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Muppet FanFic: The Malady Lingers On


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2013
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No prob hurry I'm dying to read it! Ill make the next chapter on How Janice and Floyd fell in love once it's up :smile: promise even though I have no idea where to take it lol


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2013
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Time to update!

Chapter 19

Walking down the hall of the auditorium of the Muppet Theatre Kermit paused and turned to the journalist he was giving the tour to. So far everything had gone according to plan and Kermit had to admit he was enjoying the experience. The journalist ‘Dance’ magazine had sent was as far removed from Fleet Scribbler as possible, being a very pleasant young woman who seemed truly interested in the workings of the Muppet Show, if not a little incredulous that Rudolph Nureyev was definitely coming.

“So Chloe, this is the auditorium of the Benny Vandergast Memorial Theatre and if you would like to follow me we will head down to the orchestra pit and I will introduce you to our musicians, who are currently rehearsing.” Said Kermit.

Chloe Sutton nodded and followed Kermit. She had worked for ‘Dance’ magazine for a number of years now and when asked to do a story on Nureyev’s appearance on the Muppet Show she was very happy with the assignment, if not a little unbelieving. Chole was familiar with the program and had enjoyed the segments she had seen. Still she did not understand why Nureyev was so keen to come on this particular show.

“Just before we head down Mr Frog, could you answer just one question please?” Connie asked.

“Of course Miss Sutton. What is it?” asked Kermit, having a sneaking suspicion he knew what it was.

“Well…..it’s why?” Chloe asked.

“What? Why does Nureyev want to come here of all places?” asked Kermit, smiling at Connie’s bewildered nod. “Well, I think it has something to do with the fact that he loved dance as a little boy, you know years before he started his formal training at the ballet school in Leningrad. By coming on our show he’ll be able to perform for millions of people who may not be able to get to a big ballet company and he may just inspire another little boy who loves to dance and show them where it can take them! In fact, when I was not much bigger than my nephew Robin I loved watching Gene Kelly dancing in ‘Singin in the Rain’ and ‘Anchors Aweigh’. It made me want to learn to tap dance. And in next week’ show I get to perform my own big tap dance routine! So I know how it can have an excellent influence.”

Chloe smiled back at Kermit. “Well that makes perfect sense to me. I wanted to learn ballet after I saw the film Danny Kaye film ‘Hans Christian Anderson’ and watching ‘The Little Mermaid’ ballet danced so beautifully.”

Kermit nodded and said “So Miss Sutton, if you would like to come this way, I will take you down to meet our musicians.” Kermit lead Chloe down to the orchestra pit and saw Slim Wilson and Dolores talking to each other.

“Hi-ho!” said Kermit “I’d like you both to meet Chloe Sutton from ‘Dance’ magazine. She is doing an article on Rudolph Nureyev coming to do our show. Miss Sutton, this is Dolores who plays trumpet,” Kermit introduced Dolores who shook hands with Chloe.

“Very pleased to meet you” said Chloe.

“Nice to meet you too.” Replied Dolores.

“…..and this is Slim Wilson” said Kermit, as Slim stood up to shake hands.

“Pleased to meet you ma’am.” Said Slim as Connie smiled back at him.

Kermit looked around the orchestra pit. Only Slim and Dolores were sitting there. There was absolutely no sign of Nigel, Rowlf, Zoot or Animal. And Kermit knew there was a rehearsal scheduled for now. “Uh, where’s everyone else Slim?” Kermit asked. “Where’s Nigel?”

Slim and Dolores exchanged nervous glances. “What do I do Doll? Should I tell Mr Kermit?” Slim whispered to Dolores.

“I guess we should. Rowlf didn’t say not too.” Dolores whispered back. Kermit listened to the musician’s exchange worriedly. “Guys if there is something wrong you’d better tell me!” he said. Slim took a deep breath and turned to Kermit. “Well you see Mr Kermit…..” Slim began but was unable to get any further as a tremendous yell interrupted him.

“Don’t say another word Slim!” exclaimed Kermit. ‘Animal!’ came his anguished thought. ‘And right when I have a journalist here!’ Turning to Connie Kermit said “Miss Sutton please have a seat ! And whatever you do, don’t move from here!” Without waiting for a reply Kermit sprinted from the auditorium to backstage followed by Slim and Dolores.

Kermit arrived just in time to see a terrified Nigel running down the stairs barely in front of Animal who was chasing after him with outstretched arms. Zoot was holding onto Animal’s chain, trying desperately to restrain him.

“KILL! KILL! KILL! KILL!” bellowed Animal.


“ANIMAL! HALT! STOP! DESIST!” shouted Zoot.

Nigel ran straight past Kermit out to the stage with Animal snapping at his heels and Zoot being dragged along behind. Fozzie, Gonzo and Scooter came running at the commotion, arriving at the same time as Rowlf, Doctor Teeth and Janice came up from the cafeteria.

“Kermit! What’s happening?” asked Fozzie.

“I don’t know! Anyone care to explain?” Kermit demanded, staring right at Doctor Teeth.

“Well I don’t really know Kermit but Rowlf came and…..” began Doctor Teeth.

“Zoot and Animal were late for rehearsal Kermit.” Rowlf jumped in. “Nigel dragged them off to the musician’s lounge to speak to them.”

“It wasn’t their fault Boss!” exclaimed Scooter “They got scammed by the cab driver!”

“And Nigel has been threatening to have them removed from the orchestra.” added Slim.

“Okay! Okay! I’ve heard enough!” shouted Kermit. He could hear the wild sounds of Animal in hot pursuit of Nigel coming towards backstage, and then a loud crash was heard from the direction of the stage.

“What was that?” Kermit yelled frantically, looking behind him. “Fozzie go and check for me!”

“Yes sir! I’m off! ” shouted Fozzie. As Fozzie ran to the auditorium, Nigel dashed past him.

“HELP!” Nigel cried.

“KILL! KILL! KILL!” shouted Animal.

“Alright, here they come! Let’s head Animal off!” said Kermit. He climbed up to the landing of the dressing room stairs while Doctor Teeth, Janice, Rowlf, Gonzo, Scooter and Slim stood close together at the bottom of the stairs leading to the dressing rooms and the exit, effectively blocking Animal’s escape. As Nigel firstly came towards them Kermit called out to him.
“Nigel! Over here!” called Kermit. Doctor Teeth and Janice moved apart just enough to let Nigel through to the stairs.

“Oh thank you! Ah!” screamed Nigel as Animal made one last lunge.

‘KILL – OOF!” Animal slammed into Doctor Teeth, who promptly wrapped his long arms around the drummer.

“Come on man! Be cool!” ordered Doctor Teeth.

Unfortunately Animal was too completely freaked out to listen to Doctor Teeth’s commands. He continued leaping and shouting, trying to get away to resume the chase. Before anyone could say anything Fozzie’s voice was heard from the direction of the auditorium.

“Hey I need some help here!” he called.

“I’ll go!” said Rowlf and ran out to help Fozzie. Kermit shook his head and turned his attention back to the still frantic Animal.

“Animal! Like please listen to Doctor Teeth!” Janice begged.

“KILL! KILL!” bellowed Animal.

“Doctor Teeth! You are going to have to do something to calm him down!” demanded Kermit.

“Like what?”

“Put him in a strait jacket! Hit him with a brick! I don’t care! JUST DO SOMETHING!!!”

“Okay Kermit.” said Doctor Teeth. “We’ll go down to the cafeteria and try to calm him down. Come on Animal!” Doctor Teeth, never loosening his grip on Animal, started steering him down to the cafeteria with Janice following behind carrying Animal’s chain. Scooter suddenly picked up the end of it.

“Hey wait a minute! Where’s Zoot? He was on the end of this!” Scooter exclaimed. Doctor Teeth and Janice looked around worriedly when Fozzie’s voice was heard.

“It’s alright Scooter, we’ve got him. We’ll be right there.” called Fozzie. Doctor Teeth nodded and said “Come on let’s keep going!”

As Doctor Teeth, Janice and Scooter continued on their way to the cafeteria with Animal, Fozzie and Rowlf gently guided a seriously shaken-up Zoot backstage. Zoot was trembling from head to toe. Fozzie was talking kindly to him and stroking his back as the three of them walked out of the theatre.

“It’s alright Zoot, it’s all over now. We’ll take you somewhere you can lie down and relax.” said Fozzie gently. Rowlf looked Zoot up and down and shook his head. “Fozzie, I haven’t seen him this shaken up since he and Mahna Mahna did the ‘Sax and Violence’ number”.

“Mahna Mahna?” gasped Zoot, looking around wildly.

“No, no. He’s not here!” Fozzie hastened to reassure him.

“Hey Zoot! I saw everything and what a terrific idea!” exclaimed Gonzo “A huge leap of faith into the orchestra pit landing on Animal’s drums! Could I use it?”

“GONZO!” shouted Kermit, Fozzie, Rowlf, Slim and Dolores. Gonzo shrugged and went down to the cafeteria to see what was happening with Animal.

“What?” whispered Zoot.

“Nothing for you to worry yourself about man!” said Rowlf. Spotting Kermit Rowlf said “I think we’d better get Zoot upstairs to the lounge for a rest and a cup of tea.” Kermit nodded his agreement. Fozzie and Rowlf picked up Zoot and between them carried him up the stairs, as Zoot was in no fit state to climb so many himself. Nigel watched silently and as Fozzie and Rowlf went past him Nigel asked “Is he okay?”

“What do you care?” growled Rowlf, so viciously Kermit stared. Nigel asked no more questions.

“Do you mind if we come with you Rowlf?” asked Slim. Rowlf nodded and Slim and Dolores followed Fozzie, Rowlf and Zoot upstairs. Once the group were safely in the musicians lounge Kermit turned to Nigel.

“I will be wanting to discuss exactly what just happened, but not right at this moment. I have a feeling this is something that could have been handled better, by ALL concerned.” Kermit stated and Nigel hastily made an exit.

Kermit looked around him and noticed he was now alone. “I’d better go and check what damage happened in the orchestra pit.” He muttered to himself. Continuing to mutter angrily he entered the auditorium. Just as he reached the orchestra pit Kermit froze. Turning around slowly he noticed Chloe still sitting where he had left her. “Good grief.” Kermit whispered, as he had forgotten all about Chloe until he spotted her out the corner of his eye. Chloe got up and went over to join Kermit.

“Is the fellow who fell off the stage alright? I saw what happened and then the others come in to get him.”

“Yes, yes. Zoot’s alright. Just a little shaken up.” Kermit said, feeling increasingly flustered. ‘This would have to happen with a journalist present!’ he thought anxiously. “Uh Miss Sutton…..”
“Mr Frog, please do not think me rude but I really have to leave. I have another interview in Seattle and I need to catch a flight in a few hours. And you know what LA traffic is like.”
Kermit nodded “Of course. I will escort you to the exit.” Kermit and Chloe headed to the exit, walking through the auditorium and to backstage, which was now deserted. ‘And I thought an extra rehearsal would be a good idea!’ thought Kermit gloomily. On reaching the exit Chloe extended her hand to Kermit and said “Thank you so very much Mr Frog. I did find the experience extremely interesting.”

“You’re welcome Miss Sutton.” Said Kermit. “Please feel free to come back anytime and have a safe flight.”

Chloe smiled back at Kermit. “Thank you very much Mr Frog. Goodbye.” Chloe turned to leave and then paused. Turning back to Kermit she asked “Nureyev definitely is coming here isn’t he?”

“Yes he is!” exclaimed Kermit. As Chloe Sutton left Kermit continued “Rudolph Nureyev is coming to this place of sophistication and classic theatre!” Kermit stopped, thought of what he just said and covered his face with his flippers.

“Help.” whimpered Kermit.


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2013
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And now a chapter especially for all us Floyd and Janice lovers!

Chapter 20

Sitting in his chair, Floyd listened to Doctor Teeth’s run down of what happened at the theatre with a mixture of both amusement and alarm. Janice was sitting on the arm of the chair with her head resting on his shoulder and her arms looped through his. Doctor Teeth had made himself at home on Floyd’s bed, lying on his side with his head propped up on his hand, while he told Floyd the story.

“The most amazing thing is that we still all have our jobs!” Doctor Teeth finished.

Floyd laughed at Doctor Teeth, wiping tears away from his eyes. “That’s crazy man! How I wish I coulda been there!”

“Actually, be very glad that you weren’t man.” said Doctor Teeth, becoming serious for a moment. “It was something hideous that went down, wasn’t it Janice?”

“Fer sure! Like, I thought Animal was seriously going to kill Nigel!” said Janice.

“Was he the trigger that set him off? I mean, Animal don’t just attack for no reason. He has to be provoked.” asked Floyd.

Doctor Teeth replied “Pretty much. Let’s face it, Animal has been pretty worked up ever since you’ve been here Floyd. So when Nigel started attacking you and you weren’t there to defend yourself, Animal decided to do so on your behalf!”

Once the theatre settled down, Kermit investigated into what had caused the uproar and the whole sorry story came out. Nigel had told Zoot and Animal off for arriving late, accusing them of not taking their Muppet Orchestra duties seriously. And perhaps had Nigel left it at that nothing more would have happened. Unfortunately, when Zoot apologised and promised that it would not happen again, Nigel launched into an all-out tirade of exactly what he thought of the Electric Mayhem, the attitude of Animal, Floyd and Zoot towards the orchestra and the fact that he was going to tell Kermit he no longer wanted the three of them in the band. “I may have no say in what happens with the Electric Mayhem!” Nigel had snapped “But the orchestra is MY play pen! And I want all three of you out! Not one of you has any appreciation for anything but that scream and shriek! Especially that beatnik Pepper!”

“Well, I can’t say I’m very surprised. Animal can’t stand Nigel at all.” Said Floyd.

Doctor Teeth nodded. “Yeah man. Of course on the plus side, the look on Nigel’s face was absolutely classic!” he finished with a chuckle.

Floyd smiled at Doctor Teeth’s remark. “So are Animal and Zoot both okay?”

“The sure are man! Zoot was pretty shaken up. Poor dude got his yearly exercise in 10 minutes! Fozzie is looking after him at the moment. But he’s definitely okay.” said Doctor Teeth.

“And where’s Animal?”

“Gonzo has taken for a good long walk. We had to feed Animal all the ice cream Gladys had in order to calm him down. She weren’t none too pleased, but still whatever works! I think we all knew it was only gonna be a matter of time before Animal freaked.”

Floyd nodded his agreement. “Yeah, that’s true. Hopefully when I get out of this drag of a hospital in a couple of days Animal will settle down more. And I’ll soon be back rockin’ it out with the band!”

“Excuse me, but you will like rock it out when the doctor says you can and not a moment before!” Janice told Floyd sternly.

“Anything you say Mama!” Floyd assured Janice with a kiss on her cheek, while Doctor Teeth grinned at them both from the bed. “Sickening!” he muttered, laughing when Floyd glared back at him.

“Ooh I forgot all about your present!” exclaimed Janice “Like where is it?” Janice got up off the arm of the chair and checked around the room. ”What did I do with that bag?”

“Janice I don’t remember you coming in with any bag.” Said Doctor Teeth.

“Don’t tell me I left it in the bus! Euww! I am like so blonde at times!” Janice exclaimed.

“Don’t sweat it Janice. Here’s the keys.” Doctor Teeth reached into his jacket pocket, pulled out the keys to the bus and tossed them to Janice. She caught them and then headed out of the room back to the Electric Mayhem’s bus. Doctor Teeth shook his head and then pushed himself up off the bed. Walking over to Floyd he said “There goes someone else who will be much happier when you’re home too.”

Floyd nodded his agreement and looked up at Doctor Teeth. “What’s goin’ on with Janice that I don’t know about?” he asked.

“What do you mean?” asked Doctor Teeth cautiously.

“Well man, I always get the sense she’s real uncomfortable bein’ here. That she’s scared of something. And then when I saw Animal and Zoot today I said mentioned it then. Animal said something strange.”

“Animal said something strange?”

“Yeah I know!” said Floyd with a chuckle. “No I mentioned Janice was on edge and Animal said ‘that because her granny die’. And Zoot hushed him up really fast.”
Doctor Teeth looked away for a moment trying to think of the best way to handle the situation. ‘That’s the problem with secrets! They always manage to come out!’ With a sigh Doctor Teeth turned back to Floyd “I really am not the one to tell you man. It is something you’ll have to ask Janice.”
“But her granny did die in hospital?” asked Floyd, and Doctor Teeth nodded. Further conversation on this topic was brought to a halt just then as the door opened and Janice came back in happily swinging a large ‘Macy’s’ bag.

“Here we are honey! This is for you!” said Janice, planting a kiss on Floyd’s forehead as she placed the bag in his lap. Floyd grinned back in appreciation.

“Oh Mama you shouldn’t have! Exclaimed Floyd. “Of course I am very glad you did!” Floyd got up out of the chair and made his way back to the bed. Reaching into the bag Floyd brought out a bundle wrapped in tissue paper. Unwrapping the paper revealed a purple suit with lilac lapels, a matching purple tie and a straw hat with a purple band.

“Hey, now they are some real cool threads you have there man!” said Doctor Teeth admiringly. “I am so jealous!”

“Well get yourself a besotted girlfriend and I am sure you will be given some cool threads too!” retorted Floyd with a huge grin. ”Mama they are wonderful! I love them! Thank you so much!” Floyd grabbed Janice and pulled her over for a kiss.

“You’re welcome honey.” Said Janice, as she slipped her arms carefully around this waist. “I am just so rully glad you’re okay.” She whispered in his ear.

Doctor Teeth cleared his throat and Floyd and Janice looked over to him. “Listen guys, I just remembered I forgot to check the log book for the bus when we got here. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

“No problem man!” called Floyd, who figured this was Doctor Teeth’s way of giving him and Janice a few minutes alone to discuss things. “So not too much longer to wait before I’m home again.” He said. Janice nodded and snuggled a little closer to him. Deciding it was now or never Floyd asked “Mama could you tell me something?”

Janice looked up at him surprised “Of course hon. Like what do you want to know?”

“Well, is my being here bothering you at all?” asked Floyd. Feeling Janice stiffen he continued quickly “I’m sorry Mama, it’s just that I keep getting the feeling you’re scared each time you come.”

Janice lowered her forehead to touch Floyd’s and stood there silently for a moment. Then Janice raised her head and kissed Floyd on the forehead again “It’s not you being here so much” she said quietly “It’s more the memories.”

“Of when your granny died?” asked Floyd. He did know Janice’s grandmother had practically brought her up and had died when she was still in high school.

“Yes, but not quite how you think.” Janice replied as she gently removed herself from Floyd’s arms and sat down next to him. None of the Electric Mayhem had been fortunate enough to experience the happy secure childhood Fozzie’s mother had given him or the one Kermit was giving Robin. While no one in the group had tried to hide anything in their past, there were painful aspects in each of their lives which had not been mentioned to the others. “It’s more…..you remember how we found you on the bathroom floor?” Janice asked.

“Sure do.”

“Well, I’d like come home from school one day and when I called out to let Granny know I was home I didn’t get no reply. Now that was rully unusual as normally she was on the lookout for me. So I went looking for her and I heard this noise coming from her bathroom. I went in…..”

“And you found her there?” asked Floyd gently. Janice nodded “Exactly the same way I found you.” She had collapsed and was crying out about how much pain she was in. The worst she’d ever had.”

Floyd reached out and stroked Janice’s hair “You don’t have to tell me anymore if you don’t want to.”

Janice gave him a small smile “No, I want to keep going.” Janice took a deep breath and continued “So I like called the paramedics and Granny was taken to hospital. The doctor who saw her said she had a…..what was it again?” Janice paused for a moment “oh yeah, they said she had a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm. That a bulge in the largest artery in her belly had burst. The doctor was rully nice and he was honest with me. He told me that they were going to try to operate but it was probably too late and I should definitely try and call my mother. So while Granny was being operated on I called Mother. I told her what was happening to Granny and…..” Janice trailed of again. Floyd placed his arm around her shoulder as Janice continued “And Mother accused Granny of being a drama queen, that it was probably just appendicitis, and I was just as bad as Granny. She refused to come to the hospital.” Janice finished and then gave an anguished sob “She refused to come to the hospital!” Janice cried out as Floyd pulled her close to him again. Janice flung her arms back around Floyd and sobbed into his shoulder.

“Oh Mama! I can’t believe your old lady put you through that!” exclaimed Floyd angrily. He held Janice tightly to him as she continued to cry. Now everything made sense to Floyd. It was as much what Janice’s mother had said as what had happened to Janice’s granny which had made Janice feel uneasy about being around Floyd while he had been here.

Doctor Teeth was waiting at the nurse’s station, unwilling to go back to Floyd’s room too soon and potentially spoil everything before Floyd and Janice had a chance to discuss things properly. Nurse Ben spotted him as he was preparing to start his shift. “Hello Doctor Teeth, how’s it going?” he asked.

“Just fine Ben.” Doctor Teeth replied. “Can’t hardly wait to have Floyd back with us?”

“And is everything alright with you?” Ben queried.

“Oh yeah! Don’t mind me. I’m just giving Floyd a few minutes with his main squeeze! They have a few things to talk about and don’t need an audience.” Doctor Teeth answered. Ben smiled back at him and went on his way. Doctor Teeth glanced up and down the corridor. ‘I’ll give them another 10 minutes. That should do the trick!’ he thought.

Janice lifted her head from Floyd’s shoulder and wiped her eyes with her hand. Floyd reached up to help “You okay Mama?” he murmured.

“Fer sure.” said Janice. “Like I thought I had gotten over what Mother had done to me and Granny. Obviously I haven’t.”

“Don’t let it upset you any more!” ordered Floyd. “Your old lady isn’t worth it! You’ve got all of us in the band who love ya! Especially me.” Floyd finished gently kissing Janice on the lips. Janice gave Floyd a small smile before kissing him back. A knock then came at the door and Floyd called out “Come in!”

Doctor Teeth entered the room and spotted Floyd and Janice cuddled up close together. ‘Oh good! Just what I wanted to see!’ he thought happily before he spoke.”Well I finished the log so no more problems. I can’t believe I forgot to do it!” Floyd looked over to Doctor Teeth and gave him a wink, and Doctor Teeth nodded back with a smile.

“I think we ought to get going.” said Janice, lowering herself from the bed. “Not long before visiting hours are over for the day.”

“No problem.” Said Floyd. “Hey thanks again for the threads! I’ll wear them home. See ya both later!”

Janice kissed Floyd goodbye, Doctor Teeth waved from the door and the pair headed back to the carpark where Doctor Teeth had left the bus. Doctor Teeth unlocked the bus and he and Janice boarded it. Just before Doctor Teeth took his place behind the wheel Janice suddenly grabbed him for a hug.

“Hey, what’s this for?” Doctor Teeth asked.

“For everything you said…..and what you didn’t say.” Janice replied. Doctor Teeth smiled back as Janice took her seat and he climbed behind the wheel to start the bus.

On arriving home Doctor Teeth and Janice headed back upstairs to their rooms. Zoot was lying on his sofa while Fozzie was sitting in an armchair keeping him company. Zoot looked over as Doctor Teeth and Janice walked in. “Hey guys! How’s Floyd?” he called.

“Real fine man. He’ll be home very soon.” said Doctor Teeth. “Hey, where’s Animal?”

“Oh he’s outside with Gonzo.” Said Fozzie. “They returned from their walk and now Animal and Gonzo are chasing chickens around the backyard. Or more, Animal’s chasing and Gonzo is trying to stop him.”

Doctor Teeth grinned at Fozzie’s report and headed over to Zoot. “Feeling better man?” he asked. Zoot smiled back and pushed himself up into a sitting position. “Yeah, I’m getting there. Fozzie’s been real good company.”

Fozzie smiled at Zoot’s praise and then asked “So Doctor Teeth, would you and Janice like some lemonade?”

“Sure Fozzie that would be rully nice.” replied Janice.

As Fozzie left Janice went over to the sofa and quickly kissed Zoot on the top of his head. Zoot was taken aback by her actions. “What was that for?” he asked amazedly. Janice only smiled back and told Doctor Teeth and Zoot she was going to get changed. Once she left Zoot turned to Doctor Teeth.

“What’s got into Janice?” he asked.

Doctor Teeth smiled at Zoot. “Let’s just say that it’s all good between her and Floyd again.”

Zoot looked at Doctor Teeth for a moment and then it dawned on him “Oh you mean about…..right.” Zoot smiled back at Doctor Teeth. “Well I’ll just say I am real glad about that.”

“So am I Saxobeat.” Agreed Doctor Teeth. “So am I.”

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
Reaction score
It's a good story you've got going here Kristine. I've laughed and gotten the heavier moments of the fic, and I commend you for this story.

The only thing I would advise is you try to maintain consistency with character names... You kept switching from Chloe to Connie Sutton and back again in Ch. 19.

Really glad that Floyd and Janice had an emotional moment between them which has helped the Mayhem's female guitarist's general outlook towards the situation.

Hope more gets posted soon, thanks for sharing with us.


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2013
Reaction score
It's a good story you've got going here Kristine. I've laughed and gotten the heavier moments of the fic, and I commend you for this story.

The only thing I would advise is you try to maintain consistency with character names... You kept switching from Chloe to Connie Sutton and back again in Ch. 19.

Really glad that Floyd and Janice had an emotional moment between them which has helped the Mayhem's female guitarist's general outlook towards the situation.

Hope more gets posted soon, thanks for sharing with us.
Whoops! Thanks for that. I thought I'd corrected them all.


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2013
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Time to update! Sorry for the delay but when I went back and read this chapter after I first wrote it I thought it was garbage so I redid it. So here is a new and hopefully improved chapter!

Chapter 21

Sitting on the back porch of the Muppet Boarding House, Kermit took a few moments to savour the peace and quiet. Times like this were very few and far between so Kermit always made sure he enjoyed them thoroughly.

Having just seen Robin off to school with Sweetums, Kermit had decided to come onto the porch to enjoy his coffee and the lovely autumn morning. As Kermit sipped at his cup he unfurled the morning newspaper and began to read. Scooter had also headed off to school and Miss Piggy had gone to her singing lesson. That just left Fozzie, Gonzo, Rowlf and the Electric Mayhem at the house. All were in the kitchen at the moment as the Swedish Chef prepared their breakfast.

Kermit heard the telephone ring and Fozzie answer it, who then hand the call over to Janice. Kermit had a sneaking suspicion he knew who it was and Janice’s delighted squeal a moment later confirmed it. He heard a small commotion in the kitchen and got up to look through the back door to see what was happening.

“Good news guys?” Kermit asked happily. Doctor Teeth, Zoot and Animal had gathered around Janice on the telephone and were all trying to talk at the same time. Fozzie came over to the door and spoke to Kermit through the fly screen.

“Kermit! It’s Floyd!” exclaimed Fozzie. “Guess what? He can come home today!”

“Now that is excellent!” Kermit said. “It’ll be good to have Floyd back again.”

“It sure will Kermit.” agreed Gonzo as Janice hung up the telephone and the Electric Mayhem grabbed each other for a hug.

“So when does Floyd come home?” asked Rowlf.

“As soon as we get to the hospital!” answered Doctor Teeth. “He says all the paperwork is signed, he’s ready to be sprung! Let’s go!”

“LET’S GO! LET’S GO!” yelled Animal jumping around excitedly as Zoot kept a firm grip on his chain. The Electric Mayhem ran from the kitchen, through the living room with Doctor Teeth only pausing briefly to scoop up the bus keys from the coffee table and out the door to their bus.

Kermit laughed as he watched the band race out, shaking his head as he sat back down again.Considering that it was going to get extremely exciting, not to mention noisy, before too much longer, Kermit felt he had better enjoy his lovely quiet morning while he still could. Kermit heard the Electric Mayhem’s bus start as he began to drink his coffee. ‘It’s funny how just one person being gone makes such a huge difference.’ Kermit thought as he heard the bus start again. “Now wait a minute.” murmured Kermit to himself looking up, didn’t he hear the bus start a moment ago? The sound of the bus starting came once again and Kermit stood up as Fozzie came to the back door.

“Kermit? I think we better go outside.” said Fozzie. Kermit nodded his agreement, gulped down the remainder of his coffee before coming back inside off the porch. Kermit handed his coffee cup to the Swedish Chef before heading through the house with Fozzie. Reaching the front porch Kermit and Fozzie joined Rowlf and Gonzo who were already there.

“What’s going on?” asked Kermit.

“Don’t know.” replied Rowlf. “Seems they can’t get the bus started.”

The group on the front porch could see Doctor Teeth had his head under the bonnet of the bus checking the engine with Janice standing anxiously next to him. Zoot was in the driver’s seat and Animal was still chained behind his drum kit, straining to escape.

“Okay Zoot! Give it one more try!” yelled Doctor Teeth. Zoot turned the key in the ignition and the bus gave a starting roar then spluttered and stopped dead again. Doctor Teeth shook his head in disgust and put the bonnet back down.

“Well, I haven’t the foggiest!” he sighed as he motioned Zoot to get out of the driver’s seat. “Looks like I’ll need to call Antonio at the mechanics. Of all the times for this to happen!” he snapped as Kermit, Fozzie, Gonzo and Rowlf approached him.

“Bus won’t start huh?” asked Kermit.

Doctor Teeth just looked at Kermit then shook his head with another sigh.

“Um, do you want me to go get Floyd?” ventured Fozzie timidly. Doctor Teeth brightened up at Fozzie’s offer. “Would ya? It’d be so positively excellent if you could!” he responded.

“No problem!” exclaimed Fozzie. “I’ll go right away!” Fozzie ran back into the house, went to the kitchen and took the Studebaker keys off the hook on the fridge door where he kept them. Fozzie then ran back through the house and outside again where he met Kermit.

“Fozzie, will you take Janice with you please?” Kermit asked.

“Of course I will!” Fozzie replied with a smile. He hurried over to where he parked the Studebaker, unlocked the passenger side door and held it open for Janice to get in before heading around to the driver’s side and getting in himself. ‘Hope the Studebaker starts!’ Kermit couldn’t help thinking. Fortunately the Studebaker started first go and Fozzie pulled away from the kerb and headed down the road, honking his horn as they left.

“Bye!” called Kermit as he waved. Turning back to Doctor Teeth he asked “What do you want to do with the bus?”

“Oh leave it there for the moment.” Doctor Teeth replied. “I’ll just go call Antonio first and then I’ll have Sweetums push it down to the garage.”

“Doctor Teeth, I’ll take Animal for a walk while we’re waiting for Floyd to come back.” said Zoot. “He’ll be too excited to take anywhere when Floyd gets home.”

“No problem! See you soon!” called Doctor Teeth as Zoot and Animal headed off together, then he, Kermit, Gonzo and Rowlf headed back inside to wait.

Sitting on the edge of his bed, Floyd was fully dressed in the new suit Janice gave him and waiting for the Electric Mayhem to turn up. He had called them almost an hour ago, eager to go home and was now getting rather impatient. ‘You’d think they’d be here already! Where on earth are they?’ The door to the room opened and Nurse Ben walked in, holding a couple of letters.

“Haven’t we got rid of you yet?” Ben asked with a huge smile on his face “What are you still doing here?”

Floyd grinned back. “Just waitin’ for my chariot to freedom!” he answered. “Don’t know where they are!”

“Oh they’re probably just stuck in traffic. It’s murder out there this time of the morning, especially in the parking area!” said Ben. “Now you’re sure you’ve packed everything you brought in?”

“Yeah, my pyjamas, robe and slippers are in the bag, as is my brush, comb and toothbrush. Plus I packed my magazines, jigsaw puzzle and the get well cards.” confirmed Floyd.

Ben nodded. “That’s good. I have two letters to give you. The first is a referral to the outpatient clinic, which you need to attend in 1 weeks’ time for a check-up,” Ben said as he handed the letter to Floyd, “and the other is your discharge summary.”

“What’s a discharge summary?” asked Floyd as he took the proffered letter.

“It’s basically a run-down of why you were admitted in the first place, what treatment you received, any drugs we gave you plus instructions on you follow-up care. You give it to your family doctor.” explained Ben, as a knock came at the door.

‘Finally!’ “Come in!” called Floyd and the door opened. To his complete amazement it was Fozzie Bear who walked in.

“Wocka! Wocka! Wocka!” shouted Fozzie with a huge smile. Both Floyd and Ben stared with their mouths open at Fozzie’s entrance.

“Oh rully Fozzie!” said Janice giving Fozzie a playful shove as she hurried past him and over to Floyd. Janice threw her arms around Floyd, who pulled her tightly to him.

“Hello honey!” exclaimed Janice happily as she kissed Floyd on the lips.

“Hey Mama!” said Floyd. Looking at Fozzie over Janice’s shoulder Floyd smiled at him and called “Hey Foz!”

“Hello Floyd. I’m here to take you home.” announced Fozzie happily.

Floyd was a little taken aback. “Take me home?” he asked “But, where’s Doctor Teeth?”

“Oh, like the bus broke down.” explained Janice. “They don’t know how long they’ll be stuck so Fozzie offered to come get you.” She said, smiling kindly at Fozzie.

“That is unless you want to stay here a little longer?” chimed in Ben with his own smile.

“No way man! Fozzie, you get me outta here!” Floyd declared. Ben, Janice and Fozzie all laughed at him and Floyd shook his head. “Just wait there all of you. I’ll be straight back.” Ben said and left the room.

“So Floyd tell me, how are you feeling?” asked Fozzie.

“Pretty good Foz. I just get tired real easily at the moment.” Replied Floyd as Ben came back into the room pushing a wheelchair.

“Alright Floyd, you’re all set to go. So jump in and I’ll take you to the exit.” said Ben. Floyd stared at the wheelchair for a moment and then back to Ben. “Hospital policy Floyd.” Ben explained. “All patients are taken to the exit in a wheelchair.” Floyd looked at Janice, who merely nodded. Knowing she was not going to put up with any of his arguments Floyd sighed, lowered himself off the bed and went and sat down in the chair with another sigh as Fozzie picked up Floyd’s bag plus the balloons Floyd was going to give Robin. Janice picked up his right hand to hold as Ben started pushing the wheelchair and steered him out of the room, down the corridor and into the elevator, with Janice walking by his side and Fozzie following. Once the elevator had reached the floor the entrance was on Ben pushed the wheelchair through the foyer of the hospital and out to the cark park where Fozzie had parked the Studebaker. At the car Fozzie ran around to the passenger door, unlocked it and place Floyd’s belongings on the seat before closing the door again. Fozzie then unlocked and opened the back seat passenger door to let Floyd and Janice sit together.

Floyd climbed out of the wheelchair and turned to Ben. “Ben, my man, thanks for looking after me so good!” he said extending his hand. Ben took it and smiled “It’s been my pleasure Floyd. Please don’t take this the wrong way but I hope I don’t see you again anytime soon!”

“Hey, the feeling’s mutual! Believe me!” exclaimed Floyd with a laugh. Floyd eased himself into the back passenger seat of the Studebaker and slid over as Fozzie headed around to the driver’s side and got in himself. Janice then turned to Ben herself.

“Like, thank you so much for everything you did for Floyd.” Janice said kindly.

“No problem at all.” said Ben. “Just make sure he behaves himself!”

“Oh I will! Believe me!” said Janice, as she climbed into the back seat to join Floyd and pulled the door shut. As she linked her arms through Floyd’s Fozzie started the engine.

“Okay Floyd let’s go home!” said Fozzie happily.

“I hear ya talking Foz!” agreed Floyd. As Fozzie drove away from the hospital he blew the horn and the group waved to Ben who watched them drive off. Ben waved back himself before entering the hospital again to go back to work.

Zoot and Animal were returning from their walk and were three blocks away from the boarding house when Fozzie drove by in the Studebaker. Animal had heard the car coming and had turned his head to watch for it.

“CAR!” Animal yelled and took off after it, dragging Zoot behind him.

“Animal! Heel!” shouted Zoot desperately as Animal chased the car down the street.

At the boarding house Kermit, Gonzo and Rowlf were sitting in the lounge room waiting for Fozzie’s return while the Swedish Chef was cooking. Doctor Teeth was on the phone to mechanics, getting the low-down on what was wrong with their bus after Sweetums had pushed it there. After listening to everything, Doctor Teeth shook his head.

“Well, just go ahead and fix it Antonio. We need that bus. Okay thanks. Later!” said Doctor Teeth as he hung up the phone.

“So what’s the problem Doctor Teeth?” asked Kermit.

“Oh Antonio said there’s a tiny hole in the bus’s carburetor which was allowing too much gas to into the engine. That’s why we couldn’t start it. Oh well, these things happen.” explained Doctor Teeth with a sigh.

“Well don’t worry that Doctor Teeth. I think things are about to start looking up!” said Rowlf happily as he glanced out the window. A moment later there was a rhythmic beeping of a car horn as Fozzie pulled the Studebaker into the drive. Kermit, Doctor Teeth, Gonzo and Rowlf hurried out the front door and down to meet the Studebaker as Fozzie turned off the engine.

Doctor Teeth opened the back passenger door to first let out Janice and then extended an arm in to help Floyd out.

“Floyd man! You are a site for sore eyes!” Doctor Teeth exclaimed before wrapping his arms around him for a hug. “Don’t do it again!” he ordered.

Floyd chuckled at Doctor Teeth “I promise. I haven’t changed my mind since the night after my surgery!” Floyd assured him.

Kermit then stepped forward and extended both his flippers and took Floyd’s hands. “Floyd, you’ve been missed. It’s wonderful to have you home again.”

“Thanks green stuff!” said Floyd, feeling himself turn red at the attention “I can’t tell you how wonderful it is to be home.” Rowlf and Gonzo both went up to Floyd to welcome him home while Janice, smiling happily, stood to one side and Fozzie got the bag and balloons of the front seat of the Studebaker. Just then a familiar shout was heard behind the group and they turned around.

“Well, look who’s comin’!” said Doctor Teeth affectionately. The group laughed at the site of Animal racing up the street with Zoot being pulled along behind.

“CAR!” roared Animal continuously when he suddenly spotted who was standing near the car. Animal froze and stared for a moment before bellowing at the top of his lungs “FLOYD HOME! FLOYD HOME!” jumping about excitedly the whole time.

Floyd walked slowly over to Animal with a huge grin on his face. “C’mon, heel Animal!” he ordered.

“Heel! Heel! Heel!” repeated Animal who finally stood still. Floyd continued to grin as he rubbed Animal’s head. “Been good?” Floyd asked him.

“Been good!” Animal repeated excitedly and started to jump again.

“Animal! Be cool!” warned Doctor Teeth. “Floyd isn’t up for much excitement at the moment!”

Animal managed to calm himself down again and laughed as Floyd turned to Zoot.

“Keepin’ you fit is he?” Floyd asked his friend, who was doubled over and puffing.

“Oh Floyd, he’s all yours! I’ve had enough!” exclaimed Zoot as he embraced Floyd.

“Well since we’re all together again, let’s go inside!” suggested Kermit as Doctor Teeth turned to Fozzie. “Here Fozzie, let me give you a hand with those.” Doctor Teeth said taking Floyd’s bag off him. “Hey, thanks once again for going to get Floyd for us. I really appreciate it. We all do.”

“Hey, no problem!” said Fozzie. “I was just happy to be able to help you twice now!”

As the residents entered the boarding house, Floyd and Janice hung back. Janice snuggled up to Floyd and rested her head on his shoulder. “It’s wonderful to have you back honey.” She murmured before gently kissing his cheek. “How do you feel, rully?”

Floyd sighed. “Not quite 100%, but I definitely feel better than I was.” He answered before chuckling quietly. “And how are you feeling now Mama?” he asked.

Janice lifted her head and looked at him. She knew what he meant, how was she feeling after telling him about what her mother had put her through as a teenager when Granny died? Floyd and Janice had discussed everything, from how her mother finally turned up 1 week later to discover Janice had not been lying; her mother was dead and her daughter was now in foster care to the fight Janice and her mother had had a short time ago where Janice threw her mother’s actions back in her face, which ultimately was the trigger of Janice’s fears. Janice nodded a few times before answering quietly. “Better. Very much better.”

Floyd drew Janice’s face to his lips and kissed her tenderly on the forehead. “That’s exactly what I wanted to hear Mama.” he whispered. Just then Doctor Teeth’s voice came from the front door.

“Hey Floyd, where are ya?” he called “You oughta see the spread the Swedish Chef has put on for you!”

“I’m comin’ man!” Floyd called back as he grabbed Janice’s hand. “Finally! Some real food!”

Janice shook her head. “Like, why do I get the feeling I’m rully going to have my hands full for the next few weeks?” she asked as she and Floyd entered the house.