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Sailor Moon manga or anime


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
Reaction score
Episode 38 Fractious Friends

The Plant Trio had secretly been spying on the Sailor Scouts on Malachite's orders. Ever since the disastrous attempt the perfectly brainwashed Prince Darien had made to collect all the original hosts of the seven Rainbow Crystals Queen Beryl had told her last remaining general, "I want those five pests observed very carefully. We must out what their weak spots are so we can finally destroy them."
"I will get my faithful soldiers onto this at once my queen." Malachite promised her with a bow.

So Gureepo, Suzuran and Housenka magically disguised themselves as three female human journalists and using hypnosis ensured they were employed by the local newspaper offices despite having no background identities or resumes. In this way they were able to dog the Sailor Scouts footsteps wherever they went and they thought they were nothing more than nuisance reporters.
But lately strange things had been happening among the Sailor Scouts and the Plant Trio saw it all while they were hiding nearby in their disguises and they snapped some photographs from their vantage point behind concealing foliage.
"This is unbelievable," said Housenka.
"Let's take these pictures and report what we've seen to Queen Beryl, General Malachite and Prince Darien," added Suzuran.

So they all vanished and returned to the Negaverse where Queen Beryl awaited word on her throne with Malachite and Darien standing before her.
"Well what have you found out?" Beryl asked and Gureepo handed her one photo while Suzuran and Housenka gave one to Malachite and Darien respectively.
"Take a peek at these interesting snapshots we took," said Housenka.
"What the?" Malachite was amazed and Queen Beryl's eyebrows raised themselves up her forehead.
"What can this mean?"
The photos depicted Sailor Moon being chased and hounded by her friends. They appeared to be threatening her.
"The four other Sailor Scouts have begun to join forces in opposition to Sailor Moon your majesty," said Gureepo.
"We have seen them all surround her and threaten her unless she gives them the Silver Imperium Crystal," continued Housenka.
"It's as if they want to kick her out of the team and choose a new leader," finished Suzuran.
Darien looked up from his photo and remarked. "This sure looks real Queen Beryl but it could be a trap. I suggest Malachite and the others investigate further before we consider what sort of move to make."
"You show tremendous wisdom Prince Darien," Queen Beryl looked at him admiringly. "Malachite you are responsible for finding out the crucial information we need. And these three are at your assistance. Don't you fail me or it will mean the Doom and Gloom Girls."
The Plant Trio all shuddered and Malachite broke out in a cold sweat but kept calm. "You can depend upon us your majesty." He spoke on behalf of them all.

So the three of them kept up their relentless pursuit of the squabbles between the Sailor Scouts and soon the headlines were printed in big, bold capital letters over the front page of the newspaper every day.
These rumours were the talk of the town. Molly spoke to Serena about them one day as they were walking along the street. "It's scary that the Sailor Scouts may be thinking of splitting up."
Serena gulped and nervously replied. "Oh I'm sure the rumours must be somewhat exaggerated Moll. Why would they even think about splitting up when they have such a totally awesome leader like Sailor Moon to hold them together?"
As soon as she'd said that the Plant Trio in their reporter disguises pushed themselves in between her and Molly.
"Hello. We just happened to overhear you mention the rumours surrounding the Sailor Scouts."
"Can you give us some more dirt on them?"
Two of them held tape recorders in Serena and Molly's faces and all three of them smiled showing their flashing teeth. Serena and Molly were both very nervous.
"Uh ask her. She brought it up first." Serena indicated Molly and ran away while Molly stammered.
"Um. Y-you know wh-what? I've just had a mental blank. Sorry."
With that she ran away after Serena and the Trio all grinned and winked at each other.

Later outside the Cherry Hill Temple late at night Sailor Moon was again being chased by her friends.
"Give up Sailor Moon," cried Sailor Jupiter.
"We want that crystal," cried Sailor Venus.
With that Sailor Moon desperately tried to duck and weave as her friends lashed out with strong kicks until finally one of them connected. "YEOW!"
Sailor Moon screamed in pain as the impact sent her flying through the air to land upon her face in the dirt.
"Okay that does it." She angrily turned to face them tubbing her sore backside. "No more using my rear end for target practice. I quit!"
Her friends were dumbfounded except for Sailor Mars, who was frustrated. "Serena this is all part of our plan. We're supposed to make it look like we're ganging up on you, so the Negaverse will believe you when you say you want to defect to their side, so then we can discover the entrance to their dimension and attack them hard and strong."
"Yeah but I didn't expect it to be too realistically rough Mars."
Sailor Mars was at the point of exasperation. "If you really want to free Tuxedo Mask from Nega-influence you should be willing to take a few knocks. You're such a wimp Sailor Moon."
"Well this is a bad plan and we should call it off."
"It's too late to opt out now Sailor Moon." It was Luna who had spoken up. "Those three persistent paparazzi have ensured that the whole city knows about the image we are purporting, so the Negaverse must be suspicious by now."
Artemis added. "If you didn't like the plan you should have said so while you had the chance."
"Oh fudgesticks," groaned Sailor Moon cradling her head like it was aching.
Luna went on to say, "Artemis and I have been suspecting whether those reporters may even be connected with the Negaverse. After all they just seemed to appear from out of nowhere. Nobody seems to really know where they came from."
Serena groaned resignedly. "Okay! Okay! I'll go through with it and contact the Negaverse very soon."
"That's the spirit Sailor Moon." Sailor Mercury grinned.
Sailor Jupiter added cheerfully. "We have every confidence you can pull this off, but we will be hiding nearby to help in case you get into a difficult situation."
"Since when has Sailor Moon ever not fallen into difficulty?" Sailor Mars was still feeling rather annoyed at her attitude but Sailor Moon was quick to take offence.
"What is that? You know Mars, I'm starting to think you'd be happy if I really did defect to the Negaverse!"
Everybody was shocked to hear her say this. Especially Mars who almost fainted.
"Come on Sailor Moon," Sailor Venus chided. "You don't really mean that."
Sailor Moon replied, "You don't know her Sailor Venus. She has made it clear she wants to be the leader in the past before you joined us."
Sailor Mars was immediately on the defensive. "I won't deny the truth about that, but that's all in the past like you said."
Sailor Moon was in her face. "How can I possibly believe you?"
And with that the two Sailor Scouts were blowing raspberries in each others faces while the other three and the two cats all heaved a collective sigh. Would that pair never settle their differences for good?

So the following day, it being a Saturday, Serena went to the newspaper offices. She had Luna draped across her left shoulder and as they entered the building to speak to the receptionist Luna felt that she could definitely sense some serious Nega-vibes around the place.
"Can I help you young lady?" The man at the reception desk asked politely.
"Er. Yes you can." Serena swallowed her nerves and held out a letter in an envelope that she had composed with Luna's help after they had snuck stealthily back into her bedroom while her family were sleeping peacefully.
"I have a note for your star reporters from Sailor Moon. She asked me to deliver it for her."
The man took it from her outstretched hand and looked at it. "That's okay. I will see that they get it immediately. Thank you."
"Oh thank you sir. Thank you so much."
Serena and Luna left and Serena breathed out in utter relief. "I did it Luna."
"Yes but now you must be ready for the real challenge at 11pm tonight Serena."
"Aw Luna!" Serena moaned loudly. "Did you have to remind me about it so very quickly?"
Then she began to pathetically whimper while Luna shut her eyes and placed a paw on her head where she sat still perched atop her shoulder.

Later back at the Negaverse the Plant Trio reported back to Malachite after they had received and read the note. Castor and Pollux were present. Pollux's arm was still feeling tender, but it was out of its sling. Yasha was still in the hospital ward.
As they materialized Malachite addressed them nervously. "Beryl's getting restless you three. I hope you've found out something for our sakes."
"It's okay General Malachite." Gureepo handed him the message. "Read this."
Malachite glanced at the paper and muttered. "Humph. Sailor Moon has such lousy grammer. Her spelling is terrible."
"Yes we noted that ourselves, but you can still make out what it says." Suzuran agreed with earnest excitement.
Castor and Pollux listened with rapt attention as Malachite read out loud.
"To whom it may concern. I would like to meet up with your top reporters at the Memorial Garden tonight at 11 o'clock sharp. I have had enough of the others treating me like garbage. I've been bullied and abused by them long enough. I am prepared and all ready to grant you an exclusive interview regarding all of this and my subsequent decision to quit the Sailor Scout team. Please come all by yourselves and be on time. Sincerely Sailor Moon."
Housenka said, "The three of us will be keeping that appointment tonight General Malachite. We presume you will be there too?"
"Naturally." Malachite laughed. "I certainly want to be there when we capture Sailor Moon."
Then he turned to the Gemini Twins. "Castor! Pollux! I want you to conceal yourselves just inside the entrance to our realm. When we open up the portal to admit Sailor Moon passage you will both be in hiding ready to seize her and tie her up with strong cord. Will you be able to manage this? How's your arm Pollux?"
"It is still a little tender General Malachite," Pollux admitted. "But to compensate I shall be holding a big, solid, wooden club in my good arm's hand. I shall knock her out and Castor will be able to secure her."
"That sounds like a very good plan." Malachite was impressed by such ingenuity. "Okay everybody. Let's get ready."

And so at precisely 11pm Sailor Moon found herself standing in the middle of the Memorial Garden in the shadow of the giant clock tower as it tolled the hour. The Plant Trio materialized behind her just as the last of the eleven chimes were ringing out and said together "Sailor Moon."
Sailor Moon jumped in surprise and turned around to see who had crept up on her. She saw three reporters for although the Trio had appeared as themselves they had immediately changed to their disguises as soon as they had spoken.
"Oh! W-where did you come from?" As she said this the Trio interrupted her.
"Hey now. We're asking the questions. Got that?"
"Yeah. So what's this about you splitting away from the Sailor Scouts?"
Sailor Moon felt this a bit rude and abrupt, but she composed herself and answered. "Well I've had enough of the others and their attitude of vindictism and petty jealousy."
"Uh-hmm. So you told us in your note."
"So does this mean you're quitting the hero career?"
"Definitely! I've had more than I can take of what I just said."
"I think that's all we need to know now."
With this statement the Plant Trio changed back to their normal forms before Sailor Moon's startled eyes.
"What? It was you three all the time?"
The next thing she knew Malachite materialized in front of the Plant Trio. "Exactly Sailor Moon."
Sailor Moon became very defiant. "Malachite! If I'd known you were going to be here I never would have wasted my time with this trio of old garden bed weeds."
Suzuran, Housenka and Gureepo did not like what she had just said. "Don't you call us weeds."
They formed an agressive threatening stance behind their Commanding Officer and Sailor Moon was momentarily taken aback with shock and fright.
"S-sorry. J-just a little s-slip of the tongue."
Malachite immediately sought to take charge and control. "Let's stick to business Sailor Moon. Listen. This is our deal. If you give us the Silver Imperium Crystal, we will let you come back with us."
"Hey! Just because I've left the Sailor Scouts doesn't mean I'm going to work for the Negaverse. And I'm not making any deals."
Malachite smiled as he took a new direction. "Not even to save your friend Tuxedo Mask?"
Sailor Moon gasped in shock upon hearing this. "Tuxedo Mask!?"
Malachite continued. "Yes he's suddenly become very sick you know. We don't know how much longer he will hold out without the healing power of the Imperium Crystal. Come back with us before it's too late."
"You're bluffing. He doesn't remember what we mean to each other." Sailor Moon was beginning to shed angry tears of frustration.
"You can't delay forever." Gureepo chided.
"If we're telling the truth the longer you wait could reduce the chance of saving him", said Housenka.
"Can you afford to take the risk?" Suzuran sneered.
Sailor Moon thought for a moment. "How about this for a better idea?"
"And what's that?" Malachite demanded to know.
"If you are telling the truth then you transport Tuxedo Mask here so I can heal him and then I'll give you the crystal."

The other four Scouts were hiding among the bushes nearby and when Sailor Mars heard her say this she muttered to the rest. "Did you hear that? The coward would give up the crystal!"
"Now now Mars. She has to be just bluffing." Sailor Venus tried to calm her down while Jupiter and Mercury nodded in earnest agreement.
Malachite meanwhile was arguing that Tuxedo Mask was too sick to be transported.
"In that case we have no deal," retorted Sailor Moon but Malachite raised his hand and a dark portal opened up behind her. Her friends gasped as they watched from their vantage point and so did Sailor Moon herself as she turned around.
Malachite said, "All you have to do is enter through that opening to the Negaverse realm and you'll be with your Tuxedo Mask once more forever. Queen Beryl will reward you immensely too once you give her the crystal."
Sailor Moon made nervous sounds as she gazed inside. She couldn't see them of course but the Gemini Twins were in the shadows ready to ambush her.
"Well Sailor Moon? What do you say?" Malachite asked her.
"I don't know. I'd like to know more about this portal. The fact is I'm really not sure I can trust you people."
Before Sailor Moon realized it Suzuran attacked with her sonic blast power. It could not really hurt as such but it did stun her long enough for Castor and Pollux to jump out and subdue her. Pollux gave her a bonk on the head with her club which dazed her all the more and Castor secured her arms behind her back with the cord.

Sailor Jupiter said, "We must help her."
As they prepared to dash out and attack Sailor Mars stood in their way. "No. We must stick to the plan."
"But the plan's failed Mars." Jupiter argued.
"Any minute now they'll get the crystal off of her," added Sailor Venus.
"No they won't." Sailor Mars reluctantly drew the Crescent Moon Wand with the Silver Crystal out of a bag she had brought with her.
The others all gasped. "Sailor Mars! What are you doing with?"
"It isn't what it looks like." Sailor Mars awkwardly tried to explain. "I didn't steal it. She was just irresponsible enough to leave it in my room. So I ah, kept it."
Sailor Venus argued. "But you know that wasn't the right thing to do." Sailors Jupiter and Mercury were also frowning disapprovingly.

Any further argument or rebuke was cut off by the sound of Castor's voice crying out urgently. "General Malachite! Pollux and I cannot find the Silver Crystal located anywhere on her person!"
"Oh really?" Malachite strode over to Sailor Moon, who was raised groggily to her feet by the Gemini Twins, her hands firmly tied behind her back. He seized her hand and pulled her head back to gaze up into his face while she winced in pain. "Tell us where you have hidden the Imperium Crystal Sailor Moon."
"Ouch. I don't know." Sailor Moon was telling the truth of course, though none of the enemy would believe her.
"Tell us where to find the crystal or we will make you." Malachite was just about wrenching a handful of her hair out by its roots and she began to scream with agony.
Sailor Mars picked up her bag and slipped the wand inside. "There's no more time to argue. She really does need our help. Follow me." With the bag slung over her shoulder she leaped out from behind the bushes. "MARS FIRE IGNITE!"
Malachite and the Gemini Twins gasped, yelled and scattered as the fireballs singed them. Sailor Moon was also hit technically but as her captors were dispersed and she collapsed with a scream her arms broke free as the cords around her wrists snapped.
The Plant Trio was also shocked as they saw the other three Scouts come bounding out to stand beside Mars. "It's all a trick General Malachite!" Suzuran cried.
"The others were here all along!" Gureepo growled in fury as she prepared to attack with her thorns.
"JUPITER THUNDER CRASH!" Sailor Jupiter's charge splintered Gureepo's thorny thrust into splintered pieces and knocked her backwards off her feet.
Even as Housenka attempted to use her exploding seed pods Sailor Venus made her move next. "VENUS CRESCENT BEAM SMASH!"
Housenka was also sent flat on her back with a cry of horror and Suzuran was terrified.
Malachite realized they had been caught completely off their guard and he cursed.
Sailor Moon jumped to her feet and prepared to strike her first deadly blow choosing Malachite for her target. "MOON TIARA MAGIC!"
Malachite turned to behold the devastating force of the spinning tiara heading straight towards him. However he quickly summoned up a protective bubble around himself and the tiara struck it with a clang bouncing off and falling to the ground. Motioning with his hands Malachite sent out offshoots of his energy forming two more bubbles attached to his own by long threads. To his left one bubble encased Castor and Pollux where they stood while to his right another formed around the area covering where Gureepo and Housenka both lay stunned and where Suzuran stood with her knees knocking.
As the Sailor Scouts all watched Malachite shouted. "You've not defeated us utterly yet. We will be back." Then in the blinking of the eyes they were all gone.

Sailor Mars asked Sailor Moon, "Are you all right?"
"No I'm very upset. What has become of my wand?"
"Here it is." Sailor Mars took it out of her shoulder bag and handed it to her.
Sailor Moon's jaw dropped and she snatched it out of Mars' hand and rounded on her angrily. "And just what were you doing with my wand?"
"You carelessly left it lying on my bedroom floor."
"And how dare you keep it? That's the symbol of my leadership!"
"It's not that I want to be leader Meat-ball Head. I thought perhaps I'd better look after it. Besides you should take better care of it if you're half the leader you think you are."
"And why did all of you wait so long to save me?"
Sailor Mars tried to keep her voice calm. "We were trying to get co-ordinate readings on that entrance to the Negaverse with Mercury's data computer. I told the others to wait as long as we could until it became imperative for us to abandon the plan."
"That creep Malachite almost yanked out my hair! Was that your cue to respond for my deliverance?"
At this point Sailor Moon and Sailor Mars began to blow raspberries and bicker with each other once more. Sailors Mercury, Jupiter and Venus all sighed.
"Let's go home and leave them to it," said Sailor Jupiter.
"Yes. I need a break from their fighting," answered Sailor Mercury and Sailor Venus agreed. The three of them disappeared in huge leaps and bounds while Sailor Moon and Sailor Mars were so engrossed in their argument they never realized they were now by themselves until the big clock tower struck midnight giving them a sudden start.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
Reaction score
Episode 39 The Past Returns

The five Sailor Scouts were all gathered in the presence of Jedite, Titus and the Dream Dolly at the Cherry Hill Temple inside the room they had been hiding out in ever since they had defected from the Negaverse. The two women were in their human forms as they had been now for a very long time. Artemis and Luna were also present and they spoke up first.
"We all came at your request," said Artemis to the refugees.
"You said you could offer us some information or assistance," enquired Luna.
"Yes that is correct." said Jedite.
"As bad as we were before, we want to just as good or even more." Titus replied. "In short we can help you launch a direct attack on the Negaverse by opening up a portal to our realm."
"You're really prepared to do that?" Sailor Jupiter cried in amazement while the others gasped.
Jedite nodded. "No kidding Sailor Scouts. We want to destroy our evil queen so we can live in peace on earth with you."
"Between both of us and the help of Dream Dolly we are sure we can muster up enough power." Titus answered and Dream Dolly nodded her eager agreement.
"Can you get us into Beryl's palace?" Sailor Venus asked but Titus shook her head.
"We cannot risk opening up directly to her presence. She would find out our hiding place. Even with you girls to protect us it would be too dangerous."
Dream Dolly finally spoke next. "But we can let you into the caverns that encompass her throne room. You will need to explore them."
"We know you can do it," finished Jedite.
"I guess we should not keep wasting time." Sailor Moon admitted.
"Okay. We accept your offer thank you," said Sailor Mars.

So concentrating hard Jedite and the other two summoned a black portal in the middle of the room. "Go quickly now. The three of us will keep it open for you," he grunted with the effort.
"Follow us Scouts," shouted Luna as she and Artemis jumped through. Sailor Moon jumped after with her friends all close by her heels.

Finding themselves in the cavernous labyrinth Artemis said "There are so many tunnels to explore Luna and I had better go in one direction and you five in another. We'll cover more territory quicker."
Luna was a little unsure. "Are you certain this is a good idea Artemis?"
The girls also asked much the same sort of questions but Artemis was very confident. "I know you Scouts will be capable of looking after yourselves."
"But will you and Luna be okay by yourselves?" Sailor Jupiter asked.
Luna then made her admission. "I am not really afraid to go alone with Artemis. I was only concerned about the five of you."
The Scouts were all so very touched, but assured her that they would be okay then.
"We've all learned so very much since we first became Sailor Scouts Luna. We will protect each other," said Sailor Mercury.
"We won't let you down." The other four all agreed in unison.

"Very well then. Good luck." With that Artemis ran down one tunnel with Luna at his heels while the Scouts chose another one to explore.
As they made their way along the path they ran into a very formidable force indeed.
When Malachite and the others had reported back rather nervously to Queen Beryl after escaping from the Sailor Scouts on their most recent encounter she had decided to forego any further torture to their enormous relief. She figured her forces were rather dwindled down by now and she'd need them in as good condition as possible. It was hindrance enough that Pollux was recovering from a broken arm and Yasha from broken ribs.
So at this moment in their explorations the Sailor Scouts chanced to cross the path of General Malachite and he wasn't on his own. But he wasn't in the company of the Plant Trio. He wasn't in the company of the Gemini Twins. He wasn't even with his loyal servant Yasha. He was currently talking to the Seven great and mighty Shadow Warriors about plans he was having to destroy the Sailor Scouts and obtain the Silver Imperium Crystal once and for all.

As soon as he saw them he jumped with momentary disbelief. Then composing himself he said, "What a big surprise. So you have all come to personally give yourselves up, have you?"
Sailor Jupiter was all fired up with resentment at these words. "In your dreams creep. JUPITER THUNDER CRASH!"
But as she sent her biggest charge of her electrical energy zooming towards Malachite, one of the Shadow Warriors intercepted safely absorbing it to the Scouts mutual dismay.
Malachite stared at the wand in Sailor Moon's hand. The prized Silver Crystal was screwed firmly into place on it. He remembered how the Shadow Warriors had been imprisoned over a thousand years ago inside that very crystal by Sailor Moon's mother, Queen Serenity. And then it had been divided up into the Seven Rainbow Crystals. Sailor Moon probably was unaware of what her mother had done to capture the Shadows, but it would be best to get it off her as quickly as possible. He couldn't risk losing even one Shadow Warrior. He had managed to avoid the various punishments of the dreaded Doom and Gloom Girls so far but this would be the final straw that pushed Beryl beyond all patience and reason with him.
"Hey Sailor Moon. How about a little deal? You hand over that Silver Crystal and your friends will be spared."
"Oh yeah. Right." Sailor Moon assumed a fighting stance. "Like you would even keep your promise in any case? No deals you slimy Nega-worm."
"We will triumph over you and those dark shadowy monsters beside you." Sailor Mars vowed. "MARS FIRE IGNITE!"
But just like Jupiter's thunder crash, Mars' attack was swallowed up in the body of another Shadow Warrior.
The Scouts all gasped and Malachite prepared to make his move.
"We destroyed Queen Serenity and King Lune-Eclipsus and we'll destroy all of you too."
"How do you know about those people?" Sailor Moon wanted to know and Malachite gave her an answer.
"Because I was there on that glorious day when we obliterated the Moon Kingdom. Now I'm going to take that crystal."
"NO! You'll never get my crystal!" Sailor Moon was choking back tears of rage as her friends all moved in front of her to try to combine all their power in a desperate attempt to protect her and the crystal.
However Malachite got his move in first and sent a huge wave of energy that had the effect upon the Sailor Scouts as if they were ninepins hit by a bowling ball in a perfect strike. They all went tumbling head over heels in the air and the Crescent Moon Wand flew in the opposite direction towards Malachite's outstretched hand.
"Destroy the Sailor Scouts while they're helpless." He commanded the Shadow Warriors. "And I'll grab the Imperium Crystal.
The Seven Shadows all lunged at the Scouts intending to seize them and reduce them to nothing in their menacing clutches as Malachite reached out for the wand. But suddenly the wand came to life and zipped away from Malachite's grasp. Next thing he knew there was an enormous burst of light and the Shadows all cringed and crouched to the ground as the illumination weakened them.
As for the Scouts they all felt like they were whizzed away from the scene in the cavern in another dimension. They spun round and round shrieking in fear and the Crescent Wand spun with them taking them to a very different-looking place.

Sailor Moon was the first one to get to her feet and look around her. They had fallen gently face down on a strange surface surrounded by tall columns of ancient ruins. Stone pillars and archways only half standing. Some were even lopsided and all had chunks broken out of them. Rubble was strewn all along the ground. There was no trace at all of Malachite or any of the Shadow Warriors.
As her friends were also climbing to their feet and staring in amazement at everything Serena said, "Where are we? This place feels familiar."
A couple of voices spoke up suddenly. "That's because this is your old home Serena," said a female voice.
"It's wonderful to see you again our darling daughter," said a male voice afterwards.
Sailor Moon looked up and gasped as two small ghostly figures descended in a ball of light. An elegant woman with silvery-white hair in the same style as Serena's golden-yellow hair and a handsome man with a short brown beard and moustache.
She was almost speechless but she managed to speak. "Are you really my parents from my past life as the Moon Princess?"
"Yes. I am Queen Serenity and this is my husband King Lune-Eclipsus." Serenity shone with radiant joy.
"You have done so very well in your battles on Earth Serena. It is time you and your friends knew the full truth." Lune- Eclipsus said while the Scouts are gathered round in awe and wonderment.
"No doubt Luna has told you as much as she can remember," began Serenity.
"But listen while we fill in all the gaps." finished Lune-Eclipsus.
And so they began to reveal the past.

Serenity and Lune-Eclipsus spoke alternately to Sailor Moon and her four friends.
"We all lived in peace with the inner planets during the time known as the Silver Millenium."
"Even the outer planets who were independent of our union were gracious enough towards us. They mostly kept to themselves but they were interested in a happy, peaceful universe."
"We were raising you to rule the Moon Kingdom when we were gone but most of the time you spent staring at the Earth."
"For you had fallen in love with a handsome young warrior from there by the name of Darien."
Sailor Moon drew in a sharp intake of breath upon hearing this.
Serenity took up the exchange once more. "Then one day Darien came to the moon to help us against a terrible threat."
"A race of extra-terrestrials known collectively as the Youma were bent on conquest of the universe. The four outer planets managed to get warning through to us while they were holding them back as long as they could."
"And Darien told us the Youma were led by an extremely vicious queen by the name of Beryl."
"When you saw that your best friends, the warriors of the four inner planets were going to be defending our kingdom as well you practically begged us to let you fight alongside them. You wanted to be a Sailor Scout yourself."
"The moon had no personal warrior like the planets but your father and I decided to appoint you to be Sailor Moon as well as the princess of the moon kingdom."
"And I myself created the magic spells in your locket for your transformation and in your tiara for an offensive weapon Serena. I trained you with the help of your friends who agreed to submit to you as their official leader."
The five of them were all gobsmacked as they heard these revelations but there was more to come.
Serenity spoke as she and Lune-Eclipsus raised their hands. "We have spoken enough. Now it is time we showed you what happened in the end."
Serenity and Lune-Eclipsus turned to face each other and touched their palms together on their outstretched arms above their heads.
Energy emanated from their fingertips and swirled around the Scouts making them see clear images in their minds.

They all clearly saw Queen Beryl leading the full frontal attack upon the Moon Kingdom. She stood atop a nearby elevated mound holding her scepter with her magic crystal built into it. "Attack my troops and bring Queen Serenity and King Lune-Eclipsus to their knees!"
Her four main generals led the force with drawn swords that glinted evilly when light flashed upon the blades. Zoicite and Malachite fought together side by side. Nephlite and Jedite fought separately on their own territories but all the rest of the Youma were behind them.
There was Titus in her monster form. She had been gazing at Jedite's back with adoration in her eyes before the command to charge was given. This was before she had confessed her feelings to Jedite but when the fight began she concentrated on using her water powers to knock down and pulverize the Moon Kingdom Knights in armour. The Dream Dolly sat by the sidelines. She wasn't trained for battle but she was a medic, ready to help if anyone was wounded. She waved to her dear friend Titus and wished her good luck in the combat.
Other Youma soldiers were also wielding swords and shields. Among them were Morga, Fro, Garoben, Yasha, Castor and Pollux. Some of the others may have been using a combination of swordmanship and other unique powers to fight, but others were exclusively powerful enough to just rely on their own abilities. Black Widow ensnared the knights in her sticky webs and her cohorts could easily put them to death with their horrible blades that were sharp enough to pierce through their armour. Jumo impaled several of them through their hearts with her terrible razor projectiles out of her arms. Kyameran even killed her opponents in the non-bloody manner of turning them into lifeless photo shoots. The battle ground was littered with pictures of warriors in armour wielding spear and sword in what had been their final living postures.
Then they saw King Lune-Eclipsus leading Darien and the Sailor Scouts into battle including his daughter, the princess Serena.
Serena was awestruck to see herself taking command of her friends while Darien and her father fought side by side. With Mercury using her icy bubbles, Mars her fireballs, Jupiter her electrical thunder and Venus her crescent beam attack they worked as a team to help Sailor Moon. At this moment Queen Beryl commanded all the female members of her army to hold back.
"Let the boys handle these pathetic little girls." She yelled out so Titus and the others all allowed the male Youma to advance upon the Sailor Scouts with a united shout of praise for the great Queen Beryl. Darien and the King were engaged in swordplay against the four generals on the opposite end of the battle ground.

But these girls were not so pathetic as Queen Beryl thought they were. Between all their powers including Sailor Moon's spinning magic tiara they actually destroyed all the male members of her army in two minutes flat. The only survivor was Yasha and he ran as fast as he could back in retreat past where his queen stood in disbelief. Titus and the rest of the women Youma were horrified to see the mass destruction of their menfolk. But for Yasha's successful retreat and the three males among the four humanoid Youma generals, their race may have been instantly set on the road to inevitable extinction.

But Queen Beryl only snarled and said "It's time to call in our secret weapons. Our unbeatable soldiers. You! Titus! You know what to do!"
Titus did indeed. She was in charge of these invincible warriors and she had spent long hours each day training them. She took a small box out of her pocket and opening it seven huge black shapes darted out into the air forming the Seven Shadow Warriors. Queen Beryl saw that the Sailor Scouts had been preparing to aid Darien and Lune-Eclipsus when they saw these hideous creatures appear. They attacked but all their powers were absorbed by the Shadows and even Sailor Moon's tiara bounced harmlessly off them.
Queen Beryl commanded the Shadows to kill Lune-Eclipsus first, but not Darien. Even her four generals were trying hard not to kill Darien while aiming to destroy the king. All the members of her army had been sternly warned to take Darien alive at any cost. She was secretly in love with him and wanted to make him her own king. By force if she had to.
So the Seven Shadows swarmed over Lune-Eclipsus absorbing him. He disappeared forever inside the darkness of their combined mass and there was nothing any of them could do about it. Sailor Moon screamed in bitter anguish at the demise of her father. Both the Sailor Moon then and there and the future one watching this in her mind. Both sets of the other four also responded similarly.

Queen Beryl cackled triumphantly. "Lune-Eclipsus is no more! And soon I'll have his queen Serenity begging me to kill her as quickly and speedily as I did him. But maybe I'll torture her for amusement instead. HA HA HA!"
Then she addressed Darien where he stood with drawn sword. "Prince Darien. You are a mighty and courageous warrior indeed. But I think you are very handsome as well. Why not join forces with me? We will rule the universe together as King and Queen."
Darien raised his sword in defiance and shouted with distaste in his voice. "NEVER! You are an evil and ugly snake of a woman Beryl. I will never be your king."
Beryl was furious. "You dare speak to me like that? Let me show you just how hard and deadly this "snake" can bite. Behold my great powers of destruction."
With that she held her scepter high in the air and the crystal in it glowed sending out pulses of destructive energy. Everywhere buildings were collapsing and the people of the Moon Kingdom were crushed to pulp by falling masonry. Those who survived were killed by the Shadow Warriors or the four generals while Darien launched himself at Queen Beryl to attack her.
Raising her scepter Beryl blasted him into unconsciousness and he floated limp in magic levitation. "I shall brainwash him and make him my king for all time!" She laughed uproariously.
Sailor Moon bellowed in anguish. "I won't allow this!"
She prepared to throw her tiara at Beryl but the tyrant queen directed some more of her evil power at her and she too was knocked out and floating in the air. Her friends tried desperately to come to her rescue but Beryl seemed to have eyes in the back of her head and in no time Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Mars had joined her and Darien in a helpless aerial display.
Beryl called out to her remaining army. "Pick them out of the air and destroy them all. But remember. Darien belongs to me."

But even as Titus and the rest of them prepared to take turns pot-shooting the defenceless girls, somebody screamed loudly. "No! I won't let you have the last laugh Beryl!"
It was Queen Serenity. Amid all the chaos and the carnage she had managed to survive and with tears streaming down her cheeks at the death of all her innocent subjects and her husband plus the capture of her daughter and her friends she raised the very same Crescent Moon wand that the present Sailor Moon owned. The Silver Imperium Crystal was even screwed into it just like the future one and as she raised it high she poured out the last of her life energy into what she wanted it to do.
Queen Beryl screamed in rage and frustration as she was sealed up inside a mystical prison barrier. It stretched out to also entrap Jedite, Nephlite, Malachite and Zoicite and drag them into the circular shaped sphere Beryl was furiously fighting against in vain. "You can't do this to the great Queen Beryl!" She was pushing against the forces holding her trapped and so were her generals. But it didn't stop there. All her soldiers tried to run and dodge the vacuum pull but one by one they too were sucked into it.
The Dream Dolly actually ran toward Titus to grab her by the hand and try to help her. "Come on Titus! Come with me!" She earnestly dragged Titus after her but it was no use. They were the last two to be overtaken and drawn backwards forcibly to be squeezed into the crowded space with their monarch and all the other Youma army members.

Queen Beryl was getting extremely angry and she shouted out to her Seven faithful Shadows. "Surround Queen Serenity and force her to let me and my army out of here!"
The Shadows prepared to obey and encircled Serenity to threaten her. "Release our queen and allies or we will absorb you into oblivion." The biggest of them snarled this threat however Serenity had more tricks up her sleeves. Raising the wand with the Silver Crystal above her head she shouted.
"MOON CRYSTAL POWER!" Then the Seven Shadows were quickly sucked up into rays of bright light that burst out from the crystal. Just as they vanished Luna and Artemis came running up to her.
"Your majesty. Everybody is either dead or hopelessly dying." Luna was crying bitterly while Artemis gasped out in dismay. "It was a massacre. Luna and I only survived because none of the enemy thought we were anything more than mere ordinary cats. We were also lucky to avoid being crushed by the debris."
Luna sniffed. "What has happened to you Queen Serenity?"

Just then the visual flashback ended and the Sailor Scouts once more found themselves facing the spectral forms of Serenity and Lune-Eclipsus.
"Now you just about know the full story," her father said.
"What finally happened?" Sailor Moon asked with tears in her eyes and the other four were also weeping in the background.
Her mother supplied the answer. "I sent Queen Beryl and her army flying off into the deepest reaches of outer space trapped inside their prison. Then I sent you, your friends and Prince Darien off into a future dimension so that you would be reborn on the planet earth one thousand years later with no memory whatsoever of your past lives."
"Hey wait a minute! There are two things I don't understand. Why didn't you just execute the rest of the enemy when you had them helplessly trapped? And why did you send all of us, including me, your only daughter, far away from you into another time and place?"
"I will explain dear Serena. First of all think about it. Our kingdom was destroyed and everybody you knew had been brutally killed. Including your father. If I had let you and the others wake up to behold the heartbreaking devastation could any of you have been able to bear it? I wanted you to be happy. That's why I sent you to a brand new life on the earth."
The Sailor Scouts all bowed their heads in reverence upon hearing this while Sailor Moon herself covered her mouth to stifle her gasp.
Queen Serenity continued. "And I did not put all those invaders to death because I was almost dead myself. I had used up most of my energy to capture them and their Shadow Warriors. Plus I was pining away of my own broken heart. I only had enough energy left to send them hurtling out into the cosmos and out of sight before encasing you in cocoons that sent you out of existence ready to be reborn at the appointed time. "I was also able to magically arrange for Artemis and Luna to be reborn but unlike you they would have their memories return to them as they grew older. At least in part so they knew why they were capable of speech and remembered my last command to them to search out and watch over you. In case Queen Beryl and her army ever escaped and found their way back to the universe they could reawaken your old Sailor Scout powers and identities and train you to fight to prevent what happened before occurring again on earth."
Sailor Moon began to weep bitterly as the truth of her mother's loving actions sank in to her mind and heart.
Sailor Jupiter and the others all bowed reverentially before her. "You saved us all your majesty." Sailor Jupiter said.
"And we are forever grateful," added Sailor Mercury and Mars and Venus expressed similar sentiments.
Serenity smiled at them. "I only did what I had to for the very best. Serena one more thing."
Sailor Moon raised her head wiping her eyes and listened attentively to her mother. "As I finished sending you all on your way with the last of my energy the Silver Imperium Crystal was shot from the Crescent Moon Wand into the air where it shattered into seven individual crystals and disappeared into space. Your father and I know all that you've been through regarding the Seven Shadows and the threat they currently pose for you. You know have possession of the wand and the crystal. Remember how I trapped the Shadows by raising the wand high and shouting "Moon crystal power" really loud? You can do the same to seal them away in your Silver Crystal forever."
Lune-Eclipsus finally spoke for one last time. "Now it is time for you all to return to where you were when we called you forth to see us. Goodbye our precious daughter Serena and remember what you must do."
Before any of them could say another word things began to shimmer and fade in a hazy mist around them.

They found themselves back where they had been before facing Malachite and the Shadow Warriors. Malachite didn't acknowledge them as having previously disappeared at all. Apparently Queen Serenity and King Lune-Eclipsus had revealed their visions to their daughter and her friends inside their minds and in the brief few seconds when the bright light from the wand had blinded Malachite and momentarily incapacitated the Shadows.
Now that the light was gone he had removed his arm from his face and blinking very rapidly to clear his vision he saw the wand inside Sailor Moon's hand. "I'll get that wand if it's the last thing I ever do!"
With that he prepared to attack once again while the Shadow Warriors slowly rose to their full height. But Sailor Moon gritted her teeth, thrust her wand high above her head and shouted at the top of her voice. "MOON CRYSTAL POWER!"
Malachite screamed in horrified fury. "NO! NO! NO!" But he was helpless to do anything as the Shadow Warriors were all gathered together and disappeared in a swirling mist back inside the Silver Imperium Crystal.
Malachite knew he was definitely in for it now. Queen Beryl would have him subjected to the worst torture imaginable for the loss of the Seven Mighty Shadow Warriors. He needed to kill the Sailor Scouts and get the Silver Imperium Crystal. He couldn't hope for complete mercy but maybe the pain would be a little less severely traumatic. That was the best he could possibly try to attain.
"Take this Sailor Brats!" He began to produce curved blades of electrical energy out of thin air and threw it at them. As Sailor Moon began to be hit and cut on her arms and legs her friends rallied to protect her and the crystal. Raising their power sticks above their heads and over Sailor Moon they formed a circle around her.
Their combined energies formed a protective barrier on which the projectiles harmlessly bounced off and Malachite was enraged. "Those bolts were really only mild. But now I'll use my most powerful deadly variety."
So saying he clasped his hands together, shut his eyes and breathing slowly and deeply tapped into the deepest darkest recesses of his magical reserves.
Then he bombarded them with multiple missiles that slashed and tore at the barrier they'd erected around them. If they hadn't set it up they would have certainly been torn to ribbons. But as it was the barrier took the brunt of it, though they were cut and bleeding in places where the blades had broken through and they gasped and grunted in pain falling to the ground exposing Sailor Moon.
Seeing her friends beaten up she strode defiantly towards Malachite. "I am Sailor Moon. Champion of Justice and Princess of the Moon Kingdom. I will triumph over all evil including the worst kind like you."
Malachite summoned up his hugest blade of all and through it at her. Sailor Moon instinctively raised the Crescent Moon Wand and as she swung it like a bat the Silver Imperium Crystal seemed to glow with even more power since capturing the Shadow Warriors all over again. With a resounding clang the wand struck Malachite's projectile and Sailor Moon instinctively shut her eyes and turned her head as it flew straight back at Malachite severing him into two pieces through the middle.
It was all over for Malachite. Queen Beryl and her Doom and Gloom Girls could no longer do anything to make him suffer and now he was re-united with his lover Zoicite in the realm of the grave.

Suddenly Luna and Artemis appeared. They were horrified to see the Scouts all bleeding in small places. "Sailor Moon! What has been happening?" Luna cried.
Sailor Moon explained while the others were pulling themselves up onto their feet. "We've had encounter with Malachite and the Shadow Warriors. But don't worry Luna and Artemis. The Shadows are now trapped inside my Silver Imperium Crystal this time forever. And as for Malachite. Well I don't suggest you look over there where he's lying. It isn't a pretty sight."
Luna and Artemis were amazed to hear this. "You defeated the Shadows and destroyed Malachite. Well done Sailor Moon." Luna was ecstatic.
"Your mother and father would be so proud of you," said Artemis.
"Somehow I think they are." Sailor Moon smiled.
But then Artemis got down to business. "Okay listen Scouts. Luna and I discovered that you can indeed find your way to Beryl's throne room through these caves. we were very careful to creep around through the shadows without being seen. Now that we no longer need to worry about the Shadow Warriors Queen Beryl's forces are severely weakened. But we still need to train you hard to be ready for a full-frontal attack. And we will need a good battle strategy."
Luna continued. "So we suggest we all make our way back and discuss with our friends Jedite, Titus and Dream Dolly about what strengths or weaknesses Beryl may yet have and how they may be able to help us with any other information about the Negaverse Headquarters."
"Yeah. This makes sense," said Sailor Mars. "Besides we all need to get these cuts and scratches cleaned and patched up before they get too dirty and infected."
"The Dream Dolly will be able to do that for us with her medical training," replied Sailor Mercury.
"Very well then let's go back," said Sailor Moon. "But when we return Beryl is definitely going down."
"Down and out!" The other four all echoed in mutual agreement and so they began to retrace their steps carefully watching out for any other enemy around the corner. But they didn't meet any more of the Youma and they arrived safely back.
As soon as the portal was closed Jedite and the others began to talk things over while the Dream Dolly got band-aids and disinfectant ready. It was going to be a huge final battle and they needed to be all ready for it.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Episode 40 Day Of Destiny

Luna and Artemis had been training the Sailor Scouts very intensely for their biggest battle ever. Jedite, Titus and the Dream Dolly had warned them about the Negaforce and the five torturers known as the Doom and Gloom Girls.
"The Negaforce is an extremely powerful spirit entity. It has no physical form." Jedite explained. "While all of us were floating together in our cramped prison in the deepest recesses of space it discovered us and wanted to know who and what we were."
Titus took over. "When Queen Beryl told it about everything that had happened to us it said that it had been planning to conquer and control the universe itself for a long time. It needed to find some allies who would feed it huge quantities of energy to allow it to break free from its limited boundaries and umleash fury and destruction upon all it wanted to suppress."
Jedite continued. "Queen Beryl made a deal that we would all serve the Negaforce if it would release us and Queen Beryl would be ruler of the universe only second to the Negaforce itself. So we made our way back to the universe Queen Serenity had banished us from."
Titus took her turn again. "We discovered that Serenity had also sent us a thousand years into the future. The moon was a vacant lifeless satelite and all traces of life on the planets had faded into obscurity. Except for the earth."
"So we started to attack the earth people for energy to nourish our new master. Then you all began to appear starting with Sailor Moon. Though none of us made the connection with the female warriors we encountered on the moon long ago at first."
As Jedite told them this part the girls were amazed and wide-eyed but then Titus said something that made them shudder.
"The Negaforce voluntarily expended some of its power reserves to create five feminine creatures it called the Doom and Gloom Girls. And believe me if they get their hands on you it literally means doom and gloom for you."
The Dream Dolly who was sitting nearby nodded her head and spoke up. "That's right. Our queen uses them as her personal torture chamber operators. I myself have tended to my dear friends after they were punished after they had failed some of the missions you Sailor Scouts thwarted. They had their backs brutally flogged red raw and their thumbs and big toes crushed painfully."
The Sailor Scouts all gasped in horror.
Jedite and Titus concurred. "That's right. None of us were ever really safe from them while we were alive. If any one of us rubbed our queen the wrong way we would have been handed over to those Doom and Gloom Girls."
"You can't afford to underestimate the dangers you'll be going up against."

They all thanked Jedite and the others for this important information and then the two Guardian Cats had begun briefing and training the Scouts for four days straight in every moment of their spare time. On the afternoon of the fifth day it was a Friday after school. Everybody met at the Cherry Hill Temple in private chambers where Grandfather and Chad couldn't hear them.
"So we're finally ready to attack Queen Beryl," said Raye. But then Serena nudged her and said with a cheeky grin.
"Hey Raye. Very important question. Did you remember to kiss Chad goodbye?"
Raye reacted with annoyance but Luna and Artemis called everyone to order.
"Okay girls. This will be a tough battle but Luna and I are counting on you."
"Are you all feeling confident?" Luna added but Serena snappily answered.
"Yeah. We've trained enough. Moon Prism Power."
As she transformed the others followed suit.
"Mercury Power!"
"Mars Power!"
"Jupiter Power!"
"Venus Power!"
They all joined hands in a circle and closed their eyes. "Believe in yourselves and you will succeed Sailor Scouts." Artemis assured them.
Concentrating hard they silently shimmered and vanished without a trace.
"They're on their way Luna."
"Do you really believe they are capably ready Artemis?"
"I know that at least four of them are Luna. But Serena?" Artemis blushed and gulped. "Well I hope she's ready. But her attitude of commitment was rather appalling. You saw yourself how she snapped and said they had trained enough. She really didn't want to train as much as we all forced her to. She was always grumbling about having no time to visit the Arcade or watch TV or anything."
Luna sighed. "I feel the exact same way Artemis. But she and her friends will be facing the Queen of the Negaverse, this evil Negaforce and its terrible Doom and Gloom Girls. Serena must be prepared and ready."
Artemis said, "Well maybe she'll luck out and clutz her way through it while the enemies all miss her and accidentally destroy each other?" But he was speaking with uncertain hopes and he and Luna both knew it.
Through a crack in the open door Jedite, Titus and the Dream Dolly had all been watching and listening in secret. They all looked at each other with worried expressions.

Meanwhile in the Negaverse Queen Beryl had finally been pushed past the boundary of whatever trace of reason she could have been said to have. When Malachite's grisly corpse was discovered and the Seven Shadows couldn't be found anywhere her anger was literally insane. To the horror of the small remaining handful of her army she had jumped up out of her throne and pointed her finger in their general direction as they all stood in front of her and screamed at the top of her voice.
"The six of you will all pay dearly for the loss of the Mighty Shadow Warriors anew! I command the Doom and Gloom Girls to seize you all with the assistance of Prince Darien!"
"Wait but Queen Beryl," Gureepo began to say as Prince Darien and the Doom and Gloom Girls surrounded her, the other two members of the Plant Trio, Yasha and Castor and her sister Pollux.
"Have mercy on us."
"Please. This wasn't our fault."
They all made similar pleadings as they were roughly seized. But things were even worse than they feared as their enraged queen gave her heartless decree.
"I don't care whose fault it may or may not have been. I have decided that since my race is just about completely extinct it may as well be wiped out. Therefore I hereby turn you all over to be tortured every day for three hours by the Doom and Gloom Girls until you slowly die one by one. Then as the very last of the Youma people I shall create a new breed of race with Prince Darien of the planet Earth in its place."
Her terrified soldiers screamed and to her satisfaction the Gemini Twins actually burst into tears. She laughed at their faces with streaming tears and Darien assisted the Doom and Gloom Girls to drag them off to the torture chambers. Yasha's ribs had been pretty much healed and so had Pollux's arm but they now had even more pain like the others. This had been going on three hours every morning for the past four days while the Sailor Scouts were undergoing strict training procedure and they were now suffering their torment for the fifth consecutive day as the Scouts were transporting to the caverns they had explored earlier.

Following the directions Luna and Artemis had given them the five girls arrived at Queen Beryl's throne room, where to Serena's horror she saw Darien dressed up in his regal clothing and with a crown added atop his head. Also he was seated on a throne that had been built into place next to Beryl's throne. There they were seated next to each other's side as if he was her king.
She screamed attracting their attention. "It can't be! Darien!"
Sailor Mars was furious. "Well done Sailor Moon. You've cost us the element of surprise."
The other three Scouts were also exasperated and they gave a three-fold groan while Beryl and Darien rose hand in hand.
Beryl sneered. "Well. Well. Well. So you thought you'd pay us an unannounced visit, did you?"
Sailor Jupiter raised her fists and shouted. "You're going down for the count Queen Beryl.
Sailor Venus said, "Come and meet our challenge."
"We'll destroy you and redeem our friend from your mind-control," concluded Sailor Mercury while Darien just stared at them with a steely glint in his eyes.
Beryl raised her scepter. "You're not fighting me at this point Sailor Scouts. First I challenge you to square off against the Doom and Gloom Girls. If you can defeat them, then I will accept your challenge next."
Sailor Mars was very confidently sure of their abilities. "Bring them on then Beryl. What are you waiting for?"
"Not here. I know the perfect venue for you to fight against them." With those words Queen Beryl pointed her scepter and beams of light shot out surrounding each Sailor Scout who disappeared with a cut-off shriek.
Still holding Darien by the hand she spoke into the crystal on the end of her scepter. "Doom and Gloom Girls. Queen Beryl here with urgent business. Leave your prisoners in the torture chamber for now. I have a special task for you to accomplish."

In the meantime the Sailor Scouts found themselves surrounded by miles and miles of snow in a sub-arctic climate. Sailor Moon shivered and sneezed. "Some perfect venue this is. That dirty sleaze of a nega-queen."
"None of us are particularly comfortable Sailor Moon," agreed Sailor Jupiter. "But we must be ready to fight as soon as these Doom and Gloom Girls appear."
Sailor Mercury was shivering with the cold but she steadied herself as much as possible while her fingers worked the keyboard of her data computer. "I'm picking up readings from this direction. Towards that volcano shaft. Follow me."
As they were walking along the snow with the bitter wind blowing their hair towards the left side of their heads, a hole suddenly opened up under Sailor Jupiter's feet. Long thick rope-like tentacles wrapped around her body pinning her arms to her sides and she was pulled down in a split second.
"Sailor Jupiter!" Even Sailor Moon momentarily forgot about how dreadfully cold she was as she and the others ran to the hole and peered down through it on their knees. They could see nothing but they heard Sailor Jupiter call up to them.
"The Doom and Gloom Girls have me. I'll try to break free. JUPITER THUNDER CRASH!"
There was a bright light as the sound of booming thunder echoed up to the others earshot from way down below. But afterwards they heard Jupiter's voice again.
"It's no use. I couldn't hurt them. They're too strong and they're transporting me away. Be careful Scouts." With that her voice faded and Sailor Mercury gasped.
"They've taken Jupiter captive!"
Sailor Moon prepared to jump down the hole but Sailor Mars and Sailor Venus stopped her. "Let me go! Jupiter needs help!"
Sailor Venus said, "It's too late Sailor Moon. They'll already have taken her back to the Negaverse with them."
Sailor Mars added, "Yeah. She's their prisoner and we must all stand together now if we hope to have a chance of saving her."
Sailor Moon was very upset but she calmed down as her friends spoke to her. Then they all stood up ready to make their next move.

Sailor Mercury suddenly heard a beeping noise coming from her data computer. She realized that it intensified as she directed her computer towards a certain direction.
"What's that noise mean?" Sailor Venus wondered as she and the others all made a move towards it. But Sailor Mercury stopped them.
"No. This could be another trap. You three stay in the direction of the volcano. Let me check this out by myself."
"But Mercury," Sailor Moon tried to protest. "This is very dangerous."
"I know," she answered. "But were any of you seriously expecting that our mission would be easy and free from harm?"
Sailor Moon and the other two were silent and solemn as the truth of Sailor Mercury's words hit in.
"All right. But be careful." Sailor Moon reluctantly turned away from her.
"I will. Don't worry about me," assured Sailor Mercury and Venus wished her good luck.

So Sailor Mercury went her own way following the trail of the beeping signal. She was keeping a wary look out all around her when suddenly a giant flaming fireball erupted out of the ice ahead and began to move straight at her. The bright flames reached out like fingers ready to grab something to shove into a mouth and consume.
Quickly pocketing her computer she responded in her defence. "MERCURY BUBBLES BLAST!"
The wall of fire frozen over into a giant slab of molten rock. But she realized too late that it had only been intended as a distraction. The very same fate befell her as had befallen Jupiter. The snow opened up under her and the tentacles seized her. Her friends watched horrified from several feet away as Mercury was snatched out of sight.

Back in the Negaverse Mercury found herself chained to the walls of the torture chamber next to Jupiter. Queen Beryl stood in front of them smiling maliciously.
"Two of you are ready. Three to go. As soon as the Doom and Gloom Girls have you all you will all die. It will not be a quick death of course. But you will die much faster than these pathetic wimps."
She drew attention with her outstretched arm to the Plant Trio, the Gemini Twins and Yasha all chained on the opposite wall. They were bruised and bloody from the relentless torture. They were also weak with hunger as they were given nothing but bread and water once a day.
"Queen Beryl. How can you do this to us?" Housenka moaned.
"We were loyal and faithful to you," added Suzuran.
Beryl laughed. "Loyal? Ha! You were all weak and pathetic simpletons. To me you were all just pawns in my game for universal conquest. When you outlived your usefulness I always intended to destroy every last one of you."
Sailor Mercury gasped and cried out, "You actually planned to eventually exterminate even your own people?"
Queen Beryl turned her head back towards her and replied. "Not from the very beginning I admit. I wasn't going to just have nobody left to serve me. But from the moment I first lay eyes on Prince Darien of earth my heart was smitten hopelessly for him. For the very first time I knew I had found somebody I could truly love and share the universe with. And now that I have fully won him over to me through my magic means I no longer need to keep any of my own race alive. I can start anew and produce a perfect race of beings through my union with Darien."
Sailor Jupiter was furious. "You are so vile and twistedly deranged!" She struggled in vain against the chains as she said this but Beryl only laughed all the more.
Sailor Mercury couldn't help but feel sorry as the Youma all started to weep and bow their heads where they hung. "This must be a dreadful realization for them," she thought. "They may have been our enemies but I pity them deeply in this instance."

Back to the others Sailor Moon was really upset. She fell down on her knees and pounded her fists in the snow. "First Jupiter. And now Mercury." She groaned and wailed. "It's all going wrong. We shouldn't have come. We're not ready yet. Artemis and Luna didn't train us hard enough."
"What's that you're saying Sailor Moon?" Sailor Mars raised her eyebrows as she spoke. "Don't you remember how you were always grumbling and complaining that we were being trained far too much? That you needed to take a break and go to the arcade and relax? And now you say we weren't trained enough?"
Sailor Moon raised her head and began to argue with bitter tears. "That is beside the point Mars. The point I'm making is,,"
But before she could say anymore Sailor Venus yelled, "Sailor Moon. LOOK OUT!"
Venus had been observing the snow on which Sailor Moon was crouched and her eagle's eye had detected a faint tell tale shift beginning underneath her. Lunging forward she shoved Sailor Moon aside a split second before the usual sort of hole opened up and she was seized and pulled down by the tentacles that were intended for Sailor Moon.
"No! Not you too Venus!" Sailor Moon shouted in despair, but Venus' voice came echoing up.
"Try this you creeps! VENUS CRESCENT BEAM SMASH!"
The power of her beam attack came shooting up out of the hole like fireworks. However she yelled urgently. "It's no use. All I could do was momentarily stun one of them. The others still have me and now she's already recovered. It's down to you and Mars now Sailor Moon."
As her voice went silent Sailor Moon began to cry and express her grief while Sailor Mars bowed her head in solemn respect at the capture of their three companions.
"Let's not hang around Sailor Moon." She took her by the hand and pulled her up. "We can't quit now. We must keep going for the sake of our friends and the universe."

As she pulled Sailor Moon along after her thoughts were racing through Sailor Mars' mind. Eventually Sailor Moon begged her to stop for a moment.
"I can't run anymore Sailor Mars. I must catch my breath."
"Sailor Moon. There's something I must say."
Sailor Moon puffed for breath while she stared at her friend wondering what was coming.
Sailor Mars steadied herself before speaking. "Even though I have sometimes been angry with you for annoying or aggravating me, I know in my heart that sometimes I have been at fault also. One case in point being the background as to why I refused to take you with me on the cruise ship that was a Negaverse trap a long time ago. I chose to invite Amy to go with me telling you that I'd never take you because you had gotten us kicked out of Dreamland Park a short while prior to that event."
Sailor Moon remembered that bitter memory. They had fought and ran resulting in both of them stumbling and getting into a furious fight over their ice cream cones that fell splat on the ground. Then the park security had thrown them outside for disturbing the peace.
Sailor Moon went on to elaborate. "True you had insulted me to begin with by telling me I was slurping my ice cream. But I really should not have started to call you Meatball Head in response. I was laughing at you so meanly when you fell that I ran into that rubbish bin. We were both partly right in blaming each other for losing our ice cream. But we were also partly to blame ourselves. I want you to know I'm very very sorry for that and all other times when I've acted nasty or unkind."
Sailor Moon was too upset to argue or deny anything Sailor Mars said about her own faults and failings. In fact it took the shock of what had happened to the others to make her realize the truth of Mars' words. She threw her arms around her and began to cry again. This time for different reasons. "I'm sorry for my selfish criticism Mars. Can you forgive me?"
Sailor Mars smiled and hugged her back. "Of course. If you can forgive me Moon."
They held each other tightly and Sailor Moon cried on Sailor Mars' shoulder.
But suddenly the snow opened up under their feet and they were both tightly bound together and pulled downwards. "We caught the last two birds with one stone." The Doom and Gloom Girls chortled triumphantly. Sailor Mars couldn't even attempt to use her fireballs with Sailor Moon pinned to her in a big embrace and of course, Sailor Moon couldn't reach for her tiara. They struggled in vain as they were taken to the Negaverse and chained to the torture walls next to their friends. Queen Beryl stood facing them. "You are in for it now. The Doom and Gloom Girls will be here to commence torturing you to death in half an hour. I shall be able to hear all your screams echoing through the corridor to my throne room. I shall be seated next to Darien my king enjoying the sound together with him. Keep that in mind while you suffer Sailor Moon."
This was too much for Sailor Moon and she wailed "No! This cannot be true! Not my Darien!"
Queen Beryl made her exit in immense satisfaction savouring these despairing cries as a foretaste of what was to come.

Back at the Cherry Hill Temple Jedite, Titus and Dream Dolly were wondering how the Sailor Scouts were handling the fight when suddenly Nephlite's spirit materialized in the middle of their room. Dream Dolly gasped and Titus cried, "General Nephlite!"
Jedite sprang to his feet out of his chair. "Nephlite. Why have you come to us?"
"Jedite I bring urgent news. Sailor Moon and her friends are in terrible danger. They've been captured and they will soon die horribly in Queen Beryl's torture chamber."
They were all aghast to hear this. Titus spoke first. "We have no choice. We must go to rescue them."
"Will you accompany us Nephlite?" Jedite asked but Nephlite's spectral form shook its head.
"Unfortunately I am bound to the realm of the earth because of the strong bonding between me and Molly at the time of my death. Even though I can sense what is happening back in the Negaverse and I can choose freely to help others besides Molly I cannot leave this dimension. I am obliged to stay nearby her for her protection. It is all up to the three of you to do what needs to be done."
"We understand. Thank you General Nephlite," said Titus. "Dream Dolly quickly grab your first aid kit and medicine supplies. Just in case."
Nephlite wished them good luck and watched them gather into a huddle and concentrate on transporting themselves to the Negaverse.
When they were gone he departed to keep his vigil over Molly.

When they arrived Titus and Dream Dolly had assumed their monstrous forms ready to fight if need be. But they all crept close to the shadows. They were ready to defend themselves but they certainly were not looking for any encounters before rescuing their friends if they could help it.
Fortunately Beryl and Darien were on their thrones and she was fawning over him. Holding his hand, running her fingers through her hair and telling him how adorable he was to her. Otherwise she may have seen in her crystal that intruders were present and realizing who they were she would have alerted the Doom and Gloom Girls to hunt them down with pleasure.
They reached the door. It was securely locked but they concentrated their energies once again and it clicked open on their touch. The Sailor Scouts were amazed with surprised joy.
"It's our friends from back at my Temple," said Sailor Mars.
"You've come to save us," gasped Sailor Venus. Sailor Moon was speechless with elation at this deliverance but Yasha and the others all whimpered and sobbed expecting no rescue from the people they had been trying to track down and destroy.
Jedite and the others indeed just scowled coldly at them while they magically unlocked the scouts shackles. "Okay let's all go and leave this riff-raff." Jedite spoke with disdain but Sailor Mercury objected.
"No. Please free them too."
"Why?" Titus cried. "They would have killed us under Beryl's orders. She in particular," she pointed an angry finger at Gureepo who cringed, "almost killed dear Dream Dolly with her powers."
"Please listen to me," Sailor Mercury pleaded. "Queen Beryl was planning to kill them eventually after they killed you. She told us while we were hanging here with them that she only sought to keep all her army alive while they suited her purpose. She wants to make her race extinct and start anew with Darien as her king."
Jedite and Titus were horrified. "You mean when she had my girlfriend and I punished for letting our soldiers be killed it was only because she wanted to be able to kill them herself along with us?"
Titus was speechless with an enormous gasp.
"Yes it is true. Jedite. Titus. Please put aside the past." Sailor Mercury implored. "Now it is time for the survivors of this sadistic despot's army to stick together. Won't you free them? And Dream Dolly. You can tend to their wounds while the rest of us stand ready to fight off the Doom and Gloom Girls as best we can. Except for Sailor Moon. She should go and confront Queen Beryl before the other enemies arrive here."
"Hey do I really have to face Beryl on my own?" Sailor Moon was suddenly very timid but Sailor Mars said.
"Think about it this way Sailor Moon. Don't you need to try to personally redeem darien from Beryl's brainwashing? You must save him so you and he can be together as you were always meant to be."
Sailor Moon thought about this as Mars went on. "And so it is fitting that you accomplish it by yourself for the sake of your love and for another thing these Doom and Gloom Girls are very powerful. You saw how we couldn't defeat them when they captured and separated us from each other. We need the four of us to stay and fight together along with Jedite and Titus to beat them if we possibly can. That's why you need to do this without any of us and you'd better go now. They're due to arrive very soon."
Sailor Moon knew in her heart this was the truth so she swallowed down her hesitation and ran off as everybody wished her the best of luck while they all prepared themselves for the battle.
The other Youma were all so weak that they fell to the floor as soon as they were unshackled. They were overcome with emotion as the Dream Dolly began to tend to their sores and gave them sips of revitalizing energy syrup to overcome their malnutrition. Gureepo was crying most of all after having heard that she had almost caused the demise of the person who was now showing such unmerited compassion to her.

As Sailor Moon was making her way towards the throne room her mind was churning over many thoughts. How could she possibly heal Darien? The Doom and Gloom Girls had confiscated the Crescent Moon Wand before she had been chained up awaiting her ghastly execution. Where was it now? Did Queen Beryl herself have it?
Then she placed her hand in her pocket and felt the locket. Of course. The locket. The symbol of their undying love. She had exchanged it back and forth with him. If anything would break the spell surely this was it.

She boldly entered to find to her shock Darien bending down on one knee and kissing Beryl's hand. "Darien no! I'll set you free from her."
Queen Beryl turned in surprise. "Well well. I didn't expect you to show up Sailor Moon. I don't know how you escaped but no matter. Darien draw your sword and kill her now!"
With a crazed wild glint in his eyes and a loud war-cry, Darien sprang to his feet and brandished his fearful weapon. As he bore down at her Sailor Moon desperately used her tiara to block him and hold him back. She didn't use the full power of course. But the tiara hovered spinning in the air against Darien's solar plexus and he could not reach her to slash with his sword. His eyes bulged out of their sockets and he grunted and gasped at the exertion of him trying to go forward while the tiara was firmly restraining him. "Darien. I know you're not evil. I know you love me." As Sailor Moon cried out these words Darien dropped his sword and collapsed onto his side gasping for breath. The tiara stopped spinning in mid-air and fell clattering to the floor.
Queen Beryl was not perturbed in the least. "All you are doing is delaying the inevitable Sailor Moon. Darien belongs to me now and he will destroy you for me."
Darien grabbed his sword, raised himself up and yelled, "Prepare for oblivion Sailor Moon!"
But Sailor Moon had dug out the locket, their locket, and had opened it up so that the music would play. Darien paused in wonderment. "That-that music. It reminds me of something."
"Darien. Queen Beryl may have possession of your mind. But I possess your heart." Sailor Moon held the locket up to him in both her hands. "Listen to the lovely melody Darien. Remember? This is our locket. It represents everything we mean to each other. We're not enemies Darien."
"What are you wasting time for? Darien! Kill the little wench. She's our enemy."
Darien turned his head back in response to Queen Beryl's exasperated outburst. Then back at the locket. The music was enchanting. "It-it's beautiful."
Sailor Moon pleaded. "Just reach out and touch the locket. With one finger. Please do it."
Darien reached out and as he touched the locket he felt himself purged of all the evil magical corruption and influences of the Negaforce. Bright light burst out from him illuminating his form and blinding Queen Beryl in rage.
Dropping down on his knees he embraced Sailor Moon. The sword fell to the floor and a bright red rose appeared next to it mysteriously. "I do remember everything. I'm free again. My lovely princess."
"Oh Darien."
They hugged affectionately and kissed but Beryl was very angry. "You traitor Darien. I shall destroy you both and search for a better person in the universe to be my king."
With that she produced a sword of her own and charged with a loud roar. Darien spun round and while Queen Beryl had her sword raised over her head he grabbed not his own sword. But the rose. He threw it at her stem first and it struck her in the chest, stabbing her like it was a knife the stem sank into her heart. The bright red flowers protruding just like a hilt. She dropped her sword behind her back and clutched her chest in horror and disbelief. "No." She staggered on her feet and summoned up a portal which she practically fell into and vanished.
"You got her Darien." Sailor Moon was very impressed.
"Sailor Moon. The battle is as good as over now." Darien spun himself around and transformed into Tuxedo Mask. "You have saved me by the power of our love that we share. My memories were overcome for a time. But Beryl had no understanding of the deepness of how much you meant to me. If she had she would have killed you herself immediately and never tried to command me to do it."
Sailor Moon had tears of joy in her eyes. "Thank goodness dear Tuxedo Mask. Now let's make sure our friends are all right. Side by side as it was meant to be."
Tuxedo Mask grinned and his eyes shone behind his mask. "As it was meant to be from the day we first met all those many centuries ago."

But even at this moment Queen Beryl was prostrating herself before the presence of the Negaforce inside its private chambers. She was gasping and clutching at the rose in her chest with one hand while she struggled to keep herself propped up with her opposite arm. "Oh Great Negaforce. Please help me. I'm dying."
The Negaforce didn't really care about Beryl anymore than she had genuinely cared about her people. But still it needed Beryl in order to gain success in its plans to conquer the universe. "Don't worry. I know how to save your life."
Queen Beryl raised her head high in hope as the Negaforce went on to explain. "I have enough energy to infuse myself within your body. I will become part of you and your fatal wound will be neutralized."
"Oh hurry Mighty Negaforce before it's too late." Beryl implored but even as she spoke it was already entering her body and her mind. She felt power return to her. She jumped up on her feet and taking hold of the rose yanked it out of her body. There was no blood and even the tiny hole in her chest was gone like it had never been made at all. She literally felt in her heart that she was healed and not going to die. Quite literally in more ways than one.
"Thank you my master. Thank you." She expressed her joyous gratitude but the Negaforce spoke inside her mind.
"Pick up that wand nearby." It was Sailor Moon's wand. "Together we shall harness the power of the Silver Imperium Crystal and destroy Sailor Moon once and for all. Then we shall go on to conquer the universe together in this form. We may even figure out how to release the Shadow Warriors again to serve us."
"I hear and obey my master." Snatching up the wand Queen Beryl departed back to her throne room. Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask were just about to leave and go searching for the others when she appeared giving them a nasty sudden surprise.

"I have returned and I'm stronger then ever! Die! Both of you!" As she sent a barrage of energy from the Silver Crystal Sailor Moon quickly pushed in front of Tuxedo Mask and before even he knew what was happening her clothes had mysteriously transformed into the regal royal robes she had worn on the Moon Kingdom. Raising her hands she summoned up reserves of immense power from her past life and blocked Beryl's blast. It was like a twisted game of tug of war. Only instead of pulling the combat parties were pushing against each others efforts.
"Even though you have my Silver Crystal Beryl as Princess Serena I still possess the power to fight against it when you use it to attack me."
Beryl grunted and snarled. "You have the Negaforce to fight against. Not just me. You won't win."
"Princess! I'll help you!" Tuxedo Mask soared into the air over her head and into the path of the beam.
"No! Tuxedo Mask! Don't!" Princess Serena cried out in despair as he was struck by the blast she had been fighting against. As he crashed to the ground Beryl paused to see what the effect had been. Princess Serena ran to his side and spoke to him. "Tuxedo Mask! Are you all right? Speak to me!"
As he looked up at her, his mask having slipped off his face and hanging askew, he had a vacant look in his eyes. He struggled to speak. "Who are y-y-you? W-where am I-I-I? Aaaah!" With that he pulled away from her and crawled off to the side.
Beryl laughed. "It would appear I've taken away his complete identity. Now he has no idea who he is or anything that has happened up to this point, let alone his love for you pathetic Princess."
Princess Serena wailed with enormous grief. "No no no! This can't be!"
"But it is. And now I know what this attack does, I'll do the same to you. To turn you into what amounts to an empty shell of yourself amuses me so very much."
With that she attacked and Princess Serena only just managed to put up her guard in time. She strained hard but Beryl cackled maniacally. "You can't hold it back forever. The Negaforce and I will win."
Princess Serena felt herself losing strength while she fought back valiantly. Soon she wouldn't be able to withstand much longer. Then she would suffer a fate worse than death.

Suddenly she sensed some presences next to her and heard some familiar voices.
"Hey Serena. I'll help you with this assignment if you want." It was Sailor Mercury and she added a merry little laugh to what she had said.
"You're so stubborn Serena. Let us help or I'll never speak to you again." It was Sailor Mars though she did give a curt smile as she spoke gruffly.
"Yeah. Let us help you put her away. Still too many boys we need to meet." That was Sailor Jupiter.
Finally Sailor Venus said, "Let us help. We haven't known each other long enough for it to end yet."
Princess Serena had tears in her eyes for more reasons than just the strain and exertion. "My friends. Of course I need your help. Join your power with mine please."
As they all joined hands around her in a circle Beryl taunted them. "It doesn't matter. With the Negaforce behind me I will still defeat you. I will erase all your identities at once."
Then they all looked up at her. Mercury and Venus turned their heads as far round as they could to stare her in the eye and Serena was in the center of the ring her four friends made.
Princess Serena still had her hands outstretched above her head and she yelled as loud as she could. "IN THE NAME OF COSMIC MOON POWER UNITE WITH THE POWER OF MY FRIENDS TO VANQUISH THIS EVIL!"
All their powers combined together and the effect was very strong. In her maniacal ego Beryl had underestimated the strength of all the Sailor Scouts combined with their princess. Now it was she who was straining and exerting herself as she gripped the Crescent Moon Wand she had stolen so tight as if she could crush the handle in her two hands. Even the Negaforce realized the difficult situation it was in. Sweat poured down Beryl's forehead and saturated her clothing as she gritted her teeth and pushed her muscles with what strength she and her master had between them. "This cannot be," she struggled to talk during the process. "I can't be beaten. We can't be beaten oh Negaforce. Together we should be invincible."
At that moment Beryl finally caved in. Her body was in agony as if she had been trying to lift a very heavy load beyond her musclular capabilities and she gasped as she collapsed to her knees. Her eyes bulged in sheer terror as the Sailor Scouts shoved the beam of energy back at her. It picked her up and threw her backwards several feet to land in a crumpled heap. The wand flew through the air and disappeared in a dark passageway nearby. But although Queen Beryl took the full brunt in such a relatively small space the backwash inevitably came into contact with the five girls and they fell to the floor unconscious. Tuxedo Mask had already fainted from fright where he had crawled away from the place where Princess Serena had been standing.

Luna and Artemis were feeling sort of both happy and sad. Jedite and Titus had delivered the five Sailor Scouts safely back to them at the Cherry Hill Temple along with Tuxedo Mask. Yasha, Castor, Pollux and the Dream Dolly had assisted them in carrying the unconscious bodies between them while the Plant Trio stayed back at the Negaverse keeping an eye on Queen Beryl. They had explained that after Sailor Moon had left them all at the dungeon, the other four had succeeded in overpowering the five Doom and Gloom Girls with the help of Jedite and Titus. They had chained them to the wall as their prisoners and the Scouts had left to join up with Sailor Moon while all the Youma remained to keep watch and make sure the Doom and Gloom Girls didn't escape. Then after a little while they suddenly screamed and vanished into wisps of various coloured gas.
"We figure that the Negaforce must have been destroyed," Titus explained. "It had created and sustained their existence by its personal power. Also we haven't been able to detect it anywhere. That gives credence to the theory that it has been obliterated, thus taking its creations with it."
Jedite continued. "We went looking for our friends and found them all knocked out just like our diabolic queen. We've brought them back and now we'd better get back to Gureepo, Housenka and Suzuran. We intend to take our ex-monarch back to our home planet and try her for her crimes."
They performed their final helpful act by arranging everybody on beds and Luna and Artemis had thanked the Youma profusely and bid them good-bye and good luck as they all dematerialized. Then they settled down to wait for them to awaken. But when they did they had a terrible shock.

As the girls woke up they all began to ask each other who they were and what they were doing here. The same thing with Darien, who had lost his mask, cane and top hat. To the dismay of Artemis and Luna none of them knew anything about their pasts or their identities and pandemonium reigned. Eventually Chad discovered them. He did not know where Darien had come from but since he seemed to be suffering from the same state of amnesia as the girls he alerted Grandfather and ambulance men were sent for to take them all to the hospital. Eventually each of the girls' families were able to convince her of what her name was with the help of the doctors and therapists and to persuade her to come home with them. Darien had no family but his friend Andrew the Video Game Arcade manager was very helpful and supportive and so Darien came to accept his name though his full background remained a complete mystery to him, just like Serena and the others.

Luna asked Artemis, "What do you make of this?"
"I'm not sure Luna. Somehow our Scouts and Darien must have had their memories all wiped clean like deleted computer files in their fight against Queen Beryl."
"Can't we do something about it?"
"I don't know what we can do. If we only had the Crescent Moon Wand with the Silver Imperium Crystal perhaps we could use it to restore their memories. But Jedite said none of them were able to find it. It simply vanished."
Luna began to cry. "You mean they'll never be the girls we know and love so much once more? That we'll be nothing but ordinary cats to them and the memories of the Moon Kingdom will be forever lost?"
Artemis tried to cheer her up. "Don't cry Luna. Remember Queen Beryl will no longer threaten the peace of the universe. At least that's some consolation." He then sighed deeply. "But I hope with all my heart that their memories will return someday."
Luna sniffed. "Y-yes. Think of Prince Darien and Princess Serena. Their love will be lying in dormancy. That's one of the saddest things of them all."

As for Queen Beryl when she awoke her subjects found that her mind was a complete blank also. They could hardly punish her in these circumstances so they just took her back to their world where she took up residence in a small cottage while they prepared to create a new world of peace and happiness for themselves putting the sordid affairs of the past behind them.

But meanwhile back on earth everybody wondered why their defenders, the Sailor Scouts, had vanished suddenly with no trace. Some people like Molly were very sad. They were dearly missed by most of the general public though they themselves had no idea what people were talking about when they mentioned them. Luna and Artemis deeply grieved the loss of their friends though they were also deeply proud of them for what they had accomplished. Darien meanwhile carried on looking after himself as best he could though he wished he could discover who he really was. Apart from this things were quiet and happy for a long time.
But soon a mysterious object began making its way toward the earth. It was very strange as up close it seemed to resemble a big tree with lots of leaf-filled branches, a thick fat trunk and hundreds of long thin roots just dangling in space. However it was clearly heading straight for earth as if purposely intended. What was it? What would it mean for the people of earth? And what would happen if it did pose a threat? Could the Sailor Scouts be miraculously re-awakened?


I finished my version on the entire first season. I hope it has been well worth the wait. I will start Season 2 eventually as soon as I can.