Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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And so the morning of Thanksgiving is upon us...
What?!? But I haven't even finished all of my Halloween candy!

Haven't seen that in a long time, and I don't think I've seen it in its entirety.
But there's also A Garfield Christmas. Now that I've seen and have the book as well.

Good times, good memories. Now if only...
*Small sigh.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Yo Ed. If you want I have the Garfield Christmas on DVD if you ever want to barrow it. Just letting you know. Talk to you later. Come on guys. I feel like singing a song. Hit it!

*music starts*

Anything Monster: *pops out of the dirty hamper, makes a weird nosie*

Me: This song is going out to
The whole wide world out there *pulls up the window*
And it's called Louie, Louie

Anything Monster: *makes the noise again*

Me: I was talking with my mom
About music one day
She told me about this song

Anything Monster: Louie, Louie

Me: That when she was my age
Caused a big booty rumble
They thought it was filthy
Cause the words were mumbled
Like the singer was trying
To cover up the lyrics
Thank you for using
They pulled it off of the air
Caused the people with hysterics

Anything Monster: Louie, Louie, oh, no
Down and down, oh, no
I said Louie Louie, oh, yeah
Down and down, yeah, yeah, yeah

Me: Now that my mama's story
Was all we talked about
It was about getting busy
And nobody had no doubt
It was unprecedented
What they said on that platter
That nobody knew the words
So it really didn't really
Seem to matter
I told her, hey, mom
I'd like to check out that song
She turned on a oldies station
It came on before long

Anything Monster: Louie, Louie, oh, yeah
Down and down, yeah, yeah, yeah
Louie Louie (Grover: say what) oh, yeah
Down and down, oh, yeah

Me: Break it down!

Anything Monster: Hey, hey, hey....*makeing the same nosies*

Me: Come on!

Anything Monster: Hey, hey, hey....*makeing the same nosies*

Grover: *playing an electric guitar*

Herry: Come on, c-c-come on

Anything Monster: *mumbles some words*

Me: My mother was right
The words were in an awful state
But I knew there was one dude
Who made a good track great
So I got the great Herry Monster
And asked him can you hear
What they're saying on the record
He said, yo, yo, it's clear

Herry: Can you hear it, Kool Rock
They are the deffest crew
They are rapping just the way
I always wanted to

Me: So he started rapping
And he did know every word
I was all flabbergasted
For this is what I heard

Anything Monster: Louie, Louie (Grover: say what) oh, no
Down and a round, yeah, yeah, yeah
Louie Louie (Me: say what) oh, no
Down and a round, oh, no

Grover: *playing some more of his electric guitar*

Anything Monster, Me, Grover and Herry: Louie, Louie, oh, yeah
I said Louie, Louie, oh, no
(Come on, come on)
Down and a round, oh, no

Anything Monster: Louie, Louie, Louie, Louie
Louie, Louie.....


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2005
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ZOE: What are we watching on TV

PETER: Roseanne

LITTLE BIRD: That was a great swim that we had

BABY BEAR: I love to swim and she is a funny lady

PETER: I'm glimpsing through approx. 300 TV schedules from the Boston Public Library and that gave me an Idea

BABY BEAR: What is it Peter

PETER: I do a Lot of TV Roleplay, which is things within the TV field such as newsman or a weatherperson and what that made me do

ZOE: What?

PETER: Sometime in the Future, I will do some kind of a show using things from my TV Listings using the Dorm Mates and Muppets


ZOE: That is Fun!!!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Heh... Actually Kyle, that song was recorded by The Kingsmen. It rully does have "legible" lyrics, I once heard Mike Harvey from Supergold find and read them. Oh well, good day everybody.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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B-Day Announcement.

Hello and greetings from the MC Dorms.

Today, November 29, is the birthday of The Jim Henson Farmer (better known as Jimmy). Currently, he's rooming here with Layla in Room #18. Her and her co-UG conspirator haven't been here in a while... But I think she and her roommate would be touched if in the event you guys decided to get some presents for the Henson hillbilly, you leave them at their doorstep.

That is all, have a good day.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Beth: So, if he's a farmer, how about some new overalls?
Red: How about a flannel shirt
Wanda: How about both?
Abby: I'll make a card!
*they get together overalls, a flannel shirt and a card for Jimmy and leave them at room 18 with birthday wishes*
Beth: There, that's done
Red: I gotta get to class
Abby: Me too
Wanda: Me three
Beth: I just have work so I can't fourth it. Oh well.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Me: *walks zombie-like out of bedroom*
Clifford: Hey there sleepin' beauty, shouldn't you be at school?
Me: *tries to speak, but can't*
Clifford: Ah, I see, your voice is still botherin' ya.
Me: *points to throat*
Clifford: Oh, your voice and your throat are still botherin' ya.
Me: *nods* *motions toward coffee mug and makes drinking motions*
Clifford: Ya want some coffee?
Me: *shakes head* *makes letter "T" with hands*
Clifford: Oh, you want some tea.
Me: *fans self*
Clifford: Hot tea, gotcha. You go on back and lay down dude, I'll getchyer drink.
Me: *mouths "Thank you"*
Clifford: Don't mention it dude. Not that you can anyways but...


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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covers over head
Rosita:Buenas dias Kathy!Why do you have the covers over your head?
I'm in a crummy mood.:grouchy:
Rosita:Oh....I'm sorry. Want me to cheer you up a bit?
taking covers off my head a bitI'll be OK. Just do me a favor.We have lemon and honey in the kitchen. Bring that up to Ryan for his tea.
Rosita:OK.And try to cheer up.patting my shoulder


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2006
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<Leyla is sitting on the floor in front of their sofa, fast asleep with her head propped up on the coffee table. Wanda is doing Hilda's hair up in an elaborate up do that looks very odd on her. Robot Kermit is having a staring contest with a Kermit portrait drawn by Tabi.>

Jimmy: <bolting into Room 18, dressed in his new duds, waving a card around> YEEEEEEEEE HAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!

<What follows is a complete non-reaction>

Wanda: <distracted> Oh. Jimmy's back.
Hilda: Is he?
Wanda: <shrug> I guess.

Leyla: <snuggles deeper into her arms>

Jimmy: <looks crestfallen> Well, ain't ya gonna wish me a happy birthday?

<If there were crickets in the room, they would now be chirping, and Robot Kermit would be hunting for them>

Jimmy: <gamely> Well, just look at these great overalls! And my new flannel shirt! Ah'm ready for a night on the town! Say where'd yer little sister go? Ah've been meaning to stake ma claim on her.

Robot Kermit: <still engaged in the staring contest> Leyla has a little sister?

Hilda: No, but Jimmy has a thing about little sisters apparently, and he's decided Toga is her little sister. Haven't you heard his signature tune?

Robot Kermit: Nope. I spent a lot of time in a cardboard box. Cozy.

Wanda: Jimmy, Lisa doesnt exist on Wednesdays. And I'm quite sure she's relieved by that... or, she would be, if she knew it was Jimmy's birthday.

Jimmy: <relived> Finally! One a you gals realized that today's my special day!

Hilda: Wednesday?

Jimmy: No! Ma birthday!

Hilda: Oh. Neat.

Wanda: <with a bit of pity> How old are you anyway, Jimmy?

Jimmy: Well, ah'm um... ah'm...hmm.. well, I'v never been too good at figurin', but today's the day!

<more distinctive lack of enthusiasm>

Jimmy: <really getting upset now> And... and... not that any of you even care none! Ah mean, here it is, ma birthday, which I only have once a year, and you aren't saying happy birthday, and that one <he points angrily at Leyla> won't even wake up!

Wanda: <another calm shrug> Leyla's very tired. She's working very hard on the school music concert you know...she's got barely any time for ushy gushy at all! Actually, I can't remember the last time I saw her awake.

Hilda: Oh, she went and visited with Prawnie yesterday, the big world traveller that he is, and welcomed him home, just in time for a chemistry project.

Robot Kermit: Yeah, poor guy's sick now, I hear. Is it the flu, do you think?

Hilda: No, no, he's just got a frog in his throat. I spent the afternoon nursemaiding him... <she sighs happily>

Robot Kermit: <breaking off the staring contest in alarm> He's got a frog in his throat?! Well... er... he wouldn't do that to a ROBOT frog, would he?

Hilda: Oh, it's just an expression. And everyone finds you hard to swallow, anyway.

Robot Kermit: Oh, good. Now, where was I... <resumes staring>

Jimmy: Hmm... well... this is a quiet sorta birthday ah suppose. Maybe I'll just go lock ma self in ma room and mope.

<No one says anything, and he moves towards his room, passing in front of Leyla, who suddenly wakes up and grabs him>

Leyla: SURPRISE!!!!

Jimmy: Ah!! Get her off me! <The others are suddenly surrounding him and cheering. Hilda ducks into the kitchen and returns with a cake>

Leyla: Happy birthday, Jimmy!! Oh, you're SO surprised!! How could we forget about you, silly? <she hugs him tightly>

Jimmy: Well, ah, ah, ah don't know what ta say!!

Leyla: Then just enjoy yourself! Look! I dug up my daddy's old guitar and fixed it up for you! Why don't you play us a tune?

Jimmy: <beaming> Ah, good idea! Since Robot Kermit hasn't heard ma favorite song in the whole world, why don't you sit a spell and let me introduce ya!

Put another log on the fire!
Cook me up some bacon and some beans.
And go out to the car and change the tire,
wash my socks and sew my old blue jeans.

The girls dance around him, rolling their eyes occasionally. Robot Kermit nods thoughtfully, taking it all in until Leyla gives him a worried glance.

Leyla: Gee, I hope this doesn't come back to bite me.

Jimmy: <singing>
Come on, baby, you can
fill my pipe and then go fetch my slippers,
and boil me up another pot of tea,
Then put another log on the fire, baby,
and come and tell me why you`re leaving me.

Oh, don`t I let you wash the car on Sunday,
don`t I warn you when you`re getting fat.
Ain`t I gonna take you fishing with me some day,
well, a man can`t love a woman more than that.
Ain`t I always nice to your kid sister,
don`t I take her driving every night.
So sit here at my feet,
`cause I like you when you`re sweet,
and you know it ain`t feminine to fight. So...

Put another log on the fire,
cook me up some bacon and some beans.
And go out to the car and change the tire,
wash my socks and sew my old blue jeans.
Come on, baby, you can
fill my pipe and then go fetch my slippers,
and boil me up another pot of tea,
Then put another log on the fire, babe,
and come and tell me why you`re leaving me.

Robot Kermit: Hmm... he makes an interesting point.

Hilda: We're doomed, aren't we?
Wanda: Yep.
Leyla: <buries head in hands>


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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(Ernie bursts through the front door sporting a straw hat, blue overalls, a red hankerchief around the neck, and carrying a big basket full of vegetables)
Ernie: Hoo hoo! I'm home!
Bert: Ernie, welcome back! I missed you!
Ernie: Aww thanks, Bert.
Bry: Hi, Ernie!
Big Bird: Ernie, where've you been?
Telly: Yeah!
Ernie: Didn't you hear?
Bry: You didn't tell them, Bert?
Bert: I thought you would.
Bry: I guess I've been so busy lately, I'd forgotten.
Ernie: Oh well, no matter...
Big Bird: Look at all those yummy vegetables! So where did you go, Ernie?
Telly: Yeah, and why are you dressed like that?
Ernie: Oh! Well, let me tell ya!

(Ernie sings while various Muppet Vegies pop out of the basket to join him)

I went to the farm to see how things grow
And I learned some things you'd like to know.
Plants can grow high
Plants can grow low
Some grow above the ground
Some grow below

For instance a tomato doesn't grow like a potato

Tomato: Tomatoes push and shove to get up above

Ernie: Meanwhile a potato doesn't grow like a tomato

Potato: Potatoes never show, we stay down below

Ernie/Vegies: Plants can grow high
Plants can grow low
Some grow above the ground
Some grow below

Ernie: Now if you want a lettuce

Lettuce: I'd tell you where to get us
We always can be found right above the ground

Ernie: Look high for a zucchini 'cause they're never very teeny

Beet: But if you want a beet, look under your feet

Vegies: Plants can grow high
Plants can grow low
Some grow above the ground
Some grow below

Ernie: Maybe next time you'll see something you'll know

Tomato etc: If it grew above the ground

Potato etc: Or it grows below!
(song ends)

Ernie: Khekhekhe!
Telly: Cool! I didn't know that!
Big Bird: Learn something new everyday.
Telly: That's for sure!
Ernie: Well, I can't stay. I gotta run these singing vegetables over to Farmer Jim. Bye bye!
Bry: Hurry back!
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