I'm made of."

As Tuxedo Mask helped the Sailor Scouts pick up the unconscious Princess Diamond from the ground Luna remarked, "She'll be waking up in a moment. But since her imperial crystal is not the same as the Silver Imperium Crystal this means she's not the Moon Princess we're looking for."
Tuxedo Mask said "I must go now. I need to track down that Crystal for myself."
When he said that everybody gasped and Mercury grabbed his arm before he could run off. "Wait! Why do you want that Crystal?" She demanded to know.
Tuxedo Mask answered slowly. "Because that Crystal is the key to the entire universe." The Scouts all had their mouths hanging open gobsmacked while they supported Princess Diamond. What was Tuxedo Mask saying?
But he continued. "And until I find it I'll never know who I really am."
Sailor Mars said. "You're Tuxedo Mask. Our good friend."
"Yes I am your friend Sailor Scouts. But I don't honestly know what my true identity or background is. Please remember that."
Princess Diamond began to stir and groan.
"See that she is all right and return her to her father. Now let me say goodbye for now."
With that he leaped high over the big fence and out of sight as Sailor Moon sighed. "My mystery dreamboat."

So Princess Diamond was saved and when she recovered she and her father gave the Sailor Scouts their heartfelt thanks for their heroism before the entire assembly at the party and many people took photos of them posing with the princess. Including Serena's dad. "Wow. I'll almost feel guilty showing these to Serena when they're developed," he thought. "She'll be very disappointed to hear about all the excitement she missed out on."
Then finally Princess Diamond got to present the imperial crystal officially.
She held the glittering angel proudly as it dazzlingly reflected the overhead lights. "This statue has been in our family for over four centuries. It's worth millions. Perhaps billions. Encrusted with more than three thousand carat diamonds." Everybody oohed and ahhed. Especially Sailor Moon. She was almost hypnotized by the alluring jeweled figure.

And as for Molly she had woken up inside Princess Diamond's chamber where she had fallen and felt very embarrassed. "I must be picking up some of Serena's bad habits. Falling asleep anywhere."


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Feb 6, 2006
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Episode 19 Molly's Folly

Serena was very worried and upset. She called her friends Amy and Serena on her communicator and told them she and Luna desperately needed to discuss something with them. Raye said "Very well. You can all meet me at my home as soon as you can get here."
In no time at all the three girls and Luna were sitting together privately on the porch step of the part of the Cherry Hill Temple where Raye lived with her grandfather. Raye had requested that he give them some time by themselves so he went off to do some meditation for an hour.
"Now what's the matter Serena?" Raye asked.
"Well earlier today I was at the swimming pool having a splash and I noticed my dear friend Molly sitting on the edge with her feet hanging in the water. She seemed to be daydreaming so I went over to have a chat with her." So Serena began her explanation.
"I asked her what she was thinking about and she told me she had fallen in love. Then when I teased her saying she was having another schoolgirl crush she said this time it was an older man."
Raye and Amy raised their eyebrows. "So why did you want to tell this to us Serena?" Amy was bemused by this.
"Yeah. What's the big deal?" Raye added.
Luna interjected. "Just let Serena finish. You'll be as concerned as we are when you hear the full story."
"Thank you Luna." Serena waved her hands while she spoke emphasizing her anxiety. "I told her it had better not be Andrew the arcade manager because I lay claim to him. She told me it wasn't him. He was way more dreamy. I asked her who it was." Serena began to stammer as she continued. "Sh-she told me it w-w-was Maxfield Stanton."
Upon hearing this Raye and Amy both gave startled gasps of horror. This was terrible news indeed. Maxfield Stanton was the alias of their current Negaverse adversary General Nephlite. They had destroyed all his soldiers under his command but he was still at large. He had used Molly a couple of times in his schemes to aid Queen Beryl's plans to conquer the universe beginning with the Earth. The thought of Molly harboring feelings of affection for the likes of him was dreadful.
"Oh no!" Amy cried.
"What did you say to her?" Raye added.
"I was so shocked I screamed. Molly was taken aback. She said she realized how much older he was but true love knows no boundaries whatever. Then when I told her to stay away from him she became annoyed and walked away saying I was just jealous."
Raye said "We must tell Molly the truth about Maxfield Stanton and somehow make her believe before she falls prey to the Negaverse again."
Serena boldly declared, "Molly is practically my best friend. I should be the one to tell her."
Luna said, "All right Serena. You're responsible to tell her the danger she is heading towards. Tell her everything and let her know you're warning her because you care."
"I swear I will Luna." Serena put her hand solemnly on her heart.
Raye and Amy grimly wished her good luck.

Queen Beryl was furiously angry. "That wretched Nephlite. He failed me miserably costing me more members of my valued army. Furthermore he has the gall to refuse to return to take responsibility. I've been calling him for hours and hours but he ignores my summons."
Her eyes blazed like infernos and she shook her fist. "I vow that as soon as I see Nephlite again I will have him stretched further on the rack until his arms are pulled out of their sockets."
The Dream Dolly and Ramwoir cringed and trembled as they stood nearby observing their monarch's rage among the remaining members of her forces. Dream Dolly started to cry again remembering her good friends Jedite and Titus and above them all Zoicite floated in the air with her legs crossed. Her feet were much better now and she was wearing a pair of slippers. She gloated quietly. "Nephlite is sowing the seeds of his own destruction. How considerate of him. Hahahaha!"

Nephlite was determined to redeem himself. He knew that it would only be a matter of time before Queen Beryl sought to bring him back forcefully. He concentrated with all his might on the stars. "When the sun makes a right angle between Neptune and Mars the stars power will create a magic prism that will lead me to the Silver Imperium Crystal."
As he closed his eyes and placed his hands together focussing upon the movement of the stars and planets electrical energy emanated from his hands forming a crystal prism in his grasp. He looked upon it. "This will be the key to my recovery of the Imperium Crystal."
Just then he heard familiar laughter above him and looking up saw Zoicite floating nearby in the air still wearing her slippers.
"What do you want Zoicite?"
"You're all washed up Nephlite." Zoicite twirled her hair around her finger as she smiled. "You lost all your friends and I'd say in the next 24 hours Queen Beryl will send her Doom and Gloom Girls to track you down personally."
Nephlite growled and yelled defiantly. "Mind your own business."
"The fact is I was sent as an embassy to give you this message. Queen Beryl is getting very impatient and she swears that your days are numbered."
"Oh yeah? Well you can tell Queen Beryl that in the next 24 hours I shall have the Imperium Crystal in my hands."
Zoicite did a double take. "What? I'm going to find the Imperium Crystal."
Nephlite answered, "That's what you think Zoicite. The power of the Crystal belongs to the one who finds it. I shall be its master and make you eat every sarcastic word you've ever spoken to me."
Zoicite shook with rage. "Curse you Nephlite." Then she faded away.
Nephlite muttered to himself. "That Zoicite is so vindictive. Now let's see what my magic prism will reveal to me. How can I locate the Crystal?"
Gazing intensely into its center a picture of Molly suddenly appeared before his eyes. "Huh?" Nephlite was awestruck. "Does this mean that Molly is the key to its location?"

In the meantime Zoicite had reported back to Queen Beryl and told her what Nephlite had said. Beryl rubbed her chin while she pondered this message. "Hmm. He has determination. I'll say that for him. Even though I am very angry with his recent failures and insubordination I shall give him 24 hours from now to find the Crystal and redeem himself. But if the time limit runs out the Doom and Gloom Girls will hunt him down on my instructions."
Zoicite wisely held her tongue though inside she was quivering with fury.

Later in private she cried her heart out to Malachite while they held each other affectionately. "Oh Malachite. I hate that Nephlite so intensely."
"Don't let him upset you sweetheart."
"But if he succeeds in finding the Crystal," Zoicite began to moan but Malachite held her close and assured her.
"In the first place I doubt he'll succeed. But even if he does we'll steal it off him. Then after Beryl deals with him we'll present it claiming we found it ourselves."
This cheered Zoicite up and she ran her finger through his hair. "Oh thank you Malachite. You're my heart's joy."
Malachite playfully took hold of her big toe and twiddled it up and down. "Your feet are practically healed Zoicite. The marks have almost faded. By the time Nephlite's 24 hours grace are over you'll be wearing your shoes and walking again. I love you."
"I love you too Malachite."
They shared a moment of kissing then Malachite said, "In the meantime we must make sure that Nephlite is closely watched."
He pushed a button on the nearby wall and a ringing bell sound echoed through the corridors. Footsteps immediately came along the outer hallway and somebody knocked on the chamber door. Malachite called out "Enter," and a huge figure dressed in red and white robes opened the door. A deep masculine voice spoke behind a creepy-looking white mask. "You summoned me my master Malachite?"
Malachite answered, "Yes Yasha my faithful manservant. I command you to spy on our fellow general Nephlite. Keep a very close eye on what he's doing and if he finds the Silver Imperium Crystal, snatch it from him."
Yasha was one of Queen Beryl's soldiers. The distinctively male soldier in her entire army. He had not been on active duty for a long while though and he assisted General Malachite as his personal servant. He was devotedly loyal to him.
He bowed and said, "I hear and obey."
"Good. Do an excellent job and when my sweet Zoicite and I take over command we will use you as part of our military team."
This sounded very appealing to Yasha. He yearned for the excitement of a soldier's battle once more.
"Thank you Lord Malachite. I will not let you or Madam Zoicite down."

As for Serena at that moment she was standing outside the door of the apartment where Molly and her mother lived above their jewellery store. She was fighting a desperate battle with herself as her finger poised against the button to the doorbell. "I can't do this. I really can't do this." She thought to herself with icy chills going up and down her back. "I'll just have to say I was unable to go through with it."
But when she lowered her hand she thought of what Luna and the others would say to her. Especially Raye. Raye would nag her crazy about backing out of her sworn duty. And besides what sort of a friend would she be to Molly if she allowed her to place herself in danger?
"Be brave Serena. You can do this." With this thought in her mind she reached out and stabbed the doorbell with her finger and she heard Molly's voice call out.
"I'm coming."
The door opened and Molly poked her head out. Seeing Serena she smiled and stepped outside. "Hi Serena. What can I do for you?"
But Serena had another major panic attack and taking a deep breath she went all ballistic. She begun speaking as fast as she could taking poor Molly completely by surprise.
"Molly I have wrapped up every ounce of my courage to come here and tell you that Maxfield is really a very, very bad person. Believe me. He's a creep. Not even human. Your crush on him will only lead to disaster. He will hurt you terribly. Please understand that I'm giving you this warning for your very own good. I care about you and don't want to see you get caught up in his web of deceit."
Molly tried to answer. "Serena you..."
But Serena cut her off and ran away down the stairs calling out over her shoulder. "Now have a good day and think about what I've said Moll."
Molly was bewildered and confused.

Back in Serena's bedroom Luna spoke to her. "So you told Molly everything about him?"
"Yes. It was very hard but I did it Luna." Serena sounded very proud of herself but the next thing Luna asked revealed the truth of what she'd done.
"So how did she react to it? What response did she make?"
Serena said, "Er-aah."
Luna was exasperated. "Serena. Do you mean to tell me you just blurted it all out and then ran off before she even had a chance to reply? How could you do that to her?"
"But I'm sure she must have understood the gist of it all."
"Oh you're going right back again and do it properly and this time I'm going with you."

But meanwhile trouble was beginning to brew. Molly had been sitting at a small table leaning on her elbows brooding about what had happened when Serena had rung her doorbell. "Serena said he's a bad person. But that can't be true. He's so sweet and he has a charming smile."
Just then the telephone rang. "I'll get it Mum," she called as she was woken out of her intense thoughts.
"Okay Molly dear." Her mother's voice responded from her chair where she was watching television. Molly reached out and picked up the phone which was placed right next to her.
"Hello. Molly speaking."
Nephlite's alluring voice spoke through the receiver. "Hello Molly. This is Maxfield."
Molly's heart skipped a beat and she felt all a-flutter. "Y-yes Maxfield."
"I would like to see you tonight. Can you meet me on the bench in McKenna Park around the corner from your Mother's Jewellery Shop please? I'll be waiting. I'm calling there from my mobile right now."
"S-sure Maxfield. I'll be there immediately."
Molly rose from her chair and headed for the door not even changing her slippers into shoes. "I just need to go out for a little while Mum," she called as she raced out the door.
Her mother reacted with a start when she heard the door slam. She had been so deeply engrossed in her television program that she wasn't aware of what was happening until her daughter had called out and slammed the door. Her head turned toward the sound and she half rose from her chair. "What? In the early evening?"
Her eyes blinked rapidly and her lips trembled. "Molly. What's going on?" She asked herself with worry.

So at the same time as Serena was grumbling behind Luna about having had to quietly sneak out of her bedroom window and head off to Molly's again after dark and Luna was reminding her that this wouldn't be necessary if she hadn't been so silly earlier, Molly was meeting Nephlite at McKenna Park.
As they sat down on the bench together Yasha hid in the nearby shadows closely observing what transpired.
Nephlite spoke first. "I'm sorry for dragging you out tonight."
"No need to be sorry Maxfield. I'm so happy to be with you," replied Molly cheerfully.
Nephlite changed tack. "Actually I wanted to say goodbye."
"Huh?" Molly was taken aback but she sighed. "I know. You must be tired of this kid hanging over you."
"No it's not like that at all. I just want to protect you."
"W-what do you mean Maxfield?"
"I'm in danger Molly. Very very bad people are coming after me and I don't want you caught in the crossfire. You're a very special girl and I want what's best for you. So long."
As he stood up as if to leave Molly cried out "Wait! If you're in trouble please tell me what I can do to save you Maxfield! There must be something I can do!"
Turning to her again Nephlite played his trump card. "If only I had the Silver Crystal."
Molly stood up herself slowly. "The Silver Crystal?"
"It's what those people want. If I could just give it to give to them, they'd be satisfied."
Molly thought to herself again. She remembered her mother showing her a beautiful silver gem she had purchased two weeks ago. Her mother had told her how rare and valuable it was. "That has to be the Silver Crystal. He must have it." With this in her mind she spoke up boldly. "Stay right here Maxfield. I will be able to help you."
She turned and ran as fast as she could and Nephlite gloated in anticipation.

As Molly was halfway up the stairs to the apartment she shared with her mother she came to a dead stop. She could hear voices. Her mother and Serena were talking about her at the front door. "I don't know where Molly went or who she could be seeing Serena. The phone rang, she answered it and next thing I knew she was saying goodbye and slamming the door before I could say anything."
"Oh no. I just bet it was that dreadful Maxfield Stanton." Serena was very upset.
"Maxfield Stanton? The millionaire? Do you really think he could have lured her out Serena?"
"Yes. He is not the gentleman he appears to be. He is very dangerous for Molly."
"No Serena. You're wrong," Molly thought to herself holding back tears as she carefully made her way back down and ducked into hiding behind two large potted fern plants at the bottom. She crouched down in the corner of the staircase concealed out of sight by the huge fronds of shrubbery. She had heard her mother and Serena continue their exchange.
"Oh this is terrible. I must go out and look for my daughter."
"And I'll try to find help Mrs. Baker. While you search I'll alert the police or whoever I can."
"Oh thank you Serena. Thank you."
Molly had just made it to her hiding place in time. She heard the door slam once more as she reached the bottom stair and quickly ducked out of sight as her mother, Serena and Luna rushed down the stairs, past where she lay and out the door. When the coast was clear she went upstairs and sure enough in her haste her mother had left the door unlocked. Molly was relieved but still very worried. She quickly ransacked her mother's jewellery collection and found the gem she was looking for. Tears were pouring out of her eyes. "They just don't understand," she sobbed. "I must get this to Maxfield." Then like a fugitive she fled from the scene of her crime keeping an eye out as she headed for the bench in McKenna Park.

Molly's mother went off in one direction searching for her daughter while Serena and Luna ran off in another. They didn't alert the police of course but Serena digged her communicator out of her pocket and called Amy and Raye, who both promised to meet up with them as soon as possible to help search.
"Transform Serena." Luna reminded her.
"I'm going to make Nephlite pay for toying with Molly's affections. Moon Prism Power." Sailor Moon transformed and began running like a cheetah. Luna kept up beside her as they zoomed off into the night.

Meanwhile Molly was feeling so very proud as she handed the jewel to Nephlite and he took his magic prism out of his pocket to hold it against the gem in his hand. She really believed she had helped her dear friend Maxfield with his serious problem. However Nephlite was disappointed but he said nothing to Molly out loud. "The prism isn't reacting at all. This is nothing but a silver gem."
But no sooner had this bitter thought gone through his head when the prism did begin to react. Nephlite was amazed. "W-where's this power coming from? It's not from the gem."
He looked at Molly and saw that she was glowing while she stared at him with her hands held up to her chin fingers inter-locked and eyes shining with love. "I-it's reacting to M-m-molly. What is the secret behind this strange girl? I must find out."
All the while Yasha was still vigilantly watching from the shadows.
Nephlite put his arm around Molly's shoulders. "I need some more help from you my dear Molly. Will you come with me for a little while please?"
"Y-Yes." Molly snuggled against his chest when suddenly a voice called out.
"Halt! I'm Sailor Moon Champion of Justice. I won't let you take advantage of this poor naive girl." Sailor Moon pointed an accusing finger at Nephlite.
He growled. "Stay out of this."
Molly spoke up. "Sailor Moon. You're mistaken. He's no danger to me."
"No you're the mistaken one Molly." Sailor Moon was adamant. "This man is part of a group of extra-terrestrials who are trying to invade and conquer our world."
"But that can't be true!" Molly raised her voice imploringly. "Maxfield. Say it isn't so please!"
Nephlite said nothing in response but raised his hand and blasted Sailor Moon in the chest with an energy bolt hurling her backwards a short distance landing on her buttocks.
"Oh no. She must brush up on her blocking and deflect skills," groaned Luna.
While Molly watched horrified Nephlite summoned power from the stars and sent electric hailstones falling around Sailor Moon where she sat. She screamed as they landed very close only just missing her.
"That's only a warm-up." Nephlite raised both hands. "Now I'll finish you off."
But as Sailor Moon started to shriek with bulging, horrorstruck eyes her friends arrived in providential time.
Nephlite was thrown off guard by the chilly mist spray of Mercury's power.
"Yeeeeoooowwww!" Nephlite stumbled backwards falling to one knee while he rubbed his arm where Sailor Mars' attack had burned him. Next thing he knew he heard a voice full of care and concern asking him this question.
"Are you in awful pain?"
In surprise he turned his head to see that Molly was still nearby while Sailor Moon thanked her friends and prepared to finish off the battle.
Nephlite gasped as he saw the spinning tiara flying towards him but Molly cried out "No Maxfield!" Then she actually threw herself in front of Nephlite with her arms spread wide. "I'll defend you my dear friend."
"M-molly. You'll be k-k-killed." Nephlite stammered in shock and amazement. Luna and the Sailor Scouts were also horrified. Sailor Moon began to panic and scream out hysterically. "No.No. Stop tiara. Stooopp!"
It looked like Molly was going to be vaporized but when it was only a few inches away from striking her it stopped spinning, hung briefly in mid-air and clattered to the ground. Sailor Moon was relieved and surprised. Apparently she had the ability to halt her tiara in mid-flight and never knew it.
But Molly began crying angry tears while she maintained her position in front of Nephlite. "I don't care if it is true what you say about this man. I don't want him to die. You'll have to kill me first to get him."
"But Molly. He's evil." Sailor Mercury protested.
"Step aside right now." Sailor Mars commanded but Molly defiantly held her ground.
"Why is she acting like this?" Nephlite wondered to himself.
"Molly how can you still protect him after the way you saw him attack me?" Sailor Moon was almost in despair.
"I care about him with all my heart." Molly was sobbing now. "I don't care if I die as long as he survives."

Just then Nephlite noticed his magic prism begin to glow. It was drawing Molly's love energy from her. "Could this mean that Molly's love energy will lead me to the Crystal?"
While Nephlite was pondering this question Yasha suddenly made his move bursting out of his hiding place and rushing straight for Nephlite. "Is that the Silver Crystal?" He lunged to grab it as he cried these words.
Nephlite ducked away from him yelling, "No it isn't." But Yasha did not believe him obviously and scuffled with him trying to wrench it from his hand.
"Give me the Crystal Nephlite."
"I'm telling you it's not the Crystal"
As the pair of them exchanged blows at each other's wrists finally Yasha knocked the prism out of Nephlite's hand sending it flying to the ground next to Molly. She bent down and picked it up. Yasha turned away from Nephlite and lunged at her. "Give that to me."
Molly screamed as she beheld the huge, hulking figure of Yasha with his sinister white mask fast approaching her. The Sailor Scouts were shocked but before any of them could react in time Yasha would be on top of Molly. That is Yasha would have hurled himself on top of Molly to claim what he assumed to be the Silver Imperium Crystal, but Nephlite had shot out a quick burst of his power from the stars straight at Yasha's back. First he stopped Yasha in his tracks, then picked him up and sent him flying through the air safely over Molly's head to land in a crumpled heap with a crash far away from her.
Sailor Moon gasped. "He just saved Molly." Luna was stunned and so were the other two Scouts.
Molly said, "I just knew Maxfield cared about me. He protected me from that monster." Then she fainted while Nephlite himself was just as amazed trying to understand what he'd just done.
But Yasha jumped to his feet. The mask had come off when he took his spill and his face was revealed. He had long white hair, pointed ears, large eyes, sharp-looking teeth, a grey moustache and two wicked horns. Furthermore he was enraged. "So Nephlite. You attack me to save that girl? You are a traitor to our cause and I will kill you for this."
With that he bent his head and started to charge Nephlite like a bull. His horns even began to grow longer out of his head. "Prepare to meet your doom," Yasha yelled as loud as he could and Nephlite braced himself for a fight.
But the fight was never to be for Sailor Moon gave another cry of "MOON TIARA MAGIC" and sent her tiara flying towards Yasha. Sensing something behind him Yasha turned his head and twisted his body around in shock just as the weapon struck him. Yasha was obliterated but before he was gone he shouted, "Nephlite. You won't get away with your treachery."

While Sailor Moon knelt beside Molly's unconscious form Nephlite reached down and took his prism exchanging it for the gem Molly had taken from her mother's collection. He tucked it into her hand. "Nephlite. Why did you protect Molly?" Sailor Moon asked. "Do you really care about her?"
Nephlite hesitated a moment. "There was no reason why she should have been hurt. My fight is against you. Not her."
Sailor Mercury exclaimed, "You mean you were using her to try to trap us? Yet you didn't want to hurt her?"
Sailor Mars scowled. "I don't believe it. You're a heartless minion of the Negaverse."
"Hey chill out Mars. He still saved Molly." Sailor Moon spoke calmingly. "Whatever his agenda we can't attack him anymore. At least not today. Not after that. Nephlite you're free to go."
Nephlite smirked. "How very honourable of you Sailor Moon. Okay then. Please make sure Molly gets back home safe and sound. But next time we meet I vow to settle our score. Be warned. When we get the Silver Imperium Crystal the Negaforce will finally rule the universe and you will either bow down in reverence to Queen Beryl or feel the force of her wrath. Bye for now."
With that Nephlite turned and walked away while the Sailor Scouts tended to Molly who faintly stirred and moaned "Maxfield."
Luna meanwhile was deep in thought. She had heard about the Silver Imperium Crystal from somewhere before. She wasn't sure what it exactly was but she knew they needed to try to prevent their enemies from getting it if it was really such a powerful weapon.

But back at Negaverse Headquarters things were beginning to get hot for Nephlite. Yasha had been one of the very few victims of Moon Tiara Magic to in fact survive and he had reported back to his master Malachite. Malachite had had him interred into the hospital wards and then he called together his girlfriend Zoicite and three other soldiers who were collectively known as the Plant Trio. Their names were Gureepu, Suzuran and Housenko and they had always had very good rapport with Zoicite. All of them went to talk to Yasha by his bedside. Malachite was deeply impressed with his work and his survival. "I always knew you had a strong fighting spirit Yasha. You were always renowned for boasting that you would never die easy in battle."
"Thank you Lord Malachite." Yasha was very badly injured but he smiled proudly. "I came back with information for you at least. Nephlite has the Silver Crystal. I fought him and tried to get it and I would have if Sailor Moon hadn't interfered."
Zoicite gasped. "The Crystal!"
Malachite put his arm around her shoulders and held her tight to himself. "We will very quickly relieve him of it before he can present it to Queen Beryl my darling."
Yasha continued, "But there's more my master."
All attention was on him as he explained, "At one moment the Crystal was picked up by a human girl he called Molly. When I tried to take it off her he attacked me. He acted like he cared for her. He stopped me to protect her."
Everybody including the Plant Trio thought about this deeply. "Could it be possible?" Suzuran mused.
"If General Nephlite had gone weak enough to have feelings for a human girl," began Gureepo.
"Queen Beryl will be so furious who knows what she'll do to him," finished Housenko.
"We must investigate immediately. My feet are completely better now. I shall spy on the idiot. And of course my dear friends, you shall accompany me to help?" Zoicite addressed the Plant Trio smiling.
"We shall be delighted Madam Zoicite," replied Gureepo.
"Together the four of us will snatch the Crystal and gather evidence against that traitor Nephlite," vowed Housenko and Suzuran agreed raising one of her fists in the air.
"You have done marvelously well Yasha. Now get some rest and recover. You shall serve me and Zoicite as one of our soldiers when Nephlite has been eliminated." Malachite placed his hand on Yasha's shoulder gently.
Yasha lay back on his pillow. "You're too kind Lord Malachite. I look forward to our future collaboration.


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Feb 6, 2006
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Episode 20 A Friend In Wolf's Clothing

Nephlite sat in his chair at his lonely isolated cottage deep in thought. "I'm so confused. Why did I save Molly anyway? Surely it must have been because she appears to be crucial to my locating the Silver Imperium Crystal? Yeah. That must be it. But still I wish I understood this strange feeling I have deep down in my heart whenever I think about her."
He sighed and rose to his feet putting his hand in his pocket and pulling out the magic prism. "Anyway I do have far more urgent matters to consider. If I don't figure out why my prism responds to Molly the way it does and how it will lead me to the Crystal soon Queen Beryl will send her torturers after me."
He gave a little shudder at the thought of what they could or would inflict upon him. But looking at the prism he added, "I need a back up plan to try to win Beryl's favour. If I destroy Sailor Moon then maybe, just maybe, Queen Beryl will be merciful even if I don't find the Crystal. I know. Sailor Moon acted as if she knew Molly very intimately. So perhaps Molly knows who Sailor Moon really is. I shall capture Sailor Moon through Molly and with luck she will also lead me to the Crystal."

Nephlite was making these plans about the same time that Malachite, Zoicite and the Plant Trio had been having their briefing with Yasha by his bedside in the hospital wing. As he re-pocketed the prism Zoicite materialized in hiding behind a pillar just in time to hear him say, "I'm off to check out Molly." Then he headed to get inside his car and Zoicite watched him go.
"Going to check on that Molly are you Nephlite," she thought to herself with savage hatred. "We will keep a very close watch upon you."

Earlier that night the Sailor Scouts had returned Molly safely to Mrs. Baker at their home. They had assured her that they had saved and purified her from the sinister influences that had drawn her out in the dark hours and she didn't need to worry about her daughter anymore.
"What about that Maxfield person? Molly's friend Serena thought he was somehow involved?"
Mars and Mercury held their tongues while Sailor Moon quickly thought and replied, "Actually she was mistaken. Maxfield Stanton was nowhere to be found when we located Molly. He was not in league with the forces that attacked your daughter at all."
Molly, who was fully conscious once more, also kept silent. Though the look in her eyes told Sailor Moon she was greatly thankful to her for protecting her friend from implication.
Molly's mother deeply thanked the Scouts as she hugged Molly and when they were gone Molly gave the silver gem she had taken back to her mother. Next they both changed into their pajamas, kissed each other good night and went to their respective bedrooms to sleep.

But while they slept Nephlite drove up in his car and parked it outside the jewelery shop. Exiting the vehicle he levitated himself up to Molly's window. Floating outside her curtain he looked at the prism in his hand. "It's glowing once more. It must be reacting to Molly." Then a thought struck him. "Could the Silver Crystal actually be hidden inside Molly's body?"
With that he teleported himself straight through the curtains materializing beside Molly's sleeping form. Holding the prism above her he released it. It floated in the air and emitted beams of light that lit up Molly's body under her covers and illuminated her insides trying to pick up any unusual object. But she looked perfectly normal and Nephlite snatched the prism sharply. "No the Crystal definitely isn't inside her so why does it react? This is a big mystery."
Just then Molly awoke. Seeing Nephlite she sat bolt upright and gasped. "Maxfield?"
Nephlite quickly bent over and placed his finger to his lips. "Shush Molly. Don't wake your mother."
Then he straightened up and spoke to her. "Maxfield Stanton isn't my real name Molly. I won't lie to you any longer. My name is Nephlite."
Molly stared wide-eyed listening to him. "You are an amazing girl Molly. I must tell you something."
"All right Nephlite."
Nephlite resumed. "What Sailor Moon told you is the truth. I am an extra-terrestrial Molly. And a member of an alien invasion force. But love is such a very rare thing within our army. Even among our allies there is bitterness, distrust and betrayal. Most of us at heart are really out for ourselves and we won't let each other stand in the way of our goals. But all of us deep down are deadly scared of our leader Queen Beryl. She has no iota of love. She doesn't even know the meaning of the word. She won't hesitate to inflict painful torture upon any of us if we cross her path the wrong way. There were two of our members who did in fact love each other with all their hearts. Queen Beryl tormented them horribly and in the end sealed them up inside huge blocks of crystal for all eternity. While she was doing that they actually pleaded with the Queen for mercy specifically for the other respectively. They both said, "Do this to me by all means but please let my lover go." I couldn't understand why they would say that but Molly. You've taught me the real meaning of love. Now I know what those poor people meant to each other and I know what it means to feel love. From now on I want to join forces with the Sailor Scouts and fight against the Nega-verse."
Molly was crying as she beheld all this.
Nephlite continued. "You must help me Molly. If you know who Sailor Moon is please tell me so I can find her."
Molly sobbed. "I'm sorry Nephlite."
"Don't you believe me?"
"Yes I do believe you. But I know nothing."
"I see. You can't help me then."
With that Nephlite turned and disappeared. Molly leaped out of bed and pulled the curtains open. "Wait. Come back." There was no sign of him at all.
She began to sob while Nephlite hung invisible beside her window.
"If she does know who Sailor Moon is she will contact her after this encounter," he thought to himself.

But although Nephlite wasn't aware of it Zoicite had been floating outside the curtain listening to everything he was saying to Molly. She had exited the scene at the point when Molly was sobbing and telling Nephlite she believed him but didn't know who Sailor Moon was. So just as she dematerialized he had taken his leave of Molly missing Zoicite by about five seconds.
Zoicite rematerialized on the roof of a neighbouring building where she could look down upon Molly's window from a discreet distance.
"That idiot," she spoke venemously. "It's true what Yasha said. He's taken a liking to that girl."
"What a fool he is Madam Zoicite," sounded a voice behind her. She turned around and smiled to see her three best friends. Suzuran was the one who had spoken.
"Glad you've arrived girls. Nephlite is more than a fool even. He's a traitor. I overheard him asking that girl to tell him who Sailor Moon is so he can offer to join her side and oppose the Nega-verse."
"What? The nerve of him," Gureepo was disgusted.
"Why don't we attack him now and take him back to accuse him before Queen Beryl?" Housenka was shaking her fists in fury but Zoicite raised her hand and smiled.
"Wait girls. Let's not be too hasty. Nephlite has the potential to be a very powerful opponent and besides we need to somehow gather proof to back up our accusation."
Turning her head back to Molly's bedroom window she said, "I know. As soon as we have a chance let's kidnap his young friend and use her to lure him into our trap. He's currently hanging around in the air outside her curtain. He's invisible to human eyes. But I can see him. When he leaves, we will snatch her."
"A good idea Madam Zoicite. We will teach him a good lesson." Gureepo replied admiringly. Then the four of them began to laugh together in anticipation of their success.

As for Molly she was very upset. "How can I find Sailor Moon? I don't know how to contact her." She was in despair as she thought about what Nephlite had said to her. Not knowing what else to do she pulled out her mobile phone and called Serena's home number. It rang and rang until Serena's mother and father staggered out of their bedroom yawning. "Who call be calling this time of night?" Serena's dad muttered as he answered it. "Hello."
"It's Molly. I'm very sorry to call this late but I desperately need to talk to Serena." Molly began to sob and despite his annoyance at being woken up Serena's dad was suddenly very concerned.
"Hold on. We'll wake up Serena for you Molly. We know you've been through a recent terrible ordeal."
He stayed on the phone while Serena's mum raced up the stairs to rouse her from her bed.
Serena was immediately awake when she heard Molly was crying and she zoomed literally to the phone. Luna who had been sleeping on her bed followed behind her alert and ready for whatever they had to face.
Serena took the phone from her dad and gasped puffing for breath. "Molly. What's the matter now?"
"I'm sorry to call you so late Serena but I need help."
"Please tell me everything."
Molly sat down on the floor by her window where Nephlite was silently listening to her. "Well Maxfield Stanton's name is really Nephlite and he was here a short moment ago. He asked me to contact Sailor Moon. I think he's in terrible danger. But I don't know how to help him." Molly began to sob bitterly.
"Molly. Are you crying?" Serena's parents eyebrows were raised in distress when Serena asked this to Molly.
"I-I know it's very late Serena. Bu-but could you please come o-over here immediately? I need a friend's company if nothing else."
"Yeah sure Molly. I'll be there as quick as I can."
"Th-thank you Serena."

As soon as they hung up Serena turned to her shocked parents. "I must go see Molly. Even though it's late she's in a terrible state."
Her parents looked at each other and mutual understanding passed silently between them.
Serena's dad spoke up. "I'll drive you to Molly's apartment. You can spend the rest of the night with her."
"Thank you dad."
Luna rubbed against Serena's legs and she picked her up. "Luna wants to come to. She'll be good company for us both."
"Very well. Let's go," directed Dad.
But back at Molly's apartment Nephlite thought to himself. "Serena." Could this girl really be Sailor Moon? He determined to set a trap to find out.

And so while Serena's dad was driving her and Luna Nephlite made his move meeting them a couple of blocks away from Molly's home. Suddenly the car seemed to freeze up and to Serena's amazement her dad was frozen too at the wheel. "Dad. What's going on? Can you hear me?" She tried shaking his shoulder but he was just like a statue.
"This is strange Serena. Perhaps Nephlite has cast a spell upon your father and the car?" Luna suggested.
"Ooh. That Nephlite." Serena wrenched open the car door in rage and threw herself out. "I don't know what his game is but I'll show him a thing or two."
Luna ran off calling over her shoulder, "I'll round up the other two girls as fast as I can to help us."
Serena yelled in a bad fury. "Moon Prism Power."
To her astonishment as soon as she transformed the car door she had left open suddenly shut by itself and her dad suddenly came back to life, yawned and said, "Now that I've dropped off Serena at Molly's it's time for me to go home and back to bed." Then he turned the car around and Sailor Moon had to quickly jump aside with one of her amazing powerful leaps to avoid being run over. He didn't even seem to see her as he drove off in the direction of Serena's family house.
"What is going on?" She cried.
Then to her shock a familiar voice answered her. "I made him think that he had seen you all the way to Molly and now I know that Sailor Moon is really Serena."
Sailor Moon gasped as Nephlite suddenly materialized before her eyes. "I was watching your transformation in hiding."
"You tricked me into revealing my identity to you!"
Sailor Moon broke out in a cold sweat. "Listen Nephlite. Please don't tell anybody. Wouldn't it be fun to share a personal secret between the two of us? What do you say Nephlite?"
Nephlite snorted with laughter. "Oh I can keep the secret all right."
"Hey thanks Nephlite. I'm surprised at how agreeable you're being about this."
Nephlite raised his palm. "In ten seconds you'll be taking your secret to the grave and I promise I'll keep quiet in respect of your memory."
"Wait a minute,,,," But Sailor Moon had no time to make any protest before lightning burst from Nephlite's palm and tore huge chunks out of the road as she ducked and weaved screaming. "YEEEEEEOOOOOOOWWWWWWLLLLL!"
She fell onto her hands and knees as Nephlite briefly paused. "Hey. Quit clowning around." She tried to sound defiant but Nephlite could see that she was trembling where she was on all fours like a nervous dog.
"You're finished Sailor Moon." He raised his hand to deliver another deadly attack before she could get back on her feet.

But suddenly a rose flew past Nephlite's line of vision distracting him as it stuck in the ground. He looked up and saw Tuxedo Mask standing on top of a nearby wall. He leaped off and landed in front of Nephlite with the greatest of ease and grinned behind his mask. "Still picking fights with innocent girls I see Nephlite. How about a real challenge?"
sailor Moon was overjoyed to see her hero and Nephlite chuckled as he raised his palm once more. "You're on Tuxedo Mask."
However he sensed energy flowing into his prism. He reached into his pocket and pulled it out with a perplexed exclamation of "What the?" As he stared at it he saw a vision of Zoicite and the Plant Trio materializing inside Molly's bedroom and dragging her away with them while she cried out, "Help! Help me Nephlite! Where are you?"
Tuxedo Mask taunted. "Why are you hesitating Nephlite?"
Cold sweat broke out on his face and he said, "I have no time for this right now. I can take care of you anytime Sailor Moon now I know your true identity." With that he dematerialized.
Sailor Moon became panicky. "What will I do? Nephlite knows who I am?"
Tuxedo Mask smiled at her. "Don't worry. Nephlite has things of his own to be concerned with. I'll see you later."
As he ran away Sailor Moon gulped nervously. "I sure hope he's right."

Nephlite materialized inside Molly's bedroom to find it deserted with a note on the bed. He picked it up and read the grim message. "Come to the old deserted run-down hotel on the corner of West Maple Street in one hour. Unless you give us the Silver Imperium Crystal we will torture Molly to death."
In his anger he crushed the note in his fist and it went up in flames.

Molly was tied up in a corner of the unused dilapidated hotel with Zoicite sneering at her while she trembled and whimpered. The Plant Trio were standing nearby. The were all waiting for Nephlite.
"Do you think he'll show up Madam Zoicite? Will he actually try to rescue this little brat?" Suzuran asked.
"Time will tell girls." Zoicite leered at Molly wickedly. "But I'm looking forward to the fun the four of us are going to enjoy if he doesn't turn up within the hour."
"Ha ha! Listen to her pathetic cringing whines," laughed Gureepo.
"We'll give her every reason to make even worse noises before it's all over for her," added Housenka.
"And even if that idiot does come we will just kill him when he gives us the crystal and we'll still have our fun and games," finished Zoicite and she laughed with the Plant Trio.
Just then the door slowly opened and they all turned their attention as Nephlite entered.
Molly cried out, "Look out Nephlite!"
Nephlite jumped out of the way as Housenka threw a handful of exploding seed pods at him. Suzuran attempted to stun him with her sonic blast but he resisted its effect with all the will power he could muster and punched her hard in the belly sending her to the floor in a crumpled heap.
"Get him girls!" Zoicite screamed and Housenka gathered another bunch of her seed pods and threw them at Nephlite.
As they exploded she asked "Have I wounded him?" But the damage if any had only been minimal as the dust cleared and Nephlite charged with a war cry crippling Housenka with a similar punch.
"Gureepo. Use your thorn attack," cried Zoicite and Gureepo transformed her arm into a sinister sharp bunches of thorns and stretched it out at Nephlite as he was running at her. But he ducked and let it fly over his head slamming into the wall. Before Gureepo knew it Nephlite had swung his leg in a hard kick to her shin and while she was trying to hop on one foot with the pain he delivered a second kick to her other shin so that she fell to the floor.
That only left Zoicite and while she prepared to summon up an attack of her own Nephlite made a long double-edged sword magically appear in his hand. In panic Zoicite backed up against the wall with nowhere to go and gasped as Nephlite raised the sword and thrust its tip into the wall missing her ear by inches. As Nephlite held the sword threateningly close to her throat and her eyes bulged in fear he growled in her face. "See here Zoicite. I don't even have the Silver Imperium Crystal but even if I did I'd never let you have it and if you and your friends ever threaten this poor innocent girl again next time I'll kill you all. Understand?"
With that he grabbed Zoicite by the collar and threw her across the room to land on her back with a crash and a groan.
Turning to look at Molly he stared pityingly at her, then carefully used the sword to cut her ropes and picked her up carefully in his arms. Walking past the four adversaries laying on the floor he carried her out the door and into the dark night of the city.

As he walked through the streets with her in his arms Molly thanked Nephlite for saving her. "You don't have to thank me Molly. To be honest I don't fully understand why I saved you. You know I was just lying to you and using you right from the moment I first met you Molly. I thought you were nothing more than a tool to gain success in my mission for our invasion plans. But when you were kidnapped by those other members of our army I couldn't stand it. I guess deep down I genuinely cared about you and never realized until the crunch came."
Molly looked into his eyes and smiled. "You don't need to apologize. Your true feelings came through for me in the end. I'm so happy to be with you."
Nephlite blushed as she snuggled against him. But suddenly she realized that there was a tear in the arm of his jacket and also a cut in his arm which was stained red with blood. "Oh no!" she gasped. "Nephlite. You're hurt."
He tried to shrug it off. "It's nothing."
Molly wouldn't take it lightly though and she made him put her down. "No Nephlite. You were wounded while fighting to save me. Come on. Duck in here."
She led him by the hand into the park. Nephlite hesitated remembering how he had set his soldier Petasos upon the gardener Mr. Baxter a long time ago. But Molly urged him. "Come on Nephlite. Before those monsters catch up with us." She dragged him deep inside and under a tree. There she directed him to remove his jacket and tearing off a piece of her own pajamas she created a make-shift bandage and tied it around his arm where he'd been cut.
While she was making it secure she said, "You know in just the next block from here there's a twenty-four hour, seven day cafe where they serve the most delicious chocolate parfait."
"Chocolate parfait? I've never eaten anything like that before."
Molly beamed at him. "I've had a secret dream ever since I met you about us eating chocolate parfait together ever since I first laid eyes on you at the tennis club court where my friend Katie was playing. But I guess it will never happen, will it?" She sighed but Nephlite thought for a moment then climbed decisively to his feet.
"Who says it'll never happen? Come on. Let's do it."
"Really?" Molly was overcome with surprised happiness.
"Yeah. Sure. Let's go there now."
"R-right now?"
"Why not right now? You yourself said the cafe was open 24/7 didn't you? And I've always been in the habit of carrying around some earth money in my cover as a wealthy businessman."
Nephlite flashed a big wallet out of the pocket of his jacket as he picked it up and Molly jumped to her feet hugging him. "Oh Nephlite! I'm so very happy."
Nephlite's heart was all a-thrill as he allowed Molly to lead him by the hand through the park on the way to the cafe. She had made him see things in a very different light compared to the dark realm of Queen Beryl.

Meanwhile back where Nephlite had left them Zoicite and her friends slowly recovered and rose groggily to their feet. "That Nephlite." Zoicite gnashed her teeth and shook her fist. "We're not going to let him get away with this are we girls?"
The Plant Trio all spoke as one. "No Madam Zoicite."
"We must track him down and get the Crystal off him and make him feel our wrath. He won't save that kid from us either. Seeing them both die is going to be a pleasure for us all."
The Plant Trio roared. "Destroy them both!"
"Follow me!" Zoicite led the others from their hide-out and into the street to search for their prey.

Nephlite and Molly arrived at the cafe. They were quite an unusual sight to the two people working at the counter. A teenage girl barefoot and in pajamas and a grown man with some kind of bandaged wound on his arm. But they had money to pay for their purchases so they served them their chocolate parfaits and they sat outside at a table. Nephlite took his first spoonful very slowly and took his time swallowing savouring the sweet taste.
"How do you like it Nephlite?" Molly asked.
"Mmmm! It's really lovely. Best thing I've ever tasted." Nephlite began to tuck in with a broad smile.
In no time the two of them had finished their treats and were preparing to take their leave of the cafe.
"I'd better see you safely back home Molly."
"Okay. But will you be safe? What if those bad creatures come after you again?"
"Don't worry. I can take care of them. If they dare to show their faces I'll do the same as I did when I rescued you."
"Oh Nephlite. You're so brave."
"I know. I'm so very glad you came into my life Molly. I'm telling the truth now. I want to team up with the Sailor Scouts and help them destroy the forces of Queen Beryl."
Molly was so very thrilled to hear Nephlite say this. But all of a sudden Nephlite sensed they were not alone. Looking up he saw Gureepo floating in the air nearby and he quickly pushed Molly out of the way as more thorns flew out of Gureepo's arm. This time sadly they did not miss Nephlite and he was stabbed through the shoulder with five terrible barbs. Molly screamed as Nephlite collapsed on his backside and the thorns snapped off Gureepo's arm as it returned to normal. The cafe workers also screamed and ducked behind their inside counter though in reality they were in no immediate danger. All the attention was upon Nephlite and Molly. Zoicite and the other two Plant soldiers appeared out of then air. Zoicite crowed triumphantly. "Gureepo got you. Now her thorns will drain all your energy until you dissolve into wisps of smoke."
Gureepo landed on the ground and pointed her finger demanding, "If you don't want the girl hurt give us the Silver Crystal!"
In spite of his pain Nephlite smiled imagining what could possibly happen when Queen Beryl told them it wasn't the Crystal at all. Pulling his prism out of his pocket he threw it at Zoicite who caught it in both her hands. "Fine. It's yours. Now get out of here Molly."
"No Nephlite. They can't be trusted to let me go." Molly threw herself at Nephlite who tried to push her away.
"Molly. Don't be foolish."
But Molly would not be deterred. She forced herself in front of Nephlite, grabbed two of the thorns and began to pull. Gureepo scoffed. "The stupid girl. she will never be able to pull my thorns out."
Molly was bitterly weeping. "Nephlite. Please don't die."
To Zoicite's surprise the prism she was holding began to react soaking up Molly's love energy for Nephlite, but rather than weakening her it seemed to give her increased strength. The Plant Trio gasped as ever so slowly two of the thorns began to come loose.
Gureepo yelled. "Impossible!"
"I don't believe it either but you girls destroy them both quickly!" Zoicite shouted in desperation.
Housenka obliged by launching some more of her exploding seedpods. "Watch out!" Nephlite screamed throwing himself on top of Molly shielding her taking the full brunt of the blast himself. As the explosions rocked the walls of the cafe the two workers whimpered and shook like jelly behind the counter where they were concealed.
Nephlite had his shirt literally blasted off his back and he was burned and cut badly. The thorns had been pushed back into his shoulder when he had thrown himself to cover Molly. He had protected her but she was crying histerically.
"Go. Leave me." Nephlite groaned.
"No Nephlite I won't go."
"Finish them off girls." Zoicite's voice rang out loud and clear.

But just then Luna and the Sailor Scouts tracked them down in turn as they had tracked down Molly and Nephlite. "Stop!" Sailor Moon cried out. "In the name of the Moon I shall punish you for attacking innocent people."
"And in the name of Mercury I shall punish you too."
"And I'll punish you also in the name of Mars."
Mercury and Mars stood on opposite sides of Moon and the three of them prepared to attack and defend themselves while their angry faces seemed to blaze daggers from their eyes.
"Girls. Show them who's going to punish who," screamed Zoicite and the Plant Trio all struck together making the Scouts jump aside in different directions. Sailor Moon shrieked as Gureepo's dangerous thorns missed her foot by only inches. Suzuran attempted to use her Sonic Blast to stun all three of them at once. She did momentarily affect Sailors Moon and Mars but Sailor Mercury was stronger.
"Mercury Bubbles Blast!" The force of her bubble spray froze Housenka's exploding fireballs in mid-air and they fell harmlessly to the ground. The Plant Trio themselves were all consumed by the spray and they were blinded and stopped dead in their tracks with intense cold. They shivered in each others arms in panic.
"W-where did th-th-th-they g-go? M-m-madam Zoicite! H-h-h-help us!" They stammered while their teeth chattered and they could see nothing.
By now the other two Scouts were recovered from the Sonic attack and they both combined their powers like when they tried to destroy the Dream Dolly back when Jedite and Titus had been targeting people in the Dreamland amusement park.
"Moon Tiara Magic."
"Mars Fire Ignite."
As the tiara combined with the magic fire creating a spinning flaming frisbee Zoicite cried in horror. "Oh no. My friends."
She desperately ran toward the Plant Trio, raising one hand and crying out "ZOI!" Summoning up every reserve of strength she had she deflected the Sailor Scouts weapon extinguishing the fire by the force of her will and making the tiara stop spinning and fall to the ground. The Plant Trio had seen what was happening as the Bubble mist beghan to dissipate and realized that they owed their lives to Zoicite. Puffing Zoicite ran all the way up to them still holding Nephlite's prism in one hand. "Let's get out of here girls. We have the Crystal."
"Oh thank you Madam Zoicite. Thank you." With enormous relief and gratitude they all threw their arms around Zoicite and as she transported back to the Negaverse she took them with her.

Sailor Moon and her friends had far more important things to worry about than their enemies escaping however. The two cafe workers had slowly gotten back to their feet and come outside when they realized that the Sailor Scouts had driven away the monsters but as soon as they saw Nephlite they ran back in calling out, "Hang on. We'll call an ambulance for him."
But Nephlite knew that he was now beyond all possible help and while Molly cried on his uninjured shoulder he looked up at the Scouts who were standing nearby and spoke. "Sailor Moon. I can assure you that your secret identity will remain secret now."
"W-what are you saying?" Sailor Moon asked in a faltering voice.
He ignored her and spoke to Molly. "Thank you."
"What for?" Molly asked.
"For introducing me to such a tasty sweet dish for my very last snack."
"Oh no please," Molly moaned as the meaning of Nephlite's words struck home.
He gave a short laugh and stroked her cheek wiping off a tear. "I'm sorry but I can feel myself slipping away fast but I'll never forget you Molly."
Molly began to weep bitterly as he continued. "Please never forget me. I want you to know you're in my heart and I'll always be watching over you."
Then he slumped down and began to slowly dissolve as Molly wailed.
"No Nephlite. Stay with me. The people inside the cafe are getting an ambulance. They'll take you to hospital and everything will be all right. Nephlite. I don't want you to go."
But while she was crying and pleading inevitably Nephlite's body turned into smoke that rose up into the air and dissipated leaving only the piece of Molly's pajamas that she had torn off to bandage his arm with.
Molly's grief-stricken cries rose to the air along with the smoke and the Sailor Scouts all had tears in their own eyes. Even Luna was crying.

But unseen by anybody a ghostly figure resembling Nephlite briefly appeared behind the Sailor Scouts and Luna looking sadly at Molly's form hunched over with her face on the ground. The spirit spoke softly so none could hear. "I will be keeping watch over you Molly. Whenever you are in trouble I will alert Sailor Moon to help you." Then it faded and was gone.