Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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May 21, 2005
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Bry: Okay, who knocked that shelf off the wall? Snuffy? Telly?
Telly: Don't look at me.
Bry: I know, Gonzo came in here, didn't he. I'm gonna call him up right now and--
Big Bird: Bryan?
Bry: What?
Big Bird: You did it.
Bry: I did it?
Big Bird: In your sleep. You kicked the shelf off the wall.
Bry: Oh...(embarassed)


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Gonzo: So Ryan, what's on the agenda tonight?

Me: Well Gonzo, we can watch Muppets Tonight!-

Clifford: That has my vote!

Me: Fraggle Rock-

Cantus: And that has mine.

Me: Or, we could go with The Muppets Celebrate 30 Years.

Gonzo: Well that has all of us in it doesn't it?

Cliff: Nope!

UD: Can't we just watch them all?

Me: Fine with me! *watches The Muppets Celebrate 30 Years*

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Count: Vhat's wrong?
I've been getting resistance from this one website I like to visit.
Count: Vhich one?
Oh you know... Muppet something or other, think they took the name from JHH.
Count: Vhat's the matter?
Well... I can get to the forum fine, but when I go into a particular thread... It seems to slow down in getting to the thread itself.
And what's worse, sometimes I get to the thread, it takes a while to load even though I already got the last post in the thread on screen, but it does a second click on its own getting to that "Cannot Find Server" message.
Count: Hmmm, did you contact the mods?
Posted a thread asking them about it, haven't heard back.

Though I did just finish a call with my mom.
Count: How is she?
Fine, she'll be with my sister in Mexico for the next week and a half. My sister will be studying medicine there, and my mom went to be with her for this little last bit of vacation surveying the campus and everything.
Count: Ah... Vell, let's hope for the best.
Indeed, now let's go and get some food.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Telly: What are you doing?
Bry: Calling Ed to see if he can help me get in contact with Biff and Sully.
Telly: Why?
Bry: Well, when the shelf came off the wall, the part that holds up the shelf broke off too. So I can't easily put it back on myself without the right parts. So I thought maybe Biff and Sully could help out. Or maybe this is a job for the Doozers. It's a small task.
Telly: You could also call the Fix-It Shop on Sesame Street. Maria and Luis are great at fixing things.
Bry: That's true. (Calls Ed for assistance)

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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*Gets phone... Oh hi Bry... Mmhm... Sounds like your best bet would be to get some Doozers. Biff and Sully are a bit busy these days, and I'm not sure if Luis and/or María could make the trip here to Hensonville. Hope that helps.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Bry: (on phone) Thanks, Ed. Will do! (hangs up) Okay, gotta get me some Doozers for this job.
Big Bird: Didn't you say you wanted to clear off the shelves and redo them anyway?
Bry: I did say that before, huh? Well, maybe I'll hold off on calling the Doozers for now then. Hey, Rosita! Why don't you pop in that Rocky Mountain Holiday...
Rosita: Okay!
Bry: ...and I'll make up some snacks.
Big Bird: Birdseed milkshake?
Bry: You got it!


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Me: Oh I just love this 30 Years special.

Gonzo: Yeah Camilla, you were great in that one!

Camilla: Bagawk bawk bawk!

Gonzo: Neither of those chickens were you? ...Oh boy...

Camilla: BAWK?! *starts pecking Gonzo*

Me: Good grief it's a love quadrangel.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2005
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<hears Ryan>

Hey that's not as bad as the love Icosahedron (A 20 sided polyhedron consisting of twenty equilateral triangles) that is in the OC....

L: Yeah...


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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(just finished watching Rocky Mountain Holiday)
Rosita: John Denver was so wonderful.
Big Bird: Yeah, I miss him.
Bry: Well, it's about time for bed now, guys.
Snuffy: But what about the Number and Letter of the Day?
Rosita: I think I saw the Cookie Monster with them.
Telly: Uh oh. You think he ate them? Then we'll never know!
Bry: Not unless Prairie Dawn was able to salvage them.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Cookie M: Here Kyle. *hands number and letter of the day to me*

Thanks. I think I'll sing a song about this letter right here. Or as a matter of fact maybe I'll have Little Jerry the Monotones sing it. Take it ways fellas.

Little Jerry: Ok. Thank you Kyle. Ready boys.

Big Jeffy: Ready Little Jerry.

Chrissy: Ready!

Rockin Richard: Let's get the song going.
(music starts)

Big Jeffy: We're mad.
Chrissy and Rockin' Richard: Very angry, very, very angry.
Big Jeffy: Real mad.
Chrissy and Rockin' Richard: Very angry, very, very angry.

Little Jerry: When someone socks me in the eye
And they don't even tell me why, that makes me mad.

Big Jeffy, Rockin Richard and Chrissy: Very angry, very, very angry

Little Jerry: When I'm walkin' down the street
And someone stomps upon my feet, that makes me mad.

Big Jeffy, Rockin Richard and Chrissy: Ya, we're angry, very, very angry

Little Jerry: My hands get shakey and my knees get weak,
My voice sounds funny when I'm tryin' to speak,
Don't wanna see no one till way next week when I get MAD!

Big Jeffy, Rockin Richard and Chrissy: Very angry, very, very angry. So mad. Very angry, very, very angry

Little Jerry: When I try to climb a tree
And then I fall and hurt my knee, that makes me mad.

Big Jeffy, Rockin Richard and Chrissy: Very angry, very, very angry

Little Jerry: And when I see some girls and boys
And they won't let me share their toys, that makes me mad!!
Well, I feel so angry that I want to roar,
Wanna run home and slam the door,
Don't wanna see nobody no more whan I get mad!

Big Jeffy, Rockin Richard and Chrissy: Yeah we're angry Very angry, very, very angry

Big Jeffy: Real mad!

Rockin Richard and Chrissy: Very angry Yeahhhhhhhhh!

Big Jeffy: Mad mad mad mad

Little Jerry: When I get mad, my face turns red, (real mad)
My hair stands up on the top of my head, (so mad)
I start crying and it's a terrible scene,
I wanna let out a scream, WAAAAAHHHHH! (mad mad)

Rockin Richard and Chrissy: Very angry, very, very angry

Big Jeffy: Real Mad

Rockin Richard and Chrissy: Very angry, very, very angry

Little Jerry: When I see some kids at play
And they tell ME to go away that makes me mad.

Big Jeffy, Rockin Richard and Chrissy: Very angry, very, very angry

Little Jerry: My brother's naughty as can be
And then my mother yells at me, that makes me mad!

Big Jeffy, Rockin Richard and Chrissy: Very angry, very, very angry

Little Jerry: Well, I get so mad, I stamp and shout,
I scream and yell, and I frown and pout,
Now this song is done and you've learned about bein' mad!!!

Rockin Richard and Chrissy: Very angry, very, very angry

Little Jerry and Big Jeffy: Real Mad!

Rockin Richard and Chrissy: Very angry, very, very angry

Little Jerry: Oh that makes me mad! WAAAHHHHHHH!!!!

And that folks was Little Jerry and the Monotones with "Mad" the one thing that I was today. Oh I was so mad I could of.......

Herry: Blown your top.

Right Herry. Blown my top. Thanks again Jerry and the Monotones.

Little Jerry: Anytime Kyle.

Big Jeffy: Yeah!

Chrissy: I loved it.

Rockin Richard: Yeah it was fun. We'll have to do it again.

Little Jerry and the Monotones walk out of my room

Oh by the way the dorms was brought you by the letter "M" for mad and my friends the monsters. Oh and by the number four. As in four members of a band just left this building. Good Night everyone.
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