Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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*Beth is shaken awake by Red and Abby*
Red: It snowed last night!
Abby: It's so pretty!
Red: We have to go play in it!
Beth: *gets out of bed and goes to the window*: I hate to disappoint you guys, but it's just a dusting
Red: Well it's still snow!
Wanda: She's got a point you know
Beth: True, but it's not enough to play in yet. Just wait guys, we'll get some more
Abby *sounding bummed*: Ok
Red: Ok
Wanda: Hey, about we make some pancakes to cheer ourselves up?
Red: Ok!
Abby: Yea!
*they head to the kitchen*

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Hey guys, here's an update on the Secret Santa picks.

The following residents of the dorms aare "still" available to be chosen as your potential exchangees:
The Count von Count.
Wanda the Cat.
Sadie Grosse.
Robot Kermit.
Betty Lou.
Gillis Fraggle.
Tosh Fraggle.
The Beast.
The Jabberwock.
Gonzo the Great.
Camilla the Chicken.
Uncle Deadly.
Maurice Monster.
Little Bird.
Dr. Teeth.
Wembley Fraggle.
The Storyteller's Dog.

If anyone wishes to choose Bear from the Big Blue House, currently a guest of Bo's in Room #4, I wouldn't be opposed to that choice.
Hope this helps and have a good day.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2005
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PETER: It Snowed Last Night

ZOE: Why don't we go out and play


PETER: After That, we'll go Christmas Shopping

LITTLE BIRD: Still thinking about who are you going to be Secret Santa, Baby Bear

BABY BEAR: How about Gonzo!!!

ZOE: Good Idea!!!!

BABY BEAR: Can you call Ed

PETER: Sure (calls Ed)- Baby Bear is taking Gonzo as a Secret Santa!!!

LITTLE BIRD: Good for you!!!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Gonzo: Ryan, you do konw that we're only ONE chapter away from being done with commentary don't you?
Me: Gonzo, you do know it's been THREE days since I posted a new chapter of Trip, don't you?
Gonzo: Ryan, you're the best task manager I've ever met, now c'mon! We're finishing this commentary!
Me: *shrug* Okay.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Gets home and goes through messages. Was fearful this might happen.
Count: Vhat is it?
I'm going to have to call a meeting of the admissions committee, that'll be tomorrow though. Rully wanted to talk to Cath, but had to go eat dinner and she's offline now.
Count: Vhy don't you drop her an E-mail then?
Cause it's more fun to talk directly when we're both here online. Oh well, maybe I'll make up my mind about a few things.
Good night guys.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2006
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Emmet: So, did have you picked who you'll be secret santa-ing yet?

Ally: Actually, I'm still thinking about it. *Sighs.* Grr, I hardly know anyone around here. Oh well, I've allready sent in my choices and hopefully I'll find out if I got that certain someone later today..

Emmet: Yup, same here. I'd really like to find out who my secret santa though, I can't wait!

Ally: Aw, but Emmet, that would ruin the whole fun of it.

Emmet: *Smirks.* You're right, I'm just so excited! I've always loved this time of year! Everyone seems so happy and friendly and--well cheerfull!

Ally: Yeah, it's my favorite time of the year too.*Gazes suriously into the open air...* Crowded highways, People fighting eachother for gifts...*Starts laughing.* haha just kidding.

Emmet: What a nice out look on the holiday's.*Shakes head.*..I will never understand your scence of humor..

Ally: That's okay, Emmet. Not many folks do. :smile:

Muppet Newsgirl

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Feb 28, 2006
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Nora: Erin's been out for a bit. It's exam week and all that.
MN: And you know the end can't come soon enough. Oh, well, all I've got left is a few essays to finish up and my English final on Friday.
Storyteller: Good luck.
MN: Thanks...oh, and guys, the quilt shipping-out date has been pushed back again.
Nora: What? But why, we're nearly done!
MN: I know, I know. But my grandmother's coming into town in two weeks, and Mom wants her to be able to see the quilt in all its glory before we ship it off.
Nora: Ah.
MN: But you know how it'll go. We'll pack it up all nice and neat in a box, give it a proper sendoff at the post office or wherever we decide to ship from, and we'll raise a glass of something to Richard.
Storyteller: Make sure it's orange juice, okay?
MN: Will do.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2003
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Kermit: (Peering around door nervously and whispering) Is it--is it safe?
Catherine: (in normal voice) Come on in. I think she's still at the library.
(Kermit comes in and flops down into the chair. He sits for a moment with both hands over his eyes.)
Catherine: You know you're going to have to talk to her about this.
Kermit: I know, I know. I just...I just don't know what to say.
Catherine: (bewildered) Tell me again how Robot Kermit hooked up with Fozzie.
Kermit: (groans) Sheesh! Well, apparently Robot Kermit has been planning this for weeks. He shanghai'd me when Fozzie was in the little bear's room and locked me in the closet in Layla's room.
Catherine: (sympathetically) And nobody in Layla's room believed you when they heard you pounding on the door.
Kermit: Yep. Apparently, it's a pretty common thing to have to keep him locked away.
Catherine: (just a little sarcastically) Well, of course. Can't have him going around kissing your girl!
Kermit: Darn right! I mean--I mean.... (Gives Catherine a mean look.) Whose side are you on, anyway?
Catherine: (briskly) I'm not on anyone's side. I'm just trying to live in peace in my own room.
Kermit: But--but it's not my fault that Piggy got the wrong idea.
Catherine: (quietly) No, it's not your fault. But Kermit--it's not her fault either. This has been hard on her, too. She thought that something nice had happened between you. Heck--I thought you two had finally stopped messing around and, you know, started messing around for real. (hastily) Dating, I mean, in a, you know, committed sort of way.
(Kermit looks distraught and a little panicked.)
Kermit: Well, I just...I mean, I just wasn't thinking about...and then I walked into my own room--my own dorm room, mind you!--and find my girl kissing another frog. What was I supposed to do?
Catherine: (carefully) Well, I don't blame you for being upset. But I think accusing Piggy of two-timing you was a little harsh.
Kermit: (miserable, but a little defiant) But--but did you see the way she was kissing that guy?
Catherine: Kermit--she thought that guy was you! I've have thought that would make you feel better.
Kermit: Yeah, but I, and then she, and then everybody started yelling.
Catherine: (wincing) Yes. I remember that part. The entire wing of the dorm remembers that part.
Kermit: Oh, geez. I'm never gonna--I don't know what to do. (Looks at clock on the wall.) Hey--isn't the library closed?
Catherine: (not looking at Kermit) Why yes, I believe it is.
Kermit: Then where is--oh, sheesh. You don't think she left, do you? Do you think she left?
Catherine: I think she was upset. I suggested a little retail therapy, but....
Kermit: (groaning) Oh no. What a mess this is. (Looks appealing at Catherine) How can I--do you know how to get ahold of her?
Catherine: Cell phone. Duh.
Kermit: (mumbling) She's apparently blocking my calls.
Catherine: (a little surprised) Oh. Then she's even more upset that I thought. Maybe you should just give it some time--let her be for a bit.
Kermit: (pitifully) But--but we were going to spend Christmas together.
Catherine: Christmas is a long way off. Wait and see, okay? I bet she'll come around.
(Kermit starts to slump off, but Catherine asks him a question that makes him stop in his tracks.)
Catherine: What do you think would have happened if you hadn't come in when you did?
Kermit: Well, you saw what Piggy did to him while I was there. I guess she--I guess she would have darn near dismantled him.
Catherine: Why would she do that? All he did was kiss her--
Kermit: (hotly) That's not all! He tricked her! He pretended to be me so she would...oh. (He is quiet for a moment.) I guess she's embarrassed, and hurt because she thought I was...and then I yelled at her.
Catherine: Yep. She was pretty mortified. I don't think Robot Kermit is ever going to be the same.
Kermit: (muttering) Good! Is he--has, um, Layla been able to get him working again?
Catherine: Right as rain, from what I hear. And completely unrepentant.
Kermit: Unrepentant! Why I ought to--
Catherine: Sleep on it. Sleep on all of it, okay? Things may seem brighter in the morning. (yawns) I'm positively dead. I'm going to toddle off. There's leftovers in the fridge if you're hungry, and eggnog. (Impulsively, she brushes a kiss across Kermit's head as she passes.) Don't worry, Kermit. Just give her a little time to recover. It'll be okay.
Kermit: (glumly) If you say so.
(Catherine goes on to bed, but Kermit sits in the recliner for a long time after she has gone.)

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Sure was nice of Sweetums and the other Muppet monsters to bring in the Christmas trees for the common rooms.
Count: Yes, and I can count all the ornaments!
Yep, got the trusty box of Muppet ornaments from that year you spent the holidays at Miss Piggy's cozy chalet.
(*Reference, Cath, if you're curious PM and I'll explain).

Think I'll see if Lisa's up and posting some fanfic goodness. Could use some around these parts.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Bry: Well, guys, sorry to eat and run, but I have a rehearsal to get to and it takes 30 minutes to drive there. Bye! (exits)
Roomies: Bye! See ya later!
Ernie: Now that he's gone, we should talk about what we're doing for Bryan's birthday later this week.
Bert: Oh, you're right, Ernie.
Big Bird: What are we gonna do?
Telly: Let's brainstorm!
(As if on cue, a big crash of thunder and lightning)
Bert: Either the Count's counting the ornaments again or that's just coincidence.
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