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Sailor Moon manga or anime

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Well.. One question I have is if you could please go into detail about the five Doom and Gloom girl villains from the end of the first story. Other than that, I rully hope your comic shop gets the Cloverway dubs of the 4thstory. The other big question I had has been mostly answered: you say that these last two lightning quick scouts were Uranus and Neptune (makes sense since they're considered as twin planets), and Pluto guarded the Door of Time, which laves Saturn as the only planet left to be represented by means of a Sailor Scout of its own in the franchise. Maybe the nine planets did/do have scouts and were made available in the figure line... Who knows.

Also, though I don't hav them on DVD (my Henson collection dominates that category in my library, not to mention it also dominates in the "yet unwatched due to other priorities" category), I've followed another series similar to this from it's start to the present... Was consdering doing a review to te Yu-Gi-O series, cause I do have a vast knowledge of the episodes aided by the fact they're currently airing in order on the Fox Saturday Morning lineup. Maybe, for those moments I have a chance to pos here. If you guys are interested in it of course... We'll talk, and thanks for bringing us this great series Marty.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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I'm so very pleased you liked the reviews I posted Ed and I apologize that it's taken me so long to answer your question but I've been doing work on altering my computer's ISP as you may well be aware and it'll be a little bit longer till I am back regularly. Still I'm online at the moment so here is your answer quoted directly from one of my Sailor Moon reference books.

"The appearance of the Doom and Gloom girls is deceiving. Their initial forms are that of attractive young women with exotic features. They each possess the long wings of a dragonfly and the feathered antennae of a moth. Their legs and arms appear furry, but the ridges on their calves and forearms are indications of tough, armoured skin.
Doom and Gloom Girl 1 is the leader of the group. She has light-blue skin and long blonde hair. She wears blue pumps, and a dark-blue, one-piece body suit that is slit from her chest to her midriff with a high, blue collar, and white cuffs around her wrists. Her golden armband and tiara are her symbols of leadership.
The other four Doom and Gloom Girls wear two-piece body suits and the same collars, cuffs, and pumps as their leader, but their colouring differs. Number 2 has long, black hair, green skin and a dark-green bikini. Number 3 has curly, short, brown hair, pink skin, and a red bikini. Number 4 wears a blue bikini, and has purple skin with wavy, brown hair. Number 5 has orange skin, long, light-brown hair, and a brown bikini.
When a Doom or Gloom Girl is angry or afraid, their human pretense is dropped and their insectiod heritage becomes apparent. Their eyes grow to twice their normal size, and become an opaque black. Their mouth juts forward into a muzzle, and fills with sharp teeth and fangs."

If you or anybody else has any further questions I'll try my best to supply the answers. Till I can get online again I hope people continue to discover and enjoy my reviews. :smile:

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Thanks Marty, very intereschting. So I take it this troop of girls don't distinguish themselves by individual fighting techniques like the scouts?
The only other question I'd have is if you can provide it, if there are Sailor Scouts for the other four remaining planets, what information on names/techniques is available?

Hope you're doing well and we can talk further in some other thread about other shows from this genre we enjoy.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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I certainly will post other information some time now that I'm back regularly.
And I hope others may want to talk about Sailor Moon some more as well.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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It's been a long time since I posted in here.

I have seen the 4th story on Youtube and I'm afraid I was very disappointed with it. It was too dark and distressing for my tastes. I never even finished watching it.

But I will be sharing something here soon. I've joined a Sailor Moon forum and I've been undertaking a fanfiction rewrite of all the series I reviewed in this thread a long time ago.

I have made some very interesting changes to the original story and my friends at the other forum think it's wonderful. I shall share what I've done so far soon.

I think Ed will find it very enjoyable. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Anyone else buying the fact we'll actually see the new show come summer? How many delays has that thing been hit with? My sister keeps growling at every change in the broadcast date.

Meanwhile, I just found out that they're actually still writing G1 Kinnikuman manga. I should have known that/ I'm usually on top of that one. It's my absolute FAVORITE anime/Manga series. Ultimate Muscle is what got me watching anime in the first place.

That and the Dragon Ball movie where they fight Hitler.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Episode 1 A Moon Star Is Born

This is a story about a young teenage girl named Serena. She was a good-hearted person but she tended to be lazy and irresponsible. Especially when it came to the matter of her schoolwork. also it was extremely rare for her to arrive at school on time.

One particular morning the alarm bell rang and Serena woke up with a shriek. "Oh no. I'm going to be late for school again."
She quickly dressed herself and ran down the stairs. Scoffing her breakfast she cried out to her mother. "Why didn't you wake me up in time for the bell?"
Her mother, who was glancing at the newspaper on the table sighed and replied. "I woke you three times Serena and each time you said you'd be getting up in just a minute."
"You should have tried harder." Serena quickly brushed her teeth and almost ran off without her lunch. Her mother only just managed to get her attention holding up the box. Serena grabbed it, shoved it into her school bag, gave a hurried thanks and good-bye and ran off huffing, puffing and griping about the absurd early time school began. "Why can't school begin after lunch? that would give me plenty of time to arrive." But suddenly she noticed some small kids tormenting a poor bluish-grey cat. The poor cat struggled vainly as they held it down firmly. Serena had her faults but she hated cruelty to animals. "Hey you leave that cat alone." They all ran away and as Serena comforted the kitty she noticed a bandage on its forehead that one of the kids had stuck there. She said, "Aw. Let me remove it." The cat meowed in a little pain as the bandage came off revealing an unusual mark. "Huh? That looks just like a crescent moon." Serena stared in amazement at the cat and the cat stared intently back. Suddenly Serena realized that now she really was going to be late and quickly put the cat back down. "Oh no. Sorry kitty. Bye bye." As she ran away the cat continued to watch her.

Later at school Serena had a terrible blow. Not only had she been late again, her teacher Miss Haruna angrily handed her her last test paper. "Look at this Serena. You failed. Only 30%. You need to devote yourself to more studying."
"Wha? I failed?"
"Give this to your mother so she can sign it and return it to me tomorrow."

Serena was in tears during lunch break. Her best friend Molly tried to cheer her up. "Come on Serena. It's only one Maths exam."
"But Molly. When my mother hears about it, she will explode. I'll be grounded and I won't get to read my Sailor V comic books or play Sailor V video games for at least two weeks."
Melvin the school nerd came up. "Hey Serena. I heard about what happened. Would you like me to help tutor you?"
"I'd rather have an earache."
Molly rebuked Melvin. "Serena doesn't need to be reminded about her test result Melvin. She needs real cheering up. Hey why don't you come visit my mother's jewellery store on the way home today?"
Serena loved jewellery and this cheered her up a lot. "That's great Molly. I love diamonds, rubies and emeralds."
"She even has some rhinestones in stock now"
"Rhinestones!" Serena was really excited and the two girls ran off together. Melvin sighed. He couldn't understand why Serena loved jewellery so much. He'd much rather pursue his fascination with the study of snails and insects.

Meanwhile off in another dimension a bunch of very creepy looking characters stood around a tall, sinister-looking woman with pointed ears, long claw-like fingernails and pointed fangs seated upon a throne with a skull shaped figure above it. She spoke to them all with regal authority. "The time is ready for our conquest of the universe. Beginning with the planet Earth."
Everybody cheered. "Long live Queen Beryl and the Negaverse."
"Thank you my loyal subjects. But first we need to gather huge amounts of energy from the people of Earth. Jedite present yourself."
A tall man with short blond hair materialized along with a woman with long black hair down her back. They were hand in hand and everybody gasped in awe and surprise.
The woman known as Queen Beryl gave a curt smile and rolled her eyes. "Why Jedite. What's this holding hands with Titus? Have you been keeping secrets from us?"
Jedite turned to look at Titus. "It's only just recently happened Queen Beryl. Titus has actually always loved me for a very long time. When she heard that I was selected to be the Commander of our invasion fleet she couldn't hold it in any longer. She told me of her feelings and I came to realize that I felt the same way. I love her too."
"Yes your majesty. General Jedite and I are lovers." Titus affirmed and many voices cried out congratulations and they applauded and cheered.
"Well well Titus. You have always been one of my most powerful and appreciated soldiers in my army. I never imagined you and my General Jedite would come together like this. What a surprise. In this case I think it would be an excellent idea if you worked in partnership with Jedite gathering energy for our supreme master, the Negaforce."
Cheers rose again and Jedite and Titus bowed down on one knee each before the throne.
"Queen Beryl thank you for this privilege."
"Titus and I will serve you faithfully and we will bring you all the necessary energy."
"Good. So Jedite what progress have you made?"
"Soldier Morga has been stationed at a jewellery store your majesty. She will gather all the energy from the customers there.

When Serena and Molly arrived at the jewellery store they were amazed. Molly's mother had declared a massive 95% discount on all merchandise and hundreds of women were crowding the place out trying on necklaces and rings. "My mother's acting very weird Serena. Hey Mum. What's up?"
The woman turned with surprise at the sound of Molly's voice. "Oh hello, Molly dear. Nothing's up. Just having a super sales day. Would your friend care to look at something?"
"Well I did suggest to Serena about our rhinestones."
"Rhinestones? Don't settle for peanuts. Let me show you some gold."
"G-g-gold?" Serena's eyes grew so very large and round as Molly's mother brought out a box with a fully golden ring. "Oh that is beautiful. But how much does it cost? It must be worth a fortune."
"For you only $5."
Molly and Serena cried together. "Five dollars"!

But at that moment all the women went crazy and pushed the two girls out of the way clamouring for the gold ring themselves. As they pulled themselves free from the crowd Serena thanked Molly but there was no point in delaying the inevitable when her mother saw her test anymore. Molly sighed. "I understand Serena. Good luck. I just wish I knew why my mother is behaving so strangely." But little did the two girls know that in the apartment at the back of the store where Molly and her mother lived Titus and Jedite had Molly's real mother tied up and gagged. Their helper Morga had disguised herself as Molly's Mum and the rings, brooches and other items were rigged to drain away all the energy of those women slowly but surely. Jedite could feel the energy building up. "Morga is doing a perfect job Titus Sweetie. Those greedy women have so much energy."
"Yes Jedite. Queen Beryl will be delighted." And the two cuddled and kissed tenderly basking in the success of their operation.

As Serena walked home dejectedly she stopped to admire a poster advertising the newest Sailor V videogame. She didn't notice the cat she'd rescued earlier watching her again and she suddenly looked at her test and began to cry. "When Mum sees this it's goodbye to my Sailor V playstation just when this new game is coming out. What will I do?"
Wailing like an infant as the cat looked on in wonderment, Serena turned and walked straight into a tall man with dark sunglasses. "Oof. Watch where you're going Meatball Head."
As Serena started to apologize the man snatched the test paper and looked at it. "30%? Congratulations. Are you stupid naturally or did it come with practice?"
Annoyed by the sarcasm Serena grabbed her paper back. "Mind your own business creep." As she ran off the man removed his sunglasses and thought to himself. "That girl. There's something about her."

Later back at the jewellery store all the women suddenly began to feel faint. Falling to the floor gasping as all the energy was drained from their bodies they sank into unconsciousness. Molly was frightened. "Mum. What's going on? What's the matter with all your customers?" To her horror Morga began to reveal her true form. The disguise slowly melted away to reveal a hideous corpse-like monstrous appearance. Molly shrieked and covered her mouth.

Back at Serena's house her mother had blown her top and chewed her out over her poor grades. She was forbidden to have anything to do with Sailor V for the next three weeks and she had better get serious about her studies. Poor Serena had gone to her bedroom to lie on her bed and sleep to make herself feel better. Suddenly she sensed a presence in her room. To her surprise it was the cat. To her further surprise it began to talk to her.
"Hello Serena. My name is Luna."
"What? A talking cat? Am I still asleep?"
"No you're awake Serena. I've been searching for you for a very long time. I am positive that you are the Sailor Scout of the Moon."
"I must be cracking up."
"This is the truth Serena. I can prove it to you."
With that Luna jumped up and did a somersault in the air and a locket magically appeared from nowhere. "Take this locket Serena."
Serena's eyes lit up. "It's gorgeous. Thank you. How should I wear it?"
"Serena it's not just for decoration. That's your magic transformation locket. Hold it and say Moon Prism Power."
Serena laughed. "Ah why should I do a silly thing like that?"
"Serena. Please. Just say it once for me."
"Okay. I'll play along. Moon Prism Power."

To Serena's amazement she found herself wearing a strange Sailor uniform and a tiara on her head. She began to freak out. "Now I know I'm cracking up! I'm having a crazy dream!"
Suddenly she could hear somebody calling for help. "Hey. That sounded like Molly's voice."
"Yes. Molly is in big trouble and you must save her."
"But I'm just a kid. What can I do?"
"You are Sailor Moon sworn to fight against evil. Look inside your heart and you will know what to do."
Serena looked at Luna and said, "Um. All right."

Serena and Luna sneaked out of her bedroom window and ran as fast as they could. When they arrived at the store poor Molly was in the process of
being half-strangled by Morga who told her to give up and surrender her own energy to the Negaforce. Sailor Moon cried out "Release her!"
"Huh?" Morga turned around in surprise. "Who're you?"
Serena or rather Sailor Moon nervously hesitated for a split second. Then she declared, "I'm Sailor Moon. Enemy of evil. I swear in the Name of the Moon I will punish you for your wickedness."
Morga set Molly down and said "Sailor Moon? I don't know where you came from but you're going to disappear for good. Arise all you people and attack her."
To Sailor Moon's horror all the women suddenly rose and headed towards her, arms outstretched like an army of zombies. She screamed and backed away into a corner. Luna the Cat was very upset and told her to stand up and fight. But Sailor Moon was once again weak, cowardly Serena under her uniform and sobbed as all the women approached slowly step by step to tear her to pieces under Morga's direction.

Suddenly a red rose flew through the air and stuck in the ground in front of Serena. This distracted Morga and all the women froze as she turned to see where the rose had come from. A tall man dressed in a black tuxedo cape and top hat with a mask over his eyes announced.
"I am Tuxedo Mask. Sailor Moon you must open your eyes and your heart and discover the warrior inside you. Else evil will prevail."
Luna took this moment to whisper to the trembling girl. "Sailor Moon. Trust me once more. Throw your tiara at the monster and say Moon Tiara Magic."
Serena stammered "O-okay L-luna. Moon Tiara Magic."
The tiara went flying just as Morga turned scoffingly away from the mysterious intruder to resume directing the possessed mob. Her mouth hung open and her eyes bulged as the tiara turned into a spinning disc. It crashed into her as she screamed in pain.
With a shout of "I shall return," she dissolved into a pile of dust at Sailor Moon's feet. Then the dust itself vanished. All the women started to slowly recover as Tuxedo Mask congratulated Sailor Moon and left, promising that he would continue to help her fight her further opponents. Sailor Moon stared after him with a ga ga look of adoration on her face.

In the room where they were hiding Jedite and Titus realized that something was wrong. "Jedite. The energy is going back."
"I don't understand it. Something must have happened to Morga. Let's get out of here for now Titus." Joining hands the pair transported back to the Negaverse. When they arrived they were informed by Queen Beryl that Morga was also back and had been sent to the hospital ward in the Negaverse. They were horrified when Queen Beryl took them to see her. She was barely alive.
"Morga. How did you get this way?" Jedite's face was white as he asked this question and Titus covered her hand with her mouth to stifle her sobs.
"It was a strange girl calling herself Sailor Moon." Morga gasped and spoke very slowly to steady her voice. "She threw something at me that vaporized my body. I was very nearly killed but I just had enough strength to transport back to the Negaverse and re-form myself."
"That's enough Morga," said Queen Beryl. "Get some rest now."
"Yes your majesty."
When they left Morga Queen Beryl spoke to Jedite and Titus. "Listen. Morga is expected to make a full recovery. It will just take some time. I want you both to proceed with extreme caution on your next mission. I don't want you losing any of our soldiers to this Sailor Moon girl. Understand?"
The two of them nodded. "Yes Queen Beryl."

Meanwhile on Earth the mysterious Sailor Moon was the talk of the town. Molly, her mother and all the women spoke about how they were rescued by this super-heroine though not many people believed them. As for Serena she told her parents and little brother Sammy that she'd found Luna and begged them to adopt her. They did saying she was a lovely cat and so Luna was able to stay close to Serena and mentor her to continue to fight the Negaverse.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Episode 2 Talk Radi0

Jedite and Titus were explaining their new plan to Queen Beryl. "Your majesty we have come up with an idea to exploit all the energy the humans invest in their over-emotional responses to love," began Titus.
Jedite continued. "We have enlisted the help of Soldier Fro. The three of us have infiltrated the local radio station and created our own program called the Midnight Love Hour. Through our broadcasts we will take advantage of those simple humans."
"I have heard about how strongly they express their love," agreed Queen Beryl. "Just try not to fail me like last time. Your bungling almost cost Morga her life. If your own love energy was anywhere near strong enough I would be sorely tempted to sacrifice you both to the Negaforce. But you can be grateful you don't follow the extreme example of the Earth people."
Jedite and Titus nervously gulped and trembled for a moment. What had happened to Morga really wasn't their fault strictly speaking. But they knew better than to argue with Queen Beryl.
"Th-thank you Queen Beryl."
"We uh we will succeed."

Over the next few weeks the radio station was full of confusion. They kept receiving fan mail for a program they were not broadcasting and nobody could understand it. But what they didn't know was that every night Jedite, Titus and Fro hypnotized them so that they didn't know what was happening and Jedite himself broadcast the Midnight Love Hour while Fro and Titus saw to it that everything went smoothly. Jedite promised to read one lucky letter addressed to a long lost love each episode and each person whose letter was read out would receive a special present in the mail with their compliments. This went on smoothly as planned. Many people were tuning in religiously every midnight and the presents were posted out day after day. Even Serena thought the show was romantically fun to listen to.

One day at school Serena and all her friends had a big shock.Their teacher, Miss Haruna, had sent in a letter and it had been read out and she had received a beautiful flower brooch. They had all been so thrilled for her but while she was trying to teach their class, she suddenly began to yawn and collapsed fast asleep at her desk. When nobody could wake her they sent her off to hospital in an ambulance. Everybody was very worried. Except silly Serena. "Hey. What's all the big deal? She only fell asleep. What's so dreadful about that?"
"But Serena." Molly protested. "It was impossible to rouse her. Isn't that worrying?"
"So she was so deeply tired. So what? Anyway it is a shame that we wasted our time coming to class. If we'd known this would happen we could have all slept in."
Molly and also Melvin screamed, "You crazy unfeeling doofus!"
"What did I say?" Serena whined.

Meanwhile Jedite complimented Titus and Fro on the success of their operation. "With each new person we send a flower too we gather all the more precious energy to feed the Negaforce. Queen Beryl will reward us greatly."
Titus added, "And our show is so popular that we're bound to gain enough energy to eventually free the Negaforce."
"Then the Negaverse will rule the universe," chimed in Fro.

Later on the way home from school Molly told Serena that she had made up her mind to write a love poem and send it in to the Midnight Love Hour.
"But Molly. You have no boyfriend."
"I know Serena. But I'm just going to pretend and do it anyway just for the fun of it."
Serena thought that sounded like fun and thought she'd try it herself.
Suddenly she heard a familiar voice that irritated her. "Hi Meatball Head."
"Oh no," she groaned.
"Hello Darien." Molly said.
"Darien? You know this jerk Molly?"
"Hello Molly. And what's it to you who knows me Meatball Head?"
"Shut up. How dare you call me Meatball Head?"
Darien said nothing but poked his tongue out cheekily at Serena, wished Molly a nice day and walked off.
When Molly went home she composed her poem in fifteen minutes but try as she might Serena couldn't come up with even one line. She had a real cry about it especially when Luna admonished her for having wasted her time when she should have been studying her schoolwork.

But later that night Serena and Luna were listening to the radio and heard that Molly's poem had been chosen. Serena was thrilled for her best friend and the next day at school Molly opened the parcel she'd received showing all her friends the flower brooch. But when she pinned it on she suddenly declared she felt tired and wanted to go to sleep and in two seconds she did. Everyone was shocked. Even Serena this time. She went to see Molly at the hospital with Luna. She was sound asleep and even Miss Haruna had not once woken up. Serena finally began to think that this situation was serious. Luna said "This is too much of a co-incidence Serena. Both victims received the same flower brooches from that new radio program. Tonight you and I must infiltrate the radio station. It must be the Negaverse."
"As you say so Luna."

That night at quarter to midnight they quietly snuck out of Serena's bedroom window without waking her family and they made their way to the radio station. But when Serena saw the guard at the gate she asked Luna what could they do. "I doubt he'd agree to let a kid like me inside in the middle of the night."
"I know." Luna jumped up and somersaulted in the air and something fell at Serena's feet.
"What's this? It seems to be a pen of some sort." Serena bent down to pick it up.
Luna explained with a cheerful grin. "Serena this may look like a fancy pen but you can't write with it. Instead it's a magic disguise device. You just say Disguise Power and tell it whatever you want to transform your appearance as."
"Hey. That is so cool. Thanks Luna." Serena held the pen in her hand. "Here we go. Disguise Power. Turn me into a sophisticated talent agent."
The magic made Serena look like an adult talent agent and she approached the guard. Unfortunately Serena stumbled on the high heels she was wearing and fell down. Fortunately she hadn't hurt herself and the guard allowed her to go inside with her pet after helping her to her feet.

Inside Serena and Luna discovered that everybody was fast asleep except for three people. Luna told Serena it was definitely the Negaverse and she burst through the doors pushing past Titus and Fro and straight into the broadcast room while Jedite was on the air. She sat right down grabbing the microphone off him and began to warn all the listeners that they could not trust the people behind this program and they should burn any flower brooches they may have received before they had all their energy zapped out of them. Jedite was furious. "You meddling pest."
"Look out!" Luna shouted. "Those women are his accomplices. They're coming to get you."
Fro and Titus charged through the door. "You're off the air and you'll soon be dead." Titus hissed.
Fro's human-like body suddenly changed into a monstrous form similar to Morga.
"I would suggest transforming now Serena," said Luna.
"Yeah. Yeah. Moon Prism Power"
Sailor Moon appeared in place of the talent agent and swore that she would punish all of them in the Name of the Moon."Big talk pretty girl. But your words don't impress us in the least," said Jedite.
"Get her Fro but remember what we told you," commanded Titus. "Watch her carefully and be ready to duck."
"Yes I understand and I obey. Sailor Moon I will destroy you." Fro rushed to attack with her long sharp claws and explosive breath. Sailor Moon and Luna retreated as the blast blew a hole in the wall where they'd been standing and they quickly jumped outside. Fro followed and Sailor Moon desperately ran back and forth dodging and crying in terror.
"Remember your tiara," yelled Luna.
"Moon Tiara Magic!"
As the tiara flew at her Fro dodged.
"Ha ha. You missed me Sailor Moon."
Watching the fight Jedite and Titus were very delighted. Fro was doing a very good job of watching out for herself. But then Sailor Moon did something completely unanticipated.
She drew out her hand and quickly pulled it back and before Fro knew it the tiara was drawn backwards hitting her in the back. "Aaaarrrrgh!"
Fro's head was jerked backwards by the impact and her body was cut clean in half as the tiara tore through. Then both pieces disintegrated.

Horrified Jedite and Titus turned to look at each other. They both said "Uh-oh" at the same time. They had sensed that the damage inflicted by Sailor Moon had been thorough this time. Unlike Morga who was still healing back at the Negaverse, Fro would never be returning. Queen Beryl was going to be in a rage.
Misinterpreting this exchange between her two remaining enemies Sailor Moon offered them mercy. "If you two surrender I'll spare your lives."
To this they obstinately sneered. "What makes you think we'd stoop so low as that?" Titus scoffed. In truth they knew Queen Beryl would be angry enough about the loss of Fro. If they even thought about surrendering seriously their own lives wouldn't be worth it.
Sailor Moon gritted her teeth. "So be it. Moon Tiara Magic!"
But she had a terrible shock when Jedite raised his hand and stopped her tiara. As it fell to the ground Sailor Moon had a panic attack. She stumbled and fell backwards as Titus and Jedite began to step towards her. "Luna! Help! I don't know what to do!"
"Show her that trick of yours Titus."
"Okay Jedite." Raising her hands and crossing them Titus made herself scary and intimidating.
"Eeeek! Where did your nose and mouth disappear to? And how did your eyes go all red?"
"Sailor Moon!" Luna moaned.

Just as the evil pair were almost up to Sailor Moon a rose suddenly stuck in the ground in front of them and Tuxedo Mask's voice called out. "Don't give in to them Sailor Moon!"
Titus and Jedite stared around but couldn't see any sign of anybody. "I dread what Queen Beryl is going to say to us. But still we'd better retreat for now until we know for sure what we're up against Titus."
Titus sighed resignedly. "I agree my love."
Hand in hand they rose into the air and transported themselves back to the Negaverse. Sailor Moon looked at the rose then noticed Tuxedo Mask at a distance flying through the air and she called out her grateful thanks to him.

Later rumours continued to circulate about Sailor Moon since the radio staff people claimed that they had woken up to be told by her that things were back to normal and they were going to be all right. Miss Haruna and Molly also recovered and were back at school the next day. Serena was very happy, except when Miss Haruna caught her trying to write a mushy love note to her hero Tuxedo Mask in class and she received a detention. She wailed and cried. "Why, oh why me?"


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Episode 3 Slim City

Jedite once more presented himself before Queen Beryl. "Jedite. Even though I have been most displeased with the way your first two plans have been failures, I must commend you on the progress you and Titus have made this time."
"Thank you your majesty. Titus is back at the gymnasium keeping an eye on things. She and I will gather all the energy from the humans who go there to exert themselves with exercise programs."
"I am impressed with you both Jedite. This is your most wonderful idea yet. In spite of the way you got one of our soldiers badly hurt and then got another killed you are redeeming yourselves in my eyes."
"Thank you most graciously Queen Beryl."

Later that day Serena went to visit the town gym along with Molly and a couple of other girls from school. They had all decided it would be a very good idea to work out and get themselves in shape. Serena however was being very silly and over-reactive about a mere half-pound she had gained when she'd stood on the scales after her bath last night. Her parents, little brother Sammy and even Luna had all tried to tell her it was nothing to worry about, but she had gotten so carried away she had insisted upon eating nothing whatsoever all that day. Jedite and Titus met them at the door disguised as gym instructors.
"Hello. My name is Jed."
"And my name is Tweetus. Come with us and we'll see you through your fitness programs."
"Oh wow. Isn't that Jed a hunkster?" Molly cried and the others agreed. Serena was over the top as usual with her infatuation wwith handsome men and giggled staring at him with her big mouth hanging open.
Titus was deeply resentful of the attention they were giving her boyfriend and declared loudly "Harumph!"
The girls were all embarrassed and so was Jedite. Blushing slightly himself he said nervously. "Ah well. Let's get down to serious business. Shall we?"

The four girls were put through a gruelling workout including treadmills, rowing machines and various weights and barbells. But soon Serena began to feel faint from hunger and excused herself to go and take a shower leaving her friends to finish by themselves. Titus smiled. "Well those of you who were devoted enough to endure to the very end are in for a special treat."
"What's that?" The shorter of the other two girls asked.
Jedite answered her question. "After your workout you are entitled to free access to make use of the relaxation capsules downstairs for refreshment and re-vitalization."
They all thought that sounded fabulous so they followed Jedite and Titus to the chamber where they each climbed into a capsule. Molly laughed as she was entering hers. "These remind me of something out of a science-fiction movie." Little did they know that in reality the chambers were designed to drain off their energy and deliver it to Queen Beryl to feed to the Negaforce.

When the girls exited the capsules they felt exhausted and tired and they all said so. But Jedite and Titus buttered them up. "But you should see how rosy you all look in your cheeks," said Jedite smiling broadly. When they heard that the girls were deeply flattered.
"You really think so?" Huge smiles broke out on their faces as they heard this.
"We know so." Titus said grinning slyly.
The girls all thanked them and departed for their homes. When they were alone Jedite hugged his girlfriend tightly to him and lifted her in his arms.
"Relaxation capsules! Haw haw haw!"
"They are such unsuspecting easily manipulated fools Jedite my sweet pumpkin pie." Titus gave him a big kiss while he held her fondly.
"You're my Negaverse princess Titus. I love you so very much." He put her feet back on the ground.
"I love you too Jedite. And just think how greatly Queen Beryl will reward us when we help her unleash the Negaforce." Titus looked up in his eyes.
"Yes Titus. We'll be promoted to the highest honours."

As for Serena she had long left the gym and was wandering around town feeling weak and faint. She was trying so hard to ignore the hunger pains that were relentlessly building up. She made her way to the video arcade parlour and as she entered her strength caved in and she fell to the floor. The next thing she knew she was lying in a recliner chair and somebody was feeding her coke out of a can. The caffeine in the soda began to revive her and she opened her eyes to see Andrew, the manager of the arcade holding the can to her lips. "Serena you look terrible. You need to eat something," he told her with concern. "Let me take you out to a restaurant and buy you lunch."
Serena had a crush on Andrew and she was excited at being taken out by him. "Oh thank you thank you Andrew. Yummy yum yum. Food."

Later Serena was wolfing down doughnut after doughnut out of a big bag when she met Darien. "Hey. It looks like I should call you Doughnut Head, instead of Meatball Head."
Serena pulled a defiant face. "I don't care Darien. Nothing you say can ruin the taste of these doughnuts."
"How selfish and rude. You could at least ask me if I'd like one."
"I'll gladly give you one." Serena meant to throw a doughnut and hit Darien in the face, but to her consternation he caught it in mid-air and started to eat it.
"Thanks Doughnut Head." Smirking he walked away with his prize.
Serena was grumbling about the creep but then Luna appeared and began to admonish her.
"Actually he's right Serena."
"No listen to me Serena. I've been observing you ever since you left the gym. You starved yourself so badly you fainted at the arcade, then when Andrew took you to the restaurant you gorged yourself and everybody stared at your table to the poor fellow's embarrassment. And on top of that you bought yourself that huge bag of doughnuts. How many of those did you scoff down?"

Serena began to count off on her fingers then she screamed and ran off. Luna called out to her. "Hey! Where are you going?"
"Back to the gym. What do you think Luna? I desperately need to work this off."
"Oh no. Here we go again." Luna moaned and ran after her.

Serena went crazy at the gym pumping the pedals on the exercise bike like she was a speed demon. All eyes were on her again but she didn't care or even notice. Meanwhile Luna just happened to catch sight of Serena's teacher Miss Haruna walking slowly like a zombie toward the stairs. Something seemed fishy to Luna so she followed her down to the so-called relaxation room. To her horror she saw Miss Haruna inside a capsule being drained of energy again. "This one is on her final treatment Titus."
"You mean she'll have the very last ounce of her energy sucked out Jedite honey?"
"Yes. Then I'm afraid we'll have to dispose of the withered husk my darling."
"Oh what a shame." The pair of them cuddled and laughed wickedly.

"The Negaverse!" Luna gasped and ran up the stairs to find Serena. She literally ran into her as she was staggering to the stairway herself.
"Luna! What's the matter?"
Puffing to get her breath Luna said "Serena. This gym is under Negaverse influence. They have a machine down there that sucks up people's energy."
"What? But they're for relaxation purposes. I was just on my way to use them for a little while before I pushed myself some more."
"Serena. You must believe me. You,"
But Serena laughed and said Luna had an overactive imagination. In exasperation Luna launched herself hissing and spitting knocking Serena onto her back. Baring her claws in one front paw she held them in front of Serena's terrified face. "Look. I don't want to hurt you Serena. But when I tell you the Negaverse is around I mean it seriously. Understand?"
Serena eyes bulged in fright at Luna's angry countenance. "O-okay."
"Then transform and follow me."
"Moon Prism Power."

Sailor Moon and Luna crept down the stairs and as they reached the bottom Jedite said, "It won't be much longer now."
Sailor Moon gasped and fully realized the truth when she beheld her poor schoolteacher, barely alive. She cried out, "Stop! You're working for the Negaverse. I won't let you get away with this."
"Sailor Moon." Jedite sneered turning.
"Do you know who we are? Wait. Remember this?" Titus added transforming into her monster form.
Sailor Moon screamed and turned to flee. "Stop Sailor Moon. Where are you going?" Luna sprang in front of her.
"I can't beat them Luna. That man stopped my tiara last time and Tuxedo Mask isn't here to save me."
"But Sailor Moon. Last time he told you not to give in to them. Remember? And besides. If you don't save Miss Haruna she'll be a goner."
Thinking about these things Sailor Moon realized she had to fight. If she couldn't use her tiara she'd have to use other tactics for Miss Haruna's sake. Turning around and leaping she took her enemies by surprise landing her fist hard in Titus' belly. She collapsed in agony, doubling over, tears filling up in her red eyes and gasping. Jedite's mouth opened wide and then he lunged to grab Sailor Moon.
"You little weasel! That's my cream cupcake you punched in the stomach!"
Before he could reach her she jumped up in the air and kicked out with one foot hitting him in the chest and knocking him on his back. "I couldn't care less if she's your hamburger and french fries. Moon Tiara Magic."
Sailor Moon sent her tiara flying towards the main generator that operated all the energy draining capsules and destroyed it.

Jedite groaned and raised his head contemplating the destruction. He cursed as he realized that once again their plan was ruined. Titus meanwhile could do nothing except lie on the floor moaning and clutching her stomach. Sailor Moon had put all her strength behind that punch and the pain was enormous. Luna was directing Sailor Moon how to free Miss Haruna and set her carefully down. While this was happening Jedite staggered to his feet, reached down, put his arms around Titus and hauled her up beside him. "We must escape while we have the chance," he whispered. Luna realized what was happening and cried out to warn Sailor Moon but Jedite just managed to muster up enough strength to transport both of them back to the Negaverse.
Queen Beryl told them she was very disappointed that the operation had been ruined. "We still don't have anywhere near enough energy. How were we discovered so soon?"
"I don't know Queen Beryl," Jedite rubbed the back of his neck. "But I swear that Sailor Moon shall pay for her interference and also for the way she hurt us just now."
"Ooooh. My tummy," groaned Titus.

So everything was back to normal for the time being and even Serena was over the worst of her weight worries. Until her little brother Sammy decided to play a mean joke on her and rigged the bathroom scales. Her scream nearly blew the roof of the house off when she saw her weight said to be 300 pounds.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Episode 4 So You Want To Be A Superstar

At school Melvin was showing off his new poster of the famous singer and actress known as Saffron. "Isn't she cool? She's going to be appearing at the mall tomorrow. Maybe she will autograph it for me."
The girls including Molly and Serena were very impressed. "Saffron is a totally major world-famous superstar," said Molly admirably.
Melvin was looking things up on his personal laptop as he talked. "She's also very wealthy. She's a multi-millionaire. Her last movie earned her three million dollars."
"Three million dollars!" Serena cried. "I wish I could earn money like that."
The other girls all began talking about what they'd do with that much money and whether they could make it big like Saffron. Melvin said he felt sure that one of them had what it took potentially. "Oh really Melvin? Then who is it?" Molly demanded.
"Yes Melvin. Tell us who." The other girls echoed relentlessly.
Melvin pointed his finger at Serena and said, "Why it's the amazing multi-talented Miss Serena of course." When he said that Molly and the others said "Humph." They knew he sort of had a crush on her and it was just what he would say. They were unimpressed. But Serena began to get a swollen head.
"Me? Really? So I could become as rich and famous as Saffron. How wonderful." She proceeded to slip into a world of her own. All day she daydreamed about being a world-wide celebrity. She was quickly brought back to reality during class though when Miss Haruna yelled at her to pay attention.

The next day crowds of fans flocked at the mall to meet Saffron. She signed autographs including Melvin's poster for him. But watching nearby disguised as an innocent looking couple were Jedite and Titus. Jedite whispered to his woman. "I have an idea how we can use that young lady Saffron to the advantage of our cause Titus. Let's go tell Queen Beryl."
"I'm with you Jedite honey. Your idea is bound to be exciting."
Queen Beryl was very pleased with the proposal. "I'm counting on you both Jedite and Titus. Through Saffron we shall tap into a vast resource of human energy. Don't let me down."

That night after signing autographs and posing for photos with her fans during the day Saffron was relaxing with a nice, warm shower. Suddenly to her horror somebody yanked the shower curtain open and a scary, blue skinned creature about six feet tall blew an icy cold breath at her that formed an ice cocoon around her body. She begged for help but the creature touched her hand and she saw it transform into an exact double of herself. Confused and trembling with fright she saw Titus in her human form appear over her within the center of a large blood-red monster and another strange humanoid with pointed ears, fangs and slashes of red and green on her face.
Titus spoke to the creature who had turned into Saffron. "Good work Dereela. Now off you go and help Jedite with our plan while Garoben and Ramwoir stay with me to make sure our "guest" here remains undisturbed."
"Yes Titus. We will collect all the energy we need." Dereela quickly dressed herself into some of Saffron's clothes then left to meet up with Jedite.
Garoben sneered down at poor Saffron unable to move in the bathtub. The ice cocoon held her captive and unlike ordinary ice it did not appear to be going to melt away at all. "Are you comfortable?" She laughed and Ramwoir and Titus joined in the laughter.
"This can't be really happening! I must be having a nightmare!"
"Oh this is a living nightmare I'm afraid Saffron," said Ramwoir.
"But we'll make sure nobody disturbs you," laughed Titus. She decided to let Saffron see her other form just for the satisfaction of hearing her scream.
"Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkk!" Saffron began to weep and moan.
"We're really going to have fun watching over her. Aren't we girls?" Titus oozed with sarcasm and the other two laughed heartily.

So Dereela, disguised as Saffron, appeared on a stage set up in the middle of the town. Jedite was disguised as a distinguished-looking manager by her side and spoke in a microphone announcing, "That's right folks. Saffron will be hosting a talent contest in the local theater in three days." Sending out waves of Nega-energy at the crowd they drew them in with promises that they could become superstars.
Dereela had her own microphone and added, "You can sing, dance, tell jokes, do mime or anything everybody. And one lucky winner will become a star just like me." Even Saffron's real manager was taken under the influence when he initially came to ask her what she was doing here with this other man. As the word spread the infection began to catch many more people including Molly, Melvin and many other of Serena's friends at school.

Serena had inspiration for her own act when she saw an animal trainer on television with a dancing monkey. She tried to get Luna to dance but she refused to participate in the contest. At first Serena was upset but when she saw Molly, Melvin and the rest of her friends beginning to fight and argue about who was going to win and become rich and famous like Saffron she began to think it was all going to everybody's heads and she was glad she wasn't getting involved after all. But things kept getting more and more distressful at school as the night of the contest approached. Each student insisted that he or she was going to be the winner and the arguments were intense. Serena couldn't wait for it to be all over. All the same she was looking forward to attending the show.

So the evening arrived for the contest. Serena and her family arrived at the theater and to her anguish she met Darien while she was in line at the soda pop stand. "Ready for the big event Meatball Head?"
"I just hope we'll be seated as far away from you as possible Darien," Serena pouted as she bought her drink and stormed off while Darien smiled at her. But before she could rejoin her family where they were seated Luna suddenly appeared.
"Serena. I'm getting bad vibes about this place. I think the Negaverse is either going to attack the show or may even be orchestrating the show as an energy trap."
Serena was horrified and agreed to wait outside and see what happened when it began.

In a short while Jedite and Dereela still disguised announced the show would now be starting. Just as Sammy said out loud, "I wonder what's taking Serena so long?" and Serena's dad was going to go out and quickly look for her suddenly a wave of hypnotic power swept out from the overhead lighting system and the entire audience was put into a trance. They all blankly looked ahead at the stage and applauded as the phony Saffron introduced the first contestant. As they each came on and started their acts Dereela twisted a round radio receiver attached to her dress and the energy of the people began to be slowly sucked out.
"I knew it." Luna cried as she and Serena peeked through the doorway. They saw everybody collapsing into small piles while they performed, oblivious to what was happening to them.
"Moon Prism Power!" Serena transformed and ran down the aisle making a huge leap up on to the stage surprising Jedite and Dereela."I'm Sailor Moon. Champion of justice. In the Name of the Moon I demand that you return all these people's energy."
Jedite cried "Dereela! Put her on ice right now."
"Ha. You don't scare me one little bit." Sailor Moon defiantly proclaimed just before Dereela shed off her Saffron disguise. "Aaaaaaahhhh!" Sailor Moon screamed and turned to run away.
Luna groaned. "This is the champion of justice I was looking for? Why does she always try to flee before I can get her to fight?"
But Luna had worse things to groan about as Dereela hit Sailor Moon in the back with her freezing breath. In ten seconds she was encased completely in unmeltable ice. The two enemies laughed triumphantly.

But suddenly a red rose flew through the air and struck Sailor Moon. It cracked the ice and as the fissures quickly spread it all broke apart releasing her. Tuxedo Mask's voice called out. "You must learn to overcome all your fears Sailor Moon," and all eyes looked up to the roof of the stage where he stood in the open skylight.
Cheered at the sight of her hero Sailor Moon felt encouragement. "Thank you Tuxedo Mask." She proceeded to take advantage of the momentary distraction spinning around and reaching for her tiara on her forehead.
But suddenly she was paralyzed by a strange force. It was coming from Jedite's outstretched arm in her direction. "Oh no," he said with gritted teeth. "You're not getting any chance to kill another of our soldiers. Dereela go and take care of that man in the cape while I deal with Sailor Moon. He'll be no trouble for you at all."
"Yes my General." Dereela soared into the air chasing Tuxedo Mask through the skylight while Sailor Moon struggled in vain.
"I've gained a few more powers since we last met Sailor Moon." With a wave of his hand he sent her flying up striking the wall hard with a crash. "That's for the bellyache you gave my girlfriend." While Sailor Moon was dazed with pain and shock he next sent her zooming flat on the floor of the stage. "And that's for what you did to me."
"Sailor Moon!" Luna gasped. What could she do to help against such power?

Just when things looked bad however suddenly the energy began to disperse and the audience and contestants alike began waking up and yawning. "What's going on?" Jedite cried. To his horror Dereela's broken body came falling down from the skylight. It hit the stage with a great crash and shattered into thousands of tiny pieces just like glass.
"Sailor Moon! I managed to leap out of the way of this monsters' attack and landed behind her back striking three hard and fatal blows with my cane. I killed her and also smashed the receiver she was wearing releasing all the energy. You can depend on me to back you up in battle whenever I possibly can." Tuxedo Mask loudly proclaimed his triumph and disappeared into the night.
Jedite was aghast. He hadn't expected this to happen. He and Titus had failed their queen and lost yet another member of her army. "Oh dash it all." He shook his fists in rage. "Curse you Sailor Moon and curse that masked cape man too."
With that he teleported himself away as Sailor Moon dragged herself to her feet as everybody in the theater stared in amazement at her. After this more and more people came to believe in the mysterious Sailor Moon as she announced all that had happened and urged the police to make sure the real Saffron was safe at her motel room.

When the police arrived they found only Saffron herself lying naked in her bathtub, confused and wondering if she'd been having a bad hallucination. As soon as Dereela had died, her magic icy trap had been dispelled. Shocked Titus had said to Garoben and Ramwoir, "This can't be a good sign. Let's get out of here."

So the three of them all quickly returned to the Negaverse where Jedite and Titus would again face Queen Beryl and try to explain how they had managed to lose another soldier. Jedite gulped. "Queen Beryl. Please believe that I did all I could to protect Dereela. I was holding Sailor Moon captive while I told her to take care of a strange man in a tuxedo and a mask. I thought things would be all right. But he killed her."
Queen Beryl listened and thought. "You say you commanded Dereela to chase this man Jedite?"
"Yes Queen Beryl."
"Then for once Titus is completely innocent of your bungling. She was doing a commendable job keeping watch over the prisoner Saffron with soldiers Garoben and Ramwoir. But you! You were so stupid and foolish to underestimate this other enemy and send loyal Dereela to her doom!" She screamed this accusation and Jedite shook like jelly. Titus by his side also shuddered but dared not say anything.
"H-he didn't even have an obvious w-weapon. He appeared..."
"Never judge by mere appearances Jedite! Got that! Titus you be sure to let your lover boy remember to never make the same mistake. If he gets anybody else killed in this way I will hold you equally to blame. Understand?"
Titus nodded. "I do Queen Beryl."
Later in private she cuddled and comforted Jedite as he sobbed with fear on her shoulder. She was beginning to be scared too. If things kept going this badly what would Queen Beryl do to them both?