Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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*Hearing commotion upstairs. Mmhm, guess Kendra and Elmo arrived, well that's a bit of good news fright there.
*Opens door so Fatatatita can go outside to play with Gaffer. Oh and Kath, we're on the same floor in the same hall. When you get achance, I'd need Rosita's B-day to add to the calendar. Talk to Bryan, he might have it.
*Closing door. OK, now back to some good ol' Saturday night fare.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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The Count said:
*Opens door so Fatatatita can go outside to play with Gaffer. Oh and Kath, we're on the same floor in the same hall. When you get achance, I'd need Rosita's B-day to add to the calendar. Talk to Bryan, he might have it.
*Closing door. .
Went there/did that Ed.Thanks!I just PMed him & am waiting for an answer


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May 12, 2005
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Nyz: <painting large red dragon on the wall>

Mokey: Oooo! That's very pretty Nyssa.

Nyz: Thank you Mokey.

Ludo: Draaaaagoooon...

Nyz: Yup!

Jabber: I'm sort of dragon-ish...

Nyz: <comtemplates Jabberwock's appearance> Yeah...You're right.

Everyone: <nods thoughtfully>


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2006
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<Leyla is holding a clipboard and directing monsters who are helping with the larger pieces of furniture. Around her is a flurry of activity as Wanda, Hilda and Jimmy move into their individual rooms and get organized. Robot Kermit's head is visible peeking silently out of a cardboard box. The sight of the empty eyes gets disturbing after a while, so Leyla drapes a powder blue dish cloth over his head.>

Leyla: I'll get to you later. Wanda, I think this CD belongs to you...Schubert's Unfinished Symphony?

<Wanda darts out of her room and snatches it, then promptly bursts into tears.>
Wanda: Wa-- He gave this to me after Kermit fired us the first time! See the card?

Leyla <reading>: "To Wanda, remember, true genius is always recognized eventually." Aw... that's sweet.

Wanda: And now it's all I have left of him! <Wailing screechily, she barrels back into the room and shuts the door.

<Hilda taps Leyla on the shoulder, startling her slightly>
Hilda: Why did you invite her to be our roommate again?

Leyla <shifting awkwardly>: Well, she just seemed so lonely and heartbroken.

Hilda: Oh, is that all?

Leyla: Well, that and she showed up on my doorstep as I was getting ready to drive here and wouldn't let go of my leg. I'm sure she'll feel better once we're settled in.

Hilda: <clearly skeptical> Yes, of course.

<Jim Henson Farmer wanders in.>
Jimmy: "Say, have you got a kid sister? I'd like to take her driving... every night."

Leyla: Well, no, I don't have an actual kid sister, although, I feel like Lisa's my kid sister here on MC. On the other hand, she's also my beloved mentor. It's all rather baffling. In any case, I think I'm gonna play Kermit and protect my sister from the likes of you scoundrels. So, stay away from her! Your box of logs and old slippers is right over there. And don't go building any fires!

<Jim grabs his box and slinks off> <Hilda coughs politely>
Hilda: And, um, he wouldn't let go of your leg either?

Leyla <grins> No, no. I invited him. Conflict is the spice of life! Or, of writing anyway, speaking of which, have you seen where I left my laptop? I've got bits and pieces of story strewn all over the place.

Hilda: <dryly.> It's in there. <She gestures to the cage, where the ushy gushy girl is curled up around it happily.

Leyla: Ah... well, my fault for putting some of Ru's best work on there. I'll get it back from her as soon as I find my crowbar.

Hilda:<thoughtfully> And why did you bring that robot thing with you?

Leyla:<shrug> Well, I'm very fond of Kermit, you see, but I'm also madly ushy gushy about him and Piggy.

Hilda: Mad... would certainly be the word.

Leyla: Right, exactly. Madly, desperately, <gets dreamy eyed> passionately... <blinks> Sorry. Anyway, he's the next best thing, and oh, so very cute! I'm gonna try to put him back together... actually, that's the reason why I've enrolled in a technology class, Frankenstein's Monster: Seeing Past the Niggling Design Flaws.

Hilda: <vaguely alarmed> Ah, well... yes.

Leyla: Speaking of classes, I passed Catherine in the hallways not too long ago. She said the two of you are sharing a sewing class?

Hilda: <brightening> Oh, yes, it's going to be just wonderful! It's called, A Stitch in Nine, Saves Time: Multitasking for Sewer's on the Go.

Leyla: Well, that sounds fantastic!

Hilda:Oh, yes. I'm looking forward to studying with Catherine, such a nice young girl.

Leyla: She is!

Hilda: <softly> Leyla... why did you ask me to come room with you?

Leyla <smiles gently> Well, that's obvious, isn't it?

Hilda: I am a warm, dynamic wardrobe lady?

Leyla: Well, that too. Mostly, I just wanted somebody sane around here... and that sure isn't me!

Skeeter Muppet

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2002
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*In Room 19, Kim is sitting at the computer side of the desk. Boober is folding laundry, Gillis is sitting on the empty side of the desk and Tosh and Betty Lou are sitting on Betty Lou's sofabed, playing with her dolls. Beast is in the closet, playing with a ball*

Kim: So, what were you guys up to while I was at work today?
Boober: I did laundry.
Betty Lou: I organized all of my dolls, see? *gestures around the room with a sweep of her arm to show off the top of the dresser and the bookshelf where her dolls are sitting*
Boober: I cleaned the desktop and dusted the shelves, then did laundry.
Tosh: Boober and I took Beast for a walk, and said hi to the other Fraggles. And I guess Rosita's moved in with Kathy and Prairie Dawn and Gaffer.
Boober: ...then we came back and I did more laundry.
Kim: Oh, that's nice. I'm glad we get to see the chica around campus again this year. Gillis, how 'bout you?
Gillis: I organized our music collection, then worked a little on my new song.
Boober: And I did his laundry, too.
Kim: Sounds like you guys had a pretty busy day, then. Oh, I almost forgot...Boober?
Boober: Yeah?
Kim: ...did you do any laundry?
Boober: ... *makes noise of frustration*
Gillis: *leaning over* That was mean. Funny, but mean.
Kim: I know. But, in the words of a pink bunny I knew...I just can't help myself.



Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Rosita*calling room 19*: Hola Tosh! It's Rosita! Listen... any time any of you want to get together with me & Prairie,let us know.We're in Room 6.And tell Kim that if she feels like getting together with Kathy,the invitation is open for her to come over,OK? Adios!


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Getting home from work

Oooo tonight's weather isn't that bad. I enjoyed it. Hey there guys. What did ya'll do all day?

Grover: Me and Maurice finished getting our rooms unpacked.

Cookie M: Me and Herry went to the library.

What for?

Herry: To catch up on some cookie resipse.

Cookie M: Those resipse good.

Herry: Yeah. After you ate all the books.

Cookie M: URP! *some pages of a book fly out of Cookie's mouth* Excuse me.

Maurice: I had fun here. I can't wait to hang out with all of ya'll.

I'm glad your enjoying yourself. I was afraid that you wouldn't like it here. I thought maybe you would be running back to Sesame Street.

Maurice: Nope. Not Maurice Monster. He is here to stay with his friends. *gives everyone a big hug with his long arms*

Skeeter Muppet

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2002
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Betty Lou: *sitting at the desk writing something*
Tosh: Hey Betty Lou, what're you up to?
Kim: About 3'5".
Girls: Huh?
Kim: ...never mind.
Betty Lou: ...okay. *to Tosh* I'm writing a letter to my penpal, Tuktuki. I'm letting her know that we got moved into the dorms okay.
Boober: What's a penpal?
Kim: Well, you know how Gobo gets postcards from his uncle Matt, right?
Boober: That's a rhetorical question, I'm assuming.
Kim: I'll take that as a yes. Anyway, a penpal is kind of like that, only you write to someone in another state or another country.
Betty Lou: *nodding* Tuktuki lives in Bangladesh, and her neighborhood's a lot like Sesame Street. She likes dolls as much as I do, and she even makes her own!
Tosh: Wow, that sounds neat!
Kim: Almost finished, Betty Lou?
Betty Lou: Yeah, nearly done.
Kim: Okay. Soon as you're done we'll drop it by the mailroom, so it can be in the outgoing mail on Tuesday.
Betty Lou: That's right; no mail tomorrow. Labor Day.
Gillis: Why do they call it "Labor Day" if no one works?
Kim: ...I don't know, Gillis. It's just one of those things.


The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Yep... Kind of the same deal as to why hot dog buns come in 8's and hot dogs come in 10's.
*Walks back to library.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2005
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I want Zoe and Little Bird and Snuffy as roommates in room #27

My Room is a big room complete with a big screen TV, PS2 and a VCR player, a DVD Player, a fridge, cabinets, dishwashers, microwave oven and a regular oven and a stereo, The Wallpapers are combined with birds because Little Bird is a Bowl and half of the Wallpaper is pink because Zoe is a ballet dancer and she likes the color pink and she is a girl and the last half of the wallpapers is covered with old tv station logos from cities around the country and retro sports logos because I’m into Old Stuff. and there are two beds, one for Zoe and one for Me and a nest for little bird and a cave for Snuffy with sleeping quarters for him plus all sorts of stuff such as photos of his Mommy and Alice. So That is Zoe and Little Bird and Snuffy as my roommates in room #27
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