Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Mar 11, 2003
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Grover: Where could Kyle be?

Maurice: He said he would be home soon.

Grover: When was this? Did that just happen now? When did he tell you this?

Maurice: Hold on with all those questions Grover. *stops and looks around*

Grover: Sorry Maurice. So?

Maurice: Oh yea. He said this when he left work.

Grover: You were there?

Mauice: No. He called me.

Grover: Oooh. I guess I will make dinner. Come on Maurice.

Maurice: What will tonight's dinner be?

Grover: Whatever I can find.

Muppet Newsgirl

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Feb 28, 2006
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(unloads ice cream maker) Who's up for a little sorbet or gelato? (plugs it in and takes out already prepped mixes) I've got mango-orange, coconut cream, kiwi, know, a real tropical bonanza.

Nora: I'd like the mango-orange.
Storyteller: Got any radish?
MN: No, Gobo and Wembley ate my last batch...let's go for the mango (opens container). What on earth? It's gone! (pause) Wait a minute, I think Richard got a hold of that last batch a few nights ago.
Nora: (sigh) Coconut, then.
MN: Okay...(opens container) Good grief, somebody ate it already! What gives?
Storyteller: What about the strawberry?
MN: (opens container) All right...okay, nobody's eaten this yet. One SB coming up! (pours mix in and starts mixer up)

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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*Coming in after having eaten dinner at the restaurant... Sure was fun seeing... Oh hi Erin. So you decided to move in huh? Well come on... I'll show you to your room.
*Grabs key from lobby's backwall, below marble 7.
Seymour: Hello Ed... Who's this?
Oh it's just Erin and her roomies, new to the dorms.
Seymour: Oh OK... Have a good night.
Thanks. *To Erin: He's usually here working the furnace's elevator.

*All ride downstairs to the basement floor. Yeah, the common rooms are same, except for the carpeting... So your room's this way. Just a turn to the left, and last door down on our left.
*Hands key to Erin. OK, the Laundry Room's directly across from yours, you got Sara and Scooter as next door neighbors, and my room's the first one here in this hall. Knock or leave a message if you need anything. A couple of bats ought to be down here with the rest of your luggage soon. Good night.
*Walks over to Room #1, unlocking the door and going inside to check up on all the fanfics the Count borrowed.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2005
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(checking in at the lobby, at room 27)

PETER: Here we are

BABY BEAR: This is my first time at the Dorms, Peter

ZOE: You are going to like It , just like Elmo

LITTLE BIRD: It's too bad, we didn't have Elmo as a roommate

PETER: But you can see him anytime

ZOE: That's right, Peter

PETER: Baby Bear, I create old and fictional TV listings throughout the country

BABY BEAR: Wow!, Peter that is a wee collection

ZOE: He's been doing that for a year now


PETER: Good Night Baby Bear, Zoe, and Little Bird

BABY BEAR: Good Night, Peter, Zoe and Little Bird

LITTLE BIRD: Good Night Peter, Zoe, Baby Bear

ZOE: Good Night Little Bird, Peter and Baby Bear

Muppet Newsgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2006
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Okay, Ed, thanks. (unplugs mixer and parks it in a box containing stereo and lava lamp) All right, next stop is #7!

Nora: Can I go see Scooter after we move in? (grabs a box containing her mystery novels and her Sherlock Holmes costume)
MN: Don't see why not. All right...I've got dibs on the section overlooking the backyard, Nora, you get the one closest to the door, and Storyteller, you can set up your hut wherever you like.
(trio heads off to room 7, bats in tow) And there'll be ice cream for the whole hall in about an hour!


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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(walking into the main lobby; Ernie just has a backpack and his Rubber Duckie in hand, while Bert is struggling with most of the luggage)
Ernie: This is going to be so much fun coming back to the ol' dorms. Isn't it, Rubber Duckie? (squeezes Rubber Duckie to make him respond)
Rubber Duckie: *Squeak squeak squeak*
Ernie: Oh, you can put that stuff down here, Bert. Take a load off.
Bert: (grunting in agony) Hmmphrgg...(drops everything on the floor) You could have helped, you know.
Ernie: Bert, are you feeling okay? You look a little yellow. You shouldn't be lifting all those heavy bags by yourself!
Bert: Ernie! I've always been yellow.
Ernie: (snickers) Kekhekhekhe! I wonder where we're supposed to go. I suppose I could make a call to the office on my cell phone here. (pulls out a banana and holds it to his ear)
Bert: Ernie, would you cut that out. That is a banana, it is NOT a cell phone.
Ernie: Not with that attitude.
Bert: Ernie, I am not in the mood for this. I have been walking for miles and miles from Sesame Street carrying all this heavy luggage...most of which is yours by the way...and all I want to do is find our room so I can take a nice soothing nap before dinner.
Ernie: Okay, okay. Don't worry. We'll find where we're supposed to go. I'm here for ya!
Bert: Thank you.
Ernie: I sure hope that we're living with someone fun. Last time, I felt like I was stuck inside all the time. It was kinda boring.
Bert: Boring? I didn't think it was so bad...
(a group of 3 penguins walk by)
Ernie: Hey, look! Maybe those are teachers. They look like nuns. When did this become a religious institution?
Bert: Ernie...
Ernie: I'm only kidding, Bert.
Bert: Hey, maybe they'll know where we're supposed to go.
Ernie: Good thinkin', Bert. Say, do you penguins happen to know where we can find our room?
First :zany: : No, sorry. We're just passing through ourselves. We don't live here.
Second :zany: : We're actually trying to run from the people around here. We're in the middle of a Survivor Challenge.
Ernie: Oh, yeah! I won that game the first time. It was fun! Remember, Bert?
Bert: (getting more impatient) Yes, yes, I remember.
Third :zany: : Sorry we couldn't help ya, pal! (Whispers) Hey, if anyone asks, you didn't see us.
Ernie: You got it! Bye bye!
(Penguins continue on their way)
Ernie: Was that one penguin holding a cue card? Oh well...I guess we better keep looking. (gestures to the bags all over the floor) Uuh, might want to pick up that mess. It's embarrassing.
Bert: *sigh*

Muppet Newsgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2006
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All right, here's the preliminary description of room 7, Chez Newsgirl et Amies. Or whatever we decide to call this place.

We've got two bedrooms, a sitting room and a bathroom. I'm in one room, which is now decorated in the style of mid-70s rec room. I've got bean bag chairs, rock posters and a few Dali and Van Gogh prints. (and that's kind of what my real dorm room looks like) Nora's in the other, and she's filled it up with all her favorite books and her detective memorabilia and...ah, yes, a nice big group photo of her with the TMS cast.
The Storyteller has her hut set up in the sitting room, palm trees and Fraggle vegetation and all. It's how she prefers to move shop. In the sitting room we've also got a wrought-iron table and chairs, for that French cafe feel.

(plugs mixer back in) All right, ice cream in an hour. I've got work to do for the paper. What do you two have to do tonight?
Nora: I've got to finish looking over this script for next week's show. And I've got to finish my homework.
Storyteller: I'm taking down the legend of five silly creatures who spent their days with frogs and pigs and dogs and go-fers.
MN: Sounds like the story of Jim and the others.
Storyteller: And very silly creatures they are, too. They wrote the book on it.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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*Hears ringing bell at lobby's desk...

*Goes back upstairs. Oh hi Peter, let me grab your key...

Bert and Ernie, you guys might as well come with us too.
*All go past the swinging door and down our left into Floor 2's East Wing.
Let's see... Third door on our right, here we are.
*Hands key to Peter. OK, you've got Ryan and his crew as your righthand neighbors...
And Bert and Ernie, you guys are with Bryan in the next room down. It's across from the floor's bathrooms, you'll probably like that Ernie.

Bye Peter.
Don't worry Bert, some bats will show up with your luggage in a little while.

Good night guys.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Clifford: *walking by Peter and the others moving in* Hey hey ya'll welcome back to the dorms. We're right next door if ya'll need anything, just let us know. Night!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Originally posted by Prawny: Me: *coming back in room carrying fainted Gonzo*
UD: Oh dear, "Old Friends" got another one then, hmm?
Me: Heh, I guess so, oh well. *drops Gonzo on the floor* I'm sure he enjoyed that.

Heh... Better not let him read through The Great Desire then...
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