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Muppet Fan-Fic: Don't Trip the Driver


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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I'm feeling much better naggers, thank you. And please don't spray me, cause it's cold here and I don't want to catch another cold. But, uh, do look for more from me in the fan-fic realm tomorrow! :big_grin:

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Too late Ryan... Look up.
*Water balloon falls splashing Ry on the head as he looks upwards at the rigging on the ceiling.

Consider that a warning Prawn... You'd better have story here tomorrow like you promised or there'll be more of that in your bleakened future.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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*is wet* Well at least now we know the next chapter won't have any dry humor...

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Ghost of Jacob Marley: Dry humor? Honestly, where do you get these jokes from...
*Ghost of Robert Marley: Leave the bad jokes to the bear!

Just getting into the Christmas spirit.
*Ghosts: Or letting the spirit get into the old haunts!
We're Marley and Marley... Boooooooo!


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Chapter 19

Uncle Deadly dragged his broken and beaten self over to the wall. He propped himself carefully against the bricks and drew his knees to his chest. His pointy blue knees protruded from his pin-striped pants, and the cold air nipped his knees.

The cold.

That was all he felt. The air freezing his dead phantom skin. It was, needless to say, freezing.

The frigid air turned Uncle Deadly into a moaning blue phantom. The air was part of it at least.

Now the thoughts of Benny Vandergast grasping Death’s scythe with his gray fingers brought feelings of burning rage to Deadly’s mind. Unfortunately, it didn’t warm the phantom at all.

What could he do? He couldn’t go back in the theater, he wasn’t even supposed to be out of the theater! He had nowhere to go, no home away from home, no relatives, nowhere.

What was going to happen to him? Normally the consequences for leaving the theater was loss of afterlife on Earth. But now without Death to uphold the rules...

There’s an old saying Deadly had once heard, going something like "He who holds the scythe, holds power." The phantom pondered the saying, he didn’t know exactly what the saying applied to, he just hoped it wasn’t him.

The specter knew he couldn’t take a chance, he hauled himself onto his clawed blue feet. Pain jolted through his knees, his ankles, his entire lower half for that matter. The fight with Benny hadn’t left him in very good shape.

It didn’t matter, he ran, ran from the alleyway, and ran. This phantom had to beat feet, and wherever his beat up feet could get him in his feet beating excursion, had to be better than the alleyway.


"Look at that Ritzo, Kermin’s going into convulsions, hokay?"

"Ooh yeah. ...T’ink he wants his stereo?"

"Kermit doesn’t have a stereo man."

"Party pooper."

Kermit pulled down on Fozzie’s neck-tie. "How Fozzie?!" he groaned. "How could I let this happen?!"

Fozzie frowned as his best friend yanked his tie. "Kermit, Robin will be fine!" Fozzie grabbed Kermit’s arms. "But if you don’t stop stretching my tie I may not be."

Kermit’s fingers slowly let go of the polka-dot cloth. "I’m sorry Fozzie."

"No, you’re Kermit," Fozzie straightened his tie.

The frog smiled for the first time in twenty minutes, which was unusual for a constantly smiling frog.

"Robin will be fine Kermit, you’ve just got to believe frog of my heart." Fozzie patted Kermit on his back and grinned.

"So does dat mean I don’t get da stereo?" Rizzo asked.

"Puh-lease!" Sam shouted. "If anyone would get Kermit’s stereo, it would be me."

"Says you boid brain!" Rizzo shouted back.

Kermit frowned. "If anyone would get Kermit’s stereo, it would be Kermit."

"Not even if dere were insinuating coicumstances?" Rizzo asked.

Kermit scrunched up his face.

"Aren’t insinuating circumferences painful?" Beauregard asked.

"You are a complete idiot," Sam told him.

"Oh, thank you birdy," Beau told the eagle. "I feel the same way about you!"
Clyde shot up. "And I feel the same way about Miss Piggy!"

"And Miss Piggy’s elbow’s gonna feel real great in your chest..." Butch warned.

Piggy shot up in the seat behind the two companions. "Watch it you two! I haven’t had any love from Kermit this entire trip, so moi am not in a good mood!"

"Dr. Teeth?" Kermit asked the driver.

"Yes my amphibian amigo?"

"Are we there yet?"


"Which way Scooter?!" Skeeter shouted at her twin.


"Are you sure?!"



"Because I like messing with you!"

Skeeter bopped Scooter on top of his head. "Straight?!"

"Yes," Scooter muttered, rubbing his head.

"Straight Clifford!" Skeeter yelled at the co-host driving next to her.

"Yeah, I know, you’ve been shoutin’ it right in my ear!" Clifford said.

"Are you saying I yell?!"

"Well you have been since we got in the car!" Clifford moaned.

"And what is that supposed to mean?" Skeeter demanded.

"It means I’m scared of ya Skeet! Calm down so I don’t drive through a wall!"

Scooter muttered. "We break down enough walls in these stories already..."


"Yes ma’am."


J.P. Grosse lay on the floor of the warehouse closet for hours. If his heart wasn’t still beating, he would’ve been dead. His body had basically shut down besides his heart and his brain of course, thanks to Benny’s serum.
Where had Scooter gone?

Without his nephew, he was completely alone in this world. But, that was normal in the life of a business tycoon. Always alone, alone with the money.
J.P. felt like Ebenezer Scrooge, and he silently hoped that he’d get three ghosts to get him out of this place.

Ghosts. That’s what started this whole thing, Uncle Deadly, Benny Vandergast, ghosts. If Benny hadn’t approached him all those years ago...If Deadly hadn’t warned him...

And now this was happening. His nephew was gone, most likely in danger, Kermit and the other Muppets were off on some vacation, probably being followed by Benny’s spies, Uncle Deadly was at the theater, almost certainly having to defend it from the invasion of Benny.

It was all his fault. If it wasn’t for him, none of this would’ve happened. If he hadn’t have come back from Florida, none of this would’ve happened. If he would’ve just given into Benny way back then, none of this would’ve happened.

But...If he had given into Benny, so much more wouldn’t have happened. Without the theater the world would know nothing of the Muppets, no Kermit, no Miss Piggy, nobody. That, and J.P. would have very little money without his biggest property.

Yes, as much as he hated to admit it, the Muppets drew in the most cash of anything he owned. But he would never tell them that, gotta keep the clients on the edge, never let them know how good they really are.

As if the Muppets didn’t already know.

And if the Muppets didn’t have their theater, so much wouldn’t have happened, Scooter wouldn’t have found Skeeter, Statler and Waldorf would have nothing to do on Thursday nights, Bunsen would have nowhere to operate his inoperable inventions, Fozzie would still be getting beat up by drunken sailors, Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem would have no gigs, at all, ever, and Gonzo wouldn’t have found his family if they hadn’t seen a transmission of "The Muppet Show" from Earth.

J.P. silently reassured himself that he made the right decision.

His ears became suddenly alert when he heard a car door close outside the warehouse. It was either Benny, or...He didn’t know, but he hoped it wasn’t Benny.


Robin practically bounced out of the sidecar attached to Polly’s motorcycle as the bikes followed the slowly approaching Electric Mayhem bus.

"Calm down pollywog, we’ll get there." Polly told Robin.

"Oh I know, I just can’t wait to see my Uncle Kermit again!" Robin bounced some more.

"Yeah, neither can I," Polly laughed.

"What’s so funny?" Robin wondered aloud.

"Uh...Uh..." Polly fidgeted with an answer. "Dat twit of a bear’s jokes?"

"No," Robin shook his head.

"Oh," Polly said. "Drat."

Robin sat quietly in the sidecar and pondered whether Polly was really a friend worth trusting. "Oh well," the frog thought. "Uncle Kermit’s right up there."


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Yea for more Muppety goodness! I have put down the soaker...for now.

Poor Robin, wondering if he can trust Polly. I just love Kermit asking if they were there yet, usually he's got everyone asking him that question!

Great stuff but you know we want more!


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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OH wow, Prawnie, this chapter is FANTASTIC! The hot/cold imagery with Uncle Deadly- VERY awesome! I can feel the cold and see the heat!

One Hard-Core Prawn said:
It didn’t matter, he ran, ran from the alleyway, and ran. This phantom had to beat feet, and wherever his beat up feet could get him in his feet beating excursion, had to be better than the alleyway.
I love the repitition here, with beat feet, beat up feet, feet beating... It's fun and has a nice sort of flowing, pounding, rhythm to it.

The Funnier Half of Lyan. (Really.) said:
"Look at that Ritzo, Kermin’s going into convulsions, hokay?"

"Ooh yeah. ...T’ink he wants his stereo?"

"Kermit doesn’t have a stereo man."
REFERENCE! TTTMBT! SQUEE-HA! <makes a note to add "squee-ha" to PTD>

And the Kermit/Fozzie interaction is PRICELESS! I like the tie-stretching.
Who's Ryan? said:
Kermit’s fingers slowly let go of the polka-dot cloth. "I’m sorry Fozzie."

"No, you’re Kermit," Fozzie straightened his tie.
THAT IS SUCH AN US JOKE! <ahem> And it made Kermit smile! Which is SO AWESOME! I love his worry for Robin.

The Half of Lyan That Is (Still) Funnier. said:
"So does dat mean I don’t get da stereo?" Rizzo asked.

"Puh-lease!" Sam shouted. "If anyone would get Kermit’s stereo, it would be me."

"Says you boid brain!" Rizzo shouted back.

Kermit frowned. "If anyone would get Kermit’s stereo, it would be Kermit."

Ol' Buddy Bert! I mean- Prawn! said:
"Not even if dere were insinuating coicumstances?" Rizzo asked.

Half of Leyla's Other Whole. (Please don't question the math.) said:
Piggy shot up in the seat behind the two companions. "Watch it you two! I haven’t had any love from Kermit this entire trip, so moi am not in a good mood!"
<giggles!> Oh my gosh, Prawnie, I love the ENTIRE exchange leading up to that line- ESPECIALLY that line!

The annoying little kid underneath the bus seat. Oh wait- that's me. said:
"Dr. Teeth?" Kermit asked the driver.

"Yes my amphibian amigo?"

"Are we there yet?"
Priceless. That is one very exasperated frog. I pity him. But INCREDIBLY well written!

The Prawn of Wall-Breaking said:
"Because I like messing with you!"
I absolutely adore this line and sincerely doubt it will ever cease to make me laugh. The following argument between Skeeter and Clifford is great, too, and I LOVE the wall-breaking comment!

And then the J.P. introspective scene. I love the comparison to Ebeneezer Scrooge, the whole thing about ghosts, the self-blame, the assesment of the Muppets, whether or not the Muppets know how good they are, EVERYTHING that wouldn't have happened if the Muppets hadn't had the theater, and the eventual decision that J.P. had made the right choice... I can't find a single word in that scene to disagree with. It's all wonderful, incredible, amazing... And then the car door! I love how you end that scene, with hoping that it wasn't Benny.

And then Robin with the pirates! I love how excited Robin is, and the Fozzie line- er, "dat twit of a bear." And I LOVE that Robin is questioning whether Polly is a friend worth trusting! I LOVE that he's picking up on that! And the utter faith and comfort in knowing that "Uncle Kermit's right up there." Oh, it makes me so joyful squeeful WHEEEEEEEEE!



Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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theprawncracker said:
Uncle Deadly dragged his broken and beaten self over to the wall.
Prawn...you did it again...you are killing me...with every weakness that you inflict on Deadly...it hurts, deep inside...

He propped himself carefully against the bricks and drew his knees to his chest. His pointy blue knees protruded from his pin-striped pants, and the cold air nipped his knees.
Oh my gosh...that's just...oh...wow..."...pointy blue knees..." "...pin-striped pants..." Uncle Deadly...

The cold.
That was all he felt.
Short sentence...you know the effect they have and use them wonderfully.

The air freezing his dead phantom skin.
Oh wow...I can not only feel it, I can see it...the cold creeping...

It was, needless to say, freezing.
*giggles suddenly*

Nice nice nice nice word choice!

Unfortunately, it didn’t warm the phantom at all.
Oh my...it's so...yes, it is. It's harsh and cold, yet burning.

"He who holds the scythe, holds power."
The scythe...the power...

Pain jolted through his knees, his ankles, his entire lower half for that matter.
His ankles. Somehow the pain jolting in his ankles hurts the most for me.

It didn’t matter, he ran, ran from the alleyway, and ran.
Deadly...running...in the night...beating feet...

"I’m sorry Fozzie."

"No, you’re Kermit."
Oh that line is deep, and painfull somehow. Yet amazing and...eeee!

"Aren’t insinuating circumferences painful?" Beauregard asked.
Hahahahah! Oh that was a neat line!

"Yes my amphibian amigo?"
Good line! It's Dr Teeth to the core!

If his heart wasn’t still beating, he would’ve been dead.




That was a GREAT line! Logical, obviously, but so true and so...wow...It's like, you read it once. And then read it again. And then, you read it a third time and it hits you.

As if the Muppets didn’t already know.
As if...

It was either Benny, or...He didn’t know, but he hoped it wasn’t Benny.
And here's another read-it-three-times line.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Splats Ryan with a cold water balloon filled with packed snowball inside.
That's for not telling me there was more of this story posted.

*Splats Ryan again.
And that's for letting everyone else beat me to reviewing over the new chapter.

Ditto to what everybody else said, that's all I can say. And of course...
More please!


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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The story's been great so far Ryan. I wanna know what happens. He who holds the sythe....what happens c'mon you gotta post more and tell us!