Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Mar 10, 2006
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Leyla: <Plunging through the door to PRawnie's room.> Cannonball!! <kersplut> Mmm! So tasty and sticky and fun! Whee!

Hilda: This is her idea of making up for missing my birthday?

Leyla: Time away from the crazies in our room, and... Ryan's here. You've got nothing to complain about. C'mon in, the custard's fine!

Hilda: Well, when in Room 25... swim in custard. <jumps in>


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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theprawncracker said:
Ryan: *swimming in custard* Oh, great, Grover and FilFil came to join us... Now I'll have to pick blue and red fur out of the lemon custard that I have to pick out of the furniture.
Uncle Deadly: WHY do I live here?!
Grover: *comes running in and does a dive off the couch* Wubba wubba! *splouse*

FilFil: Wait for meeeeeeeeeee!!! *jump up* COWABUNGA! *splat!* Wow! Mmmmmmm this is really good. *licks fingers*

Grover: Who would have known that lemon cream pudding is so much fun.

Over in room 26.......

Where's Grover and FilFil?

Maurice: Joined Gonzo in a cream lemon pudding pool.


Herry: That's what I said. Who would want to swim in lemon pudding? *nods head in agreement*

Those weirdos.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2005
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PETER: Say, i hear that Gonzo has a pool of lemon pudding in Room 25, would you like to go

ZOE: Yes!!! (puts on bathing suit)

BABY BEAR: Sure (puts on trunks)

LITTLE BIRD: I'd rather take a nap in my little nest

PETER: That's okay!


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Ryan: ...Well Gonzo, you certainly know how to drawn in a bunch of weirdoes.
Gonzo: Call it a calling.
Ryan: ...Yeesh. Well, umm... Yeah, my bed is two feet under this pudding, any chance of getting it out before bed?
Gonzo: Nope! Whoo hoo! Hey, Grover, where's that old motor boat? I wanna go pudding skiing! HAHA!
Ryan: ...I'm beginning to wonder why I didn't just move to that asylum...*motor boat drives into room* ...Oh wait... I did.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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theprawncracker said:
Ryan: ...Well Gonzo, you certainly know how to drawn in a bunch of weirdoes.
Gonzo: Call it a calling.
Ryan: ...Yeesh. Well, umm... Yeah, my bed is two feet under this pudding, any chance of getting it out before bed?
Gonzo: Nope! Whoo hoo! Hey, Grover, where's that old motor boat? I wanna go pudding skiing! HAHA!
Ryan: ...I'm beginning to wonder why I didn't just move to that asylum...*motor boat drives into room* ...Oh wait... I did.
Grover: Hold on Gonzo. I will have it here soon. *knock is heard from the door* That should be it now. *opens door* Hello there mister post man.

Post Man: Yes hello. Did someone from this room call for a motor boat?

Grover: I sure did.

Post Man: Alrightly fellas. This is the place.

Four men come through the door with a motor boat

Grover: Thank you so very much mister post man. See you later. *closes door* Now we can pudding ski!
FilFil: Oh wow! This is going to be funnier then I thought. Thanks Ryan for having this pudding pool in your room. *slaps Ryan on the bacK*

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Lemon ustard pool in Room #25? It'd better be all cleaned up by tomorrow Gnzo. Or we're putting your stunts around here on notice. *Goes back to reading. Honestly, sometimes I think they have too much free range up there. But it's their room, so long as they clean up after themselves...


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Ryan: *is slapped on back and falls face first in pudding* ...Why me?
Clifford: Hey, you asked for it.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Big Bird: Hey, why is there a big hole in Ryan's wall and a...pool of lemon pudding?!
Snuffy: Beats me, Bird. I've seen stranger things happen in that room!
Big Bird: True.
Snuffy: But you sure does look like everyone's having a great time. Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Big Bird: I dunno. What are you thinking?
Snuffy: Snuffle ball!!! (gets a running start and jumps into the pool of pudding)
Big Bird: Snuffy, no!
(Lemon pudding is flung everywhere)
Snuffy: Come on in, Bird, this pudding is so cool and squishy. Not only that, it tastes great! Oh this is so much fun. I should be around more often again.
Big Bird: Oh, Snuffy.
Snuffy: Duhohohoho!


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Grover: *flung to the wall* Did anyone get the number to that snuffleupagus? *slides down the wall*

FilFil: That was fun Snuffy! *starts laughing*

Room 26.........

Maurice: *in bed* Wonder if there done up there?

Herry: Beats me. Come on. We need to get our monastery sleep. Good night Maurice.

Maurice: Good niiiiii*yawning*ght Herry.

Good night guys. *turns off light but light from the tv glows from Kyle's room*


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Ernie: (in swim trunks) Hey, I hear there's a lemon pudding swimming pool in the Prawncracker's room. Anyone wanna come?
Bert: Is there an oatmeal jacuzzi too? (laughs) Eh-eh-eh-eh-eh-eh!
Ernie: Hmm...I dunno.
Bert: No thanks, Ernie. I'm going to bed. Goodnight! (goes to bed)
Ernie: Suit yourself. Come on, Rubber Duckie, let's go practice our high dive!
(RD: *squeak squeak*)
Ernie: Khekhekhe! (runs off)
Telly: I'll be right behind ya, Ernie! I just have to get my snorkle-mask. You coming, Bryan?
Bry: No sweets for me I'm afraid.
(The others all gasp with surprise)
Rosita: But, Bryan, you've always had a sweet tooth.
Bry: Exactly. That's why the dentist found a cavity last week. I need to go in for a filling tomorrow morning.
Prairie: Oh, dear. I'm so sorry, Bryan. First Kathy and now you?
Telly: Oh no! Now who are they going to stay with?!
Bry: Who?
Telly: Prairie and Rosita! Places are running out, soon they'll be homeless!!
Bry: No, Telly, that's silly! Rosita and Prairie are staying here. I'm not going anywhere. It's just a small filling. Nothing compared to what Kathy is going through. I am nervous about it hurting though.
Prairie: I'm sure everything will be fine.
Rosita: Si, no problemo! And don't worry. We'll be here if you need anything.
Bry: I know. You always are and I appreciate it.
Rosita: Group hug?
Bry: You got it!
(Me, Telly, Prairie and Rosita hug while Gaffer jumps up on my lap to get in on it and we laugh)
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