Pigs singing the Happy Wanderer


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Thanks Caroline. :smile:

And I think the best touch I put in it is the Chippettes saying their names after Jeanette falls. Don't you agree? :wink:


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2006
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Hehe, that was a very neat little addition. I like it a lot! It's a cute way to introduce them to the audience. Very nice idea! :smile:


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Yes, I remember you mentioning that about women speaking to men. And as we can see from Jeanette, she illustrated your other point beautifully... actually, both Brittany and Jeanette did. Hmm, I wonder if those two specifically happened to have any effect on how you originated your hypothesis... :wink:
Not just them Caroline but in books and movies in general I've found that common trait. You drew my attention though to how closely it mirrors real life in this point though.:smile:


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2006
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Aww, lol, I knew it wasn't just them that made you notice it. I was just teasing ya, hehe. But it's kinda cool that I brought your attention to how similar it is to real life. Yay, I knew I was good for somethin'! :big_grin: Lol.

But honestly, I thought it was very cool how much it mirrors real life. And you actually helped bring that to my attention, too.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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I was just recently thinking to myself, imagine what if there had been real loose rocks instead of the evil goat?

If the mountain track really had been dangerous potentially itself in other words.
If a standard single happy wanderer had been hiking alone he or she could have potentially slipped and been killed any time with no warning at all.
With two at least one of them would have realized the serious danger, but only with the three could you have the audibly spoken "Watch your step" line ideally.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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I was just recently thinking to myself, imagine what if there had been real loose rocks instead of the evil goat?

If a standard single happy wanderer had been hiking alone he or she could have potentially slipped and been killed any time with no warning at all.
With two at least one of them would have realized the serious danger, but only with the three could you have the audibly spoken "Watch your step" line ideally.
Then again of course factors to be considered are what if one of the others slipped first instead of the end one and what about the strength or weakness of the rope?:smile: :wink:


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2006
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Then again of course factors to be considered are what if one of the others slipped first instead of the end one and what about the strength or weakness of the rope? :smile: :wink:
Ahh, very true, Marty. Man, if the leader happy wanderer fell first, all of them would have a problem, lol. But I'll bet they carefully test the rope before going up there. Holding on tightly to the rope (that is hopefully indeed very, very strong, lol), I'll bet it would come through!

If the mountain track really had been dangerous potentially itself in other words.
If a standard single happy wanderer had been hiking alone he or she could have potentially slipped and been killed any time with no warning at all.
With two at least one of them would have realized the serious danger, but only with the three could you have the audibly spoken "Watch your step" line ideally.
Just goes to show ya... three happy wanderers are better than one! :big_grin:


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Heh, absolutely. Just like you said, the first time he (as well as the middle pig) just thought it was an unfortunate accident involving the rope and probably loose rocks. The second time, I'll bet he thought something really weird was going on which is why he got so understandably nervous! Maybe he thought his buddy lost his footing too... just like you said, a strange and extremely unfortunate coincidence! Heh, talk about bad luck! :wink: And then he continues climbing very carefully (obviously) until he gets to the "dreaded" part and he makes it through that, all happy and jamming to his song (hehe, :big_grin:).... and then the boulders come, ha. Whooo, talk about an emotional roller coaster in that sketch! :wink:
Remember this old post of yours Caroline?
Let me show you something I said before it that you never directly commented upon.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Heh. I suppose he must have thought it was all just extreme unfortunate co-incidence with the rope and that it had been loose rocks both times. "Well I told him to watch his step." I can imagine him thinking to himself as he prepares to resume climbing really carefully before the boulders come. :big_grin:
I suppose this thing I said he could have been thinking when he didn't fall must not have registered to your attention at the time. Just to put it another way, "Well I did warn him." But I thought I may as well bring it up again and ask if you can add any quirky response to it now.:wink:

Any cool ideas Caroline?:smile:


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2006
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Heh, absolutely. Just like you said, the first time he (as well as the middle pig) just thought it was an unfortunate accident involving the rope and probably loose rocks. The second time, I'll bet he thought something really weird was going on which is why he got so understandably nervous! Maybe he thought his buddy lost his footing too... just like you said, a strange and extremely unfortunate coincidence! Heh, talk about bad luck! And then he continues climbing very carefully (obviously) until he gets to the "dreaded" part and he makes it through that, all happy and jamming to his song (hehe).... and then the boulders come, ha. Whooo, talk about an emotional roller coaster in that sketch! :wink:
Man, who is this crazy lunatic? :wink:

But, I'm so sorry that I missed responding to that part of your original post, Marty!

Lol, "Well, I did warn him." It's like an older friend or sibling that the younger one never listens to. Maybe, the piggies were climbing in order of their age! The leader is the oldest, the nervous piggy is the youngest and the middle piggy is the one in the... middle, lol. And the leader piggy had told them many things about life millions of times before, but they never listened to him. They would just keep doing their own little piggy thing. Silly young, carefree piggies! :big_grin:

And so, when he told the middle piggy to watch his step, he was hoping his buddy would listen. But when he fell, the leader piggy assumed it was par for the course... like, "Well, I did warn him to watch his step. But the crazy kid never listened to me anyway!"

Ya gotta wonder about these happy wandering piggies sometimes!