And here's the first one.
The Three Piggies sing "The Lion Sleeps Tonight"
The setting is a jungle with great big trees and shrubs.
The Piggies can be heard singing "Wim-a-way-a" over and over in the background and as they slowly appear dressed in jungle explorer outfits.
Finishing the "Wim-a-waying" they turn towards the camera and begin to sing together.
"In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight.
In the jungle, the quiet jungle, the lion sleeps tonight."
Just as they all begin to sing the chorus a coconut falls on each of their heads. "Weee-" BONK!
They all rub their heads and groan in pain. Their leader looks up and says "Let's move away from the coconut trees."
They all move away to an open area singing again.
"Near the village, the peaceful village, the lion sleeps tonight.
Near the village, the quiet village, the lion sleeps tonight.'
Suddenly a whole heap of coconuts comes flying at them from the trees all around pummeling them. "Weee-" BONK BONK BUMP BANG
Their pain turns to confusion and nervousness as they tremble and turn back to back in a circle singing awkwardly
"Hush my darling, don't cry my darling, the lion sleeps tonight. Oooohh.
Hush my darling, don't fear my darling, heh the lion sleeps tonight." They raise their arms above their heads as they prepare to sing and to their relief no coconuts come flying as they sing the chorus.
"Weeeeeeeeeeeee-wee-a-wim-a -way! Weeeeeeeeee-wee-a-wim-a-way!"
They start to sing the wim-a-ways like at the beginning when suddenly a bunch of monkeys spring out of nowhere and start poking and punching them and they run away screaming.
When they're gone a lion with pyjamas and a crown on his head appears and says to one monkey "Thank you kindly. How am I supposed to get my sleep with invaders disturbing the peace around here?"
"You're most welcome your majesty." says the monkey.
More to come whenever I think of them.