Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Nov 5, 2004
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Christyb: Yeah, and don't you have a squashed bunny to revive?


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Beth: How'd the first practice go Red?
Red: Good! We've got a great squad this year!
Abby: I had alot of fun
Beth: That's great!
Red: Did you audition for the choir?
Beth: Yep! Looks like alot of people will be doing that too. It's nice that there are so many activities here at the dorms


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Dec 14, 2004
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Me: Ugh...
UD: Pardon me Ryan, but aren't you supposed to be at school? And have you been sleeping this entire time?!
Me: Oh...Yes Uncle D. I feel awwwwful...
UD: Anything I can get you my fiend? Green tea? Shriekin' noodle soup?
Me: I'm okay Uncle D., just keep Gonzo out...Please.
UD: *smiles* Can do my fiend, can do.


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May 21, 2005
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Scooter: How's work going for ya?

Sara: Pretty good. I really do like working there, Scoot. Although yesterday I smacked the top of my head really hard on the truck getting into it. I was pretty dazed for awhile.

Scooter: You okay now?

Sara: Yeah. *stretches out on her bed, smirking* Took me a little while, but after I slept I feel great. Going to work at 3pm today, as usual, then tomorrow I get Wednesday off!

Scooter: Awesome.


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Oct 24, 2003
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Kermit: (Peeking around doorway) Is she--is she gone now?
Catherine: Yes. I shooed her off to class this morning and she hasn't reappeared. (looks at watch) Her last class isn't over until three, and then I think she's meeting someone at Everybody Eats.
Kermit: Well, good, because Fozzie and I-- (stops, looks startled) Meeting someone. Who?
Catherine: (shrugging) I don't know--somebody from one of her classes, I think.
Kermit: (making scrunchy face) One of her classes....
Catherine: Kermit?
Kermit: (looking up) Hm?
Catherine: Kermit--you were in the middle of saying something and then you tuned out. What about you and Fozzie?
Kermit: Oh--oh, Fozzie and I finally tracked down the last of our things. Seems they got shipped to Kermit, Texas instead of Hensonville. Go figure.
Catherine: And...?
Kermit: Oh--and we're ready to get our room set up. Sorry we've been sortof camping out with you guys, but our furniture is on its way over here now.
Catherine: Oh--great! (puzzled) Why did you want to know where Piggy was?
Kermit: (pats fingers together awkwardly, trying to think how to say this)Well, um, I have found that it's easier to redecorate when she's not helping.
Catherine: Ah. No argument here. Can I help? And where's Fozzie?
Kermit: Little bear's room. And sure, we could use the help. (There are sounds of bumping and banging in the lobby and down the hall.) Oh, good. It looks like our stuff is here now.
Catherine: Great--we'll finish it this afternoon before Piggy gets back. She'll be surprised.
Fozzie: (coming in room) Hey Kermmmit! I think our stuff is here!
Kermit: Yeah--that looks like our boxes. C'mon--we'll get everything set up. (He trots out.)
(Fozzie starts for the door but stops and looks up at Catherine hopefully.)
Fozzie: Could we have a snack? Lunch was a long time ago?
Catherine: I've got some gingerbread cake and, um, there's some leftover mac and cheese. Want me to heat it up?
Fozzie: (gratefully) Yes! I'll be back in a minute! (runs after Kermit)
Catherine: (puts bowl in microwave) Whew! It will be nice to finally get settled!


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2006
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<Leyla is typing frantically into her laptop, Hilda has set the flowers in a simple white vase and is fussing with them in a mixture of anxiety and shy curiosity>

Leyla: Hilda... what was I thinking putting Camilla in this story anyway? She's tough to write!

Hilda: <thoughtfully> Do you really think Gonzo sent these to me?

Leyla: <distracted> How on earth do you spell buck... bok... buk... bawk... hmmm... oh, sorry Hiilda. I don't know if he did or not. Why don't you ask him?

Hilda: <scandalised> I can't do that?!

Leyla: Why not?

Hilda: <stutters, than glares> Well... would you ask him if he were your secret admirer?

Leyla<considers>: No... but only because I don't have one.

Hilda: <sighs> Oh, I don't know what to do!

Leyla: <reluctantly pulling away from laptop> I'll tell you what. Why don't you write a response... just to your secret admirer. I'll pin it up where everyone can see it. Maybe you'll get a note or a letter back... and we'll be able to track him down.

Hilda: <uncertainly> well... maybe. Will you help me?

Leyla: Oh, of course... right after I get back from work!


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2006
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<Overhear's Leyla's comment about writing for Camilla>

Boy, is that hard. It's got to be done though. Speaking of, I better hurry up and post the next chapter before I have to go to work.

<Looks up as Sprocket enters the room>

Well, did you find him?

<Sprocket startes to dance around the room>

Good, when is he coming to live with us?

<holds up two toes>

Just enough time to get over night shift. Well, what are you waiting for, start preparing our new roommates section as I go shower for work. Oh and post the next chapter in my story too...


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Dec 14, 2004
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Gonzo: Ryaaaaaaaaaan!!! *jumps on Ryan's bed*
Gonzo: So so so? Let's go do more commentary!! C'mon c'mon!!
Me: Gonzo, the only way you can get me to do more commentary is if you push me down there in this bed.
Gonzo: *shrug* Okay, let's go! *pushes bed down to commentary room*


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Telly: Oh no!
Big Bird: What's wrong, Telly?
Telly: Ryan is sick!
Big Bird: Aww, that's too bad. I hope he gets better soon.
Bry: (in bed, groaning with face covered under the blankets) Uuuugh...
Telly: Bry? Are you okay?
Bry: I feel...awful!
Big Bird: Are you sick too?
Bry: Yeeah...
Telly: What is it?
Bry: My whole body aches and I feel nauseous.
Big Bird: Too bad Rosita isn't here. She always knew what to do.
(Ernie and Bert walk in)
Ernie: Hey, what's going on?
Big Bird: Bryan is sick.
Ernie: Oh no. Really?
Bert: It is getting to be that time of year.
Telly: We need to help him to feel better.
Bert: Don't worry. I know exactly what to do.
Ernie: You do?
Bert: Sure! All he needs is to relax, get plenty of sleep and drink lots of fluids. I know! (to me) I'll fix you up a nice piping hot bowl of lentil soup.
Ernie: (Disgusted at the thought) Lentil soup, Bert?
Bert: Trust me.
Ernie: (shrugs) Okay...
Bert: (to me) You just get all snuggly comfy there under the covers and I'll get the soup ready. (to self) Hmm...I just might make myself a bowl.


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
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*passing by Brian's room* Do you think you could make me a bowl too, Bert? Thanks. And congradulations on making the quire! I just wish you could get Ernie involved. You two work well together. *aside* No comments from either of you.
You got in too, Brian, of course. I'm sorry you don't feel well though. 'tis the season you know. Feel better!
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