Yes they would be great wouldn't they cgf? But I may put them in outlines one day.
And here's another one. This one has them die by implication offscreen.
The Three Piggies sing "Yellow submarine"
We see an underwater ocean scene with a large yellow-painted submarine come into view. The scene changes to the inside where our three piggy friends are at the controls operating their sub.
Leader Pig: In the town where I was born lived a man who sailed the seas.
And he told us of his life in the land of submarines.
Second Pig: So we sailed up to the sun till we found the sea of green.
Third Pig: And now we live beneath the waves in our Yellow Submarine.
As they all start singing the chorus the sub is suddenly jerked as if something has bumped it and they all just barely keep their balance.
We all live in a yellow submarine, yellow submarine, yell- awk!
Second and Third Pig together: What happened?
Leader: I don't know. Must have been some sort of glitch with the controls. Don't panic. I think it was just a freak chance.
Second pig says all right though third pig scrunches his snout up only half reassured.
Leader: My best friends are both aboard.
Second pig: Many more good friends live next door (pointing to one of the small windows in the sub)
Third pig: And our small band sure loves to play.
They produce a trumpet, a trombone and a french horn and blow a few notes. Then they start to sing again when they sub is violently bumped seemingly from both ends jerking it back and forth throwing them all to the ground.
We all live in a yellow submarine, yellow submarine, yell-aaargh yaaaa urk!!!!!
They get to their feet when it abates trembling and whimpering as they resume singing.
Leader: As we live a life of ease, ulp. Every one of us has all we need. Oh dear.
Second Pig: Sky of blue, oooo and sea of green.
Third Pig: In our yellow, uhhh, submarine
All together: We all live in a yellow submarine heh-heh, yellow submarine whimper, yellow submarine (huge expressions of relief at no more mishap)
We all live in a yellow submarine, yellow submarine, yellow submariiiiiiiiinnnnneeeee.
They all scream the final word together as suddenly the sub tilts its nose downward and they go zooming down to the bottom with an ominous crash sounding to suggest the impact when they slam into the sea bed.
Finally the camera cuts to three sharks chortling to each other and one of them saying. "Yum yum. Dinner is served." Then they all swim off camera down toward the sub wreck off camera laughing.
Nice and dark this one is, isn't it? Don't you just love it?