Muppet Fan-Fic: Don't Trip the Driver

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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No... That can't be the whole chapter... *Disbelieving, there has to be more to this wonderful chapter and sublime story.
Liked Johnny telling Sal not to step on his lines.
Caught the referencial in-joke Zoot made. Nod to anyone we should know about? A special little crazy girl in your life?
That boss should start watching better quality programming... Spongebob's a wuss, to quote Nick DePalo.
Death got attacked by the coffee shrub? No, it was just a little squirt, he probably didn't know about the shrub's caffeine contents.

Nice song, but didn't you use it already Oh, that's fright, it was towards the somewhere part of Heart of Gold. Anyway, thanks for the update, but I know there has to be more and we want it posted soonerishkibbible!


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Chapter 30

Clifford ducked down beneath the balcony with Daniel at his side. "Man, my knees are killin’ me!"

"Better than Benny killing you, wouldn’t you say?" Daniel asked.

Clifford stared at Daniel. "Was that supposed to be a joke?"

Daniel shook his head. "Not really, no."

"Good," Clifford said. "‘Cause I’m sure it would put some sort of curse on this balcony here."

"You believe in curses?" Daniel asked.

"I believe that we’ll be cursed out if we tell a joke in this balcony," Clifford said.

Daniel shifted his weight awkwardly. "Oh, you mean those two old guys."

"Yeah," Clifford nodded. "You say you work for the big boss, right? Think you could do any pushin’ to get them pushin’ up daisies?"

Daniel raised his eyebrow. "You want them... Dead?"

"Just lookin’ out for Fozzie."

"I’m sure," Daniel said.

"Psst! Keep it down up there!" Scooter shouted from down in the seats.

"Will you be quiet?!" Skeeter snapped at her twin.

"Sorry, sorry," Scooter whispered. "Jeez, you can never find an evil villain when you need one..."

"I could be enough of an evil villain for you, if you don’t shut up!" Deadly sneered from behind the stage curtain.

The five of them sat spread across the theater in silence.

Suddenly, the front door burst open and a tall slender figure stood in the doorway. The silhouette of the man at the doorway was holding a scythe in one hand and dangling the body of a short, pudgy man in the other.

"Deadly," the shrill voice spread across the theater. "I’m home!"


"NO!" Death demanded.

"I’m sorry Death, but it’s unavoidable." The Boss crossed her legs.

"HOW? WHY? IT’S NOT POSSIBLE!" Death argued.

"Anything is possible my friend. If I will it to be so."


"You think having Spongebob marry a giant clam for the final episode is outrageous?" The Boss asked.


"Spongebob always matters," The Boss scolded.

"Your job? What about your job?" The Boss asked.

The Boss shrugged. "Do you want to keep your job?"


"But do you feel confident that you can take those lives to the afterlife? And also protect yourself and the lives that need to live in the process?" The Boss eyed the skeletal figure.

Death looked down at the grass growing beneath his feet. "THIS GRASS. THIS GRASS LIVES. EVEN WHEN MY FEET TOUCH IT."

"That’s because your powers are temporarily out of service." The Boss sipped her coffee.


"Oh, are you now?" The Boss smirked. "Well, I don’t think you are."

Death stared at The Boss, who calmly sipped her coffee from her mug. "WHEN WILL I BE?"

The Boss smiled and set her coffee mug down on the table. "When you finally admit that these aren’t just lives that need to continue living, but lives of people you care about."

Death looked away quickly. "I... I DON’T KNOW HOW..."

"I know," The Boss said. "That’s why you’re not ready to go back."


"Swerve Mrs. Bear! Swerve!" Kermit told the bear while cradling Robin.

"I am swervin’! I’ve been swervin’!" Mrs. Bear changed lanes quickly.

"How did they find us Kermie?" Piggy asked her frog prince.

"And what do they want?" Fozzie fiddled with his hat in his hands. "We gave them all our keys!"

"They’re pirates, they don’t need a reason!" Rizzo said.

"Si, or a shower every day, hokay?" Pepe said.

"Ain’t that the truth!" Bobo agreed.

"What are we gonna do?" Bean asked.

"We can’t out run ‘em forever, Kermit," Rowlf said calmly.

Kermit nodded. "We won’t have to."

"What’s the plan green man?" Floyd asked.

"Yeah, yeah, what’s the plan boss?" Clyde asked. "Lemme at ‘em! Lemme at ‘em!!"

"Down boy," Butch pushed Clyde down by his head. "Sit, stay."

"PI-RATES! PI-RATES!" Animal chanted.

"I thought we were with the frog captain!" Zoot said drowsily.

"And I think I should do my boomerang fish!" Lew Zealand cried.

"How will that help anything?" Sam asked.

"Boomerang fish help everything!" Lew said.

"You know what they say, when in doubt, throw a boomerang fish!" Hilda said.

"Who says that?" Butch asked.

"You did once," Clyde said.

"I did not!"

"You did to!"

"Guys, if I may remind you," Kermit said. "We’re being chased by vicious motorcycle riding pirates!!"

"Oh yeah," Butch said. "Nice one Clyde." He bonked his cohort on the head.
"What’s it looking like Sweetums?" Kermit asked.

Sweetums turned and looked out the hole in the back of the bus where the door used to be at the pirates. "They’re tryin’ to get our attention," the monster said.

Kermit looked from Rowlf, to Fozzie, to Piggy, to Robin. "Well... What should we do?"

"The hokey pokey!" Fozzie shouted. "Because that’s what it’s all about! Ahhh! Wocka! Wocka!"

Kermit scrunched up his face. "Now probably isn’t the best time Fozzie."

"Hey! Kermit!" Sal shouted. "There’s a horse runnin’ up alongside the motorcycles!"

"Oh no..." Kermit moaned. "Not you too!"

"I’m serious! Look! Gonzo’s riding it!" Sal pointed out the window.

All of the Muppets gathered up next to the windows. All of them squeezed in, all but Rizzo.

"Hey! Hey!" Rizzo shouted, jumping up for a better look. "None of you believed it when it was my horse!"

Surely enough, outside the bus running alongside the motorcycles was Gonzo atop a galloping steed.

"Hi guys!" Gonzo shouted.

"Bawk brawk bagawk!" Camilla clucked happily.

"Hey!" Polly shouted up at Gonzo on the horse. "Tell those dang Muppets to pull over! We’re runnin’ outta gas here!"

"Certainly!" Gonzo nodded. "Alright Phillip, pull up alongside the bus, if you would."

The horse looked up at Gonzo. "Yessir!" the horse said, trotting up alongside the window where Kermit and Miss Piggy were peering out at him.

"It’s great to see you again Gonzo!" Kermit grinned.

"Meh..." Piggy shrugged.

"It’s great to see you guys too!" Gonzo shouted. "You’ll never believe the adventure I’ve had!"

"We wanna hear all about it," Kermit said. "We’ll just pull over and get you back on the bus."

"But what about the pirates, Uncle Kermit?" Robin asked.

Kermit looked at Gonzo, happily riding the horse, actually, by now he was balancing on the horse with one foot.

"We’ll be okay." Kermit pulled back into the bus. "Mrs. Bear, we’re gonna need to pull over again."

"Yer lucky I’m not charging you lizard!" Mrs. Bear shouted.

Kermit frowned. "Tell me about it, our entire budget is already being blown by this vacation."

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Did somebody say "blown"??? *A loud bang of dynamite can be heard, while cackling accentuates the smell of smoke.

Ooh... A new chapter! And just what I needed too!
Well, looks like the Muppets are back together again... With the pirates wantin' their attention, think they have something to say? And Phillip the Horse? Meh, why not.
Loved the conversation between Death and the Boss, though she rully does need to start watching better programs on that TV of hers...
And the best part, though the scariest, is Benny's back at the theater after reaping his first kill knowing full well Deadly's in the theater also. Exciting stuff, please post more!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Did somebody say "blown"??? *A loud bang of dynamite can be heard, while cackling accentuates the smell of smoke.

Ooh... A new chapter! And just what I needed too!
Well, looks like the Muppets are back together again... With the pirates wantin' their attention, think they have something to say? And Phillip the Horse? Meh, why not.
Loved the conversation between Death and the Boss, though sh rully does need to start watching bette programs on that TV of hers...
And the best part, though th scariest, is Benny's ack at the theater after reaping his first kill knowing full well Deadly's in the theater also. Exciting stuff, please pos more!


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Wow, Ed was so excited he posted twice!

Anyway, yea for the update Prawnie! So much action going on in this one too! It's real edge of your seat kind of action and I love it! I really like Philip the horse, I'm assuming it's a nod to our mod. Hey, that rhymed! I also liked the line about Spongebob when Death is talking to The Boss. Very funny.

Great as usual Mr. Prawn! Must see more now! :smile:

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Actually... That was a bit of an error, was trying to fix some typos in the first postand it got posted twice as a ouble post. Oh well... Prawn, if you're out there breathing... Post More!!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2006
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YAY! More trippyness! So what did I like? Well, I liked the call back to Daniel's "I don't joke, I've been told I'm not funny" line. Works really really well in this context.

Let's see... also YIKES! Benny's back! Terror!

The spongebob/clam wedding episode... absolutely hysterical, and again, a nice call back to the boss's lines. Like that.

Death looked down at the grass growing beneath his feet. "THIS GRASS. THIS GRASS LIVES. EVEN WHEN MY FEET TOUCH IT."
Coooooool line!

The Boss smiled and set her coffee mug down on the table. "When you finally admit that these aren’t just lives that need to continue living, but lives of people you care about."

Death looked away quickly. "I... I DON’T KNOW HOW..."

"I know," The Boss said. "That’s why you’re not ready to go back."
Hmm, quite an interesting little peek into their dynamics there... fascinating.

Love them all turning to Kermit for a plan during the crisis... AKA pirate chase.

"The hokey pokey!" Fozzie shouted. "Because that’s what it’s all about! Ahhh! Wocka! Wocka!"
<is very amused>

"Hey! Hey!" Rizzo shouted, jumping up for a better look. "None of you believed it when it was my horse!"
<is STILL very amused>

And just the idea of Gonzo appearing out of nowhere riding a horse... yeah, that's REALLY funny.

"It’s great to see you again Gonzo!" Kermit grinned.

"Meh..." Piggy shrugged.
Try not to be TOO enthusiastic there, PIggy darling.

Kermit looked at Gonzo, happily riding the horse, actually, by now he was balancing on the horse with one foot.
I can believe that.

Kermit frowned. "Tell me about it, our entire budget is already being blown by this vacation."
Come now Kermit... you HAD to know that was coming! Awesome job, Prawnie!


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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All right, Prawnie, my dear other half, fiance, husband, brother, etc... The fact is, you all ready know what I think about a lot of this... But there's something here that I decided first thing when I read the chapter this morning, I HAD to comment on.

My Other Half said:
"Hey! Kermit!" Sal shouted. "There’s a horse runnin’ up alongside the motorcycles!"
HORSIE! Oh I love horses! And I love that the horse keeps popping up, and I love that it's running by the motorcycles!

Part of my Third Half's Other Whole said:
"Oh no..." Kermit moaned. "Not you too!"
And I LOVE that reaction! Because of course, up until now, Rizzo has been the only one to see a horse, and you have to admit that a horse on a highway IS awfully strange...

Owner of "Sha!" said:
"I’m serious! Look! Gonzo’s riding it!" Sal pointed out the window.
Gonzo's riding the horse? Oh. Well then it's not THAT strange... I mean... It's Gonzo.

He Who Rooms with Insanity said:
All of the Muppets gathered up next to the windows. All of them squeezed in, all but Rizzo.
Why not Rizzo? He's nice and small; he should fit...

He Who Had a Good Day said:
"Hey! Hey!" Rizzo shouted, jumping up for a better look. "None of you believed it when it was my horse!"
I must say, Prawnie dear, that made my morning. And my morning was awful hard to make today, because I got to stand at the bus stop in 0 degree weather this morning... (That's -18 degrees for those of you who are more familiar with Celsius.)



Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Chapter 31

The Electric Mayhem bus was once again pulled off on the side of the highway with a pack of motorcycles behind them. The only thing different about this time was a horse and a weirdo riding said horse.

"Where’d ya get the pretty pony?" Clueless asked Gonzo.

"Actually, he got me!" Gonzo told the goat.

"Ohhh, I see." Clueless nodded. "And how much did you cost?"

"Quit fraternizin’, dumby," Polly told the goat.

"But Polly, I can’t fraternize, I didn’t even go to college," Clueless blinked.

Kermit, Rizzo, and Beaker stepped off the bus. The three of them walked over to the pirates as Gonzo hopped off the horse, landing on Beaker, pushing his head down in his head.

Gonzo stood up and dusted himself off. "Whoops, sorry," he began dusting Beaker off as well.

Rizzo punched Beaker’s chest, popping his head back out. "Welcome back bud," the rat told his best friend the whatever.

"Thanks Rizzo. Oh, and Rizzo, this is Phillip." Gonzo motioned to the horse.

"It’s a pleasure," the horse nodded at Rizzo.

"Oh, oh yeah?!" Rizzo yelled. "You think it’s a pleasure makin’ me look like a complete idiot in front of everybody ‘cause you always run away whenever I see ya?!"

"Sorry about that," Phillip said. "But we horses have very overactive bladders."

"Whatevah..." Rizzo muttered.

"Yes?" Gonzo asked.

"Not you!" Rizzo shouted.

"Mee mo mo mee me me?" Beaker asked.

Gonzo and Rizzo looked at each other. "Sure," they both nodded.

Kermit shook his head and went again to face Polly. "Polly, what’s the matter with you? You gotta be crazy chasing me halfway across the country!"

Polly leaned over to Kermit. "Right context, wrong movie," he whispered.

Kermit scrunched up his face. "What do you want with us now?"

"Well, actually, Mr. the Frog, sir, we were hoping for... Erm... Jobs," Polly said.

"Jobs?" Rizzo asked.

Polly nodded. "Yeah, Benny fired us! He just took the keys, then disappeared into thin air!"

"The air was actually kinda think," Clueless pointed out.

"Quiet!" Polly shouted. "So whadaya say Kermit?"

Kermit tilted his head. "Uh... Give me a minute to talk things over with the others. While you wait, talk to our negotiations expert." Kermit stepped back and pushed Beaker in front of Polly.

"Mee mo," Beaker waved.

Polly lowered his eyelids. "Oh brother..."

Kermit huddled up with Rizzo and Gonzo. "Okay guys, we’ve got a whole mess of sleezy pirates wanting a job."

"I don’t see the problem here," Gonzo said.

"They could kill us!" Rizzo shouted.

"Again, don’t see the problem."

Kermit frowned. "Maybe you guys aren’t the best ones to ask."

"Heh, maybe you should ask Phillip, the horse who’s a wise a-" Rizzo started.

"Good idea, Rizzo," Kermit cut the rat off, glaring at him. "What do you think, Phil?" Kermit asked.

"Me?" the horse doubled back. "Why me?"

"Because no one else here can make an educated decision," Kermit said.

"Go figure," Gonzo smiled.

"Oh," Phillip nodded. "Uh, could you repeat the question?"

"Should we give a buncha no-good, cut-throat, down-right mean pirates a job workin’ for us at our theater?" Rizzo asked.

"I don’t see why not," Phillip said. "They’ve got good credentials."

Kermit frowned. "I can’t believe I’m taking advice from a horse..."

"You can’t be serious!" Rizzo shouted.

"I’ve been told that for fifty plus years," Kermit smirked. "Polly," he turned to the lobster, who was mid-argument with Beaker. "Welcome to the family."

"Yay!" Polly grinned. "Here that fellas? We’re part of the family!"

The pirates cheered wildly and ran to hug Kermit, Rizzo, Gonzo, and Beaker.

"Does that mean we get to come over for Christmas?" Clueless asked.

"Uh, I suppose," Kermit said as Angel Marie squeezed him into a bear hug.

"Mee mee mo!" Beaker shouted as Old Tom hugged him.

"Whoo!" Gonzo shouted. "What friendly people!"

"Good grief..." Kermit sighed. "Thanks Phillip..."

"No problem greeny, no problem."


Don’t move. Uncle Deadly thought to himself. He’ll sense your movement.
Benny walked down the aisle in between the red seats, throwing J.P.’s body into a random seat about halfway down the aisle.

Skeeter nearly jumped from her hide-out beneath the seats, but Scooter restrained her.

Daniel and Clifford peered over the balcony at the gray man walking with the scythe.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are!" Benny called.

Uncle Deadly tightened his grip around the stage curtains as Benny neared the stage. Deadly’s breath caught in his chest, his body heat increased drastically, he knew that a battle was waiting to ensue. He just hoped he could hold Benny off long enough for Death to return.

Benny jumped over the band pit and landed hard on the stage. Deadly dug his nails farther into the curtain concealing him.

Benny’s head jerked towards Deadly’s hiding spot. He flashed his pointy yellow teeth. "Olley olley oxen free!" Benny shouted, firing a blast from the end of the scythe, hitting Deadly square in the chest and tearing down the other set of curtains.

The blast sent Deadly flying backstage, colliding with a hat rack. Deadly stood up slowly and propped the hat rack back up. "Sorry sir, don’t write me out of the show again," Uncle Deadly whispered. The phantom growled, shooting himself back on stage, squaring off with Benny. "Let’s go."

Benny sneered. "‘Bout time!" he sliced down at Deadly with the scythe.

Uncle Deadly dodged quickly, jumping into the air. The specter hurled down a ball of lightning from his hands down at Benny, knocking him square in the chest.

"Go Uncle D.! Go!" Skeeter shouted from the seats.

Benny hissed. "You brought back up I see," the gray man regained his balance. Skeeter shirked back into the seat quietly. "That, my dear Deadly, was a mistake you won’t live to regret." Benny aimed the scythe toward the twins. "And neither will they!"

"NO!" Deadly cried. The phantom jumped at Benny, tackling him onto the floor, misfiring the scythe’s blast, taking out a large chunk of the seats.

Benny pushed Deadly off of him with the scythe and aimed the blade at Deadly’s neck. "You don’t know how long I’ve waited to do this," the gray man sneered.

"You’ll have to keep waiting!" Clifford shouted, jumping from the balcony.

Benny stared at the co-host. "How many stooges did you bring along Deadly?"

"Four!" Daniel shouted, attempting to jump from the balcony, but falling on his face.

Benny snickered. "Oh, I’m really frightened. Two twins, a catfish face, and an ice cream man from ‘Hello Dolly’."

"And a fiendish phantom!" Deadly kicked up from the floor, hitting Benny is his chest. "This ends tonight." Deadly stood over Benny’s body. "No matter what the outcome."

Benny Vandergast’s eyes changed to blood red as he hissed at Uncle Deadly. "I wouldn’t have it any other way!"

He jumped up and the fight continued.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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<gulp> Oy vey...


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