New Members: Please Post and Introduce Yourself


New Member
Feb 1, 2010
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:concern:Hello Muppet Fans!
I received my Gonzo Master Replica a few months ago-love him. I am waiting for Rizzo The Rat:shifty:. If anyone hears that he has been released give me a holler!
I am looking forward to getting muppet news from all.



New Member
Jan 3, 2010
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Hello, names Kevin just another reborn muppetfile on the block here and I'm sure like most of us I fought the urge to do a Kermit sesame street style introduction here.
Found myself recently falling back into the Henson universe of genius after learning that my 3yo would take a regular dose of Fraggle Rock as a means to break him of a horrible spongebob habit. Glad to say he also watches muppet shows with me and now does a regular wakka wakka wakka after he tells a "joke". And even caught a little swedish chef creeping in when I was making him a PB&J the other day.


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
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Hi to all the latest members of the past few weeks! Wow, you seem to be coming in from all over the world, and I think it's great! I hope at least some of you, and prefferably all of you, will choose to stick around for a long time!


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2010
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hi all, nice to meet you guys! :smile:
I'm an 18 year old student studying art ( i hope to get into animation someday) and a newfound love for old classics and reawakening my inner child.
i grew up watching muppet babies, muppet classic theatre, and muppet treasure island on tapes and sesame street, muppet christmas carol and the muppet movie on tv as a kid and even watched all the newer movies when growing up (with mixed reactions)
but it wasn't until my friend sent me the Bohemian Rhapsody vid did i consider myself an actual fan. (the part where it showed the electric mayhem rocking out, i screamed. i wasn't even aware that i missed these guys so much! sure they were in the background in the other muppet movies, but this was the kind of performance that made them so memorable to me in the Muppet Movie. )
suddenly i can't get enough of these guys! the Muppet Show, the older Muppet Movies, i couldn't believe just how much i was missing out of! All the stuff that went over my head as a kid suddenly made sense and made it even more amazing! The writing, the puppetry, the insanity that i took for granted shone as i now watch them and i'm filled with awe and appreciation for the sheer genius of Jim Henson and his amazing team of Muppeteers for not just the Muppets but for Sesame Street and Fraggle Rock, creating characters that i could identify and feel emotions for, despite being made of cloth and foam.
and though i've known that Mr. Henson had died, it was now, after finally seeing him as not just "oh the guy who made the Muppets" but as a person who had such a big part of my childhood and filled his characters with heart, soul, imagination, and song, that i realize just how much the world has lost.
But! i have hope that the muppets will go on and I'm happy to see that disney is slowly but surely pushing for their comeback! and i'm glad to see others who feel the same as well! :smile:


Feb 7, 2010
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Hi there, I'm a 41 year old Jim Henson fan and classic Sesame fan who lives in NYC. I've heard of you guys for a long time but finally joined MC today! So let me be the first to yell HEYYYY FROGGY BABEEEEEE! And smack you on the back :super:

I like drawing, music, and stop motion animation, and I am the biggest Joe Raposo fan I know. My favorite SS skit is The Great Cookie Thief, and I am a Libra. Hello to everybod-eeee on MC!


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
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Hello, everyone!
I have been a long-time lurker on this forum, and I have been a Muppet fan since I was around three years old! At age five, I was presented with the opportunity to attend the puppetry conference at Eugene O Neil in Connecticut (this was 1995). I got to meet Mrs. Henson, who is the nicest lady I've ever met, as well as Brian and Lisa Henson. I can still remember it vividly. From then on, I had fully contracted Muppet fever.

I just turned twenty, and am currently attending Bellevue College as a film/animation major. It's only a community college (I don't really have the money for anything else :stick_out_tongue:), but any education is good, right? I hope to pursue filmmaking, animation, and puppetry as a career.

In addition to Mr. Henson, who remains my greatest inspiration and role model, I am a fan of Guillermo del Toro, Terry Gilliam, the early works of Tim Burton (his later stuff seems to just be about selling merchandise at Hot Topic :stick_out_tongue:), and Rod Serling.

I look forward to discussions on the Muppets, The Jim Henson company, Puppetry,films in general, and anything else! Also, happy 12th anniversary, Muppet Central!

akaMr. Bloogar Foobly

Fool of Ideas

Aug 16, 2007
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Hello to you all from the far far away shores of Northern Ireland.

My earliest memory is sitting watching the Muppets when i was, i thought, 4. My mum told me the other day it was more like four months! Which would explain the diapers & pacifier.

All the best to everyone!
