Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Apr 12, 2005
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Lisa: <climbing back up ladder with homework> Wha'za? Music? Oh, um, yes please, Hoots.
Rowlf: Want me to play, too?
Robin: And me!
Lisa: Go right ahead.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Hoots: Ready for some studying music? Good, hit it, Rowlf!

(Sings) When we finish rock and rollin' on Saturday night
We need a change of pace and so we say "Alright!"
We know just what
It is we need
These rock and rollers want something to read

Well it sure is lots of fun to be a rock and roll star
But being a rock and roll reader is better by far
That's why we're here
We're all agreed
These rock and rollers need something to read

All: We're rock and roll readers
Robin: (rock and rollers want something to read)
All: Rock and roll readers
Robin: (reading's something rock and rollers need)
Rowlf/Hoots: When we're not on the stage
We're likely to be
Making an appearance at the library
Making an appearance at the library

Rowlf: Well we've been rock and rolling from the east to the west
But when we're finished rock and rolling there's one thing we like best
We put down our guitars
We take our fingers off the keys
And pick up a book and read

All: We're rock and roll readers
Robin: (rock and rollers want something to read)
All: Rock and roll readers
Robin: (reading's something rock and rollers need)
All: When we're not on the stage
We're likely to be
Making an appearance at the library
Making an appearance at the library
Making an appearance at the library


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Taking a walk around Sesame Street

*sees some birds chirping* Hey there bird guys. Hows about a little diddy?

Bird 1: Sure. How about it guys?

Bird 2: I see why not. What are we going to sing?

Bird 1: How Tweet it is?

Bird 3: That's not a song.

(birds start fighting on what to sing)

Guys? Guys? GUYS!

(They all glare at me)

Why not something simple. Rockin Robin?

Bird 1: Sounds fine to me.

Bird 3: Why not. Hit it guys!

The birds start tweeting

The Birds: twidly-deet X8
Tweet tweet

Me: He rocks in the tree-top all a day long
Hoppin' and a-boppin' and a-singin' this song
All the little birds on J-Bird St.
Love to hear the robin goin' tweet tweet tweet

Me: Rockin' robin (The Birds:tweet, tweet, tweet)
Rockin' robin (The Birds: tweet, twidly-deet)
blow, rockin' robin cause we really gonna rock tonight.

Me: Every little swallow, every chickadee
Every little bird in the tall oak tree
The wise old owl, the big black crow
Flapping their wings singing go bird go

Me: Rockin' robin (The Birds: tweet, tweet, tweet)
Rockin' robin (The Birds: tweet, twidly-deet)
blow, rockin' robin cause we really gonna rock tonight.

(Instrumental break)

Me: A pretty little raven at the bird's first dance
Taught him how to do the bop and it was grand
He started goin' steady and bless my soul
He out popped the buzzard and the oriole
He rocks in the tree-top all a day long
Hoppin' and a-boppin' and a-singin' this song
All the little birds on J-Bird St.
Love to hear the robin goin' tweet tweet tweet

Me: Rockin' robin (The Birds: tweet, tweet, tweet)
rockin' robin (The Birds: tweet, twidly-deet)
blow, rockin' robin cause we really gonna rock tonight.

Me: Ev'ry little raven at the birdman's stand
talkin' 'bout the lozzapoppin' - it was grand
they started goin' steady and bless my soul
out popped the buzzard and the oriole.
He rocks in the tree-top all a day long
Hoppin' and a-boppin' and a-singin' this song
All the little birds on J-Bird St.
Love to hear the robin goin' tweet tweet tweet

Me: Rockin' robin (The Birds: tweet, tweet, tweet)
Rockin' robin (The Birds: tweet, twidly-deet)
blow, rockin' robin cause we really gonna rock tonight.

The Birds: twidly-deet X8
Tweet tweet

(music stops)

That was one awsome singing. Ya'll are some good singers and tweeters too.

Bird 2: Thank you.

Bird 1: Your an awsome singer.

I wish I was. I don't sing well. Thanks for letting me jam with ya'll.

Bird 1: We enjoyed it.

Bird 3: Bye!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Ugh... Sorry for getting back so late.
Nah Hoots, is sokay you cats and kittens hangin' out up there.

Maybe I'll go upstairs tomorrow and do a song. Sorry, but the rules will have to weat till tomorrow.
I'm dead tired... And I still have a ton of posts to get to.
*Nods to Lisa: Yes, good to meet you Insane.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Hoots: Cool, Ed. Would you like to do the sponsors tonight for the last time before the new dorms start opening? I'll back you up with some soft tones on my horn here. Oh...hey, Luna!
Luna: Sorry to interupt but just heard the sponsors from Sesame Street...


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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At the Furry Arms Hotel......

Bellhop Benny Rabbit: Hey there guys. The Dorms were brought to you by the letter "R" for Rock and Roll Readers and Rockin Robin. And by the number 3. Now on with you. We have to close for the night. Good night.

Muppet Girl: Lookie mommy! It's a bunny!

Bellhop Benny Rabbit: That's Benny, not bunny! *squeaks his two front teeth*


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Hoots: (on the roof) Good sponsors...I'll rock to that! Hehe!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Well... Probably won't get any sleep tonight... Come on Count, we gots some fanfics to catch up on.
Count: Yes sir. Oh, and Ed?
Count: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10!
Ah ha! Congratulations on reaching the 10000 post mark!

*Thunderclaps echo off in the distance as bolts of lightning illuminate the night sky.
Thanks pal.
Count: Yes! Let all the ghosts and ghouls we call fiends gather! It's counting celebration time!
Fine... We'll get to that after our stories.
You coming guys? *Finds empty rooftop.
Oh great, they're down there already. *Heads off to reading room.

*Edit: Thanks for spotting the mistake Bry.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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I think you meant the 10,000 post mark, Ed. Congrats!!!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Hello and greetings from the MC Dorms management team. Hope you've been awaiting the reopening of the dorms.
Well, our facilities are all cleaned up, no nasty graffiti from vandals anywhere, the rooms have been refurbished and our doors stand ready to admit all who wish to become residents here at this jolly establishment.

However, here are the new rules and application for perspective newcomers wishing to join the residency at the MC Dorms.
1 Application Information.
Please fill out the following form.
First Name: .
User Name: .
Muppet Roommate(s): .
Room Number: .
Birthday: (Please provide the birthdate for each member in your party, if you happen to know it or find it within the proper Muppet research sources).
E-Mail: Optional, if you wish to maintain updated on current events.

2 Roommates.
The one rule we insist upon here at the MC Dorms when choosing a roommate...
You can have any Muppet character you want, save obvious ineligible choices like baby Muppets, so long that character or characters haven't been taken by anyone else.

Additionally, to save on headaches...
a. Number of Roommates.
From now on, the limit of roommates one person can have is a total of five (5) roommates. Just because you can have five roomies doesn't necessarily mean that you have to have five roomies. You can have just two or three or four. It's up to you guys when filling out the forms.
b. Roommate Choices.
Yes, you can decide to change your roommates if you arrive at that decision. However, I would ask that you think long and hard before submitting any changes to your current party's roster. The roommates you choose are the characters others will associate with you, and I would prefer to avoid another "revolving room" situation like what happened last year.

3 Participation.
OK... Two points here.
a. Time of Participation.
The best example of this I can think of is SkeeterMuppet, known to us as Kim. She wasn't plugged in here every single moment, every single day. Her posts weren't every single other post in the thread. However, she still managed to post moderately/normally enough to evidence that she was involved, in her own and in dormwide activities.
So if you're going to join, please make an effort to post regularly and show you're part of the group.
b. Evictions.
This is a subject that I've thought about, and it will be enforced. There are three deadline moments for eviction:
The first or second Monday in January, depending on the date of the day itself.
May 15th.
The last Monday in August, a week before the anniversary.
If you are accepted as a new resident and post absolutely nothing from the time you're approved to any one of those three dates, then you will be asked to leave and your room and roommate will become available for other potential new candidates for residency here at the dorms.

4 Review Committee.
This is a select group of six (6) people who are among the most active longtime members of the dorms. This group will be announced once they themselves have submitted their new applications. The committee will defer any cases to myself in the event of a tie vote when deciding on new applicants' submissions.

5 Dorm Life.
Once you become part of the dorms, you'll be expected to:
a. Provide a room layout, but only if you truly wish to do so to let others know about how you have your particular little domains arranged. (No longer a requisit).
b. Cast your vote on whether you want robes or letterman jackets this time around.
Leaning more to the latter since it would be easier to keep track, though I do love designing them.
Leaving that up to each person to decide for themselves.
c. Interact normally/naturally, both with your own roomies and with others should you see them hanging out or engaged in dorm activities.

6 Other Rules/Notes.
a. The roommate(s) you choose will be the ones you yourself can interact with directly, no questions asked, so long as it doesn't go beyond the Muppety norm.
Ex: If I choose to room with my namesake, then I can have The Count von Count appear wherever I choose, interacting with the rest of you guys.
b. The roommate(s) chosen by others can not be directly controlled by others, unless in the following circumstances:
1. Grand musical number/song that involves other characters that aren't your roommate(s) nor even registered as roommates.
2. When somone has asked you specifically to look after their roommates, or arrangements to that effect have been made.
c. There will be periodical dormwide events, including but not limited to:
1. Annual trip to Sesame Street on its birthday, November 10 or that weekend.
2 Thanksgiving Day lunch/dinner, if there are enough people around here to attend.
3. Christmas celebrations.
4 Individual birthdays or other parties as such.
5. Any Hensonville sporting events.

These are the new rules, learn 'em, love 'em, live 'em.
You can send your submissions and/or questions to me via the forum's E-mailer or my own address if you happen to have it, or to my PM inbox. If the PM box gets filled up, then contact me via E-mail.
Hope this helps answer your questions, and I welcome everyone who wants to come be part of the MC Dorms family.

PS: Be on the lookout for a small party once we have a decent amount of people signed up as residents. Even have a nice song picked out and all.
*Walks off, somewhat hurriedly to catch new SS episode.
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