Scooter: *comes rushing in, carrying all sorts of suitcases and everything on his shoulders and arms.* We gotta get everything ready, Sara!
Sara: What? Why? Woah! *stops him from ransacking her dresser drawers* What on earth and all that is good and Henson-like; are you doing?
Scooter: I'm packing!
Jim: But why are you packing Scooter?
Scooter: We've gotta be ready!!
Frank: Ready for what!?
Scooter: The big move!!! *sets the empty suitcases down, and begins to pack all of his stuff into one of them.*
Sara: Woah, woah! Hold the train right there!! What big move? *proceeds to sit on his suitcase, so he can't pack anymore into it for the moment.*
Scooter: The anniversary of the dorms...don't you know about it?
Sara: That? You've got more suitcases then even Miss Piggy might need...for that?
Scooter: *getting a bit flustered now* Yes that! We've gotta get our stuff into them!
Jim: But we're only gonna be gone for a bit. Not moving out completely. We are staying, arn't we?
Sara: Yes. We're definately staying. And with me no less. I'm not giving you guys up for the world! And we don't need to take everything with us, at least I don't think so. We'll have to wait for Ed, or Count to give us some more information before we pack up our world and zoom off.
Scooter: Oh...okay. *is calmed down now, not as crazed as he seemed before.* But where are we going then?
Frank: We won't be able to stay here...
Sara: We can go stay with my parents for awhile. They won't mind. So we're all okay?
Jim: We've been okay. It's Scooter I'm worried about.
Jerry: We're fine with all of this.
Frank: Same here.
Sara: Scoot. Calm down, okay? And give some of those suitcases to Miss Piggy. She'll need 'em more then we do. All I need is my laptop, and a duffel of clothes. More then likely, same with all of you, except instead of a laptop, it'll be your instruments.
Scooter: Yeah, I'm calm. Thanks. Yeah...we'll be fine....good.