So looking at the primetime schedule from fall 2015, I agree with the poster who noted that putting the Muppets on Tuesdays is a horrible slot and really was doomed to fail - it's up against three top shows - NCIS, The Voice, and The Flash and it doesn't have a good lead in at all.
IF there's a season 2, the show has to move to not only a new night, but a new time. I think either Wednesdays or Fridays would be the better choice; the Muppets would make a better lead in to Modern Fam on Wednesday and would do far better against Survivor than the Voice and NCIS; Fridays it would do, I think well between Last Man Standing and Shark Tank.
Here's another thought - Sunday nights. As it looked in 2015 (and probably still is), it looks like ABC (and most primetime) are all dramas, with Madam Secretary, The Good Wife, and CSI: Some Different Edition on CBS. However, the Muppets could do decent after OUAT, which IS labeled as a family show and would be perfect in getting families to watch and would put together it's Disney lineup.
Slight downside is it would be up against Family Guy, depending on ratings, that might be the only thing that could hold against FG and FG is not a family show in any means. AND if Seth McFarlane is trying to get FG to die a worthy death, having it slip against the Muppets could work.
I also think a better caliber of guests would be helpful. TBH, the guests so far have been, well adult guest stars, as in most adults know who they are or enjoy their humor (like Key & Peele), but kids don't (maybe Liam Hemsworth, but only if they love Hunger Games and don't think of him as Thor's brother); I am of course not at all saying we need to get some Disney kid in there, but to my knowledge, all of the guests have never worked with the Muppets before; maybe we need to cross promote from Sesame Street or the movies?
Tina Fey, NPH (whose Neil's Puppet Dreams are hysterical), Whoopi (OMG, why has Whoopi not been on this show!? The View is even ON ABC!) Ellen (I know, Count, you object, but some of us like Ellen

) ABC has a plethora of stars that could and should be utilized on the show.
IMHO, I don't think ABC gave the show the love it should have; it started out well, with the ComiCon panel and the YouTube videos, even the breakup heard round the world, but as someone who gets the scope about shows from the Internets, I literally only know about things because of this forum. Even the promos for the next episode I can only see here, as a Google search turns up nothing.
I can literally look up "OUAT 5x14" an hour after the previous episode premiere and I'll have several different videos to choose from, with ABC's own promo at the top of the pile, along with promos for their other shows. Except the Muppets. Even Hulu clips don't show (and troubling, the show also never appears in Hulu's popular show list or trending list, OR popular episodes).