Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Mar 11, 2003
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Still at Walmart......

Walmart Employee: I just don't feel so happy. In the dumps. So blue.

*over hears* Guys?

Monsters: What?

I think we need to do a little helping out with this here employee.

Maurice: What did you have in mind?

Cookie M: How about some cake?!

Herry: No Cookie Monster. Cake can't always be to cheer people up.

Walmart Employee: I wouldn't mind a cake.

Herry: Nah. You wouldn't.

Walmart Employee: Yes I would!

(everyone ignores her)

Deli Grover: Then why not a song?

Sounds good to me Grover. Hit it!

(some one starts playing a piano)

Me: When I'm feeling sort of down,
Or when I'm feeling cross,
Adored or bored or just ignored,
Or scared and kind of lost.

Grover: Why it can happen any time,
Or anywhere I guess.
I hear a voice inside my head,
And this is what it says.

Herry: You need a,

Me and Grover: Sweet, sweet, sweet little treat.

Me: Something fun to nibble.

Grover: To make your middle giggle.

Cookie Monster: Some kind of,

Me and Grover: Sweet, sweet, sweet little treat.
A delicious little tidbit of yummy snack to eat.

Maurice: So if your heart is in the dumps,
Or if you're feeling hurt,

Herry: Don't feel blue when dinner's through,
Remember there's dessert.

Me: And if the day seems gloomy.
Not going like it should.
A teensie bite of sweet delight,
Will do a world of good.

Herry and Cookie Monster: You need a,

Everyone (in the store): Sweet, sweet, sweet little treat.
Something fun to nibble,
To make your middle giggle.

Me: Some kind of,

Everyone (in the store): Sweet, sweet, sweet little treat.
Something swell to munch on,
To chew or suck or crunch on,
Have one or have a bunch,
Of gooey, sticky treats to eat.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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*Red goes around dorms tacking up signs for cheerleading tryouts.*

The sign says:

Do you like watching football?

Do you have team spirit and want to cheer for our Muppet College Frogs?

Come tryout for the 2006 Cheerleading Team! Tryouts will be held Thursday, Sept 7 and Friday Sept 8. All levels of experience welcome to join us! For more information contact Red Fraggle, Team Captain in Room 3.

Red: There! I hope we'll get a good squad together this year and I really hope that some of my buddies from last year come back!


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Ernie: Truck's here!
Bry: Truck?
Ernie: Yeah, with the rest of our stuff.
Bry: Oh good. I'll help you unload it all.
(a pigeon swoops down and lands on the window sill)
Bert: (Lights up) Bernice! Oh, Bernice! You made it. Look, Ernie! It's Bernice! (laughs)
Ernie: Yeah, I see that. What's she doing here?
Bert: Well, she was delivering papers around town.
Bry: Really? Newspapers?
Bert: It's a part-time job. What she really wants to be is an insurance salesman!
Ernie: Really?
Bert: Well...I dunno.
Ernie: Bernice isn't going to live here, is she?
Bert: And why not?
Telly: Would she play with Chuckie Sue?!
Big Bird: It would be nice to have another feathered friend around. Hey, she can even join the Birdkateers if she wants!
Bert: I dunno, Big Bird. Bernice isn't really into that sort of thing.
Big Bird: Are you sure?
Bert: We'll think about it.
Bry: Of course she is welcome to stay here at the dorms.
Bert: You hear that, Bernice? You can stay! Oh neat! She won't be too much trouble. She spends most of her time up on the roof with the others.
Telly: There are others?
Bry: (with a smirk) In the city, they're everywhere.
Ernie: (laughing at my joke) Kekhekhekhe!
Bry: Come on, let's get the last of your stuff from the truck so we can get the room done.


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Mar 11, 2003
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Pulls up and sees a big truck

Hey there guys. Do ya'll need any help?


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Bert: Hi, Kyle. That would be great.
Bry: Yeah, thanks, Kyle. If you could help us with the beds and the arm chairs that would be great.
Ernie: I'll get some of these boxes.


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Mar 11, 2003
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Herry: I can help you Ernie with some of the boxes too. You know I have good stong bones.

Ok. Cookie you grab one side of the bed and I'll get the other side.

Cookie M: Ok.

Herry: *carries in some boxes* Boy Ernie. Theses are sure heavy.

Come on Cookie Monster. Aright. You need to turn to your right.

Maurice: *grabs some boxes too* I got these.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Bert: Oh, be careful with some of those boxes, Maurice. It's got my paperclip and bottlecap collections in them. Oh, and that one you got there, Herry, is where I packed my books.
Ernie: I think I have one of those boxes too. (to Herry) Geesh, no wonder it's so heavy.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Herry: Bert reads to much books I see.

Maurice: Yes Bert. I will try and be careful.

*gets back from getting the bed in* There we go. Next?

Cookie M: Mmmm Bert your cookies were really good. Thanks.

Come on Cookie. Next bed.

Cookie M: Ok Kyle. *URP!* Excuse me. *laughs*


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Me: *picking up cheerleading flyer on way back to room 25* Hmm, wonder if Gonzo'll wanna try out...*waves to Kyle, Ernie, Bert, Bryan, etc.* Hey guys, I'll be down in a minute to help, gotta go put my stuff away. *goes to room and throws backpack on the couch* Not like I don't carry enough heavy junk on my back all day...Hey guys! I'm goin' down to help Ernie and Bert move in! Anyone wanna come?

Clifford: Ya ain't gonna get no answer from anyone but me dude.

Me: Oh, hey Cliff, where are the others?

Clifford: Uncle D.'s off in the fan-fic library, and Gonzo and Camilla went to buy some sorta stunt suplies or somethin'. You know I don't listen...

Me: Heh. Okay, well you wanna come help?

Cliff: Sure dude, I got nothin' better to do. Let's get goin'.

*both go downstairs to help Ernie and Bert move in*


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Hey Ryan. Hey Clifford. Come to help I see.

Cookie M: Hey guys! *waves and almost drops his half of the bed*

Watch it Cookie. Next time could be your foot.

Cookie M: Sorry.

Herry: Hey Ryan. Clifford! *carring more boxes*

Maurice: Ryan is it? *puts down stuff* I'm Maurice the monster. Nice to meet you. *holds out hand* Clifford! *picks stuff back up* Nice to meet ya'll.
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