Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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May 21, 2005
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Sadie: *looks over at Sara, who's underneath a pile of clothes, take-out containers, and piles of print outs.* Sara?

Sara: *Pops out of the nearly mountainous pile, and shoves it all to the side, pulling out her cell phone.* I am trying to get everything in order!

Scooter: For what? You've kept yourself holed up in this pile of...junk for nearly two weeks now! What's going on?

Sara: New car...which is now in the shop cause of a damaged axle....all the stuff that goes with cars, trying to get another job; dealing with family....need I go on? *has a slightly wild look on her face, her long brown hair reaching down to her shoulders, tussled and messy.*

Sadie: You need to calm down sweetheart, it can't be all least not as horrendous as you make it out to be.

Sara: ...It's more frustrating then anything. That and I don't even have my license yet. So I'm stuck at home still...and furthermore without even my own car!!!

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Count: Hmmm, vonder vhat these vater balloons are doing here. Should probably count them up, but not now.
*Knocks on Room #5's door. Hello, Sara?
Brought you 3, 3 mellowed mugs of hot chocolate for you and your roomies to share. Hope this helps a little, and Ed vanted to talk to you about the town's layout. Has to do vith something he's planning.

*Leaves the tray with the cups of chocolate and some bat cookies on their nightstand and exits Room #5.


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Dec 14, 2004
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Uncle Deadly: Ah Ryan my fiend, how are you feeling today? Better?
Me: Much Uncle D., my voice is back and I was able to go to school today, which was good.
Uncle D.: Indeed. So, what's the chance of getting more "Trip" tonight?
Me: Slim to none, to none.
UD: Ah, homework overload?
Me: You bet your blue hide. Missing three days of school really adds some weight to the ol' backpack.
UD: Mm, figures. Well, good luck with that my fiend, I'll be in the library.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Be sure to wear your rain slicker or take an umbrella if you're going to the library UD.

Heard there's a couple of pranksters splashing and sloshing the authors there, must be a fit of nagging going around.
Well... Got the rest of my Muppety video's, they'll get wrapped up and will wait till my B-day and/or X-mas.

Stay tuned, will send you guys PM's with exciting news tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Ernie: Ooh! Exciting news?!
Bert: Exciting news is good news! (laughs) Eh-eh-eh-eh-eh!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Hey guys... Here's an updated copy of the dorms' current register.
This'll be helpful as it pertains to the news I'll be sending you very soon.

Muppet College Dorms Register.

Room #1: Eduardo (MC, The Count) and The Count von Count: Senior Members.
Batty Bat and Necra Bat, along with Fatatatita, The Count von Count's cat, also live with them in their room.

Room #2: Christy (Christyb) and Skeeter: Senior Members.

Room #3: Beth (redBoobergurl) and Abby Cadaby, Red Fraggle, and Wanda the Cat: Senior Members.
Wanda the Cat: Rowlf's Stories.
Book 1: Where Your Heart May Lead.
Book 2: The Tie That Binds.
Book 3: An Unbreakable Bond.

Room #4: "Bo" (MC, Beauregard) and Beauregard, Bobo the Bear Guard, and Bean Bunny: Senior Members.

Room #5: Sara (ReneeLouvier) and Scooter and Sadie Grosse: Senior Members.
Sadie Grosse: Sadie's Stories.
Book 1: The Bonds Of Family.
Book 2: Forgotten Wishes.
Book 3: Remembering The Good Times We've Had.
Book 4: The Search For Sadie.
Book 5: Demon's Delight.
Book 6: Is That A Song There?
Book 7: A Grand Adventure In Life.

Room #6: Kathy (Katzi428) and Prairie Dawn, Rosita, and Gaffer: Senior Members.

Room #7: Erin (Muppet Newsgirl) and The Storyteller Fraggle and Nora.
Nora: A Little Knight Music.

Room #8: Allyssa (daughterdeadly) and Emmett Otter.

Room #18: Layla (Leyla) and Hilda, Robot Kermit, Wanda, and The Jim Henson Farmer.

Room #19: Kim (Skeeter Muppet) and Betty Lou, Boober, Gillis and Tosh Fraggles, and The Beast: Senior Members.

Room #20: Catherine (Ruahnna) and Kermit The Frog, Miss Piggy, and Fozzie Bear.

Room #22: Kendra (furryredmonster) and Elmo: Senior Members.
Dorothy, Elmo's goldfish also lives with them in their room.

Room #23: Nyssa (RedDragon) and Mokey Fraggle, Ludo, and The Jabberwock: Senior Members.

Room #24: Lisa (TogetherAgain) and Robin the Frog, Rowlf The Dog, and The Swedish Chef: Senior Members.

Room #25: Ryan (theprawncracker) and Gonzo the Great, Camilla the Chicken, Clifford, and Uncle Deadly: Senior Members.

Room #26: Kyle (Erine81981) and Cookie, Grover, Herry and Maurice Monsters, and Oscar The Grouch: Senior Members.

Room #27: Peter (tvlistingman) and Baby Bear, Little Bird, Zoe, and Ralph, Baby Bear's parrot.
Rocco, Zoe's rock also lives with them in their room.

Room #29: Bryan (Bear) and Big Bird, Bert, Ernie, and Telly Monster: Senior Members.
Radar the Teddy Bear, Bernice the Pigeon, Rubber Duckie, and Chucky Sue the Hamster also live with them in their room.

Room #33: Diana (JaniceFerSure) and Dr. Teeth, Floyd Pepper, Zoot, and Janice: Senior Members.

Room #38: Kate (Fragglemuppet) and Gobo, Wembley and Lou Fraggles: Senior Members.

Room #40: Melissa (Java) and Sprocket the Dog and The Storyteller's Dog.

*Note: Nicolette "Nicee" (greenstuff) has had her application accepted, but her roommates and her for that matter haven't showed up to check in and become part of the dorms yet unfortunately. If you see/talk to her, please let her know she needs to check in to become part of our little family.

OK, check your PM boxes... Um, clean them out a little first though. And I hope to hear from you guys as it's great news.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Beth: There all set. I responded to Ed's message so we'll see how that goes
Wanda: I think it will be fun
Red: I love Christmas!
Abby: Me too!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Going through PM's... OK, let's see...
Rooms #2, 3, 5, 6, and 38. Hmmm, Kathy, Rosita and Lou will have to choose someone else, their original picks were already taken. Replied to the first messages, the town's starting to take shape. Even Mrs. Pepper'll be involved.
Count: That's hexcellent.
Yep, though Kathy and Kate should reply later to see if we can clear up a couple of questions regarding them for the town's rebuilding. And I'm hoping to hear from the slew of other friends I contacted later in the afternoon/evening hours. Wonder if those Fragglets are giving Sis a hard time with all their inquisitive curiosity.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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OK & responded to your PM about Rosita picking someone else to give a gift to. Same thing w/the store in Hensonville.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Yep... And I replied in kind. So that's five rooms completely taken care of, Room #24's occupants have all been taken for Secret Santa status.

PS: Lisa, Toga, Insane A. Sylum, Vim, Ann or Kelly or Tabby... Whatever you're calling yourself, if you're reading this, check with your other half, sent him the PM/news since I can't contact you directly.
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