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Muppet FanFic: The Malady Lingers On


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2013
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I heard both Zoot and Dr Teeth call her it when they performed "At the Dance" so I think its just their pet name for her. Same way Floyd calls her Mama.
Ah I see! I was gonna say isn't she with Floyd?? Lol I don't remember either of them calling her that having seen all of the 'at the dance' sketches I know zoot does being that they dated in season one but I dunno bout teeth


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2013
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Another chapter. Hope you enjoy it.

Chapter 11

Sitting in the kitchen of the boarding house Fozzie, Scooter, Gonzo and Rowlf listened as Kermit related what Zoot told him about Floyd when he rang from the hospital. Robin was not up and sitting on Kermit’s lap. The Swedish Chef was also awake, singing quietly as he got the others breakfast.

“The main thing is Floyd’s going to be alright.” finished Kermit. “We should be able to visit him tomorrow. After all, we don’t want to overwhelm him with too much right after he wakes up.”

“No, I guess not.” Said Scooter. He was hoping to be able to go to the hospital today but had to admit Kermit was right. Too many people was the last thing Floyd was going to want.

“Vaffles! Vaffles!” sang the Swedish Chef loudly as he started dishing out freshly prepared waffles to the group. “Thank you Chef.” Said Kermit.

“Uncle Kermit, can I make Floyd a get-well card?” asked Robin.

“Of course you can, I think he’ll like that very much.” His uncle answered.

“Uh, Kermit…..” said Rowlf hesitantly.

“Yes Rowlf?”

“I don’t want to sound horrible or anything, but…..”

“But?” prompted Kermit.

“But what are we going to do about the show tonight Kermit?” asked Rowlf. “I mean, all the musical arrangements are finalized and Nigel would throw a fit if he’s asked to change them at this late stage.”

“He’s right Kermit.” Agreed Gonzo. “Nigel’s a right pain at the best of times. And now is not the best of times.

“Okay, you all don’t have to remind me.” Kermit said irritably. The relationship between Kermit and Nigel had been somewhat strained ever since Kermit was selected to host The Muppet Show and Nigel was made conductor of the orchestra, with only occasional appearances in sketches. Kermit was fairly sure it was down to jealousy especially since the show had become a success.

“Is it too late to cancel the show?” asked Fozzie. “I don’t mind if we do, what about you guys?” Fozzie continued looking around the table. Murmured “no’s” and “nopes” came from Scooter, Gonzo, Rowlf and the Chef, who had been listening into the conversation.

“That’s very kind of you all and I do appreciate it, but I’m afraid we can’t.” replied Kermit. “Mr Burns has to be in Las Vegas for an engagement so it’s impossible. Like it or not we will have to find a replacement bass guitarist.”

“Do you want me to contact that musician’s agent we used last year boss? You remember, when Janice was out with chicken pox?” asked Scooter.

“No!” exclaimed Kermit. “Absolutely not! After the disaster they sent us I vowed never to use them again. Besides, the Electric Mayhem said they would quit if I did.”

“Why? What happened Uncle Kermit?” asked Robin.

Kermit sighed. He had done his best to forget the whole ugly incident, but Robin deserved the truth. “Well Robin, the fellow the agency sent was not happy about the job and when he discovered he it was only orchestra performance and he wouldn’t be sitting in with the Electric Mayhem, well he took his disappointment out on the band. He called Zoot and Janice some horrible names; he teased Animal and then complained when Animal bit him.

“Yeah I remember now!” said Gonzo brightly. “Didn’t Floyd deck him?”

“That’s right.” Confirmed Rowlf. “Then Doctor Teeth threw him bodily out of the theatre.” Rowlf could still picture it in his mind. “Heh, heh. Classic!” he chuckled.

“Yeah.” Said Kermit in an unimpressed tone. “Now let’s get back to business Do I know anyone who can cover at short notice?” he wondered for a few minutes. “Yes! I know who to ask. Scooter, go get my telephone book off my desk in the office please?”

“Okay chief!” Scooter headed out of the kitchen.

“Who are you calling Kermit?” Fozzie asked.

“Lubbock Lou.”

“Will he be awake this early? It’s only just gone 6am!”

“Oh sure Fozzie. Lubbock told me he always gets up at 5am to start work on his ranch.” Replied Kermit. Scooter returned with the telephone book.”Here you go boss!” he said.

“Thank you Scooter. Hop down Robin.” Kermit said. Robin jumped off his uncle’s lap and Kermit headed to the telephone, looked up Lubbock Lou’s number and dialed.

“I didn’t know Lubbock Lou played the bass.” Said Gonzo.

“He doesn’t,” replied Kermit, “But….. Hello Lubbock Lou? It’s Kermit the Frog here. Yes I’m fine how are you? Good. Sorry to call you so early but…..no we don’t need eggs for breakfast. What I do need is to speak to Slim Wilson please. Is he awake? Oh he’s practicing his bronco busting? Sure I’ll hold.”

“Oh of course. Slim Wilson plays guitar and bass for Lubbock Lou’s jugband.” Said Fozzie.

Kermit nodded as Slim came to the phone. “Mr Kermit sir? Lou said you wanted to speak to me. Is everything okay?”

“Hi Slim. I’m afraid we’re in a bit of trouble. Floyd Pepper has been admitted to hospital.”

“Is he alright Mr Kermit?”

“He needed his appendix removed, but I have spoken to the band and they say he is fine. However he is going to be out of action for a while.” Said Kermit. “What I’m calling for is that I understand you include bass guitar in your repertoire.”

“I sure do. Do you want me to take Floyd’s place in the band?” asked Slim.

“I do indeed.” Replied Kermit.

“I’d be real happy to. Anything to help you out Mr Kermit. You’ve been real good to Lubbock and all of us since we joined your show.” Said Slim.

“That’s fine. I’d like you to be at the theatre at 3pm today so Nigel can run through all the arrangements with you and Hilda can adjust your suit. Oh, and you do understand it’s only Floyd’s orchestra duties you’ll be performing?”

“Sure Mr Kermit. Would never of even dreamed trying to take his place with the Electric Mayhem.”

Kermit smiled. He didn’t think Slim would want to sit in with the Mayhem, still he was relieved that Slim ruled it out himself. “That’s great Slim. I’ll let you get back to your broncos and I’ll see you this afternoon. Bye bye.” and Kermit hung up the phone.

“Well that’s one less thing to worry about now.” Kermit said.

“Do you think Zoot and Animal will be up for performing boss?” asked Scooter.

“Hard to say for sure Scooter but I have a feeling they will. For all the nonsense the Electric Mayhem go on with at times, they are professional.” Answered Kermit. “So, that only leaves ‘Veterinarian’s Hospital’ in limbo Rowlf. We’ll just have to wait and see how Janice feels about doing the sketch.”

“Yeah, but I don’t mind if Janice isn’t up to it. And I certainly don’t care what that pig might have to say either if the sketch doesn’t go ahead!” declared Rowlf. Kermit and the others laughed at Rowlf. “Alright. We all know where things stand for now. Let’s go finish breakfast.” Their return to the kitchen was halted by an excited shout from Robin.

“Uncle Kermit! Uncle Kermit! The Electric Mayhem’s bus has just come back!”

Twisted Tails

Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2012
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Kristine, this is great so far. I have researched on the George Burns episode and there was no Electric Mayhem around. However, Janice did appear in the Veternarian's Hosptital sketcheven though Floyd was out sick. Thank you for the backstory! You are a great writer.

Notice however that Fleet Scribbler came around during that time. *shudders*


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2013
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Think its time for an update! Please enjoy.

Chapter 12

Doctor Teeth drove the bus home in silence. A combination of their unhappiness at having to leave Floyd plus their own exhaustion meant no one was in the mood for talking. Fortunately the roads were near deserted thanks to the early hour and they made it back to the boarding house in next to no time. Doctor Teeth indicated to turn off the road, steered the bus down the driveway and parked it. Glancing up he saw an excited Robin hopping up and down in the window and calling out to someone. ‘Looks like we’re gonna get a welcoming committee.’ Doctor Teeth thought. A moment later the front door opened.

“Alright we’re home. All ashore who’s going ashore!” called Doctor Teeth. Zoot unlocked Animal’s chain as Doctor Teeth opened the bus doors then the Electric Mayhem got off the bus. Kermit, Fozzie, Gonzo, Scooter and Rowlf were all standing on the porch. As soon as the band reached the waiting group the questions started.

“Did you see Floyd? How is he?”

“Yeah how is he?”

“Do you know how long he’ll be there?”

“Can I come with you when you go back to visit him?”

“QUIET!!!” shouted Fozzie over the noise. “Let’s go inside first and then they can tell us all about Floyd.”

“Thanks Foz.” said Doctor Teeth tiredly. “You know, we could all do with some coffee.”

“No problem. I’ll go get some.” Fozzie said and headed out to the kitchen while the remainder of the group went to the lounge room. Janice collapsed on the sofa while Zoot fell into an armchair. Doctor Teeth sat next to Janice and Animal fell to the flopped to the floor. Fozzie returned with the coffee which he passed around to the Electric Mayhem who drank it gratefully, including Animal who proceeded to eat the cup the coffee came in once it was empty.

“Well, he won’t need any breakfast.” said Doctor Teeth, who then turned to the group that had gathered around them and were waiting expectantly. “Okay, about Floyd. We did get a chance to see him. He was pretty out of it, having trouble keeping his eyes open but he was able to talk to us. Asked Animal if he was behaving himself, didn’t he Animal?” Animal nodded. Doctor Teeth continued. “The doctor who spoke to us said that Floyd should be released by the end of next week.”

Kermit nodded. “That’s just great Doctor Teeth. As long as Floyd is going to get better that’s all that matters.” The others who were listening nodded in agreement.

“Yeah it sure is.” said Doctor Teeth. He could feel his tiredness starting to catch up with him. “Kermit, if it’s not too much bother I told Floyd I’d go back and see him tonight while the show’s on. I know I normally come to the theatre whether we’re performing or not…..”

“No need to ask or explain.” Kermit interrupted with a smile. “You go and keep Floyd company. We’ll work around it.”

“Just one question Kermit. You ain’t gonna call that agency again to get a replacement?” asked Doctor Teeth urgently.

“No I’m not. I promised you I wouldn’t and I vowed myself never to use it again. Actually, I have arranged for Slim Wilson to come it to take Floyd’s place tonight if that’s okay with you.”

Doctor Teeth relaxed at this news. “Sure Kermit. At least we he’ll be decent.”

“Yeah I got no problems working with Slim tonight,” said Zoot.

“What about you Animal?” asked Doctor Teeth. “You like Slim don’t you?”

“Oh yeah.” Replied Animal.

Rowlf turned to Janice. “Do you want to do Vet’s Hospital tonight Janice?” he asked “I mean, I don’t mind if you don’t and I certainly don’t mind if Miss Piggy does!”

Everyone in the room chuckled. Rowlf got on as well with Miss Piggy at times as Floyd did and he admitted he enjoyed the put downs in the sketch a little too much at times. Janice smiled at him. “Thanks Rowlf, that’s rully nice of you but I’ll be there.”

“Good.” Replied Kermit, turning away for a moment. “Now listen I want…..guys?” asked Kermit as he turned back. The Mayhem had given in to their exhaustion and all of them were now asleep.

“I think they’ve earned it Kermit.” Said Rowlf affectionately.

“No argument.” Agreed Gonzo.

“Do you think we should try moving them?” asked Fozzie.

Before Kermit could answer the Swedish Chef came from the kitchen with another batch of waffles he’d made especially for the Electric Mayhem.

“Vaffles!” the Swedish Chef called out.

“Thank you Chef, but we aren’t going to need them.” Replied Kermit. “The Electric Mayhem are temporarily out of service!” The Chef looked at the sleeping band, shrugged and headed back to the kitchen.

“So Kermit, what Fozzie said. Do you think we should move them?” asked Scooter. Kermit looked at the group and thought for a few minutes. ‘They’d probably be a lot more comfortable in their own beds. And there wouldn’t be the danger of them being woken by a telephone or slamming door.’ “Okay, let’s move them.” Kermit resolved. ”Now be careful everybody. Don’t drop anyone!”

Moving Janice and Zoot proved easiest, as Fozzie picked up Janice and Rowlf scooped Zoot up and carried them up the stairs with neither waking. Doctor Teeth stirred and woke to see two of his bandmates missing.

“Where…..where’d Janice and Zoot go?” he asked Kermit.

“We’ve taken them upstairs to bed, which is exactly where you are going.” Replied Kermit.
“No, no I’m okay.” Doctor Teeth said tiredly.

“Doctor Teeth, please go and get some rest. You deserve it after what you’ve been through. We’ll make sure everyone makes it to the theatre on time. Come on, up we go.” Coaxed Kermit. Doctor Teeth got to his feet shakily and Kermit and Gonzo steered him up the stairs to his room. Fozzie and Rowlf already had Janice and Zoot settled in their bed and sofa as Kermit and Doctor Teeth went past. As Doctor Teeth climbed into his own bed Kermit said “We’ll come wake you at 4pm if you’re not already up. You won’t be allowed to miss the show, don’t worry.” Doctor Teeth gave a tiny nod and he quickly succumbed to sleep and Kermit, Fozzie, Gonzo and Rowlf tiptoed out.

Returning to the lounge room Fozzie turned to Kermit and asked “How are we going to move Animal?”

Kermit considered the situation for a moment. Animal was lying on his stomach, stretched out on a rug. “I think I know. If we all pick up an edge of the rug he’s sleeping on, we should be able to carry it upstairs. Then he can just sleep there. I know he’d prefer sleeping hanging up but at least he’ll be in his own surroundings. Okay that’s the plan, let’s each grab an edge.” Kermit, Fozzie, Scooter, Gonzo, Rowlf picked up the rug and started moving, with Robin hopping in front of them helping guide them up the stairs.

“I can’t help thinking this is how a stork feels when delivering babies!” said Scooter.

“Yeah, and what a baby this is!” said Rowlf.

“Shh! Don’t make so much noise! We’re almost there and I don’t want him to wake up!” whispered Kermit. Robin opened the door of the Electric Mayhem’s room to allow them all to enter and the group placed the rug gently down on the floor. Animal, who fortunately hadn’t woken the whole way up, now rolled himself into a ball and continued to sleep. Kermit indicated to the others to pull the blinds so as to darken the room. Once this was completed, Kermit ushered everyone out of the room, closed the door gently behind him and sighed. "Thank you
so very much gang. For everything you’ve done this morning. You don’t know how much I appreciate it.” Said Kermit gratefully. Fozzie, Gonzo, Scooter, and Rowlf all smiled back at him.

“So Kermit,” asked Fozzie, “What would you like us to do now?”

“Something very special just for me actually.”

“Ooh, what’s that?”

“Go back to bed and get some sleep yourselves!” replied Kermit. “We have a big show to do tonight and I want everyone to be ready. So go get some more rest and that’s an order!”

“He’s right.” Said Rowlf. “I don’t know about you but I could use some more shut-eye. I am dog tired!”

“Count me in.” said Gonzo. “Normally I get up with the chickens, not go to bed when they get up!”

“I’m going to bed too,” agreed Scooter, “Good night, I mean good morning, I mean…..oh never mind!” and with that Scooter, Gonzo and Rowlf headed back to their rooms.

Fozzie yawned. “A short hibernation sounds good to me too, but what about you Kermit? Aren’t you going to bed?”

“I will in about an hour or so.” Replied Kermit. “I have a couple of phone calls to make. I need to call Nigel and Hilda to let them know about Floyd. Wouldn’t be very polite of me to just let Slim turn up at the theatre thinking they know what’s happened and then have him find out they don’t. So I’ll make those calls at 8am.” Fozzie nodded.

“Do you want me to stay up with you?” he asked.

“No thank you Fozzie. I have Robin with me so I’ll be fine. You go to bed.” Replied Kermit.
“Okay Kermit. See you later.” said Fozzie, yawning again as he went into his own room and shut the door. Kermit turned to his nephew.

“Let’s go back downstairs Robin.”

“Okay Uncle Kermit.”

“Now Robin listen to me,” said his uncle. “I want you to be nice and quiet while the others are sleeping. Don’t put the television or radio on. Just read a book or do some drawing. Can you do that for me?” Robin nodded enthusiastically. “I’ll get started on my get-well card for Floyd!”
Kermit smiled at him. “Good boy. Oh, one more thing.”

“What’s that Uncle Kermit?”

“Do you have a friend you could go and play with today? I know we planned to …..”

“Oh that’s okay, Uncle Kermit. I understand.” interrupted Robin. “Norman my friend from frog scouts is home all weekend. I can go round there.”

“Good. I’ll call his parents later and I’ll check its fine with them.”

For the next hour and a half Kermit and Robin sat in the kitchen while the Swedish Chef worked getting lunch organised plus checking his own routine for the show that night. Kermit read the morning newspapers while Robin got out his paints and papers and started work on the card he wanted to give Floyd, tearing up the first few attempts. “They’re just not good enough Uncle Kermit!” he declared when asked.

8am finally came around and Kermit rang Nigel to inform him of that Floyd was in hospital, Slim Wilson would taking his place and he would arrive at 3pm to go through the arrangements. Nigel to his credit was genuinely concerned about Floyd, very relieved to hear he would recover and happy with the choice of Slim. Kermit then rang Hilda to give her the same message and she assured Kermit she would have absolutely no problem adjusting Floyd’s orchestra suit to fit Slim. Kermit made his last phone call to Norman’s family and his mother told Kermit that was just fine and to send Robin straight around.

“Finished!” Robin called out happily, holding out the card to his uncle.

“That’s very good Robin.” said Kermit, admiring the brightly coloured card. “Norman’s mother said to come straight around. They’re going swimming and will wait for you to get there before they leave, so pack everything up quickly and get what you need to take to Norman’s. I’ll get Sweetums to walk you there.”

Robin nodded and put away his painting things and then raced upstairs to pack his backpack to take with him to Norman’s. Running back downstairs he found Sweetums waiting for him with Kermit.

“Ready to go little buddy?” asked Sweetums.

“Sure am! Bye Uncle Kermit!” called Robin

“Bye Robin. Have fun.” Answered Kermit. “Oh Sweetums, what are you doing before the show today?”

“Oh, Thog and I are gonna play badminton in the park, just as soon as we can catch ourselves a chicken!” Sweetums replied.

“Oh…..well, you have fun too.” Said Kermit, deciding to keep this piece of information away from Gonzo. “Bye bye!” Kermit locked the door behind him and let out another sigh. ‘What a morning! Would have to happen right at the beginning of a new season! Still, everything’s finalised now. I can concentrate on announcing Rudolf Nureyev’s appearance on our show. Think I’ll turn in for a while.’ Kermit headed back to the kitchen to tell the Swedish Chef he was going to back to bed at last. He then headed upstairs to his room and shut the door, set the alarm clock for 2pm and climbed into bed. Just as he was drifting off he heard the front door open again and Miss Piggy call “Hello Little People!” but did not react as he was then sound asleep.

Miss Piggy looked around the living room. There was absolutely nobody there. ‘How unusual!’ Hearing the Swedish Chef she went into the kitchen.

“Chef, have you seen my Kermie?” Miss Piggy asked.

“Oh ja! Ja!” replied the Chef.

“Then were is he?” she growled.

“Oh zzzzz, zzzzz” the Chef answered making a sleeping sign with his hands near his cheek and ears.

“Asleep!” Miss Piggy exclaimed indignantly. “He’s not supposed to be asleep! He’s supposed to be down here saying how ravishingly beautiful I look for tonight’s show! Sometimes I wonder why I even bother making an effort for that slimball!”


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2013
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A/N: My character of nurse Ben is actually inspired by a nurse I work with. He is absolutely lovely, has a great sense of humour and is the perfect person to look after Floyd!

Chapter 13

Floyd gradually woke and became aware of his new surroundings. He could also now feel a cutting pain in his gut. Glancing up he noticed a drip hanging from the bedhead with a tube travelling down into his hand. He picked up his hand and inspected the bandage which was wrapped around it to prevent the needle being pulled out. Floyd then looked around the room he was in. He had evidently been moved from emergency. The walls of this room were painted a dull green colour with white curtains on the window and it was furnished with a small wardrobe, a chest of drawers and a chair as well as the bed he was in. Floyd shook his head with dismay. ‘What a jive colour scheme! Why don’t they paint hospitals bright colours? Sure would make ‘em feel better!’

Floyd then realised he was alone in the room. ‘Where are the guys?’ he thought. ‘They said they were gonna wait with me.’ Just then the door to the room opened. “Oh there you are. Where’d you go?” he asked, fully expecting Janice to come in. To his surprise a young male nurse came into the room and came over to the bed.

“Hello there! I’m Ben. I’m going to be your nurse.” He said with a beaming smile as he picked up Floyd’s arm to inspect the identity bracelet. “And you are Mr Floyd Pepper?” Floyd nodded dazedly. “Good to see that you’ve decided to come back to the land of the living! Now, let’s see what crime did you commit to end up here?” Ben continued as he reached for the medical chart that hung from the end of the bed. He read it for a moment. “That’s right. You had the emergency appendectomy at 5am this morning. They say it was a pretty close shave as your appendix was just about ready to burst.”

Floyd stared at Ben in disbelief. “What? I’ve already had the operation?” he asked.

Ben smiled again. “You certainly have had the operation. As a matter of fact I am here to change the dressing on your abdomen.” Ben noticed the confused look on Floyd’s face. “Don’t worry that you can’t remember what happened Floyd. It’s simply a side effect of the anaesthetic. Same thing happened to me when I needed surgery last year. I was awake and talking to the orderly who brought me back from the theatre to my room and for the life of me I can’t remember the conversation!”

Floyd nodded again and asked “So what time is it man?”

Ben looked at the watch attached to his shirt. “It’s just gone 2pm Saturday afternoon.”

“That’s right. You’ve slept the morning away, but you deserve it. Alright, I’m going to do what I came in to do, which is change the dressing over your wound and then a couple of other checks.”

Benn turned down the bed sheets covering Floyd and then lifted the surgical gown he was still dressed in up to his chest. Next he carefully removed the dressing trying not to pull at Floyd’s skin too much. Once it was off Ben gently touched the skin surrounding the stitches.

“That looks excellent Floyd,” said Ben, “No oozing, no redness, no signs of infection. All good mate.” He noticed Floyd had his head turned away from him and his eyes were tightly shut. “Are you okay Floyd?” Ben asked concernedly. Floyd nodded his head but kept his eyes closed. “Is the pain too much for you? Do you need some more pain relief?”

“No, I can put up with it.” Whispered Floyd.

“Well don’t you want to have a look at your stitches? There’s nothing horrible going on there I promise. The wound’s clean as a whistle.”

“No thanks! I can’t stand this sort of stuff!” Floyd was embarrassed to admit that he was seriously squeamish. The prospect of seeing where he’d been cut open frightened him like nothing else.

“Alright,” said Ben with a smile, “I won’t push the issue any further. I’m almost finished anyway.” as he smoothed the new dressing over Floyd’s stitches. Once completed Ben rearranged Floyd’s gown and pulled the bedclothes back in place.

“Right that’s finished. Now for the next annoyances, namely temperature and pulse! Open your mouth please.” Ben placed the thermometer under Floyd’s tongue and picked up his wrist again. Floyd sighed while Ben silently watched the hands of his watch while he counted. “Nearly finished mate. Just hang in there.” Ben said. A few moments later Ben placed Floyd’s wrist back down, removed the thermometer and then went to record his findings on the medical chart.

“I don’t suppose I could have a drink?” asked Floyd, his throat feeling dry and sore.

“You can have some ice. I’ll just go get some.” Replied Ben.

“Thanks man.” Said Floyd as the nurse left the room. Floyd rested against the pillow, trying to remember what had happened. Unfortunately it seemed his brain did not want to cooperate. Giving up with a sigh the door opened and Ben returned with a plastic cup filled with ice.
“Okay here’s some ice for you. Just take one piece at a time and try to let it melt in your mouth. Don’t crunch it.” Said Ben. Floyd took a piece of ice and let it melt as instructed. He could soon feel it soothing the back of his throat.

“Good?” asked Ben. Floyd nodded. “Good. Now I am going to ask you something and please don’t think I’ve gone mad,” continued Ben. Floyd looked up at him, still eating the ice. “Do you think you could get out of bed and into the chair?”

Floyd was startled by the suggestion. “You think it’s a good idea?”

“I do. The sooner you get moving the better. Don’t worry, I’ll help you.” Floyd nodded his agreement and Ben started preparing him. He first moved the drip from above the bed to a stand that was next to the chair he was going to help Floyd into. He then moved the bedclothes back again placed Floyd’s arm around his own shoulders. Next Ben gently inched Floyd to the edge of the bed and then had Floyd swing his legs over the side. The movement left Floyd feeling dizzy so the pair waited until it passed.

“Ready to keep moving Floyd?” asked Ben. At Floyd’s nod Ben helped him stand and then slowly move the few steps to the chair. Floyd could feel his legs wobbling but somehow he made it into the chair without falling. Once settled Ben fetched the blanket off the bed and covered him with it.

“How does that feel?”

“Okay I guess.”

“And your pain level?” asked Ben.

“I can take it.” murmured Floyd and shut his eyes. “I just feel so weak.”

“I know just how you feel.” agreed Ben. “It’s amazing how much we take everything for granted and then when it’s taken away from us. Right, I’ll leave you there for a few minutes while I change the bed sheets.” A knock at the door interrupted Ben and another nurse popped her head in.

“Sorry to intrude, but there are some friends of Mr Pepper here to see him if he’s up to it?” she said.

“What do you say Floyd?” asked Ben. Floyd nodded and opened his eyes again, “Sure, I’d like that.”

“Send them in Kate.” called Ben. The other nurse left and a moment later in walked Scooter and Fozzie. Scooter was carrying a basket of fruit plus a copy of ‘Variety’ while Fozzie had an overnight bag on him as well as a big red balloon with “Get Well Soon” emblazoned on it. Both looked very happy when they noticed Floyd sitting up in the chair and not in bed as expected.

“Hi Floyd! Great to see you up and about.” said Scooter.

“It sure is.” agreed Fozzie. “How are you feeling?”

“Yeah, I guess I’m not too bad. Hurts, but nothing I can’t deal with.” Replied Floyd.

“That’s good.” Said Fozzie. “Oh I hope you don’t mind but Scooter and I popped into your room and packed this bag for you.” Fozzie placed it down on the bed which Ben had just finished making. “It’s a pair of pyjamas, some slippers and a dressing gown, plus a brush, comb and toothbrush. Wasn’t quite sure what else to pack so we stuck to basics at least for tonight. Just ask for anything else you want.”

“Thanks Foz.” Replied Floyd.

“Did you say you brought his pyjamas?” asked Ben. At Fozzie’s nod Ben told them he’d leave them for now and he’d be back in a few minutes.

“That your nurse? He seems real nice.” Said Scooter.

“Yeah he is.” Agreed Floyd. “Just thankful I don’t have Nurse Piggy’s twin sister!” The trio started to laugh when Floyd gasped in pain “Ow!”

“Are you alright? Do you need the nurse back?” asked Fozzie urgently.

“No Fozzie my fuzzy, I’m okay. It hurts when I laugh.” Floyd reassured him and Fozzie smiled back.

“We’re not going to stay too long Floyd. We’re actually on the way to the theatre. Everyone at the house sends their love Floyd, and that includes Miss Piggy believe it or not!” Scooter said.
“Oh come on Scooter, Miss Piggy isn’t that bad.” Said Fozzie. “I’ve never known her to make fun of or be cruel to anyone who is genuinely hurt or sick.”

Floyd nodded his agreement. “The bear’s right. Come on; let’s not talk of Miss Fat Back. Tell me about the show tonight. Is anyone gonna play bass for the orchestra?” he asked in a concerned tone.

“Well yes there is.” Scooter confirmed a little reluctantly. Kermit has specifically told them not to discuss the show with Floyd as he didn’t want him worrying about not being there. ‘Still if Floyd asks I guess that doesn’t count.’ He thought. “He called Lubbock Lou this morning and asked Slim Wilson to perform in your place.”

“Oh. Right.” said Floyd. “Well, Slim’s one good dude. And I know he won’t upset Animal. Just hope Nigel doesn’t come down too hard on him.”

“Don’t worry Floyd." Scooter reassure Floyd "Kermit promised to keep his eye on him. Plus Zoot and Rowlf will both be there to help him.”

Did you see the band before you came? How are they?”

“Well at the moment they are sound asleep.” Said Fozzie. “At least they were when we left the house. I’ve got to go back at get them at 4pm if they haven’t already woken up. You know, we had to sneak around in the dark to pack that bag for you so we wouldn’t disturb them, they are that worn out.”

“Yeah, and Fozzie nearly tripped over Animal on the way out. I thought for a moment we weren’t going to get out of there alive!” exclaimed Scooter. Fozzie looked away embarrassed while Scooter and Floyd laughed, which caused Floyd to let out another small gasp. Ben came back to the room at that moment carrying a bowl of water and a towel.

“Are you alright Floyd?” he asked.

“Oh yeah. Just learning I shouldn’t be laughing at the moment.” Floyd replied tiredly.

Ben nodded as he placed what he was holding down on the bedside table and then turned to Fozzie and Scooter . “I’m afraid I will have to ask you to leave now. It’s time to get Floyd back into bed for some more rest.”

“No problem. We have to get to the theatre now anyway.” said Fozzie. “Kermit said he will come and see you tomorrow Floyd.”

“Yeah and Doctor Teeth will be back tonight, he asked Kermit if it would be okay before he went back to bed this morning.” Said Scooter. “Kermit said that it would be okay.”

“Cosmic baby.” replied Floyd tiredly as he shut his eyes again.

“Bye Floyd.” Scooter said quietly.

“Bye bye!” whispered Fozzie, then he and Scooter left. Ben came over the chair. “Floyd? You still with us mate?” he asked. Floyd opened his eyes again and nodded. “Okay I’ll help you get back into bed now.” Ben helped Floyd back into bed and once he was on it Ben headed over to the bag Fozzie had left behind. Floyd looked over at him open it and asked “What are you searchin’ for man?”

“Oh I heard your bear-friend say he brought you pyjamas in – aha here they are. That’s fine. Now I can give you a bath.”

Floyd was not sure he heard correctly. “A bath?” he asked.

“A bath. A blanket bath to be exact!” confirmed Ben as he pulled the privacy curtains around the bed. “First I’ll just get that gown off you…..”

“Ohhh!” moaned Floyd as Ben gently began his ministrations. ‘I knew this place was gonna be a drag!’

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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This is a great story, I'm enjoying all the little details you've added out of thoughtful consideration for all parties involved. Please keep posting when you have the time to do so. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2013
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Another chapter - enjoy!

Chapter 14

“Now please hold still Slim. This will just take a few minutes and then I’ll be finished.” Said Hilda as she busied herself with sewing pins.

Slim stood silently on a small table which Hilda used for anyone and everyone who needed their costumes adjusted. He had to admit he felt funny when he first put Floyd’s orchestra suit on. ’Not at all what I usually wear!’ he thought ‘Still I’m real happy Mr Kermit asked me to take Floyd’s part in the band.’ The run through that afternoon had gone better than expected. Rowlf had very kindly come in to help and so too had Trumpet Girl, who Slim had finally found out was named Dolores! Nigel was unexpectedly patient, so much so that Rowlf was extremely suspicious. Now Slim was waiting for Hilda to do her magic and make Floyd’s suit fit him.

Hilda stood back and examined Slim critically. “Now let me see, can you lift your arms up for me Slim?” Hilda nodded as Slim complied. “You have plenty of room to move in the jacket?”

“I sure do Hilda.” Replied Slim.

“And the trousers are fitting properly? Not too tight or too loose?” asked Hilda.

“They’re okay too.”

“Good. Very well, I am finished pinning everything in place. It is very fortunate indeed that you and Floyd are so similar in build. I will need you to please take off the suit now. Be careful! Don’t stick yourself with a pin.” Slim slipped of the suit jacket and trousers, handed them to Hilda and then put his usual outfit back on.

“Thank you Slim. I’ll have them ready for you in time for the show.” Said Hilda.

“Thanks Hilda.” Said Slim who then headed upstairs to the musician’s lounge. Rowlf was already there, going over his arrangements for George Burns’ songs one last time. He looked up as Slim entered.

“Hi Slim. All ready for your big orchestra debut tonight?” asked Rowlf brightly.

“I guess. I’m real terrified though.” Replied Slim. “I keep on thinking I’ll stuff something up, not come in on time, annoy Nigel. The list goes on and on.”

Rowlf smiled at him kindly. “Don’t worry about it Slim. I was real impressed with your playing and how quick you picked everything up. So to was Dolores. And as for Nigel, annoying him is path of the course. In fact the Electric Mayhem would be very unhappy if you didn’t!” Rowlf and Slim both burst out laughing.

“Yeah, you’re absolutely right!” agreed Slim.

Becoming serious again he asked Rowlf “Are you sure the Electric Mayhem are okay with me taking Floyd’s place? I mean, I don’t want to upset…..”

“Oh no Slim!” Rowlf hastened to reassure him. “The band is fine with you taking his place. I was there this morning when Kermit told Doctor Teeth and they told him they had no problems with you. So don’t worry anymore. Let’s just kick back and enjoy some time to ourselves before the show gets underway. Actually, I was thinking we should get ourselves something to eat before too much longer. How about we head down to the cafeteria and see what Gladys has on special tonight?”

“That sounds like a real good idea Rowlf.” Replied Slim. The two musicians headed out of the lounge and down the stairs to backstage where Kermit and Fozzie were. Rowlf called out to Fozzie as they went past. “Hey Fozzie. How’s Floyd doing?”

“Oh he’s terrific! Well, maybe not quite terrific,” Fozzie clarified “but as I was telling Kermit when Scooter and I went to see him they had him out of bed already and sitting up! Isn’t that great?”

“That sure is Fozzie.” said Rowlf. “You know, I read somewhere once that they like patients to get moving again as soon as possible after surgery.

“Really Rowlf? You read that?” asked Kermit.

“Well, I am Doctor Bob after all and as a quack gone to the dogs I need to know these things!” replied Rowlf, which made Kermit, Fozzie and Slim laugh. Kermit shook his head and then noticed Slim standing with Rowlf. “Hello Slim. How are you feeling? Not too worried about tonight I trust?”

“Yes and no Mr Kermit.” Said Slim. “I want to do a good job for you because I am so pleased you asked me but I am scared of doing something wrong.”

“Listen, don’t dwell on what could go wrong. Just focus on what will go right. I have no doubts at all you will do an excellent job.” Kermit reassured him. Slim smiled back at Kermit but said nothing.

“That’s exactly what I’ve been telling him Kermit.” Rowlf said. “If you’ll excuse us both, we were heading down to get something to eat at the cafeteria.”

“Hey that sounds like a good idea. Mind if I tag along?” asked Fozzie.

“Of course not Fozzie.” Said Rowlf and the three of them headed off together leaving Kermit to continue his own work. He heard a knock at the theatre door which he went to answer and saw a telegram boy standing there.

“Are you Mr Kermit the Frog?” he asked.

“I am.” replied Kermit.

“Telegram for you.”

“Thank you very much.” Kermit took the telegram and headed back to his desk. Opening it he noticed who it was from and as he read the message his excitement grew:



“YAYYY!!!” shouted Kermit. ‘Oh this is magnificent! He is really and truly coming! I can hardly wait to tell everyone!’

“Hello boss! What’s all the excitement?” asked Scooter .

“Oh Scooter! I am so happy. So happy I could willingly kiss Miss Piggy!” exclaimed Kermit.

“Kiss Miss Piggy willingly?” asked Scooter incredulously. “Boy chief, you sure have received some fabulous news!”

Forcing himself to calm down Kermit continued happily “Scooter, I have just received a telegram from Paris and the person I went to see said he will come do our show in a month’s time. I will announce it to everybody tonight after the show. Make sure everyone stays back once the audience has left please Scooter.”

“Sure boss.”

In the cafeteria Fozzie looked up at Kermit’s excited shout. “I wonder what’s made Kermit so happy?” he asked.

“No idea Fozzie.” Said Rowlf. “It could be…..” Rowlf trailed off as he looked up from the table and spotted Janice looking over the landing.

“Janice! Come and join us!” called Rowlf. Janice smiled back at him and made her way down the stairs then over to their table. Fozzie stood up and pulled out a chair for her to sit down.

“Thanks Fozzie.” Said Janice as Fozzie sat back down. “Oh and thanks for coming to get us too. Rully nice of you.”

“No problem” said Fozzie. “Where are Animal and Zoot?”

“Zoot’s just taken Animal for a short walk before the show. Please tell me Fozzie, but like, how did you find Floyd when you went to see him?”

“Well he was tired of course, but he was happy to see us and we had a nice chat with him. He said he was glad he didn’t have Nurse Piggy’s twin looking after him!” Everyone laughed at this.

“Can’t say I would want Nurse Piggy or her twin looking after me either!” said Rowlf. He looked over at Janice. She seemed rather subdued and not her normal cheerful self. ‘Perfectly understandable.’ thought Rowlf who asked her “Are you absolutely sure you want to be here Janice? It’s not too late to change your mind and as I told you before I don’t mind if we don’t do Vet’s Hospital. Who cares what Miss Piggy has to say if we don’t!”

Janice smiled back appreciatively at Rowlf. “Thank you Rowlf, but I really do want to be here. I like need something to focus on.” Rowlf nodded. He was about to continue when an announcement came over the theatre’s PA system.

“Attention everyone.” came Kermit’s voice. “Mr Burns has arrived. Curtain up in one hour.”

Rowlf stood up. “I do believe everybody that that is our cue to get ready. Better finish up and get back to the dressing rooms Slim.” Slim nodded. “Okay Rowlf. Hope Hilda has my suit ready to go.”

“Uh, Slim…..” called Janice.

Slim looked over at her. “Yes Janice.”

“Like…..I like wanted to say good luck. You’ll do rully good I’m sure.”

Slim grinned at Janice. “Thanks Janice. That is real, real nice of you to say.”

Together Rowlf and Slim headed back upstairs to their dressing room. Hilda had already finished adjusting Floyd’s suit to fit Slim and had left it hanging up in the dressing room for him. Slim changed into the orchestra’s outfit while Rowlf stood in front of the mirror and brushed himself thoroughly. There was a knock at the door and Rowlf called out. “Come in. We’re both decent!” The door opened and Zoot and Animal came in.

“Hi Zoot! How’s it going?” asked Rowlf.

“Hi Rowlf. Yeah, I guess it’s goin’ alright all things considered.” replied Zoot who was holding Animal’s chain. “Just brought Animal back from his walk so we should be alright for tonight, shouldn’t we Animal?”

“Oh yeah.” confirmed Animal.

Zoot looked over to Slim, who had been silent from the moment Zoot and Animal walked in. “And how are you Slim? You okay with all the music we’re playing tonight?” Slim nodded nervously, more than a little afraid of upsetting Animal. “Yeah I’m fine. The music’s good so I am too.” Zoot nodded at this and said “Well Animal and I had better get changed. Don’t want Nigel going off before the show.”

“See you down there Zoot.” Said Rowlf.

“Sure thing Rowlf. Oh, and Slim,” called Zoot.

“Yes Zoot?” Slim asked.

“Don’t worry about anything. I know you’ll do great.” Said Zoot kindly.

“Do great!” agreed Animal.

“Thanks guys. I appreciate that.” Said Slim. Zoot nodded and he and Animal headed off to change. Slim turned to Rowlf. “Well, how do I look?” he asked.Rowlf looked him up and down. “Like you should be downstairs in the orchestra pit, which is exactly where we are heading now. We’ll leave the other two to finish getting ready. See you downstairs Zoot!”

"Shall do Rowlf!" answered Zoot.

Rowlf and Slim headed downstairs together. Rowlf had decided to take Slim under his wing just for tonight, as he knew the experience would seem more than a little intimidating even for an experienced musician, which Rowlf knew Slim was. Fortunately everything was going their way. Nigel seemed happy and the rest of the band was accepting of Slim being there. All they had to do was get through tonight and everything would be alright.

On entering the orchestra pit Nigel was already there arranging the pieces of music. “Oh there you are. Is everyone else ready?” he asked. “Yeah, Dolores is right behind us and Zoot and Animal will be down in a minute.” replied Rowlf. Nigel shook his head but said nothing. Dolores came into the pit a moment later.

“Hi Rowlf!” she called.

“Hi Dolores!” he answered.

Dolores then came over to her spot next to Slim. “Hi Slim! All ready?” she asked happily.

“Ready as I’ll ever be!“ replied Slim.

Zoot and Animal then headed into the orchestra pit. Nigel gave them a long stare as they took their places, however the two musicians ignored him. Zoot walked over to Rowlf and whispered. “How did Slim go in the run through this afternoon?”

“Oh really good Zoot.” Replied Rowlf. “Mind you, for some reason Nigel was really good to him. Hope he’s not up to anything?”

“Nah, just probably trying to make brownie points with Kermit.” Said Zoot and Rowlf nodded his agreement.

“Alright we are all assembled. Nobody leaves now until the theme is performed.” Nigel said. The orchestra waited for the next 30 minutes reading their music while the houselights were on and the audience found their seats. Scooter ran in with regular updates on how far away curtain up was. Slim felt himself becoming more nervous as 30 minutes became 20, then 10, then 5 then finally 1 minute to curtain. The houselights went dark and the spotlight hit the “O” where Kermit would appear. Nigel picked up his baton and indicated. Animal started playing Kermit’s drumroll introduction:

“It’s the Muppet Show with our special guest star Mr George Burns! YAYYY!!!!”


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2013
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Well, we are coming to the end of the story. Just a few more chapters after this one!

Chapter 15

Opening his eyes again Floyd noticed it was now evening. The curtains at the window had been drawn and the lights were now dimmed. After Ben had finished giving him his bath and helping him into his pyjamas the nurse had topped up the pain relief Floyd was being given through his drip. The medication kicked in quickly and Floyd could not remember Ben leaving him as went back to sleep almost immediately. “What time it is now?” he wondered out loud.

“Just gone 7pm man.” came the answer.

Floyd looked over to where the voice came from totally surprised. Doctor Teeth was sitting quietly in the chair, reading the copy of ‘Variety’ Scooter had brought in and grinning at him. “So Sleeping Beauty has decided to wake up!” he said placing the newspaper back on the chest of drawers. “How are you feeling Floyd?”

Floyd smiled back at Doctor Teeth. “Yeah man, I guess I’m okay. That nurse gave me some more pain killers so I got no pain!” They both laughed at Floyd’s comment causing him to wince. “On second thoughts…..”

“It hurts when you laugh?” asked Doctor Teeth. At Floyd’s nod Doctor Teeth continued “Alright I won’t tell you any jokes.” Doctor Teeth stood up and stretched and then came over and perched himself on the edge of Floyd’s bed. “It’s good to see you awake again man. Now listen to me carefully Pepper. I do not want you to pull another stunt like this again! You scared me out of 10 years growth this morning I’ll have you know!”

Floyd couldn’t help smiling at Doctor Teeth’s rant. Ever since he formed the Electric Mayhem, as the eldest member of the group, Doctor Teeth had taken on the role of unofficial father figure to the band. The others would turn to him when they were in trouble and he would always worry about any member who was sick or hurt. “I’ll try my best.” said Floyd. “I ain’t so enamored with this place that I want to be here all the time!”

“Glad to see that we see eye to eye on the subject!” said Doctor Teeth with one of trademark huge grins as the door opened and Nurse Ben came back into the room carrying a tray which held a bowl and spoon. Doctor Teeth turned to Ben and said “I was just telling Floyd he’s not to scare us again like he did this morning!”

“I should think so as well.” Said Ben. Placing the tray down on a table near the bed Ben asked “Floyd I’ve brought you a bowl of Jello. Do you think you’d be able to manage it?”

“Is the Jello red?” asked Floyd, the question causing Doctor Teeth to shake his head. “Is the Jello red?” he repeated. “Floyd, you’re acting like a kid!”

“Well, I don’t like green Jello man! It looks like slime!”

“Yeah well if I were you, I would not go repeating that to Kermit!”

Ben simply shook his head at the exchange between the two friends. “Well, Floyd it does happen to be red Jello, so you should enjoy it. Come on, I’ll help prop you up a bit so you can eat.” Ben pulled one of the pillows out from behind Floyd and rested it against the bedhead. He then helped Floyd push himself up into a sitting position. Once settled Ben passed the bowl of Jello plus the spoon over to him.

“Thanks man.” said Floyd as he started eating. “This isn’t too bad actually.”

“Yeah, you’d hope a hospital wouldn’t ruin Jello!” agreed Doctor Teeth.

“I’ll come back for that tray soon.” said Ben. “I have to run as I finish my shift soon and I need to go finish some other work before I can leave.”

“No problem.” Said Floyd as Doctor Teeth waved goodbye to the nurse. Doctor Teeth looked around the room while Floyd continued eating and then noticed a television mounted in the corner. “Hey I completely forgot to put the show on! We need to see how everyone is going tonight.”

“See how well everyone is going without me tonight you mean.” said Floyd in a peevish tone.

Doctor Teeth shook his head. “Floyd if you don’t want to watch the show, you don’t have to. It’s completely up to you.” said Doctor Teeth quietly.

Floyd closed his eyes and turned his head away. “I’m sorry Teeth. You’re right; I am acting like a kid! Of course I want to see the gang in action. It’s just such a drag being stuck in here!”

“I know. I know.” said Doctor Teeth, patting Floyd’s leg through the blankets. “Okay let’s see. How do we get this idiot box to work? Is there are remote control anywhere?” Doctor Teeth climbed of the bed and opened the drawers discovering a remote control. Aiming the remote at the television it came to life and Doctor Teeth started muttering to himself “Muppet Show, Muppet Show” as he surfed through the available channels. Finally a familiar frog came on the screen.

“There we go!” said Doctor Teeth happily. “Looks like we’ve missed the opening number, but it was only Miss Piggy so no loss!” Floyd started to laugh with Doctor Teeth and then winced again. “I thought you promised not to make me laugh!” complained Floyd, albeit with a smile on his face. Doctor Teeth settled back down in the chair he was in when Floyd first woke up and they began to watch the Muppet Show. Watching the television they saw Rowlf perform with George Burns followed by a singing quartet Kermit had booked for that week. Then came the part they were looking forward to “Veterinarian’s Hospital”.

“I must say I am real glad Janice did decide to perform tonight.” said Doctor Teeth. “And Animal and Zoot too of course.” he added quickly.

“Yeah Janice is a real trouper. They all are.” agreed Floyd. The men watched as Rowlf, Janice and Miss Piggy delivered all their corny gags revolving around their patient who happened to be a telephone this week. At the end of the routine the commercial came on and Doctor Teeth turned back to Floyd and smiled.

“Rowlf’s in good form this week isn’t he?” asked Doctor Teeth. “Performing with George Burns, Vet’s Hospital and playing in the orchestra.”

“Yeah he sure is.” agreed Floyd. Looking at Doctor Teeth Floyd continued. “Thanks for coming to keep my company man. It was real nice of you.”

“My pleasure. I couldn’t have my bassman being all alone while the show’s on, now could I?” said Doctor Teeth kindly.

Floyd smiled back at Doctor Teeth. “So what time did you get here?”

“Oh, about 5pm I think. Give or take a few minutes. Why?”

“Oh I’m just loosing track of time. One minute it’s morning, the next its afternoon and I’m talking to Scooter and Fozzie and now it’s evening! Where’s today gone?”

Doctor Teeth chuckled. “Don’t fight it man. Everything will fall into place again soon enough. Mind you, I will admit that you are giving Zoot a good run for his money in the sleep-stakes!” Floyd grinned at the comment then noticed the show had come back on the television. He and Doctor Teeth watched Miss Piggy pursue Kermit around the ballroom during the “At the Dance” sketch and then watch Rowlf and George Burns perform again this time with Miss Piggy throwing herself at the guest star.

At the conclusion of the show when Kermit said goodnight to everyone Doctor Teeth and Floyd watched the band play the theme song. The camera panned over the orchestra, focusing on Zoot as he played his featured piece and then to the rest of the members. It paused for a moment focusing right in on Dolores and Slim. From where he was and what he heard Floyd had to admit Slim had done an excellent job, which was what really mattered after all. Finally the time came for Zoot to play the last note which he always played off-key.

“Blow it Zoot! Ha! Ha! Ha!” laughed Doctor Teeth and then he turned to Floyd. “Poor George Burns, having that pig throw herself at him. What do you think man…..Floyd?” he asked and then smiled. Floyd had drifted back off to sleep again. The door to the room opened and Ben came back in to collect the tray and noticed Floyd was asleep.

“He must of only just gone back to sleep. He was awake a minute ago.” Whispered Doctor Teeth as Ben approached them. Ben nodded. “That’s okay. I’ll just make him more comfortable.” He said as he laid the pillows flat again and gently eased Floyd back down onto his back. Doctor Teeth watched Ben do this and then spoke to him. “I better get going. I have to pick up the rest of our band from the theatre. I’ll come back tomorrow.”

“Sure.” said Ben, who collected the bowl and tray and turned off the light in Floyd’s room while Doctor Teeth turned off the television. Together they headed to the door, which Ben opened. “Sleep tight Floyd.” Called Doctor Teeth softly, even though he knew Floyd couldn’t hear him. Then they headed out into the corridor and Ben shut the door behind them.

Doctor Teeth paused for a moment, the whole day going over in his mind. Ben noticed him standing there and asked “Are you alright?” Doctor Teeth gave a little start. “Oh yeah, just thinking. Probably too much truth be told.” He said.

“Hey don’t worry about your friend. He really is going to be just fine. Come tomorrow the anesthesia should be well and truly out of his system so he’ll be more responsive and more receptive to visitors.” said Ben. “I have to go now, so I’m sure I will see you when you come back again.”

“Bye man. And thank you!” called Doctor Teeth as Ben headed off. Doctor Teeth took one last look at the door to Floyd’s room. ‘Well, I better go and collect the others. They'll be waiting!’ he thought and headed down the corridor,out of the hospital and back to bus.