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Sailor Moon manga or anime


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Episode 21 Jupiter Comes Thundering In

Queen Beryl knelt in respectful homage inside a huge chamber resembling a cavern. She held in her hands Nephlite's magic prism. Zoicite and the Plant Trio had all had a dreadful shock when they had presented it to her earlier only to have her sternly tell them it was not the Silver Imperium Crystal. They were very upset fearing she would turn them over in wrath to the Doom and Gloom Girls but they almost collapsed face down on the floor with immense sighs of relief when she told them that since they had done a very commendable job at least in executing the traitor Nephlite and also that the prism had gathered up more vital human energy from Molly she was willing to forgive them this time.

Now she was on her knees in the chamber of the great Negaforce by herself and holding the prism up above her head she cried, "Oh mighty Negaforce. I Queen Beryl seek an audience with you to ask for your wise advice about our conquest plans. I offer you this energy contained in this prism. Come forth great Negaforce."

An unseen presence responded to her and sucked out all the energy from its vessel and a disembodied voice spoke to the queen. "Welcome Queen Beryl. I congratulate you. The energy you've been feeding me has been strengthening me and I am strong enough to assist you in your efforts to enable me to break free upon the earth."
Queen Beryl was all ears. "Tell me what I must do."
"You must give me contact with your soldier Titus."
"Titus?" Queen Beryl's evil heart skipped a beat. The Negaforce was unaware of what she had done to Titus and the first of her generals Jedite.
It went on. "Yes. She was the soldier who was in charge of training and mentoring your warriors known as the Seven Shadows, wasn't she? I can expend some of my own energy reserves to help her telepathically locate the Seven Rainbow Crystals in which the Shadows are currently trapped and also enable her the power to release them. She will form them into a force that will be invincible before the Sailor Scouts. When all seven are recovered and they fight side by side the Scouts will never have a chance."
Queen Beryl quickly composed herself. "Er yes. Yes. I'll appoint Titus on it as soon as I can." She was profoundly grateful to her lucky stars that she hadn't had Titus and Jedite outrightly killed in her anger against them. Well she didn't need Jedite anymore but she could awaken Titus from her "eternal sleep" and find a way to wrap her around her little finger.
The Negaforce went on. "And Queen Beryl. I can assure you that when you get the seven crystals you shall finally be able to get your hands on the Silver Imperium Crystal you seek. With it you shall become ruler of the universe."
Beryl was absolutely elated. "Aaaahh! Wonderful."

So later Beryl summoned Malachite, Zoicite and the Plant Trio before her throne to brief them upon what the Negaforce had told her. "Once we find these seven Rainbow Crystals I am assured that the Silver Imperium Crystal will also be ours and our victory will be guaranteed."
"Your majesty," Zoicite asked. "Is it really true that our allies the Seven Shadows are imprisoned inside these crystals you speak of?"
"Yes it is so unfortunately Zoicite." Queen Beryl went on to explain. "The Seven Shadows were my most powerful warriors during the war we fought on the moon with Queen Serenity. But she trapped them inside a single crystal through her diabolical magic arts. But somehow it broke apart into the seven Rainbow Crystals. One Shadow Warrior locked inside each piece. They drifted away into the earth's atmosphere." Queen Beryls' voice was almost a whimper. Then she raged. "Losing them has always been a bitter blow to me. I want them back."
"Where exactly are they now?" Zoicite enquired further.
"Apparently Zoicite, they were dissolved upon entering the atmosphere of the planet we are attacking. But their essence was somehow mysteriously infused into earthlings at random before they were born."
Malachite elaborated. "So in other words Queen Beryl, somewhere on earth there now exist seven individuals who unknowingly carry the crystals inside their bodies like hosts."
"That is correct Malachite." Queen Beryl pointed her finger at Zoicite. "Since you have begun to show such signs of promise Zoicite, I'm entrusting you with the mission of recovering them."
The Plant Trio clapped. "Way to go Madam Zoicite." They were so very happy for their dear friend.
"Queen Beryl. I'm honoured." Zoicite blushed. "Er. But one important question. There are millions of people on earth. How will I be able to identify who the seven hosts are?"
Beryl smiled curtly. "Here's the answer."
She clicked her fingers and suddenly Titus appeared trapped in her crystal prison within her creepy form. Her arm still stretched out in the position she had tried in vain to touch hands with Jedite when he and she had been condemned by their cruel queen. Waving her hand she made mallets and chisels appear in the Plant Trio's hands. "I command you three to carefully chip away the crystal from around her freeing her."
They were surprised but knew better than to question the queen's orders.
"Yes your majesty," said Gureepo.
"We will get to work," added Suzuran.
"At once," finished Housenka.
As they toiled Zoicite gasped. "You're freeing her from eternal sleep Queen Beryl?" As shocked as she was she didn't dare ask why but she got the answer to the unspoken question anyway.
"That's right Zoicite. The Negaforce is going to give Titus the power to track down the hosts and free the Shadows. She will be your partner."
Zoicite had to hold her breath and swallow down her reaction. She hated Titus and she had to work with her.
Then as the crystal fell away Titus began to gasp and move her body. "Q-queen Beryl. You're freeing me?"
"Yes Titus. I need you to gather the Seven Shadows with General Zoicite."
As the Plant Trio finished removing all the crystal around her Titus threw herself at Beryl's feet. "You're giving me a chance to redeem myself Queen Beryl. Thank you."
Then she looked around. "But where's Jedite?"
"I only want you for this mission Titus. You'll be working with Zoicite. Jedite stays in eternal sleep."
This stung like a knife in Titus' heart and she began to cry. "I-it's not fair and cruel your majesty. T-to bring me to r-r-restoration without my b-b-boyfriend. I'd rather you put me back to sleep immediately."
Zoicite scowled while she sobbed and Malachite kept a neutral face.
Then Queen Beryl turned on the oily charm and said, "Titus. If you succeed in the mission I'm setting you I will restore your boyfriend to you as a reward."
Zoicite could just barely control herself as Titus looked up and her face brightened. "R-really. Oh your majesty. I will succeed for my sweetheart Jedite. I'll do anything to have him back in my arms."
"Good for you Titus. Now I suggest you get ready to be empowered by the Negaforce. And I think there are a couple of people who will want to see you. The Dream Dolly for one. She's really been crying for you. Soldier Ramwoir has also missed you too. Go say hello to them both but be ready and get back here in half an hour."
Titus rose to her feet. "Thank you Queen Beryl. I'll return in time." She practically ran from the throne room. She wanted to see Dream Dolly especially. But when she was out of sight she stopped and thought for a minute. She knew the identities of the three Sailor Scouts. She and her Jedite had discovered them but then she sniffed disdainfully and thought, "Well Queen Beryl wouldn't listen to us and trapped us in those crystal blocks. She's forgotten all about it obviously. As long as she doesn't remember she can jolly well wait until she gives me back my Jedite before I tell her. I don't owe her that information for her harsh judgement."
But as she ran off little did she know that Queen Beryl was planning to double cross her. She spoke sternly to the others. "Listen all of you. Keep quiet about this. I have no intention at all of giving Titus her boyfriend back. My judgement for their failures still stands in principle. Zoicite as soon as she finishes fulfilling her purpose with the Seven Shadows I want you and the Plant Trio to execute her the way you did that disgraceful backstabbing Nephlite. Understand?"
Zoicite broke into a huge grin. This made a big difference to the situation. "Yes Queen Beryl. You can depend on us."
The Plant Trio echoed sentiments. "Yes we will serve you faithfully." They were fully loyal to Zoicite and furthermore she had saved their lives. They owed nothing to Titus and Malachite just smiled a very smug and pleased smile for his own girlfriend.
What poor Nephlite had told Molly was so very true. The Negaverse was full of backstabbing lies and deceptions and Queen Beryl was the biggest backstabber of all. If anybody from her army crossed her path wrongly she would do all she could to turn even good friends against each other if possible.

Meanwhile Serena was feeling down in the dumps at school during lunch break. Miss Haruna had nearly chewed her ear off for running late as usual plus she had had an unpleasant encounter with three huge tough men while she was desperately running to get to school that morning. As Serena had rushed around a corner she had bumped into one of them knocking him to the ground. Even though she had tried to apologize they had been spitefully bullying and threatening her. As soon as the one who'd been knocked over climbed back to his feet he and his companions had surrounded Serena pushing her back and forth, poking her and even pulling her hair. She had been terrified and begged them to leave her alone in vain.
However things had turned out well before they got ugly for a rather tall girl with long chestnut-brown hair had seen what happened and she intervened. "Hey you creeps. That's no way to treat a lady. You should apologize to her in return now."
They had all sneered at her. "We'll give you some of the same for interfering in our business," said one as he approached her and placed his hand on her shoulder. But she flipped him over onto his back with a judo flick then when the second one tried to punch her face she sidestepped his attack and threw up her leg in a crippling karate kick to the stomach. As he collapsed next to the first one the girl had stared the last one in the eye and the colour had all drained from his face. Turning he had run away in terror.
Serena had been very impressed. "Thank you for saving me."
The girl had grinned. "My pleasure. Watch out for yourself kid." Then she'd walked away. Serena had noticed her beautiful pink earrings.
"Well at least one thing went right for me so far today," she thought to herself remembering the incident. "Who knows what would have happened if that girl hadn't rescued me?"

Just as she turned a corner in the schoolgrounds she was surprised to see that same girl sitting half concealed behind a bush with her back to her eating her lunch. "Sh-she's attending my school?" Serena gasped.
Next thing she knew Melvin stuck his face in hers. "Hey Serena."
Serena had a fright and jumped. "MELVIN! Don't ever sneak up on me like that again."
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you Serena. I just wanted to warn you about that new girl over there."
"What do you mean warn me about her?" Serena watched her quietly eating while she listened to Melvin incredulously.
"My sources tell me her name is Lita. She was expelled from her previous school for fighting. Everybody's staying clear of her and so should you. She sounds dangerous."
Serena thought to herself. "But she saved me. Surely she must be good at heart. The poor dear looks so very lonely."
Before Melvin knew what was happening Serena was creeping up to the bush. "Serena. What are you doing? Don't sneak up on her like that."
Serena wasn't listening to his anguished cries and peering behind the bush she said, "Uh hello."
Lita turned around and glared. "What do you want?"
Serena gulped. "Nothing. Just wanted to say hi."
Lita recognized her and grinned. "Hey. You're the girl I met this morning. Would you like to share some of my home-made cooking?"
She moved aside to give Serena space to sit down and she accepted feeling relaxed and calm. "Thank you. Your name's Lita I hear?"
"That's right. What's yours?"
"Hi Serena. Have a couple of my chocolate chip muffins."
"Oh thank you." Serena began to eat while Melvin nervously put his fingers inside his mouth and thought, "What does Serena think she's doing?"
Lita continued. "I am sorry for snapping at you but nobody will talk to me and I feel so hurt."
Serena swallowed and said, "Oh. That's because they think you will attack them."
"Huh?" Lita looked at Serena incredulously.
Serena explained. "They've heard rumours that you were expelled from your old school for fighting. They're scared you're a dangerous person."
"Oh." Lita was dumbfounded. "But I'm really very nice and friendly. The only reason I was fighting those boys back then was because they were teasing and tormenting me. It was self-defence."
Serena put her arm around her shoulder. "Don't be upset Lita. I'll be your friend and I'll testify to how you rescued me earlier today. Everybody will come to understand I'm sure."
"Thank you Serena."
Melvin had not fully taken in all that they had spoken. He'd been too shocked. From behind the tree he'd been watching he leant against it, put his hand on his forehead and muttered, "I can't believe it. Serena has actually befriended a karate maniac."

Later after school Serena took Lita along to show her the Video Arcade. "Do you like video games Lita?" She asked as they entered.
"Sure I do. But the ones I prefer are those that have lots of action." Lita looked around and gasped in wonderment as her eyes rested on the Sailor V game. "That's my most favourite game of all." She ran straight to the machine and sat in place shoving coins in the slot.
Serena was awestruck to learn that Lita loved Sailor V also. She was so thrilled that they had that in common that she didn't even take the time to note to her disappointment that her crush, dishy Andrew wasn't working there today.
Just then Raye and Amy entered the arcade. Amy was carrying Luna in her arms and when she saw Serena she cried out "Where have you been?"
"Huh?" Serena turned around in surprise while Lita carried on playing the Sailor V game.
"We've been searching everywhere for you Serena," Amy went on. "We were supposed to meet you at your house after school. Remember?"
Serena blushed beetroot-red. "Oops. I forgot."
"What do you mean you forgot?" Raye spoke up in her typical exasperated tone and Serena motioned towards Lita.
"I'm sorry. I met a new friend and our arrangement completely slipped my mind."
Amy, Raye and Luna all stared with wonder at Lita as her game ended and she groaned. "No way. This machine is rigged. I clearly dodged that attack."
"Excuse me Lita. I'd like you to meet my friends Amy and Raye. This is my new friend Lita."
Lita grinned at them. "Hello. Nice to meet you."
Amy and Raye said they were pleased to meet Lita also.
Then Serena naturally trying to deny her own faults said to Lita, "Apparently I was supposed to meet them today but somebody forgot to remind me."
"I did remind you Serena. Didn't I call you this morning and arrange our get together?" Raye answered.
"No you didn't Raye."
"Yes I did Serena." Raye was very insistent.
"Well maybe you did but you should know better than to expect me to remember when you call so early in the morning Raye. I was still half asleep at the time."
Raye started to lose her patience. "For crying out loud Serena. You're so pathetic you drive me up the wall."
"You're the one who's driving me crazy Raye." Serena retaliated.
Lita laughed. "I can tell you two are such good friends."
Serena and Raye both cried, "What do you mean?"
Raye added, "We fight all the time because Serena's so pig-headed."
"I am not!"
"You are too!"
Lita spoke again, "It's almost as if you're sisters."
That flabbergasted the pair of them but Amy sighed and said, "Don't worry about it. They're always fighting."
Then Lita noticed Luna in Amy's arms and went over to pet her. "Who are you Kitty?"
Luna purred happily as Lita rubbed her head.
"That's my cat Luna." Serena explained. "She seems to really like you Lita. She's not that friendly with most people.
Luna was thinking to herself. "I'm sensing vibes about this girl. Could it be?"

Just then there was a huge commotion around the lucky dip prize machine. Someone called out, "It's him."
Other voices cried, "It's really him," and "Look at him scooping up those prizes."
Serena and her friends joined the crowd to behold a young teenager of sixteen with big glasses and a cap on back to front putting heaps of coins into the lucky dip. As the claw lowered down among the dolls to their amazement it scooped up a prize every single time. He had a huge paper bag which he was filling up fast.
One of Serena's schoolmates said to her, "See that fellow Serena?"
"Yeah." Serena was gobsmacked and the other girl explained.
"He's become very famous. He's known as Game Machine Joe because whenever he plays he gets all the toys he wants. Remarkably he's never had a single moment when he's failed to pick up a toy with the claw."
"Far out." Serena whistled admiringly.
"He is incredible and he has a big heart." Her friend agreed. "He donates all his winnings to orphanages and to poor families who can't afford to buy toys for their children."
Serena said, "Well that is very generous I suppose," But turning to Lita she was shocked to see her staring at Joe with such a spaced out look in her eyes.
"He looks just like my ex-boyfriend. Totally cool and dreamy."
"What? Hey Lita. What's the matter with you?"
But Serena couldn't get Lita's attention. She was in her own private world with eyes locked on Joe.
"She's turned into a complete spacecase over that guy?" Serena couldn't believe it.

Later as Joe was leaving the arcade with his bag full to the brim with dolls he was unaware that he was under scrutiny. Back at the Negaverse Titus had been infused with the special precognitive abilities from the Negaforce and she summoned up the scene for her reluctant partner Zoicite to see in a huge screen-like image. They could see Game Machine Joe walking down the street. "That's our first target," Titus declared. "That fellow is the first of the Crystal hosts General Zoicite."
"Okay let's go. I see he's turning round a corner," replied Zoicite and the two of them transported to the earth. Titus was still in her monstrous appearance. She had not changed into her human disguise at all. She didn't feel like it without her Jedite. But she was eager to fulfill her mission thinking she'd get him back.
But before they could fully materialize where Joe currently was they pulled themselves up short.
"Oh no. He's not alone." Zoicite growled as she and Titus prevented themselves from becoming tangible just in time.
Lita had left the arcade too and taken the short cut so that she met Joe around the corner. "Hello." She smiled. "I saw you back at the arcade. I hear you're called Game Machine Joe. Let me introduce myself. My name is Lita."
Joe was used to people saying hello to him. He smiled back and shook her hand. "Pleased to meet you Lita."
Lita continued a little nervously. "Um. I don't suppose you'd like to have a milkshake somewhere. I know we've only just met. But I was so impressed with the way you win all those dolls so easy just like that." She clicked her fingers.
Joe thought to himself. This Lita did seem like a rather nice person and he wouldn't mind a milkshake around this time of the day. "Sure okay Lita. Let's go."
Lita couldn't believe her good fortune. "Oh thank you Joe. Let me take you to my favourite cafe. They have the very best shakes in town."
Zoicite and Titus materialized behind some nearby bushes. "I was hoping to grab the Crystal inside him discreetly with nobody around." Zoicite cursed but Titus was optimistic.
"We'll just have to take it as best we can General Zoicite."
"But tell me Titus. If we follow him now and ambush him at the cafe that girl is taking him to what will we do about her and the other witnesses that will be involved?"
"Let me think." Titus thought for a moment though Zoicite grouched. "I haven't got all day to sit around you know. And we can't go back to Queen Beryl without that Crystal."
Titus scowled at her. She could sense Zoicite's disliking for her and she resented it but she controlled her passionate feelings and said, "You must be more patient General Zoicite. I already have an idea."
"Tell me what it is then."
"When I extract the Rainbow Crystal I will use some of the magic power the Negaforce gave me to turn the victim into a raging berserk monster for an entire hour approximately. While we make our escape the host himself will eliminate all the witnesses by the time he turns back to normal."
In spite of herself Zoicite couldn't help but feel impressed by the ingenuity of such strategy. "Very good. Okay let's follow them invisibly before they get too far ahead."
They disappeared and ran after Joe and Lita.

When they arrived at the cafe Joe and Lita each bought their favourite flavour. Lita had strawberry and Joe had caramel. As they sat at the table sipping through their straws Lita asked Joe, "I'm really amazed. How can you possibly pull off getting those toys out of the lucky dip successfully every single time?"
Joe just grinned. "I seem to be blessed with a charmed winning streak."
Lita was just thinking dreamily to herself that Joe really did remind her so strikingly of her former boyfriend's modest mysterious mannerisms when suddenly Zoicite and Titus made their move. Everybody shrieked as they materialized inside the cafe next to Joe and Lita's table. Before Lita had a chance to react Zoicite raised her hand pointing her finger at her and a powerful force suddenly lashed out at her. It threw her chair over backwards sending Lita sliding across the floor on her back. She lost consciousness as her head hit the wall. As for Joe he jumped up to flee in panic but Titus moved to stand in his way and placed her hands on his shoulders.
"Hold it." She yelled. "You have something that we need."
Joe thought of shoving her aside but he found he couldn't move. Titus' touch had him paralyzed and while he was stuck Titus quickly reached her hand into his chest and pulled out the first Rainbow Crystal. "It's ours General Zoicite," she cried. "Now let's get out of here. In twenty seconds he'll turn into a maniacal beast."
Zoicite laughed as she prepared to dematerialize with Titus. "Say your prayers people. You're all going to die."
Most of the crowd were still so shocked they were just staring open-mouthed and gasping.

Just then Serena happened to enter the building for a milkshake herself having said good-bye to her other friends. Luna was in her arms and they just caught sight of the pair of fiends as they vanished. Serena couldn't believe her eyes. "Was that Titus? I thought she was dead!"
"Never mind that for now Serena." Luna whispered pointing with her paw at Lita and Joe. "They need help."
Lita was groaning and trying to wake up while Joe was hunched over moaning and shaking. Serena put Luna down and ran next to Joe.
Before she could ask him what the matter was Joe changed into a creepy figure in red and silver body armour and a monstrous helmet. Jumping to his feet he produced a spiked hammer in one of his hands and Serena screamed as she ducked from his swing. It only missed crushing her skull by inches but Serena desperately needed to weave and twist her body as he relentlessly persisted in running at her trying to make his weapon connect and now everybody was really beginning to panic.
Luna was aghast. Serena couldn't become Sailor Moon with so many people present. But still it looked like she either had to expose her identity or else the monster would pound her head to jelly any moment. Serena couldn't keep avoiding that terrible hammer forever.
But salvation came in the form of Lita. She had come to and in spite of the throbbing pain and dizziness from when she was thrown into the wall, she successfully leapt to her feet and seized the monster from behind. In a magnificent display of her strength she actually lifted Joe up into the air above her head. He angrily tried to swing his hammer to break her arms but being held up on his back with her elbows locked, he simply found it impossible to hit her. He couldn't actually talk in the form Titus' sorcery had transformed him. He just made inarticulate snarls and growls.
Lita shouted at the top of her voice. "All of you get away from here while I can still detain this creature. Run as fast as you can."
Nobody needed to be told twice and they all evacuated as quickly as possible leaving only Serena and Luna. Luna in particular had noticed a symbol flashing very briefly on Lita's forehead while she was holding Joe above her head. "I knew it. This girl is yet another Sailor Scout." She gasped in amazement.
As Lita's strength began to give out she made a concerted effort and with a grunt she threw the monster onto a nearby table which was broken under the impact with a loud crash. Serena had completely forgotten all about transforming in the excitement of it all. She ran over to Lita as she fell onto her knees huffing and puffing. "Are you all right?"
"Serena. Look out!" Luna shouted. As Lita herself was momentarily distracted wondering whose voice had just called out, Serena saw Joe rise to his feet and aim something at her friend.
She shouted in turn. "Look out Lita!" She thrust out both her hands and pushed Lita to the floor as a grappling claw shot out from Joe's hand and missed her snapping around Serena instead pinning her arms by her side. It was still attached to Joe via an extended long pole and now he had picked up the hammer from the floor in his other hand. Now Serena was unable to transform and Joe would be attacking her and Lita any second.

Lita said, "I'll take care of it." But as she started to make a move to rise from the floor she heard Luna call out.
"Wait Lita. Take this stick and transform. It's your best hope."
Lita gasped as Luna pushed a similar looking stick that she had given Amy and Raye towards her as fast as she could. "How come you can talk?"
"Never mind. Just trust me please. Grab this stick and shout Jupiter Power."
Luna could see that Joe was waving the hammer above his head and beginning to run toward Lita and Serena drawing in the extended grappling claw as Serena screamed in horror. Lita also noticed this and snatching up the stick she yelled out "Jupiter Power."
Joe momentarily pulled up to a sudden stop as Lita transformed into the powerful Sailor Scout of Jupiter. But with a terrible growl he renewed his attack and Sailor Jupiter, now transformed knew exactly what to do. "Jupiter Supreme Thunder Crash."
She summoned up the mighty thunder and lightning associated with her representative planet and Joe literally ran right into the attack. It picked him up, breaking the claw which fell away from Serena and as he was blasted backwards into more tables and chairs he lost his spiked hammer which fell to the ground nearby the girls.
Serena took advantage to immediately transform herself. "Moon Crystal Power."
While Joe was grunting and struggling to extricate himself from all the wreckage Sailor Moon cried, "Thanks Sailor Jupiter. Now I'll finish him off."
But as she prepared to reach for her tiara Luna shouted, "No wait a minute. That creature was Game Machine Joe not too long ago. Remember Sailor Moon?"
Sailor Jupiter gasped. "That's Joe?"
Sailor Moon was horrified too. "Oh no that's right. I can't destroy him. What will we do Luna?"
"You must restore him to his original human self." Luna replied.
"But how?" Serena wailed as the creature was beginning to stagger to his feet.
Luna did one of her mid-air somersaults producing a wand in the shape of a crescent moon. "Take this Sailor Moon," she directed and Sailor Moon reached out and seized it.
Luna went on to explain. "That is the Crescent Moon Wand. Wave it and yell Moon Healing Activation. Hurry he's going to attack you again."
So Sailor Moon acted at once. "Moon Healing Activation."
The magical healing properties surrounded Game Machine Joe just as he was springing at the two Scouts. With a flash of light the monster was gone and Joe's normal form reappeared and he collapsed onto his back with a groan passing out once more.

Later when Joe opened his eyes he saw Lita and Serena back in their civilian forms cradling his head and mopping his forehead with a wet cloth and a bucket of water between them. "Oooh. What happened?"
"It's all right Joe," Lita spoke compassionately. "Sailor Moon was here and she sorted out those bad people that attacked us."
"Sailor Moon? Wow. I'm sorry I didn't get to meet her." Joe sighed admiringly.
Lita spoke on. "This is a friend of mine Serena. Since everybody else fled the scene while Sailor Moon was engaged in battle she and I stayed to take care of you. Sailor Moon herself had to leave to pursue her enemy while they fled."
The cover story carefully rolled off Lita's tongue and Serena said hello to Joe and asked how he was feeling.
Joe smiled gratefully. "I'm a bit worn out but I'm getting my strength back. Thank you Serena and Lita."
He went on to say, "To express my gratitude for what you've done for me I'll share a secret with you both. You both promise not to tell anybody else?"
Serena and Lita were very curious. "We give you our solemn word Joe."
"Yes indeed."
Joe took his cap off and set it upon the floor by his side. "Okay. Remember Lita how you asked me how I always win on the Lucky Dip Machine every time without fail? Well this is the source of my charmed winning streak."
He held his hand, palm open before his cap and to the girls' and Luna's surprise it briefly rose a few inches up into the air and hung there for ten seconds. As it fell back down they gasped.
"How did you do that?" Lita exclaimed.
"that's amazing," Serena added.
Joe picked up his cap, put it back on his head and replied, "So I kind of cheat. I've had this strange ability to levitate objects since I was ten years old. I honestly don't know where it came from but I use it to ensure that the prizes rise up free into the claw when it's just about touching them. I don't tell this to many people because it would probably freak them out."
"Well it doesn't freak us out Joe. Serena and I have open minds." Lita thought to herself that nothing like that would freak her out after what she observed earlier. It was a relief that Joe had no knowledge of what happened to him earlier.
Serena added. "Yeah. And we won't tell anybody else Joe. We wouldn't want to freak them out either."

Joe thanked them profusely and when he was fully recovered they gave him his bag of toys to find good homes for and they said a cheery good-bye. Lita sighed when he was gone. "He did indeed look so much like my ex-boyfriend." The truth that she was in fact hiding was that she had been expelled for "fighting" with her old boyfriend and some of his buddies when she had discovered that he was cheating on her. She was keeping that fact to herself but she still was enamoured with anybody she met who reminded her of that boy even though he had betrayed her trust.

Meanwhile Luna was telling Serena that she had a very serious responsibility being in charge of the Crescent Moon Wand. "It is the symbol of leadership Serena."
"What do you mean Luna?"
"You are the appointed leader of the Sailor Scouts. So you must hold on to this wand and use it well until we find the lost Moon Princess and pass it on to her."
Serena couldn't believe it. "Me. The leader? On no. This job gets harder and harder all the time."

As for Zoicite and Titus they presented themselves before Queen Beryl where the Plant Trio, the Dream Dolly, Malachite and Ramwoir all eagerly waited for news of their mission's progress.
"Queen Beryl. We have brought back the first Rainbow Crystal," said Zoicite bowing on one knee.
Titus bowed on one knee too holding the treasure out in open hands for all to behold.
"Well done both of you. Titus. You know what to do next."
"Yes I do Queen Beryl." Titus concentrated hard focussing the power of the Nega-force upon the Crystal and a dark substance slowly oozed out from it forming itself into the first of the long lost Shadow Warriors.
"My queen. I am free at long last and at your service once more." He exclaimed as he too bowed reverentially before Beryl's throne.
Queen Beryl smiled broadly. "My precious Shadow. Welcome back to the Negaverse. Now go and make yourself at home in the living quarters of your old coach and mentor Soldier Titus while she and General Zoicite concentrate their efforts into recovering your six comrades. Then you will all lead us on to victory."
"It is my pleasure to obey you my queen." The Shadow bowed once more and left the throneroom. Titus was so happy. Once she was finished freeing the Shadows she and Jedite would be together once more and the Dream Dolly and Ramwoir shared her eager expectations. But Zoicite, Malachite and the Plant Trio all grinned wickedly knowing full well what was really going to happen. They were looking forward to obeying their queen's orders to destroy Titus.

Meanwhile the next day Lita, Serena and Luna were back at the Arcade where Lita was determined to practice on the Sailor V game. While she was grumbling and vowing to succeed with the next coin she put in Andrew came up to say hello to Serena.
"Hey Serena. It's been a long time since I last saw you. How've you been?"
"Andrew. Things are great thanks. I have a new friend with me today."
"Oh that's nice. What's her name"
"Lita. Hey Lita. This is Andrew."
To Serena's shock Lita became all gaga once more. "Oh wow. He looks exactly like my old boyfriend."
"What? I thought Joe looked like your old boyfriend. Andrew doesn't look anything like Joe."
But when Lita kept insisting that Andrew was so cool and dreamy Serena groaned. "Lita. Grow up. You can't have a crush every two minutes."
Luna sighed deeply to herself. "Serena's actually saying that?"


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
Reaction score
That is exciting news Dr.Tooth. Thanks for sharing.

Finally here's more of my story.

Episode 22 The Power Of Friendship

In his apartment Darien woke up with a start. Sitting up in his bed he gasped for breath with the shock of the dream he had just had. The very same sort of dream he'd been constantly having. He threw himself out of bed and ran to the kitchen for a drink of water. After he'd calmed himself he looked at the glass in his hand and thought. "What can that strange dream mean? There is always that strange-looking castle where a princess in shadow looks down upon that man in the top hat, tuxedo and mask from a small open window in the wall. She always says "Tuxedo Mask. Please find the Silver Imperium Crystal. Then we can finally be together once more," and he promises her he will get it."
Darien set his glass down upon the table, went back to his bed, sat on it and buried his face in his hands. "I can never see myself in the dream at all. Unless I'm supposed to be that mysterious man she calls Tuxedo Mask." He raised his head and shook it hard. Then he struck his forehead twice with his palm. "If only I could clear up this mystery. It's driving me crazy."

Later that following day Serena was very depressed at school. It wasn't that she received another detention with Miss Haruna or anything like that however. It was because Molly was still absent from her schooldesk. When she lost her dear friend Nephlite she had retreated into her shell with grief and mourning. That had been three days ago now on a Sunday night and Molly had never gone back to school at all. Her mother was so deeply worried about her and was trying her very best to help her recover. But it seemed as if Molly would never be the same again.

When the last class was over Serena just so happened to cross paths with Melvin on the way home. "Why Serena. What's with the long face?" He asked her gently. "Have you failed another examination?"
She sighed. "No I haven't Melvin. I'm simply feeling so down in the dumps about Molly. She's so badly depressed and I don't know how to help her."
"Oh. Is that why she hasn't been at school this week? That is sad news," Melvin replied.
"Yeah." Serena gave another deep sigh.
"Tell you what," Melvin continued. "How about the two of us go over to visit her and try to cheer her up?"
Serena was very reluctant about this. "Does Molly really need to hear any boring talk from you about snails and inchworms?"
"BORING?" Melvin was a little bit incensed.
"Whatever. Okay we'll go but I'm warning you. If you say anything that's boring you'll be burnt toast for breakfast." She clenched a threatening fist but Melvin just laughed it off and said in return.
"Hey don't worry. I've been picking up tons of great jokes on the internet. I'll be anything but boring."
"Jokes," Serena thought to herself. "Great. I wonder if being anything but boring includes stupid or crazy." She did not say this out loud though because she didn't want to upset Melvin while Molly was in this fearful state of mind.

So they both let their respective families know where they were going and then they went to visit Molly. When they knocked on the door Molly's mother answered. "Hello Mrs. Baker. Serena and I have come to see if we can try to cheer up Molly." Melvin smiled and raised his hand in a thumbs up gesture.
"I certainly hope she will at least let us see her," Serena added.
Molly's mum had tears of joy in her eyes. "You're both so sweet to think of her like this. I will let her know she has visitors. Come inside with me and good luck."
When they all went to see her in her room Molly was still morose. Though she did smile acknowledgingly and say hello to her friends. Her mother said she would let them all spend some time together. "I'll just prepare some soda pop and bring it in to you," she added.
"That sounds cool," said Serena.
"Yummy thanks," Melvin eagerly licked his lips.
"Thank you mum," said Molly.

As the visit progressed Molly didn't say very much while she was sipping her drink. Serena and Melvin tried to make her laugh.
"Oh Molly. You really should have been in gym class today. Melvin became entangled with the volleyball net. It was hilarious."
Melvin took a swig of his drink and spoke retaliatingly. "Yeah. But that only happened because a certain clumsy person with long, yellow hair tied in pigtails tripped me up and made me stumble."
Molly didn't even bat an eye so Melvin tried a new tactic. "Hey Molly. How about a joke?"
Serena quickly intervened. "Not a joke Melvin. Don't you have any tasty items of news instead?"
Melvin looked at her. "You want news? Okay then. Here's something really big."
"Throw it out there then Melvin," Serena exhaled in relief.
Melvin turned back to Molly and said, "Guess what? I heard that the millionaire Maxfield Stanton recently vanished without a trace."
Horrified Serena reached out and grabbed Melvin from behind covering his mouth. While he was struggling she groaned. "Why did I ever agree to let you come with me?"
But far from being offended Molly said, "Melvin. Serena. It really is such a beautiful day. Why don't the three of us go out walking around town?"
Serena was amazed. "You really want to go out Molly?"
Molly turned smiling. "Yeah. It will do all of us some good. Then maybe later we can go see that recent Sailor V movie."
As Serena released Melvin he blurted out, "I love Sailor V. That sounds awesome."

Meanwhile Luna was briefing Amy, Raye and the new member of their team Lita at the Cherry Hill Temple. Amy asked, "Do you have any idea what the Negaverse was up to the other day when they turned that fellow Joe into a beast Luna?"
Before Luna could answer Raye added, "Yeah. From what we've heard about the battle from you and Lita it was rather weird. There was no indication obviously that they were gathering energy from anybody. What could the point of it have all been?"
"This is a very good question girls and I wish I knew what the answer was. Currently it's a mystery." Luna was very perplexed but Amy went on with another point.
"And if what Serena told us is correct. About how she thinks she saw a glimpse of our old enemy Titus before she disappeared, well that's even more mysterious. If she's still alive Jedite may be as well."
Lita was confidently smug. "Bring these people on. I think we can handle them. You have me to help too. I assisted Sailor Moon very well in the last battle and you others weren't even present."
Raye couldn't help feeling a little resentful at Lita's seeming to be a bit big-headed. But she held her tongue and controlled herself.
"One more question Luna." Amy began rubbing her chin as she spoke. "How can we handle things if the Negaverse is suddenly turning random victims into homicidal maniacs? How can we tell where they may strike next before somebody gets hurt or even worse?"
"The Crescent Moon Wand that I gave Serena for turning Joe back to normal also has a built-in radar device." Luna explained. "When agents of the Negaverse are anywhere in the city it will detect them and begin to beep directing us where to find them. When it does we must act immediately anytime night or day to try to catch them before it's too late."
"Do you think it's really a good idea to give it to Serena for safekeeping?" Raye asked. "She's not terribly responsible you know."
Luna nervously answered, "Now I think she has begun to improve since I first knew her. But if you girls want to elect one of you to be leader in her place then tell me so now."
"You'd take the wand off her?" Lita was almost shocked but Luna went on.
"I don't really want to. I believe she deserves a chance to prove her leadership worthiness. But if you all think otherwise, I will respect your wishes. Now what do you all think?"
Raye shut her eyes and made a grumpy facial expression. She griped, "I think she's too whiny to be leader. If you ask me I'd make a much better candidate."
Amy was optimistic though. "You are right though Luna. Serena has come a long way."
Upon hearing this Raye scowled and looking at Amy begun to telepathically channel her powers of persuasion and influence. Without realizing what was happening to her Amy suddenly went into a daze and said slowly, "Um. But still I really think Raye would be a far worthier choice."
Raye smiled looking innocent. Her magical deception in the matter had worked very well.
"Oh you think so Amy?" Luna was disappointed but she said, "Very well then if you all agree we shall have to tell Serena the truth."
"No I disagree." Lita's voice rang out loud and clear as she rose to her feet. "She has strong courage even if she doesn't always know it."
Raye was incensed and stared at Lita concentrating very hard. Luna was very pleased at this supportive response but when Lita began to clench her teeth and put her hands against her temples she became concerned. "Lita? Have you got a sudden headache? What's wrong?"
Lita said nothing. She just groaned while Raye did her best to infuse her sorcery upon Lita. She was struggling too with the effort but finally Lita screamed, "GET OUT OF MY HEAD!"
She pulled her hands away flinging her arms wide open and Raye was knocked over backwards by the force and Amy began to shake her head like she was trying to wake up from sleepiness.
"What is going on?" Luna demanded to know.
Lita pointed an accusing finger at Raye as she struggled to sit up. "It was Raye. I could feel her magically trying to invade my mind in order to psychically make me recant my decision. I bet she did the same to Amy."
Amy also asked, "What happened to me? I thought Serena deserved at least an opportunity to prove herself."
Luna was very annoyed with Raye. "How could you stoop to such low-down back-handed tactics?"
Raye tried to excuse herself. "I said Serena is a whiner and I'd be a better leader."
Lita yelled at her. "But manipulation in itself is not a respectable leadership quality!"
"Oh Raye. You should be ashamed of yourself," Amy moaned with a frown.
But Raye was determined that she was justified in this situation and just folded her arms, turned her back and began to sulk.

Ignoring her Luna said to Lita, "Call Serena on your communicator. She ought to be here as leader."
"Righto Luna." Lita pulled out her device and spoke into it. "Come in Serena. Come in."
Serena's voice replied. "I'm here Lita. What's happening?" She was out walking with her friends and had excused herself to duck into the restroom of the nearest store when she had felt her communicator vibrating in her pocket.
Lita explained, "We're all at the Cherry Hill Temple and Luna's been discussing the concerns we have with the strange activities of the Negaverse recently. Why don't you join us?"
Serena thought for a moment before replying. "I'd really love to but at the moment I have far more important things to think about. I'm going to go see the new Sailor V movie with Molly this afternoon. Surely you can manage without me until tomorrow. Bye now."
As she switched off her communicator she thought to herself, "I have to think about Molly. Luna and the others will understand of course."
But Luna and the others were rather distraught. "There you see what I mean?" Raye crowed triumphantly. "Is that what you consider devoted leadership Luna?"
Luna, Lita and Amy were very upset. "We must find her and talk some sense into her." Luna stated firmly.
"You girls come with me."
Lita and Amy agreed and stood up but Raye stubbornly stayed hunched up in contempt. "I will not go Luna. It's a waste of time. If you're all smart you'll declare me the new leader immediately."
"Raye. What's the matter with you?" Amy cried.
"I don't believe your attitude," Lita added with contempt.
"There's no time to argue. Let's go now. If Raye won't join us we'll have to leave her. We must track down Serena's whereabouts and warn her of the possibilities before the Negaverse makes a new move."
"Okay Luna."
Raye watched as the other two ran off behind Luna. She gritted her teeth and shed angry tears. "If they insist upon looking towards that clown then the Negaverse may well triumph one day." She sobbed with wounded pride and a little bit of fear. Raye may have been behaving childishly but the truth is she was deeply concerned about everything as she saw it. She didn't want the forces of evil to destroy them and their home planet and as she sat sulking she began to weep mournfully.

At that moment Serena, Molly and Melvin were passing the graveyard on their walk. Melvin shuddered. "I don't like graveyards. They're so eerily silent. No computers anywhere. Hey follow me girls and have a look at that amazing bridge nearby. I can tell you exactly how they constructed it."
Melvin walked away not realizing that the girls were not following him. They were staring at the rows of tombstones and Molly was trembling and starting to sob. "This brings Nephlite back to my mind. I wonder if he can see me now? Oh Serena I miss him so much."
As she began to cry Serena tried to comfort her. "Please don't cry Moll."
Just then Melvin came up from behind and made Serena jump. "Hey I have a suggestion girls. How about instead of going to that movie we all visit the insect museum and look at bugs? Doesn't that sound fascinating?"
All in all Serena would rather spend the rest of the day in detention with Miss Haruna in preference to Melvin's brilliant suggestion as he thought. Besides Molly didn't need it at the present time for sure but before she could reply to him she realized that Molly had disappeared. "Hey. Where did Molly go?" She and Melvin both looked around perplexed.

Meanwhile Queen Beryl was reminding her servants that they had no time to waste. "There are still six more Rainbow Crystals for you to find."
Zoicite and Titus bowed. "Yes your majesty. We shall set out immediately. Titus quickly locate the second Crystal host."
"Of course General Zoicite." Titus rose to her feet and conjured up another projected image in mid-air like before. "Mighty Negaforce. Guide me to another Rainbow Crystal carrier."
This time the image of a charming, tall man with a handsome face and a thin moustache. He was dressed as a priest and carried a Bible in his hands.
Queen Beryl said, "Zoicite. Titus. You both know what to do."
"Yes Queen Beryl." They both transported to confront this priest.

But somebody else was already confronting the priest. While Serena and Melvin were desperately trying to find Molly she was in the last place they would think to search. The graveyard. Molly had caught a glimpse of the priest wandering among the tombstones with his Bible and had slipped away to speak to him. "Excuse me Father. May I have a word with you please?"
The priest turned and smiled at her. "Yes my dear. What can I do for you?"
Molly bowed her head. "I have a close friend. But he died. We hadn't known each other for very long, but we became very good friends."
Molly reached into her pocket and pulled out the makeshift bandage torn from her pajamas. "This is the only thing of his I still have." Her voice started to falter. "But I'm afraid that I might forget him, or he'll forget me."
The priest chose his words very carefully. "If his memory is firmly embedded in your heart, then you'll never forget him. Now as for his forgetting you I'm sure he could never be capable of that. He understands that you miss him, but he wouldn't want you to be sad all the time, would he?"
Molly knew this was true but she dropped to her knees. "Nephlite wouldn't want that of course Father. But it's just that I feel so lost and all alone."
"But you're not alone." The priest walked closer as he spoke comfortingly. "I saw you earlier when I was passing the edge of this graveyard with two of your other friends. Another girl and a boy. They seem to care about you very much. You really need their support in this time of grief and loss."
Molly looked up into his face. "I understand. Thank you Father."

Suddenly a voice yelled out. "You'd better forget Nephlite."
Molly and the priest turned their heads to see Zoicite and Titus. They had been listening invisibly and under Zoicite's prompting had fully materialized.
Molly gasped. "Did you know Nephlite?"
"That traitor. He got what was coming to him." Zoicite laughed with sarcasm and Molly recognized her.
"You were the leader of those bad people who kidnapped me. Nephlite rescued me, then later you killed him." In a rage she sprang to attack her. Zoicite seized her arms and twisted them painfully. The priest was horrified. "Stop or I'll call the police."
Titus was astonished. "Did General Nephlite really," she began but Zoicite cut her off. "It's none of your concern Titus. Just grab the Rainbow Crystal and turn the host into another savage beast. This girl will soon be taking up residence in this graveyard."

Melvin and Serena had split up and were going in opposite directions calling Molly's name. Serena was very upset wondering where she could have vanished to in such a hurry. Then the wand inside her carry bag started to make a beeping noise. Before she could take it out to examine it however she heard someone call her name. "Serena. Sailor Moon."
Turning she gasped to see Nephlite's disembodied spirit. "N-Nephlite!"
"Sailor Moon. You must follow me. Molly's in terrible danger. Quickly there's no time to waste."
The ghost floated towards the graveyard and Serena thought she'd better transform and follow. "Moon Prism Power. Aw. I hope this doesn't mean I'll have to miss the Sailor V movie."

Back to Molly she was still incapacitated by Zoicite and as Titus lunged towards the priest he was suddenly very fearful. Not knowing whether Titus was just a crazy woman in a creepy costume or literally a demon, he started to make the sign of the cross when she seized him and shoved her hand into his chest locating the second crystal and pulling it out. "The second crystal is ours General Zoicite." But as she held it up a rose suddenly flew through the air and the stem hit the crystal with point blank precision. As Nephlite and Sailor Moon arrived they saw Tuxedo Mask swoop down from nowhere, snatch the crystal where it lay on the ground and jump away before Titus could figure out what had knocked the crystal out from between her finger and thumb.

Neither Zoicite or Titus noticed Sailor Moon at first. Zoicite was shouting at Tuxedo Mask. "Give that to me."
But he put it in his pocket saying, "I don't see anything that indicates it belongs to you so I claim it."
Sailor Moon broke the silence as Nephlite's ghost faded away. "Stop right there. Release that poor girl. I'm the champion of justice and I will punish you."
"Sailor Moon. Not you too." But before Zoicite could attack Titus rushed over to her in a panic.
"General Zoicite. The priest is beginning to change. If we don't get out of here we'll be killed along with the rest."
Zoicite realized this was correct as the priest, who had been squatting on his knees shuddering and moaning transformed into a monster with vulture wings , legs and feet and with thick gloves on its hands like boxers wear.
"Yeah. Yeah." Zoicite dropped poor Molly to the ground as she spoke. "Okay we'll be back when he returns to normal and we'll take the crystal from the masked Cape-boy's pocket when he's dead."
And the two villains de-materialized just in time as the priest jumped to his feet, swinging his arms and snarling like an animal just like Game Machine Joe had done.

The monster priest pointed one arm at Sailor Moon and the glove flew off spinning very fast towards her face. Even Tuxedo Mask was taken by surprise and he shouted, "Sailor Moon! Duck!"
Sailor Moon screamed but she dived aside prompted by the sound of her hero and protector's voice. The glove struck a tombstone shattering it to chunks among white powder and vanished re-appearing on the priest's hand.
Before Tuxedo Mask could make a move Molly suddenly jumped to her feet and stood in front of Sailor Moon screaming, "Leave her alone you big bully!"
"Molly no!" Sailor Moon was horrified. So was Tuxedo Mask. The monster was preparing to launch its glove again. There was no way he could save both Molly and Sailor Moon. He could only grab one of them. They were too far apart.
The monster gave one of its animalistic roars and sent its glove flying. Molly screamed but Melvin came out of nowhere running at her and tackling her to the ground out of the way. Seeing what had happened Tuxedo Mask made his move really fast. Sailor Moon half rose and screamed as she saw the missile that had missed her friends still heading her way. But as the ground was churned up as if by an explosion Sailor Moon opened her eyes to find herself flying through the air in Tuxedo Mask's strong arms. "You saved me." She crooned admiringly.
But as they alighted on the ground he said to her, "If you can contact your other friends I suggest you ask them for back up help. I must draw the monster's attention away from the other two."

Sailor Moon knew this was the smart thing to do. As Tuxedo Mask called out tauntingly to make the priest turn away from where Melvin and Molly lay on the ground she used her communicator to call Lita.
Lita, Amy and Luna had been searching madly for her and when they heard what was going on they all ran as fast as they could to get to the graveyard.
"Hurry you girls." Luna urged.
"Yeah. There's no time to waste," agreed Lita.
Amy puffed as she added, "I hope we can get there in time. The graveyard is a good half hour away when walking briskly. Even with us running as fast as we can it may still take us half of that time to get there."
"Don't think about it Amy," panted Luna worriedly. But quietly she thought, "Please Serena. Use your wits well."

At that moment Sailor Moon was getting Molly and Melvin to their feet while Tuxedo Mask had caught the priest's attention. "Hurry you two. Get as far away as you possibly can."
Poor Melvin had hurt his arm when he'd tackled Molly to safety and it was bleeding. He groaned but was able to stand and run towards the exit. Molly turned and thanked Sailor Moon. "That's okay but please get out of here now. Follow Melvin before it's too late." Sailor Moon urged her on.
As Molly ran she heard a voice say her name by her side. She turned and gasped at the face she saw floating nearby. "I will never forget you Molly. I will always watch out for your safety. You're in my heart. Always remember."
She struggled to find words while she was still running and gulped. "Thank you Nephlite. I won't ever forget that."
Nephlite faded away once more as Molly kept on running after Melvin. Soon the two of them were out of the graveyard area and they staggered to a nearby public bench and sat down together trying to catch their breath.
Back where they'd left her Sailor Moon was dodging attacks alongside Tuxedo Mask. Unfortunately in all the excitement she had forgotten all about the Crescent Moon Wand, particularly since Zoicite and Titus left it was no longer beeping. How much longer could she and Tuxedo Mask keep dodging? They were slowly losing their breath. While Tuxedo Mask was desperately twirling his cane to deflect multiple barrages of gloves bursting from the maniacal priest's hands she noticed two things he'd dropped in the scuffle. One was the second Rainbow Crystal. The other was a heart-shaped locket on a neck chain.

As she picked them both up Luna, Lita and Amy all came running into view. "Transform now!" Luna commanded.
"Jupiter Power!"
"Mercury Power!"
To Sailor Moon's joy her friends transformed and the priest's attention was captured by the two new targets. As he turned aside from Tuxedo Mask and charged snarling and growling the other Scouts acted immediately.
"Mercury Bubbles Blast." Sailor Mercury took the beast by surprise with the sudden biting chilliness of her spray and stopped him in his tracks just as he was about to launch a glove at them. Sailor Jupiter took her cue next.
"Jupiter Thunder Crash."
The blast shocked the priest knocking him off his feet and onto his back.
"Are you okay Sailor Moon?" Sailor Jupiter asked.
"Yes I am. Thanks."
Sailor Moon then remembered about her Moon Crescent Wand inside her bag and just as the creature that the priest had become was starting to recover she fished it out. "Moon Healing Activation."
The wand's healing powers enveloped the priest and in a flash he was back to normal, falling back down again with his Bible on top of his chest.

"Well done Sailor Moon." Tuxedo Mask congratulated her.
She cried out urgently, "Wait. Don't disappear so soon. Look. I think you dropped a couple of things."
She held out the crystal and the locket in her hands and Tuxedo Mask realized that he had almost lost the prize he had been fighting for. Walking over to her outstretched arms he said, "Thank you. I need to take this." He pocketed the crystal and hesitated. His hand over the locket. "But you may keep that star locket. I feel inclined to give it to you as a gift."
Sailor Moon was astonished. She barely had time to thank him before he ran away. Luna and the other girls came over to see what he'd given her. Looking closely they saw that the middle of the star opened up and it began to play beautiful tunes just like a music box. "That's lovely Sailor Moon," said Sailor Mercury. Everybody thought it adorable.
Sailor Moon thought for a minute then stated, "I don't know why but this seems rather familiar."

Tuxedo Mask stood concealed in a quiet secluded alley way. As he stared at the Rainbow Crystal in his hand he began to shimmer. Then his mask and other elegant clothing disappeared revealing himself as Darien in his everyday attire. "It's true." He exclaimed excitedly. I am Tuxedo Mask. Just like in the dream. Now I just need to figure out who the mysterious princess is." He pocketed the crystal once more and walked to his apartment deep in thought. Inside his pocket though he was unaware, one of the Seven Dark Shadows was still trapped. A secure prisoner.

It was a little over an hour when Zoicite and Titus returned to the graveyard. The spell should have worn off the priest by then and they were expecting to find Sailor Moon, Tuxedo Mask and Molly all slaughtered and the poor priest out of his mind with shock and terror if he hadn't fled in a wild panic. But to their own shock there were no bodies at all.
When the priest had woken up the Sailor Scouts had explained to him that they had taken care of the evil ones who had attacked him and that Molly was also safe.
"Praise the Lord." The priest had exclaimed kissing his Bible and looking up into the sky. "You Sailor Scouts must be Heavenly Guardians. Thank you and thanks be to the Almighty."
Just like Game Machine Joe, he had no recollection of what happened while he was a mindless, out of control, deadly monster.
Upon viewing the vacant scene Zoicite moaned. "Sailor Moon and Cape Boy must have thwarted your plan Titus. Cape Boy must now have the second crystal."
Titus began to sob. "Oh my boyfriend. My boyfriend."
"Oh shut up Titus. This is all your fault. Turning the crystal carriers into maniacal beasts to kill all witnesses was your stupid idea. The Scouts may have intervened the first time. That's why Sailor Moon turned up this time to interfere. So you have drawn attention to our activities and cost us the second crystal and second Shadow."
Hearing all this horrible accusation while she was weeping and thinking about her boyfriend trapped in eternal sleep Titus retaliated with venom in her voice.
"Don't you talk to me like this. I want my Jedite you heartless hag."
Zoicite seized her hair. "Stupid jerk. You only care about that idiot Jedite."
Titus fought back pulling her own hair. "I thought you'd be understanding. What if you were in my position with General Malachite in my dear Jedite's place?"
"Don't try to deny your responsibilities for you messing up our mission."
The two Negaverse women de-materialized to report their failure inevitably to Queen Beryl cursing, kicking, pinching and pulling each other's hair all the time.

As for Melvin and Molly, Serena had met up with them again after saying goodbye to the priest and she had changed back into her civilian identity. She found them sitting on the bench together. "Hey Molly. Melvin. I was wondering what had become of you two."
"We were attacked by more of those evil forces hanging around our city Serena. But Sailor Moon saved us." Molly explained as Serena sat down next to her.
"Oh that's good to hear that she was around to save the day. But Melvin. What's that on your arm?" Serena gasped as she saw the bloodstains upon something tied around his injured arm."
"I was hurt bad in the attack Serena but Molly tied it around the wound to staunch it," Melvin answered.
"Molly. Isn't that the bandage you used on Nephlite?"
It was indeed the strips that Molly had torn from her pajamas that fateful night but she smiled as she said to Serena,"Yeah. But he would want me to use it to help Melvin. He saved my life at a crucial moment during the incident in the graveyard."
Melvin blushed and laughed slightly embarrassed but Molly continued. "Besides Nephlite is not really fully gone. He lives in my heart just like all my closest friends. And I know that he is still watching over me."
"Oh how sweet," Serena beamed.
"Well girls. Unfortunately we've missed the movie. It began over 45 minutes ago," said Melvin looking at his watch. "But what about that suggestion I made earlier about visiting the insect museum? That stays open for another two hours."
Serena was aghast but she was even more horrified when Molly turned to Melvin, smiled and replied, "I'd like that very much Melvin. It will do me some good to take an interest in learning about something such as bugs. Let's go Serena."
"Oh no!" Serena moaned to herself. "What a sickeningly boring way to end the day." She walked behind her friends dragging her feet and wishing she could switch off everything else around her. "I knew it was a big mistake to allow Melvin to come along with me to cheer up Molly."

Finally Amy and Lita were walking off by themselves with Luna curled up in Lita's arms. Luna groaned. "I'm very worried. Serena will probably begin wondering why Raye didn't come. Then I may have to tell her the truth. That Raye wants to be leader instead of her."
"Don't worry." Lita said. "I'm sure that deep down Raye really believes in her too."
"Yes," added Amy. "In any case I feel confident that she will eventually come to see sense. Serena is a true friend."
Luna felt cheered up by these words. "Yes she does indeed have a big friendly heart."


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
Reaction score
Episode 23 Mercury's Mental Match

Queen Beryl was most displeased. Zoicite and Titus stood before her throne with Malachite, Ramwoir, the Dream Dolly and the Plant Trio arranged solemnly behind them. It was the pair up front who bore the brunt of her lecture of course. They trembled and sweated as she sternly spoke.
"You both know that we need all the Rainbow Crystals to retrieve our lost comrades the Shadow Warriors and also to discover the secret of getting our hands on the Silver Imperium Crystal. I am not happy about your failure."
"Yes Queen Beryl." The two women bowed their heads as Queen Beryl went on.
"Seven crystals each containing one of our Shadows and we have only liberated one. It is most unfortunate that Tuxedo Mask got his hands on the second crystal. I want it back. It is vital to the success of our goals and Titus, if you want to have your Jedite back you'd better help Zoicite recover it."
"I will your majesty," Titus made this solemn vow for the sake of her sweetheart.
Zoicite affirmed that they would retrieve it too and Malachite stepped forward to stand next to her. "Your majesty. I humbly request permission to speak."
"Granted Malachite."
"Zoicite and I have been talking over our plans for Tuxedo Mask. Ultimately he is bound to aim to get his hands on the other five remaining crystals. So when he next shows up we plan to set a trap for him. We will capture him and make him hand over that crystal he stole."
Queen Beryl replied, "You sound very confident but you still must find the other five crystals. Get on it immediately Zoicite and Titus and your trap had better work Malachite. I will not tolerate any more failures."

Meanwhile a couple were travelling by train to the city in which Serena and her friends lived. The man and his wife were quite used to constantly moving around from place to place. He was an office worker in a factory firm and he moved to live wherever his job transferred him. They had had all their furniture moved to their new house by van. They relaxed in their train seats. Their son on the other hand always found the moving hard. They barely spent no more than one year maximum in any place and he was always making new friends and having to say good-bye too soon. But of course he just had to grin and bear it. His name was Greg. Their only child.
"Mum. Dad. I need to visit the restroom." He stood up in his seat.
"That's okay Greg." His dad smiled and so did his mother.
"I won't be long," Greg assured them and he made his way through the train to the restroom carriage. After he was finished and was washing his hands in the sink, his face suddenly went white. He had seen images flash in front of his eyes. He realized what they were and they did not bode well for him or anybody else for that matter. But he composed himself, washed his face, combed his hair and calmly went back to sit with his parents. He certainly did not want to worry them and they would never understand or even believe him. He went back to watching the scenery go by through the train window and his dad said, "We'll be at our next home city in about twenty minutes."

Two weeks later Greg and his parents had settled into daily life once more. Greg was enrolled in the same High School that Serena, Amy, Lita, Melvin and Molly attended and he was getting along well with everybody. But he was secretly amazed with Amy. He recalled a long time ago that he had seen her face in one of his visions. He had clearly seen Amy catch the bouquet thrown by Helen Lambert when she married Herbert Humphreys. He had also seen clear further visions of her since then and he knew all about her secret identity and about the rest of the Sailor Scouts and their battles against the Negaverse forces. But he kept all this to himself and they all thought he was just another average teenage boy who had joined their school. He often wondered about these things he had seen though. He knew they were going to affect him sooner or later. And it worried him. He couldn't change what was going to happen. He just needed to prepare himself to face the inevitable.

At that particular time they had just had the latest examinations at the school and all the students results were displayed up on the notice board for them to see. As usual Serena was at the very bottom of the grades. She turned to Lita was was standing beside her and moaned. "Oh my parents are going to chew me up and spit me out again."
Lita put her hand on Serena's shoulder and said, "Maybe you should have considered trying something rather unique. Like studying for example?"
Serena looked up into her friend's smiling face and answered. "Study? Wow Lita. That is an amazing train of thought." She laughed nervously and blushed.
As Lita grinned back at her and said, "You could try it next time if you set your mind to it you know."
Just then Serena noticed Amy walking by and called out to get her attention.
"Hey Amy. You came in second."
"Yes." Amy sighed. "I missed getting a 100% score by getting one answer wrong. It's disappointing. Next time I shall try studying harder."
Serena inwardly groaned. "Does she really have to be such a perfectionist?" She thought to herself.
Lita said to Amy, "That boy who achieved full marks in every single subject is in the very same class as you isn't he?"
"Yes that's right Lita. He's very nice." Amy gestured suddenly. "Look there he is now. Hi Greg." She waved to him as he was walking by.
Greg turned at the sound of his name and when he saw who had called out he gulped and blushed briefly. "Oh hello Amy." He sheepishly grinned and quickly ran off. Serena had taken special notice of his actions and figured she knew what was going on inside Greg.

Later during morning lunch break she sneaked up on Greg while he was looking at a clipping about the time when Amy had won the state examinations and made him jump when she said in a sing-song voice, "You are keen on Amy."
"Yeow!" He exclaimed in surprise and Serena continued.
"I saw how you reacted when she called out to you earlier and I see what you have in your hands. So admit it. You're obsessed with her I just bet."
Greg gulped. "No it's not exactly that. I'm just trying to be as good as she is."
Serena wasn't put off. "Right. Now you've gotten ahead of her you can admit to your feelings." She nudged him in the ribs and he yelled.
"Wait a minute. I made a lucky guess and obtained a perfect score. Amy's still much better than me."
Then Greg softened and sighed. "Very well. It is true. I do like Amy very much. But the fact is she is still too good for someone like me."
"What?" Serena would not accept this at all. "Listen Greg. I know how you can get to know Amy better. Just leave it to me to arrange it for you."
As she started to run off laughing Greg called her to wait. Turning she asked, "What is it now Greg?"
Greg thought about his words carefully. "Um. I just want to warn you to please be careful about wet paint today."
"Wet paint? What do you mean Greg?" But just as perplexed Serena asked about this, the painter man who was standing above her on a ladder painting the school building wall accidentally lost his grip on the can of bright red paint he was dipping his paintbrush into. With a splash and a crash it landed over poor Serena's head, colouring her red from top to bottom. As she took hold of the can and lifted it off her head spluttering and coughing the painter hurriedly climbed down the ladder to offer his deepest humble apologies.
Greg also apologized. "Um. Sorry. I guess I should have told you sooner."

After this unfortunate accident Serena was sent home by Miss Haruna for a shower and she spent almost 40 minutes shampooing the red out of her hair until it was yellow once more. Then with a change of clothes Serena called Greg and arranged to meet him for a milkshake in the early evening.
While Serena and Greg were meeting to talk about Amy, Raye had coaxed Darien to go out with her. They were walking to a restaurant for dinner, Raye snuggling up to Darien's arm. She was so delighted as she liked Darien so very much. But he was deep in thought. "My past is still so unclear to me. I know the Silver Imperium Crystal is the key to solving the mystery."
Raye suddenly brought him back to reality. "Hey. You're very quiet Darien. Is something wrong?"
"Huh. Oh it's all right Raye. Don't worry." He grinned at her. "Let's go eat."

So Darien and Raye went off in their own direction away from the milkshake parlor Serena and Greg were visiting. As they slurped their shakes through their straws Serena gave Greg a photo of Amy. "Here. This is for you," she cheerfully said.
Greg took a look at the picture. It showed Amy preparing to take a bite out of a hamburger when obviously she had been taken by surprise when her picture had been suddenly unexpectedly taken.
Greg's eyes opened wide and his mouth broke into an enormous smile. "Oh thanks. This is a very nice picture."
Serena sniggered. "Yes it is. As you can see it shows that Amy can sometimes act normal."
As Greg slipped it inside his shirt-breast pocket he added. "Just please don't tell Amy I have this. Okay?"
"Oh don't worry. My lips are sealed." Serena gestured with a wave of her hand then became serious. "Now let's get down to business. When are you going to meet with her?"
Greg became all defensively timid once more. "Oh no. I can't just ask her out. I'm not worthy of that."
"Sure you are." Serena objected. "Look leave it to me. Amy's computer class will be ending very soon. I'll go over there, meet Amy at the door as she leaves and drag her right here to meet you. Just wait for us to arrive."
As Greg vainly protested Serena ran off, followed by Luna who had been quietly observing the proceedings acting just like an ordinary pet cat. She was wondering if this was going to go well for all concerned.
Greg just took the picture of Amy out of his pocket to look at it once more and sighed deeply. Remembering his vision of Amy catching that bouquet he thought, "I guess I should not try to run from my vision. But still what about the other visions I've been having?"
Indeed Greg had very good reason to wonder about that for at that moment Titus was using the magic powers the Negaforce had given her to conjure up an image of him sitting at the table right now for Zoicite to see.
Zoicite laughed gloatingly. "So this boy is one of the seven humans who has a Rainbow Crystal implanted in him. But not for much longer."
Then she spoke as an afterthought. "Titus what if Cape Boy or the Sailor Scouts show up again though? Suppose they thwart our intention to destroy them by making a monster out of the boy? What if they steal another crystal from us?"
"Those are very good and valid questions and I've been thinking about them also General Zoicite." Titus turned to address her as the psychic screen in the air vanished. "I think if I invest just a little bit more of the Negaforce's magic I will be able to actually control the mindless creature I transform the new host into. Then we won't need to disappear to save our own lives and we can make sure our enemies are well and truly destroyed."
"Very good. I like that Titus." Zoicite exclaimed with satisfaction. But quietly she thought, "Excellent. This will ensure we eliminate the Sailor pests and that infuriating Cape Boy. We'll get all the crystals including the one that was stolen from us and finally I shall gain absolute appreciation from Queen Beryl when my friends and I kill this idiot afterwards."
Zoicite really was looking forward to Titus' demise. Ever since she had been forced to team up with her she had grown to hate her as intensely as any person could hate another.
Titus herself didn't really like Zoicite either. But she thought it was worth being appointed her partner, for she still believed Beryl's lies about promising to restore Jedite from eternal sleep so she could be with him again for the rest of their lives. She often thought about "Jeddy" longingly never imagining the danger she was in.

While Serena and Luna were waiting for Amy outside her computer school, the Crescent Moon Wand suddenly began beeping inside the bag Serena carried it in. "Serena. Remember what I've explained to you since the experience in the graveyard?" Luna gasped. "That's the sign the Negaverse is somewhere in the city."
Serena was agonized, but just then Amy exited through the door. "Amy. Thank goodness."
"What's up Serena?" Amy asked as her fellow students filed past Serena on their way home. Serena had quickly zipped up her carry bag to muffle the beeping noise and none of the other girls were alerted to it.
"My wand is beeping," Serena lowered her voice as she spoke to Amy.
Amy gasped. "We should call Lita and Raye."
Luna was smiling proudly but Serena grabbed Amy's arm. "Yeah but before we do anything about the Negaverse you need to come with me to meet somebody Amy."
"What?" Amy was confused. "But Serena."
Serena pulled her along with her. "The Negaverse will be able to wait a few moments Amy. It's extremely important that you meet this person and stay with him while I call the other two and go to fight."
Amy felt very confused and Luna gave a meow-style groan. "Sometimes I wonder why we didn't decide to agree to make Raye leader the other day," she said in despair as she ran after the two of them.

At that moment Greg was leaving the parlor, though he was still staying in the immediate area. He knew he could neither run nor hide from those who sought him and resolutely walked out the door and down the street a few paces. He knew he would meet them soon and he didn't want to be inside the parlor with all the other people.
As they materialized in front of him laughing he took them by surprise. "You're Zoicite and Titus, aren't you?"
They both pulled up short, Titus gasping and Zoicite saying "What?"
Zoicite was the first to approach him in the face up close. "How do you know our names?"
"Yes how indeed?" Titus agreed in perplexment.
Greg set his jaw defiantly and replied with boldness. "Ever since I was a very small boy I've had this ability to foresee the future and I seem to be getting even better at it. So I know all about you, your terrible queen and your plans to invade our world. I know what I carry inside myself."
"Well really?" Zoicite grinned. "Then let's not waste any time. Take the crystal Titus."
"Nooooo!" Greg screamed. "I will never give your Shadow Warrior back to you. I'll fight back till I die."
Titus tried to seize him. "You can't win boy. Submit to the Negaforce power."
But to her disbelief Greg was able to resist being charmed. He grabbed her wrists and struggled to keep her hands away from his chest.
"I won't let you take it. I won't," he shouted.
Just then Serena dragged Amy around the corner. Amy pulled free of Serena's grasp and pointed. "Look. It's Zoicite and Titus and they have Greg."
Serena was momentarily frozen with shock but Luna cried. "Come on you two. You'd better transform and save Greg."
That brought Serena back to reality and transformed a split second after Amy.
"Mercury Power."
"Moon Prism Power."
The two Scouts leaped into the air over Greg, picking up Titus between them and shoving her over onto her back by Zoicite's feet.
"Sailor Mercury. Take Greg with you to safety while I take care of these two sleazebags," called Sailor Moon over her shoulder.
Sailor Mercury didn't hesitate. She helped Greg get to his feet, draping his arm over her shoulder. "Come on. Let's go." She told him and they ran away together.
While Titus was getting to her own feet groggily Zoicite and Sailor Moon stared each other in the eye. Sailor Moon was tensed for a fight but it never came. Instead Zoicite scoffed. "We have no time to play silly games with silly girls. Titus. Come with me."
Then she raised her palm and cried "Zoi!" While Sailor Moon was blinded the two women de-materialized.
"Where did they go Luna?"
"I don't know Serena. But the Crescent Moon Wand will guide us to them if they are anywhere around. And they probably will be because they'll still be after Greg."
As Serena took out the wand which was indeed beeping Luna continued. "Quickly call Raye and Lita on your communicator Sailor Moon. We will need all the help we can get."
"Yes Luna."

In the meantime Sailor Mercury had taken Greg to the park where her friend Mr. Baxter worked. Finding a secluded area near the boating lake she lay him down on a park bench and using one of her clean hankies, she dipped it in the water and used it to sponge his forehead. "You'll be okay now Greg," she told him.
He muttered his thanks but lost consciousness. As Sailor Mercury tended to his forehead she noticed a photo sticking out of the pocket of his shirt. She took hold of it and drew it out. She was amazed when she saw what it was. "I wonder where he got this from?" She slipped it back where it had came from and concentrated on keeping his forehead wet. As she returned to the water's edge to freshly soak the hankie suddenly Greg woke up and gasped in horror. He had seen another future vision and it wasn't good at all.
Sailor Mrcury rushed over and applied the wet hankie again. "Easy Greg. You're just having a nightmare."
"No that's not simply it Amy."
As Sailor Mercury reacted in shock at hearing her civilian name Greg pulled himself up into a sitting position. "H-how do you know my real name Greg?"
Greg pulled himself up into a sitting position and went on. "I know all about you and the rest of the Sailor Scouts Amy. I've always had this strange power to see visions of the future. That's how I made a perfect score on that exam. I psychically saw the correct answers. Technically I cheated."
Sailor Mercury sat next to him on the bench. "What did you just see that upset you so much?"
"I was seeing my own future. It's horrible. I want you to know I care deeply about you Amy. I like you so very much."
Sailor Mercury blushed.
"This is very hard for me Amy. I know what's going to happen to me. Please promise me as soon as I am transformed into a monster you will destroy me."
"Destroy you? No!" Sailor Mercury leaped to her feet in shock.
Greg bowed his head with his fingers clasped imploringly. "Please Amy. You must promise me. If you don't destroy me I know I will eventually destroy you. Please don't allow that to happen. My heart breaks at the very thought of it."
"Greg. Listen to me. There must be a way to get around this problem. Together we can take control of your future and influence its outcome."
But while Sailor Mercury was trying to speak encouragingly to Greg a huge wave of water suddenly knocked her off her feet into the huge body of water that was the boating lake. Before Greg could jump off the seat in reaction Titus materialized fully behind him and pounced reaching into his charst and pulling out the Rainbow Crystal. "Here General Zoicite." With a gleeful cry she threw it to Zoicite who materialized in mid-air over the lake above Sailor Mercury who was desperately swimming to the shore. Zoicite caught the crystal and clutched it tight to her chin.
"Well done. Hahahaha!" She cackled triumphantly.

Just as Titus rose up into the air to hover excitedly next to Zoicite, Luna and Sailor Moon suddenly sprang out of nowhere landing between Greg in shock on the bench and Sailor Mercury, who was desperately hauling herself onto dry ground. Sailor Moon called up to them. "Hey you two witches. In the Name of the Moon I shall punish you."
"I'm afraid punishing us will be the very last thing on your mind Sailor Moon." Zoicite coyly smiled clenching the prize in her hands. "Titus. Do your thing."
"Yes General Zoicite. The boy will be under my control." Titus sent a barrage of sorcery right into Greg just as Sailor Mercury got to her feet and yelled. "Sailor Moon! Behind you!"
Too late. As Sailor Moon spun around Greg jerked and held his head. "A-a-amy. Remember your promise," he wailed in despair as he transformed into a huge beast with a giant pair of scissors on the end of each arm instead of hands.
Zoicite and Titus prepared to enjoy watching the demise of the two Scouts but Greg was fighting for control. He looked up and he saw through the eyes of the creature he'd become the Rainbow Crystal inside Zoicite's hands. He knew that if they got away with it the Shadow Warrior inside would be released. He didn't want that to happen.
He launched himself into the air over the terrified Scouts heads and slammed into Zoicite making the crystal fly out of her grasp towards Sailor Mercury who caught it. Titus was so horrified she didn't even think about what happened to the crystal. Her attention was on Greg and Zoicite. Zoicite herself screamed. "Titus you bungling twerp! You were supposed to control the monster! I could be killed!"
She de-materialized from Greg's grip and as he fell with a splash into the water she reappeared next to Titus furious. "You almost caused my death."
The truth is that Greg certainly could have done her in with those scissor blades. He could have slashed her to pieces but he hated the thought of killing anybody. Even Zoicite. He had purposefully avoided bringing those weapons in contact with her. But she just thought she had been remarkably lucky and Titus felt the same way inclined. "I don't understand what went wrong."
But Greg was losing control of himself. He was becoming the savage killing machine like the other crystal carriers had been. He rose up standing in the water roaring and howling.
Zoicite and Titus were both scared. "Let's get out of here Titus. And if we don't find the Scouts corpses with the crystal lying nearby to recover when we come back, I'll pull out your hair by the roots." Titus didn't waste her breath arguing. Zoicite was already disappearing as she spoke. She did also leaving Luna, Sailor Moon and Sailor Mercury to face Greg in his wild frenzy.

Sailor Moon tried to heal him immediately. But when she activated the Crescent Moon Wand's power to her dismay it had no effect. As she and Sailor Mercury screamed as the monster chased them, Luna running along with them cried, "Sailor Moon. I think he must be too powerful. You need to wear him down and then try again."
"Easier said than done Luna," Sailor Moon retorted as she and Sailor Mercury were run up against a tree. As they turned their heads they quickly ducked as Greg spit several giant razor blades out of his monster mouth at them. They cut into the tree sticking in the trunk. "Where are Sailors Jupiter and Mars? They promised to join us straight away!" Sailor Moon screamed as Greg raised his scissor-hands and opened them as wide as they could go.
But he took just one step towards them when back-up assistance arrived.
"Mars Fire Ignite!"
"Jupiter Thunder Crash!"
The huge monster that was really Greg was struck from behind by the fireball and the lightning bolt simultaneously. He gave a roar of pain and shock and fell face forward, the giant scissor blades sticking into the ground a few feet away from where they were all gathered by the tree. Behind Greg familiar voices were heard.
"Sorry we're late." It was Sailor Jupiter.
We came as fast as we could," added Sailor Mars.
Sailor Mercury yelled. "Save him Sailor Moon. Surely he must be weak enough for you to heal him now."
Sailor Moon pulled out her wand once more.
"Moon Healing Activation!"
This time it worked. The monster shrank back into Greg. As he collapsed in a daze Sailor Mercury ran forward. "Greg!"
As she cradled him in her arms she pleaded with him. "Greg please say something. Let me know you're all right."
Greg groaned. "Amy." Then smiling he put his hand upon the crystal she still held in her hands. Gently taking it from her he held it up looking at it. Then he turned to grin at Sailor Mercury and gave it back to her.

From a distance Tuxedo Mask observed the scene. He was also late and had missed the battle but he had seen Greg overcome and restored to normal again. He turned and walked away un-noticed by anybody. He thought to himself. "So the Sailor Scouts have taken possession of that particular crystal. I suppose I may as well leave it in their care for the time being."

So Greg explained everything about the Rainbow Crystals and the Shadow Warriors to the girls who gasped in shock at being told what was inside the crystal that had been inside of him.
Since Luna understood that Greg knew all about her too she spoke up. "Of course. I remember when the Negaverse sent the Seven Shadows to attack the Moon Kingdom. Queen Serenity counter-attacked magically trapping them inside a huge crystal that somehow shattered into seven individual pieces that flew away and vanished into the earth's atmosphere. So Queen Beryl is sending her servants to recover them from humans who carry the crystals unknowingly inside them. So we have one of the shadows contained safely among us."
Sailor Moon gasped. "So when Tuxedo Mask took that crystal back off me it means he must have another in his keeping."
Greg spoke again. "Yes he has one. You have one and the Negaverse has released another already. Three of them are accounted for between all of you. You will have a battle for possession of the other four. Then they'll do all they can to get the missing two back off you."
"Scouts you must all be prepared and train hard for battle." Luna told them and they all agreed.
"Yes Luna."
Greg took Sailor Mercury's hands. "Thank you Amy. I need to work on my prediction powers more. I failed to foresee that the outcome would actually be good in the end. Thank you once more."
Sailor Mercury suddenly hugged Greg and he hugged her back and the other Scouts all smiled. Especially Serena who was all giggitty-goo. But to Greg and Sailor Mercury nobody existed except the two of them at that moment.

However sadly in just one week's time Greg announced that he had to say good-bye. His dad had been transferred yet again. It was the same old story.
Serena, Amy and Lita all went to the train station to see him off. Raye didn't come because she went to a different school and so hadn't really known him as well as the others. Luna had also stayed home.
"We're very sorry to see you go Greg," said Lita.
"Yeah. We were just beginning to become friends." Serena sighed.
"This isn't the first time this has happened girls. My dad has always moved us around with his job. I'll never get used to it." Greg stood just outside the train car. His parents were settled into their seats inside. They had left him to say farewell to his friends privately.
He looked at Amy and blushed. "Well Amy. Uh."
She smiled. "I'll miss you Greg."
Greg pulled the photo Serena had given him of Amy with the hamburger in her hand and the surprise on her face. "I suppose I should give this back to you."
Serena was gobsmacked. "No. Keep it."
But Amy took the photo and pulled another one out of her pocket. "Here. Take this one instead Greg."
Greg took it and his face lit up. "Wow thanks Amy."
Suddenly he hugged her and Amy laughed. "It is a much better picture. I'm smiling in it. Not with my mouth wide open just like Serena."
Serena was a little incensed and muttered, "I do not always have my mouth open."
But she and the others all waved good-bye as Greg boarded the train and the doors shut.
As it chugged off Amy cried out, "Please visit us again as soon as possible."
Greg stared at the nice picture of Amy and her beautiful smile. "One day I'll come back permanently Amy. I make this vow for you and myself."


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
Reaction score
Episode 24 An Artful Attack

Queen Beryl sat on her throne and gave a command in a loud voice. "Zoicite. Titus. Present yourselves."
Zoicite and Titus bent on one knee each beside each other in front of their monarch's throne. Their faces were covered in frost bite sores and they had just had soothing cream rubbed upon them. Malachite had tended to Zoicite while the Dream Dolly had tended to Titus.
Queen Beryl addressed the pair of them. "You have both failed me twice. Why is it that our enemies have two of the first three Rainbow Crystals? We've only rescued one of our great Shadow Warriors. You'd better improve your performances or I'll think of something else for the Doom and Gloom Girls to do to you. Getting your faces dunked in freezing cold water for a couple of hours was a rather tame punishment compared to what I will come up with next if you fail me again."
For the time being Zoicite and Titus were united in their pleadings. "Queen Beryl we won't lose any more crystals." Zoicite promised.
Titus added. "I will help General Zoicite succeed for the sake of my sweetheart Jedite."
She hardly cared about the pain and torment whenever she thought of her lover Jedite. He was lingering in that transparent cocoon Queen Beryl had sentenced him too. Titus was upset for him and promised herself that she would recover and free all the Shadow Warriors to get him finally released.
Queen Beryl sternly glared at them both. "Well get to it. I want results."
"Yes Queen Beryl."

Serena and Luna were sitting on a riverside public bench quietly discussing what they had finally learned about the latest strategy of the Negaverse from Amy's friend Greg. In spite of Raye's protests it had been agreed upon that as leader Serena would keep the Rainbow Crystal they'd captured among her other pieces of personal jewellery in the little box she kept tucked in the back of the top shelf of her bedroom cupboard for safekeeping. But Luna had been wondering why Tuxedo Mask had kept a crystal for himself.
Serena rolled her eyes and rebuked her when Luna had asked her what her thoughts were.
"Come off it Luna. Just because Tuxedo Mask has claimed a crystal doesn't mean he's secretly in with the Negaverse. How can you even think such a thing of my hero hunkster?"
"I never said he was working for the Negaverse Serena," Luna started to object when Molly's voice called out.
"Hey Serena!" She was running up to the bench Serena and Luna were sitting on.
"Hi Moll. How are you?" Serena waved at her joyfully.
Molly pulled up to a halt, her face glowing with enrapturement. "You must come with me Serena. I have a wonderful surprise."
Serena jumped to her feet. "Is it something to do with food?"
"No but believe me. It's awesome."
"All right. But it had better be nearby an ice cream parlour."
To Luna's horror as Serena snatched up her bag, threw it over her shoulder and ran off behind Molly, something flew out of it. It was the Crescent Moon Wand. Instead of having it tucked all the way inside with the zipper firmly done up, Serena had just had it sticking out of the top of her bag and she never even noticed as it went soaring away.
Luna lunged off the seat and grabbed it with her paw as it bounced right up to edge of the walkway. It almost had fallen through the bars of the railing where it would have disappeared with a splash into the river. Luna had stopped it just in time. She was at her wits end. "She could have lost this precious wand. When is that girl ever going to learn responsibility?" Luna scooped it up in her mouth and turned to stare in the direction Serena had run off with her friend Molly.

Molly took Serena to an art gallery exhibition where they met Melvin. The three of them browsed the paintings together while Molly explained. "These paintings are all the work of a magnificent artist named Lonny Lanai. But the strange thing is that Lonny never makes public appearances. Nobody has ever seen Lonny. People are not even sure whether it's a man or a woman. But the paintings are widely renowned and admired."
"Incredible. Those pictures are the coolest I've ever seen." Serena drooled at the images of women in pretty ballroom gowns, lovely full moons and bright starlit nights and handsome male figures in capes and other such elegant outfits.
Melvin said "Take a look at this one girls."
Molly and Serena beheld an extraordinary painting of a masked man in a tuxedo throwing his cape over a pretty girl with long yellow hair underneath a huge crescent moon. Melvin went on to say, "That girl in this picture looks a little bit like you Serena. What do you think?"
Serena stood with her mouth open and her eyes wide. Her hands went up to her face to stifle the sound of her exclamation.
"Serena. Are you okay?" Molly asked with concern while Melvin was taken aback by this unexpected extreme reaction.
Serena composed herself and replied. "I'it's all right. I agree it does look like me. I was amazed at the resemblance that's all." But inwardly she thought to herself. "Yes it looks a bit like me all right. And that reminds me of Tuxedo Mask without his top hat. But I can't understand what really gave me a start. Why it suddenly feels like the scene in that painting has a familiarity to it. When did I and Tuxedo Mask ever have an encounter together quite like that?"
All this time a young woman with brown auburn hair tied up in one ponytail and large glasses was roaming around the crowd taking close looks more at the other people than the paintings. Suddenly she noticed a man through the glass window outside who was glancing at a replica of the painting Serena and her friends were looking at on a poster advertising the exhibit. It was none other than Darien. He had been walking past and the picture had grabbed his attention.
"What's this?" He thought to himself. "She looks familiar." Then he gasped and cried out as he realized what the picture had reminded him of. "Incredible. She looks just like the girl I see in my dream."
Suddenly he felt a tap on his shoulder. Turning round he saw that the woman had hastened to go outside to speak with him. "Pardon me sir. But may I ask you for a special favour please?"
Darien was surprised to be accosted by a strange lady but he politely stammered. "Uh. S-sure. W-what can I do for you?"

While they were talking Molly caught a glimpse of them. "Hey Serena." She pointed towards the scene outside. "Isn't that the fellow you can't stand, Darien?"
Serena glared in disgust. "Yeah. That's the creep all right."
"Who's that lady talking to him?" Molly added.
"I don't know. But I'm going to find out the juicy details."
"Serena. Where are you going?" Molly cried.
"When I tell Raye about this she'll be so mad she'll give that creep such a savage rebuking his eardtrums will burst. See you later you two." She waved to her friends as she exited.
Molly sighed. "What a ditz she can be."
Melvin blushed. "True. But I like her just the way she is. Say do you think if I study hard and learn how to paint like Lonny Lanai, I may be finally able to impress Serena and win her heart?"
Molly tried hard to keep a straight face as she replied to Melvin. "You never know. Miracles do sometimes happen."
Meanwhile the woman was telling Darien that she was a local artist. "I'd really like you to pose for me please."
"Well uh." Before Darien could think of what to say Serena ran up and started jeering at him. "You're sprung Darien."
"What's your problem Meat-ball Head?"
"The problem is going to be all yours Darien. The next time I see Raye I'm going to spill the beans on how you are cheating on her behind her back."
But then to Serena's surprise the woman suddenly grabbed hold of her arm. "Hey. Let me go." She spun her head to stare her in the eye and she smiled as she apologized.
"I'm sorry. I know this may seem rather abrupt but I need your assistance. I need you to model for me."
Serena was excited and astounded. "Meeeeee! Model for you?"
The woman explained that her name was Peggy Jones and she wanted the pair of them to sit for a special portrait she wanted to paint. Serena was super keen and Darien shrugged and said he'd be happy to help.

After calling her parents and letting them know what was happening Serena went with Darien and Peggy to her home and work studio. It was a very charming house with a huge glass sliding door at the back overlooking a most magnificent flower bed full of red, white, pink and golden yellow. Serena cried, "Wow. It's beautiful. Like a painting itself."
As Darien took a seat Serena took a glance around the pictures that were propped up against the walls. "Hey," she said taking a very close look at one of them. "These look similar to the paintings at the gallery. Peggy are you related to Lonny Lanai?"
Peggy blushed a little as she responded. "Well actually Lonny Lanai is really me. When I first began painting I went by my real name but when I had my first exhibition people were unimpressed. Then I began producing this new series of artwork under the name Lonny Lanai and went undercover. I found people loved my paintings. Plus they were intrigued by the mystery about me. I'm now a big success."
Serena was shocked. "But doesn't it make you feel sad that nobody knows your real identity? Your fans can never get to meet you. You're never interviewed in magazines or on television. It just seems so very wrong."
Peggy grinned. "Well it would have been nice to be able to reap the full benefits of my fame. But at least I am selling my work so I can afford to keep painting. Besides I'm not an overly attractive woman."
Peggy set a pink silk-laced cushion on the seat next to Darien. "Why don't you have a seat here?"
Serena was aghast. "You mean to tell me you want me to sit next to that, that THING?"
Darien smirked at her, rolling his eyes. "Hey what were you expecting Meat-ball Head? We're posing for the same painting aren't we?"
"Oh no. This isn't my thing after all. Sorry I'm out of here."
Peggy stood in her way as she prepared to run for the door. Her hands held out entreatingly as she pleaded with her to stay.
"No. No. Please don't go. I've had this really great idea for a painting but I've been searching for the right models. And now I've found you. Can't you just stay long enough for me to make the preliminary sketch? I draw very fast. Really I do."
Serena's heart softened as she looked into Peggy's begging eyes. "Oh very well. I suppose I can endure it for a little while."
Peggy thanked her profusely as she sat down next to Darien.

Serena cheered herself thinking about how jealous Raye would be to hear about this at least. But as she stared at Darien she thought to herself, "I suppose Darien is kind of handsome but he's still an annoying jerk. Raye must have an extremely numb brain to like him so much."
As she turned her glance away from him Darien laughed to himself thinking, "She is cute and rather graceful. For as long as she can continue to avoid falling on her face that is."
Peggy also sat down picking up some canvas and a crayon. "This shouldn't take too long. Try not to move until I say I'm finished okay?"

After about one hour Peggy said, "You can move now if you want. Help yourself to some of my biscuits. I'm just putting the final touches. Thank you."
Serena didn't need to be told twice about the biscuits. As she was eating she asked if she could take a look at the canvas. Peggy said it would be fine and Serena was awestruck. Peggy had sketched a marvellous drawing of a charming man and attractive young woman caressing each other with a very grand building in the background. "That's wonderful Peggy."
Darien, who was still seated said, "I'm amazed. You made it through this whole session without clutzing out. Incredible."
Serena blew a raspberry at him and called him a dweeb. Then turning her attention back to Peggy she asked what sort of things she thought about while she painted.
"I often think about trying to make people happy and how to bring them together in unity. Many of my ideas come to me in dreams then I convert them into reality through my artistry with the assistance of the models I find."
"You're so blessed with your gift of painting Peggy." Serena smiled then her expression changed. "But I still think it's sad that hardly anybody knows you."
Peggy cheerfully replied while finishing her preliminary sketch. "I really don't care. As long as people like what I do. But you probably wouldn't understand. You're very smart and attractive. You've got everything."
"I do?" Serena didn't know what to think of this but Darien scoffed.
"The only thing you don't have is co-ordination. Anyway maybe Peggy has the right idea. Staying undercover means less chance you'll get hurt. Fame and romance are way over-rated."
Peggy gasped at hearing this but Serena was incensed. She ran over and grabbed a painting from the group stacked against the wall that had suddenly caught her eye. She held it up in front of him. "Oh yeah dweebster. Take a look at this painting and tell me it does nothing for you inside."
Darien rose out of his chair gasping, his mouth wide open, his eyes protruding almost ready to shoot out of their sockets.
"Hey. Don't go all hyper." Serena was taken aback by his unanticipated massive reaction.
The painting was of a man in elegant clothing giving something shaped like a star to the open hand of a beautiful woman with long yellow hair with what looked like a castle in the background and a large crescent moon in front of it. It had done something deeper inside Darien than Serena realized. It looked so familiar to him.
Peggy said, "This painting is one of my favourites. I was inspired by a legend my grandmother used to tell me. The legend says that these two lovers were part of a glorious kingdom of people who lived on the moon and one day they had to part because of a terrible invading threat. He's giving her his locket so that she will never lose rememberance of him and the special place he holds in her heart."
"A star locket? That is amazing Peggy." Serena was reminded of the star locket Tuxedo Mask had given her. Could that legend be partly true? Was her mysterious past connected with it?
"Yeah. Amazing indeed," said Darien who was also wondering if this was part of the solution to figuring out his lost background.

Later Darien said good-bye and Peggy thanked him once again, but Serena accepted Peggy's invitation to stay for dinner. While they ate Peggy told Serena that she would be working on the finishing touches to the painting to add it to her gallery the following day.
"You mean it Peggy? I'll have my face used in an art show?" Serena was excited.
"Yes and I cannot thank you enough for helping me Serena."

Afterwards when Serena said farewell she couldn't help saying her mind to Peggy one more time. "Listen Peggy. Thank you for dinner. The apple pie was superb. But I just want to say that you shouldn't be so hard on yourself. You say you're not glamourous enough to come open publicly but that's not true. Your fans will love to meet and talk to you."
"Oh Serena. Do you really think so?"
"I know so Peggy. There's no way you could paint such beautiful works if you weren't beautiful inside and out. Don't judge your looks so harshly."
Peggy had a face that was still not so sure. But Serena hugged him warmly. "Just think about what I've said dear Peggy."
Peggy hugged her back and smiled. "All right. I'll think about it Serena."
As Serena left waving good-bye Peggy gave a cheery wave from her doorstep. Could Serena be right?

At that moment Titus and Zoicite were looking at her face back at the Negaverse. "This young artist is the fourth Crystal Carrier General Zoicite."
"Let's go then Titus." Zoicite shook her fist determinedly. "I hope you have better powers of control if we need to make her into a monster. This next Shadow Warrior must come home."
"I won't fail again General Zoicite." Titus didn't really care about the threat of facing the Doom and Gloom Girls anymore. She loved and missed Jedite so much that she was more upset for him then for whatever else happened to herself. She promised him that she would succeed in the end.

Serena was very excited as she ran home. "I can't wait to tell my parents the exciting news," she cried out loud. Suddenly she heard a voice she knew well.
"Hold it!"
She pulled up to a sudden stop. "Is that you Luna?"
In reply Luna jumped down from the top of a nearby wall with the Crescent Moon Wand in her mouth. She spat it out at Serena's feet. "Look at this."
"Hey. Where did you get this second wand Luna?" Serena bent down and picked it up while she asked her question.
"That's not a second wand Serena. It's the very same original one that flew out of your bag earlier when you ran off with Molly today. I've been searching all day for you to give it back to you."
"What? I never even realized it was missing Luna."
"I know. You're way too careless with it Serena."
Serena looked at the wand in her hands then down at Luna. "Are you very disappointed in me?" Her face had a very sheepish expression.
"Well you must realize that when you lost it you nearly sent it falling into the river. None of the other Sailor Scouts would ever have made such a mistake if the wand had been entrusted to them."
"And what is that supposed to mean Luna? That you don't think I should be the leader anymore?" Serena looked and sounded annoyed by what she saw as a personal attack.
"I never said that Serena. I'm only saying you need to take your responsibilities more seriously. That's what Lita, Amy and Raye would do."
Serena threw a fit. "I'm sick of you always comparing me to the others. You're so mean Luna."
Turning around she ran off with the wand held tight in her hand. In spite of her tantrum Luna couldn't help feeling a little impressed.
"It actually seems like she's beginning to get a bit of backbone. I thought she'd surely burst into tears like she usually does."

Serena had run off in a grumpy huff. "I'm sick of all this criticism. I'll just tell them if they don't think I'm worthy to be leader they can take this wand back and choose who among themselves is..."
But Serena's rant was cut off by the wand beeping. "The Negaverse is around," she gasped in horror. Forgetting all her anger she ran off again where the wand directed her. "I must find them wherever they are."

Peggy was horror-struck as Zoicite and Titus stood in the middle of her glass back door which Zoicite had just smashed. "W-what do you want? If it's money I,"
Zoicite cut her off. "Oh it's something much more valuable we're after."
Peggy gasped and became angrily defensive. "You're a pair of art thieves. You want my paintings. I won't let you have them."
"Titus. Get her." Zoicite commanded but Titus was gingerly trying to mind her step and grumbling.
"I wish you had found a way to break the lock rather than smash the glass. My feet could be cut." That was true. Titus' single blue piece of body clothing that covered everything except her head and arms was definitely no protection for her feet.
Zoicite groaned and slapped her forehead in exasperation. "Then you should wear proper shoes."
But somehow Titus managed to safely avoid all the glass pieces and then she threw herself upon Peggy who had her fists up ready for combat. However like most Crystal hosts she was overcome by the power of Titus' touch as she grabbed her and plunged her hand into her chest.
Serena arrived huffing and puffing outside just as Titus extracted the crystal inside Peggy and threw it to Zoicite who caught it.
"Poor Peggy." She thought to herself. "It's hopeless."
Then she shook her head. "What am I saying. I'll get help." So she used her communicator to alert Luna and the other Scouts to the trouble and told them where to come immediately.
Then she prepared to transform. "I swear I'll dust Zoicite and Titus. Moon Prism Power."

While Peggy lay on the floor moaning and blubbering with shock Sailor Moon made her presence known. "Hold it. How dare you attack this wonderfully talented artist? I am the Champion of Justice, the Sailor of the Moon and I will punish you both."
Zoicite clutched the crystal and sneered. "You're going to eat those words Sailor Moon. Do it Titus."
Titus had already responded while Sailor Moon was admonishing them. Peggy screamed and writhed as a barrage of dark magic surrounded her. When it had dissipated she was gone and standing in her place was a monster with eagle's wings and a hideous hawk-like face. She opened her sharp, wicked-looking beak and let out a terrible squawk.
Sailor Moon drew back in frightened shock. "Oh no. What have you done to Peggy now?"
Titus was feeling rather nervous remembering how Greg had resisted her attempt to control him. But she gritted her jaw and concentrated hard as the bird monster raised her arms revealing long, sharp, menacing talons where her fingers should have been. She approached Titus step by step and cold sweat ran down Titus' face. However she was really in control and the beast turned away from her to walk towards Sailor Moon.
Zoicite was also trembling unsurely but to her great relief Titus directed the Peggy beast safely past her and focused all her attention on Sailor Moon personally.
Sailor Moon quickly stepped back in a sudden moment of panic. "Peggy wait a minute. I'm Serena. Your friend. Remember?"
As the beast Peggy had no recollection of her humanity or her friendship with Sailor Moon's other identity and she rushed through the hole in the glass door slashing with those wicked talons and screeching loudly. Sailor Moon did a very quick retreat running away with a panic cry. She desperately leaped over the wall of a construction area next to Peggy's back garden where a huge building was in the process of being put together. Flapping her wings the monster flew over after her. Fortunately all the workers had signed off for the evening and gone home. Sailor Moon was on her own.

Zoicite laughed gleefully hugging the crystal to her chest. "Let's go and make sure Sailor Moon is killed Titus. Queen Beryl will be so pleased." She ran off without waiting for an answer while Titus frowned at all the shards of glass.
"I don't want to risk trying to *****-foot my way through that again." So saying Titus made herself vanish re-appearing outside just behind Zoicite. The two of them propelled themselves soaring through the air to a vantage point on one of the steel girders above. They had to make sure Sailor Moon had no opportunity to gain the upper hand and heal Peggy. Currently Sailor Moon was desperatelly twisting and dodging and running about to avoid getting shred to ribbons while Peggy lunged and swung her arms at her. At one point the talons caught one of her long yellow plaits and Sailor Moon screamed as she felt the brief pull. A few strands of her hair fell to the ground. "Where are my friends?" She screamed. "I have no time to stop and get the wand out or she'll be upon me."

While Zoicite and Titus observed the fight with satisfaction Sailor Moon finally stumbled over her own feet and fell on her face in the dust. As she twisted around she saw Peggy's talons relentlessly bearing down upon her. "NOOOOOOOOO!" She wailed and shut her eyes tight.
But instead of the sensation of being clawed to pieces she felt herself being picked up quickly and flying through the air. Opening her eyes she found that Tuxedo Mask had swooped down, snatched her up in his arms and given another superhuman leap through the air. There were grooves cut in the ground where Peggy had only just missed striking them both.
"Once again you have saved me dear Tuxedo Mask," cried Sailor Moon adoringly as they landed a few feet away.
Tuxedo Mask saw Zoicite look at the Rainbow Crystal in her hand before she said to Titus, "I must protect our prize. You make sure Sailor Moon is finished off." With that she darted off further through the construction leaving Titus to take control over the monster.
As Tuxedo Mask set Sailor Moon down he said to her, "Take care. I must retrieve that crystal."
With that he jumped up and flew off in Zoicite's direction before Titus knew what was happening. She didn't have time to worry about him. Tuxedo Mask was the responsibility of General Zoicite now. She exerted all her concentration to keep Peggy focused upon attacking Serena. She saw that she had the wand in her hand. "I must do something she thought. She jumped down to the ground concentrating with all her strength upon controlling the beast and also using more of the Negaforce's dark magic to summon up three hideous orange and brown speckled snakes. They shot out at Sailor Moon in front of the Peggy monster and the shock made her drop the wand. Her shriek of despair was music to Titus' ears as the three sets of fangs prepared to plant themselves in her like pins in a pincushion.

But just then a familiar voice called out. "Mars Fire Ignite." The magic snakes were promptly incinerated as the fire glowed hotly around them. Sailor Mars and the other Scouts all dropped out of the sky alongside Sailor Moon. Luna was in Sailor Mercury's arms and she jumped to the ground.
"We're all here Sailor Moon. Okay Scouts. All stand together," Luna commanded as she moved to the sidelines.
Titus was taken by surprise and momentarily lost her control. The Peggy beast suddenly chose her as random target in her frenzied instinct to kill and Titus gasped in terror. "No stop!"
Just in time she halted Peggy as she was preparing to swing her deadly talons at her. "Not me. Attack the Sailor Scouts."
Titus' knees were knocking together from the close call but by her power she turned Peggy away from her towards the others.
"Mercury Bubbles Blast!" Sailor Mercury disoriented the monster with a cold spray of her bubbles. While the beast shivered with the chill Sailor Jupiter made her move next.
"Jupiter Thunder Crash!"
The thunderbolt severely crippled one of the monster's wings making it screech in intense pain. This was the very first time Titus had clearly seen a glimpse of this new fourth Scout and it un-nerved her very badly. She decided she had better retreat while they were concentrating on fighting the bird beast that was once the artist Peggy Jones. Sailor Jupiter's attack looked dangerously powerful. Titus didn't want to tangle with her right now. She disappeared into thin air while Luna cried out for Sailor Moon to use her wand that she had retrieved from where it had fallen.
"Quickly Sailor Moon before she attacks again."
"Okay I'm on it Luna. Moon Healing Activation!"
In the twinkling of an eye the terrible bird was gone and Peggy Jones fell to the ground in a dead faint. As the Scouts all knelt down around her, Sailor Moon prepared to climb the building construction. "All of you stay here and watch over Peggy. I'm going to see if I can help Tuxedo Mask get that crystal from Zoicite."
"You won't go alone. I for one insist on coming with you," declared Sailor Mars but Sailor Moon was adamant.
"No. I command you all as your leader to stay with Peggy. Tuxedo Mask and I can handle Zoicite together.
Sailor Mars scowled and gritted her teeth but Sailor Jupiter told her, "We must obey our leader."
"Yes we must," agreed Sailor Mercury.
Sailor Mars looked at them, then at Sailor Moon and finally at Luna's stern gaze. She reluctantly bowed her head. "Very well."
"Good. Make sure nothing else happens to Peggy while I'm gone." With that Sailor Moon ran off to find her quarries hoping with all her heart that Tuxedo Mask was all right. Perhaps he may have already defeated Zoicite and he would give her the crystal plus the other one he had captured earlier to store away with the other one hidden in her room?
But Sailor Mars still thought wearily to herself. "They should replace her with me as leader. Nothing will ever change that."

All this time Tuxedo Mask and Zoicite had been having a showdown on the steel girders. "I want that crystal," Tuxedo Mask adamantly yelled as he duelled with Zoicite twenty stories above the ground. He had converted his cane into a short sort of sword while she brandished a long shard of a sea-blue substance with a point on one end.
"You'll never get it Cape Boy." Zoicite savagely grunted while she fought with one hand, the crystal clutched tightly in her other. She gave an incredible jump over Tuxedo Mask's head landing on the other side of the girder.
Tuxedo Mask spun around brandishing his weapon. "I'll get it all right." With that he took one step towards her but she took him by surprise summoning up a barrage of her energy that flew in his face blinding him with a loud cry of "ZOI!"
Sailor Moon managed to track them down just in time to see Zoicite throw the deadly sharp-tipped weapon straight at Tuxedo Mask's face with a shout of "Die Cape Boy!"
She was aghast and quickly acted to save him. "MOON TIARA MAGIC!" She sent her tiara flying, not to attack Zoicite, but aiming for the projectile she hit and vaporized it only inches before it skewered Tuxedo Mask in the head. Zoicite cursed but she vanished back to the Negaverse with the Rainbow Crystal safe in her possession.

Tuxedo Mask blinked and shook his head to clear his eyes. "Sailor Moon. Thank you for saving me."
She ran over to his side. "You're welcome. Are you all right?"
He smiled. "Yes I am."
As Sailor Moon made her way closer to him she accidentally dropped the star locket which snapped open upon landing on the girder and began to play its lovely tune. She and he both bent down as if to pick it up. They looked at each other, their hands both poised over the locket while it played.
"Do you want this back Tuxedo Mask? You dropped it in the cemetary during that fight. Does it mean a lot to you?"
Tuxedo Mask recalled that painting Serena had shown him with the man giving a similar locket to his sweetheart. "Yes it does," he admitted.
"Where did you get it from Tuxedo Mask? Is it connected with the Moon Princess? Do you know her?"
"No." He picked it up. "That is I don't as far as I currently know."
Then he closed it shutting off the music and put it in Sailor Moon's hand. "Look why don't you just keep it. I really don't need it anyway."
"If you're really sure then thank you very much." Sailor Moon turned on her charm and grinned from ear to ear as she spoke next. "There's something else you could give me. That Rainbow Crystal you have."
She was completely taken aback by his answer.
"Sorry. I will never give that to you. Those crystals are my personal goal and I'm determined to get the ones that the Negaverse captures back from them come whatever stands in my way. You may as well know that eventually I also want the crystal you have and if you won't give it to me I'll fight you for it if I must."
"B-but I thought you were on our side!" Sailor Moon couldn't believe what she had just heard.
"I am on your side so far as we both oppose the Negaverse. But when it comes to my own business nothing will prevent my success. Not even you and the other Sailor Scouts. Bear that in mind please."
With that Tuxedo Mask made his departure soaring away with superhuman ability through the air, his cape flapping in the breeze behind him.
As Sailor Moon watched she said, "All of a sudden he's so cold just like Darien." Then she did a double take, shrugging her shoulders and shaking her head. "But there's no way he can be Tuxedo Mask. Still I wish I knew why he suddenly wants the Rainbow Crystals for himself?"

Zoicite and Titus met each other back at Queen Beryl's throne where she awaited them. Zoicite held up the crystal. "Your majesty. We have brought you another crystal at last."
She smiled. "Very good. Give it to Titus then."
Titus took it and as she concentrated another Shadow Warrior was released oozing out of it. He bowed respectfully to Queen Beryl who welcomed him back home. "Now go and join your comrade inside Titus' personal quarters. We still have five of you to recover before you can go and lead us to conquer the universe."
"As you command my queen." Malachite, Dream Dolly, Ramwoir and the Plant Trio all cheered as the Shadow departed the presence of the throne room.
Queen Beryl told her two servants. "Get busy. I want the rest of them together very fast."
"Yes Queen Beryl." Zoicite and Titus spoke in unison and bowed on their knees before her. Titus though was thinking hard. This Sailor Scout they called Jupiter seemed like an extremely formidable foe. She would have to be very wary. She knew the identities of the original trio though she had kept that information to herself out of spite to Queen Beryl. She had no idea who Jupiter was though and she needed to think of some way to trap or destroy her.

As for Peggy, like the Crystal carriers in general, with the exception of Amy's friend Greg, she had no recollection whatsoever of the events during the time she was under the spell of Titus. Sailor Moon and the others made haste to carry her unconscious body back to her home before she woke up. There they revived her slowly with wet sponges pressed against her forehead and told her what had happened was she had been knocked out by the two art thieves but fortunately they had happened to be passing by and had chased them off. Peggy was deeply grateful to them, though how little she knew the real reason she had to thank them. They all left after verifying that she would be all right.

The following day Darien and Serena formed a truce to go and visit their mutual friend at her house. Peggy welcomed them in. "Please don't be alarmed by the broken glass door at the back. I had a couple of thieves break in and attempt to steal my paintings last night."
"Oh Peggy. What happened?" Serena cried feigniing ignorant shock.
"That's terrible," added Darien.
"I didn't lose anything. That team of super-heroines known as the Sailor Scouts came to my rescue. They were awesome." Peggy beamed with joy and Darien and Serena grinned too.
"Well that's a wonderful relief Peggy," said Serena.
"Cool." Darien agreed.
Peggy continued, "When they left I shifted all my art into my bedroom and locked the door to protect it. I have two new pictures ready to add to the exhibit today. Let me show you."
Peggy went to her bedroom and brought out two canvasses in lovely frames. "This is the painting you posed for." She drew their attention to the top frame she was carrying.
"Peggy. It's gorgeous." Serena stared admiringly at the finished picture and its amazing colour. "You did a wonderful job."
"I'll say she did," laughed Darien. "Everybody will know it's based off of you for sure. Peggy made the meatballs tied up in your hair so perfect."
Serena was angry for a short moment. "I'm glad I will never have another reason to sit by your side again," she hissed at him. As usual all he did was smile at her to her indignation.
Before Serena had a chance to fall into her rant and rave mode Peggy carefully lifted the first painting and tranferred it underneath the second one revealing something that caught the attention of both her and Darien. It was a self-portrait of Peggy herself showcasing her head and shoulders. She was wearing the very same blue and white striped top she had on at that moment and she smiled out of the canvas with a twinkle in her eyes.
"Y-you painted this" Serena was amazed and so was Darien.
"Yes Serena. I thought about what you had been saying to me and decided to come out in the open. There's no more Lonny Lanai although if any of my fans call me that as a nickname I really don't mind. The point is all my work is stamped with my real name Peggy Jones. And everybody will know who I am from now on."
"Good for you Peggy. Put those paintings carefully down somewhere so I can hug you please." Serena was very thrilled for her friend. Peggy placed the pictures down on a table and she and Serena enjoyed a big affectionate friendship embrace. Darien grinned quietly thinking to himself. "Serena continues to make me wonder. I still have a strange feeling about her and this incident has made it even stronger. What is the reason for this? Is there any connection with the princess in my dream? I must figure out this puzzle somehow."


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
Reaction score
Episode 25 Too Many Girlfriends

"Titus. It's time to retrieve another Rainbow Crystal. Show me and General Malachite the human who is carrying the next one." Zoicite commanded Titus and she bowed reverently.
"Of course General Zoicite." She raised her arms and summoned up an image of a tall woman with ginger-brown hair. "This is our next target," she announced proudly to Zoicite and Malachite who was standing next to her with his arm around her waist.
"That's Rita Blake. She's a research student at the School of Biology," said Zoicite.
"She is kind of beautiful." Malachite remarked.
Zoicite was shocked and turned upon him with resentment. "How can you say that of a mere human Malachite? You told me I was the perfect example of beauty!"
Malachite shushed her. "Be quiet Zoicite. Don't be angry. Queen Beryl will view your anger as weakness. She may have you tortured again."
Zoicite was still feeling king of miffed and turned her face away from him. "Go away."
Malachite produced a beautiful pink rose out of thin air and handed it to her. "Zoicite. Even that Rita Blake's beauty is pale and dim in comparison to you. You know you are the most important person to me in the entire Negaverse."
Zoicite's eyes grew as big as saucers as she accepted Malachite's peace offering. With adoration in her face she snuggled back against his chest looking up into his face. "I'm so lucky dear Malachite. I'm sorry. I was just feeling jealous. Silly." Her expression turned into a momentary cringe. "And you're right. I don't want to face any more pain."
"I don't want you to be hurt anymore either." Malachite held her snugly. "It hurts me on the inside."
As the pair kissed deeply Titus who had quietly observed this felt tears pricking her red eyes thinking of her Jedite again. She wanted him back in her arms so badly.
When they had finished their smooching Zoicite became serious. "Now it's time we prepared to collect what's rightfully ours Titus."
"Yes General Zoicite. We will get what's ours," Titus answered. Then she thought, "And soon I shall get what's rightfully mine."

While the Negaverse was making its latest plans Lita was on her way to visit Andrew the manager of the Video Game Arcade. Earlier he had met her around town and told her that Serena had been telling him what an awesome cook she was. Lita loved to cook and had dreams of owning her very own restaurant one day. When Andrew remarked that he couldn't even cook toast she had offered to give him tutoring at his apartment. Andrew had asked, "Are you sure you'd like to do this? I don't want to impose on you."
Lita had answered, "On the contrary. I think it'll be lots of fun."
In truth Lita really was jumping at the chance for an excuse to spend time with Andrew because she was so taken with the fact that he reminded her of her former boyfriend. Strangely enough every boy who she took one of her fancies towards seemed to look like her former boyfriend to her. But for now she only had eyes for Andrew.

So she knocked at his door and called out, "Hey Andrew. It's Lita. Ready for some hot cooking classes?"
"I'm coming." Andrew called out before he opened the door. He looked a little embarassed. "I'm sorry that the apartment is in such a mess at the moment."
Lita barged her way in past him saying, "Ah people always apologize for having a mess when company comes over but it's never half as bad as they say it is."
However when she saw the huge piles of dirty clothes, empty soft drink cans and bottles, old newspapers and other rubbish lying over the floor she did a double take. "Yikes! In this case it isn't half as bad certainly. It's TWICE as bad."
Lita steeled her resolve. "This won't do Andrew. Do you have any washing up detergent?"
"Er yeah. There's a little left in the bottle."
"Well you use it to start washing the dishes while I tidy up the rest of this mess. We can't cook anything in this state."
So while Andrew slaved over the sink washing the dishes and cutlery Lita zipped and zoomed around his apartment tidying things away, throwing clothes into the washing machine, vacuuming, polishing and dusting. Suddenly she noticed a picture of Andrew standing next to a woman with long hair as brown as ginger. She picked up the photo. "Hey Andrew. What's this picture?"
Andrew was just about finished his chore at the kitchin sink and he came over drying his hands.
"That's a photo of me and my girlfriend, Rita Blake, when we were at a picnic with some friends."
Lita's heart gave a very painful lurch. "Your girlfriend? How long have you been together?"
"Oh about one year."
Lita resisted the temptation to scream her head off and collapse in a heap, but she felt like the world had just caved in around her. "Th-that's very nice Andrew." NOT is what she thought quietly in her mind.
"Thank you Lita. She's a very sweet lady indeed."
As they finished the last of the cleaning and tidying Andrew said, "So what are you going to teach me to cook first Lita?"
Lita composed herself and said, "I thought we'd start with spaghetti bolognaise."
"Great. I have some spices and sauces we could use."
Lita showed Andrew how to prepare the dish and they shared some afterwards.
As she left Andrew remarked that he was looking forward to more lessons and Lita promised to come at least three days a week. But as soon as the door was shut behind her she thought, "This is the pits."

The following day Lita was sitting alone during lunch break at school under a tree quietly moping and Luna was standing nearby her. Suddenly Serena came crawling behind the tree on her hands and knees. "Hey Lita. Why so down in the dumps?" She asked her in a sing-song voice smiling at her.
Lita's face became furious. "Go away and leave me alone you pest!"
"Whoa. Don't be mad at me." Serena jumped back in shock. "What happened? Did you have an accident yesterday teaching Andrew to cook? Drop a dish or something?"
Luna tried to intervene. "Give her a break. She found out yesterday that Andrew has a sweetheart."
Serena was in instant denial mode. "No way. He can't have!"
But Lita gave a miserable scowl and asserted. "Yes. It really is true. He's been going out with her for a year by now."
As the truth of Lita's tone sunk in Serena began to cry her usual bitter loud tears. "It's not fair that he never told us so we could at least have started moping over him back when it all began."
"I thought you were over him now?" Lita suddenly forgot how miserably grumpy she was.
Serena wailed in reply. "He was my very first crush."
"But I thought you were now heavily interested in Tuxedo Mask?"
"Well yeah. But he doesn't show any serious interest in me." Serena was practically talking in a squeaky voice by this time.
Lita groaned and raised her voice. "Will you please lower the volume?"
Luna said, "You can't blame her too much. The only boy in the school who's interested in her is the class nerd Melvin."
"Did you have to bring that up Luna?" Serena cried again.
But she quickly brushed aside Luna's remark and said in a calmer voice, "One thing I've learned since I became a Sailor Scout is that you never give up no matter how bad things become. I'll get what I want. Yes I will."
Lita leaned in closer. "Who do you have in mind?"
"Andrew of course." Serena was on the verge of crying again but Lita put a comforting hand on her shoulder.
"Don't worry. Let's both try to woo him. May the best one succeed in making him forget about his current girlfriend."
Serena warmed to the idea of playing such a friendly competition game with Lita. She threw herself in her arms and they hugged each other laughing. "You're right Lita. It can't hurt to try."
"Yeah Serena."
They rocked back and forth in a tight hug exclaiming together in unison. "The romance will be ours and together we will find it. We're love scouts."
Just then a voice said nearby. "What are you girls doing?"
With faces blushing bright red they turned to see three boys and two girls staring incredulously at them. They separated themselves and tried to reply.
"Uh n-nothing." Serena stammered.
"Um. We were just excited about something we hope to help each other accomplish." Lita exclaimed and the other students shrugged and walked away leaving them beetroot red with embarrassment and Luna gave a meow-type sigh.

Later after school Serena and Lita went to the Video Arcade to speak romantically to Andrew. They stood together by the doors. "Which one of us goes first?" Serena asked.
"I thought perhaps we might see him together," Lita answered.
"Okay then." Serena began to smile cheekily. "Just don't get mad or jealous when I make him throw himself in my arms."
Lita did a double take and groaned. "Can I count on you to follow your own advice if perchance I succeed in charming him first?"
Before Serena could say anything in return Darien appeared from behind. "Hey Meatball Head." He placed his hand on top of Serena's hair making her jump.
"Buzz off creep!"
Ignoring her retort Darien spoke to her and Lita. "Andrew's not working today. He's over at his girlfriend Rita's home helping her pack for her trip to Africa."
"She's going overseas?" Lita was intensely interested by this revelation.
Darien explained. "This morning she phoned him with the news. She's finally been selected to accompany Professor Bennett on a two year field trip to study African insects in their natural habitat. I have sensed that you both have enormous crushes on him but believe me. He only has romantic affection for Rita. You should accept that before you get yourselves into deep humiliation and hurt."
"Ah why would you care anyway?" Lita scoffed.
"Yeah why?" Serena echoed.
"He and Rita are strongly knit together so you'd better leave him alone Meatball Head."
Serena lost her temper. "For the last time. My name is Serena. Not Meatball Head, or are you too dim-witted to remember that?"
As Serena began to enter the Arcade in a huff Darien called out behind her. "But you know your name is Meatball Head."
She jumped once in rage and walked through the doors leaving Lita with Darien.
Inside she called out, "Hello? Andrew?"
But another man answered her voice. "Pardon me. Andrew's not here. I think he's spending time with his girlfriend today."
Serena sighed and tried to cheer herself up by playing the Sailor V Game. "I hate it when Darien tells the honest truth," she muttered.
As for Lita Darien was still trying to make her see reason but she was impossible. "But if she's going to be away for two years then he's technically free. We're love scouts and we won't give up our mission till we succeed and Andrew shows feelings for one of us."
Darien sighed. "You're way beyond freaky with obsession."
"FREAKY! YOU TAKE THAT BACK!" Lita lost control and suddenly shoved Darien backwards up against one of the streetlamps.
"Ow!" He yelled rubbing the back of his head.
Lita was aghast. "Uh sorry. I guess I got carried away."
But Darien was beating a hasty retreat. "I'm gone but be warned Lita. You and Serena will make fools of yourselves."
Lita defiantly shook her head. "We love scouts will be triumphant," she muttered with her eyes closed.

The following day Andrew had called Lita to say he was ready for another cooking lesson so Lita invited Serena to come along. Serena carried the grocery bag full of ingredients for vegetable soup behind Lita and Luna walked beside Serena. She had insisted on accompanying them because she was a little worried about their ego from yesterday while she had sat nearby them in the school grounds. Luna had very good reason to worry about Serena especially. As soon as Lita pointed to the row of apartments and told her, "Andrew lives in the unit towards the middle left," she began to squeal like a little piglet. "Ooohh. Oooooohhh."
"Serena," Luna gasped. "Get a grip. It's just a cooking lesson for crying out loud."
"But Luna. There's a special agenda to this cooking lesson," said Lita with a wink.
Serena added in a squeaky voice. "That's right. A love mission."
Luna groaned to herself as they knocked at the door. "I wish I knew where this is going to go? I only hope it doesn't go out of control."

Andrew opened and met them with his best smiling face. "Why hello Lita. And also hi to you Serena. I wasn't expecting you also today."
"Hi Andrew." Serena waved and grinned.
Lita added. "I hope you've kept your place clean as a whistle so we can get started cooking Andrew."
"Don't worry. I've turned over a new leaf since our first lesson Lita. Come on in."
Andrew was indeed telling the truth. Lita and Serena were both very impressed at how neat and in tidy order every single thing was.
"By the way," said Serena slightly blushing. "I hope you don't mind my showing up Andrew. I also need to learn to cook."
Andrew was very cheerful as he replied. "Not at all. In fact I'm glad. I invited Rita to join us for dinner. You can both meet her."
Serena almost inadvertently gagged and Lita closed her eyes and said after taking a deep breath, "Let's get started then shall we?"

Andrew was very eager to learn as he stood by the two girls in his kitchen.
As the bag of vegetables was tipped up and emptied into the sink Serena suddenly asked, "I'm hungry. Is there anything here to eat Andrew?"
Before Andrew could answer Lita said, "We'll be eating as soon as we finish preparing our soup." She had picked up a carrot in one hand and a knife in the other and was just about to start peeling it when Serena asked another question.
"What'll I do then?"
Lita replied, "Well how about you grab a knife and begin peeling the potatoes?"
"Me peel potatoes? I can't do that. It will feel like I'm in the army."
Lita was incensed by Serena's stupid objection. "Whatever. Start on the onions then."
"Oh no. Not onions. They always make me cry." Serena practically whined at the thought of it and Andrew tried hard not to laugh.
"Let me try the onions then girls." He grabbed a couple of small onions while he spoke and took them aside to the kitchen table where he began to chop them up.
Lita groaned. "Serena you're never going to make it as a cook."
"Then I'll let you cook so I can eat," Serena declared.
Andrew was really finding it hard not to burst into riotous laughter and fortunately he was saved by the ringing of his phone.

"Pardon me." He excused himself setting the onions down and rushed to where the phone sat on a small table in his living room area. Picking up the receiver he said "Hello," then exclaimed delightfully, "Rita!"
Lita and Serena both stopped what they were doing to listen to what he said with itching ears.
Rita was talking to Andrew from a phone booth halfway between her house and his apartment. "I'm sorry Andrew. I can't make it to dinner. I'm feeling unwell."
Andrew was very concerned. "What's the matter? Are you getting the flu?"
Rita's voice was quivering. "No it's not that Andrew. As I was walking to your place it really hit me hard to think about how long two years absence actually is. I know it's always been my dream and ambition to travel overseas to study under Professor Bennett. But I- I'm really g-g-going to miss you." Andrew could next hear loud uncontrolled crying noises in his ear. Rita was bawling her eyes out heavily.
"Oh no. Please tell me where you are. I'll come and get you."
Rita blubbered out where she was and said she would not leave the side of the phone booth she was in. Andrew promised to meet her as fast as he could before hanging up.
"Lita. Serena. Do you mind watching things for me while I go get Rita?"
The girls put on a brave face. "Sure you go on ahead and get her." Serena smiled.
"Will dinner still be ready in time?"
"It'll keep," Lita promised.
Andrew thanked them deeply for being so understanding but as soon as he was gone they both groaned and laid their heads upon the table.
Lita did try to make vegetable soup but somehow her heart was nowhere at all in it and she ended up burning it into a smelly pile of slop to Serena's added dismay. "I'm so hungry and heartbroken as well."
Lita felt just the same so instead of arguing they just sat at the table and moped.

As time went by and Andrew did not return with Rita or even call Luna spoke up. "I wonder what's going on? Andrew's not the type to just wander off when he has visitors."
"Who cares Luna?" Serena groaned.
In truth Rita had been so distraught when Andrew found her that he had sat down on the nearest public bench to talk to her and comfort her. He had honestly forgotten all about the girls waiting back at his home. But then something else was about to happen that would make things much worse for himself and his Rita.
Luna suddenly heard a familiar beeping sound emanating from Serena's bag.
"Serena! Lita! That's the Moon Crescent Wand alert!" She yelled urgently. "The Negaverse is nearby. Perhaps they may have Andrew in their clutches? Transform quickly."
The girls were shocked into action.
"Moon Prism Power."
"Jupiter Power."
They transformed and Sailor Moon took the Wand in her hand to lead them to their enemies for battle. "Follow me Jupiter."
"I'm ready for action Sailor Moon."
Luna ran after the two Sailor Scouts. What could be awaiting them this time? One thing was sure. It would not be anything pretty.

At that very moment Andrew was standing in front of Rita glaring at Zoicite and Titus, his fists raised prepared to fight. "I don't care if you are women," he yelled with rage. "If you try to attack my girlfriend you'll both answer to my fists in your faces."
Rita was shaking with fear behind his back terrified for both herself and for him.
Zoicite sneered with venom in her voice. "If that's the way you feel then I'll just get Titus to literally cool you off. You know what to do Titus."
"I hear and obey General Zoicite." Titus raised her hands and summoned up a wave of her water that picked Andrew up and threw him over Rita who ducked and shrieked. The wave completely soared above Rita leaving her completely dry but Andrew was saturated and dripping where he had been deposited onto his back. He was groaning with the shock and pain as Rita ran to kneel beside him. "Andrew! Andrew!" He fell into unconsciousness as she took hold of his hand and she turned angrily towards Titus as she approached.
"You monster. Why are you doing this?"
Titus spoke. "It's nothing too personal but you have something that I need to extract from you and I can't allow anybody to get in the way."
Rita's emotion turned from rage back to fear as she felt Titus' influence paralyzing her. "What are you doing to me?"
Titus didn't answer. She just grabbed the back of Rita's clothes by the top of her neck and plunged her other hand inside her chest feeling her fingers close around the Rainbow Crystal inside. She felt joy as she pulled it out and Rita screamed in horror.

Just then Sailor Moon and Sailor Jupiter arrived. As soon as they saw what was happening they cried out.
"Stop! I am Sailor Moon."
"And I am Sailor Jupiter."
"We are Sailor Scouts of love."
"We fight for romantic justice."
The two of them said this final bit together.
"In the Name of love we won't have creeps like you after our boyfriends."
Luna groaned. "They are getting crazy over this crush they share."
Zoicite and Titus were taken aback at this strange speech but Zoicite quickly cried, "I don't understand what you're gibbering about but I don't care. Titus you know what to do next."
Titus sprang to attention. "Of course General Zoicite. I know just what to do about this Sailor Jupiter in particular."
She turned her powers upon poor Rita who screamed, twisted, writhed and changed into a green skinned lizard-like humanoid with a forked tongue sticking out of her mouth. Fully confident she directed the hissing snarling creature to focus upon the two silly Scouts.
Sailor Jupiter prepared to attack. "I'll stun her quickly. Then you can heal her with your wand Sailor Moon. Jupiter Thunder Crash!"
Titus, still holding the Rainbow Crystal in one hand laughed. "I've designed Rita's transformation with your power in mind Sailor Jupiter. Watch and see."
While she spoke the monster opened its mouth and drew in Sailor Jupiters' lightning bolts.
"It's sucked up all your power," Sailor Moon gasped.
"No way!" Sailor Jupiter was deeply shocked.
"Wait till you see what happens next," declared Titus as she rose into the air alongside Zoicite who was already floating with her legs crossed. Titus kept her arm stretched out to guide the actions of the terrible beast and it regurgitated Sailor Jupiter's attack straight back at her and Sailor Moon.
"Look out!" Sailor Jupiter grabbed Sailor Moon and jumped aside with her as the powerful bolt hit the pavement sidewalk drilling an ugly gaping hole in it.
Sailor Jupiter said "If I try attacking again my lightning will just keep being used against us."
Sailor Moon sobbed. "I wish the others would show up. We called them on our communicators."

Suddenly a familiar voice cried "Mercury Bubbles Blast!" A familiar chilly wave of bubbles hit the lizard creature stunning it. The others had arrived.
"Mercury. Mars." Sailor Moon was elated.
"We got here as quick as we could," said Sailor Mercury.
"I call upon the power of Mars. Fireballs charge!" Sailor Mars slapped one of her charms on the forehead of the creature immobilizing it. "Now's your chance Sailor Moon."

In the meantime Zoicite was saying to Titus that they'd better take the crystal back to Queen Beryl when a familiar caped and masked figure flew through the air and snatched it out of Titus' hand. As he landed lightly on his feet holding it high above his head the Sailor Scouts were distracted from the frozen monster and all called out. "It's Tuxedo Mask."
Zoicite and Titus flew down to the ground squaring off with him. "Hey! That crystal belongs to our queen!" Titus pointed her finger at it and Zoicite clenched her fists.
"Give it back!" She snarled menacingly.
"Take it back if you two witches can." Tuxedo Mask twirled his cane brandishing it just like a staff as he weaved and dodged waves of water from Titus and other blasts of blue-green energy from Zoicite. They tried so hard to knock the crystal out of his other hand but they could not score any hit on him
Watching the fight Sailor Moon said "He's such a hunky dreamster when he's fighting."
Sailor Jupiter said, "I thought you were back in love with Andrew."
Sailor Moon turned to her with a gaga smile. "You can have Andrew. Tuxedo Mask is way cooler."
"Hey listen. Forget about him." It was Sailor Mars who spoke up.
Sailor Moon was deeply offended. "Who are you to tell me to forget about Tuxedo Mask?"
"I mean stop wasting time and save poor Rita."
Sailor Mercury added, "Sailor Mars is right. Do it now Sailor Moon."
"Yeah. You'd better save her," Sailor Jupiter agreed with a reluctant sigh. Part of her was still a little jealous of Rita but it was the right thing to restore her to normal.
"Oh okay. Moon Healing Activation!" As the power of the Crescent Wand washed over Rita, the monster lizard vanished transforming back into herself again. Sailor Mars removed her charm and she collapsed unconscious to the ground just like Andrew.

While this was happening Tuxedo Mask had actually lost his grip on the crystal while fighting and it fell to the ground. But even so he was determined to protect it where it lay as he dodged, thrust and parried at the two women with his cane. "You're not getting that crystal."
Just then Zoicite motioned for Titus to stop attacking. "You have beaten us this time. Titus, we're no match for the great Tuxedo Mask."
Titus couldn't believe that General Zoicite would really give up knowing the wrath of Queen Beryl, but as soon as Tuxedo Mask smiled and bent down to retrieve the crystal one facial gesture from Zoicite instructed her to act quickly. She had been right in her assessment of her superior officer and she immediately sent Tuxedo Mask flying backwards with a jet of her water. As he was hit his mask was knocked off and he quickly turned tail and fled covering his face with his soggy cape.

Zoicite had snatched up the Rainbow Crystal as Sailor Moon noticed what had happened after she had finished healing Rita. It was too late for her to do anything though as Zoicite and Titus teleported themselves back to the Negaverse. As they vanished Zoicite laughed with fiendish triumph. "I can't believe he actually was suckered so easily into letting his guard down. The great Tuxedo Mask indeed."
"We did him in by his own ego General Zoicite and now we have recovered three of the Shadow Warrior team." As she said this Titus thought to herself, "Jedite. I won't let you down. I'll help General Zoicite rescue the other four and then we'll be together again."

Tuxedo Mask ran all the way back to his apartment and as he so often did, he jumped through the air into the window he always left conveniently open. Inside he took off his hat, once more in his Darien persona and cursed himself for his own stupidity. "How foolish I was to believe they really had given up."
He walked over to his dresser drawers, pulled open the second from the top, took out a fresh new mask and held it in both his hands staring at it. "Next time I will not be so naive and I will defeat them. I'll get the three crystals they also have as well."

As for Andrew and Rita when they recovered consciousness the Sailor Scouts were present watching over them. "We saved you both and got rid of those bad ladies," said Sailor Jupiter.
"You're going to be okay," added Sailor Mercury.
"Thank you Sailor Scouts." Andrew was overjoyed.
So was Rita. "Thank goodness for you amazing warriors. I dread to think what may have happened after I was knocked out."
Rita would never know just how much reason she really had to dread. But neither she nor Andrew were upset anymore in any case. As they held themselves in each other's arms and kissed, Sailors Jupiter and Moon had to close their eyes or turn their heads but the other two and Luna were all smiling brightly.

Eventually the time came for Rita to depart for her flight to Africa. At the airport she and Andrew had a tearful goodbye. They were both going to miss each other very much but they told each other they would be together in their hearts. "I will e-mail you as much as I can Rita."
"I will too Andrew. I love you."
"Me too." They dried their eyes and blew their noses as the final boarding call for Rita's plane was announced over the intercom. Rita composed herself, said her final farewell and then she was gone.

Serena and Lita had said goodbye too. They had said farewell to Rita then stood off at a distance to give her and Andrew privacy. Serena was crying. "That's the most romantic thing I've ever seen."
Lita suddenly became all cocky. "Now that she's gone I must invite him out for a milkshake sometime."
"You mean to tell me you still want him?" Serena asked incredulously.
"Well not really. But it will be good practice." Lita winked.
"Practice you say? What for?"
"Oh for when I get an opportunity to invite Tuxedo Mask out on a date."
I'm afraid Serena was not in the least bit amused by this prospect of romantic competition.
"Wait. Tuxedo Mask's mine."
"But I'm thinking that underneath the mask he could very well be just like my ex-boyfriend."
"Aaaaarrgh!" Serena buried her face in her hands but Lita went walking alongside Andrew towards the exit without a care at all.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
Reaction score
Episode 26 Grandpa's Follies

At the Cherry Hill Temple that evening Raye's grandfather was enjoying a pleasant stroll by himself in the neighbouring forest track area. He paused to look up at the moon overhead. "What a lovely full moon," he happily thought to himself.
Suddenly Zoicite and Titus materialized in the air right in front of his view of the moon. "Hey! Who are you two and what are you doing up there?"
Neither of them answered him. They just looked at each other and spoke. Zoicite said to Titus. "Queen Beryl will be so happy as soon as we retrieve the Rainbow Crystal inside this old codger. As soon as all seven Shadow Warriors are with us they will lead us on to victory and we will unleash the Negaforce."
"And I'll be so happy back in the arms of my boyfriend," Titus added ecstatically.
Zoicite grimaced to herself. She deplored Titus deeply and hated every time she brought up her boyfriend Jedite who she also despised. But Jedite was trapped forever in eternal sleep and she comforted herself with the secret knowledge that she would kill Titus on Queen Beryl's orders once all seven Shadow Warriors were gathered back at the Negaverse.
"Well don't waste time Titus. Get him." Zoicite pointed at Raye's grandfather and as Titus began to swoop down towards him with outstretched arms he became very tense.
"I sense an evil force," he cried as he felt Titus attempt to exert her charm to hold him still. "I must summon all the strength of my will to resist this power." With an anguished cry he raised a barrier in front of him which Titus hit and bounced off rolling head over heels back into the air just a few feet under Zoicite.
"What are you doing?" She yelled as Titus put one hand to her forehead to steady her dizziness.
"This man may be old General Zoicite, but he's far from weak. He blocked my attack."
"Oh is that so? Well take this old coot. ZOI!"
Raye's grandfather gasped and steeled himself against Zoicite's attack. It rallied heavy against him but he concentrated with all his might and though it made a shallow indentation in the ground of the path he was standing on he stood triumphantly unscathed panting for breath with defiance.
Before Zoicite could attack again she heard a voice call out "Grandfather."
Back at the temple Raye had psychically sensed that he was in some kind of trouble and had come running as quick as she could.
"Retreat for now." Zoicite commanded Titus and they disappeared before Raye could notice them.

Raye ran up to her grandfather as he collapsed to catch his breath. "Are you all right Grandfather? What happened?"
He had no desire to worry his granddaughter though and said, "I'll be all right Raye. Help me stand up please."
When Raye pressed him for more information he insisted. "There's nothing for you to be concerned over. Just help me get back to the Temple. Understand?"
Raye was used to her grandfather's stubborn ways and quietly supported him as he staggered back home. But when they arrived at the stairs to their temple they were met by a man dressed in dark trousers and coat with very long, shaggy hair and a carry bag slung over his shoulder.
"Pardon me," he started to say but Raye spoke sharply.
"Who are you and what do you want? Our Temple's closed for the night."
As soon as the man caught a good look at Raye's face he was mesmerized by her beauty. He literally fell down on his hands and knees before her and her grandfather as he cried out in answer. "My name's Chad. I'm a travelling rock and roll musician who's down and out on his luck. I've heard wonderful things about this temple. Please let me stay with you for awhile as an assistant and an apprentice. I'll do anything you want in your service. Please?"
As he placed his face humbly on the ground Grandfather said, "I think we can take him on his offer Raye."
"All right then Grandfather," consented Raye.
Chad rose from the ground smiling merrily, his eyes still locked on Raye. "Oh thank you! Thank you both so much!"
Grandfather spoke again. "For starters my boy, you can help my granddaughter assist me carefully up the stairs and to my bed. I'm feeling a little drained tonight. She will arrange a room for you to sleep and we'll begin your new life after breakfast."
So Chad did as he was told and after putting her grandfather to bed, Raye showed him to a spare bedroom. Then she went to bed herself wondering what had really happened to her grandfather that he refused to tell her about. Could it be related to the Negaverse? And where would things lead to with this Chad fellow? At least he seemed to be unrelated to the incidents in question. But all the same she would need to keep a close eye on him to be sure.

The following afternoon Raye met the other girls and Luna in town. As they all stood on the sidewalk she explained all about what happened and how worried she was.
Serena said, "Perhaps you should take your grandfather to the doctor?"
"I have made this suggestion to him but he will not consent to go." Raye sighed.
Amy was holding Luna in her hands and while she was stroking her she added, "Do you suppose it could be the Negaverse getting to him Raye?"
"I've been wondering about that myself. Furthermore this stranger turned up last night and has taken up residence to live with us and be Grandfather's apprentice."
"What sort of stranger?" Lita asked.
"He calls himself Chad and he claims to be a rock and roll musician whose last concert appearance was a total washout. He says he came to experience Temple life with us to find new meaning and purpose for himself. He seems to be harmless but I'm a little suspicious all the same."
"How so Raye?" Luna put in her two cents.
"Well just because of the uncanny coincidence that he happens to appear shortly after Grandfather had his attack. Whatever it was. That's for starters. Anyway he seems to be harmless but this morning after breakfast Grandfather started acting even more strangely when he took Chad for tutoring."
Serena was very intrigued. "What did he do?"
"Oh it's really weird. He took two of the tablecloths and tied them around his and Chad's necks dangling them down over their backs just like they were meant to be capes. Then he had Chad climbing the trees with him and he spent the whole morning swinging through the treetops using ropes like vines and turning somersaults in mid-air. When he landed on the ground he instructed Chad to do the same. Chad seemed to be fearful but he obeyed crashing into a few trees and landing on his face. But he keeps getting up and following Grandfather again."
Luna, Amy and Lita were all open-mouthed in concerned astonishment, but to everybody's annoyance Serena started to giggle.
"Hey! Why are you laughing?" Raye began to scowl.
Serena had tears of laughter in her eyes. "Oh I wish I could have seen it Raye. Your grandfather's turning into a combination of Superman and Tarzan. Hahaha."
"IT'S NOT FUNNY AT ALL!" Raye shouted.
"Serena be serious," scolded Amy.
"That's right. What if the Negaverse is making him act so weird? Think about poor Raye." Luna added sharply.
"Yeah. And I don't know whether I should trust Chad or not. He could be exerting some influence over my Grandfather for all I know."
Silly Serena wouldn't take a hint and opened her big mouth again. "Oh I wouldn't worry about him Raye. He seems willing to take a few knocks and bruises to become as good as your grandfather. For all you know he may be trying to impress you because he likes you."
That did it. As the others all gasped Raye became furious and shoved her face into Serena's.
"Are you totally deranged? I'm worried sick about Grandfather and you just try to tell me everything's fine and all your other garbage?"
Serena began to cry bitterly. "Raye. You meany. WAAAAAAAHH"
"Raye. Serena shouldn't have been so inconsiderate to you, but you didn't need to be so harsh just then," admonished Lita.
"That's right," agreed Amy. "Please apologize to her so she'll stop that loud crying."
Raye immediately regretted losing her temper. She smiled composedly. "Okay. I'm sorry Serena."
Serena turned off the tears and smiled back. "Apology accepted Raye."
Raye went on to say, "Of course you'll apologize to me in turn won't you?"
Unfortunately Serena was defiant. "Why should I need to apologize to you Raye? I never said anything wrong. I still think it's hilarious to think of your grandfather swinging through the trees and this Chad sounds like a really cool guy."
"Serena!" Amy, Lita and Luna all gasped exasperatedly while Raye looked like she was going to have a fit. For one brief second she opened her mouth then she snapped it and her eyes shut and made grunting, groaning noises clenching her fists and shaking.
Fighting to keep her cool she spoke slowly. "You're severely testing my patience Serena. I'm leaving before you make me scream again. Lita and Amy. When I check out Chad I shall ask you both to meet and discuss things with me. But this meatball-head can stay out of this investigation if she won't be sensible. Bye."
As Raye stormed off Lita, Amy and Luna all said "Okay Raye," and then told Serena how disgusted they were with her.
Amy walked away holding Luna. "I'm sick of you provoking Raye with your insensitive behaviour and stupidity." All Luna had to say was "Humph."
Lita also left her behind. "Sometimes you really do act like you have spaghetti brains like she said."
Serena stubbornly refused to admit she was in the wrong and yelled at their backs. "Why are you all picking on me today?"
When they just ignored her Serena stamped her foot indignantly. "I'll show them all. I'll go spy on Raye at the Temple and I'll make her realize the truth about this Chad."

So Serena set off for the Cherry Hill Temple area but she didn't know that Luna had made Amy agree that somebody should watch Serena closely. They had decided that Luna would be the best candidate for the task so Amy had set her down and she had followed Serena from a safe distance, conveniently hiding behind trees, rubbish bins and other observation points being a cat.
Luna had had a feeling she knew where Serena was going and she finally caught up with her while she was hiding behind a big tree herself watching Raye standing nearby talking to Chad. Chad was smiling and blushing while she questioned him about where he came from, what his background was and why he had come to stay with them.
Serena with a gaga look of excitement on her face had just pulled out the special disguise device that looked like a pen when Luna cried out, "What are you doing Serena? You promised you wouldn't use that magic device for pranks anymore!"
Serena was startled to hear Luna suddenly but she quickly composed herself and said, "This isn't a prank Luna. I'm going to play matchmaker. I can see that Raye and this Chad would be so perfect for each other."
Luna began to protest saying that Raye was angry with her enough as it was but Serena wouldn't listen.
"Disguise Power! Turn me into a fortune-teller matchmaker!"
Serena was transformed into a fortune teller with dark glasses and a square carry stand in her arms with shoulder straps for support. She had her hair covered in a brown hat and a brown coat with sandals and a pack of tarot cards sat on the stand. "Here I go." She giggled while Luna buried her face in her front paws and moaned frustratingly.
Chad and Raye were both taken aback when the mysterious figure walked up to them and started to speak. "Aaah. I'm sensing strong vibrations coming from both of you."
Grabbing up the deck of cards she continued. "You see I'm going to shuffle these cards and they're going to predict your future. And I have a strong hunch wedding bells will be ringing."
Chad was getting a very fearful look on his face as Serena shuffled the deck and dealt out one card after another until a lovers card was set upon the top of the pile."
"Aha!" Snatching it up triumphantly she held it high for them both to see. "You see this card came up when I was dealing just then? You know what this means? Time for you both to throw your arms around each other and have some kissing."
Luna groaned as if she was in pain and Chad's nerves finally cracked and with his face red he yelled, "I'm getting out of here!" With that he turned tail and ran off. "I'm seeking sanctuary back at the Temple from this creepy person."
Serena was flabbergasted but before she could say anything Raye stormed over to glare at her in the eye behind those glasses.
"This is the last straw Serena!"
Serena gasped. "You recognize me?"
"Did you really think you could fool me? I know all about that Disguise Power of yours. And I'll have you know you just ruined my efforts at getting Chad by myself to try to question him and see if he says anything suspicious. THIS TIME I'M REALLY SICK OF YOU! IF I EVER SEE YOU AGAIN I'LL SET YOUR MEAT-BALL HAIR ON FIRE! LEAVE ME ALONE!"
With that Raye walked off in a huff as Serena fell to her knees and began to cry and wail like a baby once more.

Later that night while Raye was relaxing in her bathtub at the Temple inwardly she was feeling anything but relaxed. She was all the more worried about her grandfather, though she was beginning to feel almost certain that Chad was indeed completely innocent. She thought, "I must consult the Sacred Fire about this matter. I just don't know what to do."

But at that moment her grandfather was fervently bowing down to and petitioning the Sacred Fire himself. "Most Holy Flame. I have been pushing myself to the limit in extraordinary training with my new apprentice Chad to strengthen my nerves and will to fight the evil forces threatening me. I beseech you to help me should they appear again."
"You think you're stronger old man but you've just worn out and weakened yourself with your monkeying in the trees."
It was Zoicite who had just spoken and Grandfather turned to stare at her and Titus where they had materialized behind him.
He defiantly grabbed a staff to attack but Zoicite's words proved to be justifiably correct as she sent him flying backwards out the door into the temple grounds landing in a sprawled heap.
Inside her bathtub Raye sensed that something bad was going on. "I feel serious Nega-activity nearby," she said as she jumped out to dry herself and get dressed.
But meanwhile Zoicite and Titus were getting the upper hand. "We want that crystal!" Titus shouted as Grandfather feebly attempted to resist but he was struggling helplessly in paralysis as Titus held him still while she thrust her hand inside his chest. Grandfather roared and cursed as Titus withdrew the Rainbow Crystal from within his body.
"Here General Zoicite." She tossed it to her commanding officer who was ready to catch it but a rose flew through the air striking it and it fell to the ground.
Zoicite and Titus both looked up to behold Tuxedo Mask standing atop a stone pillar. "No you don't Nega-trash. I'll get the crystal this time." He yelled down at them and prepared to jump and fight.
"Titus. Stop him!" Zoicite commanded sharply.
"I'll give him plenty to worry about instead of our crystal," Titus answered weaving the magic of the Negaforce upon Raye's grandfather where he lay stunned from shock. Even as Tuxedo Mask made his leap landing gracefully like a cat Grandfather was in the midst of transformation.
"Not again." He cried in dismay as the old man of the Temple changed into a hunchbacked, red-faced demon with googly eyes and pointed horns on his head.
While he was distracted Zoicite stamped on the rose he had thrown crushing it and levitated the crystal grabbing it out of thin air. "We got you again silly cape boy."
Tuxedo Mask yelled, "I swear you won't escape with that crystal!"
Titus responded thusly. "You think so? Destroy him!" She mentally commanded the demon and it charged at Tuxedo Mask who flew aside as razor- sharp claws were slashed at him just barely missing.
"Come back you cowards!" He called out to the two women who were running away into the nearby trees. The monster who was poor Grandfather was just about to chase after Tuxedo Mask as he went in pursuit of them when his attention was diverted by the arrival of Chad. Chad had come running as fast as he could in response to the agonized noises Grandfather had been making and he almost died of horror when he saw the hideous demon leering at him.
He turned and ran screaming for help as the creature chased after him. If it caught up with Chad it would surely tear him to pieces.

Raye had just finished getting dried and dressed as fast as she could and was on her way to find out what was going on when Chad ran into her and they both sprawled to the ground. "OW! Chad! What are,,," Raye began to say but he pointed behind him in terror.
Raye gasped in shock as she beheld the creature lumbering towards them on all fours like a wild animal. There was nothing she could do. In a matter of seconds they would both be mauled to death where they lay. They both screamed. Chad covered his face with his arms but before the monster could get its claws upon them it pulled up short and turned around walking away from them slowly and groaning as if it were fighting against its own will.
Raye wondered what was going on but Chad stood up and said, "I'm no longer afraid Raye. I'm going to charge that beast and tackle it."
"No Chad. Don't be a fool. Those claws are deadly."
Chad protested. "But your grandfather has been teaching me to overcome and conquer my fear. This is my big chance before it recovers its senses."
So saying he prepared himself to run but Raye knew it would be suicide in a matter of seconds and quickly thinking she made a lunge grabbing his foot making him stumble and fall on his face. While he lay there dazed and struggling to get back up saying, "I must have tripped over something," Raye took one of her magic charms and stuck it on the back of his head.
"You need to take a nap for your own good Chad," she declared as the enchantment washed over him and made him collapse in a charmed state of sleep with his eyes closed and deep rythmic breathing.

The monster seemed to be just about to resume its attack as it lost the fight to control itself and Raye was preparing to yell out to get it to follow her and lead it away from Chad when Serena showed up alone at the Temple. She had been so upset about how she had made Raye angry at her that Luna had suggested in her bedroom that she go humbly to beg Raye's forgiveness to her face. Luna had told Serena that she was depending upon her to do the right thing if she sent her alone. Not like the time when she had made a mess of conveying the concern she had been feeling to her friend Molly about her affection towards Nephlite a good long while ago. Serena had given Luna her solemn word that she would make a clean break of everything and not continue to try to deny or excuse any of her wrong actions or words. "Well be sure you don't disappoint me Serena." Luna had remarked.
"I won't let you down Luna. I promise," said Serena. So off she had set and on the way decided to duck into the bakery and buy a huge bag of chocolate cupcakes as a peace offering to help pacify Raye's temper. "Raye loves chocolate cake. Surely this will soften her resentment towards me," she had cheerfully hoped.
So she was carrying the bag in one hand when she beheld the monster at her arrival. "Don't worry Raye. I'll save you. Moon Prism Power."
The creature was distracted enough by her transformation as it watched trying to figure out what to make of this strange new arrival.
"Sailor Moon!" Raye gasped in honest relief to have some help in handling this mysterious beast.

Running up to her Raye panted. "You have no idea how glad I am to see you."
Serena smiled and held up the open bag. "Aw Raye. I'm deeply sorry for the unfeeling things I've said and done. Please forgive me with a bite of chocolate cupcake?"
Raye cried urgently, "Sailor Moon! Of course I'll forgive you but don't you think we have more important matters than cake on hand? Watch out!"
She grabbed Sailor Moon's arm and pulled her out of the way just in time to avoid the beast's sudden charge.
"Yikes! I see what you mean Raye."
She put her hand to her forehead to grab her tiara. "MOON TIARA,,"
But before she could throw it a red rose suddenly flew across her path of sight distracting her. She and Raye looked up in surprise to see Tuxedo Mask standing on the same stone pillar from which he had accosted Zoicite and Titus earlier. He called down in urgency. "Sailor Moon! You must not attack him like that. That monster is the old man who runs this Temple."
"What?" Sailor Moon was shocked at what she had almost done and Raye was horrified.
"My grandfather?"
"He had a Rainbow Crystal inside him," Tuxedo Mask went on to explain as he jumped down to stand in between them and poor Grandfather who was once again moaning and shaking as his inner conscious human self struggled vainly against the spell that held him prisoner. "Titus extracted it and changed him into this creature. See how he is desperately trying to resist. You must both act quickly now to stun him and restore him to normal."
Then the animal instinct took full control once more and the beast raced at Tuxedo Mask snapping, slashing and snarling. Tuxedo Mask steered him away from the girls fighting back with his cane deflecting the claw swipes. "Hurry and do it now!"
He urged them and Raye said "I'll stun him from behind." She pulled out another charm. "I call upon the power of Mars. Fireballs charge."
She slapped the charm on his back making him stiffen up and howl.
"It's your turn Sailor Moon," cried Tuxedo Mask and she pulled out the Crescent Moon Wand. She sheepishly thought to herself that she thought she had heard it faintly beeping inside her shoulder-bag as she had left the bakery earlier but she had blocked it out of her mind thinking about how she was going to patch things up with Raye. But there was no point fretting about it now and thankfully she had been on her way to the very place she was needed. She waved the wand towards Grandfather. "Moon Healing Activation."
The monster vanished revealing Grandfather back to normal. He collapsed unconscious and Raye caught him in her arms sobbing.
"Is he going to be okay Raye?" Sailor Moon was deeply concerned but Raye answered that she thought he'd be fine once he woke up.
"Well done you two. I must go now."
"Wait a moment Tuxedo Mask. I want to know something." Sailor Moon begged earnestly and he consented to stay and hear her. "Can you please tell me what became of the Rainbow Crystal he was carrying?"
Tuxedo Mask's voice was pained. "I tried to catch up with those two Nega-witches but unfortunately they had quickly disappeared. They obviously escaped with the crystal so they now have four of them."
Sailor Moon and Raye were both distressed by this bad news. Tuxedo Mask maybe had no idea of what the secret of those crystals were but this meant that four of the Seven Shadow Warriors of the Negaverse were now back with Queen Beryl.
Tuxedo Mask spoke again. "Now I must go. Take care." And he bounded away before either of them could say anything else.

Later when Grandfather and Chad were both back to consciousness Serena and Raye sat with them on the Temple entrance porch and the four of them shared the bag of chocolate cupcakes. They had explained that after Chad had fallen and been knocked out fortunately Sailor Moon had been passing by and driven the monster away. Grandfather had no remembrance of his transformation but secretly he hoped that this incident was related to those two evil women who had been harassing him and that they had been sent away for good along with their creepy powers.
"I'm very sorry I wasn't more help though Raye." Chad sighed regretfully but she smiled and spoke to him cheerfully.
"But you were triumphant in overcoming your fears Chad. That's what really counts." She put her arm around him and hugged him to her and he blushed. But he was smiling at the same time when he looked at her.
"So Chad. Do you think you might return to your travels as a musician soon?" Raye asked.
"No! He should stay!" Serena cried but Chad knew what he wanted in his heart and slowly answered the question.
"Well I'd like to. But first I'd like to stay on as your grandfather's assistant for a little bit longer."
Raye gasped and added "I hope you eventually go back on tour."
Before Chad could say anything else Raye went on. "I had a vision and it told me why you came here. It was to conquer your inner fears to master your stage fright. And you've done it. If you want to stay you're most welcome but I hope you will go back confidently on tour one day." Then remarkably she kissed him on the cheek making everybody gasp in surprise. Chad was so excited he leaped to his feet and cried with jubilation.
"I feel like I can face the world and whatever it throws at me. I could write a song for you Raye and perform it just for you."
Raye was herself taken aback unable to contemplate what she had just done while Serena digged her in the ribs with her elbow and grinned.
"I knew Chad was perfect for you Raye."
Raye was immediately defensive. "Quit trying to set me up with Chad already? There's only one guy I'm interested in and that's Darien. Understand?"
"Wait a minute! Raye what's this? Have you been dating behind my back? I should have been entitled to know about this!" Raye's grandfather was incensed and then a big argument began to ensue between him, Raye and Serena. When Chad tried to defuse the situation he was dragged into the conflict.
It was a very intense fight but through it all Serena thought in the back of her mind that Luna, Lita and Amy would all be so very happy that she and Raye were friends once more. "We may be having an argument but we're speaking to each other. That's the main thing," she quietly thought to herself.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
Reaction score
Episode 27 Kitty Chaos

Luna had been wandering around the town minding her own business one morning. She liked going for strolls by herself but she was in for a big surprise that day. She was walking among all the cars parked in a nearby car park when she heard a distinctive meow sound coming from above her.
Raising her head she saw a huge, bluish-grey coloured cat sitting on top of a camper-van's roof staring down at her. "What the?" She was unsure what to make of it and then the cat made his way as carefully as he could down from the high point onto the ground. He was also huge as in being rather over-weight and as he approached Luna she became rather nervous.
"Uh. W-w-what do you w-w-w-want?" She was getting fearfully intimidated but as the big cat slowly approached her he made no indication that he was going to attack. In fact he seemed to be smiling the way you can describe a cat's smile as such and purring cheerfully. In spite of Luna's shock she sensed that he meant her no harm so she stood her ground.
When he came up to her he started to rub his face against her and lick her back. "Oh goodness." Luna cried. "Don't you think this is a little sudden? I mean we've only just met."
Luna began to blush but the big cat did not even seem to understand what she was saying. He was not a mysterious talking cat like she was and was merely acting on his own natural instincts. He was a male cat and he recognized Luna as the female of his species.

Luna was suddenly rescued as the big cat suddenly reacted to the sound of a little girl's voice calling out "Here kitty, kitty, kitty."
He left Luna's side and raced obediently through the parked cars towards the call of his owner. Luna followed and discreetly watched as a little girl picked up the enormous feline in her arms and snuggled up to him. "Good kitty. Come on Hercules. Let's go home."
"Of course." Luna sighed. "What other name would you give to a great, big cat like that?"

But Luna was not the only one observing Hercules and his owner. Back in the realm of the Negaverse Titus had conjured up the image of them for her and Zoicite to see.
Zoicite grinned and spoke with silk in her voice. "Could this little girl be the holder of the seventh Rainbow Crystal?"
"Of course General Zoicite. I recognize a presence within what we are seeing. She is our next target." Titus crowed ecstatically anticipating yet another successful retrieval of one of Queen Beryl's lost Shadow Warriors. Four of them were taking up residence in her personal chambers. The chambers that she had once shared with Jedite and believed that she would be sharing them with him again once all seven of the Shadows were gathered together once more. "Let's not waste any time my general. I am eager to start."
"So am I Titus." Zoicite was looking forward to the treachery Queen Beryl had planned against this annoying nuisance Titus. She smiled wickedly relishing the prospect of ordering her good friends, The Plant Trio, to do to her what they had done to that other thorn in her flesh, Nephlite. "So am I."

A couple of hours later Luna called the Sailor Scouts for a meeting in their civilian identities by the public water fountain in the middle of town. Serena and Lita both arrived together and found Luna seated on the edge of the fountain with Luna. "Hello." Serena smiled and waved.
Lita began to apologize. "Sorry we're running late." Then glancing around she and Serena both noticed there was somebody missing. "Hey! Where's Raye?"
Luna closed her eyes and bowed her head while Amy nervously tried to explain. "The thing is, um, Raye's kind of busy today."
As Serena and Lita both raised their eyebrows incredulously Amy gulped and getting her bearings told the honest truth. "You see because it's Saturday she felt like going out on a date with Darien."
Luna cringed with disappointment at Raye's blatant lack of commitment and Serena felt a stab of rage. She guessed why Raye was doing this. It was because of the big row that had erupted between them recently that had involved her grandfather and Chad, the travelling street musician who had moved into the Cherry Hill Temple as a boarder and an assistant/apprentice.
Indeed at that very moment Raye was trying to call Darien's apartment from a public pay phone so that Chad and her grandfather would not know she was arranging a date after the enormous argument they had had because of Serena. They thought she was going to be meeting Serena and her other friends.
But as she dialled the number she heard Darien's answering machine speaking to her. "Hi. You've missed me sorry. I'm not at home right now. But please leave a message after the beep."
Raye was desperate to contact him and when the beep sounded she blurted. "Oh hello. It's Raye. I was just wondering if you were free today you might meet me for an ice cream sundae at the new ice cream parlour that's just opened on the corner of Yarmuth and Bean Streets. I'll be waiting if you can come. I hope I can see you later today."
Little did she know that Darien really was at home. But he was deliberately ignoring his phone when it rang. In fact he wasn't even listening to her message. He was deep in thought talking to himself in his chair. So intensely was he musing over matters out loud that he hadn't even consciously heard his phone ring. Let alone the urgent message Raye was trying to leave. He sat with his hands in his lap and his head straight down looking at them. "The seventh Rainbow Crystal. I must get it. I can't allow the Negaverse to win this time. Then I must somehow get those other four back off them. Those crystals are the crucial key to rediscovering my lost identity and background. I won't let myself be defeated."

Meanwhile back at the fountain Lita asked Amy what she was doing as she began tapping keys on her mini data-computer. "I'm trying to get a reading on the seventh Rainbow Crystal," she explained.
Serena looked inside her bag and with drew the Crescent Moon Wand. "But my wand isn't giving off any indication that the Negaverse is even searching for it. And in any case if they were we could just allow the wand to lead us straight to them and the crystal. Why should we be trying to find it now?"
"Give me strength." Luna moaned. "Serena don't you think the idea of trying to find it before we have to contend with the Negaverse for it makes sense? Use your brain."
"Oh excuse me." Serena gave one of her slightly embarassed gulps as Amy suddenly exclaimed in triumph.
"Luna. I think we're on to something. It's scanned the city and it's pin-pointed a house."
Luna and the girls all stared at the little computer screen. Luna said, "It looks like we're to find the last Rainbow Crystal there. Come on you girls. We're visiting that address."
So they all set off walking to their destination of investigation.

As they arrived Serena asked, "So where's the crystal supposed to be?"
"It should be somewhere in the house," Amy answered.
"Well let's do it." Lita chimed in.
But just then Luna glanced up and saw who else but the same enormous over-weight cat Hercules staring out of the window. When he saw Luna his ears pricked up and Luna was very uncomfortable.
"Uh. Wait a minute." She urgently cried. "You girls go ahead. I'll wait outside."
The three girls all looked down at her with bulging eyes and open mouths.
"Luna. What's come over you?" Amy spoke first.
Serena said to her, "Luna. You are our guardian feline. You should come with us."
"Well you see that big cat in the window. He's kind of got a crush on me." Luna shook and trembled and the girls smiled.
"That's okay. Even Luna can sometimes be distracted from work." Amy laughed good-naturedly. "See you later Luna. We'll be back."
But as the three of them turned to approach the front door Serena couldn't resist a little jibe. "See you Fraidy-Cat. Scared of kitty love indeed."
"You just had to have your two cents worth Serena," Luna muttered.

So Amy rang the front doorbell while Serena and Lita stood back a few feet on the front path. The door opened and the little girl who owned Hercules appeared. Amy politely greeted her. "Hello. Are your parents at home?"
"Why yes," she replied. "But they're out in the back garden tending to the lawn and flowerbeds."
Suddenly Lita and Serena heard the Crescent Moon Wand in Serena's bag begin to go beep. That meant the Negaverse was nearby and about to strike. Could this little girl be the carrier of the seventh Rainbow Crystal? They gasped in trepidation at what could suddenly happen.
But they were unprepared for what did happen. Hercules had been standing behind the girl's legs and sensing that Luna was outside nearby he suddenly made a dash past her and Amy out the door. She was distraught and chased her pet past Lita and Serena and as Luna looked up and saw him approaching she shrieked.
"Oh no! No!" Luna turned around and sped off with Hercules after her.
"Hercules! Come back!" The poor girl was very upset and as Luna tried to escape through a narrow alleyway Hercules followed her. The girl in turn ran into the darkened alley as the two cats vanished. "Hercules?" She sniffed.
Next instant she let out a huge scream and fainted as Zoicite and Titus materialized before her face. The two women both laughed at her sprawled out looking almost like she was asleep. "Such a sweet child. Unaware of the treasure inside her." Zoicite smiled wickedly. "Titus. You know what to do."
"Yes my Commander." Titus squeezed past Zoicite in the narrow space, quickly knelt down and turned the girl onto her back and reached into her chest. But to her amazement she was feeling around in vain for the seventh Rainbow Crystal.
"What's taking you so long?" Zoicite demanded annoyed but Titus stood up and turned to her.
"There's no crystal inside her General Zoicite."
"What? But you said you sensed it when she appeared in the vision you conjured? Have you made a mistake?"
"I couldn't possibly make a mistake with the power of the Negaforce drawing me to each crystal." Titus insisted then thought for a second. "Wait a minute. We saw her holding her pet cat. I bet the last crystal must be inside that cat."
Zoicite was flabbergasted. "In that case you had better track down where that cat has disappeared to."

Just then a familiar voice called out, "There she is!"
Zoicite and Titus noticed Sailor Moon with Mercury and Jupiter in the entrance of the alley. They had heard the little girl's scream and had immediately transformed to come to her rescue. Unfortunately in their haste they had all tried to run inside the narrow passage at the same time and ended up entangling themselves up with each other. While Sailor Moon was attempting to warn them to back away from the motionless girl or else she would punish them in the Name of the Moon, Sailor Jupiter stumbled and knocked Sailor Mercury forward. As she half fell over one of her legs flew up in the air and kicked Sailor Moon in the face. Sailor Jupiter was trying hard to straighten Mercury up as she was bent forward on one leg and Sailor Moon cried in pain. "Oooww! Take your foot out of my face!"
It was pandemonium and Titus and Zoicite used it as their cue to escape vanishing into thin air. As the three Sailor Scouts straightened themselves up they realized they had lost them. "But the girl's still here. Let's take her back to her home." Sailor Mercury pointed at her and they untangled themselves so they stood in single file. Then somehow between the three of them, they picked her up and walked away from the alleyway. Sailor Jupiter was the strongest, so once they were free from the tiny, cramped space, she carried the girl in her arms behind the other two.

Meanwhile Luna had run into a very bad situation. As she turned a corner running away from Hercules she ran straight into the leader of a gang of alley cats knocking him to the ground in a dazed heap. Before she knew it four other cats were glaring angrily at her. They took any attack upon their leader as a personal challenge and they were beginning to hiss and bare their claws.
"Oh no!" Luna's hair stood up on end and she began to tremble and shake. "No! No!"
In a few seconds they would all be upon her including the leader who was getting to his feet with a nasty glint in his eyes. But just when Luna was wondering if she'd have any lives remaining from her supply of nine, Hercules appeared out of thin air and he responded quickly. With a huge snarl he sprang at the other cats and lashed out at them with his claws making them scatter in surprise and alarm at such sudden ferocity. Then he picked up Luna by the scruff of her neck and ran away with her before they could recover and fight back. Before Luna knew what was happening she had been dragged behind a fence and down a nearby open manhole. "Yeeoooww!" She shrieked as Hercules plunged through the circular opening pulling her along with him. He landed as gracefully on his feet as you could expect considering his mouth was firmly but gently clamped upon Luna's neck and how rather fat he was. Then he dragged her further into the sewer to put as much distance between themselves and the alley cats as possible.
But thankfully none of them seemed inclined to try to follow them. Hercules was a rather tough cat and his claws were sharp. They were just licking their scratches and feeling glad that fat ball of blazing fury was gone. Luna had to admit that Hercules had courageously saved her when he stopped and released her.

But in the meantime Zoicite and Titus had materialized elsewhere in the sewer. Zoicite immediately held her nose and gagged. "That horrible smell. Where have you brought us Titus?" Then she realized what the answer was before Titus could say anything.
"Urgh! Sewage! Titus you stupid idiot!"
But General Zoicite," Titus protested. "I sense that the cat is currently somewhere inside this sewer."
Zoicite groaned. "You'd better be right then. Let's go find that mangy feline then."
With that she turned but as soon as she made a move to go forward she fell with a shriek. She had failed to notice how close she was to the edge of the walkway and she half fell into the dirty water. Her left foot splashed into the smelly muck though she just managed to avoid tumbling all the way in. She was crouched and hunched over with her right knee bent over and her hands flat on concrete. As she cursed and grunted Titus reacted in shock and bent down to help her up.
As she heaved her to her feet with her arms under her armpits from behind she said, "Watch your step General Zoicite."
Zoicite ground her teeth and clenched her fists. "Now you tell me."

As for the little girl, the three Sailor Scouts had taken her back home to her parents. They were horrified to see her motionless form but extremely grateful to the Scouts for helping to save her. "We will put her in bed and stay to keep a close guard on her while you go and get her a doctor," Sailor Jupiter told them.
"That's right. If those evil people try to attack her again we will protect your daughter," confirmed Sailor Mercury.
You can depend on us," added Sailor Moon.
"Nobody may know where you mysterious girls came from but there's no question that you're good and a blessing to us." The girl's father took her in his arms and her mother said, "Come with us to her room. We'll make sure she's tucked in and leave her in your care. Thank goodness you started appearing the exact same time as these sinister wicked forces began attacking our city."
So the dear child was sleeping soundly in her comfy bed and her parents departed while the Sailor Scouts took up their vigil.
"I wonder where Luna disappeared too?" said Sailor Jupiter.
Sailor Moon felt very resentful. "She calls me irresponsible sometimes. And she runs off on us. The nerve."
Sailor Mercury came to Luna's defence. "She would never run off. Something must have happened to her. I hope she's all right."
Then Sailor Moon gave a squeal of glee. "Look. I found the new Sailor V videogame."
Sailor Jupiter sighed. "You actually want to play video games in your Sailor identity?"
"What if the Negaverse comes back after this girl?" Sailor Mercury chimed in.
But Sailor Moon was already setting up the game. "Hey! Who says I can't have a little bit of fun while I'm guarding somebody? Besides if trouble shows up I'll be right here and you two will instantly alert me to action."
"Yeah right," Sailor Mercury sighed with resignation and while Sailor Moon settled down to enjoy herself she spoke seriously with Sailor Jupiter.
"Do you suppose she was the carrier of the last crystal? Could Zoicite and Titus have taken it?"
"Maybe." Sailor Jupiter thought deeply. "Though usually once they extract the crystal that creepy witch Titus immediately transforms the victim into a maniacal, bloodthirsty monster to attempt to destroy us. Yet this time she didn't. Why is that?"
Sailor Mercury agreed. "True. That is strange. Perhaps she may not have had the crystal at all?"
"But if that's true then who could the crystal be inside?" Suddenly Sailor Jupiter gasped. "Do you suppose the carrier may be one of her parents?"
Sailor Mercury reacted in horror. "That's a possibility. Jupiter you'd better go running after them in their car on the way to the hospital just in case they get attacked. I'll stay here and watch the girl while Sailor Moon is, um, occupied."
There was no time to waste. They knew that Sailor Moon would go all sulky on them if she was told to stop playing the game now unless there was an immediate enemy to fight. So Sailor Jupiter sprinted off to check on the mother and father and Sailor Moon never realized she'd left. For now she was in her own world.

Getting back to Zoicite and Titus they were making their way through the sewer. It was getting so dark and black as they crawled through the pipes that Titus was leading Zoicite by the hand so they wouldn't lose each other. Zoicite hated this immensely and she wished she could just go back to the Negaverse and leave Titus behind. But she feared the wrath of Queen Beryl so she submitted to holding her hand while she directed her along in the dark.
"We're getting very close now General Zoicite. I can feel that cat in this direction."
Suddenly she pulled up to a stop and Zoicite bumped into her. "Oof. Now what?"
Zoicite was annoyed but Titus spoke urgently. "I can feel something soft and warm against the pipe."
"What?" Zoicite reached out and felt it too just as Titus shrieked.
"It's moving!" Zoicite could sense some little furry things beginning to swarm over her arm and she began to panic.
"What's going on Titus!"
"Eeeeek! It seems that we're surrounded by an army of rats General Zoicite!"
"Rats! I hate rats!" Zoicite screamed.
"So do I!" Titus yelled and now the last thing Zoicite wanted to do was to let go of Titus' hand as the two of them desperately crawled through the pipe with the rats squeaking and crawling over their bodies. They moved as quickly as they could Titus beating them back with very short bursts of water so as to not cause a flood to sweep them away along with the rodents. Zoicite was almost scared to death and was white as chalk when Titus finally pulled her through the rats to the end of the pipe and they burst out into another huge section of the underground sewer. They didn't stop to catch their breath even. They both ran off with raucous screams of rats as the rats themselves all poured out of the circular opening and swarmed after them in hot pursuit.

At that moment Luna and Hercules were walking through the sewers. "There must be a way out of here. I hate this stinking place." Luna moaned then she turned towards Hercules. "I really do appreciate that you saved me but you wouldn't happen to know,,,"
Suddenly she noticed a scratch on one of his front legs with some dried blood surrounding it. She gasped in horror. "You've been injured. Your leg was hurt when you fought off those savage cats for," she gulped.
She put her face up against the injury. "Why did you risk getting yourself hurt for me anyway? Is it because you like me?"
As if he could understand her he started to lick her face and meow affectionately. "Oof. What a stupid question to have asked." Luna spluttered.

Suddenly she was alerted to sounds coming from behind them. She gasped again in utter dismay at what she saw. "Here come Titus and Zoicite!"
The two women were running as if they were trying to win a marathon against the legion of rats pursuing them. "There he is my Commander!" Titus called out.
"Then get that crystal!" Zoicite responded.
Hearing these shouts Luna realized the truth. "You're the one with the last Rainbow Crystal."
As the enemy approached with the giant wall of rats at their backs Luna directed Hercules to a small drainpipe. "Come on big fellow. We'll escape from them this way."
But Hercules was so big and fat that Luna had to desperately push from behind to get him through the opening. "Suck it in!" she grunted and fortunately she was able to squeeze him through and she followed. "No offence intended but I think you should consider trying a diet." She told him as they quickly made their way through the passage.
"After them Titus!" Zoicite shouted and remarkably Titus threw herself down flat and crawled inside after them like a snake. Zoicite was going to consider following but she saw the rats approaching rapidly. She would never make it before they were upon her. "I'll be just outside to catch them as they come out," she called through the opening before teleporting away. The rats all plunged through the hole after Titus and the cats.
Luna kept urging her companion forward. "Come on Hercules. Live up to your name." Turning around she cringed in terror at the sight of Titus crawling along after them on hands and knees. But before she could catch up to them, the rats caught up to her.
"AAAAAAAAAAHHH!" She screamed as she disappeared beneath all the little furry creatures.
Luna doubled her efforts to propel Hercules forward. "Go faster. I see a light up ahead. It looks like an exit. You can do it."

But at that moment Zoicite was materializing outside ready to pounce on Hercules as soon as he emerged. However somebody else had just so happened to be walking by and saw her. It was Raye.
Raye had had a very boring day ever since she had failed to get Darien's attention on the phone to ask him out on a date. "I can't believe I wasted the whole morning trying to find that Darien. Some days you just can't win with love." She had been muttering this to herself when out of the corner of her eye she had noticed Zoicite's sudden appearance across the road she was walking along by the sewer drain opening. "Hey. That looks like Zoicite. What's she doing here?"
Raye was thinking she'd better transform and accost her to find out when suddenly something startling happened.
A huge wave of water burst out of the pipe deluging Zoicite and sending little balls of fur, the rats, flying everywhere. "What the blue blazes is going on?" Raye yelled with her eyes open fit to burst. But Hercules and Luna both landed on their feet, shook themselves sending water flying and began to run away, while Titus ended up lying on top of Zoicite with rats running in all directions.
"You dopey fool!" Zoicite yelled.
"Hey! I panicked. They were all over me." Titus tried to excuse herself.
"Never mind! Never mind!" Zoicite realized what was more important. "Get that cat!" She pointed with her finger while lying on her back and Titus didn't need to be told twice. She jumped up and sailed through the air with one huge leap landing in front of Luna and Hercules stopping them in their tracks. Luna saw Zoicite bounding up from behind and began to tremble and shake as she realized they were trapped.

Meanwhile back at the little girl's house, Sailor Moon was still playing the Sailor V video game while Sailor Mercury was calling Sailor Jupiter on their communication devices. "Sailor Jupiter. We have a code red alert. The Crescent Moon Wand is beginning to react." Sailor Mercury held the wand up in her hand which was beginning to beep. "This means Zoicite and Titus are closing in on the crystal carrier. What's been happening to the mother and father?"
"I have discreetly been observing them. They drove to the hospital and a doctor is currently getting into their car to drive back with them."
Upon hearing Sailor Jupiter's report Sailor Mercury turned to look at the girl who had not so much as once stirred from her faint.
"Take a short cut and beat them back here to join me with the girl Sailor Jupiter. I'll send Sailor Moon off on the trail of the wand's guidance. If the carrier is one of the parents it will lead her straight to them and she can summon us to join her as quick as we can."
"Right-o Sailor Mercury."
As Sailor Jupiter signed off Sailor Mercury reached out and tapped Sailor Moon. She screamed as the Sailor V character in the game was immediately zapped. "NOOOOOOOO! Look what you've done! I was doing so very well!"
"Forget about the game Sailor Moon. Look at this," Sailor Mercury insisted practically shoving the beeping wand into Sailor Moon's hands. Sailor Moon was quietened down as she beheld it and Sailor Mercury continued.
"Track down Zoicite and Titus while I keep an eye on the girl and wait for Sailor Jupiter. As soon as you encounter the enemy call us on your communicator and we will come as fast as possible."
Sailor Moon was astonished. "Sailor Jupiter isn't here now?"
"Sailor Moon there's no time to explain. You must track down the enemy now."
Sailor Moon did a double take but composed herself and said "Okay." Then she was gone and Sailor Mercury kept her vigil by the child's bedside.

Getting back to Hercules and Luna, Zoicite had just blasted Luna aside out of the way with a cry of "ZOI!" and a gesture of her pointed forefinger and Titus had exerted her influence on Hercules to prevent him from scratching her as she bent down and flipped his inert body over onto its back. His four legs and his tail were hanging loose and limp as she probed his underside belly for the Rainbow Crystal when suddenly they heard a shout.
"What do you nega-witches think you're doing?"
They both looked up to see Sailor Mars above them on the edge of the outer wall where the drainpipes had their openings leading into the sewer. She was bending down on one knee with her back to them and her face turned looking very serious and stern. But Titus did not lose her cool demeanour and she kept Hercules paralyzed and extracted the crystal calmly while Raye was talking.
"I am Sailor Mars and I say whatever no good things you're up to I shall punish you on behalf of the power of Mars. I shall give you both a strong taste of my fireballs."
Zoicite nodded to Titus and as Titus proceeded to work the dark magic of the Negaforce on Hercules Zoicite cried out to Sailor Mars. "It's too late. We have what we were after and soon you'll have big trouble on your hands."
Several things happened then. Sailor Mars leaped gracefully down off the wall, Luna cried out in dismay as mystical forces began swirling around Hercules, Zoicite and Titus rose into the air laughing in triumph and a red rose flew out from nowhere grazing Titus' hand making her cry out in pain and shock as she dropped the crystal. As Zoicite watched in horror the crystal fell down into the waiting open palm of Tuxedo Mask who quickly ran from wherever he had thrown the rose. His fingers closed around it and he smirked up at them. "Thank you very much for getting the crystal for me Titus and Zoicite. Cheerio now."
As he ran off the two shocked villains immediately soared back to the ground and began to chase him. Zoicite screamed. "No! You come back here! That crystal belongs to our queen! Titus! Stop him!"
Both Zoicite and Titus were absolutely terrified at the thought of their queen's ferocious anger and Titus tried to hit him with blasts of water which he dodged and weaved. They all vanished with the last crystal and neither Luna nor Sailor Mars knew what the outcome of the chase was. But Hercules was still in the process of transformation. Evidently Tuxedo Mask had been so concerned about getting the crystal himself and escaping with it that it never dawned on him what was going to happen.

Hercules changed into an enormous monster version of a cat walking upright on two legs like a man. Luna shivered in absolute terror as he approached them. "S-s-sailor M-m-m-mars. D-d-d-do s-something!" Her voice quivered pleadingly. Sailor Mars didn't want to hurt Hercules still she prepared to attack with her fire if she needed to. But then a curious thing happened.
Hercules did not make any move to attack or even threaten them in any manner whatsoever. Instead to their amazement he bent down on one knee and stared at Luna making a noise that sounded like purring magnified twenty times. His eyes were twinkling merrily as he reached out his big paw and gently coaxed Luna to sit inside it so he could pick her up and sniff at her.
"Hey Luna. I swear he's smiling at you," Raye called up to her.
Before Luna could reply Hercules licked her affectionately with his huge, long tongue.
"Urk. I- I think you're right Mars," Luna answered. "I suppose the black magic that Titus has been using doesn't have quite the same effect on him as it does on humans. In spite of what it's made him look like, he's still the very same Hercules on the inside. And he remembers who I am very well." From her vantage point Luna could see that Hercules still had the very same wound he'd sustained on his front leg which was now functioning like a human's arm as he gently held her.

Just then Sailor Moon's voice cried out in concern. "Luna! I'll save you!"
She had been allowing the wand to lead her towards the area where Nega-activity was strongly detected and had just seen the towering form of Hercules with Luna and assumed the worst at first glance. But Luna and Sailor Mars both called out to her.
"No Sailor Moon! He's harmless and gentle! Umph!" Luna's cries were cut off as Hercules licked her once more.
Sailor Mars backed up her desperate pleas. "Sailor Moon. Just use your wand to restore him back to normal. He won't hurt Luna. Trust me."
Sailor Moon had had the wand in her hand held out in front of her like a divining rod of course and so she waved it as quickly as she could. "Moon Healing Activation."
In a matter of seconds Hercules was himself again and was snuggling up to Luna to her utter embarrassment.

Sailors Moon and Mars called the other two on their communicators to let them know that all was well and they were not needed. "Unfortunately we didn't get the crystal," said Sailor Mars. "Tuxedo Mask was briefly here before Sailor Moon arrived. He ran off with it, Zoicite and Titus chased after him, they all vanished and we don't know who got away with the crystal in the end."
That was a real worry to Mercury and Jupiter, but on the plus side the girl's parents had arrived with the doctor and treated her. She was out of her coma and was going to be all right. She was only missing Hercules.
"We'll bring him home now and then she'll be completely happy again," said Sailor Moon. "We'll all have to leave Luna to spend some quality time with him though."
"What?" Luna was aghast. "What are you talking about?"
"Isn't he your boyfriend Luna?" Sailor Moon asked.
"Hercules? My boyfriend? Give me a break!"
But all four girls were saying "Aw don't be shy." Even Mercury and Jupiter over the communicators. They were all grinning widely and chortling with glee.
"I suppose he did save my life so I should at least show some gratitude but," Luna was cut off as Hercules licked her face and purred. She groaned and bowed her head with a sigh of resignation.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Episode 28 Tuxedo Melvin

Luna had called a secret emergency meeting of the four girls at Raye's Cherry Hill Temple that evening. Serena had had to sneak out of her bedroom window in the usual way while her family thought she was asleep and so likewise had Amy and Lita. They all sat outside the temple with Raye while Grandfather and Chad were sleeping soundly waiting for Luna to appear. Serena yawned. "Why couldn't we have an emergency meeting during school? Luna has no respect at all for sleep?"
But just then Lita said, "Wait. Here comes Luna now. Who's that white cat with her?"
"Hey! Isn't that the very same crescent moon symbol on that cat's forehead that Luna has?" Raye asked pointing her finger in wonderment.
The girls were all amazed to see Luna approaching with a bright white male cat by her side. They were even more astonished when she spoke. "I'd like the four of you to meet Artemis. He is an old friend of mine I used to know centuries ago on the Moon Kingdom. Like me he was entrusted with the task of finding the Moon Princess and all of you though we went our separate ways searching. I'll let him speak now."
Artemis moved in front of Luna to address the girls. "Hello everybody. I was very pleased and proud of Luna's accomplishments when she and I happened to bump into each other earlier today. I have spent ages and ages searching and never found any of you but Luna has brought you all together. She and I think you all may as well know. Somewhere there is a fifth Sailor Scout."
Serena, Amy, Raye and Lita all gave a big gasp. "Do you think you have any idea where to find her?" Serena asked.
Artemis continued. "I'm afraid not. Luna and I will try our best to keep looking but in the meantime the four of you need to stick together to stand against the Negaverse."
Luna chimed in. "Remember the Negaverse have released their Shadow Warriors from at least four of the Rainbow Crystals. Possibly five if they managed to catch up with Tuxedo Mask the other day and capture the crystal he was running off with."
"And Luna tells me you have one crystal hidden in a jewellery box in your bedroom Serena," added Artemis. "It is your responsibility to guard that crystal so that the Shadow warrior in it stays trapped. We don't want the Seven Shadows to recombine all their power."
Amy, Raye and Lita all promised Artemis and Luna that they would co-operate and so did Serena. Artemis replied, "I have heard about certain fights among the team from Luna so let me emphasize to those in question that unity is vitally essential. do I make myself clear?"
Raye nodded along with the others. She really did mean well but Serena secretly thought to herself, "I'll try to be united of course. But it's not my fault if that brat Raye keeps up her habit of being so disagreeable."

Meanwhile in the Negaverse Queen Beryl was threatening Zoicite and Titus over their recent failure. "How could you have allowed Tuxedo Mask to escape with the last Rainbow Crystal?" She roared making them tremble. "He has two of the crystals now and the Sailor Scouts have one more. You only brought back four of them. We can't rescue the last of our Shadow Warrior force without those crystals. Should I let the Doom and Gloom girls play with you for awhile?"
Upon hearing this both of them had difficulty standing with their legs shaking like jelly in great fright. But other voices cried imploringly to Queen Beryl to be merciful and give them a chance to prove themselves by recovering the outstanding crystals from the enemy. Queen Beryl frowned momentarily in annoyance as her people crowded round her throne on bended knee. Malachite and the Plant Trio were pleading for Zoicite and Ramwoir and the Dream Dolly for Titus. They all broke out into nervous cold sweat realizing how brash they all were to do this even though they had been moved to it out of concern for their respective personal friend. Would Beryl lose her temper and have them all punished?

But then she smiled and turned on her greasy charm. She thought, "I do want those crystals as soon as possible. Perhaps it would suit my purposes to forego my sadistic pleasure and let them try to bring them to me. I can always have them thrashed half to death after they deliver. Oh wait. I want Titus dead anyway. Ah well maybe I'll see Zoicite half tortured to death but Titus can be killed painfully slowly."
Of course she said none of this out loud but this is what she did say. "How very sweet to see that you both have friends who want you to succeed and gain my favour. Very well then. I give you no more than five days to rescue the other Shadow Warriors. Good luck to you both."
Zoicite and Titus really did fall down on their faces with surprised relief and everybody felt much the same way. Some of them felt sure they would have collapsed just like Zoicite and Titus, if they hadn't all been down on one knee. Then they all got to their feet and cheered as the two women struggled to also stand and stagger over to hug their own friends. Malachite kissed Zoicite affectionately and they hugged while Queen Beryl reveled in the gullibility of her own army forces.

Back at Serena's school Melvin was asking Serena for advice. He had approached her earlier that day and said, "Pardon me Serena. Could you meet me privately in our classroom during recess please?"
Initially Serena had responded with less than enthusiasm. "Melvin. I'm really not interested in,,," She had begun but he cut her off.
"It's nothing like that at all Serena. I've come to accept the fact that you are not truly interested in me that sort of way at all. I've moved on from my obsession with you. Honest I have."
"Then what do you want to see me alone for?" Serena asked slowly with curiosity.
Melvin began to blush and shuffle his feet as he explained with his fingers interlocked in front of his chin. "Well you see. Ever since the incident when Molly and I were attacked in the graveyard and I was hurt trying to save her and then she personally put that covering on my wounded arm for a bandage, I have felt deeply attracted to her. I want her now, not you Serena. But I'm so shy and unsure of what to do to make my feelings known to her. I don't want to make a botched-up mess of it. That's why I'd like you to help advise me please."
Serena was very surprised but also very delighted that Melvin was now interested in somebody else. She thought how wonderful it would be to make a serious couple out of him and Molly to ensure she got him fully off her back. So she grinned broadly and agreed to talk to Melvin making him raise his arms above his head and cheer. "Hooray! Hooray!"

Therefore she met with him in privacy as agreed in their vacant classroom at recess. "Seems to me Melvin," she spoke straight to the point, "that in order to win Molly's heart you need to be dashing, heroic and romantic."
Melvin was a little dubious. "Do you really think I can fit that decription Serena?"
Serena was adamant. "Of course Melvin. All you need is the right kind of romantic clothes to give you confidence."
"And what sort of clothes do you think are romantic Serena?" Melvin asked.
Serena had the perfect romantic image in her mind. She closed her eyes, placed her hands on her cheeks and pictured her crush, hunky Tuxedo Mask. "I strongly suggest that you wear a top hat and a black tuxedo with a cape." She sighed dreamily and as Melvin thought about this he began to become fascinated by the image.
"That's awesome Serena. I can't wait for Molly to see me like that!"
Serena snapped out of her momentary daydream and added. "Don't forget about your heroics. You must promise to protect her. Save her from any danger with daring courage."
Melvin was getting very excited and he jumped around waving his arms and hollering. "Yahoo! My new look will swept Molly right off her feet! Nothing's going to stop me! I'm taking control of my destiny! Thank you Serena!"
"Don't mention it Melvin." Serena smiled with great satisfaction.

Later at the Nega-verse Titus and Zoicite were making their plans with their various friends all nearby observing them.
"Another Shadow Warrior will soon be liberated General Zoicite," Titus declared with absolute confidence.
"Yes. It's all so very simple," Zoicite agreed. "All we have to do is to abduct Nephlite's old friend Molly once again and hold her ransom for the crystal the Sailor Scouts have."
Titus was almost jumping for joy. "Tonight we make our move."
"Precisely. She won't be expecting any attack at all." Zoicite rubbed her hands in anticipation and then she flew into the arms of her lover Malachite. He held her tightly to him, kissed her forehead and fondled her hair.
"I'm so very proud of you my lovely Zoicite. I know you will succeed."
She closed her eyes and rubbed her cheek against his chest as she responded to his words. "And we'll be one more step closer to achieving our dreams dear Malachite."
Gureepu, Housenka and Suzuran all came forward and embraced their best friend as she separated herself from Malachite to give them some attention.
"We're so excited for you Madame Zoicite."
"We love you."
Zoicite cuddled them all in one group hug and smiled. "I love you too. Malachite and I will give you special honours when we help Queen Beryl unleash the Nega-force. We will treat you well."
Malachite grinned and agreed with what she said. "We will indeed."
The Plant Trio were so extremely delighted and thanked both of them enormously.
All this time Ramwoir and Dream Dolly had been giving comfort to Titus. She had begun to sob again as she thought about Jedite.
Ramwoir smiled. "Don't worry Titus. I have faith you'll free all the Seven Shadows. Then our queen will keep her promise and restore him to you."
"Y-you really think so?" Titus wiped her red eyes and blew her nose or at least where her nose should have been. She had never been in her human form at all since Beryl had awakened her from eternal sleep.
Dream Dolly hugged her and looked up into her face her eyes radiating with joy. "Of course Titus. You will have helped the queen assemble her strongest force together again. She will have no reason not to reward you in spite of all your past failures."
Ramwoir moved in to join them in their hug and she agreed with what Dream Dolly had said. "That's right. Queen Beryl would not fail to reward anybody's success. You'll see. Jedite will be together with you again."
"Oh how wonderful." Titus sobbed again but this time with joy. "Then I'll win for myself and my dear Jedite."
Ramwoir and Dream Dolly laughed with merriment and hugged her all the more tightly while Zoicite and the Plant Trio were still hugging in front of Malachite. Neither group had been listening to what the other was saying at all.

So that night Zoicite and Titus materialized inside the jewellery shop owned by Molly's mother. They tip-toed through the connecting door to the staircase leading up to the residential quarters where Molly and her mother lived. As they creeped upwards they whispered eagerly to each other. "When Sailor Moon hears we have Molly she will try to rescue her Titus."
"And then we'll get that crystal off her General Zoicite."
But when they were half up they heard somebody ring the doorbell and Molly's voice call out. "Who is it?"
They were both shocked to see the figure at Molly's door dressed in a top hat and cape. They both flew into the air backwards down to the bottom of the stairs landing on their feet as agilely as a pair of cats.
"Is-is that Tuxedo Mask?" Zoicite hissed.
"It doesn't quite look like him my general. But those are the sort of clothes he wears." Titus was rather nervous.
Zoicite went on to say. "I don't like the look of this. Maybe Tuxedo Mask has set a trap for us. Let's retreat for now and wait for a better opportunity."
Titus reluctantly agreed and as they vanished the figure they thought was Tuxedo Mask shrieked and fell on his backside in terror. "I recognize those figures. They attacked us in the graveyard."
Molly opened the door and cried, "Melvin. What's going on? Why are you dressed like that?"
Yes it was indeed Melvin. He had arranged with his parents and Molly and her mother to spend the night at her house in the spare bedroom and somehow on the way he had managed to go shopping and buy the very sort of clothes Serena had told him about with all the money he had been saving from his weekly pocket money for special emergencies.
"Molly!" As he got to his feet he gasped. "There were a couple of intruders here but fortunately I think I scared them off with my new clothes."
Molly was confused but she recovered her posture and said, "Well those clothes certainly are a new image for you Melvin but I think you were surely imagining things. But come inside and we'll have dinner. Mum's been preparing all your favourites since she knew you were visiting us."
Melvin licked his lips and followed her inside. "This is great Molly. And I want you to know that you can call me Tuxedo Melvin from now on."
"Tuxedo Melvin?"
"That's right. And I'm going to protect you from all danger. If those intruders come back Tuxedo Melvin will chase them away once more." He brandished a rubber mallet from the toy store. "You're so very lucky you invited me to spend the night with you."
Molly was getting uneasy. She thought to herself, "Melvin is one of my best friends but I hope he isn't losing his marbles."

The following day Molly told Serena all about Melvin's strange behaviour while they were walking together after school. "I tell you Serena. I think I liked him better the way he used to be. He was so weird at my house when he spent the night there."
Serena said, "But I think you should just give him a chance Moll. He's probably trying to prove he's not just a computer nerd or a geek."
"But Serena. I wish he'd just be himself. He never was nerdy or geeky to me personally. I thought he was just a little shy I admit. But he was an okay person. He was himself then. This new Melvin is just too strange and unlike him."
As Molly bowed her head with a sigh Serena felt rather nervous. She had meant well but perhaps she had not given Melvin the best appropriate advice after all.

Suddenly who should they meet on the street while they were walking but Serena's old crush Andrew the manager of the video game arcade. "Hey there girls."
Looking up into his smiling face Serena replied cheerfully. "Hello Andrew."
"Hi Andrew," Molly added.
Andrew reached into his pocket and pulled out two ticket stubs. "You're just the person I was hoping to run into today Serena. How do you fancy going to see the Wacky World Wrestlers Show on Saturday tomorrow?"
"R-really?" As Serena beheld the two tickets in Andrew's hand she became very excited. She thought Andrew was asking her to go with him. Just when she was thinking he had sure gotten over his girlfriend very quickly since she had flown to Africa he had suddenly handed both of them over to her.
"Here you are. I'm very happy they won't be wasted."
Serena and Molly were both surprised. "You're not going?" They asked simultaneously.
Andrew shook his head. "Unfortunately I'm expecting Rita to contact me on Skype tomorrow. But I don't know what time she will be available."
Serena felt momentarily gloomy. It had been too good to be true but they said good-bye to Andrew and he went on his way as the pair of them continued in their own direction.
"So who are you thinking of taking with you Serena?" Molly asked. Upon hearing her voice Serena knew what she needed to do.
"I'm not taking anybody."
"You mean you're only going to use one of the tickets?"
"Molly I'm not even going myself." She thrust the tickets into her friend's hand. "I'm giving them to you and you're taking Melvin."
"What?" Molly was taken aback.
"Come on Molly. Remember he did save your life didn't he?"
Molly admitted that was true. "But,"
Serena pleaded. "Please give him a chance Molly. I'm sure he can act normal in public."
Molly had to admit that Melvin had pretty much been normal at school that day. Of course that may well have been due to the fact that the teachers would never have allowed him to wear his extravagant clothing. Especially not Miss Haruna. She would have blown a gasket at him and Melvin was wise enough to be sensibly cautious in this matter. Still maybe Serena was right and he would act normally at the exhibition.
So she accepted the tickets and said, "Very well Serena. When I get home I'll call him and give him the invitation."
"Good on you Moll."

Molly did keep her promise in spite of her reluctance and she phoned Melvin as soon as she arrived at her home.
"Hello?" Melvin answered on the third ring.
Molly swallowed down the last lingering trace of her trepidation and delivered her message. "Hey Melvin. It's Molly."
"Molly! What can I do for you?"
"Well Melvin. I have tickets to the Wacky Wrestlers. Would you like to go with me tomorrow?"
Melvin was thrilled. "The Wacky Wrestlers? Oh joy Molly! I'd love to see them with you so very much."
"That's great Melvin. Meet me here at my house tomorrow after breakfast and we can go there together."
"Wonderful. I'll look forward to it. See you then Molly."
"I'll be anticipating it also Melvin. See you tomorrow."
As she hung up the phone Molly was smiling. It seemed that all her fears really were unfounded.
But she would not have felt so had she known what Melvin was thinking to himself. "I'll take my uniform with me in a backpack. Then if I get the chance I'll challenge the Wacky Wrestlers to take on Tuxedo Melvin and make Molly really impressed with me."

And so the next day Molly and Melvin joined the crowd that gathered in the amusement park grounds to watch the Wacky Wrestlers dressed up in their funny full-body costumes, charge at and attack each other on the public stage set up. There were three of them and they took turns to challenge each other one on one while the third stood off at the side. The audience cheered, gasped and applauded as they leaped into the air and kicked knocking each other down.
Molly was very happy. So far Melvin was dressed in his usual clothes and he had not said or done anything weird. In fact he even offered to buy her a burger and milkshake when it was getting time for lunch.
But Zoicite and Titus were hovering in the air invisibly and they had another plan. "Okay Titus. As soon as we make ourselves visible you know what to do."
"Yes Commander."
As the pair appeared floating in mid-air before anybody could register them Titus had swooped down and seized Molly in a bear hug grip and Zoicite had followed her pushing Melvin roughly aside. Molly screamed and so did everybody else.
The Wacky Wrestlers responded promptly and jumped off the stage to intervene. "Hey you! Leave that girl alone!" One of them shouted but Zoicite raised her palms and shouted "Zoi!" sending all three of them flying backwards crashing into the stage and collapsing in a crumpled pile.
All the other people shrieked and ran away in terror. Melvin also ran away but he wasn't fleeing. No sir. He ran into a nearby mens' restroom so he could quickly change into his tuxedo.
In the meantime poor Molly was struggling and yelling. "Let me go! Let me go!"
"Not a chance Molly dear." Zoicite produced a strong cord while she said this with which she proceeded to help Titus tie Molly's hands behind her back.

But meanwhile at Serena's house she was relaxing in her bathtub when she received a big shock. Nephlite's ghost shimmered into sight in the bathroom before her making her gasp and sit up splashing water onto the floor. She only just managed to avoid screaming and alerting her family to a difficult situation. "What do you think you're doing? Have you no decency?" She hissed angrily.
Nephlite wasn't even looking directly at her though. His eyes were focused on the floor as he replied. "A thousand pardons Sailor Moon. But I must let you know that Molly's in danger."
"What? Molly in danger?"
"Yes. Zoicite and Titus are kidnapping her at the Wacky Wrestlers Show and they plan to hold her captive in exchange for the Rainbow Crystal you hold."
Serena quickly jumped out of the bath and dried herself. Getting dressed she ran upstairs to her room and pulled the Rainbow Crystal out of its hiding place in her jewellery box up on the top shelf of her bedroom cupboard pushed up at the very back.
Nephlite appeared behind her in her room and asked, "Are you ready? You need to hurry?"
"Yes I am. I must take the Crystal with me so that they'll see it and not hurt Molly while I try to trick them. I must do this alone. The other Scouts would not understand the necessity of this. Especially Raye."
Serena knew that Raye would strongly object to taking the Rainbow Crystal from its safe hideaway and that Luna would insist on calling the other Scouts for help. Fortunately Luna was currently on the street with her friend Artemis searching for the fifth Sailor Scout they had told them about.
"That's fine. Hurry and transform then. We must go immediately before they flee with Molly." Nephlite urged and Serena transformed.
"Moon Prism Power."
With the crystal tucked into her sailor uniform's pocket Sailor Moon jumped out of the window and ran away after quickly making sure nobody would notice her and Nephlite floated along after her.

In the meantime Titus and Zoicite had Molly firmly bound. "She is our prisoner General Zoicite." Titus was clutching at the cord pinning her arms in place behind while Zoicite proceeded to tie a second piece of cord around her legs.
"We will take her away with us Titus and then give our demand to Sailor Moon," declared Zoicite while Molly sobbed and whimpered.
But just then a voice called out. "Stop right there!"
Zoicite, Titus and Molly all turned towards the sound of the voice. It wasn't the voice of Sailor Moon. It wasn't even any of the other Sailor Scouts.
"Melvin!" Molly shouted in horror.
Melvin stood there dressed in his flamboyant clothes brandishing his rubber mallet in one hand and his backpack in the other. "Tuxedo Melvin is going to stop you two witches."
"What?" Zoicite exclaimed in disbelief. "Was that YOU we saw the other night when we were planning to kidnap this girl at her home?"
Melvin set his rubber mallet down and reached into his backpack. "It was indeed. I chased you away and protected Molly from you and I'm protecting her again right now."
Titus moaned sarcastically. "To think we were scared to see this insane twit dressed up like Tuxedo Mask."
Melvin remained defiant as he pulled out a handful of crumbed pork sausages. "I'll send these sausages crashing into your heads. That will teach you a lesson."
With that he sent them flying and reached into his pack throwing handful after handful at the two women. They were slightly taken aback as they were hit but Zoicite growled. "You really think this will incapacitate us? Titus show him what he's really up against."
Molly screamed Melvin's name again as Titus squirted him back several feet with her water power. Melvin struggled to get back to his feet and charge but a second jet of water really picked him up and threw him even further away landing with a splat on his stomach. He groaned with pain and rolled over on his side screaming. "Ow. Oh it hurts! I think I've broken my ribs!" He struggled to his feet gasping. "You can't do this to my girl. Not my girl Molly."
But the pain was too much and he fainted clutching his ribcage in agony.
"Oh Melvin. Do I really mean that much to you?" Molly cried out despairingly.

Just then Sailor Moon arrived. "Hold it Zoicite and Titus. I'm Sailor Moon. The Champion of Justice. I will right wrongs and triumph over evil. And that means you."
"Wait a minute Sailor Moon. Aren't you forgetting something?" Zoicite asked. "We have Molly here."
Titus responded by pulling Molly to her feet and turning so that Molly's horrified face was looking straight at Sailor Moon. She threw her arm around Molly's neck in a stranglehold. "That's right. Don't try anything if you want her to live." She added to Zoicite's words with dire threat in her voice.
Sailor Moon was pulled up in dismay. "Don't hurt her." She begged.
Zoicite jumped into the air and soared over to Sailor Moon landing in front of her with outstretched arm. "Titus will choke her to death on my command Sailor Moon. Unless you hand over the Rainbow Crystal in your possession. You'd better have brought it with you."
"I can't let you have it." Sailor Moon was desperately trying to think of a ploy but the situation was helpless.
"Titus. Begin to slowly squeeze." Titus acted immediately as Zoicite began to speak and Molly started to gasp for breath.
Zoicite held her hand out and said. "It takes up to 15 minutes to die of slow strangulation. You'd better comply right now for her sake."
Sailor Moon was shocked but as Molly continued to choke and cough she knew there was nothing else. "Okay! Okay!"
She reached into her pocket and withdrew the Rainbow Crystal making both Zoicite and Titus widen their eyes eagerly.
Zoicite grabbed the crystal out of Sailor Moon's hand. She gloated. "Thank you so very much."

Then several things happened in quick succession. Zoicite's hand was struck by the tip of a cane making her drop the crystal. With a cry of pain and alarm she turned to behold the real Tuxedo Mask standing a few feet away. He had magically extended his cane to hit her and as it was withdrawing back to its normal size he shouted in determination. "You're not getting that crystal!"
Sailor Moon was so glad to see him and called out, "Thank goodness. You're just in time."
Zoicite sent a barrage of her energy towards him which he deflected by twirling his cane around rapidly in an expertise circular rotation.
Sailor Moon took advantage to make a move to pick up the crystal and try to run away with it, but Titus saw what she was doing and raised her other arm keeping hold on Molly's neck with the other one. She wasn't choking Molly anymore. Only keeping her captive by her side. Not that Molly could have run away in any case with the cords still tightly around her legs and arms behind her back. But she cried out just as Titus shot a jet of water. "Watch out Sailor Moon!"
Sailor Moon desperately tried to dodge the attack while she was running and stumbled falling flat on her face. The water missed her passing over her prone body. But the crystal flew out of her hand and bounced away. "No! My crystal!"
Zoicite and Tuxedo Mask both reacted to her cry. Tuxedo Mask used his cane to quickly halt Zoicite in her tracks. Stretching it out once again he struck the ground at her feet before she could chase the crystal, then used it to pole vault himself over in front of her to fight. She seemed to turn herself into the essence of energy that she fought with and as it hovered in place Tuxedo Mask swung his cane at it constantly making noises such as "Hah! Yah! Ho!"

Titus began to choke Molly again. "Sailor Moon don't you try anything or this girl will die."
As Titus said this Nephlite materialized behind her and ran his ghostly fingers down her back. His touch was so chilling that Titus jumped in surprise and released Molly letting her collapse to the ground while she threw her arms wide open.
"Now's my chance," Sailor Moon thought as she grabbed her tiara and sent it flying at Titus. "Moon Tiara Magic. Die once and for all Titus!"
Titus tried to run out of the way but Nephlite held her in place his hands tight around her arms. Though he was a spirit he concentrated hard with all his psychic energy and Titus couldn't move. She screamed with all her might and struggled in vain. It looked like Nephlite was going to help Sailor Moon destroy Titus. But at the last minute to Sailor Moon's consternation her tiara suddenly changed direction and went flying backwards very slowly, then zoomed up into the air and came back down landing way out of her reach on top of the Wacky Wrestlers' stage.
"Hey!" She cried out feeling rather annoyed. "I thought you were supposed to be on the side of right now?"
Nephlite didn't answer her. He just spoke into Titus' ear. "Titus."
She turned her head to look into his ghostly face. She gasped. "General Nephlite! Aren't you d-d-dead?"
"Yes I am. But don't be afraid Titus. I have no desire to hurt you. Listen. You still love Jedite very much don't you?"
Titus trembled and stammered, "Y-yes."
"Well if you understand truly what love means then try to realize how I feel about Molly. I came to care for her very much before I was killed by Zoicite and her friends. With all my heart. That's why I am protecting her. But I know you care for Jedite in the very same way. Therefore I don't wish any harm to befall you either. Please do not hurt Molly again."
Titus took in what he was saying and said, "V-very well General Nephlite. I still must help General Zoicite gather the Rainbow Crystals to save my poor Jedite. But I promise I won't hurt Molly anymore. Let me have the crystal and she will live."
"Nephlite do you really believe what she is saying seriously?" Sailor Moon was exasperated at this unexpected turn of events.

But while Sailor Moon was having this heated exchange with Nephlite and while Tuxedo Mask was still battling against the energy particles he believed to contain Zoicite she suddenly materialized next to the crystal and picked it up. Rising into the air she cackled maniacally. "Tuxedo Mask you are still so gullible. I can't believe you fell for my distraction so easily."
Tuxedo Mask turned with a gasp of dismay and Sailor Moon was aghast.
"No! She's got my crystal!"
While Sailor Moon shouted and waved her hands in despair Tuxedo Mask tried to throw a rose in Zoicite's face. But too late. She teleported herself away saying, "Follow me Titus. We have what we need."
Zoicite had been so busy concentrating on catching the crystal she had never noticed Nephlite's ghost or anything that had happened involving Titus other than when Titus had made Sailor Moon fall over and drop the crystal.

Titus bent down and began to untie Molly. "I'll release her before I go back to the Negaverse. Molly can go free now."
Molly was bug-eyed looking at the spirit of her deeply missed friend. "Nephlite. You have helped to rescue me once more. Thank you."
Nephlite smiled at her. "I will always look out for you Molly. I solemnly promised. But you'd better go to your friend Melvin now."
Melvin was groaning in agony where he still lay. The pain in his ribs kept him from rising.
To Sailor Moon's amazement Molly ran over to him to comfort him as soon as Titus finished freeing her.
"Titus. Why did you do that?" She demanded to know but it was Nephlite who answered.
"Sailor Moon. I can sense how very deep Titus' feelings are for Jedite. I always knew they loved each other but now that I'm a ghost I can read the inside of people's hearts like an open book. I can tell the difference between creatures that have no trace of even the remotest capacity for reasonableness and those that do. And I knew that Titus could be reasoned with."
Titus blushed. "It's true. Sailor Moon this does not change the fact that we are enemies but I can relate to the way Nephlite says he still feels for Molly. I'll do whatever it takes to get my boyfriend released from his eternal sleep just like Nephlite says he will do anything to help Molly in any sort of danger. So be warned. I will get those two crystals that he still has." She pointed at Tuxedo Mask who frowned and stared at her silently. "And if I have to hurt either him or you Sailor Moon to do so I warn you fairly in advance."
Sailor Moon said, "So I guess this means we say good-bye for now." Then she shut her eyes and added reluctantly. "But I suppose I should also say thank you for letting Molly go."
Titus blushed even brighter than before and put her hands against her face. "Y-you're welcome. So can I really leave now General Nephlite?"
"Yes you can Titus." Nephlite concurred. "But let me say just one thing. Consider this question carefully when you go. Do you really think you can trust Queen Beryl? Think about it."
Titus did a little start as she took in what Nephlite said and replied. "I will think about what you've said." Then she dematerialized.

"Sailor Moon make sure Molly gets Melvin safely to hospital. Now I must leave also."
Sailor Moon still couldn't quite believe everything that had just taken place but she gave her solemn word before Nephlite vanished.
Tuxedo Mask also strode off leaving her alone with her friends. Sailor Moon was shocked by his words. "You should have watched that crystal more closely. Now I need to get five of them off those nega-creeps. And I will. The Silver Imperium Crystal must be mine."

Later after Sailor Moon had called for an ambulance and Molly had testified to the latest heroic actions of their city's sailor-suited warrior girl Serena was crying in her bed that night. Luna and Artemis stood by her pillow and spoke to her gently. "Hey. Artemis and I are no longer upset with you Serena. We understand that you did what you needed to do. It's just unfortunate that you were unable to protect the crystal."
Artemis added this to Luna's words. "Though the other Scouts do wish that you had at least told them so they might have been able to observe in hiding ready to back you up they admire your bravery all the same. Well all except for Raye that is."
Raye had chewed poor Serena's ear off calling her an irresponsible little nitwit and other hurtful names though the others had desperately attempted to calm her down.
"Are you crying because of Raye Serena?" Luna asked with deep concern.
Serena sobbed "N-no. It's not because of that Luna." She pulled out the Moon Locket from under the bedclothes and let the music play. "It's Tuxedo Mask. I want to believe we can still trust him, b-but he was so cold and hard when he declared that he wanted the crystals for himself." The tears kept pouring as Luna and Artemis both gasped and looked at each other with their eyes wide open.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Episode 29 Sailor V Makes The Scene

"Reach for the ceiling everybody. This is a stick up." The man who had just spoken up had burst into the Second National Bank brandishing a large wicked-looking double-barrelled shotgun and a huge gray mask concealing his nose and mouth. All the bank workers and the customers raised their hands in the air with terrified facial expressions. The bank robber was also wearing a cap and dark glasses and he threw a backpack onto the nearby desk. "Quickly fill my pack with as much money as it will hold and don't try anything smart."

All of a sudden a boomerang flew through the air and struck the robbers' shotgun making him drop it with a cry of surprise. "Hey! Who did that?"
He turned around to see the boomerang fly back and be caught by a tall girl in a sailor suit with very long yellow hair tied in two buns with long plaits. "Who are you?" The robber demanded.
The figure declared. "I am the Champion of Justice known as Sailor Moon. In the Name of the Moon I hereby punish you."
Before the robber could do anything he was suddenly kicked hard in his solar plexus as the strange girl leaped into the air and thrust out with her foot. The force sent him smashing into the nearby wall collapsing in a crumpled heap and all the people cheered.

Later that day Serena was watching the television news with her family. To her astonishment and also Luna's who was curled up upon her lap the announcer said, "Good news today folks. An attempted bank robbery was foiled today by our super-heroine known as Sailor Moon. She took out the robber with one powerful kick and he is now safely in police custody."
Serena's parents were awestruck. "Wow. Now she's even bringing regular felons to justice," said her dad.
"Yes look. There she is." Her mum pointed to a shot of what looked like Sailor Moon standing nearby the police as they escorted the robber out the door with handcuffs securing his wrists together.
Even Serena's brother Sammy was impressed but Serena and Luna were very shocked. Who was this girl calling herself Sailor Moon? It took all Serena's will power to avoid breaking down and crying in the presence of her family. She and Luna would need to meet up with Artemis and the other three Scouts as soon as possible. "S-she can't be Sailor Moon. That's my identity." Serena thought to herself in consternation. "Who does that person think she is?"

Meanwhile this mysterious double of Sailor Moon was continuing to roam the city finding super-heroic activities to do. Darien was nearby having a coffee in a nearby sidewalk cafe when suddenly way up above him there was unexpected trouble. Two men were carefully standing on rigged up support planks painting the side of a very tall building when for some strange reason it broke in two pieces. They screamed but they were still attached to their safety ropes secured at the top of the building but then the ropes mysteriously began to fray. They were horrified.
"Help! Help us!"
Darien jumped to his feet in horror spilling his coffee and there were many shrieks and fingers pointing up at the two unfortunate men among the general crowd in the street.
It looked very bad but then everybody gasped as "Sailor Moon" swung through the air on a lifeline and grabbed one of the men. "Hold onto my back," she instructed him as she swung out in preparation for a return movement and he held her tight, his arms wrapped around her torso.
Just then the second man's rope snapped completely and the crowd all screamed as much as he did as he began to fall. But the Sailor Moon figure moved like lightning. Sliding her hand dexterously down the rope as she swung she caught the man by his wrist. Then as they all swung back in the other direction she aimed for the covered shade over the outer cafe area and gently deposited herself and the two men onto it.
The crowd all cheered and applauded as the men lay down on the springy canvas in relief and Sailor Moon stood up and spoke. "No need to worry folks. As long as I'm around I'll keep you all safe."
Then with a mighty leap she landed on a nearby rooftop and began to run away from one rooftop to another. Many people cried out in praise.
"Hooray for Sailor Moon!"
But Darien thought to himself. "That doesn't look like the Sailor Moon I know. I'd better follow in the direction she seems to be headed."
He noted that she seemed to be going generally towards the boat pier dockyard, so he made his way there figuring that he would probably find her hanging out there.

Meanwhile at the dockyard a sinister group was congregating on a rooftop. General Malachite stood in the center with his arms folded, on his immediate left stood his loyal manservant Yasha who was only just released from the Negaverse hospital wards the previous afternoon and on Malachite's opposite side stood Zoicite's dear friends, the Plant Trio.
Malachite chuckled with gloating glee. "I'm so delighted that Queen Beryl granted us permission to all help with Zoicite's latest scheme."
Yasha laughed. "It is a perfect scheme my master. Using a fake Sailor Moon will be sure to lure Tuxedo Mask into our trap.
The Plant Trio were all excited. "Soon we will capture him and force him to give us the last two Rainbow Crystals," said Suzuran.
"And finally the last two of our long lost Shadow Warriors will be back in the Negaverse," Housenka added.
Gureepo practically squealed with joy. "Then when they are all ready they will lead us to our victory."
Malachite turned his head to address somebody else standing next to Yasha. "Titus. You be sure to get those crystals when we ambush him. And keep your eyes peeled for the real Sailor Moon or any of the other Scouts. Nothing can be permitted to go wrong."
"I hear and will obey General Malachite." Titus saluted her superior officer and thought hard about many things. She had kept her experience with Nephlite's ghost a secret when she returned to the Negaverse after Zoicite. She hadn't even told Ramwoir or the Dream Dolly. Queen Beryl had seemed very pleased when Titus had released the Shadow Warrior from the crystal she had helped Zoicite to recover from Sailor Moon. That only left two of them and they of course were inside the crystals held by Tuxedo Mask. But her stomach was churning with butterflies as she secretly worried about how Nephlite had asked whether she was certain Queen Beryl could be trusted. Titus was very scared of her it is true because of everything she had had done to her. But surely she would keep her promise to restore Jedite to her loving arms when she delivered the last of the Shadow Warriors. Well Titus wanted to believe that were so with all her heart, but the seeds of uncertainty had been sowed by Nephlite's words and Titus was getting very nervous and worried. But she still wanted to find a way to save her boyfriend from eternal sleep and what else could she do but hope to please her queen. "Queen Beryl surely will reward me. Will she? Yes of course she will, but then again is that really correct?"
She didn't know what to believe but in any case she had no choice but to finish the task assigned her. The poor thing felt trapped and helpless and she trembled with apprehension while Malachite and the others were thrilled with anticipation of victory.

As for Serena and her friends, as soon as she and Luna had gone to her room after seeing the news report about the bank robbery, they had used the communicator to contact the others. They had all agreed to meet at the Cherry Hill Temple where Raye would consult the Sacred Fire.
Serena and Luna met Amy and Lita as they arrived at the Temple grounds.
"I'm so glad to see you," Serena said to them.
"We're very curious about what's going on too Serena. I also happened to see the news. I was stunned," said Amy.
"Yeah. Amy was on her communicator to me long before you contacted us." Lita chimed in.
"Hey! Where's Artemis?" Luna asked.
"That's a good question. He was with me at the time when Amy called me." Lita mused. "He said he would meet with us here at the Temple when you called to arrange the meeting. Maybe he's already with Raye?"
However Artemis proved to not be waiting for them with Raye when they went to see her in the Shrine of the Sacred Fire.
Raye was adamant. "I have neither seen nor heard from him at all since we agreed to gether here together. I don't know where he could be."
"Oh dear." Luna was alarmed. "I hope he's okay."
"Well we'd better find out about this strange young girl in the meantime. These events could be all interconnected." Lita pondered with determination.
Amy asked Luna a question that suddenly entered her mind. "Do you think she could be the fifth Sailor Scout?"
Luna rubbed her forehead with her paw. "To be honest I have no clue at all. Maybe Artemis is checking her out already? He could have sensed a lead on her."
Serena clenched her fists and shook with indignation. "Well if she is the fifth Sailor Scout she has no right to claim my identity. I was Sailor Moon first. I won't let there be another."
Raye called everybody to order. "Settle down everybody. Let me consult the fire and see if it can tell us where to find her. Then we can find out whether she is a friend or an enemy and take things from there."
So they all settled down while Raye concentrated hard kneeling in front of the flame with her head bowed. After about 10 minutes she jumped and spun round to face her friends.
"I saw a vision of the dockyard where all the boats are kept. There was also an image in the fire that looked like Artemis."
Everybody gasped at this but Raye went on.
"The fire showed me the dockyard clearly. Plus three blurry images. One looked like it could be Artemis and the other two looked like girls in Sailor Suits."
"Two of them?" Luna cried sucking in her breath.
"This is getting more and more suspicious." Amy said.
"There's no time to waste." Lita jumped to her feet. "We all must go to the dockyard to check things out. Come on."
They all unanimously agreed, transformed themselves and set off together.

As they all made their way throughout the dockyard together with Luna by their feet they were observed by Yasha who was hidden in the shadows. He transported himself back to where his master Malachite was still standing.
"My Lord." He bowed respectfully from the waist. "The Sailor Scouts are nearby."
"Good work Yasha. Now we can also bait our trap to capture them too." Malachite turned to the Plant Trio and Titus. "Get things ready on the double."
"Yes General Malachite." The four of them spoke at once and saluted him.

Then the Sailor Scouts heard a voice crying out. "Help me! Help Me!"
Sailor Moon pointed in the direction of the sound. "Let's go see what's up. Follow me."
The others and Luna all ran towards the high-pitched voice as it continued to shriek and call out. "Eeeekk! Let me go! Please won't somebody save me?"

When they reached the area where the cries were emanating from they saw a formidable sight. The new mysterious Sailor Moon was tied by her wrists above her head to a line attached to a big crane and she was elevated a long long way above the ground. She struggled and kicked her legs with violent thrashing movements. "Save me please! Aaaaaahhh!"
And nearby on the same rooftop they were always gathered upon stood Malachite, Yasha and the Plant Trio. Titus was nowhere to be seen.
Sailor Moon said to her friends, "The Negaverse has captured my double. Let's go save her."
Luna tried to caution them. "Wait! What if this is a trick?"
"So what if it is Luna? I want to know who this imposter really is and if she's friendly we must save her. If she's with the Negaverse the four of us can handle them all together. Can't we girls?"
Luna tried to persuade Sailor Moon to seek a plan of strategy but Sailor Jupiter said, "Sailor Moon's right. We must help her and united the four of us are invincible."
Sailor Mars agreed wholly and even Sailor Mercury was drawn into the rush of it all.
Sailor Moon grinned. "You're outvoted Luna. Let's go Scouts."
All Luna could do was shut her eyes and groan. "I hope they are not making a terrible mistake. Underestimating our enemy's strength and cunning through overconfidence doesn't make me feel good at all."

So they all made their presence known to Malachite and his accomplices. "Hey you creeps. Release that Sailor Moon wannabe right this very minute. You hear me. I am the first and very original Sailor Moon. And I say on behalf of the Moon."
"On behalf of Mercury."
"In the Name of Mars."
"And finally for Jupiter too."
Having delivered their introductions one by one the four of them all issued their ultimatum simultaneously. "We will right wrongs and triumph over evil such as all of you."

Malachite grinned at them. "How very impressive Sailor Scouts. And let me say I'm delighted to make your acquaintance at last. But you're no match for my powers."
With that he raised his hands and to the Scouts' mutual shock a barrier suddenly appeared over them. It was like a giant fishbowl had been turned upside down and placed over them. They could see the transparent outline of the force shield trapping them within the middle of the open area they were standing in.
"Hey! Let us out!" Sailor Moon wailed.
"I'll show them." Sailor Mars acted. "MARS FIRE IGNITE!"
Her fire shot out and hit the shield but it failed to penetrate.
Malachite jumped down from the roof to the nearby ground followed by Yasha and the Plant Trio. "Well done Lord Malachite." Gureepo cheered.
"Your trap has worked like a charm," added Suzuran.
"Oh yeah. Well take this creeps." Sailor Jupiter was very angry. "JUPITER THUNDER CRASH!"
She put all her anger behind that attack but her electricity fared no better than Sailor Mars' fire.
Sailor Mercury remarked. "Not even a dent. We've really gotten ourselves in trouble now."
Yasha sneered at them. "You'll never escape from my master's barrier."
"And now it's time for you to die," added Malachite. "Very slowly and it will be very painful towards the end I assure you."
With that Malachite waved his arms and to the terror of the Scouts the dome began to slowly shrink.
"We'll be crushed!" Sailor Moon yelled and the others all gasped.
Watching from the sidelines Luna wailed despairingly. "I tried to warn them. I really did."
All the villains were laughing fiendishly and Sailor Moon said, "I sure hope Tuxedo Mask is out there somewhere. I think only he will be able to save us."

At that moment Darien, who had been at first searching the dock in his civilian identity, suddenly sensed that something was very wrong. "I can feel that Sailor Moon's in danger. I must find her."
So saying he magically changed his clothes with his psychic energy and now as Tuxedo Mask he ran as fast as he could searching for her. As he raced past a narrow alleyway he pulled up short and backtracked to peer upwards through the two buildings. From there he could see the fake Sailor Moon still dangling motionlessly from the giant crane. But from this distance he could not tell that it was not the Sailor Moon he knew.
"Oh no!" He gasped. "Somebody's put her way up there. I hope I'm not too late."
He rushed through the alley coming out on the other side. Next with a mighty super-human leap he soared through the air and taking the top off his cane to reveal a short, sharp blade he swung with all his might. Severing the cord he grabbed the prone body and dropped lightly to the ground.
"You're safe now Sailor," he began to say when he realized the truth. "Wait. You're not the,"
Before he could say another word the fake Sailor Moon stabbed him in the shoulder with a strange-looking knife that suddenly materialized in her hand.
"Aaaarrrgh!" He screamed and the figure jumped away from him and threw off her disguise to reveal Zoicite.
The Sailor Scouts had observed this with terror and dismay. Now they realized that Zoicite had impersonated Sailor Moon to trap them all.
"You're so pathetic Tuxedo Mask." Zoicite sneered as he struggled to his feet and turned like a scared, wounded rabbit running into a nearby open warehouse.
Zoicite cried out to Malachite and the others who had also watched gleefully what had transpired. "Leave him to me. He's mine. Except for you Titus."
She called up to the crane. "Get down here and help me get those two Rainbow Crystals off him."
Titus had been operating the controls of the crane and she jumped down gracefully landing at the bottom. "Yes my Commander. I obey."
"Excellent. Go and get him. My sweet Zoicite. I'm so proud of you." Malachite laughed and Yasha and the Plant Trio cheered and shouted words of encouragement.
Inside the warehouse Tuxedo Mask was in a frenzied state of mind. Shock at how easily he had been fooled mingled with the pain and its effects made him stagger dizzily among the crates and bags stored inside the area. The magic knife that had been planted in his shoulder had by now disappeared leaving only a gaping, ugly wound. Zoicite had used the same mystical blades to sever the supporting structure and ropes of the painters she had "rescued" just for show earlier. As he leaned up against a stack of crates fighting back nausea he heard Zoicite's voice ring out.
"You can try to run. But you can never hide. I'll find you and chase you out Cape-Boy."
Titus' voice added, "And then we'll force you to hand over the crystals to me."
Tuxedo Mask moaned to himself. "What a mess I've got myself in." He felt the two crystals which he always habitually kept secure inside his costume's secret zip compartment. Could he possibly defend himself and the two crystals with an impaled shoulder?

Zoicite drew a magic sword out of thin air and waved it back and forth. "You wait here Titus, while I drive him out of hiding."
Without even waiting for Titus to answer she ran wildly through all the crates and bags slashing with her blade and making them fall over. Titus obediently stood still though and Zoicite yelled.
"You're history Cape-Boy!"
Tuxedo Mask was almost buried by the crates he was leaning against and holding his shoulder. But as he felt them begin to topple he realized he had to run despite his pain and disorientation. He burst out into the sight of Titus as everything came crashing down barely missing him.
"There he is General Zoicite!" Titus sent a blast of her water that sent him flying backwards as Zoicite made a giant leap and brought her sword down upon him. He reacted instinctively to defend himself and held up his cane to deflect the blow. Even though he had not had time to take the cover off Zoicite's sword cut into the cane striking the hidden blade beneath it.
He gritted his teeth, striving to overcome the agony that he was bombarded with. "Get away." He growled.
"Hand over the Rainbow Crystals." Zoicite relentlessly demanded with her other hand outstretched, her fingers itching to claim the last two crystals they needed. Titus was slowly walking towards them to help subdue Tuxedo Mask.
But at that moment Queen Beryl was watching everything intently through her crystal ball and she gave a gasp. "I recognize that face!"
When Titus had blown Tuxedo Mask over his mask had been knocked off and Queen Beryl could see the face of Darien as he struggled to hold off Zoicite. "So this is the identity of Tuxedo Mask." Beryl had a sinister smile on her wicked face as she said this. "How wonderful to see him again."
At this moment Titus was nearly next to the forms of Tuxedo Mask and Zoicite. Tuxedo Mask was defiantly telling Zoicite that he would never surrender.
"Fine. Have it your way. Titus! Deal appropriately with him."
Titus raised her hands. "Yes my general."
But before she could do anything something strange happened.
A strange golden beam of light struck Zoicite's sword knocking it out of her hand. Shocked she stumbled backwards bumping into Titus and knocking her to the ground. "Hey! Who did that? Who's up there?"
Glancing up while she rubbed her hand and wrist Zoicite briefly saw a figure in a Sailor Suit with long golden hair down her back standing in an open window high above them.
Tuxedo Mask saw this as his chance to get away while Titus was picking herself up off the floor and Zoicite was gazing upwards. He quickly got to his feet and ran as fast as he could through the warehouse to the open doorway at the back entrance. Once outside he ducked into another dark shadowed alley and collapsed to the ground. But he rolled over onto his back holding his aching shoulder and struggled to sit up against a wall. "I must master this pain and focus myself." He muttered with determination as he shut his eyes tight and breathed very slowly and deeply.
Zoicite was shocked. "Who are you?" She yelled up at the figure who didn't answer but turned and disappeared with a graceful bound from the windowledge.
"Did you see that Titus?"
Titus had just gotten to her feet. "No I didn't General Zoicite. What was it?"
Zoicite was agitated. "I-it looked like a Sailor Scout. She sent some weird attack that drove me away from Cape-Boy." Then realizing he was gone she cried, "Oh no! How could you let him get away?"
"Hey. Don't blame me. When you were knocked backwards you pushed me off my balance and I fell to the floor. In fact I even bumped my head. I was dazed and disoriented. Oooohh!" With that Zoicite rubbed the back of her head where the bump still hurt slightly.
Zoicite was almost ready to start another fight with Titus but she controlled herself. "Well then what just happened? I thought Malachite had trapped all the Sailor Scouts inside his dome."
"So did I General Zoicite." Titus wondered about this while her fingers gently massaged her sore spot. There couldn't be another brand new Scout. Could there?

In the meantime the four Sailor Scouts were getting very close to being crushed to a pulp. Sailor Jupiter had desperately tried again as hard as she could to break Malachite's shield but she failed again. She was forced to concede that his magic was very strong. Yasha and the Plant Trio watched with evil enthusiasm as the dome continued to shrink. Then Zoicite and Titus joined them.
"My darling Malachite. I have bad news." Zoicite began.
"What's wrong sweetheart?"
"I had Tuxedo Mask trapped and was about to overcome him with the help of Titus when I was attacked by another Sailor Scout."
Yasha and the Plant Trio all gasped in dismay and Malachite said. "That can't be Zoicite. You can see I have them all trapped. There can't be another."
Zoicite mused. "That's what I thought." Then she became angry. "I bet it was an illusion that wretched Tuxedo Mask used to trick me and escape."
Titus wasn't so sure about that. The other three Scouts had all appeared out of thin air one by one to join Sailor Moon. But she kept her mouth shut not wanting to stir up any argument.

As for Tuxedo Mask he had gotten on top of the pain in his shoulder and he had made his way back through the warehouse when he saw the coast was clear and his eagle eye had spotted where his mask was lying on the floor. He picked it up and put it back on and saw outside that the Sailor Scouts were in big trouble. They were all scrunched up against each other with no more spare room and then the slow agonizing death would ensue.
Zoicite yelled arrogantly. "Where are you Tuxedo Mask? If you don't come out right now and surrender those crystals your fan club will be crushed to jelly."
Tuxedo Mask was horrified. What else could he do? He felt the two crystals in the lining of his tuxedo and called out in resignation. "Wait! Let them go! I'll give you the crystals!"
Everybody turned their eyes towards him as he slowly began to step out of the open warehouse.
"I know you'd see things our way," laughed Zoicite.
But then a voice cried out. "He's not giving you anything Nega-scum."
"I knew it," thought Titus to herself with a start.
"That voice! It's the one I heard before!" Zoicite yelled and as Yasha and the Plant Trio looked around in fright, Gureepo gasped and pointed with her finger.
"Look! Up there on top of the warehouse!"
Luna also looked up and her eyes bulged open wide. "It looks like salvation is at hand." She cried in hopeful joy as she beheld the sight of the Sailor Suited girl who leaped gracefully off the warehouse roof, her long golden-yellow hair billowing out above her head as she plummetted to the ground.
Landing agilely on one knee and jumping straight up to her feet like a cat she addressed the gang of villains while Tuxedo Mask backed off in amazement, clutching his wounded shoulder. "I'm Sailor Venus and if you're looking to make any trouble, I'm going to give it to you double."
With that she sent her golden-beam missile attack straight for Malachite. "VENUS CRESCENT BEAM SMASH!"
She aimed with perfect precision for his hands which were poised controlling the dome as it slowly shrunk. Malachite screamed in pain as the attack raked over both his hands making the bones break.
Zoicite and the others all reacted aghast except for Titus who calmly stared at Sailor Venus taking this new Scout in.
"She's broken Lord Malachite's magic," cried Yasha as the dome shield dissipated releasing Sailor Moon and the others as they fell to the ground in enormous relief.
"Th-that's not all she's broken." Malachite shut his eyes and groaned with his fractured hands raised and Zoicite was very upset.
"Oh no. How could she do this to my sweet Malachite?"

Sailor Moon raised herself up and beheld their saviour. "Hey everybody. We've been saved by the fifth Scout."
As Mercury, Mars and Jupiter allpicked themselves up awestruck Artemis reappeared from behind Luna giving her a mild startle. "That's right folks." He announced. "While I was on my way to meet you all at the Cherry Hill Temple I passed a strange girl who had only just moved to our city with her parents two days ago. I sensed something very strong about her so I followed her and was eventually able to confront her at her home and convince her that she was the Scout of the planet Venus. Thank goodness I was able to activate her or else you would have all been goners."
Luna turned and smiled. "Congratulations Artemis and thank you."
"You're welcome Luna."

Zoicite became furious while her Malachite moaned in agony. "We'll teach you all a lesson you'll never forget."
She moved in front of him and raised her arms preparing to fight and Yasha, The Plant Trio and even Titus followed suit.
Sailor Moon defiantly answered. "Well come on. We will dust every last one of you rats."
But before the battle could break out Queen Beryl's voice boomed out magnified ten times in volume. "Zoicite! Malachite! All the rest of you too! Return this very minute!"
All the goodies and the baddies alike raised their eyes to behold a transparent image of Queen Beryl's head and shoulders floating high above them.
Suzuran cried out, "But we don't have the crystals your majesty."
"I know that. But it's too risky." Queen Beryl declared. "Leave them alone for now until we can form a perfect strategy. Come straight back here to me."
Zoicite momentarily forgot to guard herself. "No! There's enough of us! We can win!"
"ZOICITE!" Queen Beryl screamed in rage. "Don't ever question me! Next time it will mean punishment."
Zoicite and all the others trembled in terror and Malachite said gently to her, "Please be careful."
With that they all dematerialized but they swore to the Sailor Scouts that they would get them next time.

As the villains all vanished Tuxedo Mask grunted as he gripped his aching shoulder and ducked away into the shadows. Sailor Moon thought she caught a glimpse of him and called out.
"Tuxedo Mask. Is that you?"
She was perplexed. "I could have sworn he was here a moment ago."
But Sailor Jupiter smiled. "Oh well. We really didn't need his help anyway."

The Scouts were so delighted that their final ally was at last united with them. Sailor Moon was particularly amazed. "You look so much like my favourite fictional character Sailor V come to life in person." She said with awe.
Sailor Venus smiled. "I know. I love Sailor V myself. I always thought I looked a lot like her with very similar sort of hair. And now I discover that I'm Sailor Venus. The V in the Character of Sailor V as most fans know stands for Valiant, though it's seldom made mention of in the various media. And co-incidentally Venus begins with V also and we all dress in Sailor outfits just like the fictional heroine. I am just awed and amazed by it all."
So were the rest of the team and they were all very excited. So were Luna and Artemis. There were still big battles ahead and together they would face any attack the Negaverse could throw at them.