Pigs singing the Happy Wanderer


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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And there's even one moment in that episode where "Watch your step" is made use of with the Chippettes. :big_grin:

I bet you want me to tell you how that goes don't ya Caroline?:wink:


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2006
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Hey, that's awesome. Lol, you read my mind, Marty! I hope you're planning on describing it, hehe. :big_grin: I can't wait to hear about it!


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Well basically at the beginning of their criminal manhunt The Chippettes go to the jewel thief's mansion undercover as a news reporter crew. Brittany and Eleanor disguised as camera crew search rooms while Jeanette as an interviewer is occupying the thief. Jeanette is wearing extremely exaggerated high heels because the thief is reputed to find women in such shoes attractive and it may put him off guard but she's stumbling all the time in them.

Then when the thief goes out the back she calls the others on her wrist communicator and says she'll spy on him. Brittany says "Roger. Be careful."
Jeanette replies as she raises one foot in her shoes "I don't know about Roger, but I'll watch my step." Then she takes one step in those high heels and falls forward crying "Woooaaaahh!" lol :wink:

What do you think of that Caroline?


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2006
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Lol, awww, that sounds so cute! Hehe, I love Jeanette's response, "I don't know about Roger..." And you bet I love the "I'll watch my step" too! :big_grin:

That's so great... and then she falls, lol. Even more perfect for our sketch! :big_grin: Thanks for describing the scene, Marty!


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Interesting how it ties in with the way we decided women tend to use the term in regard to within their own gender generally isn't it Caroline?

Brittany just says "Be careful" to Jeanette. But on the other hand Jeanette doesn't hesitate to speak about watching her own step.

Exactly the way it works in real life 9 times out of 10. Right? :wink: :big_grin:


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2006
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I was thinking that exact same thing, Marty. I couldn't help noticing that Brittany told Jeanette to be careful, and I thought it was very funny that we had the girls saying the two different things... lol, well ya know, Jeanette's going against the grain. :wink:

But that shows a great example of how you're right about the fact that some ladies do throw out a "watch your step" or "I'll watch my step" sometimes. :big_grin: It's very cool to bring that distinction to our thread again!


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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I had actually been hypothesizing that more women speak of watching their own step as opposed to telling other women to watch their step.
Then again I also felt that most women would say "Watch your step" to men more common than to their own gender.

It just seems to be a common habitual trait for some reason lol


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2006
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Yes, I remember you mentioning that about women speaking to men. And as we can see from Jeanette, she illustrated your other point beautifully... actually, both Brittany and Jeanette did. Hmm, I wonder if those two specifically happened to have any effect on how you originated your hypothesis... :wink:


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Chippettes singing The Happy Wanderer

(Opening of a bare mountainside scene)
(The Chippettes appear climbing up as music begins to play. Eleanor pulls herself up and turns to nod at the others. Brittany is climbing with a pick and Jeanette on the end is trembling a little. As they all commence singing she looks back down the mountain acting nervous)
All: We love to go a-wandering along the mountain track.
(they all look at the audience, Jeanette making an uneasy face, then as they resume she turns to look down and tremble some more)
All: And as we go, we love to sing. Our knapsacks on our backs.
Jeanette: (pulling herself up closer to the others singing enthusiastically) Val-de-ri.
(others sing merrily while she looks at them)
Eleanor: Val-de-ra.
Brittany: Val-de-ra.
(Jeanette turns to audience and prepares to sing with gusto when she falls off) Val-de-aaaaaaahhhhh!
(other Chippettes do double take in horror then turn to look at each other)
Together: Oh dear! Poor Jeanette!
Eleanor: (quickly glancing at the audience then turns to Brittany who is also staring ahead) Ooooohh Brittany. Watch your step!
Brittany: (turning to her in response) I will Eleanor! I will!
(They proceed to climb further up with care, Brittany using her pick to secure herself as much as possible as they resume singing)
Both: High overhead the skylarks wing. They never rest at home.
(Eleanor cautiously takes a big step up and Brittany follows slightly, imbedding the pick into the mountain as they finish the second verse.
Both: But just like us they love to sing, as o'er the world we roam.
Eleanor: (gently tugging on the rope between them to verify it's firm and secure) Val-de-ri.
Brittany: (nodding her head and giving a relieved laugh) Haha. Val-de-ra.
Eleanor: (gently tugging the rope again) Val-de-ra.
(Brittany hums the tune joyfully as she prepares to sing when she suddenly falls off leaving her pick stuck in the mountain) Hmm-hmm-hmm. Val-de-aaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!
(Eleanor does a very shocked double take and watches her fall)
(Eleanor turns and moans despairingly) Oh no! (then pulls herself up further and looks back down shaking and singing in an agitated sobbing voice)
Oh may I go a-wandering until the day I (bawl) die. O may I always laugh and sing (sob sob) beneath the clear, blue sky.
(she climbs up slowly towards a stick-like protrusion as she sings crying)
Val-de-ri (oooo-hooo)
Val-de-ra (wail)
Val-de-ra (when she doesn't fall she holds on and leans back belting out)
(she then pulls herself up climbing higher singing happily and loudly and emphasizing her joy)
Val-de-ri! Val-de-ra! (raises her arms in order to climb higher still)
Beneath the clear, blue (two huge boulders come rolling down, she turns toward the camera and cries "Awk!" just before they run her over screaming) skyyyyyy!
(the boulders roll down past the pick still stuck in its place and out of sight where the trio first appeared as applause sounds.)
(then a goat sticks his head up and turns to the camera bleating three times, then once more looking down as the scene fades)
How do you like this special post, eh?:big_grin: :excited:


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2006
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Aww yay! Very cute! :big_grin: I love seeing your updated scripts, they're so much fun.

And I think this one works really well. Adorable special post!