Ok, gonna go three for three tonight!
So, if you've been reading my stuff - specifically the Pool Hall series - you know that I like including some text messaging that might happen. Well, if any of you have heard of DYAC, then you'll know that smartphones are sometimes not so smart and as I am on DYAC, I thought I'd share some Muppet faux pas of texting.
Some of these are based on some real DYAC texts, some I totally made up.
Scooter: Hey sweetness! Could you stop by the store and get me pregnant?
Mandy: 0.o I think that should be the other way around, but certainly if you want to be a trend setter…
Scooter: What the? Google, you know better! Prego! As in the sauce!
Mandy: lol. I was thinking of brining sweets. I just pregnanted the oven.
Scooter: lol Vindication is mine!
Mandy: Oh for the love of…!
Scooter: We’re going to be very busy.
Mandy: Where do you get this we from? I’m the one getting people and things pregnant.
Scooter: Fine. You stay with the oven, I’ll go pregnate the store.
Gonzo: Hey Red, I cut short lunch today, so there’s a Gandalf sandwich in the fridge if you want it.
Scooter: Of course I want a Gandalf sandwich! With mayo or mustard?
Gonzo: You’ve got to be kidding. That’s supposed to say half a sandwich.
Scooter: Was it made with a sprinkle of Hobbit?
Gonzo: Shut it.
Kermit: Hey, just found out that Bernard – member him – is celebrating his sex change.

are you absolutely sure that’s what you meant to say?
Kermit: What the? Why would the phone do that??
Piggy: I don’t know and as soon as I stop laughing, I’m going to call you to find out what you’re talking about.
Rowlf: Wanna grab a bear tonight?
Gonzo: Well, it has been some time since we’ve kidnapped Fozzie…
Rowlf: Beer. This phone…and when did we last kidnap Fozzie?
Gonzo: It’s been a while, I told you that.
Piggy: 6pm sharp, Andrew. Be there or be Sasquatch.
Scooter: Well, I can most definitely be there, but it’s gonna take me a while to find a Sasquatch.
Piggy: what the heck are we paying you for then? lol
Scooter: Apparently my role has been moved from manager to monster hunter.
Mandy: Thank you so much for dinner last night. :x
Scooter: NP. You’re worth it. I thank Godzilla every day that I met you.
Mandy: lol well both I and Tokyo appreciate the sentiment.
Scooter: You know Tokyo doesn’t.
Kermit: We’ve got all the things for the party and I think Jani made Chilean salad.
Gonzo: 0.0 0.0 0.o Huh, that…doesn’t sound like her. What the heck did they do to wind up in a salad?
Kermit: What? Or for pickles sack! Children salad.
Gonzo: Frog, this is getting worse and worse.
Kermit: This is why I didn’t want a smile phone, Godzilla.
Gonzo: I’ve never been to Tokyo and they’re lying if they say I have! Okay, so once I stop laughing and crying, I’m just going to call you. I figure I’ll be able to find out if I have to call the police or something.
Robbie: Hey, my aunt’s making a big feast tonight. Wanna come?
Macy: What’s she making?
Robbie: Sharks, green beans, and mashed pirates.
Robbie: Wait! OMG! Steak and mashed potatoes!
Macy: Was a little worried about that. lol
Robbie: I’m not even sure where she’d be getting sharks and pirates from.
Macy: Maybe there’s a war between sharks and pirates.
Robbie: LOL
Gonzo: Hey Princess, what’s good with a salad?
Piggy: baby jesus
Gonzo: Um….
Piggy: Pablo bunny
Gonzo: I see. Should I call a doctor or something?
Piggy: I swear I can’t leave my phone unlocked. You can thank my purse for that.
Gonzo: Well, your purse is crazy. It’s trying to eat baby Jesus and some rabbit named Pablo.
Piggy: After I answer your question, I’ll notify them immediately of the danger. Now explain.
Piggy: Miss you
Kermit: I know, sweat pores, but you know you’re the only grill for me.
Piggy: I will figure out that hot mess in a second, but if this was from anyone else…
Kermit: I so donut mountain to truffle fat!
Piggy: Your sweet words only prove that you should just not text anymore. Though we all agree, they are the highlight and entertainment of our day.
Scooter: Hey Robbie, we’re gonna need to meet so I can tell you about the homosexual routine.
Robin: 0.o Not sure I want to have that talk, however if YOU need to tell me something, I am more than happy to sit down and talk with you.
Scooter: Dog it, Goggles! I’m not gay! And I certainly don’t want to spark to Robbles about that socket taz.
Scooter: I don’t even know what that means.
Robin: I don’t care cause I’m laughing so hard!
Scooter: So going on DYAC.
Robin: Godzilla, yes!
Chat Session –
Scooter: So, any ideas?
Piggy: I still like the idea of Peru.
Gonzo: Yeah! We should so see Machu Pikachu!
Gonzo: Wait. No…
Scooter: Not sure I want to do that.
Piggy: You know how those Peru pokemons gather together.
Scooter: That’s all we need.
Gonzo: Pikachu’s one of the good ones, right? Scooter, which Pokemons were the good ones?
Scooter: I donut. I wasn’t a fan of pokey makers.
Piggy: LOL OMG, please stop!
Gonzo: Not Gumby too!
Scooter: And this is why I wanted to go with Denver or Phoenix.