Pigs singing the Happy Wanderer


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2006
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Bill Bubble Guy said:
I wonder if the second pig still feeling a little nervous after what happened to their buddy, may have interupted the other one saying, "Please. Don't say until the day we die!"
And maybe his other buddy might have gotten the hint and gulped nervously saying, "Yeah right. Perhaps we should sing something else less anxiety provoking."
Haha, awesome thought. It would've been great if they'd done that. "... until the day we... sigh" Ahh yes, much better! :big_grin:
Bill Bubble Guy said:
I wonder sometimes if they could have theoretically grabbed part of the mountain to stop their fall. But as I pointed out the first pig's scream was quickly cut off so by the time he could have reacted to try to save himself it was too late. He had already hit bottom.
As for the second one he had a pick for climbing in his hands and so while he may have had more time for saving himself he could have had his hands locked to the pick in shock.
It's true that it could've been a possiblity for the first two (mainly the second one, as you mentioned), but it would've happened so fast, it would be difficult. I mean, if I were bumped off by an evil goat, I probably wouldn't think to try to grab onto the mountain for some help. :wink: Would've been interesting if the second one did use that pick to stop himself from falling all the way down. That could've helped him get safely down, or back up, if he wanted to!
Bill Bubble Guy said:
I just thought maybe Statler and Waldorf had paid off the goat or goats to hurt the poor, innocent piggies. Maybe they had seen on the show's programme for that week that this number was going to be performed by the pigs, decided they couldn't bear it if nothing went wrong and bribed the evil goats to "improve" it for them. GRRRR! Those heartless mean hecklers.
Aww, yeah, Statler and Waldorf are hecklers, but I don't think they're that mean! At least I like to think so. :wink:

Yay for the 300th post!!!!!!!!! That's so awesome! Congrats on so many posts in your awesome thread, Marty... and here's to many, many more posts in it!


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Bill Bubble Guy said:
In fact the way I look at it I figure when the boulders hit him they first cause him to cry out the final word of the song in pain as the first one lands upon his toes. But even as that happens he is pushed over backwards as his whole feet and then his legs are mashed by the force of the second boulder adding momentum to the first and he dies in brief agony as his entire body is turned into hamburger between the mountain and the boulders. A dreadful way to go but at least he wasn't suffering for too drawn-out a time.:sympathy:
Thanks Caroline. And does my image of what happens to the third pig sound feasibly plausible to you? Since after all, we never see his legs as he falls therefore the boulders could have literally squashed him flat as he went down, couldn't they?

Then again if as I speculated before he didn't have any legs, maybe the half body he had fell by itself with the boulders following after them:crazy:

If that is true his two pals must have been amazed with their leader.
He was such a superb climber for a muppet who was built without a leg to stand on, wasn't he?:wink:


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2006
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Hehe, I was just going to say that yeah, it could be plausible, but if he didn't have legs, the boulder rolling over them would be quite difficult! Ahh, such a talented legless climber, wasn't he? :wink:

I do think the boulder just hit his upper body, and he went down with it. *Sigh* The things our happy wanderers must endure! :wink:


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2006
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Aw, thanks, crazed gonzo fa! But hey, you'll be there before ya know it, too! :smile:


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Congratulations in advance to both of you my friends. And don't worry. You'll both get there safely.
It's a long way to the top but I guarantee no evil goats are going to knock you off along the way :wink:


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2006
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Hey, thanks, Marty. Hmmmm... I'll still be on the lookout for those evil goats, though! :wink:


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Watch your back then Caroline.:concern:
And also watch out for rolling boulders. If you see any come at you try to carefully duck to the side to let them past you.:smirk:


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Skye said:
It's true that it could've been a possiblity for the first two (mainly the second one, as you mentioned), but it would've happened so fast, it would be difficult. I mean, if I were bumped off by an evil goat, I probably wouldn't think to try to grab onto the mountain for some help. :wink: Would've been interesting if the second one did use that pick to stop himself from falling all the way down. That could've helped him get safely down, or back up, if he wanted to!
HA HA I can just imagine if that really did happen. He saves himself with his pick halfway down and calls up to his buddy "Something knocked me off my balance."
And the other one says "And the rope was firmly secure. Something has cut it."

After a brief pause he starts to climb nervously back down to his friend saying "I think we'd better get out of here. Let's go down quickly but be very careful."

And they try to make their escape but the boulders would most likely catch up with them before they get halfway to safety.:cry: SIGH. Those poor piggies. None of them could possibly have survived whatever happened.:smirk: