Muppet Fan-Fic: Don't Trip the Driver

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Uh... Shouldn't that be "Leave a message at the toe of the "squeee""?

Oy vey indeed. There are ome great one-liners amongst the conversation between Kermit and te pirates. But the fight scene is the best thing and I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for more to get posted. Come on Death, isn't that stupid Spongebob marathon over? As if spongy britches could last five seconds in a fight with a real sailoran with a corn cob pipe.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Chapter 32

Death paced the grassy field of the boss’s office. The archangel paced the ground around the coffee table.

"If you wear a rut in my Kentucky blue grass, you will pay," said The Boss, with a snarky overtone to her voice.

Death stopped and looked to his employer. "WHEN?"

"When what?" The Boss asked.


The Boss sipped from her coffee cup slowly, pondering the question. She closed her eyes and smiled at Death. "You just asked when you’ll be ready to admit it... Which means..." she paused, leading him onto the next line.


"Hey! Don’t finish my sentences!" said The Boss with a heavenly smirk.

Death grinned on the inside. "YOU KNOW..." he said, still gazing at the space above him. "I THINK A CHANDELIER WOULD LOOK LOVELY IN HERE."

The Boss looked up at her plain tiled ceiling. "Can’t, union thing, ya know?"


"Yes, I know that, I established that. Tooth Fairy got to obsessive about it."



Benny swung the scythe in Deadly’s direction, the phantom dodged and hopped backwards. "Stay out of this Clifford!" he shouted to the co-host.

"Not today, dude," Clifford jumped on stage. He ran towards Benny with no real plan in mind.

Uncle Deadly sneered. "Stop it!" Deadly dove towards Benny as he moved Clifford’s way. "You’ll get killed!"

"Not exactly," Daniel interjected. "With Death currently out of a job, everyone on Earth is technically immortal."

Everyone inside the theater turned and stared at Daniel. "Carry on..." Daniel whispered.

The squabble continued, and if any other Muppets were there, or not in dire peril, one of them would’ve made a joke about the word squabble. But, considering all of the Muppets within the theater were in dire peril as of this moment, no one made a squabble joke.

However, they did all continue to squabble.

Squabble, squabble.


The bus carefully drove down the dimly lit road. Kermit clenched his sleeping nephew's chest, just as he had ever since he'd been rescued.

Kermit looked the pitch black bus up and down, from Butch trying not to doze off in the driver's seat to Sweetums completely dozed out in the very back.
His Saturn-shaped eyes stopped on the one thing that had always been able to stop them, no matter what situation.

Miss Piggy's dainty violet eye lids were carefully closed over her ever-so-diva eyes. Her rosey cheeks moved gently up and down as she breathed in her sleep.

Kermit smiled and reached his spindly arm out to caress her cheek or brush it through her hair, he hadn't decided yet. As he drew dangerously close his porcine princess let out a loud snore through her snout. Kermit darted his hand back in shock or awe, he hadn't decided yet.

His scrunched up face was instantly drawn back into a shocking grimace as Piggy's eyes shot open and she shouted: "Gotcha!"

"Piggy," Kermit whispered. "What are you doing up?!"

"Doing research short, green, and lovesick as a teenage boy," the swine swooned.

Kermit frowned more than he already was. "Researching what?" he asked carefully.

"Why vous Kermie, what else could capture moi's attention so valiantly?" she batted her eyelashes.

"I could think of about half-a dozen chocolate cakes that could..." Kermit muttered.

"You wanna say something say it to my face googly eyes!" Piggy growled.

Kermit gulped. "Oh, um, alright, Miss Piggy, your face looks ravishing in this glorious moonlight."

Piggy knew how to play this game, and she was tres good at it too. "Oh, it does, does it?"

Kermit scratched his head with his hand not already occupied by his nephew's little body. "Of course it does," the frog said. "I'd say more but I have Robin underneath me, see and-"

Oh Kermie, mon cher," Piggy brushed the top of his head. "Do not tell me about Robin's darling little body, tell me about MOI'S darling little body."

"But Miss Piggy, I would never lie to you!"


"I mean-um, well you see..." Kermit scrunched up his face again. "I don't really know where I'm going with this..."

Piggy tossed her golden locks to the other side of her head and smirked at the frog. "I do," she grinned.

"Sheesh," Kermit scrunched up his face. "Piggy, Robin!"

"Vous know just as well as moi that sweet little Robin knows just as much, if not more, about this relationship than vous," Piggy said sweetly.

Kermit sat his nephew gently underneath the bus window. He checked his nephew's stability, smirked and turned to Miss Piggy. He rested his green elbows on his green knees and turned green when he looked up at Piggy's face right in front of his.

Or course, he was always green. "Hi Piggy," he gulped.

"Hi Keeeermie," she grasped his hands right out of his grasp. How Kermit could lose grasp of his own hands was still very unbeknownst to the poor frog.

"You know mon capitan," she swooned. "There's something tres, tres romantic about a dark bus in the middle of the night. Wouldn't you agree, mon cher?"

"Well it depends on the bus," Kermit smirked, taking the ball back into his court.

"What could be more romantic than this, the bus where it all began. The bus where vous whispered to moi the words that set moi's heart forever ablaze."

"And what words would those be Piggy?" Kermit asked.

"Motorcycle cop," she said blankly.

Kermit frowned. "For the last time Piggy, 'motorcycle cop' is not a sweet nothing!"

Say what you will," Piggy pulled Kermit's hands towards her chest. "But I know that they were words of passion!"

"Here we go," Kermit tried rolling his eyes, but realized that it was beyond his limits, as was letting the pig win this one.

Piggy planted one right on Kermit's cheek. "Yes Kermit my love, here we go!"

"But Piggy we wouldn't want to wake the rest of the-" Kermit's mouth was closed over in a pucker of piggy passion.

When Kermit was freed from his sufficient suffocation he scrunched up his face. "Now Piggy don't hold back," he said sarcastically.

"Oh Kermie, I'd never hold anything back from vous," Piggy grinned.

"Well than could you quit holding back my hands?" Kermit asked.

"Oh Kermit, we will forever be bonded by our hands," Piggy said sweetly.

"Well we'll be bonded by hands, not necessarily ours, but hands nonetheless..." Kermit said.

"How many walls are gonna break in these stories frog?" Piggy asked.

Piggy's lips hit him square on his lips. Kermit resisted for nearly half a second then decided it was futile effort and kissed right back.

"Hey you two lovebirds!" Butch shouted from the driver's seat. "Don't rock the bus!"

"Rock the bus?" Floyd shouted from the back. "Sounds like a song to me! Heh heh! Hit it Dr. Teeth!"

As the band began to wail into the night all of the other Muppets on the bus sat up and started laughing their heads off. Including Robin.

"They were all awake...The entire time..." Kermit said in shock.

Piggy flipped her hair again. "I know," she patted her frog on the head.

"This was all just so you could..."

"Show them how much vous really do care about moi," she kissed him on the head.

Kermit's face had never scrunched up more than this. "Nice timing Butch!" he shouted up the bus. "A little late, but that's forgivable."

"Good night Kermie," Piggy waved the frog away as he returned to his seat next to Robin.

"How much did you see?" Kermit asked his nephew.

Robin shrugged. "No more than usual."


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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LOVE the tooth fairy line!

And SQUABBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


And do you have ANY idea how long I've been waiting for that ushy gushy?

...Oh. You do.

...I knew that.


The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Good chapter... Would've liked some more action at the theater... Liked Death's comments. Would say more, but I think there's a chorus of plantiff boos coming from the graveyard to tend to... Restful peace and allthat you know.


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2006
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Oooooooooooh! Great chapter Prawnie, filled with those fun, clever lines and the occasional amusing reference as always.

Loved Daniel in this... you've really got his character down, and good on Clifford for not taking this lying down.... <cough> You know, cause he almost died and all... nevermind!

Loved the collective ushy gushy prank on Kermit, and Robin's line there at the end.

Very interested to see where you go with this Prawnie!


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Chapter 29
Yes, I am four chapters behind. Do I have a good excuse? No. Can i make up for it? Maybe...

The bus awoke to the blaring and off key sound of Bobo’s tuba...
Ok, I'm already laughing and we're one setence in. There is something so incredibally funny about Bobo and a tuba. On the other hand, Bean with caffene? Ouch. I can only imagine, though I'd rather not.

That was at five in the morning.
*laughs again* Ok, I had assumed it would be like 7 or 8 or something. Nice pacing to hide the time till now. Yeah, I know it's only three sentences. BUT! They are well paced sentences!

Pepe pulled the bag away. "Hey, watch jour hands! D’ese are my ‘tato chips, hokay?"
Pepe and Rizzo are a fabulous team. I can't believe I ever hated that Prawn.

"The monkey gets the chip?!" Rizzo shouted.

"Si, de monkey gets de chip."
*falls off chair* So THAT'S where the line comes from!

Kermit sat in the front seat behind Mrs. Bear at the wheel with Miss Piggy wrapped around his arm (and, coincidentally, his little finger).
*giggles* Nice use of comparason. Arm physically/little finger mentally.

Rowlf and Robin
The R Team!

"Two, three, four!" Dr. Teeth counted off as the band began to play.
Nothing like a little muuusic!

"With a stomp and a shuffle
A skip and a hop," Robin sang along.
*dies from cute-dom*

"So raise an eyebrow
An lift an ear," Rizzo and Pepe sang.
Why can I totally see Pepe raising an eyebrow, hokay?

"With a stomp and a shuffle
A skip and a hop!" Bean bounced.
Not so cute second time round. *hits Bean with a hammer*

"So raise the curtains
And light the lights," Beauregard sang.
*melts into Beau-hugging goo*

"The time is right," Sam bellowed.

"You sure the time ain’t left man?" Zoot asked.
Lyan? Are you in there?

"Brawk bawk bawk brawk, bragawk!!" she demanded.
I BET she did!

"...anything can happen."

"And anything will happen," Deadly said.
There are some very simple lines in the Muppets, but they carry such wisdom...

"Of course!" the four men shouted, fearing for their feet.
Nice aliterations, hokay.

Suddenly, a large amount of hot, brown liquid squirted from the bush, covering the archangel.
HA! I so knew that was about to happen! I am none-the-less pleased that it did though!

"YOUR BUSH ATTACKED ME WITH COFFEE," Death tried wiping himself off.

"First of all, it’s a shrub, my shrub attacked you with coffee."

Clifford ducked down beneath the balcony with Daniel at his side. "Man, my knees are killin’ me!"

"Better than Benny killing you, wouldn’t you say?" Daniel asked.

Clifford stared at Daniel. "Was that supposed to be a joke?"
Well...I thought it was. A morbid joke, but a joke.

"Will you be quiet?!" Skeeter snapped at her twin.

"Sorry, sorry," Scooter whispered. "Jeez, you can never find an evil villain when you need one..."
Aww...I love the relationship between those two...

Suddenly, the front door burst open and a tall slender figure stood in the doorway.
Gosh I HATE that man and his entrances!

"Deadly," the shrill voice spread across the theater. "I’m home!"
*shivers and screams*

"NO!" Death demanded.

"I’m sorry Death, but it’s unavoidable." The Boss crossed her legs.

"You think having Spongebob marry a giant clam for the final episode is outrageous?" The Boss asked.
How did I know it would be an argument about something trivial?

*hugs Death* *is hat weird?*

Death looked away quickly. "I... I DON’T KNOW HOW..."
You know how I used to hate Death? Well, I don't. Not at all.
"Swerve Mrs. Bear! Swerve!" Kermit told the bear while cradling Robin.

"I am swervin’! I’ve been swervin’!"
I don't know why that line is hilarious, but it is.

"How did they find us Kermie?" Piggy asked her frog prince.
Mmm! Princey!

"They’re pirates, they don’t need a reason!" Rizzo said.

"Si, or a shower every day, hokay?" Pepe said.

"Down boy," Butch pushed Clyde down by his head. "Sit, stay."

Kermit scrunched up his face. "Now probably isn’t the best time Fozzie."
But you do it tres well, Pawnie.

"Hey! Kermit!" Sal shouted. "There’s a horse runnin’ up alongside the motorcycles!"

"Certainly!" Gonzo nodded. "Alright Phillip, pull up alongside the bus, if you would."

"Meh..." Piggy shrugged.
*taps feet*

"Quit fraternizin’, dumby," Polly told the goat.

"But Polly, I can’t fraternize, I didn’t even go to college," Clueless blinked.
*laughs* Oh de Pollys, Oh de Cluelesses.

Gonzo stood up and dusted himself off. "Whoops, sorry," he began dusting Beaker off as well.
So natural and nice.

"Whatevah..." Rizzo muttered.

"Yes?" Gonzo asked.
*falls off chair in sudden giggles*

"You gotta be crazy chasing me halfway across the country!"
Where did I ehar that before?

Polly leaned over to Kermit. "Right context, wrong movie," he whispered.
Oh there.

"The air was actually kinda thick," Clueless pointed out.
As are you.

"While you wait, talk to our negotiations expert." Kermit stepped back and pushed Beaker in front of Polly.
*blink* Ahahaha! *blink*
Polly lowered his eyelids. "Oh brother..."
I love when he lowers his eyelids. And, hey, he's already talking like a Muppet!

"I don’t see the problem here," Gonzo said.

"They could kill us!" Rizzo shouted.

"Again, don’t see the problem."
haha! Nice!

"Whoo!" Gonzo shouted. "What friendly people!"
*giggles again*

"Come out, come out, wherever you are!" Benny called.
That man gives me the heeby jeebies.

Deadly dug his nails farther into the curtain concealing him.
*serious lung thing*

Benny hissed. "You brought back up I see."

"That, my dear Deadly, was a mistake you won’t live to regret." Benny aimed the scythe toward the twins. "And neither will they!"
*runs away sfcreaming*

"NO!" Deadly cried. The phantom jumped at Benny, tackling him onto the floor, misfiring the scythe’s blast, taking out a large chunk of the seats.
*crawls back to read more*

"You’ll have to keep waiting!" Clifford shouted, jumping from the balcony.

He jumped up and the fight continued
I need a huuug...

Chapter 32

Death paced the grassy field
Do you realise how odd/poetic that should sound?

"Hey! Don’t finish my sentences!" said The Boss with a heavenly smirk.
Heavenly smirk. Nice disctiption.

"Yes, I know that, I established that. Tooth Fairy got to obsessive about it."

I love the way The Boss talks. Really natural.

"Stay out of this Clifford!" he shouted to the co-host.
I love how you call Clifford "The co-host." It's cute.

"Not exactly," Daniel interjected. "With Death currently out of a job, everyone on Earth is technically immortal."

Everyone inside the theater turned and stared at Daniel.

The squabble continued, and if any other Muppets were there, or not in dire peril, one of them would’ve made a joke about the word squabble. But, considering all of the Muppets within the theater were in dire peril as of this moment, no one made a squabble joke.
*stares* *laughs* *stares*

Squabble, squabble.

The bus carefully drove down the dimly lit road.
This is brillient. It sets the slower pace quickly in one short sentence.

His Saturn-shaped eyes stopped on the one thing that had always been able to stop them, no matter what situation.
First off, Saturn, I always LOVED that discription of his eyes. Second off, eeeee!

Her rosey cheeks moved gently up and down as she breathed in her sleep.

"Researching what?" he asked carefully.
I can't possible imagine.

"I mean-um, well you see..." Kermit scrunched up his face again. "I don't really know where I'm going with this..."
Nice nice nice!

"I do," she grinned.
I believe her too.

"Hi Piggy," he gulped.

"Motorcycle cop," she said blankly.
*falls off chair*

Kermit's mouth was closed over in a pucker of piggy passion.
Nice er...alliteration...

"How much did you see?" Kermit asked his nephew.

Robin shrugged. "No more than usual."
There is SO much understanding there.

*hugs for prawnie* Great great story.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Hey Prawn... If you can get your bony butt in here and post an update... Uh, yeah. Up-date! Up-date! Meep meep mo mory? Mo Mory! Meep? Yah yah der sturee needa nuddah chepter. And make it a good one this time, or you know who will shoot some sparks into your life, and they're not the good kind.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Chapter 33

Scooter grasped Skeeter’s hand and pulled her away from a blast from the scythe. "Hey! Keep that thing away from my sister!"

"Why’s it matter?" Benny sneered. "None of us can die anyway!"

"Some of us are already dead, thank you," Deadly punched Benny in the chest.

"Yeah, and some of us should be dead," Daniel pointed out, purposely moving away from the fight.

"Good point!" Benny shot a blast at Daniel.

Daniel squealed and jumped out of the way. Skeeter rolled her eyes behind her spectacles. "Aren’t you supposed to be helping us?" she asked.

"Fighting isn’t really my, erm, specialty," he fiddled with his own glasses.

"It shows!" Clifford managed to knock into Benny’s back. "You couldn’t beat an egg!"

Benny shoved Clifford off of him, knocking the dread-locked Muppet on his back. "Which reminds me," Benny sliced down at Clifford. "I forgot to eat this morning."

Deadly dove at Clifford, pushing him out of the way, narrowly missing getting sliced by the scythe himself. "Shame really," Deadly whipped his tail at Benny’s feet. "You need your strength!"

Benny jumped over the tail whip. "You don’t know the half of it," Benny focused his attention on the twins. "Teleporting from place to place really takes it out of you."

"I bet it would," Scooter said, protecting his sister. "Doesn’t it weigh down on your wrinkle level?"

Benny threw Scooter out of the way. "When you look like me, your wrinkle level is already high enough you don’t bother counting."

"Understandable," Skeeter rolled to her brother’s side. "Have you tried anti-aging cream?"

"Who hasn’t?" Benny brought the scythe down on the stage floor. "That stuff doesn’t really work."

"Works for me," Uncle Deadly darted towards Benny. "My wrinkles are hardly noticeable."

Benny dodged the phantom. "Psh, as if!" Benny jumped into the air, onto a rafter.

Daniel sat down next to J.P.’s motionless body. "What organized chaos."

Deadly hissed upwards. "Don’t tempt me, Vandergast!"

"Bring it!" Benny waved on the onslaught.

Uncle Deadly growled, firing a blast of lightning at the rafter, splitting it and sending it plummeting towards the stage.

Clifford, Scooter, and Skeeter dove into the band pit. The sound of cracking wood split the air as dust filled it. Clifford coughed as he stood up to check the damage, both on the stage and his friend.

Benny perched himself on another set of rafters above the seats. Peering down on the destruction he induced.

As the dust cleared, beneath the pile of rubble was a clawed, blue hand. It slowly twitched from beneath the rafter.

Daniel shot up from his seat with no desire to take a breath. Clifford watched slowly, no air leaving or entering his body.

The hand opened into a palm, then fell silently to the stage floor.


"Alright everybody! It’s time to BEANERCIZE!" Bean shot up from his seat like a rocket, waking everyone within a five foot radius.

Those Muppets outside said radius were thus promptly awoken by the horrid blowing on Bobo’s tuba.

Including Polly and the pirates.

"Augh!" Polly groaned. "What is that?" the lobster asked groggily, waking up on his motorcycle.

"Sounds like my Aunt Marge after Thanksgiving," Angel Marie stated.

Back inside the bus each and every Muppet groaned. Piggy slowly let herself up from her sleeping position in Kermit’s lap. "Good morning Kermie," she purred.

"Good morning Piggy," Kermit frowned. "Or as good as it can be with that noise."

Robin sighed as he hopped up from his sleep. "It’s gonna be a long day, isn’t it Uncle Kermit?"

"Most likely Robin," Kermit smiled.

"Man," Floyd groaned. "I refuse to let my delicate rock-legend ears be subject to this trash!"

Sam Eagle pushed his way to the front of the bus. He stopped right in front of Kermit’s seat and stared down the frog. "Excuse me, Kermit," Sam bellowed.

Kermit sighed. "What is it Sam?"

"I have a distinct problem with the way things are being run around here." Sam puffed out his chest.

"How is that different from any other day, Sam?" Kermit asked.

"It is not," Sam insisted. "But I’ve never failed to get an answer out of you before, so why stop now?"

"Good question." Kermit scrunched up his face. "What is your question anyway?"

"Where are we going?" Sam asked blankly.

"Yeah," Rizzo shouted. "Our entire plans have been messed up by dem pirates!"

"And that horse," Gonzo pointed out.

"Mr. Kermit, if I may," Bunsen interjected. "I think Muppet Labs may just have the perfect solution to-"

"Mee mo! Mo mo mo!" Beaker shrieked.

"Come now Beaker, I’m sure Muppet Labs’ new instant teleportation device couldn’t hurt that badly."

"Mee me mo meep!"

"See? Only four dismembered ligaments! Nothing serious!"

Johnny leaned over to Sal. "Hey, Sal, you're the boneologist, can you dismember a ligament?"

Sal shrugged. "If anyone could, it would be Bunsen."

"Uncle Kermit?" Robin whispered to his uncle.

Kermit looked down into his nephew’s innocent eyes. "Yes Robin?"

"Can I say something?"

"Sure, go right ahead."

"I miss home," Robin smiled.

Kermit smiled right back and put an arm around his nephew. "Me too Robin, me too." Kermit stood up in the aisle of the bus, telling Sam to take his seat so he could address the gang.

Fozzie tapped the frog gently on his back. Kermit turned to face his best friend. "Yes, Fozzie, what is it?"

"Want me to open with a joke?" Fozzie asked.

"No, of course not."

"Wha?" Fozzie asked pitifully.

"That is to say, no, of course not, because I don’t want you wasting your good material!" Kermit recovered.

"Ahh!" Fozzie pointed at him. "Good point!"

Kermit shook his head and returned to addressing the mass of Muppety mayhem that lay before him. "Alright gang," he said loudly. "We’re headed home!"

"Ya hear that, Polly?" Sweetums called out the back of the bus. "We’re headed home!"

"Well, you know what they say." Clueless laughed. "When at home, do as the home-ans do."

"Could someone please run this oaf over?" Polly moaned.


"I DON’T KNOW IF I CAN..." Death sighed.

"You don’t have a choice." The Boss handed him a pen.


"To your friends it means being saved," said The Boss.


"To you it means a steady job with decent pay, and health insurance."

"I’M NOT LIVING," Death said.

"That’s never stopped an H.M.O. before."


"So?" The Boss pushed the paper towards Death.


"I think you’ll fit in with the Muppets as your friends just fine," The Boss said, smiling.

"AS DO I." Death reached for a golden feather quill. "AND WHAT A GREAT BUNCH OF FRIENDS TO HAVE." Death scribbled out his signature on the dotted line of the contract.

The paper shot into the air and rolled itself into thin air, disappearing in a flash. The Boss smirked the smirk that she was famous for. "Are you ready then?"


"Good," The Boss said. "Because they need you down there."


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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One- In the theater, as told by Prawntastico.

Two- beating an egg.

Three- wrinkles.

Four- the torment line that I am STILL shaking from, thank you very much!

Five- In the theater, as told by The Biggest Prawn There Is

Six- Beanercize!

Seven- Pig in frog's lap.

Eight- Where ARE they going?

Nine- Random ramblings of Muppetdom.

Ten- Wasting good material.

Eleven- Going home!

Twelve- In the Boss's office, as told by My Other Half.

Thirteen- Steady job with decent pay and health insurance, even though he's not living.

Fourteen- Never stopped an H.M.O. before.

Fifteen- A needle pulling thread.

Sixteen- Smirked the smirk she was famous for.

Seventeen- Indeed.

Eighteen- MORE PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ABSOLUTELY FANTASTICABULOUS chapter, my dear Prawn! Looking forward to more! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<HUGS Extraordinaire!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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*ahem hem*

More please.