Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Count, at the lamppost: Hmmm... If I remember correctly, that Mr. Cerf vas a fan of both Chrissy from the Monotones and Chris, the leader of the Alphabeats. Ah vell, they'll sort things out ewentually.
*Keeps walking down the street to the library for a good read.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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At Grover's Mom's apartment.......

(OOC: Sorry guys. I'd been over at my sisters all night last night till 3 am and then there was work. Then after work I went stright back over to my sisters and brother-in-law so I'll catch up here)

Thank you so much for this lovely dinner Mrs. Monster.

Mrs. Monster: Your so welcome Kyle. I am glad that you and my son are really good friends.

Well I enjoy him and his friends.

Grover: He is really a real good friend mommy. I love him. You too mom. *hugs both of us*

Over at the Dawns house.........

Herry: Thank you for the dinner Mrs. Dawn. I really liked it. Well I guess I'm going to head on to my house. Thank you again. I'll see you later Kathy and Prairie. *walks out the door* *comes back in* I'll see ya'll tomorrow. Bye. *leaves again*

Over at Cookie's Mom..........

Cookie M: Me glad to be home mom.

Cookie's Mom: Me too son.

Sister Monster: Me too brother.

Cookie's Mom: What should we do now?

Cookie and Sister look at each other and shout, "COOKIES!"


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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*the gang and I enter our room at the Furry Arms*

Me: *yawn* Man, what a great day. I'm bushed though.
Clifford: You can say that again.
Me: Which part? The great day or the bush?
Gonzo: My day was great because of a bush!
Me: ...What sort of stunt did you pull of now Gonz?
Gonzo: Well I-*yawn* Oh I'll tell ya in the morning.
Me: Heh, sounds good.
Uncle Deadly: Indeed, goodnight Ryan my fiend.
Me: Night Uncle D.! Night Gonzo!
Gonzo: Goodnight Ry, night Camilla my sweet little wallet clip.
Camilla: Brawk, bagawk bawk Gonzo. Brawk bawk Clifford!
Clifford: Night Camilla, see ya in the mornin' Ry-guy, heh heh.
Me: Goodnight guys.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Bry: Hey, Hootsie! Did you see the interview with Little Jerry and the Monotones today?
Hoots: Yeah, it's good to get an update from fellow musicians. I haven't seen those guys around for a while. So, what's on the agenda tomorrow?
Bry: Well, I was going to drop by Gina's place and drop off a baby gift. Then a playdate with Big Bird and Snuffy, and Bert & Ernie invited me to stay at their place tomorrow night.
Hoots: Well, I wanted to remind you that we're having a big party over at Birdland tomorrow night. Everyone should come by.
Bry: Okay, Hoots. We'll have to let everyone know. In the meantime, we should let everyone know that the Dorms were sponsored today by the letters L, J, and the number 3.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Beth: So what's the plan for today?
Wanda: I was hoping we'd get to see Gina's baby
Red: And then aren't we having dinner with Abby's family?
Beth: Yes, I think we can probably head over to Gina's after lunch and then we'll have some time to go play before meeting the Fairy Godfamily.
Wanda: Sounds good
Red: Awesome!


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Me: Sunny days
Sweepin the clouds away...
Clifford: And why are you so happy today dude?
Me: Oh Cliff, the sun is shining, we're on Sesame Street, and all is right with the world...
Uncle Deadly: That may be a slight exageration.
Me: *shrug* Whatever.
Gonzo: Yeah?
Me: Never mind.
Gonzo: So what's really going on Ry?
Me: Oh...Talk to Leyla. Wait...Better yet, don't, she'll end up telling Hilda.
Gonzo: *eyeblid pull back*
Me: Um...C'mon guys, we're due to do...Um...Something! *runs off*
Clifford: There's somethin' goin' on with that prawn.
Uncle D.: You can say that again.
Gonzo: There's something going on with that prawn.
Camilla: *rolls eyes*


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2004
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Diana: Hi Mayhem.I'm feeling better now,not 100%,but getting there.I really dislike having colds.

Floyd: Glad you're feeling better Diana.The room's been quiet without you.

Diana: Interesting enough,I can now sing soprano;never could before 3 weeks ago.

*Diana sings Doll on a Music Box,from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang*

What do you see?
You people gazing at me.
You see a doll on a music box,that's wound by a key.

How can you tell?
I'm under a spell.
I'm waiting for love's first kiss.

You can not see,how much I long to be free.
Turning around,on a music box,that's wound by a key.


While...I'm...turning around and around.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2005
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PETER: What's up for tonight

BABY BEAR: We're going to Have Dinner with My Family

LITTLE BIRD: And We're going to see Gina's baby

ZOE: And Little Bird, she's the cutest baby i have ever seen.

PETER: We're going to meet Baby Bear's family

BABY BEAR: My Family and Curly Bear is so proud to see me.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Over at the Herry's house.........

I'm glad you invitied us over Herry.

Herry: Well I wanted my parents and my sister to see you. They hadn't seen you in a long time.

I see. Thanks for having us over Mrs. Monster.

Herry's Mom: Your welcome Kyle. I figured that you were wanting to stay over for tonight at our house.

I've always wanted to see where Herry grew up.

Herry's Dad: What do you and Herry want to watch tonight?

Herry: I kind of like Drake and Josh.

That sounds good to me. We watch that all the time. Don't we Herry.

Herry: All the time.

Flossie: Hey big brother.

Herry: Hey sis. Have you meet Kyle?

Flossie: Glad to meet you Kyle.

You too Flossie. Want to sit by me and watch Drake and Josh?

Flossie: I would but I have homework to do.

Ok. I'll see you later.

Herry: High five sis.

Flossie: *gives Herry a high five*

Herry's Dad: The show's on.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Big Bird: Thanks for playing with us today, Bryan.
Snuffy: Yeah, it was fun! Dohohoho!
Bry: Hey, we're on Sesame Street. What else is there to do but play and have fun.
Big Bird: Snuffy and I are having a sleepover tonight in my Nest. Wanna come?
Snuffy: Yes, please join us. Pleeeeeeaaase!
Bry: Aww thanks for the invite, you guys, but I was already supposed to spend the night at Bert and Ernie's tonight.
Big Bird: You are?
Bry: Yeah, I'm sorry. Besides, it's pretty cold out here. I don't even see how you can take it.
Big Bird: Oh...well, just like back at the Dorms, I have an electric blanket and heating pads.
Bry: I see. Well, maybe next time, Big Bird. I already promised Bert and Ernie.
Big Bird: Okay, if you insist.
Bry: I'll see you again tomorrow though, and we'll be here for another couple days. Maybe tomorrow night I will stay over in your nest.
Big Bird: Really?! Yay!!
Snuffy: Oh boy!!
(Big Bird and Snuffy jump up and down in excitement, Snuffy making the ground tremble)
Bry: (shifting trying to balance self out) Whooah! Okay, well, I'll see you guys tomorrow. Have a good night. (starts up the stoop and enters the 123 Brownstone building through the green doors)
Big Bird: Goodnight, Bryan.
Snuffy: Yeah, goodnight.
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