Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Yeah... She kinda logs off by 6PM and doesn't come back till next weekday morn round 9AM.
Wonder if the Moppet Family show'll get some new episodes... Been kinda stuck in a rut since that Bo chappy got himself in a comma.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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The Count said:
Been kinda stuck in a rut since that Bo chappy got himself in a comma.
Me: Are you sure he didn't get trapped in a semi-colon? :wink: No I'm just messing around Ed, and in case you didn't know it's spelled coma this is a comma, , :stick_out_tongue:

Gonzo: Hey, when did Scooter and Ernie get here?

Me: Huh?

Gonzo: *points to smilies*

Me: Oh...Um, they're just visiting.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Knowing Bo... It pretty much'd be the same thing.
Thought you'd know about Christy, since you talk to her on MSN... Well, gonna retire for a bit.
Check you guys later.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Robin: I'm sad Rosita's gone already, we didn't get to play with her very long
Beth: Yeah, we had a few things to do this weekend unfortunately. Don't forget the Spanish word she taught you though!
Robin: I won't. Amigo!
Red: I still think it's weird that you all speak different languages
Beth: It makes our world more interesting Red
Mokey: Yeah, it's so neat!
Rowlf: Well, I may not speak any languages, but I speak the language of music!
Beth: That is definately true
Robin: Will someone read me the latest chapter in Beth's story?
Mokey: I will Robin


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Big Bird: Read me a story
Read me a rhyme
Something that happened
Once upon a time

Rosita: It can have monsters
Princesses too

Telly: Wonderful kingdoms
Make-believe or true

Snuffy: Read me a story
And when it's through
Here's what I promise to do

BB/Snuffy/Telly/Rosita: Read me a story
And when I can read
I'll read one to you

Bry: Alright, guys, let's head down to the reading room.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Back in our room...

That was a great chapter Beth posted. Gotta get some of my own done though...
Will get to it a bit later, gonna catch some TV and maybe a little of pet project work too.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2003
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Piggy: (bringing a cup of hot tea to Catherine and setting it by her elbow) Here you go, roomie.
(Catherine sits back and looks at it. Looks at Piggy. Blinks. Rubs eyes.) Hm! Still there. For a moment I thought I might have been halucinating.
Piggy: Ha ha.
Catherine: (taking sip of tea, which is lukewarm. Swallows it with difficulty.) Wow, thanks Piggy. This was, um, very sweet. (The tea, however, is not sweet.)
Piggy: (carefully) You've been working very hard lately.
Catherine: It has been a challenging couple of weeks.
Piggy: And you are writing a great deal.
Catherine: (surveying her wreck of an office area) (rueful) Yes. I'm afraid so. (Sits back from desk and surveys the wreck of her living area.) Ugh--what a mess I've made.
Piggy: I, um, helped make a teensy-weensy little bit of the mess, too.
Catherine: Oh, good. I thought it was just me. Wow--I've really been preoccupied, haven't I? It's so easy when you're writing to sortof lose track of the time and space you're in, you know?
Piggy: (thoughtfully) Acting is like that, too. (a little sadly) One moment you're Juliet, and the next minute the man in your life is climbing back down the ladder. (sniffs)
Catherine: (standing and putting a comforting arm around Piggy) Don't worry, Honey. He'll come around--he always does.
Piggy: (brightening a little) Yes, he always does, doesn't he?
Catherine: How about a little breakfast? I'm ravishing, no--wait, I'm famished, you're ravishing. (laughs) I have a hankering for pancakes.
Piggy: (very quietly) And could you make us some more tea? The stuff I made is really bad.
Catherine: Sure thing, Sweetie. Then let's stay up late and watch old movies!
Piggy: Ooh, ooh! Can we watch White Christmas?
Catherine: Oh--I LOVE that one! Okay--pancakes, popcorn, and Bing and Danny. Dibs on Danny.
Piggy: You can have him. I'll take the short one with the great voice. (sighs) Story of my life....
Catherine: (firmly) C'mon--none of that. I'll get my game on in the kitchen and you find the DVD, 'kay?
Piggy: 'Kay. (a pause) Roomie?
Catherine: Yes, Honey?
Piggy: I'm glad we're roomies.
Catherine: My priviledge, Honey. I'm just glad to be here.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Walks into the my room.........

(music starts to blare out)

Me: What is happening here
Something's going on that's not quite clear
Somebody turn on the lights
We're gonna have a party
It's starting tonight

Monsters and Me: Oh, what a feeling!
When we're dancing on the ceiling
Oh, what a feeling!
When we're dancing on the ceiling

Me: The room is hot...that's good
Some of my friends came
By from the neighbourhood
People were starting
To climb the walls
Ooh, it looks like everybody
Is having a ball

(Grover starts climbing the wall to the ceiling)

Monsters and Me: Oh, what a feeling!
When we're dancing on the ceiling
Oh, what a feeling!
When we're dancing on the ceiling
Oh, what a feeling!
When we're dancing on the ceiling
Oh, what a feeling!
When we're dancing on the ceiling
Oh, what a feeling!
When we're dancing on the ceiling

(Herry is now on the ceiling)

Me and Cookie Monster: Everybody starts to lose control
When the music is right
If you see somebody hanging around
Don't get up tight
The only thing we wanna do tonight
Is go round and round
And turn upside down
Come on, let's get down
So come on, let's get loose
Don't hold back
Because it ain't no use
Hard to keep your feet on the ground
Because when we like to party it
We only want to get down

Monsters and Me: Oh, what a feeling!
When we're dancing on the ceiling
Oh, what a feeling!
When we're dancing on the ceiling
Ohhh what a feeling baby!
When we’re dancing on the ceiling
Oh, what a feeling!
When we're dancing on the ceiling

(music interlude)

(Me and Cookie Monster finally get up there)

Me: Say what?

Herry: Can’t stop now...

Grover: Just get started

Cookie Mosnter: Everybody clap your hands, come on
Everybody have sense

Me: Oh oh oh oh, what a feeling!
When we're dancing on the ceiling
Oh, what a feeling!
When we're dancing on the ceiling

(Now were on the ceiling dacing around)

Mosnters and Me: Oh, what a feeling!
When we're dancing on the ceiling
Oh, what a feeling!
When we're dancing on the ceiling

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Scratching head... Now how do you suppose Kyle and the Monsters got up onto the ceiling?
Eh, must've had some little footholes or suction cups or something.
Count: Hope they didn't hurt themselves falling back down...
Me: Once they realized there was nothing keeping them up there and gravity set in... Yes.
And to paraphrase somebody famous around here... Why have sense, when more profitable to have dollars?


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Martin: Well Bill. Things didn't go quite the way I planned did they?
Bill: No they didn't. Your mother ended up getting an infection on her chin and going into hospital before you could stay with her again.
Martin: Ah well. That's the way things happen sometimes. She's doing well though. I'll see her tomorrow for a visit. When she's back home I'll stay with her for a few nights and we'll see how many more Kimbas we can watch.
Bill: And you had some exciting news too eh?
Martin: Yes Even Mummy was happy to hear of the birth of her grandchild and my niece, Vanessa Anne. I hope Mum gets through her chemo okay so Gary and Bronwyn can visit sometime with the little baby girl.
Bill: It's good to always look on the bright side Martin.
Martin: Yes Bill. Well let's do our usual thing.
1 2 3 BLOW (IT'S TIME FOR MORE BUBBLES) :smile::smile::smile:
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