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Muppet FanFic: The Malady Lingers On

Twisted Tails

Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2012
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Oh my goodness! Poor Floyd! Me thinks this health issue from Mr. Pepper could halt or maybe hinder the Muppet Show schedule for a while. Hmmmm!

Once again, another vonderful chapter from Kristine and there must be more updates.


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2013
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Yay 3 days off work! So it's time to update my story.

Chapter 7
As the Electric Mayhem’s colorful bus pulled up outside the hospital the security guard who was on duty looked up. ‘What do they think they’re playing at?’ he wondered as he went outside. ‘This is what I get for saying it’s been a quiet shift!’ On reaching the bus he thumped on the driver’s side window.

“Hey you can’t park that bus there! This bus stop is for public transport only!” he yelled.

Doctor Teeth opened the window and stuck his head out. “Can’t?” he asked and looked around. “Well what do you know – I just did!” he exclaimed.

The security guard scowled, charged around to the other side of the bus as Doctor Teeth opened the door and climbed aboard. “Now look Mac – “he began but got no further as Animal lunged at him.


“YIKES! WHAT IS THAT?” shrieked the terrified security guard.

“That’s Animal.” Doctor Teeth replied calmly. “Look man, I’m very sorry,” he continued “We just want to get our friend inside. He’s sick. I promise you implicitly that as soon as we get him off I will definitely move my bus.”

“Which friend? Where is he?” asked the security guard, hoping it wasn’t that Animal character.

“Over here man.” Called Zoot, who was helping Janice gently coax Floyd out of his seat. The security guard noticed Floyd doubled over in pain and said “Would you like me to get your friend a wheelchair?”

“Thanks. Don’t think he’ll be able to walk too far.” Replied Zoot. He and Janice linked their arms through Floyd’s and led him down the stairs of the bus. Doctor Teeth and Animal watched silently. Once the three of them had climbed out Doctor Teeth closed the door behind them. “I’ll just move the bus to that parking lot across the road. I’ll join you as quick as I can!” he called through the window to Zoot. “Okay Doctor Teeth.” He replied. Zoot watched Doctor Teeth drive off, with Animal calling out to Floyd all the while. He then turned to see the security guard had returned with a wheelchair.

“C’mon Floyd, have a seat in this chair.” Zoot said while he and Janice guided him around and helped him sit. Once safely ensconced the security guard pushed the wheelchair into the emergency room. Floyd looked up to take in his surroundings.

“Where are we man?” he asked Zoot.

“At the hospital. We’re gonna get you looked at.” Zoot replied.

Floyd grimaced. “Ah, no man. Take me home! I hate hospitals! They’re such a drag.” He complained.

Zoot chuckled. “Not happening man! Doctor Teeth says you belong here, and so do the rest of us. You’re out-voted!” Floyd pulled another face but said no more. Zoot glanced over at Janice, who was completely silent and he could see the fear in her face. He gently placed an arm around her shoulders.

“Janice? Are you okay baby?” he asked quietly.

Janice gave a small nod. “Yeah I’m okay. Like rully.” She replied in a whisper. Zoot was not convinced, however decided not to say anything more as they followed the security guard into the emergency room. The emergency reception area was quiet when they arrived and the security guard pushed Floyd in his wheelchair up to the desk.

“Hey Mark,” said the nurse who was on duty. “Who do you have there?”

“Hey Isabel.” Replied the security guard. “This fellow has just been brought in by his friends here.” Indicating Janice and Zoot over his shoulder.

“And can either of you tell me what happened?” asked the nurse.

“We found him collapsed on the floor at home.” Explained Zoot, while Janice remained silent and not taking her eyes off Floyd. “He’s complaining his stomach is killing him.”

“All right.” The nurse nodded and gave the doubled up Floyd a quick once over. “I’ll get you to bring him through to a cubicle and we’ll triage him there. If one of his friends would be able to stay behind and fill out the paperwork?”

“I’ll do that.” Zoot said. “Janice can go with him.”

Janice nodded quickly and followed both the nurse and security guard through a door. Zoot watched them leave and then turned his attention to the clipboard he had been handed. ‘Enough questions to answer!’ he thought irritably and then started filling out the form. As he began he glanced back up at the door they took Floyd through. ‘Hope he’s alright. Hope they’re both alright. I’ve never seen Janice this unsettled.’


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2013
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Chapter 8

Floyd was vaguely aware of being taken through what he thought must be the hospital. He was completely past caring about anything at the moment, except the pain he was in. Eventually the wheelchair he was in stopped by a bed which he was asked to get up on. Somehow, he did not know how, he managed to climb onto it, with about as much grace as an elephant that had fallen down and was trying to get up. He then felt himself panting with the exertion that little effort took as he curled onto his left side. While laying there in a daze of misery a nurse approached him, stuck a thermometer in his mouth and pulled one of his arms towards her while she attached a blood pressure cuff to it. He felt the cuff tightening, then relaxing and then the nurse taking it off and removing the thermometer. He then noticed Janice change places with the nurse and her nodding at something the nurse said to her. Janice picked up one of his hands in both of hers and gently kissed his fingers.

“Nurse said the doctor won’t be long honey.” She murmured. “Like, how are you rully feeling?”

“Like I’ve gone 20 rounds with the Pork Princess! And lost!” Floyd ground out. Janice was about to reply when they were approached by a young woman in a white doctor’s coat.

“Hello there, I’m Doctor Jameson. I’m here to examine Mr Pepper.” She introduced herself. “Mr Pepper, are you able to roll yourself onto your back please?” she then asked.

“I think so.” Floyd muttered and pushed himself over grunting the whole time. The doctor then started moving his pajama jacket out of the way. “Just a couple of questions first. When did this pain start?” she asked Floyd.

“This afternoon.”

“Have you been nauseous, vomiting?”

“Yeah, both.”

The doctor nodded. “Alright. I need you to tell me exactly where the pain is when I press on your abdomen.” Janice watched the doctor move carefully from Floyd’s left side, pressing down but not getting any response. When she pressed down on his right side Floyd jumped.

“YEEOWW!!!” he cried out in pain. “What are you trying to do to me you stupid b-“

“FLOYD!” Janice shouted. Floyd looked over at Janice, slightly stunned. “Like don’t you DARE speak to the doctor like that! She’s only trying to help you!” she snapped. Janice turned to the doctor “Like, I’m so sorry. Rully.”

“Sorry Doc.” whispered Floyd. Doctor Jameson smiled and shook her head. “No problem. I’ve been called it all and much worse. Mr Pepper I will order all the appropriate pathology tests but it is all pointing to appendicitis. What we will do is have you admitted and contact the surgical registrar to have you placed on this morning’s theatre list.” The doctor then turned to the nurse who was nearby and rattled off a number of orders.

Floyd shook his head. “An operation. What a drag.” He muttered. Janice said nothing but kissed his fingers again. The nurse who was assisting the doctor came up to her.

“Would you mind just waiting outside with your friend for a few minutes while we get Mr Pepper ready? I’ll come fetch you when we move him to his room.” She said.

“Then can I like wait with him until he goes?” Janice asked anxiously.

“Of course.”

“Okay hon, I’ll go find the rest of the band and tell them what’s happening. I won’t be long!” Janice forced herself to smile at Floyd and kissed his forehead. “See ya Mama!” he whispered.

Zoot had complete the forms he had been given and handed them back to the administration working sitting at the reception desk. The person looked over the form and nodded that it was fine. Zoot then heard the familiar shout of an over-excited Animal and Doctor Teeth trying to calm him down. They entered the emergency room and Zoot walked over to meet them.

“Whoa, steady. Easy there Animal.” Said Doctor Teeth. “We’ll be seeing Floyd soon.” Turning to Zoot he continued “Sorry to keep you waiting so long man. I decided to do about 10 laps of the parking lot to try to wear Animal out before I brought him in. Don’t know if it worked.” Zoot nodded, wondering the same thing.
“Any sign of Janice yet?” Doctor Teeth asked, knowing that she would be the one to stay with Floyd.

Zoot started to answer “Not yet,” then noticed the door Floyd and Janice went through open and saw Janice come out. Doctor Teeth, Animal and Zoot went over to join her.

“Janice? What’s happening? Did the doctors see him?” Doctor Teeth asked.

Janice nodded. “Like yeah.” She said quietly. “They say they’re gonna like take his appendix out later this morning.“

Doctor Teeth and Zoot just looked at each other. While not surprised, it was still a lot to take in. “Well, at least we know properly now.” Doctor Teeth said. “And of course it’s something they can fix!”

“That’s right.” Zoot responded quietly. “So Janice, do you know what’s happening right now? He asked.

“They’re like gonna take him up to a room….”Janice started explaining when she was interrupted by Dr Jameson.

“Excuse me, but are you all here for Mr Pepper?” She asked.

“That’s right.” Doctor Teeth replied. “Janice was just filling us in on what’s goin’ down.”

“Well, I’m afraid there has been a change of plan. We’re not taking Mr Pepper to a room first. He is going straight up to surgery now.” The doctor said.

“Why?” asked Zoot.

“We’ve been monitoring his vital signs. His pulse, blood pressure you know,” explained the doctor “and we have noticed his pulse has started to race. This is a fairly strong indicator that his appendix is about to burst or has already done so. We have contacted the surgeons and they want us to take him right up. If it has ruptured and we don’t act quickly it can become life threatening.”

The Electric Mayhem just looked at each other unable to speak. They were expecting to be told Floyd needed surgery but to be told that he was being rushed up now, just to save his life was a shock no one was prepared for.

“Umm….. when will we know if they’re in time?” asked Doctor Teeth.

“Once the surgeons take him in, if the appendix has not ruptured, the surgery will take less than an hour. If it has, depending on how much damage there is to surrounding tissues, it could take anything up to 4 hours.”

“Can we see him before he goes?” asked Zoot.

“We’re about to take him up, but you are welcome to walk up with us and wait outside theatre. Come this way please.” the doctor led them through as the door opened and Floyd was wheeled out. He’d been changed into a surgical gown and a cap covered his hair and seemed to be unconscious. Doctor Teeth looked over his shoulder and noticed Janice had not moved. Handing Animal’s chain over to Zoot, he turned back and grabbed her hand.

“C’mon baby. We’re going upstairs now.” He said gently pulling her to follow. The group entered the elevator first and then the orderly guided Floyd’s bed in. As the doors to the elevator closed and started moving, Floyd stirred and tried to focus on where he was.

“What’s happening?” he whispered. “Where’re we goin’?”

“Taking you to theatre mate,” replied the orderly as the doors opened. “You’ll be sound asleep in no time. Just relax mate.”

Floyd was unable to process what was going on. ‘If he was going to the theatre, why would he be sleeping?’ his clouded mind thought. He lifted his head to take in his surroundings and then spotted the rest of the Electric Mayhem.

“Hey guys, where am I? What’s happening” he asked.

Doctor Teeth smiled at him. He knew Floyd would never understand what he was saying at the moment. “The doctors are gonna to take you appendix out and we’re gonna wait out here for you!” he said as the theatre doors opened and Floyd was wheeled in.

“Bye bye!” Animal called in a subdued tone. Janice blew him a kiss and said nothing.

“See ya soon man!” Zoot called, then the theatre door closed. “This isn’t happening. I’m having a nightmare – I know it!” Zoot muttered to himself. Doctor Teeth walked up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

“If it is, I’m having the exact same one!” he said kindly. Doctor Teeth took in their surroundings. “Well, let’s all have a seat over there,” he said nodding in the direction of a couch, and the group walked over and sat down. ”Nothing to do now but wait.” He finished with a sigh.


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2013
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Chapter 9

“Kermit do you think perhaps we should ring the hospital and find out about Floyd? The band has been gone a long time.” Asked Fozzie. Kermit, Fozzie, Gonzo, Scooter and Rowlf were sitting in the living room while they waited for news.

Kermit shook his head. “Fozzie they’ve only been gone about 2 hours. And who knows what other emergencies the hospital had. No, we will wait until the band call us.” He answered firmly. Fozzie nodded and said no more.

Kermit reflected over the last couple of hours. They had gotten off rather lightly with the neighbours who had rung up to complain. Kermit did some groveling apologies, but all of them were decent about it when he explained that the rumpus was caused by them needing to get a sick person to hospital and not a wild party or something. Now all they could do was wait. ‘No doubt about it, waiting is the hardest part.’ He thought. Gonzo and Rowlf were chatting quietly with each other, while Fozzie had placed his arm around Scooter to comfort him. Scooter looked rather scared and Kermit knew this was because Floyd was a good friend of the youngster, helping him with his music.

“I’m just going to pop upstairs and check on Robin.” Kermit said getting up. Luckily he’d slept through all the excitement. “Please come and get me if any of the Mayhem ring.”

“Sure Kermit.” Rowlf replied watching him go. He turned to Scooter and smiled.

“Don’t look so worried Scooter,” he said. “Floyd will be fine.”

“That’s right!” Fozzie affirmed as Gonzo nodded his agreement.

“Yeah. Fine.” Murmured Scooter. ‘I just wish we knew what was happening!’ he thought.

The hospital corridor outside the operating theatre was more or less deserted, except for the occasional nurse or doctor who walked through. Doctor Teeth looked through a window of a locked office at the clock on the wall. Floyd had been in there about 45 minutes. ‘If the appendix has not ruptured, surgery will take less than an hour.’ The words of the doctor in emergency rang through his brain. ‘There is still time for him to come out, don’t panic.’ He thought. ‘The others are doing a good enough job of that at the moment without you starting!’

Zoot paced continually up and down the long corridor. Doctor Teeth watched him go past again but had lost count of the number of times Zoot had been back and forth. Animal had starting gnawing on his chain out of worry, so Doctor Teeth thrust his chain into Zoot’s hand hoping Animal might use up some of his nervous energy. However the one Doctor Teeth was most worried about was Janice. Ever since they took Floyd Janice had stared at the door of the operating, refusing to talk. Doctor Teeth watched Zoot and Animal approach him again and Animal plonked himself down on the floor next to Doctor Teeth’s feet, refusing to go any further. Doctor Teeth and Zoot smiled at each other.

“Looks like you succeeded in wearing him out.” Doctor Teeth said.

“Well slightly, at any rate,” replied Zoot. “Can I ask you something?”


“Do you know what’s upset Janice? I mean, it’s more than just Floyd being operated on isn’t it?”

Doctor Teeth let out a huge sigh and nodded sadly. “Yeah, you’re right man. It’s not just Floyd being in there. You know of Janice’s granny who looked after her when was a little girl?” When Zoot nodded Doctor Teeth continued “Well her granny became very ill one day and needed emergency surgery. She went in for the operation – and never came out.”

Zoot stared at Doctor Teeth for a moment and then shook his head. “Poor Janice. I never knew.” He whispered.

“Neither does Floyd for that matter. At least I think he don’t. I only found out by accident when I overhead Janice and her old lady going at it hammer and tongs one day. Apparently Janice and her granny were real close and her mother didn’t come to the hospital when she died, even after Janice rang her and told her she was needed. So it’s left some pretty deep wounds. Never let on I heard though.”

On hearing this Zoot nodded. “I won’t say any –“ then he stopped abruptly. “Doctor Teeth look!” he exclaimed. Doctor Teeth looked around and noticed a man dressed in surgical scrubs approaching them. Doctor Teeth gasped and headed quickly over to meet the doctor, followed by Zoot and Animal.

“Are you here for Mr Pepper?” the surgeon asked.

“That we are.” Replied Doctor Teeth excitedly “How is he?”

“We managed to get his appendix out in time. Very good thing that doctor in emergency was so observant. Any further delay and we’d still be in there and it would be a very different scenario. As it happened, his appendix was removed intact and there is no surrounding tissue damage. All going well, he should be able to be discharged by the end of next week.”

Doctor Teeth and the others felt relief wash over them. “Thank you! Thank you! Oh thank you doc!” he enthused. “When can we see him?”

“We’ve moved him to the recovery ward and are just waiting for him to wake up properly. When he does he will be transferred to a room and then you can see him. Now, if you will excuse me.” And with that the surgeon left.

“Dynamite! Thanks again doc!” Doctor Teeth called after him. He grabbed Zoot for a quick hug and then rubbed Animal on the head. Animal was grinning and jumping up and down excitedly.

“Floyd get better?” he asked happily.

“Floyd get better!” Doctor Teeth confirmed with a matching grin, and then a thought occurred to him. “Hey someone better call the swamp brother and give him the good news!”

Zoot grinned. “I’ll do that. Think I’ve got a dime in my pants pocket?” He thrust his hand in and pulled out a coin. “Yeah, got a dime. Hey I’ve got two dimes. I’m rich!” Zoot then took off down the corridor to the pay phones. After he left Doctor Teeth turned to where Janice was still sitting and yet to say a word, having not reacted to the surgeon’s news. Doctor Teeth sat down next to her and placed his arm around her shoulders.

“Janice? He’s going to be alright honey.” He said.

Janice only nodded.

“And how are you baby-doll?” Doctor Teeth then asked softly.

Janice turned her head and looked at Doctor Teeth. “Like, I’m…..” she started but was unable to get any further. Doctor Teeth noticed the tears Janice had been fighting off finally beginning to fall and as he pulled her close Janice began to sob violently, clutching at his shirt. Doctor Teeth smiled to himself and hugged Janice closer to him. Animal watched them intently but did not make a sound.

“That’s it. Let it out, there’s a good girl.” Doctor Teeth soothed. “It hit pretty close to home, didn’t it?“ He felt Janice’s nod against his chest. “Yeah, thought so. You cry all you like.”

Twisted Tails

Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2012
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Oh my goodness! Phew! Floyd's okay! (sighs with relief)

I would like to see more of this story.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Very good, what with showing the emotions wracking all the members of the Mayhem at the hospital, and then the gang back at the Muppets' home. Happy that the surgery was done quickly. Laughed a little at the line about how :sing: was confused falling asleep on the way to the theater. Thanks for posting, please continue when possible. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2013
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Another chapter. Just one tonight. More to follow!

Chapter 10

Kermit entered his bedroom and walked over to Robin’s bed. His nephew appeared to still be asleep. Kermit stroked Robin’s head fondly and turned to leave. Just as he reached the door he heard a soft voice call “Uncle Kermit?”

Kermit headed back to the bed. “Hello Robin. I’m sorry did I wake you?”

Robin shook his head and asked “What are you doing up so early?”

“We’ve had a little bit of trouble this morning Robin. Floyd became very sick and had the Electric Mayhem had to take him to hospital.”

“Is he alright Uncle Kermit?”

Before his uncle could answer, Kermit heard the telephone ring. It only rang once before he heard it be answered by Fozzie. As Kermit got up he heard Fozzie call out “Zoot!” and then the sounds of Rowlf charging up the stairs. Rowlf was slightly out of breath when he reached the frog’s bedroom.

“Kermit….” He puffed. “Zoot’s on the phone for you!”

“Coming!” called Kermit. He went back down the stairs to the living room telephone where Fozzie was holding the receiver out to him. “It’s Zoot!” he whispered excitedly. Kermit took it and Fozzie leant in close to listen. Kermit shook his head and answered “Hello Zoot? How’s Floyd?”

“Doctors have just finished operating Kermit and they say he’s gonna be fine.”

“Zoot that is wonderful news!” Kermit smiled and gave a thumb’s up to the group who had surrounded him and were staring at him expectantly. “Any idea how long he’s going to be kept there? Uh-huh. Right. Now listen, tell Doctor Teeth and the rest of the band they are to stay with Floyd as long as they like okay? No, no we’ll worry about the show tonight Zoot. Alright. Give Floyd our love. Bye bye!” Kermit hung up the phone and grinned at everyone, who grinned back. Almost immediately he was peppered with questions.

“So he’s going to be alright Kermit?” asked Fozzie.

“How long will Floyd be in the hospital boss?” asked Scooter.

“Did he say when we can go visit?” asked Rowlf.

“What’s going to happen to the show tonight?” asked Gonzo.

Kermit waited until everyone had their say. He was expecting to be inundated with questions. “Come on; let’s go into the kitchen for some more coffee and I’ll tell you everything Zoot said.”

Zoot hung up the telephone and headed back to where Doctor Teeth, Janice and Animal were waiting. Doctor Teeth looked up as he approached. “Did you get to speak to our little green buddy?” asked Doctor Teeth.

“Yeah, I did. They’re all pretty happy Floyd’s gonna be okay.” He replied.

“Understandably so!” said Doctor Teeth. “Did he say anything else?”

“Well, Kermit said to give Floyd their love. Oh and we’re to stay as long as we like and not worry about the show tonight.”

“But, like I’ve got to do Veterinarian’s Hospital!” Janice said. Doctor Teeth gave her another quick hug. “Kermit said to stay here and not worry about the show. There’s plenty of time to decide what to do.” He said. ‘Looks like she is starting to recover a little herself, if she’s worried about the show.’ he thought happily. The doors of the operating theatre opened again and a nurse approached the group.

“Excuse me, I’m looking for the Electric Mayhem.”

“Well look no further, for that am us!” replied Doctor Teeth, relief having transformed him back to his normal jubilant self.

The nurse smiled and continued. “I’ve come to let you know that Mr Pepper is awake, however we are having a few problems with bed allocation. I thought you may like to come through to see him for a few minutes rather than wait another couple of hours for us to find him a room.”

Doctor Teeth nodded happily. “We’d like that very much, wouldn’t we? Come on, let’s go!” Following the nurse the Electric Mayhem walked through the reception area of the operating theatre, and then down a corridor. Doctor Teeth tapped Zoot on the shoulder and whispered “I’m just going to lay down the riot act to Animal. You and Janice keep going and we’ll meet you.” Zoot nodded and he and Janice continued on their way. Doctor Teeth pulled Animal’s chain sharply.

‘WHA!” Animal yelled.

“SHHH! Now listen Animal and listen carefully!” Doctor Teeth stated in a threatening tone. “You are to be on your very best behavior. I mean it! No shouting, no chasing the nurses, no nothing! If you don’t you won’t be allowed to see Floyd AT ALL until he comes home! Got it?” he finished.

“Got it.” Animal replied quietly.

“Now promise me Animal. The last thing any of us want to do is leave you chained up at home while we visit Floyd, but if you misbehave we’ll have no choice.”

“Promise. Animal be good.”

Doctor Teeth grinned at the drummer and rubbed the back of his head. “Good boy. I know you can behave, especially if it’s for Floyd.” As soon as he finished talking to Animal Doctor Teeth looked up and saw Zoot standing in a doorway.

“He’s in here.” Zoot said. “Asking to see his main man Animal!”

Sensing Animal was about to get over excited Doctor Teeth grabbed the chain once more. “Animal?” he warned. Animal nodded and settled himself down as he and Doctor Teeth walked into the recovery ward. There were a number of unoccupied beds however in one just near the door Floyd lay. Janice was holding his hand and stroking his head while Zoot stood at the foot of the bed. Floyd felt extremely woozy, a side effect from the anesthetic but was able to focus more clearly on what was being said than when he was first brought in. Doctor Teeth led Animal around the opposite side of the bed Janice was on.

“Floyd better?” asked Animal anxiously.

“Getting there.” Floyd replied and reached out to rub Animal’s head. ‘You behavin’?”

Animal nodded vigorously. “Oh yeah!” he enthused.

Floyd smiled tiredly. “Good. Good Animal.” Doctor Teeth noticed Floyd was having trouble keeping his eyes open and decided to take that as their cue to leave. Janice kissed Floyd on his cheek and Zoot grabbed Floyd’s hand for a moment to say goodbye. After they walked out Doctor Teeth approached the head of the bed. “You take care of yourself man. I’ll be back tonight. Don’t give the nurses no trouble now!” he said jovially.

“Don’t have the energy at the moment.” Replied Floyd, who had his eyes closed already. “Bye Teeth.”

“Bye Floyd.”

“Bye bye!” chimed in Animal. Floyd smiled again at the sound of Animal’s voice but did not respond. Then he fell back to sleep. The nurse who escorted them into the recovery ward let Doctor Teeth and Animal out and they found Zoot and Janice waiting together. Doctor Teeth walked up to them and put his arms around their shoulders.

“I don’t know about you two, but I am ready to go back home.” He said with a sigh.

Zoot nodded his agreement tiredly. “Me too man.”

“And what about you baby?” Doctor Teeth asked Janice.

Janice smiled and answered quietly. “Fer sure.”

“Well let’s get on the road again. I’m pretty sure there are some rather anxious folks waiting for us to tell them everything that’s goin’ down. Come on Animal.” Doctor Teeth tugged the drummer’s chain gently, Animal fell in next to them and the remainder of the Electric Mayhem headed out of the hospital and back to their bus to take themselves home.