Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Lisa: <wipes sweat> Phew! ...I think that's it. Right? We're all moved in? We've all got all of our stuff?
Rowlf: Check.
Robin: Yup!
Chef: Okeee-a-dukeee-a!
Lisa: Good. I guess it's time to-
Rowlf: Play the music?
Lisa: ...No, it's time to-
Robin: Light the lights?
Lisa: ...No, it's time to-
Rowlf: Meet the Muppets?
Robin: <sings> On the Muppet Show tonight...
Lisa: <sigh> No. It's time to tell everyone what our room looks like.
Rowlf: Oh.

On the right-hand wall, there's a bed, a bunk-bed, and a hammock. Lisa has the bed, Chef has the top bunk, Rowlf has the bottom bunk, and Robin has the hammock- though pretty much anyone is welcome to sit in it during the day. Behind the bed, against the back wall, is a changing screen- necessary with a co-ed room, in our humble opinion. Also against the back wall is a desk that is all ready collecting various odds and ends and will very rarely actually be used for writing, though there's always room for the computer on it. It's next to the big bay window with a window seat, which is lined with seven teddy bears of various shapes, sizes, and colors. Outside the window is a window box, with a few small flowers planted for all the roomies to care for, since none of them can remember to do so on their own. The window is tucked behind Rowlf's piano. Along the left-hand wall there's an over-stuffed couch, an over-stuffed easy chair, a stool, a rocking chair, a bean-bag, and a balance ball, because no one in the room can ever decide what they like to sit on best. They're arranged in something of a semi-circle around a nook in the wall- that nook belonging to the Chef, as it's a small kitchen (with bullet-proof walls, floor, and ceiling... Trust us on this one.) The door-wall is lined with shelves, all filled with various books- some read, some unread- a stack of used notebooks, and another stack of an assortment of pieces of paper with bits of stories written on them. One shelf has a stereo, and another shelf is filled with Frog Scout regalia. There's also a shelf of "Jewish/Israel stuff," and the bottom shelf is lined with exactly twenty-one teddy bears. (The remaining two teddy bears have a permanent place on Lisa's bed.) The floor is tile for easy clean-up. Don't get used to seeing it, though- we're not the cleanest group of roomies in the dorms.

Lisa: <Looks around> It's too clean.
Rowlf: Yeah.
Lisa: ...Oh well. <turns on stereo> Let's dance!
Robin: I thought you were gonna work on your story?
Chef: I theenky-thuooght yuoo vere-a gueeng tu seerchety-fleeppy thruoogh zee deecshunery fur humoourk.
Rowlf: I thought you were gonna visit your grandma later today.
Lisa: ...Fine, then, let's NOT dance. <sigh>...
Rowlf: Oh that doesn't mean we're not gonna dance, it's just that you shouldn't.
<the boys start dancing.>
Lisa: That's cruel and unusual punishment and I haven't even had a fair trial...
Chef: Feenish yuoor fleeppy-deecshunery-seercheeng humoourk, und zeen yuoo cun duncey-dunce-a ell yuoor ceres evey!
Lisa: <grumbles> <pulls out a dictionary> Right, so a word with the root "spir," meaning "breathe"...


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Bo: *stands on doorstop with carpet bags* So..that trip to England didn't go too badly...
Bobo: Except that our room was emptied...
Beau: ...and pain-ted.
Bo: Things could have been worse...

Bean Bunny: BEAN? Bean? Oh! You called for this bundle of cuteness and the bunny has answered your precious little call! Hi, I'm Bean! And I am seriously worse...

Beau: The easter bunny?
Bobo: Does he come in chocolate?
Bo: What...are you doing here?

Bean: *bounce* Being me! *rushes inside* Hi there Ed, we'd like a room, two, three, FOUR including me! In the basement if you please! Where do I sign?

Bo: At the a-sign-lem...
Beau: The what?
Bobo: White coats, Beau, white coats.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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OK... Who let... Will have to talk to Kevin about this, serves me right for not doing so earlier.
Peter, if you could, please delete your post above and contact me instead. Thank you.

*Walks off to go get in touch with Kevin.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Count, did you get the mesage there that I'd like Bean as a new roomie? if he's not taken?

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Can't says I have. You send it just now? Cause I'm tending to something related with the last person who kind of jumped the gun regarding registering to be a new resident here at the dorms.
*Points to above post.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Ahhh...Well, I kinda posted it here in this thread too, didn't realise I had to PM.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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OK... Just sent Kevin over at MC College's offices, not sure when he'll reply. But for those of you wishing to become new residents of the dorms, please find Post #8412, the rules for applying to live here are all there.
Thank you.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2005
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(BTW: By "new resident" he means Everyone has to register,including old dormies...just wanted to clairify that for some can't jump right in like before)

Nyssa: <walks in with fishing pole> Hey everyone.

Jabber: Did you catch anything?

Nyssa: No, but I'm going back out tomorrow...

Mokey: Maybe you'll have better luck then.

Nyssa: I hope so.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Well... Technically, by "new" residents I mean anyone who's not on the current copy of the register. This includes people who were registered as residents before this week's anniversary celebration, meaning you have to go to the post indicated above. Fill out the form enclosed in that post and send it to me for approval to get you registered once again.

Here's the current register.
Room #1: Ed (MC, The Count) and The Count von Count.
Batty Bat and Fatatatita, The Count's cat also live with them in their room.
Room #2: Christy (Christyb) and Skeeter.
Room #3: Beth (redBoobergurl) and Abby Cadaby and Red Fraggle.
Room #5: Sara (ReneeLouvier) and Scooter.
Room #6: Kathy (Katzi428) and Prairie Dawn, Rosita, and Gaffer.
Room #8: Allyssa (daughterdeadly) and Emmett Otter.
Room #18: Layla (Leyla) and Hilda, Robot Kermit, Wanda, and Jim Henson Muppets.
Room #19: Kim (SkeeterMuppet) and Betty Lou, Boober, Gillis and Tosh Fraggles, and The Beast.
Room #20: Catherine (ruahnna) and Kermit The Frog, Miss Piggy, and Fozzie Bear.
Room #22: Kendra (furryredmonster) and Elmo.
Dorothy, Elmo's goldfish also lives with them in their room.
Room #23: Nyssa (RedDragon) and Mokey Fraggle, Ludo, and The Jabberwock.
Room #24: Lisa (TogetherAgain) and Robin the Frog, Rowlf The Dog, and The Swedish Chef.
Room #25: Ryan (theprawncracker) and Gonzo the Great, Camilla the Chicken, Clifford, and Uncle Deadly.
Room #26: Kyle (Erine81981) and Cookie, Grover, Herry and Maurice Monsters, and Oscar The Grouch.
Room #29: Bryan (Bear) and Big Bird, Bert, Ernie, and Telly Monster.
Radar the Teddy Bear, Bernice the Pigeon, Rubber Duckie, and Chucky Sue the Hamster also live with them in their room.
Room #38: Kate (Fragglemuppet) and Gobo, Wembley and Lou Fraggles.
Room #40: Melissa (Java) and Sprocket the Dog.
Anyone not on this list would be considered a "new" resident, subject to application submission if they want to join the dorms.

Hope this helps, have a good weekend.
And thanks Nyz.


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2004
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Diana: Hi Count.I just left you a PM,for next semester.If I could room with Janice,Floyd Pepper,Dr. Teeth and Zoot in room 33.Have a good day mon amigo.:smile:
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