Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Will see what I can do Sis. Good to have a free day on Wednesdays again. Oh, Sesame'll be on soon. Talk to you guys later.


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
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That's okay Ed; after all, there's always next year. I've decided to make practice Wednsday evening, (that's tonight) from nine to eleven. We won't be singing all that time of course, but I figure that way I can make time for those that are not available until late, and those who like to turn in early. I hope this meets with everyone's satisfaction.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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Beauregard said:
Bo: *before Christy can touch his door* That's not your door either. And nothings happening here, so don't bother evesdropping.
Beau: *drops some leaves on the floor*
Bobo: He said don't...
Bean: I love autumn leaves! *throws a whole heap on the floor and rolls in them*
Skeeter: Do you understand him?
Christyb: Depends on the situation. Just be thankful that Beau didn't drop eaves instead of leaves.
Skeeter: This is going to be one intresting year.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Well since Grover and Herry are at work. I wonder what I'm going to do?

Maurice: Uh....Kyle?

Yes Maurice?

Maurice: I'm hungry. What's todays lunch going to be?

I was thinking of fixing some "Cheeseburger Mac" today. Sound good to you?

Maurice: Mmmmm I just love that stuff.

Cookie M: Did me hear someone say "Cheeseburger Mac?"

Maurice: Yep you did Cookie Monster. Kyle's going to fix it for lunch.

Cookie M: Can me help?
Sure. Both of ya'll can!

Cookie M: Me just love to help. (whispers to Maurice) Me help so me can try it before it's done. Ha ha ha ha ha....

I heard that Cookie Monster!

Cookie M: Oops!


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2006
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Jimmy: Where'd that girl get to? I need her to put another log on the fire.

Wanda:Yeah, where is Leyla... I haven't seen her at all this morning.

Hilda: Oh, she's in the closet.

Wanda: I beg your pardon?

Hilda: She's in the closet... look, I'll show you. <Hilda wanders to the spacious closet just inside the door to their rooms and taps the wooden door. Whimpering can be heard within.>

Wanda: Oh.. is this an ushy gushy thing? Some sort of regression to her closet days? Is the ushy gushy girl in there with her?

Hilda: No, no. She wasn't in the closet very long anyway. The ushy gushy girl is chained to a tree outside, trying to peer into Catherine, Kermit, Fozzie and Piggy's room right now. You can probably guess who she's trying to peer at.

Wanda: I can. So what is this, they're trading places for the day?

Hilda: No.

Jimmy: Then, what's she doing in there?!

Hilda: She got a phone call early this morning to come in on Friday as a substitute French teacher at the local elementary school. It's her first time ever.

Wanda: <tapping the door> That doesn't make sense. Leyla! Why are you in there?

Leyla: <muffled> I'm hiding!

Wanda: I thought you liked kids.

Leyla:<muffled> I do!!

Wanda: I thought you liked being a teacher!

Leyla: <muffled> I do!!

<All three exchange perplexed looks>

Leyla: <muffled> Why did it have to be french? The first day ever, and it's french!

Hilda: <slowly> But... you speak french.

Leyla: I know! But still!

Hilda: Would it be easier if it were English?

Leyla: No!

Hilda: So your way of coping is to hide in a closet?

Leyla: Yes.

Hilda: Hmm. Alright then.

Wanda: Why don't you take your laptop in there and get some writing done?

Jimmy: I think I left my slippers in there. Could you fetch them?

Leyla: <moans>

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Hello from the MC Dorms Management Team.

Just wanted to let you know about a new rule added to choosing roommates, a suggestion made by the review committee's members.

If you wish to room with a fanfictional Muppet character of your own creation, then:
1 You must be rooming with a "cannon" or already established Muppet character.
Take Erin for example, she's rooming with The Storyteller Fraggle, which under this rule would then allow her to admit Nora Brandon into her room's crew.
2 You may add such a character, if you still have room within your allotted roommate total. If you already have five (5) roommates, then you need to choose whom amongst your current crew you'd wish to replace.
For example, if Ryan wanted to add Butch and Clyde, he'd have to let one of his roomies go given the mathematical calculations of such a roommate total, going from four (4) to six (6) when the limit is five (5).
And no Holy Book of Armaments jokes out of you Bo or Erin.

In other dorms news...
The calendar's almost ready for posting, just need a few last B-Day dates.
1 Rowlf The Dog.
If you have either their original debut airdates or Muppeteer B-Days, I'd appreciate someone contacting me with said dates.
Also, there are some pets whose B-Days are missing, would appreciate help with those as well.

Thank you, that is all.
Ed and The Count.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Bo: Oops! Forgot about the airdates Count! Sorry, will try and track! Beau, when were you born?
Beau: I was born?
Bean: *peeks out from leaves* How does that work?
Bobo: Oh for pete's sake...


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Prairie: Darn's really out of tune.
she hits a note and Gaffer yowls
Prairie:Oh Gaffer...I'm sorry,kitty.Your poor ears! Hopefully I can get Rowlf to help me get this thing back in tune.*she dials the phone* the answering machine. Hi's Prairie over in room 6. Look,can you do me a favor?My piano sounds horribly out of tune.So maybe you can help me re tune it? Thanks.Bye.hangs up the phone
Hey ....I heard that Abby Cadabby is coming down with a cold .Everyone seems to be getting sick!
Rosita: Oh no! I hope she feels better soon. She's on the cheerleading team and we cheer at the first game on Saturday!
I hope she feels better soon too. Well..I have to go audition for Kate's choir.See you 2 later.
Rosita:Buena suerte Kath.
Prairie: Yep...good luck!
Thanks girls!


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Abby: I don't know why I couldn't go to school today. I'm feeling better *sniff*
Beth: Well, we just want to make sure you're good and rested and much better for the big game this weekend. You wouldn't want to miss that right?
Abby: *sniff* No, but I'm bored. I would be having so much more fun at school.
Beth: Hmm, tell you what, we can play a board game, any game you'd like
Abby: Ok. How about Candy Land?
Beth: Sounds good, let's play that.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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*An older lady, is dragging a rolling suitcase behind her, as she double checks the numbers on the address. Nodding to herself she goes inside the building, ready to check into the dorms. She's wearing hospital scrubs, as she had finally decided to make more of her life, and go back to college to get a nursing degree. And she just came off of a 10-hour shift from the local hospital as their "go-fer" on medical supplies.*

Sadie: Finally I got here. Now where is my son and that girlfriend of his? He said that I would be staying with them....
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