Pigs singing the Happy Wanderer


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Great to hear from you William. Interesting what you said about males best for physical humour. Fred Flintstone and Maxwell Smart are a couple of examples that come to mind. But Sailor Moon is a modern example of a female used in that sort of way and it's really funny when she gets bumped around. :smile:

I find it difficult to imagine how the humour could be changed though. I mean what else could the climbers do in that comedy situation other than fall off? :wink:

I do agree with you that you could make it work somehow though.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
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Hmm, Marty, I'm not sue? Maybe they could chip a nail or somthing.

Kate, I've see that Chips A'hoy Cormmercial and I think it's so bizarly awsome!


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Oh yes. The dreaded nail chips. And I bet they couldn't remember which one of them had the manicure set to smooth it out inside her knapsack. :wink: Mountain-climbing disaster indeed.:smirk:


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Getting back to our piggies male as they originally were and are (though please feel free to post any funny thoughts about my idea you may like) how do you like this sketch idea?

The Three Piggies sing "Ain't She Sweet?"

The piggies are on a city sidewalk setting watching girl human what-nots go by and motioning to them as they sing.
Middle pig: Ain't she sweet? See her walking down the street? Now I ask you very confidentially, Ain't...
Suddenly a what-not man appears and seizes the piggie by the collar startling them all.
Man: Hey watch it buddy. That's my girlfriend.
The piggy stammers a hasty apology and the man lets him go and goes off arm-in-arm with his girl.
End pig: Ain't she nice? Look her over once or twice. Now I ask you very confidentially, Ain't....
He gets hit on the head with an umbrella by an elderly lady.
Old lady: Don't you go getting fresh with my daughter you filthy swine.
The pigs all start to shake as mother and daughter go off and a third woman appears wearing a veil.
Leader pig: Heh. Just cast an eye in her direction (and everywhere else)
The others agree and look about nervously
Leader pig: Oh me. Oh my. (with appropriate emphasis) Ain't that perfection (gulp)
As they look all around each other and see nobody coming to admonish them they relax and their leader starts to motion to her singing enthusiastically
I repeat. Don't you think that's kind of neat?
The others nod with relish.
And I ask you very confidentially, Ain't she sweet?
The vieled lady turns and says Do you three really think I'm sweet?
All the piggies: Oh yeah!
Lady: Then kiss me you little porkers.
She throws off her viel to reveal an extremely ugly face and the piggies all scream and run away as she chases off after them crying, Oh goody. I'll kiss the very first one of you sweet hogs I can catch.

Another creative laugh from me. :big_grin:


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2006
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Haha, very cute new one, Marty! :big_grin: And creative indeed... love it!
Ilikemuppets said:
I think if the pigs were female,they might have to chage the humor a little bit. Charles Shults said it best when he said that females just don't make funny physical humor when it involves being seriously hurt. But it's always funny when it happens to a guy. But I think that you could make it work, though.
Heeyyy, now that's an interesting point. A very good one, too, and true. Ya know, I hadn't thought about it that way before. Perhaps if we would have just the right actions from the female piggies, it could work pretty well. Maybe they could try to be a little more dramatic about it all. Could be interesting! :wink:


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
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Bill Bubble Guy said:
Oh yes. The dreaded nail chips. And I bet they couldn't remember which one of them had the manicure set to smooth it out inside her knapsack. :wink: Mountain-climbing disaster indeed.:smirk:
Now that some pretty funny stuff.:zany: Oh, And great screen play bt the way!

Carrie, I think you your idea could work. Maybe they can somhoe just avoid a number of close tragidies and then toward the end just when they thik everything is safe, the goat comes running and knocks then all off the mountain side, all plumeting to their doom...............


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2006
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Ilikemuppets said:
Carrie, I think your idea could work. Maybe they can somehow just avoid a number of close tragedies and then toward the end just when they think everything is safe, the goat comes running and knocks them all off the mountain side, all plumeting to their doom...............
Aww, thanks, sweetie. And that's a very interesting idea of yours, to have all of them escape the tragedies at first like that... that could be very cool! And interesting to see how they'd all be able to escape whatever dangers would come their way!


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
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I was thinking that maybe their ropes were on correctly preventing them from falling, but mayb the goar could have nibble on them just enough to knock them over when he gets ready. And mayby they saw a lose rock and moved out of the way just in time and the leader could be like "is everyboby ok?" and they all respond with a resounding "Yeah, where Okay" and "Yeah, were fine" and they shake their head to let each othe know their alrightand they cheak with each other to see if the other is alright and when there all reasured about they thet continue to climb the mountain with more comfidense that it's safe. Just as soon as that happends, The goat let's them have it, Then "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" and the goat comes out add laughs and the curtain closes and the audience laughs and applauds. The end.


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2006
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Aww, that sounds great. Man, you and Marty should get together and collaborate on this kinda stuff!! :big_grin: