Pigs singing the Happy Wanderer


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Feb 6, 2006
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HA HA HA Yeah Caroline. That sounds just like the sort of thing you might see in a cartoon such as Bugs Bunny. And you're right that the Muppets could be rigged up to do it easily but in the context of this hilariously tragic sketch they wanted all the pigs to be killed in a straight-forward realistic manner.
In fact as I look at it I think the last pig probably didn't even have legs at all. Some muppets only go as far down as the waist with the Muppeteers giving the illusion of a lower body as they realistically operate movement.
His buddies were built with legs for obvious purposes but they didn't need legs on him. The upper half was all they required to create the image of the boulders pulverizing him. And it was masterfully accomplished, was it not?


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Feb 6, 2006
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Incidentally Caroline you have said earlier that the screams of the pigs were a good job done by the Muppeteers and yes they were.

In fact all three of them were superbly handled. The first piggies scream is very brief, whereas the second piggies scream sounds masterfully slightly longer to suggest that he falls from a slightly higher level than the first one.
And when the third piggie screams the word sky it too seems very brief implying that he doesn't have very much time to scream because the boulders grind him to pulp on the mountain-side. :big_grin:

So what do you think of my thoughts in these last couple of posts?:smirk:


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Jun 5, 2006
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Bill Bubble Guy said:
His buddies were built with legs for obvious purposes but they didn't need legs on him. The upper half was all they required to create the image of the boulders pulverizing him. And it was masterfully accomplished, was it not?
You're absolutely right that some Muppets don't have legs for that exact reason, and you could definitely be right about that for that last pig! I hadn't thought of that, but that's perfectly possible. And you're very right, it was accomplished wonderfully. The boulder hit him just right, and weeeeeeee... down he went! :wink:

Bill Bubble Guy said:
In fact all three of them were superbly handled. The first piggies scream is very brief, whereas the second piggies scream sounds masterfully slightly longer to suggest that he falls from a slightly higher level than the first one.
And when the third piggie screams the word sky it too seems very brief implying that he doesn't have very much time to scream because the boulders grind him to pulp on the mountain-side.
I adore the second pig's scream! :big_grin: I think it's perfect and very funny how it was drawn out like that. That's a good point of yours, though, I hadn't thought that it was longer because he was at a higher level. And you're definitely right that the last piggie's scream was shorter because that silly boulder just got in the way. :wink: Very cool how those screams were done!


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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I love the second piggies scream as well. In fact as I listen to it personally I cannot help but wonder if there is an element of shock and horror meant to be in it particularly. After all he had obviously assumed he was going to survive. The way he nodded at the rope when his buddy verified it was firmly secure between them plus the extra special care with his footing shows he must have felt immense relief and thought that the worst was over after the tragic loss of their other buddy.
It probably really did happen too quickly for the first one to worry about it but the second one may have been horrified and confused with the discrepancy about the rope, the hard knock behind his legs and the overall fact that he was going to die after all. No wonder Richard Hunt put so much feeling into that scream.:eek: :eek: :wink:


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2006
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That's very true that it could've been that shock and horror the piggie felt. Of course, I always figured the scream was that great because Richard was awesome and crazy. :wink: :big_grin:


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Feb 6, 2006
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Skye said:
You're absolutely right that some Muppets don't have legs for that exact reason, and you could definitely be right about that for that last pig! I hadn't thought of that, but that's perfectly possible. And you're very right, it was accomplished wonderfully. The boulder hit him just right, and weeeeeeee... down he went! :wink:
Yes the illusion was a superb accomplishment. In fact the way I look at it I figure when the boulders hit him they first cause him to cry out the final word of the song in pain as the first one lands upon his toes. But even as that happens he is pushed over backwards as his whole feet and then his legs are mashed by the force of the second boulder adding momentum to the first and he dies in brief agony as his entire body is turned into hamburger between the mountain and the boulders. A dreadful way to go but at least he wasn't suffering for too drawn-out a time.:sympathy:


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Feb 6, 2006
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Actually even if the other two had finished verse 2 safely and they began singing "O may we go a-wandering until the day we die."

I wonder if the second pig still feeling a little nervous after what happened to their buddy, may have interupted the other one saying, "Please. Don't say until the day we die!"
And maybe his other buddy might have gotten the hint and gulped nervously saying, "Yeah right. Perhaps we should sing something else less anxiety provoking.":big_grin:


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Feb 6, 2006
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I wonder sometimes if they could have theoretically grabbed part of the mountain to stop their fall.
But as I pointed out the first pig's scream was quickly cut off so by the time he could have reacted to try to save himself it was too late. He had already hit bottom.
As for the second one he had a pick for climbing in his hands and so while he may have had more time for saving himself he could have had his hands locked to the pick in shock.
I don't have to say anything in the case of the last one obviously.


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Feb 6, 2006
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I just thought maybe Statler and Waldorf had paid off the goat or goats to hurt the poor, innocent piggies. Maybe they had seen on the show's programme for that week that this number was going to be performed by the pigs, decided they couldn't bear it if nothing went wrong and bribed the evil goats to "improve" it for them. GRRRR! Those heartless mean hecklers.:mad: :attitude:

Well in the context of it being performed onstage they were probably hurt badly but at least they didn't really die.
SIGH. I guess I'm a bit of a softie but I really so adore those three little piggies.:flirt:


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Hey. This is the 300th post now:excited: Isn't that fantastic?:cool:

I may be racking my brains for something to post but this thread is still strong as ever.:big_grin: