Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Mar 11, 2003
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Opens the door.....

Herry: Look who's here!

Cookie M: Ooo my friend Erine and Bert!

Grover: Our friend Cookie Monster. *yells down to Ernie and Bert* Heeeey Eriney babieeeee! You too Bert.

*walks in and sees Ernie and Bert* Hey there guys. Glad to see ya'll two here. I'm Kyle. Remember last time you were here. It's been a long time since I've seen ya'll. I'll see you two later. Bye. *walks to room 26* Hey there Grover.

Grover: Hey Kyle. Did you see who is here?

Yep. Ernie and Bert.

Grover: *walking with me into the room* Where have you bee.....

Maurice: I haven't seen them in a long time. I'm go see them. *walks up to Ernie* Hey there. Long time no see.


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2006
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<barking and scratching at the door to room 40>

<Opens door and lets frazzled looking Sprocket in.>
I knew you would show up when I had finished cooking. Well, come on and tell me about your day.

Muppet Newsgirl

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Feb 28, 2006
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(Storyteller leaves room, bearing a long scroll of parchment) I've got to go talk to that nice young Hunt.

MN: Yeah, you and half the female membership of the RHLC. See you around. (mixer dings - yeah, it was a very short hour) Ice cream's up. (scoops some out into cups and puts rest into a freezer container) Hey, Nora, you want some?
Nora: Sure. (takes ice cream into room)
MN: Family troubles?
Nora: ...yeah.
MN: It's not about Cait and Stu almost blowing up the garage, is it?
Nora:'s my big brother Mike.
MN: Oh, the snobby one. What'd he say this time?
Nora: He says I'm shaming the family by working with the Muppet Show.
MN: Oh, brother...go have your ice cream and relax with the others.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Whew! I'm tired!
Prairie:stick_out_tongue:leased to meet you Tired....I'm Prairie Dawn!
Rosita:And I'm Rosita!A pleasure to meet you Tired!Although you look more like our good friend Kathy.:wink:
:mocking both of my wacky roomates::stick_out_tongue: ,then laughing :big_grin: You two are too much! Listen...I'm sorry we didn't get to Everybody Eats with Big Bird,Bryan & everyone tonight.We'll invite them to go to dinner with us tomorrow night.Sound OK?
Rosita:Sounds fine to me!
Prairie:Me too!
Great! Goodnight everyone!

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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*Ziffled by Kathy. *Let's just say that we're running a surplus on sponsors, so we're covered for tonight and tomorrow which it will be in a few minutes.

Well, time to say good night. Wanted to do it last night to finish off the Labor Day weekend and weekend anniversary... But it's better to do it tonight, so long as it gets done...

The dorms were brought to you by the letters M and C, for Muppet Central or College, whichever you prefer...
And by the number...
Count: Fire in the hole!
*Firework birthday candle shoots up into the night sky, booming into a giant sparkly dark golden smoke 2 hovering high above the building itself.
Count: 2! 2 vonderful years!


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Grover: Good night Kyle. I have to work tomorrow. I will see you tomorrow at lunch. *yawns*

I'm off. Sure. I'll come eat with you. I'm proubley stay up for awhile longer. Good Night Grover. Good night Maurice, Cookie Monster and Herry.

Herry: Good night Kyle. *yawns*

Maurice: Good night everyone. Good night. *yawns and slips off to bed*

Cookie M: Can me stay up with you Kyle?

I don't see why not. Come on. We'll watch some cartoons. *reaches for a box of cookies but there's none in the box* Sorry Cookie. I thought I had you some cookies.

Cookie M: Not to worry! *grabs a box of cookie from the side of the couch* Me keep spare box hidden* Me love thme cookies!

Oh Cookie Monster.....


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Ernie: Thanks, Ed. So nice to see so many of our old friends again like Grover, Cookie, Herry...
Bert: Yeah, and Maurice. It's been a long time since we've seen him!
Ernie: What was that other guy's name again?
Bert: Kyle.
Ernie: That's right.
(they get to room 29 and open the door)
Ernie: Here it is. Our new room!
Bry: Ernie! Bert! You're finally here. Welcome!
Bert: We get to live here with you?
Bry: That's right!
Ernie: Hey, how 'bout that!
Big Bird: And me too!
Telly: Don't forget about me!
Ernie: Big Bird and Telly? Bert, it's Big Bird and Telly!
Bert: Yeah, I know!
Ernie: I knew this was going to be fun!
Bert: (laughs)
Bry: Come on in and make yourselves comfortable. You'll have to excuse some of the mess. We're still unpacking and doing a little remodelling of the room. We wanted to wait a bit on it though until you two got here. Here come the bats with your stuff. Thanks, bats!
Bert: That's not even half of it.
Big Bird: Really?
Ernie: We've got a truck load of stuff coming in the morning.
Telly: Where are you going to sleep if you don't have your beds?
Bert: We have our sleeping bags.
Ernie: About those sleeping bags...
Bert: You didn't forget them, did you?
Ernie: Well...maybe..
Bert: Oh, Ernie...
Bry: Hey, that's okay. I have a couple extras you can use.
Bert: Nifty. Thanks.
Bry: Your welcome.


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2006
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<Melissa writes note to sleeping Sprocket saying that she will see him after work tonight and quietly leaves the dorms.>


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Beth: Sure looks like a lot of our friends are getting nice and settled in
Red: Yeah! I should start getting ready for the football season! Gotta get my cheerleaders lined up!
Abby: What is a cheerleader?
Red: They're people who yell and chant things at football games. It's alot of fun, we do some acrobatics too
Abby: Ooh, can I be one?
Red: Sure! I could use someone with some spunk like you!
Beth: Well, I can help you make signs later for tryouts. Right now I gotta get to work
Red: See you tonight!
Abby: Bye!


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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*The two of them finally get back to the dorms, after a belated goodbye from her parents. They get their key from Count, and head up towards their room.*

Sara: Can't believe it took so long, Scoot.

Scooter: I can't believe your knee is still out of commission...*has a mixture of a smirk and a frown on his face.*

Sara: Well, I can't believe my cousin Kevin dosn't know the meaning of the words, "Stop, my knee is hurt. I can't wrestle you today!" *frowns and shakes her head a bit, smirking*

Scooter: He apperently liked the easy target then.

Sara: He's a sadist then. I had my soft knee brace on, and he still tackled me like it was normal or something. Ugh. *Sets her suitcases down on the floor, and notices their futons and rag rug are already back in their room.*

Scooter: I thought we would have had to ask someone....

Sara: It's probably because I wasn't sure if that meant "clean everything out" or "just take what you need". Can't believe Jim, Jerry, and Frank won't be with us this time around.

Scooter: Well, they had some tours and stuff, didn't they?

Sara: Yep. Well, let's get unpacking alright? I think Ed and Count wanted to know what our room looks like, or something...

*Our room is quite simple, with painted navy blue walls, along with various striped "bubbles" of a lighter blue shade. The ceiling is painted with clouds and a pale blue sky, and a "ray" of sunlight extends down from a corner, all the way down onto the floor. The flooring is hard cherry wood, with a "rag rug" in front of both futons, and a plush kermit-green oval in front of the couch/tv center.

Both of their futons are simple black fabric-covered mattresses, with plush comforters on top. Sara's is a black/white comforter, with a kermit green fitted sheet on the futon mattress. While Scooter's is a pretty cornflower yellow comforter, with a darker green fitted sheet.

They have a TV/VCR/DVD combonation in the corner of the room, with many DVD's laying about, usually in a not-that-neat pile near the tv. House MD, Muppets, Sesame Street, various comedic anime, all litter their DVD/VCR holding area.

Sara's desk holds her laptop, and some of her own copies of her fanfiction in book format. Scooter's desk holds his desktop computer, and his laptop; as well as his three clipboards; all stuffed with various information.

Their kitchen area is stuffed to the gills with gourmet food items, as Sara is training herself to become a Head Chef. She has her certificate of completation of Culinary Arts from Pelion High School, hanging proudly in the kitchen, above another one that says "Lord Bless This Mess."

Every morning when she wakes up, one can find her roaming the halls of the dorms, getting her knee, once again back into shape.*
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