Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Uh... You mean you head "down" to your room Sara. Not to worry, everybody pretty much jumbles the location of their rooms in relationship to the others... Thought I kinda helped avoid when I gave everybody their keys onthe first run-through after reopening.

Oh well, it's just so good to see you here again Sara. Was a bit worried for a moment. Oh, and you'll be happy to know that a fellow RHLC member's living right next door to you. Erin I think her name is, or something like that.
Just knock if you need us, have a great day.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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*Skeeter and Christyb walk up to Sara and Scooter's room leaving a basket of goodies and a note to Scooter*

Welcome Back! It's about time you made it slow poke.
Love, Skeeter

P.S. From Christyb--Enjoy the goodies and if you need any help getting back in shape or have some form of daring in you stop by room two and try out the rope jungle that someone won't take down!

Muppet Newsgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2006
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(pokes head out door and grabs the day's IHT, which is sitting on the doormat)

Hey, Sara, good to see you again...and that goes double for you too, Scooter! (turns head) Nora, Scooter's back!

Nora: (comes running out) Hey, Scooter, I need to talk to you about the script...after Gonzo's human gumball machine act and Miss Piggy's Viking pig solo, why does Kermit have "start writing last will and testament" written in the margins?
MN: Nora, we're going to be putting up wallpaper and stuff after I get off work, okay? I just discovered that this place has a kitchen as well, and it needs some tidying up.
Nora: Got it.
(Storyteller returns, with several well-scribbled on rolls of parchment.)
Storyteller: I'm going to have carpal tunnel before I'm forty. Oh, well, life goes on.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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IHT? Not familiar with that, er, daily delivery. Gotta get washed up, I'm leaving for an afternoon reading at the campus.
Count, we'll probably reveal our layout later tonight.
Count: Wery vell... Just love vhat we've done vith the place.
*Goes down to the other hall, down to Floor 1's Bathrooms.

Muppet Newsgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2006
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Whoops, forgot to mention that the local branch of the IHT has a courier pigeon service. I told them I had moved shop, so they arranged to have a pigeon fly the paper in for me early in the morning. If you want me to make other arrangements, I can; shouldn't be too much of a problem.

IHT: International Herald Tribune...also known as Richard's preferred paper.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Sara: Thanks guys! Hey, Skeeter's here! Awesome to have you guys around us.

Scooter: Slow poke?! *leans his head out the doorway to yell at Skeeter, a playful edge to his voice.* It's only because Sara's knee is still out, you know! I would have been here before you!!

Sara: Scooter...?

Scooter: That's Skeeter for you...she's always called me a slow poke. Among other things.

Sara: Well, she did take gymnastics while you took to the computer. *giggles, as she sits down in front of her laptop, starting it up.*

Scooter: Oh, and Nora....that's because Miss Piggy is probably going to be in a snit after she realizes just what's going to happen in the Viking Pigs skit. *double checks his clipboard, then realizes it's Sara's*

Sara: She gets thrown off-board the ship, because the Vikings don't like her operatic singing.

Scooter: Yeah, that's why he put that in the margin.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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No, that's perfectly all right Erin. You can keep your daily delivery service, was just curious as to what you were talking about.
Guess my casual RHLC membership's showing off its expiration. Better go and get it casually renewed.

Sorry, but I'm running a little late, talk to you guys and gals later.
*Leaves dorms en route to the campus.
Good thing we have a shuttle service, makes it easier for someone like me to get there on time.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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At Walmart.....

Hey Grover. Where here to eat lunch with you.

Grover: Ok. I will be done here soon. Meet you in the back.

Gotcha! Come on guys.

Cookie M: Mmmmm lookie at those cakes and cookies!

Herry: Come on Cookie. Your not eatting anything over there. *grabs Cookie's arm*

Maurice: So this where you work?


Herry: So do I.

Yeah he has a the same job as me. As you saw Grover works in deli.

Muppet Newsgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2006
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The Count said:
No, that's perfectly all right Erin. You can keep your daily delivery service, was just curious as to what you were talking about.
Guess my casual RHLC membership's showing off its expiration. Better go and get it casually renewed.

Sorry, but I'm running a little late, talk to you guys and gals later.
*Leaves dorms en route to the campus.
Good thing we have a shuttle service, makes it easier for someone like me to get there on time.
Yes, do get it casually renewed if you wish.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2005
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PETER: How are you liking living in the Dorms, Baby Bear?

BABY BEAR: It is awesome, Ralph the Parrot likes living here too and he gets along with Little Bird

LITTLE BIRD: Me and Ralph played checkers last night

PETER: That's Good

ZOE: Me and Rocco is going to a ballet class, Peter

PETER: Okay, Zoe, see ya

LITTLE BIRD: What are we going to do, Peter?

PETER: How about going swimming

LITTLE BIRD: Sounds Good

BABY BEAR: I got my swimming trunks with me
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