New movies coming out...


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Apr 13, 2002
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Glad you finally saw it. What is Disney going to do if Pixar ever leaves?


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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make even more sequels...then it's on to sequel of sequels....who wants to bet they are pushing pixar for a nemo sequel?


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Nemo Goes to College. Nemo Returns. Nemo Takes Manhattan. :smile:

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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"Nemo's New Flipper"

This one co-stars a dolphin.

I know it's a dumb joke, but I did it on



Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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I saw pirates yesterday, it was really really good! (except the only other people in the theater were rude and called everyone an idiot at the top of their lungs) I thought the way depp acted would kinda scare me off, but it added to the character. I say GO!


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2002
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I saw Pirates again yesterday with my parents (just as good the second time as the first!) and then we saw Johnny English after that. Now I don't know if it was because I hadn't eaten in awhile and was very hungry or what, but I found myself checking my watch alot through English. It defenitely had its funny moments and Atkinson is a hilarious actor but for the most part, it wasn't the best thing I've ever seen.

And I saw alot of new previews I didn't see before so here's my take on the ones I can remember:smile::
--Finally got to see the Brother Bear preview. It looks cute but I don't think it's something I'll pay to go see. I did love the two moose though, they were hilarious at the end of the trailer when they told the audience to leave so BB would be the only movie we see this year and made a hilarious crack about going to "find that nemo".

--Secondhand Lions, starring Michael Cain, Robert Duval and Halley Joel Osmet(sp?) looks pretty good. Its about Cain and Duval as surly old sit-on-porch-with-shot gun-men who are uncles to Osmet and him kind of breaking through their shell I think. It's set in the 30s or so..actually I don't know, just the past sometime...but anyway, it looks pretty funny and heartwarming.

--Dickie Roberts, starring David Spade. He's a child star that nobody remembers trying to make a come back but in order to do that has to relive his childhood so he rents a family. It looks like a typical Spade comedy thats probably good for a few laughs. Not one I'd see in theaters though. The best part of the preview was Spade playing poker with Leif Garret, Danny Bonaduce(sp?),Screech (from saved by the bell), and Barry Williams discussing how they miss limos.

--Good Boy, a movie about dogs. I think it's something about a planet of dogs and they come to earth and can talk to this boy. I'm not really sure. It sounded like Mathew Brodderick voicing the lead dog. I don't know, probably not one I'll see.

--There was another Ben Stiller and Jack Black one that I can't remember the name of that looked pretty dumb. It involved Jack Black inventing a way to vanish dog poo (VaPOOrize) and getting obnoxiously rich.

And I also saw the Cat in the Hat preview. I like Mike Meyers but I don't know if I'll see this in theaters. It just seems like not enough plot line to make a whole movie but who knows.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2002
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electricmayhem said:
--Secondhand Lions, starring Michael Cain, Robert Duval and Halley Joel Osmet(sp?) looks pretty good. Its about Cain and Duval as surly old sit-on-porch-with-shot gun-men who are uncles to Osmet and him kind of breaking through their shell I think. It's set in the 30s or so..actually I don't know, just the past sometime...but anyway, it looks pretty funny and heartwarming.
Yay! I hadn't heard of that movie, and I was just saying the other day that it's been too long since Haley was in a live action movie. I'm crazy about that kid. :flirt: :stick_out_tongue: And I happen to love Michael Caine and Robert Duvall too, so "Secondhand Lions" sounds like a winner in my book! So it sounds like sort of a Heidi-ish Great-Kid-Reforms-Grumpy-Relatives movie? I'll have to keep my eye out for the preview. Thanks! :smile: