Rowlf's puppy days


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Oct 1, 2005
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Chapter 1

Years ago, on a farm owned by a kindly farmer, there was a dog who just had a litter of puppies. Her name was Biscuit, along with her mate and life partner, Patch. They were busy naming their children.
"Let's see, we'll call him Rover, and him Spot, and her Clover."
"Patch honey, what about this little guy?"
" know, I don't know. What should we call him?"
"Let's call him Rowlf, after my grandpa."
"Rowlf......I like that."
For the rest of the day, the happy dogs cuddled with their gifts from above.

One year later, Rowlf and his mom were walking past the farmer's house. Just then, Rowlf spotted something.
"Yes Rowlf?"
"What's that?" Rowlf pointed to a toy piano that the farmer through out, because all his kids grew up.
"Oh, that's the master's garbage. We must not fool around with it." She continued walking.
Rowlf went up to the piano, and said to his mom.
"I'll meet up with you later, OK?"
"Alright sweetheart. But don't be late for dinner."
Rowlf sniffed at the piano, picked it up, and headed over to the barn.
Inside the barn, Rowlf sat down on his pillow, and tested the piano. He realized that the little white and black keys made a sound he never heard before. Accompaniament to music.
"Interesting." he muttered under his breath. He remembered a song that his mom always sang when it was time for bed. He began to play the piano while singing the song.
"Cottleson, cottleson, cottleson pie,
a fish can't whistle, and neither can I.
Ask me a riddle and I'll reply,
Cottleson, cottleson, cottleson pie."
He got taken away by the music. After a few more verses, he stopped, and smiled to himself.
"Not bad. Not bad at all."


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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FraggleForever said:
"Not bad. Not bad at all."
I agree fullheartedly. Golly gee whiz, you quite seriously JUST finished a story, and you're starting another one already! How DO you do it... Wait a second, I do the same thing sort of, I mean I seem to be writing my next five stories all at the same time, which is complicated I assure you... but I muffin myself. The point is, I am very much looking forward to seeing more of this story!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2005
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Chapter 2

Rowlf was practicing the toy piano he found, while his brothers and sisters watched him concentrate.
"Gee Rowlf, what is that thing?"
"I don't know Clover, but I like it."
The farmer went past the barn, and looked inside.
"Huh, the puppy is playing a toy piano." He kept on walking, but then realized,
"The puppy is playing a toy piano?? least it isn't as weird as the singing cow."
"Moo moo moo mooooooo.....moo moo moo mooooooooo....."
"Alright, I know you're hungry, I'm coming." He walked to the pasture.
Back at the barn,
"Hey Rowlf, play the funny song!" Clover exclaimed.
"Yeah, the funny song!" Rover and Spot exclaimed.
"Alright.....let's see.....
I'll admit, I've split banannas.
Took Easter eggs, and made them dye.
But I never harmed a onion,
so why should they make me cry?
Once I saw a salad dressing,
my face got radish, my oh my.
But I never harmed an onion,
so why should they make me cry?"
Rover, Spot and Clover sang along.
"Potatos I've mashed,
and berries I've crushed,
I made a artichoke, and that's not all.
I've also whipped cream,
and beaten an egg,
and yes, I've made a melon ball!
Of all the things above, I'm guilty.
If punished, I would know just why.
But I never harmed an onion,
so why should they make me cry?
Why should they make me cry?"
Rowlf played the final note. The puppies were rolling on the ground, laughing. Just then, their dad came into the barn.
"What are you pups laughing at?"
"Rowlf's playing the funny thing!"
Patch looked at the toy piano.
"Guys, that is a piano. Humans play it to pass the time."
Rowlf scratched his chin. "Piano, huh?
"You bet son. Why is that thing in here anyway?"
"Well, I want to practice it."
"Well.....maybe I will be the first ever dog to play the piano."
His dad chuckled.
"Maybe son......but it's a big world out there. Your place is here on the farm, not playing the piano."
Rowlf looked down. "Are you sure?"
"Well, it has been the tradition in our family for years. They were all farm dogs, and not one played the piano. Now come along, it's time for dinner. You guys too."
"OK dad." The puppies responded.
The puppies left the barn, except for Rowlf, thinking to himself.
"Maybe it's time to change history." He thought to himself.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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FraggleForever said:
"Maybe it's time to change history." He thought to himself.

Haha, I love it! I love all the singing, I love the singing cow, I love how they didn't know what a piano was, I love how I had to hit backspace about fifteen times to type this sentence because I'm so excited! ...<blink> And yes that is a compliment!


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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AWESOME!! ALREADY AWESOME!! I seriously love your fan-fics Fraggleforever! They are amazing! And hillarious! Fabulous, simply fabulous!


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Oh this is so cute! I love Rowlf, he is quite possibly one of my favorite Muppets of all time. I look forward to reading more, you're a very talented writer!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2005
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Chapter 3

It was nighttime, and everybody went to bed, including the farmer. The puppies were snuggled up to Biscuit, and Patch was next to her. Except for Rowlf, who was looking up to the night sky.
"I will become the first dog ever to play the piano. I just know I will." The tired puppy went over to the other puppies and laid down for the night.
Just then, there was a loud noise that came from outside. A beat up pickup truck stopped in front of the barn, and two people came out. Now, these two have been on the run from the police for kidnapping dogs from farms, and tonight, they were planning to do the same thing.
"Hey Louie, get the crowbar."
"Alright Mark, but keep your voice down."
They tugged at the door on the barn, and was successful in getting it opened. They flashed their flashlights around the barn, and found Rowlf's family.
Patch and Biscuit woke up, and saw the two criminals, and began to bark.
"Shhhh!!! Quiet, will ya?"
But they continued barking, in hopes of waking up the farmer.
"I know how to shut them up."
He spyed the kennel in the corner of the barn, picked it up, and dragged Biscuit and Patch into it, even though it was only for one dog.
"Stupid mutts."
They spyed the box that the puppies were sitting in, including Rowlf's piano, and the puppies were terrified for their lives.
"Get the sack Louie."
"Alright Mark."
They picked up the box and put it in the sack. They walked back to their pickup, threw the sack in the back, and began to drive away.
In the bag, the puppies were scared. But Rowlf had a plan. He saw a little hole in the side of the sack, big enough for a puppy to go through.
"Guys! Head for the hole!"
One by one, Clover, Rover, and Spot got out of the bag, and jumped out of the pickup, luckily still on the farm.
But Rowlf, being the huskiest of the four, didn't have such luck. He got stuck in the hole of the bag. The puppies watched in horror as the pickup drove off the farm.
Going down the road, Rowlf realized the only way to get off the pickup......... was by jumping.
He jumped, with bag, toy piano, and box with him, and landed in the ditch. But the landing knocked him out cold.
The night passed, and Rowlf was still out cold. But then, a kind mother frog spotted him.
"Oh, you poor dear. You must be lost." She picked him up, and headed into the swamp. Rowlf was still woozy.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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A mother frog... to the swamp? <enchanted> Oh tell more, please....


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2005
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Chapter 4

It was like it was all a dream.
"...oohh....huh? Where am I?" Rowlf had finally awoken.
"Shhhh. It's all right now sweetheart."
Rowlf looked up, and saw the face of his rescuer. She was a middle aged frog, but with a face of an angel. And a voice that would calm any ocean.
"Who.....who are you? Where am I?"
"Now now. You had a bad fall. Just lie back down, and rest."
Rowlf looked around at his surroundings. It was very green and marsh, with a gigantic pond inbetween. He was lying in a hammock, with some bundled up moss on his head.
"Who....who are you? What are you?"
The frog chuckled. Her laugh was soothing as well.
"Oh, I'm a frog, and everybody around here calls me mom. You can call me that too."
Rowlf smiled at the frog, but then realized.
"Mom? Oh no! I have to get back to the farm! I...oohh.." He tried to get up, but his body wouldn't let him.
"Now now. You won't go anywhere in that condition, young man. By the way, what is your name?"
"I'm Rowlf, Rowlf the dog."
"Well, it's nice to meet you Rowlf."
Just then, two young frogs, a boy and a girl, came walking up to them arguing.
"You did too!"
"I did not!"
"Mags, don't lie!"
"I am not lying Mit!"
The mother frog cleared her throat.
"Children, we have a visitor."
The two frogs looked at Rowlf, and introduced themselves.
"Hi ho! I'm Kermit the Frog!"
"Hi ho! I'm Maggie the Frog!"
"Hey! You're such a poser."
"Am not!"
"Are too!"
The mother frog cleared her thoat again, but sounding agrivated.
"Sorry mom." The frogs said simultaneously.
"I'm going to get some more moss for this young dog's head. You two watch him while I'm gone."
"Yes mom." said the frogs.
She left, leaving Rowlf, Kermit and Maggie alone.
"Say, what's your name?" asked Kermit.
"I'm Rowlf."
"How did you get here?" asked Maggie.
"'s a long story."
"We have time."
So, Rowlf told them about the truck, the kidnapping, the escape, and the jumping. As he was telling the story, many other frogs, Kermit and Maggie's brothers and sisters, came up and listened. Soon, there was over 3000 frogs listening to Rowlf. When he finished, he noticed the huge bunch of frogs, listening to his every word.
"Oh boy. I'm feeling a bit uncomfortable."
Kermit went up to him.
"Hey, when you get better, do you want to play with us?"
"Yeah! We were going to play leapfrog!" said Maggie.
The other frogs started leaping with happiness.
"Leapfrog! Leapfrog!!"
Rowlf looked at them.
"Uh.....sure, but I don't know how to play."
"Oh that's easy! We'll show you!"
And so, as Rowlf got better, he went and played leapfrog with his new friends.
But at the farm, the atmosphere wasn't as happy.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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OH MY HOLY MOSQUITOES! MAGS! MIT! YES! FraggleForever, you get <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<HUGS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for that! I LOVE IT! <hops around>

So tell us about the farm... please?