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Sailor Moon manga or anime


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2012
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I grew up with the anime, which I rented from the local library. I never was able to find the manga as a kid, as stuff like Tokyo Mew Mew and Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch was easier to find. I also have to catch up with the new anime, Sailor Moon Crystal!


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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I grew up with the anime, which I rented from the local library. I never was able to find the manga as a kid, as stuff like Tokyo Mew Mew and Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch was easier to find. I also have to catch up with the new anime, Sailor Moon Crystal!
Glad to meet a fellow Sailor Moon fan. :big_grin:

I hope to have the next episode of my fan fiction ready to add soon. I hope you like my story ideas mimitchi33. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Episode 30 A Crystal Clear Destiny

As soon as Queen Beryl's forces had returned to her throne room after the last encounter with the Sailor Scouts when the incredible Sailor Venus had rescued all the others from the deathtrap Malachite had created for them she addressed them all. "Now there are five Sailor Scouts but never mind about them for now. It's Tuxedo Mask I'm currently concerned about."
Titus began to plead. "Queen Beryl. I swear I shall get those last two crystals off him."
Zoicite also chimed in. "And then I'll destroy him once and for all."
Queen Beryl cut across Zoicite. "I don't want him destroyed now."
Everybody gasped. Even Malachite, despite the pain of his broken hands.
Housenka cried, "But isn't he a threat to us your Majesty?"
Malachite blurted out, "He wants to destroy our power!"
"Silence!" Queen Beryl's command rang out piercingly making them wince. "I have a plan to make use of Tuxedo Mask. We can turn him to our advantage. You must find him and lead him into a trap."
"But we don't know who he is," protested Zoicite.
"You don't but I do. Now listen to my orders."
Queen Beryl thought for a moment. Then she continued. "Titus. You won't be required to go on this particular mission. All you need to do is wait here while Zoicite sets a trap to trick Tuxedo Mask and get the last two crystals. Then you will just have to release the final two Shadow Warriors and your services will be fully over."
Titus bowed nervously. "Yes my queen."
Beryl thought again. "Hmm! Malachite since you need to see those hands of yours tended to, I think the Plant Trio should assist Zoicite. You shall stay here too Yasha. Your master will need you to tend to his needs while his hands are fully bandaged."
Yasha and Malachite bowed submissively while Zoicite and her friends vowed to not let their ruler down.
"Okay then you four," she smiled malevolently at them. "This is my plan."

That evening Darien was back at his apartment mulling over what had transpired earlier that day. As he leaned against the wall he moaned with the renewed intensity of the pain of his shoulder. "How stupid I was."
Blood stained the wall when he staggered away from it, holding his shoulder once more he continued muttering to himself. "I should have been more circumspect. I knew there was that fake Sailor Moon. I'd been following her in the first place. I got myself injured and consequently almost got the real Sailor Moon and her friends killed."
He made his way to his bed and collapsed onto it. In physical and mental anguish he added mournfully. "If Sailor Venus hadn't appeared I would have given up my two crystals to the Negaverse."
Suddenly he felt presences in his apartment and opening his eyes he gave a start and winced with pain due to the sudden sharp movement. He actually beheld Zoicite, Gureepo, Housenka and Suzuran standing by his bedside. "Nice home Darien." Zoicite smiled.
"H-how did you find me?"
Zoicite drollfully played with the end of her long hair. "The Negaverse sees everything Darien."
Housenka chortled. "We ultimately found out who you are."
"Tuxedo Mask," said Suzuran and Gureepo sneered at him.
Darien was very worried though he strove not to show it. "I suppose you think you can force me to hand over my crystals?" He spoke with rebellious venom and the Plant Trio all laughed. So did Zoicite.
Then she got down to business. "You know Darien that between all four of us we could easily overpower you. Especially with that shoulder of yours. Look at the bloodstains on your bedclothes."
"What are you waiting for then?" He asked through clenched teeth and narrowed eyes.
"Believe it or not Darien, we intend to give you a sporting chance," said Zoicite.
"Huh?" Darien couldn't believe it but Zoicite continued.
"That's right. I intend to fight a duel with you one on one. The winner shall take all the Rainbow Crystals."
"You mean this? Just you and no attacks from any of these others?"
"Oh my friends won't take part in the fight. I assure you it will just be me against you. I'll bring the five crystals I have and you bring along your two. I know you want all those crystals as much as I do. So do you accept."
Darien thought for a moment then said, "It looks like I have no choice. If I refuse you'll probably hurt me further to get what you want anyway. Therefore I accept."
"Good." Zoicite grinned. "Then meet me at the Starlight Tower at four o'clock tomorrow afternoon. And remember to bring your crystals."
"I'll be there and I'll have them I promise."
"Well good night then Darien. Let's go girls."
"Yes Madam Zoicite."
But just before they all faded away Zoicite added one last word. "By the way Darien. You might want to consider seeing a doctor about your shoulder before our duel."
Then they were gone and Darien vowed to get some sleep as much as he possibly could despite his pain.

The following afternoon Darien was walking to the Starlight Tower to keep his appointment with Zoicite. He had not been to any doctor during the morning. Instead he had taken some very strong painkillers and applied some cream and makeshift bandages before going to bed last night and he did feel a little better.
While he was making his way slowly though he was spotted by Serena. She was supposed to have been at a Scout meeting at the Cherry Hill Temple but she had landed herself into a detention with Miss Haruna and was held back at school for half an hour when everybody else had gone home. As she had been running she was thinking with indignation about how stuck-up with self-righteousness Raye would be when she arrived. "Hey now. I can't be on time for everything," she muttered to herself.
But then she saw Darien up ahead of her. He was slightly hunched over and had his hand inside his coat nursing his shoulder once more. Serena decided to have a go at him. She snuck up behind and slapped him unknowingly on his injured shoulder making him wince and cry "Ow!"
Serena laughed. "There was a bee on your back. But it's gone now."
Darien guessed that there never had been any bee at all. But he grinned and replied. "Thank you. I hate bees. Very thoughtful of you Meatball-Head."
Serena was immediately enraged as she always was at being called that name. "Stop calling me that! I get called it enough times already from your friend Raye. I don't need it from you too." Then she pulled a rude face at him.
Darien gave a curt smile and said, "Very well. I won't say it anymore. Hey I need to go. See ya Serena."
Serena was dumbfounded as he walked off.
"I don't believe it. Darien was actually nice to me."
Then she noticed something on the palm of her hand where she had slapped him.
"Hey. This looks like. I-it's blood!"
Yes his wound was so bad that blood had begun to slowly seep out through his bandages staining his coat shoulder.
"He's bleeding. I must follow him and make sure he's all right."
Serena couldn't ignore anybody who was hurt. Not even somebody she despised. So she tailed him from a distance as he made his way toward the Starlight Tower.

"Where is he going exactly? He should seek medical help," she thought to herself as she nearly caught up with him. It was almost 4pm with only seven or eight minutes to spare as he was approaching the Starlight Tower office building. Inside Zoicite and the Plant Trio had tied and gagged all the office workers and managers in their various rooms and locked all the doors magically to keep anyone from escaping while they did so.
Gureepo announced, "Madam Zoicite. I see him approaching." She directed Zoicite's attention through the window on the top floor where they had set up their headquarters.
"Wonderful. He's right on time." Zoicite replied. "I'll bring him straight to our trap."

To Darien's surprise a dome of powerful magic surrounded him but before he could react he heard a familiar voice behind him say agitatedly, "Darien! W-w-what's going on?"
Turning around Darien gasped. "Serena!"
She had been just about to speak to him having finally closed the gap trailing him when Zoicite struck.
"Serena. Get out of here now!" He cried desperately but Serena gulped and trembled.
"I would if I could but it looks like I'm stuck along with you."
Then the dome shimmered and faded taking both of them with it.

In the meantime the other Scouts were getting worried. Well Amy and Lita were worried, but as usual Raye was rather annoyed with Serena for her tardiness. "That Serena's not a Sailor Scout. She's a failure Scout," she pouted with her arms folded.
Lita said, "I'm really concerned. She's never as late as this."
Luna agreed. "Even with detention she should have been here by now."
Suddenly a voice asked, "Is this the Sailor Scout meeting?"
A girl with long golden-yellow hair appeared. "Hey I recognize you all now."
"Who are you?" Raye asked.
"This is your new friend who saved your lives the other day." Then they all noticed Artemis standing alongside the girl's feet. He continued to speak. "By the way, when she's not in her uniform you can call her Mina."
Amy realized then who she was. "You're Sailor Venus."
"That's right." Mina smiled. "But there's one of you missing. Where is the one whose identity is Sailor Moon?"
"That's what we'd all like to know." Lita replied.
"Amy has tried calling her on the communicator but there's no reply." Luna added.
Artemis and Mina became serious. "When Mina and I were passing the Starlight Tower on our way here I sensed some suspicious magical energy emanating from it. We intended to get all of you to come investigate it with us. Perhaps Sailor Moon has landed into trouble there?"
Mina turned around. Looking back over her shoulder she addressed the others. "If that is the case then there's no time to waste. Are you all with us on this?"
Luna, Amy, Lita and even Raye nodded their heads. "Let's go then." Mina ran off with the others in pursuit.

Darien and Serena materialized inside a large room on the middle floor of the Starlight Tower. Serena had lost consciousness but Darien gasped in shock to see Zoicite standing at the far right end. She held out her hand which was full of the five Rainbow Crystals that were now empty husks since the Shadow Warriors had been liberated. "Welcome Darien." She walked forward ten steps and set them down on the floor. Backing away she said, "As you can see I have my crystals. Do you have yours?"
Darien reached into his pocket and Zoicite's eyes lit up as he withdrew the two that still contained Shadow Warriors. Setting them down with the others he said, "There are mine. Now let's fight but you'd better not hurt that girl who was dragged along with me here."
Zoicite laughed. "I assure you I have no interest in her. We have what we need."
As Darien backed away he was infuriated to see the Plant Trio appear by the pile of crystals, bend over and pick them all up between them.
"Hey you tricked me Zoicite! What are your friends doing with those crystals?"
Suzuran laughed. "What does it look like? We're making sure the crystals are kept in a safe place while you duel with Madam Zoicite."
"Why you double-crossing," Darien reached inside his coat, produced a rose and threw it at the Plant Trio. They all laughed and vanished before the rose could touch any of them but while Zoicite had her eyes shut laughing uproariously herself, the stem of the rose scratched her cheek drawing blood.
"Aaaaahhh! My face!" She bellowed.
"What about our duel Zoicite? Winner takes all the Rainbow Crystals remember?" Darien was adamant and shook the fist he had used to throw the rose.
Zoicite touched her bleeding cheek and angrily retorted. "You dare to cut my face? I will definitely fight our duel now. You take the elevator and meet me on the roof of the tower if you want those crystals. Understand?"
Then just as Serena was waking up and raised her head she disappeared. "Th-that was Zoicite." She wondered to herself. "What's she up to? Has she used Darien to trap me?"

As for the crystals the Plant Trio had quickly taken them all to the Negaverse. Queen Beryl was very pleased. Titus had released the remaining two Shadow Warriors in no time at all.
"Well done my soldiers." She addressed first the Plant Trio. "You three get back immediately to assist Zoicite."
"We obey your majesty."
When they were gone she spoke to Titus. "Titus as soon as the others return with Tuxedo Mask then you shall finally get what's coming to you."
Titus stammered. "Th-thank you Queen B-beryl." She was getting nervous. Would the promise to release Jedite also from eternal sleep be honoured? Or was Nephlite's warning something to take very very seriously?

Back to Darien and Serena, he was currently in the process of attempting to persuade her to stay behind while he took the elevator to the roof of the building. "Listen Serena. I have personal business to take care of and it doesn't concern you. You wait right here until I come back."
With that he pushed the button and the door opened but Serena was not going to be deterred. Not when she suspected that Zoicite may have learned her true identity somehow and lured her to the Starlight Tower via Darien. As he entered she pushed past him and ran to the back of the elevator and turned around facing him fiercely.
"Get out here right now!" Darien demanded while he stood in the open doorway.
"No I won't Darien. If you want me to get out of this elevator you'll have to force me out and I can put up a very strong fight. Do you really want to struggle with me anyway with a bleeding shoulder?"
Darien thought about this. He supposed that Serena could fight hard when she really wanted to and his shoulder was extremely painful indeed.
"Very well." He sighed as he entered the elevator. "Let's go together."
As they began to ascend rather slowly he thought to himself that perhaps it was better in the end to keep her by his side. The Negaverse couldn't be trusted. What might they do to Serena if she was on her own?

As for the other Scouts they arrived at the Tower just as the elevator was beginning to rise and found all the doors securely locked. Mercury ran a quick scan of the building with her data-computer and sensed Serena's presence. "Serena and Darien are trapped inside an elevator but all entrances are firmly sealed," she said to the others.
"How can we possibly rescue them?" Sailor Mars was very worried.
"Somehow we must get inside," said Luna and Artemis agreed.
"Leave it to me." Sailor Jupiter stepped forward. "By the mighty power of Jupiter help me bust down the doors of this building. JUPITER THUNDER CRASH!"
Summoning up all her reserves of strength Sailor Jupiter blasted the front doors apart with her electrical powers. "I always like the direct approach," said she with smug pride while her friends were gob-smacked with awe and admiration.
"Come on let's hurry." Sailor Jupiter urged them all to follow her.
To the annoyance of Sailor Mars they found that none of the other elevators would work when they tried them.
"There's no choice but to take the stairs," said Artemis.
Sailor Mars groaned and pulled off her high heels. "I'd rather do it barefoot." With that she began to run up the first flight, one hand on the rail, her shoes held tight in the other.

Inside the elevator Serena said to Darien, "How come you came to be involved in all of this anyway?"
Darien hesitated a moment then decided to give this explanation. "To tell you the truth I don't know anything at all about my past let alone why I am now in this situation."
"Huh?" Serena was taken by surprise but he went on.
"You see when I was a very small child I was orphaned in a car crash and I suffered complete amnesia. I'm not even certain my name really is Darien though I've always had a feeling it might be. I lived my whole life in an orphanage until I grew up. Nobody ever adopted me so when I became an adult I moved out and got myself an apartment to rent and a job to support myself. Then I just lived my life with no worries until I began having this strange recurring dream. I see this beautiful princess and she keeps begging me to bring her some sort of crystal. What's really weird is that even though it's a dream I feel like I've met this princess before."
Serena was enraptured by the story. She was speechless with wonder.
Darien turned and smiled. "Well thanks for listening Meatball Head."
"Don't start that again. You promised you wouldn't call me that anymore. Remember?"
Darien was momentarily stung by her rebuke but he smiled again and said, "Oh yeah. Right."
Serena softened and said, "I am glad you told me your story. It must be hard not knowing who you are."
"Sometimes I get clues." Darien winked.

Meanwhile on the roof the Plant Trio had rejoined their friend.
"What happened to your face Madam Zoicite?" Housenka asked upon seeing the scratch with dried blood.
"He did it to me. He threw a rose when I wasn't looking and hit me in the face." Zoicite practically growled in rage.
The Trio gasped in horror. "Oh dear," said Suzuran.
"He's going to pay for cutting me." Zoicite spat in fury.
"Revenge can be sweet Madam Zoicite. But don't get carried away." Housenka said calmly.
"Yes. Yes. Remember what our orders are." The other two earnestly agreed with Housenka's words but to their further horror and dismay Zoicite suddenly strove over to the elevator that was still travelling at a snail's pace and pulled open the doors.
Looking down the shaft she declared loudly, "Who cares what Queen Beryl wants? I'm in charge of the fate of Tuxedo Mask now!"
"What?" Gureepo shrieked.
The Plant Trio were suddenly terrified and they ran over to try to talk sense to their beloved friend.
"No Madam Zoicite!"
"Please don't do this!"
Zoicite silenced them with a cry of "ENOUGH! Unfortunately Tuxedo Mask is going to have a tragic accident!"
Raising her hands she sent a blast of sonic energy straight at the cables severing them. The elevator immediately plummetted downwards as speedily as it had been slowly rising by contrast.
The Plant Trio all screamed and shook with intense fear as the elevator hit the bottom of the shaft with an ear-splitting crash.
Zoicite turned towards her three friends and smiled at their aghast facial expressions. "You girls are all so very sweet but it will be all right. We'll just tell Queen Beryl it was an accident. She won't mind in this case especially with all the Seven Shadow Warriors now set free."
The Plant Trio could think of nothing to say in answer and to be honest, they were currently incapable of speech even if their lives depended upon it.

But just then a sailor-suited figure came soaring up out of the open shaft with Darien supported in her strong arms. As she landed on her feet right next to Zoicite she yelled out. "Hold it right there Zoicite! It will take more than a falling elevator to stop Sailor Moon!"

Yes as soon as the elevator had began to fall Serena knew that she had no choice but to transform in front of Darien. Darien had been astonished to learn that Serena was Sailor Moon as she transformed while they were pinned to the roof of the falling elevator. Then using her super-human powers she had defied the force of momentum raising herself to a standing position upside down, hauled Darien up beside her with one hand and with the other hand blasted a huge hole in the roof with her tiara. Then barely knowing what she was doing, she jumped through it with him and gave a mighty leap upwards taking Darien's breath away. While she flew Darien thought with amazement.
"To think the last time we were in an elevator shaft together she was holding onto my back wailing while I was struggling to keep my grip."
As Sailor Moon reached out with her one free hand finding small handholds at various floor levels, she took hold and swung herself upward keeping them on a maintained upward direction. Even she was flabbergasted at what she was able to accomplish when she didn't panic and concentrated clearly.

So Zoicite turned in surprise to see Sailor Moon jump out through the elevator doors and the Plant trio couldn't help but feel some degree of relief at seeing Darien safe and sound with her.
But Zoicite sneered and said, "I don't really even want you this time Sailor Moon. I'm after Tuxedo Mask who's with you."
"Tuxedo Mask?" Sailor Moon shouted. "Give me a break. He's not with me."
But Darien cried out, "Yes I am!"
Sailor Moon was startled and turned to look at him incredulously. "You don't mean? Are you really?"
Darien just smiled and reached into his coat withdrawing a rose making Sailor Moon gasp. "You are Tuxedo Mask! I don't believe it."
Darien waved the rose in the air and his clothes transformed into the familiar top hat, tuxedo, cane, mask and everything else. Sailor Moon was blown away. Darien was her dreamboat. This was so unexpected.

Tuxedo Mask spoke to her. "You should leave now Sailor Moon. This is not your fight."
She was immediately indignant. "Of course it's my fight. Together we can beat the Negaverse."
Tuxedo Mask put his hands on her shoulders and spoke gently. "Sailor Moon. I gave Zoicite my word as a gentleman that I would duel with her one on one for those crystals. I need to prove myself honourable and win them so I can find my princess from my dreams."
Sailor Moon blushed and softened. "Well okay. But I'm still not leaving. I am going to watch the fight and if there is even so much as a trace of treachery on Zoicite's part I swear you won't be able to stop me intervening to help you."
Tuxedo Mask read her staunch un-movable resolution in her eyes and consented. "Very well."

Stepping in front of her he said to Zoicite. "Okay let's fight. But you'd better guarantee complete safety to Sailor Moon."
The Plant Trio watched on the edges of their seat as Zoicite answered Tuxedo Mask. "Of course. Like you said, this fight doesn't concern her. I won't hurt her I assure you."
As she was speaking a crystal shard with a sharpened dagger tip slowly poked its way through the floor at Tuxedo Mask's feet where he was standing. Then before anybody knew what was happening it quickly shot upwards and turned at a slight angle to stab Tuxedo Mask in his stomach.
The Plant Trio screamed. "Oh no!"
"Madam Zoicite!"
"How could you be so foolish?"
Sailor Moon ran towards Tuxedo Mask as he fell over backwards clutching at the weapon protruding from his abdomen. Zoicite merely smiled with grim pleasure as Tuxedo Mask struggled to stay alive and Sailor Moon knelt beside him cradling his head and shoulders and weeping bitter sorrowful tears.
The mask fell from his face as he collapsed and he looked up into Sailor Moon's tear-filled eyes and said, "It's up to you now to recover the crystals for me please. A-and I want you to know that I've always been on your side and always will."
He continued to breathe and groan while his eyes were shut and his head bowed while Sailor Moon continued to hold him.
"No Tuxedo Mask! Don't go! Please stay with me." Her voice became much softer as she struggled to speak. "I love you dear Darien." It was impossible for her to retain her hatred for him now that she knew his identity but the thought that he may die in her arms broke her heart.

At that moment the other Scouts arrived with Luna and Artemis and they were horrified to see that they were apparently too late to save Tuxedo Mask. They couldn't see his face obscured by Sailor Moon but they knew his clothes plain as day.
As Sailor Moon was crying a very weird thing happened. One of her tears began to glow, then it went shooting off into space disappearing into the Negaverse where Queen Beryl was sitting on her throne. She had a tray in her hands and she was admiring the seven Rainbow Crystals from which her Shadow Warriors had been set free by that gullible fool Titus. Beryl was thinking how beautiful they were and how she would thank Titus deeply before she had her killed, when suddenly Sailor Moon's teardrop materialized above and made them all fly up into the air together and out of sight while she gasped. "What just happened?" She was amazed.

Furthermore the spectral forms of Nephlite's old soldiers, the Gemini Twins Castor and Pollux were also caught up in the energy emanating from the magic teardrop. Ever since they had been reduced to invisible living phantoms they had been eternally striving in desperation to let Queen Beryl know about their plight and beg her to do something to restore them to their physical form. But to their anguish they were inaudible as well as invisible and couldn't even do anything to make Beryl or anybody else feel their presence. But they were dragged away before they knew it and found themselves standing among Zoicite and the Plant Trio, who were all watching the crystals appear above Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask.
Luna and Artemis drew the Scouts attention to the scene. "Look," cried Artemis. "The Rainbow Crystals are all forming themselves into one single jewel!"
Luna gasped. "Could it be? I think that crystal could well be the long lost Silver Imperium Crystal!"

Luna was right and to the astonishment of all eyes the Crescent Moon Wand suddenly rose up into the air and the Silver Imperium Crystal attached itself to it. Then it emitted beams of light that bathed Sailor Moon and pulled her away from Darien hovering a few inches above the ground. Her clothes changed into an exquisitely beautiful snow white dress and Luna cried out. "Well how about that? The crystal has revealed Sailor Moon to be the long lost Moon Princess we've been searching for while fighting the Negaverse."
The other four Scouts gasped but Zoicite and the Plant Trio hadn't even noticed this because their attention was diverted by the sudden appearance of Castor and Pollux inside their midst. Inexplicably the magical energies of the Imperium Crystal had freed them from their limbo and even they were astonished that their fellow Negaverse members could actually see and feel them.

Serena herself was flabbergasted. "I'm royalty as well as a Sailor Scout. This is unbelievable.



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Feb 6, 2006
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Episode 31 A Reluctant Princess

As the other Scouts, Luna and Artemis watched Serena in her flowing dress float back down to the ground and kneel down beside Darien they recognized his face.
"Wow. Who would have ever thought Serena would turn out to be the Moon Princess?" Sailor Jupiter exclaimed.
"Yes and Darien. Who would have guessed that he was Tuxedo Mask!" Sailor Mercury chimed in.
Sailor Mars was trembling with the shock of it all.
"Sailor Mars? Are you all right?" Sailor Mercury put her hand affectionately on her shoulder while she spoke. "This must be upsetting for you."
But Sailor Mars turned to Sailor Mercury and managed to smile placing her hand upon hers still on her shoulder. "I'll be okay. I suppose they really were meant for each other long before I started dating him."

Meanwhile Zoicite was addressing Castor and Pollux. "Where did you two come from? We thought you had been killed ages ago?"
They began to try to explain but Zoicite said "Oh never mind for now. I must make sure Cape Boy and Sailor Moon are both finished off for good. That's more important."
None of the Negaverse baddies had noticed the change that had come over Serena, let alone the arrival of the other Scouts but as Zoicite raised her hands to attack she gasped with surprise at the sight of the revealed Princess of the Moon. Serena raised the Crescent Moon Wand which was now united with the Imperium Crystal and yelled at the top of her voice.
Zoicite screamed as a barrage of energy emanated from the wand picking her up and throwing her backwards hitting the wall with a crash.
The Plant Trio ran over crying out to her.
"Madam Zoicite!"
"Are you all right?"
She struggled to rise gasping and reaching out her hands towards them. "My friends. I've been hurt. Help me."
The Trio supported her among themselves. They were still worried about what might befall their friend when Beryl found out what she had done to Tuxedo Mask, but for now they just needed to get her safely away.
"We have you dear Madam Zoicite. We'll come back when we are better prepared." Gureepo spoke comfort to her as they all transported.
"Hey! Wait for us!" Castor took Pollux by the hand and transported themselves after them. They didn't fancy being left behind to face something immensely powerful they knew nothing about.

Serena was cradling Darien's head in her lap and crying. "Darien I feel your life force is slowly ebbing away. Please do not die."
Darien stirred and opening his eyes, reached up and took her hand. "My princess. I have found you at last Serena. Now I remember everything. I am Prince Darien."
Serena gasped. "Yes I can remember too. I am Princess Serena of the Moon Kingdom. You and I were engaged to be married. Prince Darien. Warrior of the planet Earth. I can remember the last time we were together on the Moon."
Darien grunted and spoke again. "That's right. It was just before the forces of evil attacked the Moon and I left to fight them and defend your world."
Serena reached into a pocket in her dress and produced the musical star locket. Opening it up she held it next to Darien's face and he grinned despite his pain as the music played.
He spoke once more. "This was your star locket. You gave it to me to always remind me of our love."
"And you gave it back to me. Even before we fully knew who each other was. Oh Darien. You cannot leave me again forever now. You mustn't."
As she began to cry even more bitterly a bright glow enveloped her and her clothes changed back into her Sailor suit. Her friends ran over to comfort her.
"Sailor Moon. We're here for you." Sailor Venus declared as she and Sailor Mercury knelt down beside her while Mars and Jupiter knelt beside Darien. Sailor Mars shouted. "Darien! It's me Raye! Can you hear me?"
Sailor Jupiter said "He's still breathing but we must get him to the hospital straight away. If there's any chance of saving him we can't delay."
But Darien wasn't going to the hospital. Before anybody knew what was happening he suddenly was surrounded by a bright glow and dematerialized in Sailor Mars' arms.
"Darien's disappearing!" She gasped.
"The Negaverse must have taken him away." Sailor Venus exclaimed and Sailor Moon cried harder than ever.

In the Negaverse Queen Beryl was horrified to see that when she transported Darien to her side he was on the brink of death. "Quickly now." She urgently instructed her loyal servants, the five Doom and Gloom Girls. "Get Prince Darien inside this magic casket."
They set him inside flat on his back and pulled out the crystal shard. They handed it to Queen Beryl who took it and grimly frowned at it. Then she kneeled down and addressed the supreme Negaforce.
"O great Negaforce. Do we have enough power to heal Tuxedo Mask and convert him into a warrior for our side?"
The Negaforce answered affirmatively. "Yes Queen Beryl. But you got him just in time. He was about to die. First I must restore him to full strength and then remove all traces of the memories he gained about his past and the Moon Princess. Then he will serve our cause faithfully."
Queen Beryl was tremendously relieved. Then she made announcement that she wanted to see all her army members in her throne room in the next ten minutes except for Titus, Dream Dolly and Ramwoir.

So Zoicite, the Plant Trio, the Gemini Twins, Malachite, Yasha and even the Seven Shadows assembled before their monarch. First she spoke to Castor and Pollux. "I'm very glad to find out you're both still alive. Now that the Sailor Scouts have the Imperium Crystal it is imperative that we get it back off them. I want you to work together with the rest of my forces to accomplish this."
"We pledge ourselves to your service Queen Beryl."
Castor and Pollux humbly bowed then Beryl continued. "Malachite since your hands will not be healed for a good while yet, you shall take command of things here and send out the Gemini Twins and the Plant Trio on the missions you set forth. Got that?"
"Yes Queen Beryl." Malachite humbly bowed and so did Yasha when Beryl decreed that he would continue to wait on Malachite and help him with his injuries.

Then Beryl changed her tone. "Now I have a little question for you Zoicite." She produced the shard and held it up high for all to see. "Can you explain to me how Tuxedo Mask came to have this buried in his stomach when I transported him here?"
Zoicite trembled slightly and said, "I'm sorry your majesty. It was an accident."
Beryl waved her free hand over her crystal ball and gazed into it. "Oh yes." Her voice dripped with frightening sarcasm. "I can see what happened Zoicite. I see how first you accidentally severed the cables to the elevator. And next there was another accident unforeseen with this weapon I'm holding. It was really unfortunate wasn't it?"
Everybody was beginning to tremble and quake. Zoicite most of all. Then as she tried to speak Queen Beryl thundered in rage.
"Did you really think you could hide the truth from me? You have been warned for the last time!"
Malachite and the Plant Trio tried to intercede for Zoicite and she whined in fear. "Please don't turn me over to the Doom and Gloom Girls Queen Beryl."
Malachite and the others kept their desperate pleadings while Beryl screamed. "The Doom and Gloom Girls are not going to deal with you ever again!"
And with that she hurled the shard with deadly precision sending it deep into Zoicite's belly.
"Nooooo!" Malachite cried. The Plant Trio shrieked in horror and Yasha, Castor and Pollux were open-mouthed and bug-eyed with shock. The Shadows however were all neutrally unresponsive.
Queen Beryl calmly spoke. "All who wish to say their fond goodbyes to General Zoicite have my permission to quickly do so before it's too late."

Malachite hugged her tearfully as best he could with bandaged, broken hands. "Oh Zoicite. I'm sorry. Queen Beryl should have punished me for not teaching you to be more patient." He sobbed uncontrollably.
"Malachite. Where are my best friends? Let me hug them one last time." Zoicite pleaded and Malachite consented to step aside while Gureepo, Housenka and Suzuran ran forward weeping. They all threw their arms around her.
"Madam Zoicite. It's not fair."
"You saved our lives but we are powerless to save yours."
"We have failed you."
"So have I!" Malachite moaned.
But Zoicite smiled at them all. "The only one who failed was me. You wonderful girls tried to dissuade me from seeking revenge and disobeying Queen Beryl, but I wouldn't listen to you. I'm sorry."
Gureepo sobbed. "We will miss you Madam Zoicite."
Suzuran added. "You're our best friend."
"I will miss you too. Don't ever forget me."
"We will always remember you." Housenka whimpered.
"Let me die in Malachite's arms now." Zoicite turned her face towards him and as the Plant Trio stepped back crying he embraced her once more and kissed her tenderly.
"Don't you forget me either darling Malachite." Her lips trembled and as he told her he would never do that she expired and went limp in his arms.
He stammered. "G-goodbye my sweetheart."
Yasha stood with his head bowed at a distance and even Castor and Pollux were looking sympathetically sombre.

Queen Beryl broke the silence. "Well now that that's all over I expect that you three will now get down to business and take care of the matter of executing that Titus as I ordered you to do now that the Shadow Warriors are all present and accounted for."
The Shadows pricked up their ears and one of them said "You want our old trainer disposed of your majesty?"
"Oh yes." Queen Beryl smiled. "Titus is a disgrace. She is guilty of insubordination just like Zoicite was." She indicated the dead body lying at grief-stricken Malachite's feet. "She must die herself. That is my judgement and I command you Shadows to assist in her execution."
The Seven Shadows all unanimously agreed pledging their unquestionable loyalties to their queen and Beryl threw back her head laughing loudly.

But what nobody knew was that the Dream Dolly had decided to hide herself behind a huge cluster of rocks just nearby where she could see and hear everything that transpired. She had had to place her hand over her mouth to keep from crying out and revealing herself when Queen Beryl had killed Zoicite but upon hearing about the threat against Titus, angry tears began to well up in her eyes and she very quietly turned and snuck away being very careful to stay in the shadows out of sight as she made her departure from the throne room.

In the meantime the Sailor Scouts all made sure that all the people who had been bound and gagged inside the Starlight Tower offices were set free and unharmed. The happy crowd showered them with immense gratitude for their liberation and cheered loudly for their brave guardian heroines. Sailor Moon miraculously managed to compose herself throughout all of this. But after they said farewell and left the building she began to weep once more.
"Tuxedo Mask. Oh my Darien." Tears would not stop and the other Scouts were also deeply upset. Tuxedo Mask was dead for all any of them knew.

Luna and Artemis took charge of the situation. "This is a terrible tragedy but we must not allow it to keep us from focussing upon the threat the Negaverse imposes upon Earth," Luna told them.
"That's right." Artemis agreed. "Everybody meet us at Lita's family home straight away. We need to fill you girls in on your background. Luna and I are only just beginning to remember all the details ourselves."
So back in their civilian identities Lita explained to her parents that she and her friends were going to spend some social time privately in her bedroom along with Serena and Mina's pet cats.
"That will be fine Lita." Her father grinned amiably.
"If you need anything just come and let me know," her mother cheerfully added.
"Thank you very much Mum and Dad. We will do that. Let's go girls."
Lita led them upstairs to her room with Artemis and Luna curled up innocently in Mina and Serena's arms respectively.

When they were all settled together in a circle on Lita's bedroom floor with the two cats in the center Artemis took the speaker's position. "Okay everybody. Luna and I always knew it was our duty to find you and awaken you as Sailor Scouts, but even we did not remember all the exact details of the background story until just recently. And it's a remarkable story."
He went on while they all listened. "Thousands of years ago all of us lived in peace and happiness on the moon. There was a flourishing kingdom there ruled by Queen Serenity and she had a daughter by the name of Princess Serena."
Serena's eyes bulged and she gasped. "Th-that was m-m-me!"
Luna took over. "That's right Serena. Your mother was training you along with the help of your father, King Lune-Eclipsus to take over from them as the reigning leader of all their loyal subjects."
Aretemis continued. "The Moon Kingdom was the center of a united community encompassing all the planets within the inner solar system. You other four girls were the selected warrior champions of your respective planets and your own rulers agreed that you would be part of the Moon Kingdoms special defence force in honour of their union. The outer planets of Uranus, Neptune, Saturn and Pluto did not officially consent to be part of the Moon Kingdom so they stayed at a neutral distance and had no direct dealings with us."
Luna again took center stage. "But when the evil forces of Queen Beryl invaded the universe the outer planets did at least send warning that the Negaverse was on its way to attack. The four independent outer kingdoms held them off for as long as they could, but eventually Queen Beryl broke through and went straight for the jugular vein of our combined empire. The Moon Kingdom was thrashed to pieces though all of us fought with bravery and honour. King Lune-Eclipsus led the army himself and was killed by the Seven Shadow Warriors."
Artemis concluded the story. "But Queen Serenity mustered up enough magic power to defeaat them and seal them away and Queen Beryl and the rest of her army were banished too. But because the Moon was destroyed and she herself was about to die she also sent her daughter and the rest of you to live happy lives on the earth. But Luna and I were sent to look for you and awaken your true identities if perchance Queen Beryl should ever break free from her trap and threaten the universe once more."

Raye gritted her teeth. "So now we must all be united as one against the Negaverse."
Mina agreed. "Yes. We must fight together or our new home on this planet will be destroyed just like the Moon Kingdom was."
Lita and Amy also swore to fight together as one but to everybody's shock Serena said, "Count me out."
"What are you saying Serena?" Amy gasped.
Serena was beginning to cry once more. "What I'm saying is I have not got the will to fight anymore after what's happened today. I've found out that I'm the Moon Princess on top of being the Sailor Warrior of the Moon and also that dear Darien, who I thought was a total jerk, is actually my long-lost love. And he's most likely dead. He was dying in my arms and the Negaverse has probably killed him by now. How can I continue to fight in the wake of this terrible event? You four can defend the universe. I'm sorry. I just can't."
As the tears began to pour out of her eyes like a massive downpour of rain even Raye bit her tongue and bowed her head sympathetically. All of them including Artemis and Luna understood Serena's strong feelings of grief. There was nothing to do now except leave her alone to mourn.

Back in the Negaverse itself the Dream Dolly ran as fast as her little legs could carry her with her dress hitched up to join Titus and Ramwoir where they said they would be inside Titus and Jedite's personal living quarters. When she burst in out of breath they were immediately alarmed.
"Dream Dolly! What's the matter?" Titus jumped to her feet out of her chair and the Dream Dolly ran into her arms crying.
"Oh Titus. It's horrible. Queen Beryl killed General Zoicite and then she told the Plant Trio to personally execute you!"
Ramwoir also leapt out of her chair. "WHAT?" She was outraged and Titus was turning pale.
The warning that the ghost of General Nephlite had given her now made crystal clear sense. Death was to be her only reward for helping to liberate the Shadow Warriors. Not the restoration of her boyfriend Jedite.
Dream Dolly looked up at her friend with a tear-stained face. "The Shadow Warriors have been told that you are a traitor who must be put to death. They will be here any moment along with the Plant Trio to kill you. Oh my dear friend. You must escape."

Ramwoir was furious. "I will help you escape Titus. But you will not go alone. I have more magic power reserves than our treacherous, despicable queen gives me credit for."
Concentrating hard she willed Jedite to appear in his frozen block of crystal. Titus gasped at the sight of him but Ramwoir concentrated further until the sweat was pouring down her face and the crystal cracked. The cracks spread and spread until the crystal burst into little pieces freeing Jedite, who collapsed to the floor.
Titus and the Dream Dolly were immediately by his side lifting him to his feet. "T-titus. What's going on?" He muttered in surprise.
"There's no time to explain Jedite dear." Titus replied. "We must flee together."
But suddenly the door burst open and the Plant Trio appeared. "We have orders from our queen to exterminate you Titus along with all who are by your side." Gureepo raised her thorn arm ready to strike.
Ramwoir shouted. "You two transport yourselves away with Jedite. Don't worry about me. I will hold them off with my power to slow time."
Gureepo was shooting at Titus first but the thorn was moving at a snail's pace slowed down. "But Ramwoir." She began to protest.
"Don't argue Titus or you'll all die. I'm trying to save you. Please go."
Titus began to cry but she said "Thank you Ramwoir. I'll never forget you. Come on Dream Dolly."
Jedite was so disoriented he did not know what was happening as Titus and the Dream Dolly shifted positions to support him firmly before transporting.
But then the Shadow Warriors appeared. They were immune to Ramwoir's magic of slowing down time. Suzuran shouted at them pointing to Ramwoir. "Destroy her! She's impeding our efforts to destroy our targets."
Ramwoir bravely stood her ground as the Seven Shadows surrounded her and engulfed her snuffing her out like a light. When Ramwoir was killed Gureepo's thorns shot out just as the others de-materialized. But she could feel a small piece of thorn break off obviously snagged inside something all the same.

All of a sudden the five girls were startled along with Luna and Artemis by the appearance of Nephlite's spirit in their midst.
"W-what is this?" Lita gasped.
"Is this an attack?" Raye was immediately defensive but Serena swallowed her sobs and wiping her eyes with her hanky spoke to calm the others down.
"No it's serious. But it's nothing to threaten us. This is Nephlite's spirit girls. He always appears to alert me whenever Molly's in danger from the Negaverse."
Amy and Raye recognized Nephlite's form and Amy was immediately concerned.
"It is you Nephlite! What's happened to Molly?"
Nephlite was very solemn. "For once it isn't Molly I'm bringing to your attention. Sailor Scouts. Don't ask me what the matter is right now but you must come with me immediately. It's most urgent."
Lita and Mina were a little skeptical but Serena assured them. "Nephlite has never led me astray since he became a ghost. Trust me on this please."
Raye and Amy sided with Serena so the others including Luna and Artemis consented.
Lita told her parents they had decided to go for a walk together now so they all said goodbye and met Nephlite outside the front door. "Follow me." He floated in front of them as they all ran towards the park.

As they approached some figures huddled together in a grove of trees in the shadows Nephlite called out "Transform now!"
The five of them did so then they realized who Nephlite had led them to.
The Dream Dolly lay in the arms of Titus while Jedite was crouched next to them. They were both crying bitterly because their friend was pierced through her arm with a piece of Gureepo's thorn that was sucking away the life force of the Dream Dolly slowly but surely.
Sailor Mars cried, "Why have we been brought to this scene?"
Jedite and Titus looked up with tear-stained faces and the Dream Dolly just lay in Titus' lap with her eyes closed groaning.
Nephlite's ghost appeared making Jedite and Titus gasp in between their sobs.
"Sailor Scouts. Listen to me." He implored them. "Titus and Jedite were about to be killed as they were fleeing the Negaverse. You can see their friend is fatally wounded just like I was. You could do nothing to save me but I know you have the power in your wand to save her Sailor Moon."
Sailor Jupiter exclaimed with disbelief. "You want us to help part of the enemy? No way!"
Sailor Venus and Artemis were unsure about this though Luna, Mercury and Mars were hesitant but remembered how Nephlite had changed.
Jedite was speechless with shock and confusion while Titus looked at Sailor Moon and begged. "Please save Dream Dolly if you can Sailor Moon. Remember I once spared Molly and released her."
Sailor Moon looked from Titus to each of her friends then to Titus once more. Indecision racing through her mind.
"Sailor Moon." Nephlite addressed her gently. "Titus did spare Molly. Won't you return the bit of good she did with good?"
The other Scouts all had their eyes on her wondering what she was going to do and Luna said, "Sailor Moon. I think you really should do what you know in your heart is the right thing to do."
"Yeah. Before it's too late," added Artemis.
The Dream Dolly grunted and shifted position in Titus' lap.
"She can't last much longer Sailor Moon." Nephlite warned her softly and Sailor Moon realized she needed to act and no longer delay.
Whipping out the Crescent Moon Wand she waved it round her head shouting "MOON HEALING ACTIVATION!"
The energy emanating from the wand washed over the Dream Dolly and the thorn in her arm dissolved leaving an open wound which in turn healed itself and closed up the wood-like flesh leaving not a mark.
The Dream Dolly opened her eyes and gazed at the faces of Jedite and Titus. "What has just happened?"
They didn't answer her. They both fell upon her hugging her tightly between and laughing for joy at the miracle.
Then Titus threw herself at Sailor Moon's feet thanking her grandly and Jedite followed suit.
The Sailor Scouts were all flabbergasted. They never expected things would ever come to this. The Dream Dolly was still rather weak but she smiled and said how grateful she was even while her strength was returning.

Nephlite spoke again. "Sailor Moon. You have done the right thing. There is potential for good within these three people. I can sense it like I told you before. Zoicite was pure wickedness through and through but these folk are different. Give them a chance to redeem themselves." This request was made to all the Scouts not just Sailor Moon.
Titus suddenly spoke to Jedite and the Dream Dolly. "Where can we go to be safe from the forces of Queen Beryl? She is bound to send them to track us down in the future?"
Jedite moaned with despair and the Dream Dolly sobbed.
The Sailor Scouts all looked at each other worriedly but then Sailor Mars spoke up. "There is plenty of room to hide at the Cherry Hill Temple. You can stay in one of the big spare chambers together."
Upon hearing this the three of them all burst into hopeful joyous smiles. "You'd really do this for us in spite of all the bad things we've done?" Jedite could hardly believe it.
Sailor Mars grinned and said "Everybody makes mistakes. Don't worry. I'll keep Grandfather anmd Chad heavily charmed so they'll never know you're hiding out there and I'll see you get food and everything else you need so you'll be able to stay out of sight and in the shelter of my magical protection."

And so this is precisely what happened.
As for Darien Queen Beryl was currently watching him as he lay in the open casket being bathed in the power from the Negaforce. "Darien is a very stubborn man. Erasing his memories is taking much longer than I thought," she muttered to herself. Then she asked him who he was.
He grunted and replied. "P-prince Darien."
"You won't be much longer." Queen Beryl gritted her teeth determinedly. "When we're finished with you you will become a loyal Negaverse soldier. And your first mission will be destroying Princess Serena and delivering the Silver Imperium Crystal to me so that my Seven Shadow Warriors will be strengthened with its power and lead us to final victory."


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Episode 32 Bad Hair Day

Luna was very worried about poor Serena. Ever since Darien had disappeared after seemingly mortally wounded she had never been the same. She was telling all this to the other four girls and Artemis in the grounds of the Cherry Hill Temple.
"Every night I hear her moaning and saying "Darien" or "Tuxedo Mask please come back to me" in her sleep. And when she is awake during the day she goes into a decline and hardly eats anything. At school she won't talk to any of her friends. Not even Molly. Everybody is getting concerned for her. But she won't talk to any one at all."

Amy sighed. "The poor girl."
Lita said, "And she's really not eating properly? This is very very alarming Luna."
"I know," Luna agreed. "She's so weak she's having more and more accident-prone moments than she normally has on average. She may hurt herself really badly any time."
Curled up in Mina's lap Artemis snorted. "Why's she such a wimp? What kind of Moon Princess goes into a hyper self-destructive mood denying all attempts to help her at a time when we need her the most?"
"Don't be so harsh Artemis." It was Raye who had spoken. "Try to understand. Somebody she really cared about has departed from her life forever. The process of shock and grief takes different amounts of time for different people to get over. No matter how difficult things may be we must support her in this time of heartbreak."
Lita was surprised. "So why are you actually standing up for Serena Raye? Didn't you always used to think that she was unworthy to be our leader and that you would be a better person for the position?"
Raye cringed and bowed her head blushing with real shame. The memory of how she had once attempted to use mind control over Lita and Amy to assert herself as the leader of their team hung heavy upon her shoulders.
"I admit it. I never thought she was much of a leader but when I saw how she handled the Imperium Silver Crystal to strike that powerful blow against Zoicite when she was revealed as the Princess I realized how much I had misjudged her. Underneath the whinging, the whining and all her other faults she really is a strong able-bodied leader at heart. I wish I had realized that sooner and striven to try to encourage her to persevere rather than criticize her personal failings."
Lita and Amy both gasped and placed a hand in comfort on each of Raye's shoulders. "There! There! It's okay Raye." They both spoke soothingly to her and she began to cry gratefully.

Artemis then went to business. "Well then Luna. You'll have to reach out to her and give her consolement."
Luna answered with her head bowed. "Don't think I haven't tried Artemis. But Serena isn't like an electrical appliance you send to the electrician to get fixed. I don't think just talking to her will work."
Then looking up she addressed the whole group. "Perhaps one of you girls can think of a really super major way to cheer her up? I have a feeling it will take something really big to distract her from what her mind is focussed upon."
Mina thought for a minute then said, "Perhaps I know what will do the trick. All the other girls in town are really really really wild about this new Hair Salon business that's recently opened up in town. I will try to get Serena keen to go there for a treatment with me."
Luna and the others all wished her good luck.
"I hope Serena will come out of her shell." Raye was sincerely regretful of her past behaviour and she wanted to be able to make amends with Serena.

Later that day Mina went to visit Serena at her house. Her mother was just going out shopping when Mina arrived. "I'm so happy you're here Mina." She gave a smile as she opened the car door to climb in. "I've been very worried about Serena and so has her father and brother. I hope you can cheer her up."
"I'll do my very best." Mina promised as Serena's mother drove away and they waved cheerfully at each other.
Mina went upstairs to Serena's room and found her lying face down on her bed with the musical star locket playing. Her sobs were so piteous to behold.
"Hey Serena. I've come to spend some time with you."
Serena looked up and seeing Mina she actually smiled through her tears. She liked Mina very much. One of the reasons being that she reminded her so much of Sailor V and she still only barely knew her.
She closed the locket and sat up. "Mina. Hi there."
Mina sat down next to her and placed her arm around her shoulders. "You really miss him heaps don't you?"
Serena sniffed. "Yes. I never thought I'd miss hearing him call me Meatball-Head."
"But you know he wouldn't want you to cry for him all the time. He'd want you to carry on and enjoy your life."
Serena knew this was true. "I know that's right Mina. I think I know now exactly how Molly felt when Nephlite was killed. But I sure wish Darien would appear to me as a spirit sometime. Molly's at least seen Nephlite twice and realizes he cares for her."
Mina hugged her friend and gave her her handkerchief to blow her nose on.
As Serena blew Mina said consolingly, "I'm sure Tuxedo Mask is still watching over you invisibly though. Why don't you come with me and enjoy something fun and really special?"
"Like what Mina?"
"Let's go to the new Hair and Beauty Salon. They're having 75% discount on all treatment at the moment. Will you please come with me Serena?"
Serena loved getting Beauty treatment and so she wiped away her tears and said, "Goodie! I'm with you Mina."

But before Serena and Mina even set out to walk to the salon they had other visitors. One of the Plant Trio, Suzuran had been sent out by Malachite along with Castor and Pollux to assist her in setting up a trap there. Queen Beryl had announced that soon Darien would be completely in her power but in the meantime she wanted her army to try to capture Sailor Moon and try to get the Silver Crystal off of her.
The lady in charge of the salon had a horrible scare as Castor and Pollux materialized out of thin air and began to place all her staff and customers into a hypnotic trance. "Sleep all you stupid humans. Sleep until we tell you to wake up under our control." Pollux yelled while she and Castor laughed loudly.
Then before the poor woman could say or do anything Suzuran appeared in front of her and grabbed her head with both her hands. "You will now obey whatever I command you." Suzuran said this with icy venom in her voice while the woman briefly struggled before submitting to the Nega-influence with a glassy look in her eyes.
"Yes my mistress. I am at your service." She droned in a robotic-like voice.
Suzuran then gave orders to Castor and Pollux. "Make sure all the devices for hair steam treatment are infected with the sorcery General Malachite obtained from the Negaforce. Then if any of the five Sailor Scouts come here and use them we will be able to take her prisoner. Sailor Moon will have to surrender the Imperium Crystal to save one of her friends. Or if we capture her herself we will force her to hand it over."
"We are right on it Suzuran." Castor replied.
The trap was baited then the three of them hid themselves with magic invisibility while all the women woke up. The current customers marched into the staff room to hide out until required while the boss and her employees tended to new customers as if nothing had happened.
And at this time Mina and Serena were just on their way to get their hair washed, cut, styled and steamed.

When they did arrive the boss greeted them both with a happy smile. "Welcome. What can we do for you today girls?"
Serena said, "I fancy a real make over from head to toe!"
Mina was very pleased to see how keenly Serena was wrapped up in this idea. "I'm interested in just getting my face and hair looked at personally."
The boss replied, "Well I'll begin on your friend personally while Maria tends to you."
She directed the lady she called Maria to lead Mina to a sink for washing her hair while she herself led Serena to another. While the two girls had the full treatment of shampoo and conditioner applied to them all the while the Negaverse enemies had their eyes rivetted to the hair steamer machines. None of the ladies who were in them so far had triggered the magic alarm. Either Serena or Mina would set them off depending on who was ready to go from the washing stage to the steaming stage first.

Eventually it was Maria who finished with Mina while the boss was still doing the finishing touches on Serena. Mina was led by Maria over to the nearest vacant chair and the device was placed over her head. Still invisible Castor and Pollux whispered in excitement to Suzuran. "The alarm is beeping! That girl is a Sailor Scout!"
"Excellent! Now we have what we've been waiting for." Suzuran exerted her influence over all her controlled captives. The boss reacted with a sudden jerk while she was rinsing Serena's hair.
"OUCH!" Serena was startled by the shock of her hair being pulled. "Watch it! That was way too hard." But while her face was covered by the thin cloth designed to keep shampoo and conditioner out of her eyes she failed to realize that the woman had left her side. The customers were taken by surprise as the staff all sprayed them in the face with aerosol cans that knocked them out and the previous customers all came out of the staff room to crowd around Mina to her amazement.
"Hey! Where are you?" Serena called out from under the cloth.

The boss lady placed both her hands firmly on Mina's shoulders as Suzuran, Castor and Pollux made themselves visible on her right and left. "So you are a Sailor Scout." Suzuran sneered at her and the Gemini Twins laughed.
"Which one are you?" Castor guffawed.
"Are you Sailor Moon? Or one of the others?" Pollux chortled.
Mina realized that the Salon had been a subtle trap and said nothing.
"We have ways of making you talk back at the Negaverse. We will get the Imperium Crystal for Queen Beryl," added Suzuran.
But in all the excitement they had forgotten about Serena and upon hearing the commotion she had quietly sneaked away, crawling on the floor to a secluded area where she could transform. "MOON PRISM POWER!"

Having transformed she called out a challenge. "Hey you creeps! It's me Sailor Moon! If you want my crystal why don't you fight me instead of bullying my friend?"
Suzuran scoffed. "That's pretty tough talk Sailor Moon considering that we could easily force you to hand over the crystal by threatening whichever one of your friends we've captured."
Sailor Moon realized this was true and say "Oops," while two other brainwashed women moved in to help the first one restrain Mina securely while she struggled.
But then Suzuran's face turned ugly. "But in fact things are rather personal now Sailor Moon. Your friend is certainly not going anywhere and we will get that crystal. However Queen Beryl's orders do not include keeping you unhurt or even alive. Castor! Pollux! Destroy her as vengeance for General Zoicite!"
Castor and Pollux stepped forward with their tails tied together.
"We've learned our lesson Sailor Moon."
"And we still remember what powers our old Commander taught us."
Sailor Moon made a nervous face and muttered, "Hoo boy. I'm in for it now."
As Castor yelled, "MARS FIRE IGNITE!", Sailor Moon desperately ducked down behind a small ledge with rows of potted plants. She screamed as the fire raged over her head and when it dissipated she screamed again to see all the plants in their pots burnt to crumbling cinders.
She desperately rolled over and over somersaulting out of the way as the Twins soared up above her and Pollux attacked in turn. "MERCURY BUBBLES BLAST!"
The area of the floor where she had previously been crouched upon and everything in close proximity was frozen solid by the attack of extremely cold bubbles.
While Sailor Moon was tumbling head over heels she hit a trolley laden with hairdressing equipment spilling everything onto the floor. Just as the twins had turned around to give Castor another go at using her deadly fireballs, quick thinking Sailor Moon grabbed a small container of talcum powder and lobbed it in her adversary's direction. Before Castor knew what was happening it struck her in the face and the powder burst everywhere making her cough and choke and sneeze. Pollux was also taken by surprise and their tails were pulled apart while Castor jerked about violently.
Sailor Moon prepared to take advantage of this to eliminate the Gemini Twins and she whipped off her tiara.
As she was preparing to launch her attack she felt something graze her hand making her drop the tiara.
She was stunned. "Ow. What happened? Huh? A-a rose?"
She saw a red rose sticking in the floor and realized it was what had struck her. quickly picking up her tiara she looked around in wonder to see a familiar figure with a top hat, mask, cape and cane sitting in one of the hair-dressing swivel chairs. As it swung around to face her she gasped in wonderment. "Tuxedo Mask? Is it really you? You're still alive?"
He just stared coldly at her and the red rose he had thrown turned as black as midnight as he rose and approached her tear-stained smiling face. Castor was coughing and trying to rub the talcum powder out of her eyes. Pollux realized what was happening and calmly produced a rag to help Castor and Suzuran observed the proceedings smugly.
"Hey don't get your hopes up Sailor Moon." Tuxedo Mask said. "I want the Silver Imperium Crystal for Queen Beryl."
Sailor Moon was blown away with shock and so was Mina still under restraint. "Tuxedo Mask's being controlled by the Negaforce," she thought to herself while Sailor Moon trembled and almost fainted with disbelief.
"Wh-wh-what have they done to you Tuxedo Mask?"
Pollux laughed while she wiped Castor's face. "Your hero has had all his memories of his past life completely erased Sailor Moon. All he knows or understands now is that he is to serve and honour Queen Beryl and the Negaforce. And his primary mission is to get the Silver Imperium Crystal you hold."
"No. It can't be." Sailor Moon was crying sorrowful tears once more and Suzuran called out to the Gemini Twins.
"Castor! Pollux! Let Tuxedo Mask take over. I'll send all the brainwashed women after Sailor Moon to help him. You help me take this Scout prisoner to the Negaverse while she is untransformed."
With that the boss lady, all the employees and all the customers converged together and to Sailor Moon's dismay they all magically transformed into one huge 10 foot tall figure armed with a dangerously sharp-looking pair of scissors in one hand and a razor blade in the other.
While Castor, Pollux and Suzuran were grappling with Mina in the chair Suzuran called over her shoulder. "Our Negaverse magic is full of frightening surprises isn't it Sailor Moon? In that form our brainwashed victims are all an invincibly combined force. You are finished. Get her!"
As the giant lunged at her swinging the razor and snipping the scissors Sailor Moon shrieked and desperately dodged the attack circling behind.
As Tuxedo Mask himself commanded the giant to destroy her that was the final breaking point for her. With a despairing wail Sailor Moon ran towards the front doors of the Salon. As she rushed outside Tuxedo Mask called after her.
"You can run Sailor Moon. But you won't be able to hide."
The giant followed breaking through the door and part of the wall and Tuxedo Mask grimly walked out through the wreckage.

As for Mina while her three assailants were trying to subdue her and Castor produced an aerosol spray can of the same kind that had been used to knock out all the other current customers she realized she needed to act quickly. Fighting with all her might she reached out with one hand seizing Castor's wrist and twisting it with all her strength. Castor screamed and her finger pressed the plunger in a spasm of pain sending the knockout gas flying into Suzuran's face. She coughed and gasped as she breathed it in and collapsed to the floor. Before the others knew what was happening Mina had wrenched the can out of Castor's severely weakened grip and sprayed them both as well. With the Gemini Twins and Suzuran all sprawled unconscious at her feet she reached into her pocket and pulled out the stick that Artemis had given her when he had revealed her powers to her. The same sort of transformation device that Luna had previously given Sailor Moon's other three friends and she held it high calling out, "VENUS POWER!"
Having transformed she knew she needed to go and get the others straight away. Sailor Moon needed their help.

And need it she certainly did. Tuxedo Mask was commanding the giant and he ordered her to relentlessly slash at Sailor Moon with scissors and razor. She was running out of breath from the exertion of trying to stay ahead and from panic. She only narrowly avoided the deadly blades as she ducked and weaved.
"You can't keep dodging forever Sailor Moon." He stood nearby pointing his cane at her. "I'd suggest you hand over the Silver Crystal while you're still alive to do so."
"Never!" Sailor Moon was defiant. "I'll never give in to you. No matter what."
Tuxedo Mask actually had a pained, anguished expression on his face for a split second, but it disappeared as the power of the Negaforce maintained rigid control over him. "So be it. Kill her." He shouted to the giant and as it lunged once more Sailor Moon barely jumped out of the way. But as she landed on her back she realized that the end had come. With no more strength she just lay there helpless and shut her eyes so as not to see the instrument that was going to snuff her out.

But then she heard familiar voices cry out familiar attacks.
A combined attack of fireballs and electrical lightning knocked the giant off her feet. Sailor Moon realized that her friends had arrived in the nick of time and as she crawled out of the way, Sailor Mercury followed up to incapacitate the giant with her chilly bubble spray.
While the giant was blinded and shivering with cold Sailor Venus cried out to Sailor Moon to quickly use her wand. Sailor Moon complied and the Silver Imperium Crystal on the end of her wand glowed with power as she brandished it. "MOON HEALING ACTIVATION!"
The magical healing energy washed over the giant who changed back into all the poor women who had been put under the Negaverse spell and they collapsed on top of each other in an unconscious pile-up.

Tuxedo Mask growled in fury as Sailor Mars started to approach him.
"Are you okay?" She asked him. "We thought you were dead. It's great to see you again."
Sailor Venus urgently raised her voice. "Don't go near him Mars! He's not the same Tuxedo Mask the rest of you knew before I joined you. Queen Beryl has brainwashed him so that he works for her now."
Everybody gasped including Luna and Artemis who were also present.
Sailor Venus went on while Sailor Moon began to sob. "It's true. He was controlling the monster that was attacking Sailor Moon."
"That's absolutely correct." Tuxedo Mask confirmed Sailor Venus' words with a cold, hard tone in his voice. "I want that crystal for Queen Beryl and I'll fight you one by one or all together in order to get it. So who's first?"
Sailor Mars gasped in disbelief. "This can't be!"
But just as Tuxedo Mask took one threatening step forward two things happened. Firstly he gasped in disbelief and mental anguish for a split second like he had earlier before he'd commanded the monster to kill Sailor Moon.
Secondly Queen Beryl's voice rang out and her head appeared in the sky above them all just like when she had appeared to call Malachite and her other army members back when Sailor Venus had first appeared. "Tuxedo Mask. Report back to me immediately." After a brief pause she added, "You're not ready to take on all five of them yet."
Tuxedo Mask frowned, then he said to the Scouts, "So you have received a lucky reprieve. But I'll be back and next time I'm not leaving without that crystal." He pointed to the wand clutched tightly in Sailor Moon's hands and turned away with a flourishing sweep of his cape. "So long fools."
As he disappeared through a shimmering portal Sailor Moon broke down and cried bitterly.

But as the women who were all piled up on top of each other began to stir and struggle Luna and Artemis took charge. "Sailor Moon. Please compose yourself. There are people to look after." Luna began and Artemis continued.
"That's right. Help the other Scouts make sure they're all right."
Sailor Moon quickly wiped her eyes and blew her nose, then together she and her friends helped the ladies rise to their feet. They were all confused. But alive and uninjured and extremely grateful to the Sailor Scouts.
"You girls are so wonderful. We're very lucky to have you in our city. Without you who knows what would have become of all of us?" The woman in charge of the Salon was smiling broadly and led everybody else in a chorus of applause and cheering.

As they all returned to the Salon to check on those who had been rendered unconscious back there Sailor Venus told her friends about Suzuran, Castor and Pollux. The Sailor Scouts were planning to capture them alive and hold them prisoner to question them about Queen Beryl's newest plans and also how they might be able to de-brainwash their ally Tuxedo Mask. But that was alas, not to be.
They discovered all three of them gone and all the customers were slumped in their chairs still out cold. The Sailor Scouts immediately instructed the Salon staff to call for ambulances to take the victims straight to hospital.

What had happened was that Queen Beryl had noticed through her crystal ball the unconscious figures of her three soldiers and had sent Gureepo, Housenka and Yasha to retrieve them and bring them back to her throne room. But when they woke up they found their monarch was all out of patience. "I am not amused by the way you allowed yourselves to be so easily overpowered by one of those Sailor Scouts who wasn't even transformed." Her soldiers cringed in apprehensive terror as she spoke harshly to them. "You should have helped Tuxedo Mask get the crystal before the others turned up. Thanks to your bungling that Scout was able to escape and alert the others before Sailor Moon was defeated. We could have had the Silver Crystal and been triumphant by now. This means serious discipline."
So the Doom and Gloom Girls were given permission to play with them for one whole hour. The Gemini Twins were forced to endure the agony of having their tails squeezed in vices while Suzuran had her wrists tied painfully together with thick, strong rope and she was hung up in the air. Castor and Pollux screamed and wailed while Suzuran struggled and jerked herself around as her arms groaned with supporting the weight of her own body. After dangling with her arms locked above her head and nothing to support her feet she began to sob and moan. "Let me down. Please let me down!"
But Queen Beryl decreed one full hour so she had to endure it. Likewise Castor and Pollux with their tails. When they were released they were wrecks. Especially Suzuran, who was sent to the hospital ward.

Queen Beryl warned Malachite and the others not to fail her also. "I will tolerate no more impediments to our invasion plans. I also want you to keep trying to locate those wretched rebels Jedite, Titus and Dream Dolly. As soon as you uncover their hiding place they must be slaughtered. Do I make myself clear?"
"Yes Queen Beryl." Malachite spoke tremblingly for all of them as the others were so scared stiff they could not speak.
All this time Tuxedo Mask stood in the background observing everything with a cold and unfeeling expression behind his mask. All he cared about was his mission for Queen Beryl though occasionally he wondered for split seconds at a time why he should have to fight against the Sailor Scouts. It didn't seem right. Especially in regards to Sailor Moon.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Episode 33 Little Miss Manners

Serena was in trouble with Miss Haruna at school yet again. She had been sleeping in class for starters because she had been up all night crying and fretting about what the Negaverse had done to Tuxedo Mask. While she was sleeping behind her open textbook she had been having unsettling dreams. she saw herself in the role of the Moon Princess at a royal ball and everybody was admiring her. Then Tuxedo Mask appeared from nowhere and asked to dance with her. At first they danced round and round the ballroom happily until Tuxedo Mask's facial expression changed into an ugly grimace.
He gripped her arms very tightly that she gasped in pain and he growled. "Give me the Silver Imperium Crystal!"
Serena screamed and Miss Haruna woke her up crossly. "Serena! Stop that disruptive noise!"
Serena realized she'd been screaming in her sleep in response to her nightmare and looked up into Miss Haruna's furious eyes feeling very small. "S-sorry," she stammered.
Miss Haruna frowned down at her. "First you fall asleep in my class, then you start shrieking your head off young lady. Now did you by any chance do your homework last night?"
Serena had not of course. She blushed very red and started to hum and ha. This was the final straw.
"GET OUTSIDE AT ONCE!" Miss Haruna roared pointing to the door and Serena took off like a scared rabbit.
Standing outside she thought to herself, "It's so unfair. Miss H doesn't know how much trauma and grief I've been going through. If only we could liberate Tuxedo Mask everything would be all right."

At the same time Darien was being briefed by Queen Beryl in the presence of Malachite and her remaining army. Even Castor and Pollux were present with their tails heavily bandaged but Suzuran was still recovering in hospital. Darien was wearing elegant robes that Queen Beryl herself had selected for him.
"Darien. Time is of the utmost essence," she told him. "You must trap Sailor Moon so we can obtain the Silver Crystal."
"I hear and I will obey." Darien answered mechanically.
Beryl then addressed her last general. "Malachite. Housenka and Gureepo will supervise the trap you have devised and help Darien succeed. Are you ready?"
Malachite's hands were still hurting him but he bowed and said, "Yes Queen Beryl. We are going to take control of Countess Rose and her finishing school for young ladies. We will mail out invitations to every young girl Sailor Moon's age in town promising that we will teach them how to become as dignified as royal princesses. We are hopeful that Sailor Moon will accept the invite since she discovered that she is also the long lost princess of the Moon Kingdom."
Queen Beryl was impressed with Malachite's cunning confidence. "There could well be a very strong chance things will work out as you hope Malachite. Very well. Proceed and I warn you. Don't fail me."
Housenka and Gureepo gulped and bowed nervously. "We won't Queen Beryl."

And so Countess Rose and her servants had a very nasty surprise as Gureepo and Housenka paid them an unannounced visit after all their current students had gone to bed that night. Before they could fathom what was happening they were all in the same hypnotic trance as the ladies had been at the Beauty Salon. All throughout the building the various serving staff were under Nega-control. Finally they approached Countess Rose herself and her two butlers. The men tried to attack and overpower the intruders but they were inevitably stopped in their tracks and put to sleep where they stood.
Countess Rose was terrified. "Please don't hurt me. You can have anything you want," she sobbed as Gureepo and Housenka walked towards her.
Gureepo grinned. "All we want is your facilities and your assistance."
With that the Countess started to scream but Housenka placed her hand over her mouth. "Now now. No noise please. You'll disturb all your sleeping charges."
Gureepo reached out and touched her forehead. "You should really be delighted. We're going to increase your school's productivity."
With that the two soldiers laughed as Countess Rose succumbed to their power.

So very soon everybody was talking about how many invitations had been sent out from the finishing school. Molly was amazed. "Usually they only accept students who are recommended by their members. But they've personally invited every young girl in town to sign up for their course. I have one too."
She held up her invitation for everybody to see. All the other girls including Serena held up theirs also. They were all standing in a group on the sidewalk outside the ice cream parlour.
"Are you going Molly?" One of the others asked.
"No. I'm not personally interested in this."
"Well I for one am going," Serena declared waving her invitation with glee.
"You really mean it Serena?" Molly was even more amazed and so were all the other girls. "You bet. As soon as I received this in the mail I immediately ran straight to show it to my mother and father. Dad was very hesitant about me going at first but thank goodness, Mum was deeply keen and talked to him. She said it would do me a lot of good to learn how to be ladylike."
Although Serena didn't say anything about her brother Sammy, he had really riled her privately. He told her that she would utterly fail the course, but she had determined to prove him wrong. He said he would take back his words when she passed then and they had left it at that.
A few of the other girls like Molly were not going but most of them were and their parents had made all the necessary arrangements for them to be exempt from regular school for the duration of Countess Rose's tutoring.

At the Cherry Hill Temple the other girls were talking with Artemis. "Hey. Did you hear that Serena has accepted the invitation from the Rose finishing school to learn how to be a princess?" Lita mentioned while they were gathered together.
Raye was sweeping the floors and she paused with her broom in hand to remark with a hard edge to her voice. "Do you really think she'll achieve success?"
"Don't be too hard Raye. At least she's trying," said Amy but Artemis wasn't too sure.
"Surely it'll take more than finishing school to make a princess out of Serena?"
"Oh Artemis," Mina answered. "Isn't she just fine the way she is already?"
Artemis was slightly taken aback but he agreed. "Of course she is Mina. But there's so much more to being a princess than how you look."
"What do you mean?" Mina wanted to know so Artemis thought a moment, then explained.
"Um. Well being a princess is all about what you are on the inside. It's nothing to do with your looks or even your manners. It's your heart that counts."
Then Amy suddenly exclaimed "Hey! We all received invitations ourselves, didn't we?"
The other three are confirmed that they did and Amy went on.
"Well then why don't we all sign up too? What I mean is just so that we can offer our support and encouragement to Serena."
They all thought that sounded like fun. Even Raye.
"Yeah! Hooray!" They all cheered and laughed with joy.
Artemis thought this was way beyond crazy but he knew they wouldn't listen to him. He just shut his eyes, sighed and muttered, "Bother bother bother."

And so it was that to her surprise Serena found herself accompanied by Amy, Mina, Lita and Raye when she went to meet Countess Rose at her finishing school. As all the girls who had accepted the invitations exclaimed ooh and ah Countess Rose shook each one of them by the hand. "Welcome lovely ladies. My butlers Charles and John will show you all to your rooms where you'll be sleeping while you're here for the next three weeks. You can unpack your gear, then meet me in the dining room for lunch in two hours. Our course will begin while we eat. I'll teach you to be lady-like at the table."
The girls all followed the butlers up the stairs. They found themselves teamed up in pairs of two in each room. Serena was glad that Amy offered to be her roommate. Not that Raye would have wanted to make the offer. She didn't fancy the constant tension that Serena would create for her in all likelihood. Raye and Lita decided to go together while Mina went with one of Serena's schoolfriends. Like Raye, she went to a different school than the others and none of her own schoolmates had accepted the invitation. But she and the other girl were both very pleased to meet each other.
As Serena and Amy unpacked their bags and found places for everything there was a knock on the door.
Amy answered and upon opening she beheld a maid with a pretty pink frilled dress in each hand. "Hi girls." She smiled as she held the clothes out. "This is what the Countess wants you to wear when you come to dinner. You'll find your shoes just underneath your beds."
"Thank you very much." Amy was very polite as she took the dresses and smiled at the maid before closing the door.
"Let's get changed Serena. I'll go into the bathroom first. Then you can have your turn."
"Okay Amy." Serena looked at the dress as it lay on her bed while she waited for Amy to finish. When Amy emerged from the bathroom she looked so attractive that Serena smiled admiringly.
Grabbing up her dress she said, "Very nice Amy. I'll put mine on now."
However when she emerged she was looking very distressed and upset. "Hey! This dress is beautiful but why does it have to be so tight?"
Amy tried to be reassuring. "It's just because you're not used to it Serena. Let's get our shoes on next."
Again Serena was not happy. "These shoes. I swear they'll give me blisters."
Amy shut her eyes to compose herself. "Very well. You can take them off for half an hour before we will need to go to the dining room in twenty minutes."
So Serena sat around in her bare feet but she wished she could have taken the dress off too and not put it or the shoes back on. She was thinking to herself as she and Amy went to eat, "I won't be able to enjoy myself properly. They should get these clothes they gave me examined. I swear they must be faulty merchandise."

Serena quickly forgot about the way her clothes made her feel though. As soon as they were all seated round the big rectangular dinner table and Charles and John proceeded to begin to serve lunch starting with soup, Serena was eager to begin her meal.
Countess Rose at the head of the table said "Well ladies. Let us begin our delicious luncheon."
"Oh good. I'm really hungry." Serena picked up her spoon and as soon as Charles had filled her bowl she began to dig in.
To everybody's shock Serena slurped her soup very noisily. Charles tried to correct her. "No no miss. Ladies do not slurp their soup."
Serena paused and looked at him. "Huh? Oh okay."
But again when she put her spoon to her lips there was a nerve-wracking slurp. Charles was getting incensed. "I said no slurping! Stop it at once! If you keep slurping your soup will be taken away! Understand?"
Serena moaned. "It's so unfair to turn something as simple as eating into such a difficult chore!"
Then suddenly everybody jumped in fright as Raye shouted across the other end of the table. "Get a grip Serena and GROW UP!"
John immediately rushed to her side. "No no no! Miss. Ladies do not raise their voices or lose their tempers so quickly."
Raye's face was the absolute picture of embarassment and to make it worse Serena started to giggle. "I-I'm sorry Raye. But you look so funny with your eyes and your mouth all wide open. AHAHAHAHAHAHA!"
Raye shut her eyes and bowed her head to control her rage while Charles told Serena to stop laughing at once.
Lita, Mina and Amy were all nervous but kept silent keeping out of the affair. Countess Rose sighed to herself. She would have to keep her self-control and set an example for her girls. Serena would need to be watched very carefully to avoid things getting out of hand.

Later after lunch the girls all sat around in couches and armchairs listening to Countess Rose giving a lecture on the art of how ladies should speak. Serena was literally bored to tears. "This is worse than maths class," she thought to herself. Just as she began to yawn she was startled to hear the Countess address her by name.
"Serena." As she jumped she stammered.
"Er. Y-yes."
"What would you say when you offer a cup of cocoa to your guests?"
Serena stumbled for what to say. "Um. Hey everybody. The cocoa jug's been boiled. Come and get it."
Then she became nervous. "Or perhaps please come and get it?"
As many of the other girls began to chuckle at her she blushed very red.
The Countess turned her attention elsewhere. "How about you Amy?"
Amy stood up. "I would say "Would you like a cup of cocoa? Please allow me to serve you."
The Countess smiled. "Very good Amy. Do you see Serena how it is much better to offer to serve your guests rather than tell them to help themselves?"
Serena felt so very small and she was as red as a beetroot in her face as she sat down with a whimper.

And so as the three weeks slowly ticked away Serena found that learning to be a lady was not something that came easy to her. She was very clumsy and she wasn't very good at table manners, speaking appropriately or anything else. But there was one thing that was an exception for her.
Countess Rose loved discus throwing and she felt it was an excellent pasttime for young ladies. Every second day they spent the afternoon throwing the discus back and forth to each other. This was something Serena was truly good at and she dazzled everybody with her skillful talents as the discus twirled superbly through the air doing many different kinds of tricks but always returning to Serena like a boomerang. Even Raye admitted she was impressed.
But while the Countess and her two butlers were out in the grounds supervising the discus all the time two other pairs of eyes were watching through an upper window. Gureepo and Housenka were spying out the girls as they threw the discus and they noticed Serena at once.
"She's definitely the best hands down Housenka," said Gureepo.
"Maybe she's Sailor Moon Gureepo. Sailor Moon's tiara turns into something that resembles a spinning discus when she throws it." Housenka remarked.
"That makes sense Housenka. We'd better keep a very close eye on her. Still it amazes me how she can be so very good at this but so pathetic at everything else."
"I agree Gureepo. She's pathetic as far as Princess material is concerned."
"But she's dangerous all the same. We must watch our step as we proceed."
Housenka shuddered as she remembered how close she and Gureepo had come to getting killed along with Suzuran at their first encounter with Sailor Moon. "That's definitely a very serious point to keep in mind. I don't want to die."
As she said this Serena spun the discus on her pointer finger before sending it zooming off again with a huge smile on her face.

And so as the three week course came to an end Countess Rose announced that the final class in the seminar would be a dance ball night. Young men from the community, who were in the employ of the finishing school would be there too dance with them. "At the end of the ball all girls whose shoulders I personally touch will pass the course. Let's enjoy ourselves tonight ladies." Countess Rose merrily raised her hands in excitement and everybody cheered in anticipation. Gureepo and Housenka were watching invisibly as they always were. The Countess and her servants were putty in their hands. When the dance was over they would spring their trap and get the Silver Crystal using their brainwashed victims.

When the dance commenced almost all the girls danced gracefully and appropriately, including Amy and Lita. But the three exceptions were Raye, Mina and Serena. Serena was a total clutz and every five minutes she either did one of two things. Stumble over her own two feet and fall flat on her face or stomp upon the foot of the poor fellow who was trying to dance with her.
"Aaaaarrrgh!" He was moaning and groaning. "The wages they pay me are only just barely worth this."
"I'm so very sorry," Serena meekly apologized. Then she stomped his foot once more.
Serena whimpered. "Ballroom dancing's too difficult for me. Why can't we just go back to throwing the discus?"
As for the other two, Raye suddenly muttered in disdain, "This ballroom style of dancing is so boring. Why don't we pick up the pace a little?"
Mina agreed. "Yeah. Let's make up our own steps."
Then the two of them went wild and to the surprise of their partners, began to drag and jerk them back and forth in quick, spasmodic movements. But the next thing they knew they were bumping themselves and their partners into the other dancing couples. They apologized but many faces were glaring at them in annoyance and the poor men felt very embarrassed.

After an hour and twenty minutes Countess Rose walked around and touched the shoulders of every girl congratulating her on passing. But not Raye, Mina or Serena.
"Okay," she said. "Everybody who passed may come with me into the drawing room where I will present the certificates." All the men applauded and the Countess led the girls towards the big doors of the drawing room. Lita and Amy smiled and waved at the three others who were left behind.
Raye and Mina sighed. "It's not fair just because we danced a little differently."
But Serena was 10 times as upset and actually started crying. "I wanted to become a qualified princess more than anything else."
But the men who had been their dancing partners were completely unsympathetic. Especially Serena's who was sitting on a chair and taken his shoes off massaging his sore feet through their socks.

When the doors were closed the girls saw that all the various servant staff were waiting for them.
"Oh look Amy," exclaimed Lita. "Everybody is here to observe the presentation ceremony."
But then something frightening happened. When Countess Rose walked up towards her servants they all approached her as well. Then before the startled eyes of the girls they are mystically fused together into a creepy looking giant figure just like the people at the Beauty Salon had done. Amy was shocked.
"What's going on?"
Before anybody else could speak Gureepo and Housenka materialized beside the big monster. "Please excuse us," Gureepo guffawed. "But there is a change of plans in your graduation ceremony."
With that the monster created from Countess Rose and her servants held its arms straight out at the by now very frightened girls. Before even Lita or Amy could react and do anything a thick candlewax like gell shot out of the monster's palms and just as they all tried to scream, they were coated in the substance and became as if they were all just wax dummies in a museum. Their faces all frozen in masks of horror and dismay.

Meanwhile outside in the dancing area Serena, Raye, Mina and all the young men were terrified half to death when the doors unexpectedly flew open and the two Negaverse soldiers walked out followed by the monster. Wax was dripping from its palms even then and as the men all screamed and ran away Housenka commanded, "Never mind about them! We must quickly deal with these three girls. But don't squirt them until we tell you to do so."
The monster grunted and dropped its arms by its sides as they approached them Serena trembled. "I have a very bad feeling about this."
Gureepo spoke to them. "How sad that you didn't pass the course. But that means one of you must really be Sailor Moon."
Serena became very defensive upon hearing this and asked, "Um. Whatever do you mean by that?"
Housenka answered her. "Well that Sailor Moon is such a clumsy, wimpy, scatter-brained dimwit who had no chance of ever gaining what it takes to be a real, well-refined lady right from the get-go."
Mina retorted, "So she's clumsy."
Raye added, "And she's not always so scatter-brained."
"Hey!" Serena waved her arms in great indignation. "I know I'm not always perfect but you two are supposed to be my friends!"
"Ah thank you for telling us which one of you is Sailor Moon." Gureepo pointed at her. "Get her and take the Silver Crystal off her. Turn the other two into wax figures."
As the huge monster raised its arms the waxy substance flew out. Mina was hit before she could react but Raye dodged and yelled at Serena to run for it. Serena hitched up her dress and tried to run but stumbled falling flat on her face. Turning her head she beheld Raye getting smeared immobile as she reacted with concern to her fall.
Housenka pointed to her. "Don't coat her in wax. Just seize her so we can make her give us the Silver Crystal."

Just then a rose flew through the air and stuck in the floor at the foot of the monster distracting it and the two members of the Plant Trio. "Huh?"
"Where did this come from?"
Serena took advantage of this to scramble to her feet and desperately lunging for a nearby open window she jumped out of it calling out "Moon Prism Power!"
Meanwhile Gureepo and Housenka looked up to see Tuxedo Mask looking down at them from an upper balcony before turning tail and running out of sight.
"What is HE doing here?" Gureepo spluttered.
"Do you suppose he is in his right frame of mind? Has Queen Beryl's mind control proved faulty?" Housenka exclaimed as they looked at the rose. It was bright red, though it was flashing briefly dark black in varying shades. Gureepo and Housenka looked at each other in consternation and upset. Prince Darien was actually trying to fight against Beryl's Nega-influence.

In the next moment Gureepo and Housenka had more to worry about as Sailor Moon jumped back in through the very same wide open window. "How dare you take advantage of all these innocent young ladies and Countess Rose and her servants? I am Sailor Moon and I will not stand for any of this. In the Name of the Moon I shall right wrongs and triumph over evil and that means you."
Housenka gasped in fright and her gaze went fearfully to the tiara on Sailor Moon's forehead. Gureepo was also deeply concerned and desperately started to shout a command to the monster.
"Hurry and wax her before she," but she was cut off by the form of Tuxedo Mask suddenly appearing in between Sailor Moon and them. He calmly spoke.
"You should let me handle this Gureepo."
"What? What are you doing?" Gureepo demanded but ignoring her he turned to Sailor Moon.
"Sailor Moon. I want the Silver Crystal for Queen Beryl. You don't need to get hurt if you just give it to me."
Sailor Moon was confused and unsure what to make of this. Was Tuxedo Mask acting as her friend or her enemy? But the rose continued to change between red and black while Gureepo and Housenka reacted in dismay.
"You're acting suspicious. Sailor Moon is our greatest enemy."
"Why promise not to hurt her."
Tuxedo Mask looked behind his shoulder. "It's the crystal I'm after. Not a battle."
"Gureepo. This is madness. We must act now."
"That's right Housenka." Gureepo finished her command to the monster. "Destroy Sailor Moon or she'll destroy us!"
But Tuxedo Mask cried out, "I have been given magic powers of my own from the Negaforce and I can command that monster you've created. Don't destroy her. Just take the Silver Crystal from her."
The two members of the Plant Trio were by this time extremely fearful for their lives and they screamed together. "NO! Destroy Sailor Moon at once!"
"No! Get the Silver Crystal!"
"No! Sailor Moon!"
"The Crystal!"
"Sailor Moon!"
By now the monster was getting very confused with the obligation to obey two different opposing orders and groaned clutching its head as if it were in pain. Tuxedo Mask pointed and shouted in triumph. "Sailor Moon! Use your wand right now!"
Realizing what was happening Sailor Moon complied. "Yes. MOON HEALING ACTIVATION!"
The magical cleansing energy washed over the monster and in seconds it was gone. The Countess and all her servants collapsed in a heap and Sailor Moon turned her attention to the cowering pair of Negaverse soldiers.
"Thank you dear Tuxedo Mask. I'm glad we're on the same side again. Now there's just two loose ends to tie up."
Gureepo and Housenka were desperately begging for mercy but at the same time they were not going to meet their fate without at least trying to put up a fight. They raised their hands ready to use their powers.
Ignoring them Sailor Moon had her tiara in her hand and prepared to throw. "MOON, Yikes! What the?"
Tuxedo Mask had struck her hand sharply with his cane making her drop her weapon.
"Tuxedo Mask. But-but I thought," Sailor Moon was crying as she stared into his cold eyes. The rose had turned black once more and this time it was staying so. She then realized the truth. He had been fighting hard to resist but once more he was fully under Queen Beryl's control.
"Sailor Moon. Give me the crystal."
Gureepo and Housenka could barely believe that they were still alive but Sailor Moon figured there was only one thing to do.
"If you want the crystal I'll give it to you. MOON HEALING ACTIVATION!"
So saying she began to bathe him in the energy and he started to tremble and say, "What's happening to me?"
Gureepo and Housenka knew Queen Beryl would be most wrathful if she lost him. So Housenka reacted very fast and used some of her exploding seed pods to knock Sailor Moon off her feet while Gureepo seized the dazed Tuxedo Mask. "Let's get out of here before he gains all his memory back Housenka."
They vanished before Sailor Moon could pick herself up. She was dreadfully disappointed at not getting her beloved Tuxedo Mask back again.
But she used her Moon Crescent Wand to restore Raye and Mina and then quickly restored Amy, Lita and all the other girls back to live flesh and blood from the open doorway before quickly changing back to Serena.
When everybody asked what had happened she, Raye and Mina explained that the Sailor Scouts had saved them all and while they cheered the young men arrived back with the police who made sure that Countess Rose and the others were okay.
Countess Rose was deeply grateful to the Scouts. "I only wish they were still here now so we could all thank them in a befittingly lady-like way."
Raye said, "We'll be sure to pass on the message if we ever see them sometime Countess," and the other four girls smiled and grinned at each other.

Luna and Artemis were very proud of Sailor Moon when they heard about what she had done herself while the others were wax figures but the following Monday Serena woke up with a scream late for regular school once more. She ran out the door clutching a piece of toast and Luna and Artemis watched her run off.
Artemis sighed. "I think she has a long way to go before she's princess material Luna."
"I suppose you're right Artemis." Luna was very disconsolate. "Well she never even passed the seminar in the first place. So she still hasn't left square one."
The two cats bowed their heads and shut their eyes. To think this was what their long-lost Princess of the Moon had to offer.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Episode 34 Ski Bunny Blues

As soon as Gureepo and Housenka arrived back at the Negaverse with a very dazed and disoriented Tuxedo Mask they urgently spoke to Queen Beryl.
"Quickly your Majesty. Sailor Moon began to restore Prince Darien's memories with the Silver Crystal."
"We brought him back before she could complete the process."
Queen Beryl sprang out of her throne and commanded the Doom and Gloom Girls. "There's no time to waste. Put him in the process of erasing his memories once more."
As they complied dragging Tuxedo Mask away Gureepo and Housenka were half relieved but half scared with uncertainty as to what Queen Beryl would do to them in the end.
Beryl slowly approached them step by step with a very stern expression on her face. Then while they were trembling with legs like jelly she raised her hand and suddenly slapped them in the face, one after the other. As they recoiled gasping in shock and putting their fingers up to their stinging cheeks Beryl spoke icily. "That is for failing to get the Silver Crystal. But for bringing back Tuxedo Mask in time that is all I'm going to do to punish you this time."

Even Gureepo and Housenka themselves agreed with Malachite, Suzuran and the Gemini Twins when they gathered together afterwards that that was an exceptionally generous display of mercy for Queen Beryl's standards.
"You were let off very easily. My poor arms were sore and uncomfortable for two whole days." Suzuran remarked with a pained grimace at the memory while Castor and Pollux held their tails and looked at them.
"Our tails are still badly bruised. We won't be able to attach them together and fight again for awhile still yet." Pollux groaned.
"My hands are just about healed. But like you I won't be ready to fight till they are completely better." Malachite muttered. "You three will have to all go together on our next plan." He addressed the Plant Trio.
"We are at your service General Malachite," Gureepo spoke while she and the other two loyally bowed.
"Thank you. I knew I could count on you. Now Yasha. Bring me my magic mirror."
Yasha obediently walked over holding the mirror carefully in his strong hands and lifting it up before his master's face. "Here you are Lord Malachite."
"Thank you Yasha. Show me what the Sailor Scouts are going to be doing in the future."
As he stared into the mirror his eyebrows rose in wonder. "Well well. This is interesting my friends. The magic mirror shows me a picture of the five Sailor Scouts against a backdrop of the Pine Cone Ski Resort amidst the snow-covered hills and trees. This is a sign that in their secret identities they are planning to go on a holiday there."
Suzuran cried out in deep enthusiasm. "Then the three of us will go there and set up the trap you will devise Lord Malachite."
"Excellent." Malachite turned away from the mirror and Yasha set it carefully aside. "I will think up a perfect plan to set our enemies up. And one more thing. If Queen Beryl sends Darien to help, watch him very closely. From what you've told me recently happened I wouldn't naively assume our queen's control over him is absolute. He seems to be stronger than she gives him credit for. We can't afford to risk his interference when he is supposed to be giving us assistance."
"We will proceed with caution in all areas our Commander," pledged Suzuran and the other two gave their agreement.
They were all deeply concerned about the Tuxedo Mask issue. Would he be able to resist the power of Queen Beryl once more?

As for the girls they were indeed very excited about their holiday. Chad had announced to Raye and her grandfather that every year around this time he took a trip to visit his mother and father in their elegant mansion nearby the Pine Cone Ski Resort and Raye had an inspiring idea. "Hey Chad! Do you suppose your parents would mind if me and my friends went to stay with them along with you. I'd so enjoy a little holiday in the snow and I'd really love to be able to take my friends with me."
Raye figured they deserved a little fun and recreation after fighting the Negaverse for so long.
Chad thought for a moment, then said, "I suppose they'll be okay with that. They have plenty of rooms galore after all. They could practically operate their mansion as a Ski Resort themselves in competition if they wanted to. But they are not interested in that. They're rich enough and enjoy living in retirement."
"Thank you Chad. You don't mind this, do you Grandfather?"
Grandfather grinned. "I'll be able to look after things at the Temple while you're away Raye. I hope you and your friends have fun. I think a break will do you some good."
Raye was very grateful to both Chad and her Grandfather and called her friends with the good news. Serena and Mina asked if they could bring Luna and Artemis and Chad spoke to his parents on the phone and said they didn't mind at all. As long as the cats were well-behaved and house-trained.

So they all set off on the train together waving goodbye to all their respective family members. Even Luna and Artemis were looking forward to the holiday, though they feared the possibility of a surprise attack by the Negaverse and urged the five girls privately to stay wary at all times.
As for everybody else they left the train station after seeing them off and returned to their normal routines. Except for Grandfather that is. Raye had made sure he was appropriately charmed with her strongest magic and three times a day he would prepare and deliver food which he took to a room at the Cherry Hill Temple he believed to be unoccupied. But Jedite was hiding there along with Titus and the Dream Dolly. Both women were now spending all their time in their human appearances and they always took the food from Grandfather, who had a vacant stare on his face. He never registered seeing them or remembered what he had done with the food he'd cooked. Only the Sailor Scouts, Luna and Artemis knew that these three people were secretly hiding at the temple to avoid being killed by the forces of Queen Beryl.

When they reached their destination everybody was excited to see the snow. "This is going to be a wonderful skiing holiday!" Mina joyfully burst out and the others agreed. Even Serena was keen to try her hand at skiing.
When they met Chad's mother and father at their home they were so very friendly and shook hands with each of them after embracing their son. "Very pleased to meet all of you," said Chad's dad.
His wife smiled and her eyes beamed. "We hope you'll enjoy your time here with us. You can set up your rooms then join us by the fireplace for hot chocolate."
The girls expressed their thanks and in no time at all they were unpacked and seated around a cosy, roaring fire sipping mugs of steaming hot chocolate. Luna and Artemis were curled up on the rug settling down to enjoy a little catnap together while everybody chatted.
Raye was amazed. "I had no idea you were quite as rich as this Chad. Why do you stay with Grandfather and myself, when you have this beautiful place you could call home?"
Chad was on her knees stoking the fire with the poker and he turned smiling. "Let's just say I enjoy your company very much. You as well as your Grandfather Raye."
Raye gulped and blushed while Serena grinned showing her teeth and softly laughing.
"Our boy Chad has always followed the desires of his own choices since he became old enough to leave home for himself." His dad explained and his mum backed that up.
"When Chadwick makes up his mind he will act decisively upon it."
Chad was slightly embarrassed at being called Chadwick, but he laughed and winked at his mother when she spoke.
As they were finishing their drinks Lita said, "So are you all ready? I'm looking forward to tackling those slopes and feeling the wind blowing upon my body."
"Yeah! Let's do it!" The other girls all said this simultaneously sharing Lita's enthusiastic curiosity for the experience.

Chad took them all to meet somebody who could teach them all they needed to know about skiing. "This is a friend of mine. Sharon Kincaid, but her nickname is "Stormy". She's a professional ski instructor who works at the Pine Cone Ski Resort."
Stormy shook hands with each of the girls who introduced themselves by name. "I'm delighted to meet all of you. I'll teach you how to ski. The reason I'm known as Stormy is because of the way my hair blows and whips in the wind when I zoom down the slopes. Just like the way you'd expect a really massive windstorm would make my hair move."
The girls all gasped in awe and Stormy went on to say, "Come with me and join the rest of my current class. We're about due to begin our lesson and they'll all be waiting at the resort."
As they walked off the Plant Trio were watching invisibly. "Did you see those girls? There are five of them," said Suzuran.
"Yes. They could be the five Sailor Scouts in disguise." Gureepo was excited. "Furthermore the one with the really long yellow pigtails looks very much like the girl Housenka and I saw at the finishing school who could throw the discus as remarkably as Sailor Moon throws her tiara."
Housenka fully agreed. "I believe she could be our enemy. When we get a chance we must bring that ski instructor under our power and use her to trap Sailor Moon."
"Sounds very good girls," Suzuran added. "There must be no more failure. We must destroy Sailor Moon and deliver the Imperium Crystal to our queen."
Housenka and Gureepo couldn't have agreed more with Suzuran. Queen Beryl's patience was wearing seriously thin.

The girls had a big surprise when they met the rest of the group. Especially Amy who was so overjoyed to see who was also learning to ski.
"Greg!" She shouted and ran to him with open arms.
As they embraced Lita explained to Mina that Greg was a good friend of Amy's. Greg shook Mina's hand. "Very pleased to meet you Mina."
"Likewise you Greg."
As they all put their skies on and picked up their sticks Greg was thinking hard to himself. He had not been in the least surprised for he had known that he would meet the Sailor Scouts while he and his parents were on vacation. But there was something else he could sense was going to happen soon. He had to tell Amy as soon as they were alone after the lesson.

When Stormy had finished the instruction class Serena and Raye decided to do a little gentle skiing together by themselves while Lita and Mina both felt like a special treat.
"Let's go buy ourselves some ice cream sodas Mina."
"That sounds like a swell idea Lita. See you later Raye and Serena."
"Bye. We won't be out for too long. I hope." Raye muttered the last part.
Serena was so thrilled about her first time on skies and Raye more or less was going with her because she thought somebody ought to keep a watchful eye on her.
"Oh I'm skiing! I'm skiing! This is wonderful Raye. I could do it all day."
Raye thought to herself, "Until you start getting hungry at least you Meat-ball Head." But she resisted the temptation to say this out loud and smiling she thought, "Well perhaps I should be more patient with her. She hasn't done anything stupid or reckless and she's having fun. Like we came here to do in the first place. So I'll ski down the gentle Bunny Slopes for beginners with her. Can't do me any harm."
With that she and Serena waved good-bye to their friends and gently pushed themselves away with their sticks.
"Hey Amy. Do you want to come with Mina and I or maybe you'd like to spend some personal time with Greg?" Lita said this and winked at her.
Amy giggled and turned to Greg who was standing next to her. As she took his hand Mina turned to Lita and winked at her.
"I think we both knew what the answer was going to be Lita. So long for now Amy and Greg."
After Lita and Mina took their leave Greg suddenly became serious. "Amy it is so wonderful to be alone with you but before we can have fun together I must warn you about something."
"Is this another of your precognitive visions Greg?" Amy was very intense as she made her inquiry.
"Yes. I see only small vague images. But they seem to involve Serena. I don't know exactly what will happen yet but I think it may be a Negaverse attack."
"Oh no! Greg can you please try to get a clearer picture? This sounds extremely serious."
"I will. I must concentrate hard. I remember how the last time we met I couldn't see the clear picture of what exactly would happen when the Negaverse turned me into a monster. But I've been practicing hard at improving my skills Amy. I-I must do my very best for Serena's sake."
With that Greg scrunched his eyes tightly shut and clenched his fists setting them upon his chin while Amy watched wide-eyed with worry.

Meanwhile as Serena and Raye were going down the Bunny Slopes weird things began to happen. First huge mounds of snow suddenly appeared in front of them. Serena panicked and only just managed to miss them without falling over but then she lost control.
"WAAHAAAA! Help me. I can't stop!"
Raye had also barely avoided an accident. She couldn't understand it. "I swear those miniature hills just appeared out of thin air. They were not there at all." She thought to herself then as Serena started wailing she yelled out urgently. "Serena don't panic! Just use your snow plough to help steady you like Stormy said. And these are the Bunny Slopes for crying out loud! They're easy and gentle."
"Oh yeah? So what about that surprise obstacle? And how does my snow plough work? I've forgotten in the shock of the moment."
Raye groaned. "If you break your leg or your arm on these simple hills because of your silly overreactions don't whine at me about it!"

The next thing Raye knew a huge mound of snow mysteriously formed itself into a giant snowball behind her and started tumbling down behind her. she gasped and cried out, "Look out Serena. There's an avalanche behind us!"
Serena was still hopelessly trying to stay upright ahead of Raye and she screamed. "You do something Raye! You know I have no control!"
Up above the Plant Trio were floating in mid-air. They had brainwashed Stormy and sent her skiing off after Serena and Raye. With Negaverse sorcery Stormy had caused these misfortunes to befall them and she was right behind the avalanche in perfect control.
"Time for the coup de grace," said Housenka and the three of them concentrated hard influencing Stormy to magically open a chasm in front of Serna and Raye. Still pathetically screaming Serena disappeared down the chasm. Raye had no idea what was going on but pushing on her ski sticks as hard as she could she caught up to Serena and tackled her to the ground before she could crash into the huge wall at the end.
As for the avalanche the Plant Trio instructed Stormy to close up the canyon except for the small rectangular hole where the two girls were huddled and as they watched in fright the walls crashed and fused together crushing the giant snowball which formed a snowy slope trapping them.

Raye and Serena did try to climb up the snow to get out. Raye grunted as they both tried grimly to scale the slope side by side. "Watch your step Serena. This is made of nothing but snow. It's very slippery."
Raye and Serena tried to be very careful but it was just too slippery. They only managed to climb short distances before their feet began to slip and armfuls of snow broke off in their grip sending them sliding back down. After two tries Serena gave up. "We'll never make it Raye."
"I'm not a giver-upper like you Serena. I swear I'm getting out of here before I turn into a popsicle."
As she began to climb once more Serena said "Come on Raye. It's hopeless."
As Raye slipped for a third time Serena said, "You see what I mean?"
Raye shook snow out of her hair and angrily snapped at her. "I'm not staying with a quitter like you!"
As Raye tackled the slope again Serena was a little hurt. "Why are you so grouchy? I'm sure somebody will come and find us."
"Yeah. Somebody from the Negaverse after your crystal will find us!"
"Huh?" Serena was taken aback and Raye grunted.
"That's right. Haven't you figured it out? These things were not natural occurences."
As this sank in Serena sat down and took the Star Locket out of her pocket absently. Listening to the music she thought about Tuxedo Mask. How she wished he could still be depended on to save them from this Negaverse trap. Then she noticed Raye sit down next to her.
"Hey. I thought you were gone."
Raye sighed. "It really is too dangerous. I could be very badly injured if I made it half-way or three quarters up and slipped. I suppose there is no other option but to wait."
Sitting next to each other they both listened to the locket play.
"I hope you don't mind me playing this Raye, but it really cheers me up when I have the blues."
Raye made a slightly mournful sound while she listened and Serena suddenly shut the locket off. "Oh I'm very sorry Raye. I didn't think about your feelings. It must be awful to be reminded of Darien right now."
But Raye turned and smiled. "Actually even though it's a little bit sad it's really very nice to think about him. Though I know it was never meant to be."
"But you still love him very much don't you?"
"No really. It was just a silly crush. I realize that Darien wasn't seriously interested in me. He just went out with me sometimes to make me happy. I mean, it was fun imagining he was my boyfriend for awhile. But it was never like YOU and Darien." Raye had been looking up at the sky staring down through the opening high above them. At this point though she turned to Serena with a beaming shine on her face. "With you he's solidly devoted.
Serena's eyes had tears pricking at the back of them. "He's not anymore."
Raye became incensed. Not at Serena though. She clenched her fist and said "That's just because the Negaverse has used their magic powers to hypnotize him and turn him against us. But we'll get him back. Just you wait and see."
At these words Serena smiled and her eyes brightened up.
But Raye went on to say something else. "But you know something? I really wish we could just blast our way into the Negaverse and overthrow Queen Beryl once and for all in a full head-on Sailor Scout ambush."
at these words Serena jumped to her feet. "Hey. Wait a minute Raye. Why didn't you mention the Scout thing sooner so we could think to transform ourselves out of here?"
Raye got to her feet on the defensive. "What? I can't think of everything you know. You should be able to think for yourself you Meatball Head!"
Serena passed the buck back. "Well I'm a princess you know. Royal people should be able to depend upon their servants."
"You're such a royal pain in the neck," retorted Raye. But in anger the two of them were about to transform when a familiar voice called out to them.
"Hey Raye!" It was Chad. He was standing at the top of the pile of sloping snow.
Raye cried out in surprise. "Chad! Where did you come from?"
"I was skiing nearby when I saw the two of you get boxed into this mysterious canyon by the avalanche. I noticed you were both unharmed but trapped so I zipped off on my skis as fast as I could and borrowed this strong cord of thick rope from the Resort."
Holding on to one end he trailed it down the snow hill to their feet. "Grab on and I'll help you climb out."

But just then a voice called out, "Hold it!" It was Gureepo. She, Housenka and Suzuran suddenly materialized in front of Chad making him drop the rope in fright. It fell all the way down the slippery snowslide to his dismay.
"Oh no!" He yelled but he had more things than that to worry about. Stormy suddenly materialized in between him and the Plant Trio and she was transformed into an intimidating ugly creature.
"Put this pest on ice!" Suzuran commanded pointing at Chad and Stormy opened her mouth emitting an icy cold breath that literally froze Chad as he tried to raise his arms to defend himself. He became an ice-encrusted statue with a shocked expression on his face.
Raye had had enough. "Come on Serena. Let's show these Nega-creeps we mean business."
Serena whimpered. "What if we get turned into popsicles too Raye?"
"That's probably what will happen if we do nothing anyway Serena," Raye yelled angrily. "So you'd better get some backbone up."
Serena flinched at Raye's rebuke but she knew what she said was right so she put on a stern attitude of determination and shouted, "Moon Prism Power!"
As she transformed Raye made her move too. "Mars Power!"

"It seems we have two of the Sailor Scouts including Sailor Moon," observed Housenka looking down from above.
"That's right. I'm the Champion of Justice." Sailor Moon called up to them. "And in the Name of the Moon,"
"And on behalf of Mars also." Sailor Mars cut in.
"We will triumph over evil trash like you." Sailor Moon finished.
"So do you want to come down to us or shall we leap up and out of here to fight you?" Sailor Mars issued her scathing challenge but just then another voice they recognized declared loud and clear.
"The answer is neither of those two options because I'm coming down to you all by myself!"
The two Scouts gasped as the figure of their fallen hero Tuxedo Mask jumped all the way down to land smoothly and agilely on his feet before them.
"Queen Beryl has sent me to get that crystal and I'm not giving you another opportunity to try its corrupting mumbo-jumbo on me like last time Sailor Moon!" As he stated this he drew a black rose out of his cape and threw it at them. They shrieked as it stuck in the ice rock wall behind them in between their heads. He threw a second one that came very close to Sailor Moon's face that time.
"I've got plenty so I suggest you hand over the Imperium Crystal and don't try anything funny with it." He warned as he drew a third black rose as he spoke.
"Tuxedo Mask! Don't do this. We're your friends." Sailor Moon begged and Sailor Mars also tried to reason with him.
"Don't you remember how we used to fight the Negaverse together? You would always come to help us defeat these monsters."
"That's right. And I'm Serena. The Moon Princess you were searching for. You must remember how much we meant to each other!"
Sailor Mars pointed to Sailor Moon. "Yes please try to remember. You must retain some traces of your memories."
As Tuxedo Mask hesitated his rose started to turn bright red. The Plant Trio were watching very carefully above.
"Do you suppose he is in conflict with his loyalties?" Gureepo asked the others.
"I don't know but I don't like the way that other Scout is drawing Sailor Moon to his attention," said Suzuran.
"I agree," Housenka concurred. "We should destroy her. Let's get the monster we've created out of this person to kill her quickly."
So the three of them presented Stormy with a crystal spear and commanded her to impale Sailor Mars throughout her body. The creature obeyed jumping into the chasm with her legs up in the air, holding the spear straight downwards aiming at the top of Sailor Mars' head.

All of a sudden Tuxedo Mask looked up, shouted "Watch out!" and threw his rose at the spear snapping its point off. Sailor Moon and Sailor Mars looked above them and gasped. Sailor Mars quickly jumped to the side so that the monster came crashing to the ground at their feet. The rose that Tuxedo Mask had thrown was stuck in the ice wall halfway up to the top as red as a traffic stop light.
"He saved your life Sailor Mars!" Sailor Moon exclaimed.
At the top of the chasm the Plant Trio saw this and prepared to attack together with Suzuran's sonic blast, Housenka's exploding seed pods and Gureepo's horrible thorn arm.
But before they had the opportunity they were suddenly attacked themselves.
The golden-yellow crescent beam broke off Gureepo's thorn attack just as she proceeded to shoot it out towards her targets below and then the electrifying thunder clap charge blew all of them off their feet landing flat on their backs.
As they all raised their heads groggily they saw Sailor Jupiter and Sailor Venus standing before them along with Greg and Sailor Mercury. Greg had concentrated very hard with all his might and had finally pinpointed what was happening to Serena and Raye and where to find them. He and Amy had wasted no time in alerting Lita and Mina and they had transformed and ran off following Greg's psychic lead.
As Sailor Mercury attempted to disorient them with her Bubbles Blast attack Sailor Mars cried out to Sailor Moon.
"Hurry before this monster gets to its feet!"
Sailor moon whipped out the Moon Crescent Wand. "MOON HEALING ACTIVATION!"
In seconds the monster was changed back to Stormy Kincaid, who collapsed in a dead faint.
But Tuxedo Mask had disappeared when Sailors Moon and Mars looked around and cries from their friends above drew their attention skywards.
Tuxedo Mask was shielding the Plant Trio from further attack. As they helped each other get to their feet Tuxedo Mask declared with a loud voice. "Sailor Moon! I have saved you and your friends this time though I don't understand why. I will not necessarily do it again. We are true enemies. Next time I'll get that crystal."
Jupiter, Venus and Mercury just couldn't bring themselves to attack Tuxedo Mask even to get at the Plant Trio.
Tuxedo Mask turned his head and addressed them behind him. "Take me back to the Negaverse. I want Queen Beryl to help me overcome the negative influences that are impeding my mission for her."
Suzuran said to Housenka and Gureepo, "Let's do as he says before he suddenly changes again and helps the Sailor Scouts destroy us."
So the three of them grabbed hold firmly upon Tuxedo Mask and instantly they shimmered and were gone. Transported back to the Negaverse along with Tuxedo Mask the the dismay of the poor girls.
Sailor Moon fought back tears thinking to herself. "I swear I'll set you free from the real Nega-influence that's competing for your mind and heart Tuxedo Mask. If it's the last thing I ever do."

It took no time at all for the five Sailor Scouts to get Stormy up and out of the chasm and Greg helped them gather bits of wood to make a snow campfire after they transformed back into their everyday identities. Raye slowly began to realize just how much she cared about Chad while she wrapped him in a warm blanket beside the fire. As he defrosted he gave a sneeze and asked what had happened with his teeth chattering.
"We were saved by Sailor Moon and the other Sailor scouts Chad." Raye told him while she held him in her arms. "They brought our other friends here to us and drove off the baddies."
Stormy was still unconscious but she was breathing okay supported by Amy and Greg who had her lying down on her back with her head comfortably perched on their knees for a makeshift pillow.
Chad sat up laughing. "Those Sailor Scouts are awesome. I wish I'd been conscious at the time so I could have thanked them myself." Then he looked somberly at Stormy. "Is she going to be all right?"
Amy smiled. "I think so. Lita and Mina have gone to get an ambulance services. They'll take her to hospital when they get here."
Greg added assuringly, "But we're pretty sure she will be fine. She just needs to rest for a good while."
"I'm very glad to hear that." Chad was so happy and elated for them all.
Then Raye said "As soon as the others return and Stormy is put in safe hands I'll be all ready for some dinner."
Serena liked the sound of dinner very much but Raye then went on to say, "Then I suggest we all go out for a little night-skiing to relax after this whole affair."
Serena did not like this part of Raye's plan one bit. "What? Haven't we spent enough time skiing for one day? Come on Raye. Why can't we stay in and play video games?"
"Serena. I came here for a skiing holiday and that's what I want to experience with my friends."
Amy spoke up. "I agree with Raye Serena and I'm sure Lita and Mina will be keen on the prospect also."
"Yeah. It's actually very fun to ski at night. I'll join you," chimed in Greg.
Silly Serena was having one of her childish temper tantrums. "I don't want to ski anymore today."
"Fine Serena. You can stay in and play video games while the rest of us go out."
"But I want my friends to play with meeeee! Waaaaaah!"
"OH SHUT UP!" Raye roared while Amy and Greg looked at each other nervously. "This is nothing new Greg. You learn to live with conflicts between Serena and Raye."
As for Chad he was saying nothing. He was smart enough to stay out of it all.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
Reaction score
Episode 35 Ice Princess

Mina was visiting Serena at her house a few days after the holiday they had recently had shared with the other girls. Together they were sitting down watching some professional ice skating displays on television. The skaters were a man and woman team by the name of Mischa and Janelle and they were world famous.
Luna and Artemis were also watching in fascination as Serena remarked, "They're so wonderful."
"I'll say," Mina agreed. "It's no surprise to me that they were the winners of the Gold Medal in the Winter Olympics."
"I'd love to be able to skate like that." Serena added dreamily.
Seated by the two girls' feet at the bottom of the big couch Artemis suddenly spoke to Luna. "Say Luna. Seeing as how Serena likes skating so much, perhaps it could be signs of her old life as the Moon Princess returning to her memories?"
Serena and Mina were both very interested to overhear this and listened rapturously while Luna thought for a moment before replying. "Hmm. It could be Artemis. I remember how very popular the sport of ice skating was back on the moon. At least three times in every fortnight Queen Serenity and King Lune-Eclipsus would organize a gala party where all their subjects would have a great time doing fun activities. Especially skating."
"That's right," said Artemis. "And their daughter Princess Serenity was well-admired for her exceptional display of skills with her skates."
"I was? For real?" Serena gasped in awe. Then jumping to her feet she did a twirling pirouette movement on her toe with one leg in the air before losing her balance and squashing Artemis and Luna.
"Ooomph. Serena get off us." Luna moaned and Mina sighed.
"Oh dear."
"I'm so sorry." Serena apologized with embarrassment while she climbed back into her seat on the couch.

In the Negaverse Tuxedo Mask had spoken to Queen Beryl as soon as the Plant Trio had delivered him to her. "Your majesty. I need to be purged even more of whatever misleading influence Sailor Moon exerts upon me. The last time I encountered her I prevented my allies here from doing away with one of her friends instead of forcing her to give up the Imperium Crystal."
"What?" Queen Beryl jumped to her feet off the seat of her throne. "Do you really mean this Darien?"
"I deeply regret it my queen. Sometimes I get the feeling I should help her even though I know in my heart that she is our enemy. I just don't understand what's happening."
Darien removed his hat and mask and humbly bowed while the Plant Trio stood behind him getting nervous. Would Queen Beryl have torment inflicted on them?
Queen Beryl said "This is seriously urgent. Darien you must be worked upon for a good long time." She had him sent to be brainwashed for four whole hours non-stop. Then she spoke reluctantly to the Plant Trio.
"Darien's inherent goodness must be stronger than I thought. But I won't let it beat me. I shall win him totally over if it's the last thing I ever do. In the meantime you can report back to General Malachite and the rest of your team. I admit you are not to blame for this setback."
"Oh thank you. Thank you Queen Beryl." The Plant Trio were almost giddy with relief as they departed Queen Beryl's presence.
But she thought angrily to herself while she was alone. "Those three twerps. I just bet somehow they must have made some blunder that brought about this setback. If only I could have had solid proof."
She sat back down and fumed. "I'll come up with some excuse to punish them whenever I can. In the meantime Prince Darien must be thoroughly brainwashed. If I'm to ever unleash the Negaforce he shall have to be fully in my power one hundred percent."

When the Plant Trio joined the Gemini Twins and Yasha at General Malachite's quarters he was consulting his magic mirror. His hands were by this time well enough to hold the mirror for himself and as he glanced thoroughly into it he spoke up. "Now that you are all present I can brief you on my discovery. I have been using this magic mirror to probe back into the history of the Moon Kingdom during the reign of Queen Serenity and King Lune-Eclipsus and one thing struck my attention very deeply."
He handed the mirror to Yasha as he looked up from it. "The most popular form of sport among the people was ice skating."
"Do you think we can set a trap for Sailor Moon centered upon this information my master?" Yasha asked as he carefully placed the precious mirror inside its place in a nearby desk drawer.
"Precisely Yasha. Castor! Pollux! It's your turn to go out on a mission."
The Gemini Twins snapped to attention as Malachite explained what the plan was. "Two famous professional skaters, Mischa and Janelle are coming to the city where the Sailor Scouts live to give a seminar on the sport next week. You must brainwash them so we can use them to identify and trap Sailor Moon. The mirror has also told me that she and her friends will be sure to attend the skating seminar."
"You can depend on us General Malachite." Pollux declared.
"And our tails are healed enough for us to use our unbeatable power if we need to." Castor replied.
"Good. This time we will finally succeed." Malachite began to cackle with wicked laughter and the others all joined in.

Time went by very fast and soon the day of the seminar arrived. Serena, Mina and their three friends all joined the long queue outside the ice skating rink. Luna and Artemis were by their feet. Serena and Mina were especially excited being such big fans of Mischa and Janelle.
"I can't wait to see them in person." Serena was on the edge of her seat.
"Yeah. Especially Mischa," exclaimed Mina.
As the doors opened and they all began to proceed inside Raye commented, "I'm very keen about this. First we all learned to ski last week. And now this."
"Yes but I hope it won't take up too much time. I really ought to be studying for my upcoming examinations next month." Amy remarked with a little bit of concern.
"Ah don't sweat about it Amy. You'll ace your tests I'm sure. You can spare one day of fun with us." Lita put her hand kindly on Amy's shoulder from behind and Amy turned her head and sheepishly grinned at her.
"Okay if you say so Lita."

When everybody was all gathered around the enormous ice skating rink Amy was amazed at the large crowd of people. "I've never seen a crowd of such immense numbers ever before."
"It just shows how popular ice skating is," replied Raye.
"It reminds me of the old times on the moon Artemis," said Luna.
"I agree. The memories are so vivid Luna," Artemis answered her.
"Hey. Where's Serena?" Mina had suddenly realized that she wasn't with them. Then they heard her voice calling out behind.
"I'm coming! I'm coming!" She had one of her ice skates on and was frantically hopping trying to insert her other foot into the opposite skate. Then as her friends watched she suddenly took a tumble landing flat on her face. She began to wail. "These skates make me clumsy!"
Raye turned her head away and scoffed. "If anything they make you clumsier Serena. You're so embarrassing."
Even Luna and Artemis felt uncomfortable with the thought of Serena making a spectacle of herself. But Amy and Mina took pity on her and helped her get her other skate on. Though when they raised her to her feet she just fell straight over again and they all cringed as they looked at the people nearby who were watching with wide-staring eyes.

But thankfully the mood was broken when everybody's attention was diverted by the arrival of Mischa and Janelle. The building resonated with the echoes of loud cheering as the pair walked through the middle of the crowd wearing their skates with perfect balance as if they had regular shoes on. Then when they reached one of the entrances to the rink they stepped onto the icy surface and pushed off gliding straight into the middle in a fantastic display while the cheers and applause nearly blew the roof away above their heads.
But Lita wasn't cheering. She just stared at Mischa with a dreamy look in her eyes. She thought he was so attractive indeed.

As soon as they finished their performance Janelle addressed the crowd. "Ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to our seminar. Let's all have a good time." More cheers erupted then Janelle spoke again when they were silent. "It takes years of practice to become professional skaters like Mischa and myself. But guess what? It all begins once you make the decision to slap some skates on your feet and step out on the ice. If you never begin to undertake a journey, you'll never arrive at your destination."
With that the crowd cheered once more but the loudest cheering was after Janelle raised her arms and shouted out. "So let's do it one and all!"

With that Raye, Amy and Mina all carefully set off slowly across the ice. Lita paused at the entrance to see Serena crawling along the edge of the railing holding herself up. "Um. Serena. Are you sure you're really up to this?"
"What? Why do you ask such a silly question Lita?" Lita struggled to find the right words.
"Uh. It's just that. Well you can't even seem to balance yourself to just walk with your skates on. How will you go on the ice itself?"
"Oh Lita." Serena wagged her finger admonishingly. "Luna and Artemis said I was one of the best skaters in my old life on the moon. It will come back to me."
"Okay if you're sure about this." With that Lita stepped onto the rink and before she knew what she was doing zipped past Raye and the others and began to copy the movements of Mischa and Janelle.
"Wow! Look at Lita!" Amy exclaimed. Everybody was very impressed.
Mischa cried out. "Why this girl's a natural."

Serena was open-mouthed with amazement and Luna and Artemis jumped up onto the railing next to her. Speaking very quietly so that nobody would overhear Artemis whispered to Luna. She in turn whispered in Serena's ear. "Artemis has just told me he now remembers that the warrior of the planet Jupiter was also greatly admired for her skills. She was one of the very best. Right up there along with you Serena."
"Right up there with me was she?" Serena became very smug. "Well then it's my turn to impress the crowd and gain the praise of Mischa. Just watch me. Here I go."
With that Serena ran out onto the ice. And promptly fell over backwards with a crash.
Amy and Mina gasped in dismay but Raye only shut her eyes and said, "We don't know her."
Serena struggled to stand. "Wait. I'm just getting warmed up. Aaaah!" With a cry she fell over again. All eyes were on her as she constantly got to her feet and crashed back down again.
"I don't understand it. I'm supposed to be amazing and talented. Waaaaaaaah!"
Luna gasped and Artemis sighed. "I'm just beginning to remember something else about Princess Serena Luna."
"What's that Artemis?"
"On the moon everybody admired how wonderful she could skate when Prince Darien from the Earth would dance with her in partnership on the ice. Even though whenever she attempted to skate on her own she was an embarrassing clutz."
"Oh dear." Luna gulped.

While all this was going on Castor and Pollux were seated inside the announcement room in front of all the many monitor screens. They were carefully observing all the females in the crowd to see if they could identify Sailor Moon. Suddenly the face of Malachite appeared on every screen.
"Oh. General Malachite." Pollux exclaimed.
"We are searching for Sailor Moon right now." Castor added.
"How are things going soldiers?"
"So far everything's okay," said Pollux. "We managed to bring Mischa and Janelle under our control. When we're ready they'll obey our commands to destroy Sailor Moon and get the crystal."
"We will be ready to use our powers of fire and freezing if need be also," said Castor.
"Sounds perfect but remember to be wary. Queen Beryl is planning to send Tuxedo Mask later today. Watch things carefully to be sure he doesn't prove unreliable."
"You can depend on us General Malachite." The Gemini Twins both said this together and then as Malachite signed off and the screens returned to the scenes on the rink they noticed Amy, Raye and Mina trying to help Serena get to her feet hopelessly. Then when Serena fell again taking all three of her friends with her they looked at each other and smiled.
"Sailor Moon is so very clumsy Castor. Way beyond clumsy. It looks like we probably have her. Nobody could be more terrible than that doofus."
"You are right Pollux." Castor smiled as she agreed. "Let's observe the crowd for just another ten minutes. But I'd say we will easily pinpoint our target down to her. Then we can spring our trap."
The pair cackled and rubbed their hands together while their tails twitched and touched each other sending sparks like fireworks shooting out of the tips.

While they were carefully watching all the people Mischa was greatly admiring Lita. He asked her to skate with him and she accepted.
As they danced together on their ice skates everybody was full of admiration while poor Serena had given up and crawled towards the railing to hold herself upright. Lita thought to herself, "Mischa is so perfect. He's just like my old ex-boyfriend."
Janelle was getting angry and jealous. "Mischa's my partner. He'd better not be comparing me to her." She thought to herself fuming. Neither she nor Mischa had any conscious memory of meeting the Gemini Twins earlier, but this jealousy could certainly be used to their advantage when they were ready to exert full control over them.

After the ten minutes were up Castor grabbed the microphone and made an announcement. "Attention everybody. The group lesson is over. Now Mischa and Janelle will start seeing you one at a time beginning with that poor girl who has been unable to stay upright on the rink. Please exit and wait outside in the foyer."
Serena gasped in half delight, half embarrassment when she heard this. Everybody else obeyed even though a few, including Raye, were heard muttering about how weird this seminar was arranged and that the group skating had barely even begun.
But as Lita prepared to take her leave Mischa reached out and grabbed her wrist. "No wait. Janelle can work with that other girl on her own. We can see you all two at a time and I'd like to spend more time with you. You're simply the best skating partner I've ever had since I met Janelle."
Lita was deeply flattered but Janelle was just about ready to explode with rage.
Castor and Pollux realized what was happening. "He's asked that tall girl to stay too Pollux."
"Well she'll be no trouble to us Castor. Everybody else is outside. We can make our move."
They pressed some buttons and the doors separating the rink from the foyer suddenly slammed shut and heavy metal reinforcements slid into place. The people were all so deeply shocked at this that they screamed and they all began to run away in a panic. As the first ones ran out of the building others took their lead.
"This is way beyond freaky!" Somebody shouted.
"Let's get out of here before we're all trapped too! Somebody call the police!" Another person screamed.
But Raye, Amy and Mina stood their ground along with Artemis and Luna. "This is really weird," said Amy.
"This looks like another Negaverse trap," said Artemis somberly.
"This means they have Serena and Lita as well," added Luna and the girls all gasped in horror.

Inside the rink before Serena or Lita could comprehend what was going on with the metal doors Castor and Pollux both materialized in the middle of the rink. Even Mischa and Janelle were momentarily shocked as if it were the first time they'd laid eyes upon them. But the Gemini Twins didn't waste any time.
"I can sense plenty of anger already building up in Janelle Castor."
"Excellent Pollux. She in particular can use that energy to good use. Attack that girl slave!"
Castor pointed to Serena and Janelle, suddenly enveloped by mystical energy, was changed not into a monster as such, but her fury and rage made her zoom towards Serena aiming a kick at her torso. Serena screamed as the razor sharp skate loomed near her. In seconds she would be potentially ripped open.
But Lita hadn't just stood still to watch. She had pushed herself off after Janelle and catching up to her seized hold of her from behind and raised her up above her head with all her strength just before she could send her intended deadly attack to connect with Serena. Janelle screamed and shook her arms and legs furiously in the air while Lita turned around skating away from where Serena stood clutching the rail with her eyes big and wide and gibbering insanely.
"Serena transform right now!" Lita grunted while Castor, Pollux and even Mischa standing forgotten by himself for the time being were overcome with shocked disbelief.
Then Pollux pointed at Lita and shouted at Mischa. "You! Get her! At once!"
As Mischa succumbed to the same magical power he too was suddenly furious and skated into Lita knocking her down making her release Janelle. He snatched her into his arms safely out of the air as Lita went sliding across the ice-coated rink to hit her head on the bottom of the railing edge stunning her.

Serena snapped to attention when she saw this happen. "Lita! Oh no. Hang on. MOON PRISM POWER!"
As she transformed she rose into the air and this time her transformation also included two distinct ice skates attached to her big boots. As she set herself down on the rink however before she could announce herself in challenge to the Gemini Twins she immediately began falling over once again.
"Aw no. This can't be. Not when I'm in the form of Sailor Moon."
Castor and Pollux began to laugh at her.
"This is the end for you Sailor Moon."
Castor said this and then issued orders to the bewitched pair of ice skaters. "Slaves! Never mind that other girl for now. Take care of Sailor Moon and give us her Silver Imperium Crystal!"
Sailor Moon looked up and gave a loud despairing cry as Mischa and Janelle bared down upon her. Each of them had one leg up ready to thrust and cut her.

Before the terrible impact could happen she felt herself scooped up in strong arms and was zoomed out of the way. Mischa and Janelle kicked nothing but empty air.
Sailor Moon looked around to see that Tuxedo Mask was on skates and he had saved her. She was upright on her own skates being propelled along by him.
"Tuxedo Mask. You've rescued me!" She exclaimed joyfully.
But he answered a little coldly. "Not exactly. Queen Beryl has sent me to help the Gemini Twins get the Silver Crystal."
Castor yelled out to him. "So if you're really here to help us then make her give you the crystal!"
Tuxedo Mask smiled strangely. "Oh I will. Don't worry about that. But first I'd like to do some skating with Sailor Moon. Something tells me it will be rather fun."
Castor and Pollux couldn't believe it and neither could Serena. "Me? Skate with you?"
"Sure. Come on Sailor Moon. Let's do it."
Sailor Moon took Tuxedo Mask's hand and realized to her amazement that she was skating superbly. Just like she unknowingly always used to be able to skate together with her Prince Darien on the moon.

But Pollux said to Castor, "This is ridiculous. What kind of brainwashing has our queen done upon him if he acts like this? I don't think her power may be strong enough to erase his past memories 100%."
"I fear you may be right Pollux. We must intervene. Get our slaves to attack them."
So the two of them commanded Mischa and Janelle and they skated right at the pair while they were sidetracked with each other.
"I'm skating! Tuxedo Mask! I'm really skating!" Sailor Moon was crying out in ecstatic glee while he was looking at her happily. The subconscious memories that Beryl had tried her very best to suppress were beckoning to him at the back of his mind. But Mischa and Janelle were getting ready to kick out with the edge of their skates.

Before the attack could connect Mischa and Janelle were zapped by an electrical blast that left them stunned. As they lay gasping on the ice Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask realized that Lita had regained consciousness and had transformed into Sailor Jupiter.
"Sailor Jupiter! You saved us. Yeow!" Sailor Moon exclaimed this just as she lost her balance and fell once more in the distraction.
Castor and Pollux were amazed. "We never met you before but we've heard about you."
"Prepare to meet your match. Let's blast her Castor."
Even while they spoke they were quickly and expertly tying their tails together in the fashion of the knot that gave them their powers. As soon as Pollux finished speaking they were ready to attack and Sailor Moon gasped fearfully.
"Oh look out Jupiter!"
Sailor Jupiter set her jaw grimly and as the Twins turned so that Castor faced her she began to counter-attack.
"MARS FIRE IGNITE!" Castor shouted but Sailor Jupiter shouted at the same time.
At the same time as Castor's mighty fireball proceeded to shoot at her, Sailor Jupiter summoned up her biggest charge possible. When she sent it projecting at the fire it had an effect like a super fire-extinguisher. Castor was horrified to see her fireball break into small pieces that were immediately quenched out.
She screamed in terror and Pollux behind her shouted. "Hey! What's happening?"
The next thing was that the blast of thunder energy picked up Castor and Pollux behind her and sent them flying up into the air. They soared out of the rink and all the way to the top of the rows of seats arranged like a pyramid around the border. As they landed on top of the seats, Castor on top of Pollux, she screamed in pain.
"Aaargh! Castor! I think my arm is broken!"
Castor was very shook up, but unhurt though she was very upset for her dear friend. She jumped off her and saw Pollux clutching her arm and sobbing where it had struck the top of the back of the chair with sickening impact.

Just then Sailors Mars, Venus and Mercury dropped from the skylight into the rink. They had been trying hard to find a way to break through the barricade, but not even Sailor Mars' fire combined with Sailor Venus' crescent beam attack was strong enough to dent the doors. Then Artemis had suggested trying to get in through the roof. "That might work. As long as the skylight isn't blocked off," he had said.
So they had climbed up to the top of the building and finding the way clear they all jumped landing agilely on their feet ready to help their friends.
Sailor Moon and Sailor Jupiter were so happy to see them.

But before they could say or do anything Castor rose herself into the air and addressed them all angrily. "You hurt my best friend! She may not be able to use her freezing bubbles attack now but I have an alternate option that will be just as effective in turning you into icicles."
With that she gestured with her arms raised towards the air-conditioning system. They extended their fan ducts out above the rink and began shooting extremely cold air down upon the Sailor Scouts, Mischa, Janelle and Tuxedo Mask.
As they all screamed and hugged themselves vainly to warm up, ice started to form on the nearby walls and ceiling surrounding the enormous fans. They were all overcome with the intensity of the temperature, which was 500 degrees below freezing. Much colder than the settings on the controls should ever have been able to generate.
"Oooh! We'll f-freeze to death in a m-m-matter of m-minutes." Sailor Mercury groaned and shivered.
Sailor Mars tried to do something but she was unable to concentrate enough to produce her fire. She was shaking and chattering so much that she just couldn't stand up and produce the necessary enchantment.
But even while Castor laughed with evil joy at their helpless plight she gasped as her eye alighted on Tuxedo Mask crouched down on his knees and one hand while piles of ice was forming on the railing edges of the rink all around him and the rest of them all. She remembered how Queen Beryl had ruthlessly impaled Zoicite and killed her for the way she had tried to kill him. If he became a frozen corpse. Well that was dreadful to comprehend.
"Pollux! We must get out of here and take Tuxedo Mask with us!"
She sent a desperate magical gesture that picked up Tuxedo Mask and lifted him up and away from the rink and the icy barrage. While Castor was concentrating on keeping him elevated in the air with one raised arm she helped Pollux get to her feet while she was wincing and clutching her injured appendage with her eyes shut tightly in agony. "I'll take you and Tuxedo Mask back to the Negaverse Pollux. Then I'll return to collect the crystal."

However as Tuxedo Mask looked down at the suffering Sailor Scouts and Mischa and Janelle something told him he must do something. With his eagle eye he noticed an unusual large red globe built into the ceiling in between the two air-conditioner appliances. It was glowing strangely like a half red sun and it was obviously not natural. Castor wasn't expecting what he suddenly did. He hurled his cane with a loud cry straight at the globe. With perfect precision it struck and pierced it. The cane sank deep inside and it exploded putting a stop to the air-conditioners relentless freeze blasts.
"Oh no!" Castor cried and she momentarily lost control of her hold on Tuxedo Mask who began to fall. But she drew in her breath as she halted his downward plunge to the floor and as the Scouts realized they were saved, she desperately sent another command to Mischa and Janelle to attack Sailor Moon.
Mischa and Janelle had been hugging each other before. But they now broke apart and jumped to their feet in obedience to the magic brainwashing.
Sailor Jupiter shouted out with urgency. "Sailor Moon! Use your wand immediately!"
Seeing them about to mow her down Sailor Moon waved the Moon Crescent Wand with the Silver Imperium Crystal glowing in its center. "MOON HEALING ACTIVATION!"
Mischa and Janelle had barely covered any distance to get to her when they were halted in their tracks by the power that flowed over them. When it was over they were healed of the influence Castor and Pollux had placed over them and Mischa was even purged of her irrational jealous feelings in the first place.
"Oh Mischa. I'm so sorry I was so bad-tempered and harsh with you. Please forgive me." She was close to tears and Mischa hugged her tightly and spoke comfortingly to her.
"Of course I forgive you Janelle. You're my partner and my friend."
Janelle sniffed and smiled at him wiping one tear away from her eye. "Friends forever."

Up above Castor rose in the air supporting Pollux and yelled out. "You will pay for this you Sailor Scouts!"
With that she de-materialized with Pollux and to Sailor Moon's dismay, also her dear Tuxedo Mask, who was struggling in the magic grip and looking at her and reaching out to her. "Sailor Moon! Sailor Moon!" He was crying out.
"Tuxedo Mask!" She wailed with bitter ache in her heart. The other Scouts were all upset too. They knew that at that moment Tuxedo Mask was the very same Tuxedo Mask they knew and loved so well. He had been as good as healed of his own account, but Castor had whisked him away back to the Negaverse and they had been unable to prevent it.

Mischa and Janelle weren't sure what had actually happened. But one thing they knew for sure was that the Sailor Scouts had saved them. They thanked them immensely and when the media interviewed them Janelle said, "We will never know for certain what the facts are but we were certainly in the grip of these weird evil forces we had heard about before we came to this city."
Mischa added, "We never really believed in any of them or the Sailor Scouts. But we met them after they saved us. If they hadn't who knows what may have become of us?"
Everybody in the city was talking excitedly about the latest news of their sailor-suited super-heroines.

As for Lita she was a little depressed that Mischa had gone back to Janelle. The others asked her if she was okay while they were standing around in the mall the next day.
She put on a brave face and said, "I'm fine. I guess it was just a crush and it wasn't meant to be. I'll find somebody later on I'm sure and, Huh?"
Lita suddenly noticed a handsome boy walk past her and she stared after him. "Hey! Now he reminds me of my ex-boyfriend. His perfect hair."
The others all groaned and Serena said, "Here we go again."


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
Reaction score
Episode 36 Last Resort

Serena and her family had just driven to a luxury resort situated by an enormous lake. Her mother and father were so very thrilled about this. It was their first vacation together as a family since Serena's little brother Sammy had been a baby.
They left their car where they had parked it after the long drive and walked together to have a look at the lake.
Serena ran ahead of the others with her eyes wide open and a smile from ear to ear. "This is the most beautiful lake I've ever seen!"
Sammy just said, "So where's the video arcade?" His parents just ignored this question however.
Dad blushed and said, "Your mother and I have special memories regarding this place. This is where we met for the very first time."
Mum blushed in turn and replied, "It's all so fresh and clear to me as if it only happened yesterday."

Just then Serena noticed something several feet away. It was a statue on a pedestal by the edge of the lake. Serena ran towards it and her parents looked at each other and smiled.
"I'll go over and tell her what that statue means dear. You stay with Sammy," said Mum.
"Okay. Unless you'd like to go and see it too Sammy?" Dad asked him casually but Sammy wasn't interested in any old statue. He was beginning to worry he might die of boredom with no video arcade around.
So he stayed behind with Dad quietly fretting and hoping there'd be some form of decent entertainment while they were staying here and Mum walked up to Serena who was looking at the statue.

It was a magnificent stone structure depicting a lovely young maiden in the arms of a handsome young man. They were both smiling and the pedestal rested on a stone floor with a set of three steps leading up to it. Serena climbed the steps to read the plaque at the base of the pedestal.
"The Guardians of the Lake." She read out loud wonderingly.
Then she heard her mother's voice behind her. "There's quite a fascinating story behind the characters depicted in this piece of artwork Serena."
She turned around to see her mother's smiling face and replied, "Oh is there? What is it Mum?"
Her mother climbed the steps to stand next to her daughter. Putting her arm around her shoulders she told the story while they both looked into the Guardians faces.

"The legend goes back thousands of years. These two people were in love and engaged to be married. But there was a beautiful water sprite who lived in the lake who also loved the man and she was inflamed with jealousy and turned into an ugly monster. She had a powerfully enchanted wand that she used to cast a powerful spell over the man's fiancee. It turned her cold as ice erasing all her memories of him and their love without a trace. Then she commanded her to help her attack everybody in the town unless the man agreed to marry her. The only way to put a stop to this was for the man to spend all his precious love energy to counter-attack the jealous sprite's magic upon his beloved. He succeeded in overcoming the hold the sprite had upon her and reminded her of their love but he used up almost all his energy. The maiden was so enraged at what atrocities had been committed that she harnessed what little remained of her lover's energy and combined it with her own to seal the jealous sprite inside the lake forever along with her fiendish magic wand. All her energy was used up along with his and they died in each other's arms. Together they rose into the sky to become two beautiful stars watching over the lake and the jealous sprite was doomed to be miserable for all eternity."
Serena was amazed and entranced by the story her mother told her. It panged her heart as it reminded her of the way Queen Beryl had been attempting to do away with all Darien's memories of his love for her. But she controlled herself. She didn't want to have to try to explain things to her mum if she began to cry. She just swallowed her sob and exclaimed, "That's a fabulous story!"
"It is, isn't it?" Her mother squeezed her tightly close to her and grinned. "Now come on my dear little girl. We need to go check in at reception."
She led her down the steps and away from the statue. But while they were walking Serena couldn't help but wonder what had become of Darien since the last time she had seen him?

At this moment Darien was languishing in a dungeon in the Negaverse. As soon as the Gemini Twins had reported back to Queen Beryl he had rounded on her accusingly.
"You disgusting creepy queen! You've been playing with my brain, haven't you? Trying to turn me into your mindless slave!"
Beryl was taken aback at this for a moment before commanding the Doom and Gloom Girls to lock him up securely while she contemplated this problem.
She was now more convinced than ever that the Plant Trio were at fault for Darien's relapse. "If I can't prove it I'll just do away with them somehow. I'll think up a way to kill them and make it seem like an accident."
She fumed with malicious rage as she thought about this but then she realized that the most important thing was to do something about the problem with Darien.

After consulting her crystal for suggestions she found an idea worthy of consideration, so she summoned her people to her throne room. Castor and Pollux were there, though Pollux's broken arm was wrapped up and encased in a sling. They stood to attention while Queen Beryl spoke along with Yasha, Malachite and the Plant Trio.
"Listen to me you lot." She gestured with her hand over her crystal conjuring up a huge vision of the lake where Serena and her family were nearby. "I have detected vast amounts of energy emanating from this lake. It is not quite the same as our power, yet it is similar. I did some research regarding it and discovered this story."
Her loyal servants were awestruck as they heard the very same legend from their monarch that Serena had heard from her mother.
"Queen Beryl. Do you suppose this legend could be true?" Malachite asked her.
"Something is definitely inside that lake Malachite. If it really is this water sprite then she could very well still have the magic wand the story mentions. If we had it, it may be powerful enough to hopefully gain the upper hand with Darien."
Everybody was all eager ears and Malachite went on to enquire. "Who shall I send and what do you want them to do?"
Queen Beryl thought for a minute. Her trust and confidence in the Plant Trio was hopelessly destroyed by her own nagging suspicions about them. She would never depend upon them for anything really important again. She was convinced they were incompetent jerks. And the Gemini Twins were ineffective due to Pollux's injury of course. So she spoke up. "General Malachite. Since your hands have now healed so well I think you and your faithful manservant Yasha should have the honours this time. You shall both go to this lake, find the water sprite, free her from her captivity and get her magic wand. Whether she will consent or not I order you to bring it back to me. Is that understood?"
Malachite and Yasha both bowed. "Understood Queen Beryl. Yasha and I will set off immediately."

Later that early afternoon Serena and her family were relaxing in the natural sulphur spring pool at the resort. Serena and her mother had towels draped around their bodies. Serena was a pretty pink and her Mum's was purple. Serena was very happy. "There may be no video arcade. But the view is spectacular and this pool is so relaxing."
Sammy however did not share his big sister's enthusaism. He was very gloomy and bored with no arcade or any other exciting things to do. and he did not like the smell of the water.
"Come on in Sammy." Mum tried to encourage him to jump in from where he was standing by the edge with his swim trunks on.
"What's the matter? Afraid you'll melt?" Serena laughed but Sammy replied with deep hesitation.
"This water seems so weird."
Dad smiled and answered, "It's only the sulphur it contains. You'll get used to it."
"Really Sammy. It's not so bad," added Mum.
Sammy was still wrinkling his nose however and muttering something about how it smelled like rotten eggs, when Serena, who had climbed out of the pool on the other side, came slowly creeping up behind him and with a big shove pushed him in.
"Yaaaah!" Sammy cried out as he splashed into the pungent waters. Serena jumped in after him laughing.
"You're in now! HA! HA! HA!"
But Sammy was not in the least bit amused and retaliated by seizing her pink towel and pulling it off.
Serena gasped and ducked down up to her neck to protect her modesty. "SAMMY! Give that back!"
"Sammy. Will you please give your sister her covering back?" Mum cried out urgently and Dad agreed with her.
"Yes Sammy. Think about what would happen if any of the other guests or the staff suddenly came along. You'll get us all in big trouble."
"O-okay then," gulped Sammy as he held out the towel for Serena to grab with one hand. "But I'm out of here."
As Serena wrapped her towel back around her torso Sammy jumped out and wandered to the edge of the balcony railing. Glancing down at the lake far below he suddenly said, "Hey! There's two strange men down by the lake's edge. I wonder what they're doing?"
Serena was curious, so she climbed out too and walked over to stand by Sammy.
Sammy continued speaking. "From this distance it looks like one of them is wearing an antenna on his head."
Serena gasped in terror. She could recognize the figure of Malachite even from this distance up above and of course, the "antenna" Sammy spoke about were the horns on the top of Yasha's head.
She turned and ran away in a panic to the amazement of her family.
"Serena! Where are you going?" Dad cried.
"Serena! What is wrong honey?" Mum was very worried.
Sammy was confused. He didn't have any idea what was going on.

Meanwhile down by the waters edge Malachite said to his servant, "Let's get started Yasha."
"Yes my master." Malachite and Yasha stood facing each other and they joined both sets of hands. Raising their arms high over their heads, their hands firmly clasped they combined their concentrated power.
"You ancient monster of the lake. Rise and be free." Malachite cried.
"We are ending your captivity." Yasha chimed in.
"From the depths of the lake we summon you to rise and obey us." Malachite finished and then the water began to bubble and churn.
Then finally the monster burst out drenching Malachite and Yasha with a huge wave. They turned to behold the creature. She had a humanoid head and torso but her eyes resembled those of a serpent and her teeth were sharp like fangs. The rest of her body was a long fish tail. She looked like a hideous mermaid and in her hand she held the magic wand to the delight of Malachite and Yasha.
She leered at them baring her scary dangerous rows of molars. "So you have set me free after centuries of captivity. But why should I really obey you? What would be in it for me?"
Malachite was calm and cool as he replied to her. "Let me explain. Our queen seeks the assistance of your magic wand to aid her in conquering the universe. In return she could help you track down those who were responsible for sealing you away and gain your revenge."
The monster considered this for a moment. "Your proposition sounds very tempting. I do long for vengeance. Can you tell me more?"

Serena had very quickly slipped into one of the robes and sandals provided by the resort and ran as fast as she could to investigate what Malachite and Yasha were up to.
But Mum, Dad and Sammy had also left the sulphur pool and put on robes and sandals themselves. They were so concerned for Serena and wanted to find out what was wrong with her.
While Serena was puffing and keeping an eye out for her enemies, she heard her name being called out. "Serena! Serena!"
"Oh dear," she thought. "I don't want my family putting themselves in danger."
So she ran towards the sound calling out gently. "It's okay. I'm here."
When she met her parents and brother they asked her if something was wrong. "Why did you suddenly run off like that?" Dad was the first to voice his concerns.
"Yeah. What gives?" Sammy was puzzled while Mum went up to hug her.
Thinking very fast Serena said, "Oh. I uh I just wanted to have a look at the full moon. Isn't it so bright and awesome?"
She pointed up indicating the moon which could be seen already in the sky in the hour and a half before the sun would be gone. Sammy was flabbergasted. "You came running all the way from the resort to down here just to look at the MOON?"

But before anybody could say anything else the monster came swooping down from the sky with a hideous roar. She had overheard Serena's family calling out for her along with Malachite and Yasha. Malachite had said to her, "There are people nearby. Quickly! Come with us to our realm before we're seen."
He had expected her to be obedient after such a promising start to winning her over but he had underestimated her. "Me run away like a coward? Never! I have always terrorized people and defeated every attack except the one that sent me into captivity. I will deal with these bystanders and then go with you."
As she flew away with the precious magic wand still in her hand Malachite was deeply upset. "Oh no! Come on Yasha. We must watch her and get that wand whatever happens."
"I am with you my master."

So Serena and her family all shrieked in terror as they beheld the dreadful beast approaching them. "Run for the trees!" Mum yelled and nobody argued with her.
The monster was relentless in her pursuit however and pushed over some trees exposing them as they attempted to shelter from her. As her family cowered in fear on their hands and knees, Serena grew angry and stood up raising her voice defiantly.
"Leave us alone you freak from a creepy fish aquarium! Go back to whatever black lagoon you came from!"
Taking inspiration from his daughter's boldness Dad picked a big stick up off the ground nearby him and brandished it like a samurai sword.
Stepping in front of Serena he shouted "Come on at me. I dare you."
But he soon regretted his rash actions as the monster did come at him. He gulped and took a step back. "N-now let's not be h-h-hasty," he nervously stammered before he was seized by the throat and forced up against a tree.
"NO DAD! NO!" Serena, Sammy and Mum all cried together and as Dad began to choke from being slowly strangled Serena knew she had to do something. Even though it meant transforming in the presence of her family her Dad's life was at stake.

She was just about to shout the magic words to transform when suddenly unexpected help came along.
Electrical energy gave the monster a great huge jolt making her release Dad and throw her magic wand up into the air. It went spiralling in circular motion to land in the bushes several feet away.
Four familiar figures were standing together a short distance behind the monster.
"We will deal thoroughly with a swamp demon like you. I'm Sailor Jupiter!"
"I'm Sailor Venus!"
"Sailor Mars here!"
"And finally Sailor Mercury!"

Mum ran to Dad to support him. "Honey are you all right?"
He was barely conscious but he leant on her shoulder as she carefully directed him away toward Sammy and Serena.
Sammy was so excited. "Hooray for the Sailor Scouts. They'll fix that monster for sure."
Serena gulped. "I must help them. But how can I get away from my family?"
As she thought this she looked back over her shoulder while walking away back to the resort.
Sammy and Mum were praising Dad for his bravery and he gave a curt smile at the compliment.
But as Serena was glancing back she caught the eye of Sailor Mercury and in that passing second they immediately read what each other was thinking in her mind. Sailor Mercury knew what needed to be done to distract Serena's family's attention from her.
She let loose the biggest spray of her bubbles that she could possibly muster. It did envelope the monster, who straightaway began to gasp, shiver and shake with chills. But it also spread over Serena, Mum, Dad and Sammy.
"Aaargh! I'm f-f-freezing!" Sammy gasped.
Mum's teeth chattered as she cried, "Oh d-d-d-dear!"
Serena took advantage of the cold fog to separate from her family while she shouted, "C-come on. The r-resort is st-st-straight ahead. M-m-make your w-w-way there c-c-carefully."
Dad had regained his bearings and he cried out to everyone to stay close while he stammered and shivered like all the rest.
But Serena had ducked to the side away from her family while they went ahead. Reaching out carefully she touched a tree trunk with her hands and cautiously maneuvered around it.
Just making out the forms of her family's departing backs she thought, "I hope they'll be all right."
Then she quickly warmed herself up by transforming. "M-M-MOON PRISM POWER!"

While the monster struggled with the cold fog thrashing her tail to dissipate it Sailor Moon joined her four friends. When the monster's vision cleared she beheld Sailor Moon standing in front of the others. "I'm Sailor Moon. Guardian of the innocent and champion of justice. How dare you attack my family? I will not permit it. In the Name of the Moon I will punish you."
Upon hearing this the monster scoffed and swung her enormous tail. Sailor Moon had to quickly jump out of the way to avoid being struck a devastatingly powerful blow. The tail whipped around smashing the trunk of a tree into splinters.
"We'll take care of her Sailor Moon." Sailor Jupiter srode forward with Sailor Venus by her side.
"We'll combine our strength to defeat her," said Sailor Venus.
The combined attack hit the monster head on and she screamed in pain but was not destroyed.
"Hoo-boy." Jupiter groaned.
"We tried our best Sailor Moon." Venus meekly added.
"Well let me take my turn. MOON TIARA MAGIC!" Sailor Moon sent her tiara spinning but to her dismay the creature simply deflected it with another swing of her tail sending it fluttering back to land in the dirt by Sailor Moon's feet.
"Waaaahh!" Sailor Moon cried stamping her feet. "There's nothing I hate worse then when my tiara is thwarted."

Sailor Mars put her hands together with pointer fingers extended and said, "This is strange. I can sense that she is full of evil bitterness and is very strong but she's definitely not from the Negaverse."
"You are so right about that Sailor Mars."
Everybody looked up into the air to see who had spoken. It was Malachite. He was hovering above the tree tops with Yasha by his side. Yasha clutched in his hands the magic wand that had fallen into the bushes earlier. He had rescued it on his master's orders.
Malachite continued to speak. "She is the jealous water sprite from the old legend about the lake. My loyal servant Yasha and I released her from her captivity and when she finishes you off we will take her to meet Queen Beryl."
"That's what you think Nega-slime! I know what to do about this!" Sailor Mars acted at once.
"I call upon the power of Mars. FIREBALLS CHARGE!" She threw one of her paralyzing charms at the monsters' face. It stuck to her surprised face and she was overcome at least for a few seconds.
But even as she shrugged it off Sailor Mars made her next move. "MARS FIRE IGNITE!"
The monster screamed in literal terror as she found herself surrounded by a ring of fire and even two bows of red flame ran over her head from the ring forming a fiery cage. She was indeed trapped as since the fire wasn't directly attacking her she couldn't shrug it off like the previous attacks. But indirectly she was held secure by the fire.
"Well done Mars," complimented Sailor Moon.
"Now's your chance Sailor Moon," said Sailor Venus.
"Oh yeah right." Sailor Moon reached for her tiara that she had placed back on her head but Sailor Mars grabbed her arm.
"No wait Sailor Moon."
"What? Why wait Sailor Mars?"
"Because I sense that she is redeemable. She was once a good water sprite before she ruined herself through bitter jealousy and resentment. If you purify her I believe she will become the good creature she once was."
The monster was screaming in rage and discomfort and Sailor Moon looked at her. Then she turned to Sailor Mars. "If you're really sure I'll give it a try."
"It couldn't hurt." Sailor Mercury chimed in.

With that Sailor Moon whipped out her wand. But Malachite pointed to it and cried, "The Silver Imperium Crystal! Get it Yasha!"
Yasha began to swoop down upon Sailor Moon but her friends had other ideas.
The beam shoved Yasha backwards and the wand flew out of his hand. Malachite gasped and flew to catch it in his own hand while Yasha went tumbling head over heels in the air until he crashed into a tree. He landed sprawled over a big thick branch and groaned in agony. His ribs were fractured.
Malachite successfully caught the magic wand but the Scouts had forgotten about him. Sailor Moon was waving her wand over the monster.
In seconds the monster was gone and in its place was the most beautiful water sprite you could ever imagine in a very pretty colourful dress. Sailor Mars quickly removed her magic fire and the water sprite began to rise into the air. "I-I'm myself again. You've purged all the jealousy I foolishly infected myself with. Oh thank you. Thank you."
"Isn't she lovely to look at now?" Sailor Mars had a big smile on her face as she looked up asking this question and Sailor Mercury agreed.
"Yeah. So sweet."
Sailor Moon and the others all gazed adoringly as the water sprite disappeared into the sky. "I'm going to start anew someplace else now. I'll never allow myself to be corrupted again. Goodbye and thank you once more."
She waved at the Scouts who all waved back calling out "Goodbye and good luck," while she faded out of sight.

But Malachite had very quickly ducked out of sight as this began to happen. Amazed he watched the water sprite vanish then seeing Yasha in a nearby tree he dematerialized and reappeared next to his servant.
"Lord Malachite. I hurt so badly," Yasha whimpered.
"Don't worry. I'll take you back to the Negaverse. It's okay. See I have the magic wand." Malachite held it up triumphantly as he touched Yasha's head with his other hand and dematerialized taking them both with him.
By the time any of the Sailor Scouts remembered about their enemies they were gone.

"Where did you girls all come from?" Sailor Moon asked when things were settled down.
"Raye had a premonition about some monster attacking you and your family while you were at the holiday resort," explained Sailor Mercury.
"Yeah. Luna and Artemis were very concerned when I told them the bad news," said Sailor Mars.
"They ordered us to go to the resort at once. Not that we needed the order to do so," said Sailor Jupiter.
"Sailor Mars had to charm all our families so they would not miss us all day long." Sailor Venus added.
"That's right and we'd better get back soon. My charms are due to wear off soon. I especially don't want Chad and Grandfather discovering who are at our temple."
Sailor Moon shuddered at the thought of what that would mean particularly. "You'd better be on your way then," she agreed.
Then they heard three very familiar voices calling out. "Serena! Where are you Serena?"
"You'd better transform and join your family Sailor Moon. Goodbye for now," said Sailor Jupiter. And with these words she and the other three all turned and ran away leaping and bounding out of sight.

Serena's parents and brother were all desperately calling out her name. Sammy was beginning to sob. "I shouldn't have been so mean to her all the time."
"That's for sure," said a familiar voice and Sammy turned around and gasped to see Serena. She ran into her family's open embrace and they all hugged her together joyfully.
"Oh dear Serena," cried Dad.
"We feared we had lost you." Mum had tears in her eyes as she spoke and Sammy was speechless.
"I accidentally became separated from you in the cold fog," Serena explained. "But Sailor Moon herself showed up and with the help of the other Sailor Scouts, they fought off the monster and protected me."
"Thank goodness for those Sailor Scouts." Mum smiled through her tear-stained cheeks and kissed Serena's forehead. "Now let's all head back to our room and get some sleep."

Later as she lay in her bed Serena thought to herself. "How lucky I am to have such a good family. Mum and Dad are always here for me. And Sammy? Ah well. We all must expect some measure of irritation in our lives."
But just then she heard music coming from her bag on the dressing table by her bedside. "Huh? My locket has begun to play by itself." It was muffled inside her bag so it didn't disturb her family in their own beds but Serena began to feel sad thinking about Darien as she listened to it. She quietly cried herself to sleep.

At that very same moment Darien was being subjected to the magic wand in Queen Beryl's hand. He vainly tried to resist but the power coursed throughout his body making his heart as cold as ice and his brain completely void of all his memories. He bowed on one knee before Queen Beryl. "I am your obedient servant your majesty." He said this with a cold emotionless voice.
Queen Beryl was very pleased. "Good Prince Darien. I have a most important task for you to undertake." She laughed triumphantly knowing that her control over him was at the strongest it had ever been yet.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
Reaction score
Episode 37 Tuxedo Unmasked

It had been four days since the Scouts had helped out Sailor Moon at the holiday resort. Serena was due to arrive back home today with her family after their vacation break. But relaxing was the very last thing Serena would be doing after the long drive home.

At Amy's house the phone rang and she answered it. "Hello Amy speaking."
"Amy. It's Greg."
"Greg? Where are you calling from? You sound so close!" Amy was so thrilled at hearing the voice of her dear friend.
"My parents and I are just here to spend a weekend break."
"How wonderful! Why don't you come to visit me?"
"I'm sorry. I can't Amy. But please turn on the television. It's urgent."
Amy could sense by Greg's tone that something was wrong so she complied. "Okay Greg."
She walked over to the television set and switched it on while still holding the phone to her ear. When she saw what was being broadcast she gasped.
The announcer's voice spoke up. "If you have any information regarding the whereabouts of these three people, please contact the police."
"Greg. I recognize those people," she cried as she stared at the photos displayed on the screen.
"Exactly Amy. Peggy Jones the artist, Game Machine Joe and the priest, Father Duncan Peters. They were all Rainbow Crystal carriers like me and they've all been kidnapped by the Negaverse."
"You say the Negaverse has kidnapped them Greg?"
"That's right Amy. I can tell you Rita Blake overseas in Africa and the cat known as Hercules have also been captured. They're after me too. I had a vision of the Negaverse trying to round up the carriers of the Rainbow Crystals."
Amy couldn't believe her ears. "Where are you calling from Greg? I'll get my friends and we'll come and protect you."
"Thanks Amy. But I feel in my heart I must handle this alone as far as my own protection is concerned. It's more important that you and your friends concentrate on saving the others. Good luck."
"No wait. Don't hang up Greg." But even as Amy was desperately trying to convince him to listen to her she heard the click of the receiver cutting off her contact.
Immediately she pulled out her personal communicator and called her friends to organize an emergency meeting at Raye's temple.

Meanwhile in the Negaverse Queen Beryl was briefing Malachite and the remaining members of her army. Yasha was absent being assigned to a bed in the hospital ward to rest his broken ribs and Pollux's arm was still in a sling while she stood next to Castor. Queen Beryl had secretly decided that in the light of the couple of injuries recently sustained she had better let the Plant Trio live for the time being. They did not suspect the potential danger they were in. That Queen Beryl was considering having them killed on the sly because she blamed them for the trouble she'd been previously having in keeping Darien under control.
"Prince Darien is doing so well since you and Yasha brought that magic wand of that water sprite back Malachite." Beryl spoke with silky pleasure in her voice. "He has been loyally gathering the Rainbow Crystal hosts while you and the Plant Trio have been busy searching for Jedite, Titus and the Dream Dolly."
"Yes your majesty," said Malachite. "But there's one thing none of us can understand. I speak for all of us including Yasha in his absence as I humbly ask exactly why are you wanting to gather up the seven hosts of the Rainbow Crystals anyway? I mean, we have already recovered the seven Shadow Warriors who were trapped inside the crystals. I thought the whole point was now recovering the crystals which are now in Sailor Moon's possession fused together as the Imperium Silver Crystal to empower our loyal shadows to lead us invincibly into battle. What point does the current course of action serve your majesty?"
Queen Beryl was amused by this inquiry. "That is a very good question Malachite, and yes, there is an answer. And it's a more simple answer than any of you can possibly imagine."
She smiled as she went on to explain. "You see the Negaforce has told me that once we capture all seven of the carriers inside the piece of dark crystal that I gave to Prince Darien we will be able to sacrifice their combined life force and harness the resultant energy to use to empower our seven loyal shadows to combine into one giant invincible Shadow Warrior. The Sailor Scouts won't stand a chance. We won't even need the Imperium Crystal and we'll get it anyway after Sailor Moon is dead."
Malachite and the others all gasped and they began to grin evilly at the thought of this amazing revelation.
Queen Beryl brought them to attention by hitting the end of her staff upon the floor twice.
"Listen to me! Now that you understand what is going on I want you to return to your task of tracking down those three wretches and destroy them. Prince Darien only has two more carriers to capture. Then we will be ready to put our plan into effect."
"Yes Queen Beryl," said Malachite.
"You can depend on us." The Plant Trio all asserted with bows and Castor and Pollux also vowed to help as much as they were able with Pollux's broken arm.
Queen Beryl grinned as they all bowed down to her. She loved seeing her subjects willing and ready to obey her. They were like her toys. Toys to play with as she pleased and even smash if they gave her an excuse for her sadistic pleasure. She chuckled wickedly to herself.

At that moment even as Amy and her friends were having their emergency meeting at Raye's home, Greg was wandering the city streets trying to keep on the run when he met Darien. Darien was dressed in dark tracksuit top and pants and his eyes were concealed behind very large dark sunglasses. "Hello Greg." He grinned with malice. "I could sense that you were very close by."
Greg tried to play dumb. "Excuse me. Do I really know you?"
Darien was relentless. "It's pointless trying to deny the facts Greg."
"What facts? What are you talking about?"
"Come off it Greg. I know you're supposed to be a psychic. That you can see into the future. You know who I am and why I'm looking for you."
Greg knew Darien couldn't be fooled. "Yes that's right. You want to take me back to the Negaverse along with the other six former crystal hosts."
Darien laid one hand on Greg's shoulder while he withdrew the shard from his pocket with his other hand. The shard in which five of the other six hosts were already trapped helplessly. "Exactly Greg. So there's no use trying to fight against me."
"Oh I don't need to fight you my friend." Greg became angry and defiant. "I can see the future you know and it tells me that I'll run away from you without striking a single blow."
"What nonsense you are saying boy?" Darien demanded.
"It's really very simple. Just like this." Then Greg raised his voice attracting the attention of the city crowd surrounding himself and Darien.
"Help me! Somebody stop this man! He's harassing me!"
The next thing Darien knew an angry crowd of men and women surrounded him while Greg ran away. Cursing Darien pushed, shoved and even punched or kicked his way through the people as some of the males particularly attempted to restrain him. He broke free of the people and chased after Greg as angry voices cried things like, "Somebody call the police!" and "Why that nasty man! The poor boy!"
Greg was already far ahead and ducked out of sight around a corner. He didn't dare keep still though. He kept moving in the shadows.
Darien growled furiously. "Your little trick worked Greg. But I'll get you still. No matter how far you run, you'll never be able to hide."

As Greg was running for all he was worth Amy caught sight of him. Lita had taken charge of the situation at their meeting and had told Amy that the two of them were going to go and comb the city searching for Greg while the others stayed behind to keep a close watchful eye on Raye's grandfather. Raye was very worried by the thought of the Negaverse coming to capture him though none of them suspected that it was exclusively Prince Darien who was rounding the crystal carriers up. They were also concerned that if the Negaverse came to get Grandfather they might also discover the three former members of their army who were in hiding at the temple.
So Amy and Lita had been diligently scouring the city and Amy was almost at the point of discouragement when she was positive she had caught a glimpse of Greg zipping through a crowd of people on the opposite street across the road from them. "Lita! I just saw Greg!" She pointed with her finger in the direction he had run.
"Are you sure it was indeed him Amy?"
"I'd stake my life on it Lita. Come on. We must try to catch up with him."
The two girls carefully crossed the street and ran as fast as they could.

As Greg tried to elude Darien by ducking into a darkened alley he had a surprise awaiting him. As he ran toward the light at the other opening he saw not one figure ahead of him but two. As he got close he exclaimed, "Sailor Mercury!"
"Who else were you expecting Greg?" She had her arms wide open as she spoke as if she were ready to hug him and Sailor Jupiter next to her grinned broadly.
Amy and Lita had ducked into the shadows where they had transformed and then cut ahead of Greg by leaping and running over the rooftops with their superhuman agility and stamina.

But before anybody could say anything else a voice called out from above. "If you think these little girls can protect you, think again Greg."
They all looked up with a gasp to see Darien standing on the railing of a building's fire escape. He jumped off to land poised for battle in front of Mercury and Jupiter while Greg stood behind them. He was dressed differently from when Greg had first met him. He now had elegant robes and big strong boots. A sword hung in its sheath by his side.
"It's Darien!" Sailor Jupiter cried.
"Correction. I'm Prince Darien, the Negaverse's strongest warrior. And I suggest you both back off if you don't want to get hurt."
Darien said this through clenched teeth and a steely glint in his eyes. Mercury and Jupiter were horrified to behold the intense spell that had been cast over their former ally.
But Sailor Jupiter was quick to take action. "Sailor Mercury! Take Greg and get him to safety while I keep Darien occupied."
"But I can't leave you alone." Sailor Mercury protested.
"But somebody has to take charge of Greg Mercury. We can't both fight."
Sailor Mercury knew this was true and in her heart she cringed at the thought of anything happening to Greg. "Very well but be very careful. Come on Greg."
With that she grabbed Greg by the hand and pulled him away while Sailor Jupiter took up her combat stance.
"Okay traitor. This is the end of the line for you. We will never let you capture Greg for your nefarious purposes."
"You think you can defeat me easily? Give me your best shot." Darien sneered.
"You asked for it. Here it comes. JUPITER THUNDER CRASH!"
But Darien nimbly dodged the blast and it zoomed halfway through the alley and dissipated harmlessly.
Darien mocked her effort so she undertook to hand to hand combat instead.
She threw punch after punch but Darien side-stepped them all. While she was puffing and panting to catch her breath he laughed.
"Very impressive. But you didn't land a single blow."
Sailor Jupiter gasped. "I'm only just getting warmed up."
"Well it's my turn now. You'd better keep your guard up."
With that he ferociously attacked her with karate style thrusts and she had to keep stepping backwards very fast in order to be able to help her avoid his dangerous outstretched fingertips. She needed to jerk her head quickly to the right and the left back and forth while he relentlessly kept up his charge. But while she was making her way backwards she ran into a garbage bin and fell over. As she struggled to get to her feet amid all the spilled contents of the bin she suddenly realized that Darien was gone.
His disembodied voice said to her, "You're pathetic. It's lucky for you my priorities are to bring my targets back to Queen Beryl as soon as possible or else I would have really thrashed you. So long sucker."
"Traitor," Sailor Jupiter muttered as she slowly rose up.

Meanwhile as Sailor Mercury was running with Greg right behind her she called the others on her communicator. "This is Sailor Mercury. Somebody please come in. It's urgent."
Mina answered the call. She, Luna and Artemis were at attention but Serena and Raye were fighting over another brand new Sailor V book. Just like that time long ago before they ever knew Lita, Mina or Artemis before the events that had transpired at Dreamland Park, Serena wanted to borrow a Sailor V book before Raye was finished with it.
"I'm only halfway through reading it Serena. Give it back to me."
"You're such a selfish snob Raye. I'll read it fast then you can finish it."
The others just ignored them in the background as they spoke to Sailor Mercury.
"We read you Sailor Mercury. Are you in trouble? Luna asked.
"I'll say. Greg and I are okay at the moment. But we just left Sailor Jupiter to battle it out with Darien."
Upon hearing this Raye suddenly let go of the book they were fighting over and Serena fell over backwards with a crash.
"What did she just say?" Raye was astounded.
So was Mina. "Darien? Isn't he in his Tuxedo Mask identity?"
"No he's not. He's dressed like a royal warrior and he's calling himself Prince Darien of the Negaverse. Queen Beryl's control over him must be at its strongest yet."
Serena staggered to her feet dazed from more than just the fact that she had struck her head on the floor. "Oh no no no no no. It can't be true."
Raye's book lay on the floor completely forgotten by Serena now.
"I must get my wand. Oooh." She tried to stagger out of the doorway but stumbled and crashed again on her side moaning piteously to all the other's dismay.
"Raye! Mina! Get a towel and soak it in some water! Serena must get her bearings back!" Artemis promptly ordered and the girls complied.
While Serena groaned and called out Darien's name they dragged her back inside onto Raye's bed and began to sponge her face and head with the wet towel.

Getting back to Sailor Mercury and Greg, while they were running Greg suddenly called out "Sailor Mercury wait!"
When she stopped and turned to him he pointed towards the vacant Dreamland Park that was all closed for the night. "I have an idea. We can hide in the amusement park. Everybody's gone home and it's all deserted. Nobody would expect us to hide there."
"Good idea Greg," agreed Sailor Mercury. They made their way over and making sure that nobody was observing them, she picked up Greg in her strong arms and gave a tremendous bound over the top of the wall and inside the quiet dark grounds behind the locked doors.

As they made their way through the park towards the big ferris wheel Greg made a big confession. "You know something Amy? While I was still living permanently in town I always wanted to ask you to come here with me."
Sailor Mercury was surprised. "Right here at this park?"
"That's right. On a date."
"R-really? But why didn't you?"
Greg looked slightly embarrassed. "Well I was too scared to ask because I feared you'd turn me down and it would ruin our friendship."
"But this is weird Greg because I felt the same way. I dreamed about asking you to come here with me and I never did for the exact same reasons."
"We both have lousy timing Amy. We should have come here long ago while it was open and the Negaverse wasn't threatening me. I'm so sorry. Can you forgive me?"
Amy hugged him tightly. "Of course I can Greg if you can forgive me too."
"Oh Amy." He hugged her back and they shared a tender moment that was long overdue.

As for Serena, she began to feel much better after Raye and Mina had sponged where she had bumped her head for a few minutes. "Okay. I'm ready now."
She slowly sat up on the bed.
"Are you sure you're all right Serena?" Luna asked and in answer she sprang up off the bed and unfortunately landed on Raye's bare foot with her shoe.
"Aaaaarrgh! Serena!" Raye sat down on her bed and began massaging her toes. "Will you be more careful you clumsy clod?"
Serena felt very bad. "I'm so sorry Raye. I didn't mean it."
Raye softened upon hearing Serena honestly apologize rather than try to deny her responsibility so she looked at her and smiled. Luna and Artemis were relieved as well. The last thing they needed was another fight right now.
Artemis took charge. "Okay now listen. I'm going to be staying here with Raye and Mina so we can protect Grandfather, Chad and our refugees if perchance Prince Darien shows up at the Temple. Serena you transform and go look for Sailor Jupiter with Luna and make sure she's all right."
"Right. MOON PRISM POWER!" After transforming Sailor Moon slipped out of the temple while Grandfather and Chad were out of sight with Luna by her heels.

Once again moving back to Greg and Sailor Mercury while they were locked in their warm embrace suddenly the lights on the huge ferris wheel suddenly lit up capturing their attention. As they glanced upwards Prince Darien came hurling down from way above with a loud cry of battle. He landed softly on his feet as usual and threatened Sailor Mercury. "Back off girl. I want Greg. Not you."
Sailor Mercury was adamant. "I won't let you take him. Mercury Bubbles Blast!"
She shot him with her attack but for the first time it failed her. Usually enemies were inevitably stung with sharp, bitter cold but Darien raised the piece of crystal shard in which five of the other crystal carriers were hopelessly trapped and it generated a bright golden beam which dispelled the foggy mist before it could reach him.
Next thing that happened Darien gave a tremendous jump over Sailor Mercury's head and before she knew it he had sucked Greg up into the shard before he landed where Greg had been standing behind her.
Aghast she cried, "Give him back!"
"No chance. He's going back to the Negaverse as soon as I get the old geezer at the temple."
Sailor Mercury desperately attempted to appeal to his old self. "Darien please. You really don't want to do this. Remember we're friends and allies? You are Tuxedo Mask sworn enemy of the Negaverse."
Darien laughed. "Tuxedo Mask? I have no idea what you mean by the name Tuxedo Mask. My name is Prince Darien, loyal Negaverse warrior."
Sailor Mercury realized he could not be reasoned with so she needed to do something. "MERCURY BUBBLES BLAST!" At her shout more bubbles sprayed at Darien and again he raised the shard and dispelled it laughing and mocking at her.
But before he knew it she had dashed very fast up to him while he was not expecting her to do anything else and snatched the crystal shard out of his raised hand. Then she threw it hard upon the cement pavement where it shattered releasing all its prisoners. Rita Blake, Game Machine Joe, Father Duncan Peters, Peggy Jones, Hercules the cat and of course, Greg all appeared standing together in a crowd gazing in amazement all around them.
Darien cursed but Queen Beryl's voice called out to him. "Prince Darien. Abort the mission and return to me at once. We need to come up with another plan."
"You were just lucky Sailor Mercury, but the Negaverse will be triumphant next time." With that Darien de-materialized just as Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Moon and Luna all came bounding on the scene.
"Hey Mercury! Sailor Moon and I met up and we've been searching for you. When we saw the big ferris wheel lit up when Dreamland Park was supposed to be closed we thought we'd better check things out."
Sailor Moon was full of deep admiration. "You rescued everybody by yourself?"
"Yes I did. But Queen Beryl called Darien away just seconds before you arrived."
Sailor Moon was crestfallen. "Aw. I could have tried to heal him with my wand."

Still the three Sailor Scouts found themselves practically fawned over by the crystal hosts who all wanted to express their heartfelt gratitude for their deliverance. Well all the hosts except for Hercules, who was snuggling up to Luna who silently felt very awkward. "I'm so very glad that Artemis isn't here. He'd be dreadfully jealous," she thought to herself.
Greg especially paid close attention to Sailor Mercury and the very next day when the park was open for business he and Amy finally had that intimate date together. They were bonded together even more firmly than since the last time they had met while everybody had been on a skiing holiday.

But Sailor Moon and all her friends were left to wonder when they would next see Darien and what would happen? What sort of other nefarious schemes did Queen Beryl have that would involve him?