Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Beth *looking at Red's side of the room*: You're going to have to start cleaning up a little bit around here
Red: I've got until Monday
Beth: Well, yes, but we've got a busy weekend ahead of us
Mokey: Why's that?
Beth: Remember I said I'd take you guys to the State Fair in my hometown?
Red: That's right! All that food and rides and games and fun
Mokey: And Art and craft things too!
Beth: So, if we go do that on Saturday that's an entire day we won't be here to clean or pack and Red, you've got alot of stuff left to do
Red: *sighs*: I'll get started
Beth: That's the spirit!


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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(In room 6)
Prairie: Oh dear...Rosita, where do I even start? There's so much stuff and I don't know what Kathy wants to do with some of these things. She likes things packed a certain way.
Rosita: No problemo, mi amiga! Maybe we can just take it in pieces. You know, like small groups. We could make it a game!
Prairie: That's a brilliant idea, Rosita!
Rosita: Gracias.
Prairie: Well, here's a pile of stuff we could start with. There's a sandal, a saddle shoe, a slipper and a pink sock.
Rosita: You know what I think, Prairie?
Prairie: What?
Rosita: I think I feel a song coming on!
One of these things is not like the other.
Prairie: One of these things just doesn't belong.
Rosita: Can we tell which one is not like the other
Both: By the time we finish this song?
Do do do do do do-do-do-do
Do do do do do-do do-do
Do-do do do do do do do do-do-do
Do do do-do-do-do!

Prairie: Okay, well let's see what we have here. We have a sandal, a saddle shoe and a slipper which are all worn on the feet.
Rosita: But, umm...Prairie? I could be wrong since I don't wear them, but don't socks go on the feet too?
Prairie: True. Oh! But a sandal, a saddle shoe and a slipper are all different kinds of shoes.
Rosita: Oh, you're right, Prairie! They are all shoes! And a sock isn't a shoe. It's a...sock. So, I guess these go into the box marked "shoes". (picks up shoes in her arms)
Prairie: Right! Hey, this isn't so hard. Thanks for helping me out, Rosita.
Rosita: You're welcome!
*knock knock knock*
Prairie: Come in!
Bry: Hey, Prairie. Just a got message from Ed saying that the dorms will be open all day on Monday. So, you and Kathy will have plenty of time to spend packing together.
Prairie: Really?! Yay!
Rosita: Hehehe!
Bry: Come on upstairs and let's get some lunch.
Rosita: Okay! (drops shoes on floor leaving the same messy pile that was there in the first place and runs out with me and Prairie)


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2003
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Piggy: (Looking pouty) I still don't see why we have to invite all of them.
Catherine: Because it's polite, and because I think everyone will have a good time there. (Holds a piece of bright green paper up to the bulletin board in the lobby and begins to hold it in place with thumbtacks.) There--we need to put a few more. I hope everybody sees it. Hold the hammer for me, won't you dear?
Piggy: (grumbling) But we'll have too many people in our room. Where will I put all my clothes?
Catherine: Piggy, honey--how many outfits do you need just for a few days. (Stops. Puts one hand to forehead and other up to ward of an answer.) Never mind--what a stupid thing for me to ask. (Sighs) How about this--we'll get you a separate room off of a suite, and everybody who wants to come and stay with me, okay?
Piggy: (brightening a little) That would be nice.
Catherine: Good--now come on and help me get these flyers up. We just have a few more days.
Posted sign on bulletin board reads:
Bored? Need a place to stay for a few days? All Dormies and any and all other Muppets and MCers are hereby invited to fabulous Las Vegas for a few days to spend some down time and see a great show. Anyone interested in staying with Piggy and Catherine in Vegas can drop us a note, drop by, send a carrier pigeon or just show up. Let us know!


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Me: *packing* Sheesh, two tests tomorrow AND this entire dorm room to pack...Oh well at least I'm just going up to the roof to live there.

Gonzo: Yeah! It's gonna be so cool! Especcially since Lisa's taking up the fiddle and moving up there with us!

Clifford: ...You guys aren't serious...Are you?

Me: Serious? What's that?

Cantus: Well I for one am heading back to Fraggle Rock during the renovation. I'll be heading out tomorrow.

Me: So early Cantus?

Cantus: Mm hmm, the minstrels and I need to practice.

Me: Alright Cantus, if you're sure. What about you Uncle D.?

UD: Not this time my fiend, I've been invited to stay with Eduardo and The Count.

Me: *frowns* Uh...Well then...Okay...Well Gonzo, Cliff, Camilla, I guess it's just us then!

Gonzo: Don't forget Lisa, Rowlf, Robin and the Chef!

Camilla: BAGAWK?!?!

Gonzo: Oh don't worry honey, I'm sure all his utensils will be in storage.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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What? Lisa's going to be a Fiddler On The Roof?
Isn't that a bit too obvious of a joke? Hmmm, wonder how concerto for fiddle, electric triangle and saxophone provided by either Hoots or Sara should one of them decide to bunk up there would sound.

Good to be back to the dorms. Catherine, I already said I'd be there, just leaf back through my replies/posts in your vonderful fanfiction... Though we kind of call them approximations of how things in the Muppet world take place. Sort of how Kermit told Robin the Muppet Movie was approximately how the Muppets all got together.
That reminds me... Ryan, you gonna nag Lisa to post some more Flippersteps? Or do I have to do it? At any rate, gonna get some grub.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Boy... Sure was nice to get an alert about some new art up at Vic Romano's section of the Hensonville Museum of Art.
Hope the others get a chance to swing by and check it out...


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Hoots: (after reading bulletin board) Man, so many options for next week. I could either fly off to Vegas or stick around the dorms here and jam on the roof with Ryan, Lisa and those guys...then again, there's also a lot to do over at Birdland on Sesame Street with our big music festival coming up next month. Of course, who says I gotta pick just one? I can do it all! Well, I suppose I have a few more days to decide. Looks like this whole house is buzzin with folks packing up and getting ready for the big shake up. Can't wait for the party. Well...goodnight dorms! (plays on his sax)


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Bry: I'm too tired to cook. You guys wanna go out for lunch?
Prairie: Sure!
Telly: Sounds good to me!
Bry: And then I put the tickets for my show over on the counter there. Tonight is opening! I have to get to the theatre early, so Hoots will accompany you kids there for when its showtime.
Big Bird: Are you excited?
Bry: I am! It'll be nice to finally have an audience.
Rosita: We're excited to see it!
Bry: Hope it goes well.
Snuffy: It will.
Big Bird: We believe in you!
Bry: Thanks, guys.

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Yeah... Good luck on Opening Night Bryan.
Wish you all the best.

Count: Ah, that vas a fine addition to the story.
Yes, and wait till you see what's up next. Although I'm a bit nervous/unsure of the new character. Just waiting to hear what the UG's think of it.
Count: UG's?
Yes... New club, very in these days, think it started with Catherine.
Count: Oh... Vell, at least ve have the veekend to look forward to.
Yep, now come on, let's go get some dinner.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2005
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PETER: So i'm going to put on my nice clothes and go to Bryan's new club

ELMO: Here we go

ZOE: This is going to be fun

LITTLE BIRD: I'm going to have fun!!

PETER: It is a grand opening!
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