Remembering Jerry Nelson (July 10, 1934-August 23, 2012)


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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I guess since Season 43 of SST is already completed, I bet each episode of Season 44 will probably end with a little memorium message each episode, like they've done with other major parts of the Sesame Family in the past.


Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2012
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Thirteen Plus in One

Some say that we lost a Muppet performer
Nothing more and nothing less
Some say we lost a visionary
And that is all

But I believe we lost an innocent five year old
Sitting, wondering why
I believe we lost a hipster
Singing a groovy song

I believe we lost a counting vampire
Cue thunder and lightning
I believe we lost a magician
Ala peanut butter sandwiches!

I believe we lost a leader
Who may have made some mistakes
I believe we lost a trash heap
Giving out advice

I believe we lost a strange monster
With a caring, loving heart
I believe we lost a doorman
Even if he slept a lot

I believe we lost a detective
With a very faithful dog
I believe we lost a patron
Of a bad staffed restaurant

I believe we lost a whatnot
I believe we lost another one
Boomerang fish and all

I believe we lost a voice
Announcing such great things
And that voice is also that one thing
That assumed these identities


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2012
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Hubert just inspired me to write a short song about Jerry Nelson.

First it was Jim Henson,
Then Richard Hunt as well,
But recently, just recently,
There's a new passing to tell.

Mr. Jerry Nelson
Veteran Muppeteer,
He will be sorely missed,
We all shed a tear.

He rocked out as Floyd Pepper,
The hippest, hippie of all.
Sweetly singing as Robin the Frog,
It didn't matter if he was small.

He implemented these role models
Into our time as kids.
Now the Muppet world will be different,
"Goodbye", we all bid.

He taught us how to throw fish right,
As that old loon Lew.
He taught us how to count,
AH-AH-AH, that's two!:batty:

He was a companion
Of a sweet big bird, as well.
He was a big trash heap
With much wisdom to tell.

He blew things up as Crazy Harry,
Explosion extraordinaire.
He was a magician, a Fraggle, and a doorman,
He had a comedic flair.

But sadly, it is true,
Everything must come to an end.
But the legacy of his puppets,
Will entertain us again and again...